DCM Timely

No. 2


JSA:  A Hero's Final Repose
Judas Three
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Human Torch
Star-Spangled Kid
Blue Diamond
The Hulk
Plastic Man
Johnny Thunder
Steve Trevor
The Shade
Psycho Pirate
Tiger Shark
Solomon Grundy

In the Diamond Suite, HQ of the Blue Diamond, the traitorous former hero stood confidently, accompanied by his new Injustice Society. The Blue Diamond grinned with satisfaction. His plan to destroy the Justice Society was going well.

So far he had destroyed the Sentinel and Dr. Fate, captured the Flash and forced Wonder Woman into servitude by holding her beloved Steve Trevor captive. Also, the Enchantress, in the guise of the Black Canary, was in the process of bending the Hulk to her will. Everything was going perfectly.

He looked around at his 'associates' in the Injustice Society. The Executioner, the Psycho Pirate, Ultra-Man, Blackbriar Thorn, the Harlequin, Tiger Shark, Morganna Le Fey and Solomon Grundy . . . Deadly villains all, each ready, for personal reasons, to destroy the JSA.

The Blue Diamond approached the most unwilling of his "allies" . . . Wonder Woman. She wanted to pummel him mercilessly, to make him pay for his treachery. But as long as the Blue Diamond held Steve Trevor in some undisclosed location, she could do nothing but comply with his wishes.

Her natural attraction for Steve Trevor had been multiplied, first by Eros and then by the Psycho Pirate. She had lost all perspective and desired nothing more than his safe return. And she would do anything to insure that. She would even betray the Justice Society!

"It's time for you to earn a pardon for Major Trevor," the Blue Diamond said. "It's time for you to help me punish the Justice Society, in the name of my lovely Enchantress!"

"What do you want me to do?" she asked, through gritted teeth.

"There are two members, and two associate members, of the JSA who are enamored of you," the Blue Diamond said. "Toro, Plastic Man, Johnny Thunder, and the Sub-Mariner all worship you. You can bait them here easily. You will lead them into a trap."

"Merciful Minerva!" Hippolyta whispered.

"Bring them to me," he said. "Get them here, and don't warn anyone, or else your Major Trevor dies!"

Wonder Woman trembled with rage, but saw no way out. She had to protect Steve. "You win," she said. "How should I do this? I'm not good with deceit. Unlike you."

The Blue Diamond ignored the taunt. "First, you have to give up your powers."

The Amazon queen was taken aback. "What do you . . . ?"

"I know the procedure," the Blue Diamond said. "The Enchantress got it straight from Ares, who got it from his mother Hera. I know how to remove your Amazon powers."

Hippolyta's jaw dropped. Suffering Sappho, he means it, she thought.

"You know what to do," the Blue Diamond said. "So do it!"

Wonder Woman hesitated, trying to think of a way out of this, but nothing came to mind. Her heart sank, and with a reluctant sigh of misery, she proceeded with the ritual that would remove her powers.

She crossed her bracelets - a reminder of the bondage that Amazon's once suffered - and allowed them to be bound by a man, namely the Blue Diamond. She then spoke the chant . . . "By the power and grace of almighty Zeus, King of the Gods, I hereby surrender the powers given me by the Olympian pantheon of gods."

She felt a shutter and a momentary dizziness, as the spell took hold. She felt the power flow from her body through her bracelets. She could almost see the divine Olympian energies drifting out of her. When it was over, she felt different, weaker. Powerless!

The Blue Diamond released her wrists. "Hit me," he said.

Hippolyta pulled back her fist, hoping against hope that the spell had somehow failed. She struck the Blue Diamond. The pain in her knuckles was excruciating, and she let out a yelp. She grabbed her sore hand, hoping that it wasn't broken.

The Blue Diamond smiled. "You're mortal now," he said. "So here's what you have to do next."

The Mid-Atlantic coast of the USA . . .

