DCM Timely

No. 10


Sensation Comics
Back to Paradise
by Bob Young

Wonder Woman
The Fury
Miss Venus

May 1945, Themyscara, a.k.a. Paradise Island:

Queen Hippolyta lay on the patients table in the dwelling of the Amazons' chief healer and scientist Paula. The brilliant Paula was using the healing power of the Purple Ray on her Queen. The ray was composed of technology taken from Atlantis - who they'd formed a treaty with - and inventions of the god Vulcan. It could heal almost any injury.

Hippolyta was suffering from the combine effects of a battle with her daughter and a mental attack from the Titan Xemnu. But she was strong and the ray was working wonders on her. She was recovering nicely. Still, her daughter, who was watching, felt a bit apprehensive.

"She'll be perfectly fine," Paula said. "Don't fret yourself, Princess. She'll be as strong as ever in a few minutes."

"Wonderful to hear," Diana said. "Thank you, Paula."

Diana was relieved. She had been forced to fight her own mother who was under the influence of alien control. She'd managed to free her mother's mind, using the Golden lasso, but Hippolyta collapsed from the strain. Diana used a Boom Tube - created by a Mother Box Hippolyta had recently acquired - to bring the Amazon queen directly to Paula.

The ruler of Themyscara opened her eyes and looked up at her daughter. "Diana?"

"Hello Mother?"

"Paula?" the queen asked, sitting up. "What am I doing here?"

"Don't rise yet, my queen," Paula said. "You'll be disoriented for a few minutes yet."

Hippolyta refused to lie back down. "I asked a question. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was being in Japan and some strange creature-Wait! It's all coming back to me! I remember now. It controlled me. It made me fight the Justice Society and even you, Diana."

"It's over now, Mother," Diana said. "You're safe."

"And the alien?"

"The Justice Society and I sorted the beast out," the princess said. "Everything is fine."

Hippolyta looked around. "Where's Helena? The Fury. Where is she?"

"She's still with the Justice Society." Diana said. "They'll look after her."

"I suppose so," Hippolyta said, standing. "I haven't exactly distinguished myself in man's world."

"Don't stand up yet, my queen," Paula said.

"Hush Paula," Hippolyta said. "I'm quite well now. I'm just embarrassed. When I went to Patriarchs world, I had no idea I would be so vulnerable to so many unexpected forms of attack. This is the second time you had to come to my rescue, Diana. I believe Aphrodite would have been better served if she had chosen you to be Wonder Woman, instead of me."

"Nonsense," Diana said. "You were always more loyal to the gods than I. I was always a questioner. Aphrodite knew you would serve her cause with unquestioned devotion."

"But you don't have the vulnerabilities I discovered about myself in man's world," Hippolyta said. "And aside from that, you have the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules."

Diana was annoyed at the name. "About Hercules, Mother. How could you work with him, and live in the same dwelling as he does, after what he did to you?"

Hippolyta walked to the door. "That was centuries ago, Diana. Things change. People change. Even Gods change. I hold Hercules no malice. Now, enough of this talk, daughter! You will speak no more of my comrade-in-arms. Hercules has vindicated himself in my eyes. Let that be an end to it."

Diana restrained her protests. "As you wish, Mother."

Diana and Hippolyta walked into the center of the Amazon community. The assembled Amazons stopped their training and chores and whatever else they were doing. They all gathered around their Queen, and kneeled respectfully.

"We greet you with all fealty and reverence, beloved Queen," said Antiope, the acting regent. "You have been missed greatly. Welcome home."

"Thank you," Hippolyta said. "All of you. Rise, my sisters. I have missed you all. I wish I could stay but my visit must be a short one. Though, I must tell you, that I believe the war in man's word will soon be coming to an end. When this happens, I will be able to return to you permanently. So be of good cheer, my Amazon sisters. We will meet again soon."

Hippolyta and Diana entered the Queen's palace. "Leave me alone for a few minutes, Diana."

