DCM Timely

No. 49


Justice Society of America
A Legend Falls
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
Dr. Fate
Black Canary
Pat Savage
Uncle Sam
Baron Zemo
Red Skull

August 12, 1945:

Two Japanese cities lay in ruin. The once thriving, heavily populated city of Hiroshima and the equally populous Nagasaki had been devastated in explosions beyond anything ever seen before on Earth. The first two of three atomic bombs - Fat Man and Little Boy - had been dropped on these cities. Buildings were topped like sandcastles. Thousands were dead, some of them vaporized, their bodies reduced to black silhouettes on the walls of the buildings that remain intact. Thousands of others were injured and dying. Radiation was causing not only serious physical illness, but also black rain, falling ominously from the sky. This unimaginable destruction was about to happen a third time.

While the frightened and confused nation tried to understand what had been done to them, a third plane had pierced Japanese airspace and flew high over the city of Tokyo. The city was already badly damaged from the fire bombings of the last year but the bomb that was about to fall on them would dwarf what they had previously experienced. Their city was moments from becoming a shattered ruin, like the other two cities were.

The plane dropped its payload. The massively powerful third atomic bomb - called 'old Friend' - fell, closer and closer to the ground. The unsuspecting public was moments from obliteration. But they had a savior - an American savior.

Starman swooped down toward the bomb which he'd helped create. As Doctor Theodore Knight, he had helped Doctor Oppenheimer invent the horrid weapon. After hearing that over a million people were victims of this - either dead, injured or dying from radiation - he couldn't bear the guilt any longer! He snapped, unable to sit idly by and allow this to continue.

Changing to his Starman identity, he made his way to Tokyo and saw the third bomb being dropped. He panicked! He would not permit this! He dived and used the anti-gravity power of his gravity rob to alter the bombs trajectory. Just two hundred yards over the city, the bomb made a sudden sharp turn and began moving horizontally. It flew out over the ocean and dropped into the sea. The bomb exploded, and a huge mushroom-shaped water spout rose from the waters. Large waves hit the Japanese coast. Flooding further damaged the already devastated country.

Unseen, Starman streaked away, back home, where he would have to live with the guilt.

Two days later:

"Japan Surrenders!" Those were the headlines of every paper. Tojo's military Empire could no longer sustain the losses. The atomic bombs were too much for them to withstand and despite their vow to fight to the last man, Japan surrendered. People all over America surrendered.

The War was finally over!!

The same day as the Japanese officially surrendered to General Douglas Macarthur on the deck of the aircraft carrier Enterprise, the missing heroes returned!

Three months ago, Captain America had convinced the powers-that-be to hold off on dropping the Atomic Bombs by promising that he and his team of super heroes could stop Tojo's army with minimum casualties. No civilians would he hurt, he promised. General Eisenhower agreed and let Cap and his team go. Unfortunately, a diversion with the mysterious alien called Xemnu the Titan caused American heroes to board a space ship, which took off at light-speed. Although the flight lasted only a few minutes by their perspective, the light-speed time distortion meant that three months had passed on Earth.

The disappearance of the heroes caused fear in the minds of people everywhere, even President Truman, General Eisenhower, and Herbert Hoover. The trio of leaders mutually agreed that the three atomic bomb sorties should go on as scheduled. Three bombs were dropped as the JSA flew through space. When they returned, they found that they had missed the deadline and two cities had been blasted into rubble.

Captain America was the most appalled of all. This action was unthinkable to him. Thousands and thousands of innocent civilians killed, maimed and exposed to radiation. He partially blamed himself for failing to do as he said. If he had ended the war as he had planned to, this would not have been necessary. But he failed and the government did the unthinkable. Captain America would never be the same again.

Three weeks later, September 1945:

JSA headquarters: Washington DC:

Captain America convened the first JSA meeting since the war ended weeks ago. He'd allowed his men time to celebrate the peace or adjust to it or whatever they needed to do. He, himself, had done a lot of soul searching and had a lot of furious arguments with the big brass at the Pentagon. He even had a face-to-face meeting with the President where he unloaded his grievances about the bomb. Cap couldn't get his mind off photographs he was seeing of the destruction in Japan.