Hundreds of years ago, Scandinavian tribes of Vikings came to the New World and set up colonies, led by Eric the Red and Leif Ericsson. Before they eventually abandon these colonies, driven away by the American Indians, they buried certain things. These secret treasures have remained hidden for centuries. One of those treasures was the mystic Norn Stone, a stone that can chance a man's destiny.

The Hulk and the faux Black Canary - actually the Enchantress disguised by a spell - arrived at a rocky, coastal terrain. The Black Canary pointed at a large bolder, blocking a cave.

"There!" she said. "That's where you have to go, my darling. What we need is in there. But be careful. There will be supernatural defenses."

"Phooey on that!" he quipped. "I can handle whatever they throw at me."

"Yes, I believe you can," she said.

The Hulk tried to roll the rock aside. It was unbelievably heavy. He then threw a punch, attempting to shatter it, but it withstood the impact.

"It's a mystical Asgardian rock," she said. "I've . . . done research."

"I don't care if it's God's own security system," the Hulk grumbled. "I want in, and I'm gettin' in!"

The Hulk grabbed the rock, and pushed with all his incredible might. He taxed his unparalleled muscles to their limits, and beyond. The madder he got, the stronger he got. He pushed and he pushed, determined to move the immovable object.

In the JSA mansion . . .

Wonder Woman called her four amorous admirers to a special, private meeting. Namor, Toro, Plastic Man and Johnny Thunder came quickly, each eager to hear what the beautiful Amazon queen had to say.

Wonder Woman had to force herself not to look distraught. For Steve's sake, she had to be totally convincing. She hated to do this, and wished she could think of a way out. But she wasn't thinking clearly. All she could think of was Steve's safety. Her only hope was to follow the Blue Diamond's instructions and then try to persuade him not to kill the four heroes. She had a plan that she hoped would dissuade the Blue Diamond from killing her friends. She didn't want them harmed, but she was compelled by forces beyond her control to protect Steve Trevor about all else.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," she said to her suitors. "I've called you here because I need help."

"Anything I can do for you, I'll do," Toro said.

"I am your servant, my lovely Queen," Namor said.

"So, what's the poop, sweet pea?" Plastic Man asked.

Wonder Woman leaned over and tried to lift up a couch. She couldn't. The others looked surprised at the obvious difficulty she was having.

"I've lost my powers," she said. "And I need your . . . protection."

She noticed that they almost seemed pleased by her sudden neediness. It gave them all an opportunity to impress her.

"A sorcerer named Moonstone stole them from me," she said. "And he's got assassins looking for me, now that I'm powerless. I need help defeating him to get my powers back before the assassins find me."

"Fear not, my fair Hippolyta," Namor announced. "I shall champion your cause."

"Me too," Toro said.

"And that goes triple for me," Plastic Man added.

"M . . . M . . . Me too," Johnny Thunder stuttered, tongue-tied as always in the presence of Hippolyta.

"Thank you," she said. "Please, come with me now. I know where he is."

"Let's call the troops and . . . " Toro began.

"No!" Wonder Woman interrupted. "It would . . . dishonor me should anyone else know. I trust the four of you to keep my secret. You all have such strong feelings for me. Please don't say anything to anyone."

"Your secret is safe with the Sub-Mariner," Namor stated.

"I'll rip out my tongue and change my name to 'dummy' before I'll say anything," Plas said.

"You can trust me, Polly," Toro said.

"M . . . M . . . Me too," Johnny Thunder agreed.

"Good," she said. "Come then. We need to go now."

She led her three admirers out of the mansion, leaving no word with the others about where they were going. She hated herself for what she was about to do.

From out of the skies, the majestic being descended from the heavens on a winged horse. The large, muscular figure atop the horse was Hercules, son of Zeus and Olympian Prince of Power. His flying horse was Pegasus. For the second time in recent months, the mighty demi-god descended to Earth. The last time, he came in service of the Enchantress. This time, his purpose also regarded the Enchantress.