Once alone, Hippolyta allowed herself for the first time to feel the horrible grief she had been repressing over Steve Trevor's death. She hadn't been alone since he was killed and she would never allow anyone to see her cry. She was the queen of the Amazons and would show no such weakness.

But now she had the solitude to let the tragic loss hit her. She lowered her head and tears streamed from her beautiful, dark eyes. She'd loved Steve Trevor with a powerful passion that she'd never felt before in her long life and never expected to again. The sadness was overwhelming. She would miss him more than she could describe.

She closed her eyes and spoke to her gods. "Why did you have to let my Steve die? Haven't I done everything you asked of me? I've almost died many times living up to your expectations. I fought your war for over four years. It seems like forty. I've been captured, injured and humiliated, but my faith never wavered. All I asked in return was for my Steve to be safe. Why couldn't you save him for me? Why?"

"Some things even the gods can not prevent, Hippolyta," a soft female voice said.

Hippolyta opened her eyes and saw the goddess Aphrodite standing in her chamber.

Hippolyta controlled her anger, out of respect to her gods. "What sort of answer is that, goddess? A good man died!"

"Many a good man died in this war," Aphrodite said. "And some good women, as well. Hawkgirl, for instance. If we could have prevented this, we would have."

"I loved him!" Hippolyta snapped, letting her anger show. "You knew that! Zeus knew it! Why couldn't one of you come down off Mount Olympus long enough to save the man I love! Was that too much to ask?"

"I'm deeply sorry, my friend Hippolyta," Aphrodite said. "You have served and worshipped us with great devotion. You have risked your life in a war you had no stake in, simply because I asked you to. If we could have saved Steve Trevor, we would have. But there are other gods involved. They were responsible for Steve Trevor's death. Even Zeus can't control the actions of every God in every Pantheon in the world. And don't forget, the Living Tribunal would not allow the Gods direct involvement in this war. Loki broke the rules and paid for it. I hear Odin is giving him an appropriate punishment as we speak."

"That does not bring Steve back, does it?"

"No, Hippolyta, it doesn't," Aphrodite said. "I am truly sorry. Your beloved Steve was a soldier and he was willing to die for his country. I know you'll miss him but be heartened by the fact that he fought to the end, like a true warrior and died for his beliefs. Most men do not have such a glorious epitaph."

"He was a unique man," Hippolyta said. "There will never be another like him. Please leave me, Goddess. Your visit brings me no solace. I wish to be alone with my grief and loss."

"Very well," Aphrodite said. "Goodbye, Hippolyta. Your service will not be forgotten and your name will be honored by the gods."

Aphrodite vanished. Hippolyta dropped down into a chair and allowed herself to wallow in long minutes of misery before regaining her royal composure and exiting the palace.

Outside, Diana was waiting for her. "Are you all right, mother?"

"Perfectly fine, Diana," Hippolyta said and held out her hand. "The Mother Box, please."

Diana handed the purloined alien device to her mother. "I assume you're going back to America."

"I am," she said. "There is still work to be done there. I leave you in charge until I return."

"As you command," Diana said. "Safe trip, mother."

Just as the queen was about to active a Boom Tube, there was a flash of lightning and an echo of thunder. All the Amazons looked up, confused. It was a clear day moments ago. What was happening?

The face of Zeus appeared above the island, huge and imposing. "Queen Hippolyta! Hear the words of Zeus, king of gods. All agents of the power of light and justice have been recalled. This is a time most volatile in the treaty between the great, divine powers. Thou art the Olympian avatar on the front lines of this conflict. You must stay away from man's world while the war settles to its inevitable end without the aid or hindrance of gods or their servants."

"But I must go!" Hippolyta shouted. "Please, lord Zeus. I must -- "

"Silence!" Zeus bellowed. "You will obey my commands! You have done us great service, Queen Hippolyta but do not press upon my benevolence! You will remain on Paradise Island until I give thee leave to do otherwise!"

The image of Zeus vanished. Hippolyta was stunned. This was so unexpected. She was cut off from everything she had known over the last four years without warning.

"You seem upset, mother," Diana said. "Did you truly wish to go back?"