He'd made a decision. His superiors hadn't taken it well but they couldn't change his mind. He felt his teammates should know and it was time to make the announcement.

Aside from Cap, in attendance were Flash, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Star-Spangled Kid, Toro, Doctor Mid-Nite, Dr. Fate, Fury, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman, and the Atom. Also present was the JSA's longtime houseguest Hercules, Olympian Prince of Power.

Sentinel had sent word that he couldn't make the meeting and Starman hadn't shown up. Cap wondered if he was all right. He'd been rather reclusive lately. He made a mental note to check on him later. Right now, he had an announcement to make.

"Gentlemen and ladies," Cap said. "Thank you for coming. I have something to say and I'm going to get right to it . . . Effective immediately, I'm leaving the Justice Society!"

There was a moment of stunned silence, interrupted only by a gasp from the Black Canary. No one knew what to say. The living legend - the man who had led them to victory over Germany - was quitting!

"We're all a bit shocked," Dr. Mid-Nite said. "More than a bit. You're quitting?"

"I am," Cap said. "I've been giving this a lot of thought. There are some personal issues I have with the government which I won't bore you with. And besides, the war is over. I've done my bid for President, flag, and country. I think I deserve a rest. I need to find my place in a world that is not at war. So I'm going on an extended hiatus. I can't say how long I'll be gone. I don't even know where I'm going. But I wanted you all to know. It's been an honor working with all of you and I don't expect that I'll even meet a finer group of people. I'll miss all of you."

Bucky the Star-Spangled Kid stood up. "You won't miss me, Cap, because I'm coming with you. Where you go, I go! We're still a team, war or no war. You're not getting rid of me that easy."

Cap smiled. "I couldn't ask for better company," Cap said. "Ok, pal. Let's go exploring. And in the meantime, I'd hoped to turn the leadership of the team of to the Sentinel, but he isn't here, and he's seemed a bit-out of sorts, since the Harlequin died. So I'd ask Dr. Mid-Nite and the Flash to co-chair the team while I'm away."

Flash stood up. "Sorry Cap. I can't. You see, you beat me to the same announcement. I'm also taking a leave of absence. I could be gone for a long time."

"Why?" Black Canary asked.

"Because of our three-month disappearance," the Flash said. "You must remember that I'm married. Since I joined the JSA, this is the second time I've vanished. I once got sucked into the Speed Force. Joan went through a rough time the first time I was missing. She went thought hell when it happened a second time. I can't keep doing this to her. She can't take the stress. I promised her I'd take some time off. And now that the war is over, it seems like as good a time as any. I may be gone a few months or a year or longer. In fact, if I enjoy retirement, I may never come back. I'll still be available for emergencies, but I don't intend to wear the costume unless it's vital. From here on, I'm semi-retired."

"I understand, Jay," Cap said. "Give my regards and my apologies to Joan. She's a good woman."

Doctor Fate rose next. "This seems an appropriate time to tell you that this is my last meeting, and that I am leaving the Justice Society. My superiors - the Lords of Order - have recalled me. Now that the war is over, they have other plans for me, which do not include this team. I'm sorry, but I must do as the Lords of Order ask. As of now, I am no longer a member of the Justice Society."

Now, Wonder Woman stood up. "Since we're all being honest, I must tell you that I am also leaving the team. I only came to America because Aphrodite asked me to help the Justice Society win the war. Well, the war is over and I'm told that my goddess is returning to Olympus. So I shall be returning to my people. Paradise Island has been without its queen for too long. I'm going home. Oh, and the Fury is coming with me."

"Right," the Fury said. "I promised to keep up my Amazon training. Where Polly goes, I go."

The Fury and Bucky - who had been dating for some time - looked at each other sadly across the table. They knew that their romance was at an end.