His amazing horse sniffed her out, closing in on the Goddess.

The Hulk felt like his huge muscles would burst, but he finally did the impossible. He moved the unnaturally heavy bolder. The cave mouth was clear.

"Excellent!" the Black Canary said. "Now go inside, but be careful."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said, stomping into the cave.

Suddenly, an unbelievably powerful wind came blowing out of the cave. It was stronger than any wind ever encountered by mortal man. The disguised Enchantress, although powerful and not directly in the path of the jet stream, was still knocked off her feet by the amazing force. She marveled at the fact that the Hulk stood his ground.

His phenomenally powerful legs tensed and he withstood the battering wind gusts. More incredibly, he moved forward, making headway against the crushing force. He let nothing stop him. Slowly, he pushed his way into the cave.

The wind stopped and the Hulk tripped forward. His labors weren't over. Searing hot flames engulfed the gray behemoth. He cried out in pain. The heat was so intense it would have incinerated almost anyone else, including the Enchantress. She couldn't get any closer to the cave than she was. The Hulk roared with anger and pain, enduring the torture.

Wonder Woman led her four love-struck companions to the estate of Prof. Elton Morrow. "He's in there," she said. "Be careful. He'll likely have some defenses prepared."

"The Sub-Mariner will not be deterred," Namor said. "I will not fail you, beloved."

"Yak, yak, yak," Plastic Man said. "Let's just kick some booty."

Toro, Namor, and Plastic Man headed for the residence. Johnny Thunder was about to summon his magic Thunderbolt.

"Cei . . . " he began.

Wonder Woman put a finger over his lips. "Hush," she said. "Don't call the Thunderbolt yet. Let the others go. We'll keep you and the Thunderbolt in reserve."

Johnny started to stammer an objection, but couldn't manage to make a coherent sound. Then, to his amazement and delight, she pulled him closer and kissed him. Johnny was delirious with ecstasy.

He didn't see Blackbriar Thorn spring up out of the ground like a fast-growing plant. Hippolyta saw him but kept Johnny distracted. Blackbriar pricked Johnny with a thorn. Johnny spun around, surprised. It took him a moment to realize that he was in danger, and then he opened his mouth to call the Thunderbolt.

But he'd waited a moment too long. The poison from the thorn took effect, and Johnny got dizzy, too dizzy to call his Thunderbolt. Johnny passed out. Wonder Woman knelled down and cradled his head.

"I'm so sorry, Johnny," she said. "Forgive me."

She looked at the estate. The other three had gone inside already. "Forgive me, all of you," she said.

Inside the estate . . .

Namor took the lead, followed by Plastic Man and Toro. They didn't see anyone. They expected an ambush any second. They got one.

The Executioner stepped out of a rift in space/time, created by his Ax. Meanwhile, Blackbriar Thorn crept like a vine under the door, re-forming himself into his biped shape.

Namor recognized the Executioner from their previous encounter and attacked. The Executioner swung his Ax, holding off the sea prince. Toro ignited himself and joined Namor against the huge warrior God. At the same time, Plastic Man saw Blackbriar Thorn.

"You are one ugly spud, aren't you?" Plas said.

He sprang at Thorn. The demon became a thicket of thorny vines. The two expandable opponents entangled each other, but Thorn's sharp projections ripped into Plastic Man's rubbery flesh, causing him extreme pain. Plas struggled on, unwilling to give up, but the pain was excruciating.

In a flash, from out of the door to the West Wing, came the awesomely powerful Ultra-Man. He rammed into Namor, knocking him across the room, through a wall and out into the yard. Namor crashed into a tree.