Hippolyta wasn't sure how to answer that. "Diana, I fought this war for song long and I feel obliged to be there at its end. And then there is my protégé Helena. I don't want to simply abandon her. And I want to pay homage to Steve, in Arlington cemetery. I need to visit man's world at least one more time to settle my affairs. I must change Zeus's mind. He must allow me one last trip to America!"

Queen Hippolyta spent the next few months praying to her gods that they allow her one more visit to Patriarch's world. She was starting to lose hope. And then one day, in late August 1945, while her daughter Diana had joined her in prayer, she got her answer.

The face of Hera, queen of the gods appeared in Hippolyta's mirror. Hippolyta was surprised and kneeled, hoping that she would hear what she wanted to hear. Diana stayed silent.

"Goddess," Queen Hippolyta said. "I've been praying . . . "

"I know, good queen," Hera said. "We have heard thy prayers. Thou art very persistent. And Aphrodite has been a most staunch advocate of thy request. There are many among we gods who feel that we do owe thee a debt for thy service. Therefore, I have managed to convince my lord and husband to allow thee one more visit to the world or men and mortals. Thou hath two days to settle thy affairs and return to Themyscara permanently. I also command that your daughter go with you, to remind you of your duty to the gods and see that you do not dally in America. This is our decision."

Hippolyta smiled, relieved. "Thank you, Great Hera. I am in thy debt."

"It seems we're going to America," Diana said.

September 1945: Mansion HQ of the Justice Society, in Washington DC:

In the sitting room of the large mansion, the Fury sat in a big, cushioned chair, looking a bit depressed. Her boyfriend Bucky sat in front of her on an Ottoman, holding her hand reassuringly.

"I don't understand why she hasn't come back," the Fury said sadly. "I know her daughter Diana took her back to Paradise Island to heal but she never came back. I wish I knew what happened to her. She wasn't badly hurt. So why didn't she come back? Did she forget about me?"

"I'm sure there's a good explanation," Bucky said. "Maybe she came looking for you when we were in space. Nobody knew where we were. I don't think she would'a just forgot about you."

"You'd think she would have been trying to find me, then," the Fury said. "I looked for her when she was missing. If she didn't know where I was, why'd she just leave?"

"Don't be upset. She probably -- "

At that moment, a Boom Tube opened in the room. At the sound, the Fury and Bucky jumped to their feet. Fury recognized the Boom Tube and hoped that her mentor was returning. Her wish was granted.

Hippolyta and Diana stepped out of the Boom Tube, which closed behind them. The Amazon queen looked at the fury with a smile. "Hello little one."

"Polly!" the Fury cried, gleefully.

The Fury jumped into Hippolyta's arms and the two embraced warmly. They'd missed each other.

"Welcome back, Wonder Woman," Bucky said.

"Thank you," she said. "You haven't met my daughter Diana."

"Hello," the Princess said.

"I've heard a lot about you," Bucky said. "Any daughter of Polly's is welcome here."

"Thank you," Diana said. "Hello again, Helena. I haven't seen you since we went to the future together to save my mother from Zarrko the Tomorrow Man."

"Yeah, great to see you," Fury said then turned her attention to her teacher. "Polly, where have you been? I was so worried."

"I'm so sorry, my sweet Helena," Hippolyta said. "Believe me, it was unavoidable. I wish I could have come back sooner. I'll explain it to you in time. But I'm here now. So fill me in on the details I missed. What's the status of the war in the Pacific?"

"Good news there," the Fury said. "The war's over."

"Over? It is?"

The Fury and Bucky explained recent events. They spoke about the Atomic bombs dropped on Japan and the ultimate, eventual surrender of the militaristic regime.

"Such a weapon is unconscionable!" Diana said.

"That's what Captain America said," Bucky stated. "He's been pretty upset lately."

"Rightfully so," Hippolyta said. "Still, the last of the Axis powers have fallen and the war has ended. I can return to Paradise Island with a clear conscience."

"So you're definitely going back?" the Fury asked.