Now it was Namor who stood. "As you know, I only joined the team to retrieve Neptune's trident and to get revenge against the Nazis for their attack on Atlantis. I have accomplished both. Nothing further keeps me here. This is not my world and my mother the queen wishes me to return. So I am also resigning and returning to Atlantis."

"I'm bowing out, too," Black Canary said. "I'd quit before and I only returned to solve the mystery of the Human Torch. I found out why I was seeing him. But I lost him again. I've lost a lot of people I was close to since I've been here. Tom Hallaway. Shiera Hall. And Jim. I can't stay here. There are too many hurtful memories. Sorry, but I'm going back to inactive status."

Hercules was nearby listening to the conversation. "Excuse me, good friends. But though I be not a member of this august body, may I address thee?"

"Certainly, Hercules," Cap said, sensing what was coming next.

Hercules stood before the group. "Though I have enjoyed the hospitality of my cousin Aphrodite these long months, it is time for the Lion of Olympus to return to his home. My father is recalling all gods from this world as part of a treaty with the Dark council. Also, I must confess that I did stay here mostly because the fair Hippolyta was here. When the lovely Wonder Woman departs, I will have no further reason to stay. I return now to the world of gods and goddesses. That is where I belong."

"I see," Cap said. "Well, well. I certainly didn't expect this. Still I should have expected it. I knew that the end of the war would change everything. I just didn't expect it to be so sudden. But I respect all your reasons, and I hope you respect mine. So, I turn to Dr. Mid-Nite to carry on in my absence."

Dr. mid-Nite rubbed his chin. "Well . . . "

"It's not much of a team any more," the Atom said. "Just the Doc, Toro, Sentinel, Starman, Hawkman, and me."

"I'm not too sure you can count Sentinel in," Flash said. "Call it a hunch."

"I feel like an era is coming to an end," Toro said.

The meeting adjourned and the team gathered in the main parlor to say their goodbyes. There were hugs and handshakes and a few kisses from the Black Canary. She and the Fury shed a few tears. Everyone was sad to see their close comrades parting.

Bucky and the Fury slipped away privately. They held hands. The Fury looked down, sadly. "So, I guess this is it," she said.

"I guess so," Bucky said. "I didn't think it would end like this. I really thought you were going to be a big part of my life. But when you told me you were planning to leave for Paradise Island with Hippolyta, I knew that my future lay with Cap. He's the greatest guy in the world and I'll follow him to the end of the world. I'd die for him!"

Fury nodded. "I feel that way about Hippolyta. We own them our allegiance, don't we?"

"I guess we do," Bucky said. "How 'bout a goodbye smooch?"

"Definitely," she said and kissed Bucky for the last time. She had the feeling she would never see him again.

Meanwhile, Hippolyta had to go though a similar scene with Namor. They had been betrothed once. Namor gave her a respectful bow. "To what might have been, my lovely Amazon Queen."

She smiled. "To what was, Namor."

She saw Hercules looking at her from across the room. "Excuse me Namor," she said. She joined Hercules.

The Olympian bowed graciously. "Ah, my Wonder Woman. It hath been one of the great pleasures of my immortal life to spend this time with thee, fair Queen, however brief."

"I hated you once," she said. "Now I'm sorry to see you go. I'll miss you, Hercules."

He kissed her hand. "I will ever be ready to come to thy aid should thee need me. Farewell, beauteous Hippolyta. I shall never forget thee."

The goodbyes were concluded, but before they left, the entire team offered a respectful salute to their leader, Captain America. To the man who had inspired them for four years. Hawkman even gave him a piece of his levitation stone as a keepsake. Cap thanked them for the honor. He was touched. As he left, Dr. Mid-Nite shook his hand and watched him leave.

"I shall not look upon his like again," Mid-Nite quoted. "Goodbye, hero."

New York City; the following day . . . Pat Savage's Beauty Salon:

Patricia Savage, the beautiful cousin of the legendary Doc Savage, was closing up her salon for the day. Just as she locked the front door, she turned and bumped into the tall, handsome man with the flowers.