Wonder Woman, who was still outside, holding the sleeping Johnny Thunder, saw Namor's impact and gasped. Ultra-Man, with super-speed, didn't give Namor a chance to recover. He zoomed out of the estate, and sent Namor into the air with an uppercut. He flew straight up, passing Namor, and them knocking him back down to Earth. Namor hit the dirt hard. He tried to muster some sort of counter-attack, but Ultra-Man fired a burst of heat-vision, burning the Atlantean prince. Namor got dizzy as he became dehydrated. He made one final attempt to fight back, but Ultra-man was too strong and fast for the weaken Sub-Mariner. Also, Tiger Shark emerged from a nearby pond, and waylaid Namor from behind.

"You . . . " Namor began hatefully.

"Miss me, Subby?" Tiger Shark said.

The evil duo double-teamed Namor. He was beaten savagely. He saw Wonder Woman nearby, watching. He hadn't yet realized that she'd betrayed him. "Run," he gasped, weakly. "Flee for your life."

A final blow from Ultra-Man knocked Namor unconscious. The Prince of Atlantis lay bleeding. Wonder Woman ran to him, to see how badly he was hurt.

"Thank Hera he's alive," she said, greatly relieved.

"He won't be for long," Tiger Shark said.

"Don't you touch him!" Wonder Woman insisted, standing protectively over him.

"You're quite a dish, you know that," Ultra-Man told her. "You remind me of my own little honey. Remember Super-Woman? You're a lot like her. I miss that she-devil. You know, I think maybe you could be a very good replacement."

"I'd rather cozy up to a cobra," Wonder Woman replied.

"Tough dame," he said, grabbing her, and kissing her on her full lips. Without her Amazon strength, there was nothing she could do about it. "I enjoyed that," Ultra-Man said.

"You disgust me," Hippolyta hissed.

"And I was so hoping we'd have a second date," he quipped.

Meanwhile, inside the estate . . .

Toro's flame was having very little effect on the God Skurge, better known as the Executioner. Toro managed to evade the lethal Ax, but had no good plan for how to defeat his powerful opponent.

He caught sight of someone to his left. He was ready to throw a fireball at the newcomer, but then he saw that it was a woman. He hesitated, unwilling to burn a female.

"Hi there, cutie pie," the Harlequin said, and utilized her hypno-goggles.

Toro was frozen by the mesmerizing effect of the goggles. While he floated, helpless, Solomon Grundy lumbered into the fray. Despite Toro's flame, he grabbed the boy by his ankle and slammed Toro to the ground. Toro was knocked unconscious by the impact.

Nearby, Plastic Man was struggling with Blackbriar Thorn. Plas started to get dizzy, toxins spreading though his pliable form. Thorn pulled away, leaving Plastic Man exposed to an attack from the Executioner. Using his Ax to open a portal in mid-air, Skurge caused a chunk of freezing matter to spit out of the portal. Plastic Man was engulfed by the sub-zero degree matter.

"Freeze dried super hero," Harlequin said, looking at the ice encased Plas.

The Blue Diamond entered the room. He surveyed the carnage, proud of his plotting. He signaled for someone to put out the fire that Toro had started while battling the Executioner. Morganna Le Fey used her magic to douse the flames.

Wonder Woman entered, followed by Tiger Shark and Ultra-Man. Tiger Shark carried the injured Namor and Ultra-Man the drugged Johnny Thunder. The Blue Diamond nodded, grinning.

"Excellent work, everyone," he said. "Superbly done. Now, we kill them."

"No!" Wonder Woman yelled. "I agreed to help you on the condition that you wouldn't kill them!"

"True," the Blue Diamond said. "But that was to ensure your cooperation. You've done your part. I no longer need your help. So I have no motivation to keep my promise."

Wonder Woman had a strategy prepared for this. It was a monumental bluff, but without her powers, it was all she had.

"You're forgetting about the Spectre," she said, trying to sound convincing. "I don't think you want to have to deal with him."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that he is the spirit of vengeance," she said. "He acts when innocent blood is spilled. And he has a strong connection to the Justice Society. I'd hate to be the man who killed a JSA member. It would give the Spectre Carte Blanche to act as he sees fit. And I don't think you'll defeat him so easily."