"I belong on Themyscara," Hippolyta said. "I am the queen. I've been away too long. The gods want me back and I want to go home. Yes, Helena, I am leaving tomorrow. Permanently! Are you still planning to come with me?"

The Fury looked over at Bucky, who waited for her answer. Who would she choose, he wondered. Him or her mentor? The Fury hesitated.

"Of course I'm coming with you," the Fury announced. "I promised I'd complete my training. Where you go, I go."

She glanced over at Bucky, only to see him walking morosely out of the room. The romance was over. The Fury tried not to show that her heart was breaking. She quickly changed the subject.

"There's a meeting scheduled for later today," the Fury said. "Cap wants to see the whole team."

"Then I suppose this is the time I should announce my resignation," Hippolyta said. "I always said that I would leave when the war was over so this should come as no surprise to anyone. Hercules and the Sub-mariner will not be pleased but it has to be done. This is my last day on the Justice Society."

"A lot of woman around the country are going to be sorry to see you go," the Fury said. "You've been the idol of half the females in the country for four years."

"True, Hippolyta said. "I should make some sort of public announcement, rather than just disappearing. I should see if can arrange something impromptu by tomorrow. I owe it to the women."

"It sounds like you've got a full day or two ahead of you," Diana said. "I'll just be in the way. If you have no objection, I'm going to look around. I've never been to America before. Except in the future."

"I think you should borrow some of my civilian clothes," Hippolyta commented. "Your attire is fine for Themyscara but not for Washington. Helena, show Diana my wardrobe."

"Right boss," Helena said. "C'mon Diana. Let's get you dressed."

Hippolyta hated the thought of telling Captain America and the rest that she was quitting. She didn't want them to think she was disloyal, but it had to be done. She also wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye to Hercules and Namor. This was not going to be a cheerful meeting.

The next day:

Diana stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial. She was fascinated by the eloquent words emblazoned on the monument. She wondered about this Abraham Lincoln. He seemed wise and yet even he wasn't able to avert a war that tore his country apart. It seemed that even the wisest ruler in Patriarch's world could not avoid war.

She walked away, saddened by this bit of knowledge. She headed off to the location where she was to meet her mother and the Fury later that afternoon.

Arlington cemetery:

Wonder Woman and the Fury stood over Steve Trevor's grave. He had been buried in her absence. She was furious at her Gods for making her miss his final moment of honor. She should have been there with him at the end.

"I'm so sorry, Polly," the Fury asked.

Queen Hippolyta would not show weakness. "We can't escape tragedy, Helena. These injustices will happen. I must content myself with the fact that Steve died for a cause he believed in. He died a hero."

Wonder Woman suddenly turned and walked away. "Come, Helena. We have somewhere to be."

The Da Vinci-Dover Theater:

Wonder Woman had arranged with her sometimes collegue John Zatara - master magician and mystic defender - to use his theater for the night. The theater was in Dover Delaware, not far from Washington, and named after Leonardo Da Vinci, because of the mysterious Book of Da Vinci, which started Zatara on his career as a sorcerer. Zatara owned the theater and performed there 300 nights a year.

She also called her friend Alan Scott to use his media connections to pass the word that there was a personal appearance of Wonder Woman that day, with free admission. Despite the last minute nature of the event, she drew a large crowd. There was also a live feed for a radio broadcast.

Outside the theater, watching the mostly female crowd file in was a slim man in a dark suit and opera cloak. He had a black beard and moustache. He slipped around to the stage entrance. He had a strange effect on the security guard who allowed him in.

Inside, Hippolyta was looking over some notes she scribbled earlier to remind herself of some important things she wanted to say. She was so engrossed in her speech that she didn't notice the bearded man in black slipping into the backstage area.

"You're even lovelier in person, your majesty," he said.

Wonder Woman was taken by surprise. "You're very forward but that's a male quality that no longer surprises me. And you are?"

"Just an admirer, my dear," the bearded man said. "I've watched you from afar for years."