"Hello Pat," he said, smiling.

She looked at the flowers. "For me? That's very nice. But maybe an introduction would be . . . Wait! There's something familiar about you. We've met before, haven't we?"

"Oh yes," he said. "Several times."

Cap opened his shirt for a moment and showed her a quick glimpse of his costume below. He whispered in her ear. "Captain America has a face beneath the mask, and this is it."

Pat's face brightened and her eyes widened. "It's you!"


"Flabbergasted!" she said. "And you brought me flowers. I'm touched. I thought you gave me the big brush-off last year."

"I'm sorry about that," he said. "At the time, my life was very complicated. My priorities . . . "

"I know, I know," she said. "The war. You had your priorities. And now that the war is over, you want to pick up where we left off and you just assume I'm still available?"

Cap looked embarrassed. "Uh, I suppose I didn't think this through. I . . . "

"Hey, I'm just kidding!" She said, cheerfully. "I'm glad you came by. Come on; buy me a cup of coffee." She grabbed his arm and led him down the street.

Ten minutes later, the duo were sitting in a booth at a local diner, drinking coffee.

"I don't even know your name," she said.

"Steve," he said. "Steve Rogers. I'm the mail room manager at the war department."

"Mail room?" She asked, amused. "I didn't expect that. I thought you'd turn out to be Buster Crabb's stunt double or something. Well, it doesn't matter. I can see why you wouldn't need an exciting or glamorous job. You have enough excitement in your other job. You know. I've thought about you a lot. I've dated a lot of guys since last year but I never found anyone who could compare to you. I missed you. I kept hoping you'd call. I'm so glad you came by."

"Me too," he said. "I was so wrapped up in duty and obligations before that I couldn't see past my shield. But now the war is over and I've had a . . . falling out with the government. I decided that it was time for me to start a life. A life with people I care about in it. And you're the first person I thought about."

"Wow!" She retorted. "Is this really the same stoic guy I knew last year? You're unpredictable."

"Do you like to travel?" he asked. "When do you have some time off?"

"You just keep surprising me," she said. "Where did you have in mind?"

"I have no idea," he said. "But I received a ton of severance pay from the government and I want to use it to see the world without a mask on. I want to talk to people without them seeing me as some sort of icon. I need to build a life. Me and Bucky . . . that's the Star-Spangled Kid - we're going to just get a car and start driving. But I don't think he'd mind using the back seat. I'd like you beside me. Even if just for a little while. I'd like to spend some time with you. What do you say?"

One week later:

Steve, Bucky and Pat drove along Route 66. They were just leaving Chicago, Illinois and heading south. They planned to make stops in Texas, Arizona, and California. Steve had never felt so relaxed and content. Bucky was still sad about the Fury, so this was just what he needed to distract him.

Pat Savage had hastily arranged to have her assistant manager run the salon for a few weeks while she went on her cross-country excursion. She was enjoying the trip. She and Steve were becoming very close and she was starting to feel like a big sister to Bucky.

She looked out the window of the car. "It's a beautiful country, isn't it?"

Steve, behind the wheel, smiled a satisfied smile. "It is. It really is."

Switzerland, two days later:

Baron Heinrich Zemo was hiding in a small cabin in the Swiss Alps. He was fuming with hate over the fall of the third Reich. He hated Captain America and the American invaders who caused this. If not for them, Loki would have tilted the course of the War toward Germany. Zemo wanted revenge!

The Baron thought of how ironic it was that he'd been able to escape capture because of his past failures. His previous defeats by the JSA had caused Hitler to exile him to a small, distant research lab on the far fringe of the Fatherland. When the costumed intruders and General Patton and the Soviets took over Berlin, it was a simple matter for someone as clever as Zemo to smuggle himself out of the country.

He sat alone, in the mountains of the neutral nation, thinking thoughts of revenge. His old enemy Captain America was the focus of his hate. The man who had caused this mask to be glued permanently to his face! The man who'd led the American super-beings into Berlin. The man who represented America!