The Blue Diamond thought about this. It was entirely possible that this was a bluff by Wonder Woman. Still, the Blue Diamond had heard about this 'Spectre' before. Even the Enchantress spoke of him in hushed tones, as if he was going to appear at any moment and snuff her out like a candle flame. Apparently, this Spectre had powers beyond understanding. The Blue Diamond had nothing in his preparations for dealing with such a foe. And even though he suspected that Wonder Woman was lying, he didn't dare take the risk, not when he was so close to success.

"Well, I don't need to decide their fates at this moment," the Blue Diamond said. "Plastic Man isn't going anywhere, frozen in ice. Namor is badly injured, and may die anyway. Johnny Thunder is under the influence of a powerful toxin that will keep him asleep for twelve hours. I'll have Thorn give Toro the same treatment. So none of them are an immediate threat. I'll discuss the disposition of these four with the Enchantress, after we've succeeded in dealing with the rest of your team. And, as you know, my Enchantress has some definite plans for you!"

"I'm not worried about myself," she said. "But you promised to free my Steve."

"Oh yes, the brave Major Trevor," the Blue Diamond said. "Actually, I've already let him go."

"You have?" she asked, hopefully.

The Blue Diamond nodded. "Yes, I delivered him into the hands of Nazi agents. I'm told he has high security clearance and is privy to a few military secrets. He'll be on his way to Berlin for questioning by now. So you see, I kept my promise. I released him."

"You . . . You monster!" she yelled, and pounded on him. All she accomplished was to hurt her hands.

"If I had my powers back . . . " she began.

"You don't!" the Blue Diamond said. "So just stay out of the way and you'll live, at least until the Enchantress gets back," he turned to his Injustice Society and addressed them. "All right, my friends. Things are going well. We only have five more JSA members to deal with. Captain America, the Star-Spangled Kid, Dr. Mid-Nite, the Black Canary, and the Human Torch comprise the opposition. Oh, and I believe that Wildcat and the Fury are still lurking around somewhere. We'll deal with them as soon as the Enchantress returns. And I expect that she'll bring us a new ally."

The Hulk had succeeded. Having survived the intensely hot flames, he emerged from the cave carrying the object of his quest . . . The Norn Stone.

"You've done it!" the false Black Canary said.

"So what do I do with it now?" the Hulk asked. "How will it help me?"

"Hand it over," she said. "I'll show you."

She took the Norn Stone, and began to laugh delightedly. She assumed her true form of the Enchantress.

"Holy . . . It's her!" the Hulk growled. "The Enchantress!"

"Indeed, mortal," she said. "And I thank thee for thy aid. In return, I shall grant thee a great gift."

She unleashed the power of the Norn Stone on the Hulk!

Hercules landed near the estate of Elton Morrow, the Blue Diamond. His flying horse had followed the scent this far. Pegasus landed on the front lawn, and Hercules dismounted, and headed toward the estate.

Inside . . .

"Hey, take a look at this!" Tiger Shark said. "There's some clown in a skirt outside."

The Executioner looked out the window. "Tis Hercules, an impure Olympian Godling."

"Hercules?" the Blue Diamond said. "What's he doing here? I hope we don't have to fight him. From what I understand, he's quite powerful. A battle with him will disrupt our timetable and possibly cause an injury or two on our side. We can't risk that. How should I get rid of him?"

Wonder Woman was locked in a room in another part of the Diamond suite. The Blue Diamond assumed that this would hold her, without her strength. He made his first mistake. Although he stripped her of her lasso, he reckoned without her mental control of the lasso.

She commanded the lasso to move on its own, slithering toward the door, unbolting it from the outside. "Free!" She said. She crept through the Diamond suite, avoiding the Injustice Society, looking for an exit. She had to find a way out, so she could help her partners, and then go to rescue Steve Trevor from his Nazi captors. It was vitally important she escape to get help.