"Thank you," Hippolyta said. "And you've come to see the show? You'll be one of the few men here. I'm not sure what I have to say will interest you, but everyone is welcome to attend."

"Everything you do interests me, dear woman."

Just then, John Zatara came into view. "She isn't interested, Malone."

"Oh, its you," the man said disdainfully. "I knew you'd be skulking around somewhere."

"Not surprising, since it is my theater," Zatara said. "Yours went out of business. Have you been sued lately? Still using hypnosis to pick up women?"

"Hypnosis is a valuable thing to know," the bearded man countered.

"Only if you want to cheat people," Zatara said. "You're a swine. Please leave."

"I want to talk to Wonder Woman," the man with the cloak and beard said.

"I think you should leave," Hippolyta said. "Now!"

The bearded man bowed. "Anything you wish, my lovely. We'll meet again."

The man left, watched by the suspicious Zatara. "I don't trust that man."

"Who was that bearded annoyance?" Wonder Woman asked.

"His name is Myron Malone," Zatara said. "He's a hypnotist who calls himself Joshua the Miracle Man. He does an act in a club across town. Mind reading and hypnotism. He's a scoundrel."

"You mentioned hypnotizing women?"

"Among other things," Zatara said. "He has a gift which he uses for petty larceny and sexual perversions. Power used only for pitiful evil. I think he came here to add you to his list of conquests."

"Disgusting maggot!" the Amazon growled.

"Be careful of that man," Zatara said. "He has more power than he realizes and in such immoral hands, it's dangerous. If he had a powerful magic talisman, such as my Book, he'd be a true menace."

Neither Zatara nor Wonder Woman realized that Joshua the Miracle Man had not really left. He was hiding behind the curtains, in the shadows. He heard what Zatara said and it stirred an idea in his mind. He snuck through the theater, unseen and slipped into John Zatara's dressing room. He started to ransack the room, looking for something. He found a sturdy looking safe. If he could get inside, he'd probably find the book Zatara mentioned.

At that moment, Wonder Woman entered, looking for a page of her notes which she thought she'd left in the dressing room that Zatara had leant her. She stepped into the room and saw the Miracle Man standing there. "What in Hera's name are you doing here?"

"Queen Hippolyta," he said. "Always a pleasure to see your beautiful face."

"I asked you a question!" she stated firmly.

He stepped forward and looked into her dark eyes. He spoke in a deep, intense voice. "But you're having trouble remembering what you asked, aren't you? You've forgotten what you were saying."

Hippolyta blinked, looking confused. "I . . . What was I saying?"

"You were saying that the safe needs to be open," the Miracle Man said. "You were thinking that you should rip it open. You need what's inside, don't you Wonder Woman?"

"Yes," Hippolyta said. "I need to open that safe. I need what's inside."

Hippolyta grabbed the safe and easily ripped the door off. She saw the book and reached in for it. She held it in her hands, staring at it, confused. She looked over at the Miracle Man who again locked eyes.

"Don't move!" the Miracle Man said. "You won't move until I say so."

The Miracle Man took the book and flipped quickly through the pages. Then he looked at Hippolyta. "Two prizes collected. How suggestible you are, my sweet, spectacular Wonder Woman."

The Fury entered the room, looking for Wonder Woman. She saw the strange man near the open safe, stroking Wonder Woman's face. She noticed Wonder Woman wasn't moving. She was young but her instincts were honed enough to smell trouble when she saw it.

"All right, mister, who are you?" the Fury asked. "Step away from Wonder Woman!"

The Miracle Man stared at her. "You are too tired to oppose me," he ordered. "Your arms are like lead. You can't even stand."

The Fury felt herself getting weak. Her knees buckled. "What's happening?"

The Miracle man smiled. "The harder you struggle, the worse it gets."

The Fury continued to try to resist but she couldn't move more than a few inches. She felt like she weighed a ton. What had this man done to her?

The Miracle Man looked at Wonder Woman and stroked her hair. "As for you, my dear, we'll meet again very soon. And when we do, I shall be unstoppable!"