And then she appeared, as she had done before. This was not the first time that Zemo had been visited by the Enchantress. They'd teamed up several times before. Each time, they had failed.

"You've sunk low, Baron," the Enchantress said, in her seductive voice.

"You are partly to blame," Zemo said. "In all out past meetings, you promised me that you would help me destroy Captain America and his team. You never lived up to your promises. And as a result, my Reich has fallen and I'm reduced to hiding in this filthy, miniscule flea trap of a cabin! "

"No harsh words, dear Baron," she said. "For this is the last time that thou wilt see me. The war has ended not only for mortals but for the Gods as well. The Dark Council which sent me here has now recalled me as part of a treaty with their rivals of the White council. I must leave Earth, and it may not be safe for me to return till many of your mortal decades have passed."

"Have a pleasant journey," Zemo said. "Do remember to write."

"I have a parting gift for you, my old friend," she said. "I hate to leave you here alone. You need a companion. I found him floating in a nameless limbo between dimensions, exiled there by the Justice Society. I think you and he will have much in common."

She waved her hand. With a flash of light and a puff of smoke, a man in a scarlet Skull mask appeared. He looked at Zemo.

"I know you," the skull man said. "You are Heinrich Zemo, the head of Weapons Research."

"And I you," Zemo said. "You are the Red Skull. You were a special agent of the Gestapo before you disappeared. We all assumed you were dead."

"I was worse than dead," the Red Skull hissed. "I was in hell! But now I'm back and I want revenge against the Justice Society. And I intend to start with their Start spangled leader. He dared strike me! And he was partially responsible for my nightmarish exile! Further, I am told by the Enchantress that he led an incursion that caused the fall of our Reich. He must pay!"

"Then we have the same goal!" Zemo said. "Captain America must die!"

The Enchantress smiled. She handed two twigs to the Nazis. "Dost thou remember these, dear Zemo? These will allow thee to transport across the world-But only thrice and no more! I suggest that thou use thy first trip to look up a woman named Patricia Savage. I leave thee now, in the certainty that the pair of thee will cause suffering to those pompous do-gooders! I will be watching with anticipation to see the death of Captain America!"

The Enchantress vanished. Zemo reclined in his chair. "So, my friend, where do we begin?"

San Francisco, California, ten days later:

Steve and Bucky sat on a bench looking out a Fisherman's Wharf. They were both feeling relaxed and happy. The last few weeks had been a wonderful time for them both. It was a revelation to them to interact with people without having to save their lives. To travel to places without the weight of the world on their shoulders. They were savoring the moment. They anticipated many more.

"Great view," Bucky said, looking out at the water.

"Yes it is," Steve said, touching the piece of levitation stone which he wore on a chain. "We have to do more trips like this, pal."

"Yeah, a lot more," Bucky answered.

"Uh huh. Well, I should get going, Buck. Pat should be back from shopping soon and I'm supposed to meet her at the hotel. We need some alone time."

"I get it," Bucky said. "Nudge, wink. Have fun. I'll amuse myself. Don't forget to take the 'Do-Not-disturb' sign off the door when you're done so I know when it's safe to come back."

Cap patted Bucky on the shoulder and eagerly hopped off to meet Pat. Bucky looked out at the water, wishing the Fury was there. He missed her. He wondered if he'd meet someone else in the future.

The hotel room:

Steve returned to the hotel, eager to spend some time alone with Pat. He saw that the door was smashed open . . . and his expression turned to one of alarm.

The room was a mess. The things Pat bought were scattered all over the floor. The phone had been knocked over. Pat was no where to be seen. Cap's battle instincts kicked in. He knew that the woman he loved was in danger!

There was a note taped to the cracked mirror. Steve snatched it off and unfolded it. It read:

"Greetings, Captain;
This is Baron Zemo. You may remember me.
My new friend the Red Skull and I have some
unfinished business with you. Its time to settle
things once and for all. If you ever want to see
Patricia Savage alive again, you will meet us
tomorrow morning at 10 AM, at the coordinates
indicated below. Come alone! We look forward to
the final confrontation. Until then.
Baron Zemo and the Red Skull"

Steve crumbled the note in his hand, enraged. "I'll be there, Zemo! Bet on it!"

That night in the Aleutian Islands, in the frozen North:

Baron Zemo and the Red Skull were proud of themselves for how they had orchestrated things. They had used the first of three mystic trips which the Enchantress provided them to transport themselves to Wilhelm Hall in the USA. It was the secret headquarters of the American Nazi party. Most people didn't realize that there was a heavy but covert Nazi presence in the USA. They met at their 'German language club' - which was a cover for meetings at Wilhelm hall. They'd hidden Baron Zemo there before.

They were surprised when Zemo appeared again, as if by magic, accompanied by the Red Skull. The two fugitive Nazis were given shelter. The Red Skull instructed the American Nazis to locate Pat Savage, cousin of Doc Savage. This was not hard to do. One of the American Nazis worked in the local police department. He was able to use his contacts in other departments to learn where Pat Savage was going and to find the hotel she was staying at. They even knew the room.

A local Nazi cell was sent to the hotel to wait until Pat was alone and capture her. They brought her back to their meeting place in the back of a bar one of them owned and then phoned Wilhelm hall. Zemo and the Skull used their second magic trip to appear in the room and grab Pat. The Skull had thrown her over his shoulder and, along with Zemo, made his third and final mystic trip.

Now, they were hiding in the small polar monitoring station in the Aleutians - the only area belonging to the United States conquered by the Nazis during the war - which once was manned by the Nazi agent known as the Icicle. Like Zemo, the Icicle had been exiled to this far off station on Agatta Island, in disgrace. His job was to monitor the Russians. There were five rockets in the station. They were all V-2 rockets, which were one of the first type ballistic missiles ever created. Designed by the notorious Prof. Von Braun, with some help from Zemo, these rockets carried a powerful payload and could move at the speed of sound. They used to be aimed at the Soviet Union. Now they were aimed at Alaska!

The station was once an American weather monitoring facility, converted to an anti-Russian monitoring and first-strike base by the Germans during the war. Now that the Reich had abandoned it, they left a lot of weapons behind. There was also plenty of ammunition. Additionally, there was a Freeze Ray designed and built by the Icicle. Zemo admired the weapon. It was a nice piece of technology.

The Red Skull was tying Pat Savage to the mid section of one of the missiles. He whistled Frederic Chopin's 1837 Funeral March as he restrained her.

"Don't you two maniacs realize the war is over?" Pat yelled. "Why are you doing this?"

"This is about personal honor," the Red Skull said. "We have both been dishonored by Captain America. He has also invaded and attacked our country. The time has come for a reckoning!"

"He may be sorry when he gets here," Pat said. "And you know who my cousin is, don't you?"

"Indeed," the Red Skull said. "And when Dr. Savage hears, he will no doubt come to rescue you as well. But that will take a few days. He is in currently somewhere in Japan involved in the humanitarian efforts. He will be hard to reach. Eventually he'll come, but for now, we await the Captain!"

Pat frowned. "If I have to be a hostage, could you at least turn up the heat?"

Dawn in the Aleutians:

Even though he no longer officially worked for the government, Captain America still had an Uncle who did. Uncle Sam, still an OSS operative, was currently stationed in California. He arranged for Cap to get lift to the Aleutians. From a military base in California he procured a sea plane and personally flew Cap and his young sidekick to the polar north.

The plane landed just off the shore of the island. "Are we all straight on the plan?" Sam asked.

"We're good," Cap said. "And remember. Five minutes exactly."

"We'll be there."

Cap handed his chain with the piece of Levitation stone to Bucky and Sam. "Hold this for me."

Cap leapt from the plane to the shore. He made is way across the cold, snowy landscape. He could see the station in the distance. He knew that they must have seen and heard the plane arrive.