Ten minutes later, Zatara came looking for Wonder Woman. It was almost time for her to go on. He found the Fury crawling on the floor as if a great weight were holding her down, and Wonder Woman standing immobile.

"Awaken!" he said loudly. "You are free! Awake!"

The Fury managed to stand up and Wonder Woman started to move. "It was that Hypnotist," Wonder Woman said, disoriented.

"His voice," the Fury said. "It was like -- "

"Like you couldn't resist?" Zatara said. "I know. Malone is a man who possesses a natural ability, a formidable gift whose depth he never realized. His will was boosted by his determination that he steal both the Book of Da Vinci and Wonder Woman. Now that he has the book, not only will he have access to my spells, he'll also have an increased sense of confidence that will increase his growing abilities. When he strikes again, he will be a formidable foe."

"What should we do?" Wonder Woman asked.

"You should do what you came here for," he said. "Go on with your speech. As for me, I'm going out to look for him. Only my powers can track down the book. It may take some time and you can't help in the hunt. I'll come and get you when I know where he is. In the meantime, just make your speech."

"Very well," Wonder Woman said. "If you think it best. But I'm anxious to meet this man again!"

Later, in the same theater:

Diana of Themyscara entered the theater through the front door, like all the other women who came to hear the speech. She was just one of the crowd. She sat in the thirteenth row, waiting to hear her mother.

Soon, the Amazon Queen stepped out on the stage to thunderous applause. She was regal, classy and every inch a Queen. She showed no aftereffects from her confrontation with the Miracle Man. She was poised and beautiful. A true Wonder Woman.

"Hello to all my sisters," she said. "All of you here with me now, and those listening on the radio. I thank you for your time and for all the support you have given me over the years. I have read your letters and met with you over the last four years. Meeting the wonderful, strong women of this country has changed my life and I hope what I have to say has changed yours. You are all wonder women. And it saddens me to tell you all that I must leave you all. I am going home."

Here was a gasp and assorted mutters of discontent from the audience. They clearly weren't happy about what they were hearing. Their idol was leaving them.

"I'm sorry, sisters," Hippolyta said. "But my stay here was never meant to be a permanent one. I only stayed to help win the war. I have a home to return to and people who are waiting for me. I must go."

The crowd reacted badly. But before she could say another word, the Miracle Man was suddenly standing there on stage next to her, holding the book. He appeared as if by magic. He smiled and bowed. "Excuse the intrusion, ladies. I only came to collect what's mine."

Wonder Woman sneered at the Miracle Man. "How dare you spoil this moment! This was supposed to be a special moment between me and my sisters. You are indeed a scoundrel!"

She stormed towards the Miracle Man but was suddenly overwhelmed by his newly increased powers. She froze as his voice worked its way into her mind.

"You cannot resist me," he commanded.

"I cannot resist you," she repeated.

"You belong to me now," he stated.

"I belong to you now," she said subserviently.

The crowd reacted with angry shouts and boos. Some women threw things at the Miracle Man. Diana hopped out of her seat and ran leaped thirteen rows onto the stage. The Fury came rushing out of the wings to join Diana in Hippolyta's defense.

"Release my mother now, villain, or I will squash you like the bug you are!" Diana said.

Miracle Man utilized his power against her. "Kneel! You cannot resist me."

Diana felt his mental influence but defied it. She stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar. "I can resist you! Control my own mind! I control my thoughts! You have no power over me!"

"Wonder Woman!" he cried. "Assist me!"

Queen Hippolyta suddenly struck Diana from behind. Diana fell, stunned by the unexpected blow. The Fury rushed to help but Hippolyta kicked her to the ground. The Miracle Man smiled and waved his arms. "Cadabra animagus!" he shouted.

Suddenly, rats appeared all over the room. They were large and slobbering with foamed mouths. The crowd of woman panicked and started to flee from the army of rodents. Diana looked up and saw what looked like an ape attacking her. She defended herself with a blow that had less effect than she would have thought. The ape seemed to be very strong and skillful. The Fury found herself in a similar battle with an orangutan. They both fought fiercely. Diana did well but the Fury was losing. Miracle Man was amused.