Right on cue, he heard Baron Zemo's voice from a loud speaker; "Welcome Captain. So glad you could make it. I should inform you that, not only do we have Patricia Savage hostage, I hasten to add that we have five rockets aimed at unsuspecting Alaska. These rockets would kill thousands. This will be on your head unless you do as I say. Drop your shield and come forward, slowly, with your hands raised."

With little choice, Cap tossed his famous shield aside and raised his gloved hands. He walked with a measured tread toward the station. The cold wind blew through him.

He slowly opened the door and walked in. He saw his two enemies and as well as his beautiful lady-love Patricia. The Red Skull held a gun to Pat's head, and with the other hand he kept a finger on the 'Launch' button of the missiles. Zemo had the Freeze Ray aimed at Cap.

"Welcome to the reckoning," the Red Skull said.

"Okay, I'm here," Cap said. "Let the girl go and we'll settle this alone."

"Speaking of alone," Zemo said. "Are you? Alone I mean. Who's in the plane?"

"Just a pilot," Cap said. "An air force Lieutenant. No one who should worry you."

"Move away from the door," Zemo said.

Cap moved aside. Zemo stepped out of the door and saw the plane in the distance, floating in the surf. Zemo chuckled and raised his freeze gun. He fired it at the plane. The plane was instantly encased ice.

Zemo stepped back inside. "That's taken care of."

"What did you do?" Cap asked, fearing for his two partners.

"It's a cold day in hell, Herr Capitan."

Meanwhile, the plane was trapped in ice.

"Holy smoke!" The SS Kid yelled. "We're trapped in here! But Cap needs us!"

"Worse than that," Uncle Sam said. "I think we're going down!"

"Oh no!" The SS Kid yelled. "I think your right. We're sinking!"

"We must be too heavy!" Sam said. "We need a plan quick!"

"I've got one!" the Star-Spangled Kid said.

The Kid broke the window and rammed the piece of the Levitation stone into the ice. Just by touching it and concentrating, the plane and ice became weightless. They started to rise again.

"Well done, lad!" Sam said. "Now we have to get out of this ice. And I think I can handle that. We have an extra can of fuel behind the seats and the plane has a lighter. Let's make some heat!"

Meanwhile, back in the station . . .

Cap stood unarmed before his two opponents. "So what now?" the American hero asked. "Do you just shoot me like cowards? Or are we going to fight it out like men? Like gladiators! You've got me outnumbered two-to-one. I'm not used to fighting without my shield. You've got the advantage."

Zemo and the Skull looked at each other and nodded. Zemo held up his freeze gun. "Turn!"

Captain America turned. Zemo yanked his hands behind his back and used the Freeze ray to lock both his fists behind him in a block of ice. Zemo then moved to the rocket controls and set the timer.

"Very well," Zemo said. "The missiles are set to launch in two minutes. And your lady will vanish into the sky with them. You have until then to defeat us. If you can!"

Zemo pulled out his rapier and the Skull unsheathed a long dagger. They moved in on Cap, who had his hands bound by ice. Cap knew it would take all his speed, agility and cleverness to survive the next few minutes. As he leapt around, he received many cuts. Pat watched the battle, heart pounding fearfully.

Outside . . . The SS Kid and Uncle Sam had escaped the ice trap. Sam looked at his watch. "It's almost five minutes. Cap should have them distracted by now. Let's go!"

They rushed to the station. The Kid was still carrying the piece of stone. Sam grabbed Cap's shield. They rammed into the door, knocking it open. The Nazi's paused when the newcomers barged in.

"Liar!" Zemo yelled at Cap. "I knew you'd bring help!" He turned toward the control panel.

Cap realized Zemo was going to launch the rockets. "Sam! Stop him! Now!"

Uncle Sam leaped and tackled Zemo to the ground. The pair of them scuffled on the floor.

"Kid!" Cap yelled to Bucky. "Get Pat out of here! Now!"

The SS Kid ran to the second rocket which Pat was tied to. He pulled out the piece of stone and started to scrape at the bonds, to free her.

The Red Skull was distracted by the SS Kid. "Get away from her, whelp! Don't you dare . . . !"

Cap took advantage of the distraction and kicked the Red Skull in the groin. The Nazi doubled over and dropped his knife. Cap used the delay to ram himself backwards against the wall. After two tries, he shattered the ice block restraining his hands. He saw the Skull reaching for the knife. Cap leaped and stamped his foot on the Skull's hand. The Red Skull squealed and Cap began to pound on him. The America hero was relentless, battering the Red Skull with a seemingly endless series of powerful blows. The Skull was in trouble! Especially after Uncle Sam handed Cap his shield back!

But the two minutes had passed. The rockets went into launch mode. The automatic ceiling hatch opened. The first rocket fired up. To Cap's horror, it launched into the sky. The Red Skull used the distraction to head for the door and flee into the snow.

The second missile, with Pat tied to it, was about to launch. Just in time, Bucky cut her bonds and Pat leapt to freedom. But Bucky didn't jump off. He used the piece of stone to pound on the panel of the guidance hatch. He was determined to succeed, repeatedly muttering, "I can't let it launch!"

But the Rocket did launch, and Bucky refused to let go. He hung on tightly. The sudden jerk of liftoff caused him to drop the stone but he still wouldn't quit. He pounded with his fists!

"Bucky!" Cap cried, forgetting about the Red Skull. He rushed over but the rocket was out of range. The piece of stone fell and Cap instinctively caught it. As he stared up in horror, all he wanted was to reach Bucky. And so the stone made it happen! Cap suddenly launched into the sky, faster than the rocket. Moments later, he found himself hanging on the rocket alongside Bucky.

Cap handed the stone to Bucky. "Here! You're in a better position! Give it a good whack!"

Back on the ground, Uncle Sam was distracted by the scenario above. Zemo elbowed him in the face and then grabbed the freeze gun. He pointed it up and fired at his nemesis. His aim was perfect!

On the missile, Cap was suddenly struck by the freeze ray. With a groan, he was encased in ice. His frozen form slipped off the rocket and fell into the sea below. Bucky gasped with horror.

But the Kid had no time to mourn now. He had and emergency . . . and an idea! Concentrating, he used the Stone to cause the missile to move up, higher and faster. It moved into the smoke trail of the first missile, coming closer and closer. Bucky closed his eyes . . . And the two rockets collided, exploding into shrapnel, taking Bucky the Star Spangled Kid along with them. He was dead!

Zemo paused, shrieking with triumph. The furious Uncle Sam hit Zemo with a blow that stunned him. Sam grabbed the freeze gun and froze Zemo's feet to the ground. Zemo couldn't move.

Pat Savage, who'd learned a few things from her cousin, operated the control panel. "I can't stop the count-down, but I've engaged the locking clamps. The rockets will overload and explode!"

"Then let's get out of here!" Sam yelled.

The two of them ran out. Zemo was still trapped. He panicked.

"No! You can't leave me here!" Zemo cried. "Come back!"

Sam and Pat ran for the plane. They saw the Red Skull scraping the last of the ice off the wings, hoping to steal it. Uncle Sam pointed the Freeze Ray at the Skull. The Red Skull was instantly encased in a large block of ice. The block slipped off the edge of the shore and sank into the icy waters.

Uncle Sam and Pat hopped into the plane and took off quickly. The island exploded beneath them. Pat looked down, disbelieving. "He's gone! Captain America is really gone!"

Uncle Sam tried to remain strong. "He'll never be gone. Cap will live forever!"

The plane flew off to safety, leaving behind the smoldering island; the falling shrapnel of the rockets that killed Bucky; And the icy waters that claimed the Red Skull and the Living legend Captain America. The country's greatest hero and vanished beneath the sea and into legend!

Next: It's the final issue as the saga comes to an end in Justice Society of America #50.