He grinned at Wonder Woman. "No one will take you away from me."

"No one will take me away from you," she replied robotically.

"I deserve a spectacular queen," he said. "It shall be you!"

"It shall be me," she repeated.

Taking Wonder Woman by the hand, he seemed to vanish, taking her with him. Only moments after he was gone, John Zatara entered and saw the abandon theater and what was happening on stage.

"Reveal!" he shouted. "Let the truth be known!"

Suddenly, Diana and the Fury realized that they had been fighting each other. There was no ape and no orangutan. Only the two of them, deceived by a hallucination. They were embarrassed.

"It was an illusion," Zatara said. "My book has allowed him to increase his hypnotic ability."

"He fooled me!" Diana said. "Even the rats must have been illusions. And his disappearing act as well. They probably walked out under cover of illusion. Zatara, you said you can track the book? Do it!"

A old, abandoned theater which used to belong to the Miracle Man:

Wonder Woman snapped out of her trace. She was confused by her surroundings. Then she saw the Miracle Man. "How did I get here?"

"You came with me willingly," he said.

"I doubt that!" she insisted.

"Don't doubt me," he said. "Shall I prove it? Very well. Sing, I command you!"

Wonder Woman suddenly heard herself singing an old Grecian chant. She couldn't stop.

"Cease!" the Miracle Man commanded. "You see, my dear. I can make you do anything."

"So it seems," she said, angrily. "So why am I here? What do you want from me?"

"I want you!" he said. "I've admired your beauty and spirit for years. I want your love."

"Never!" she cried.

"I can make you love me, you realize," the Miracle Man said.

"Then why don't you?"

"I thought you understood," he said. "Some things I'd prefer you did willingly. Be mine!"

"Villain!" she cried and pulled back her fist for a mighty blow.

"Stop!" he commanded. She obeyed, freezing like a statue. He smiled. "You see. I can control you completely. This book gives me the power of a god!"

He heard a window breaking. Diana leaped into the old theater. "Don't expect me to bow to you, villain!" the Princess cried.

"Avada leonis!" the Miracle Man shouted.

Diana saw a lion coming at her. She knew it was only an illusion. She focused her incredible will power on resisting the belief, just as Zatara had instructed her. It worked. The lion passed right through her.

The Miracle man was afraid. He knew he couldn't control her. He opened the book and found a chant. "Sic Transit Memoriam!" he yelled.

Diana felt the power of the magic spell disorienting her. She fought to resist. She concentrating, trying to fight off the powerful eldritch power. The Miracle man kept reciting the chant. He was so focused on Diana that he didn't see the Fury creep in via another entrance. She came up behind him and gave him a nerve chop which disabled him. He collapsed to the ground, as did the weakened Diana.

Hippolyta snapped out of her spell. She looked down and saw her daughter unconscious on the floor. "Diana!" she cried, rushing to her daughter, cradling her. "We must get her to Paula!"

Soon, Zatara arrived to take custody of Miracle Man and the book. Wonder Woman and the Fury carried Diana through the Boom Tube back to Paradise Island.

Back on Paradise Island:

Hippolyta, the Fury, and Paula looked down at the sleeping Diana. Paula spoke to her queen.

"There appears to be no physical damage, my queen," Paula said. "It seems that the spell wiped out a portion of her memory. It was likely meant to turn her into a complete vegetable but Diana resisted and then the Fury intervened in time to save the rest of her mind. She seems only to have lost the last few decades. She won't remember her years in man's world."

"That is fine with me," Hippolyta said. "The knowledge of the chaos in man's world has caused Diana to extend her odyssey across the world, thinking she can help. I fear for her safety and for how jaded she was becoming due to male contamination. Now she will remember none of it and I will see to it that she does not leave again. I will stay here with her and we will rule together as Mother and Daughter. Two wonder women overseeing our female paradise. The time for adventure is over for both of us, Paula. Diana and I are home to stay!"

Next: The war concludes in Justice Society of America #49!