Eventually, she found a way out. She successfully reached the yard and ran to the spot where she left the sandals of Mercury. Once she put them on, she could speed away at the velocity of sound and get help for the five men who loved her and prevent the other JSA members from being ambushed.

But someone got in her way. He was a big, strong man with a beard. Hippolyta had seen him before, centuries ago. He was someone she couldn't forget. Someone who had enslaved and disgraced her!

"Hercules!" she shouted, hate boiling up at the sight of him.

"Hippolyta?" Hercules asked surprised. "I didst not expect to see thee here. Thou art as lovely as ever."

"Fiend!" she shouted. "Despoiler, monster!"

"Ah, thou art retaining unkind feelings, art thou?" Hercules asked.

"You . . . " she began, and then threw herself forward in hateful rage. It was a rage that had simmered for centuries. She pounded on his chest, but he hardly felt it. Without her strength, he was far beyond her power to harm.

Why did I have to meet him now, when my powers are gone? she thought, frustrated, I've waited centuries to find and punish him! Now he's here and I'm powerless! Great Hera, it isn't fair!

"Stop thy silliness," Hercules said, condescendingly. "No mere woman can hurt the prince of power, not even an Amazon."

"I hate you!" she yelled in helpless rage. "I curse you! You're a despoiler of woman and a heartless brute!"

"Such lovely lips should not speak thus," Hercules said. "Such lips should be kissed, and by someone worthy of thy beauty."

"Do not lay a hand on me!" she insisted. "I will not have you ravaging me again!"

Hercules shook his head with a 'Tsk, Tsk' and a smug grin. "Despoiler. Ravager. Monster. Such words. Hardly the words of a lady. We shouldst speak of this. Thou most certainly has retained an animosity 'gainst the Son of Zeus. I like it not. I came here to punish the vile Enchantress, but she can wait. I would reacquaint myself with the beauteous Hippolyta and perhaps we can begin anew. Come to Olympus."

"Are you insane?" Wonder Woman yelled. "I have no intention of going anywhere with a creature like you! I hate you! Now get out of my way! I have important matters to deal with!"

She tried to pass Hercules, but he grabbed her arm. Without her Amazon strength, she couldn't free herself from his powerful grip.

"Let me go!" she yelled.

"Such fire," Hercules said. "This is why I once wanted thee so badly. Those feelings are returning. Come with me. I'll not harm thee, and perhaps I can make you see I am no monster."

"Release me!" she demanded, desperately. "There are people who need my help. What I have to do is vital. You must release me now!"

"I care not for the affairs of mortals, vital or not," Hercules said. "You will come with me to Olympus and we will talk and renew old acquaintances. Perhaps romance will bloom!"

"Romance!" she shouted. "Are you addled in some way? I despise you!"

"I'll soon remedy that, my fair beauty," he said.

He scooped Hippolyta up in his muscular arms. She struggled in vain, knowing that without her power, she was at his mercy.

"Curse you, let me go!" she yelled. "You mustn't do this! You don't understand! They need me! Please, let me go!"

Hercules ignored her pleas and carried the helpless Hippolyta to Pegasus. He placed her on the animal's back and then mounted the winged stallion himself. She tried to jump off, but he clamped a hand around her wrist, preventing her.

"Fly, loyal Pegasus," Hercules commanded. "Take to the skies. Return the Son of Zeus and his fair companion to majestic Olympus."

The horse took wing, rising high in the air. Hippolyta, by an involuntary reflex, grabbed Hercules around the waist, to keep from falling off. Without her powers, she couldn't survive the fall.

In the estate . . .

The Blue Diamond and his companions watched all this from the window. "It looks like Wonder Woman solved our problem for us," he said.

"Shall not the Enchantress be angered that Wonder Woman is gone?" the Executioner asked.

"Maybe at first," the Blue Diamond said. "But from what I know of the past relationship between Hippolyta and Hercules, she's not going to a very happy fate. I think my Amora will approve."

High in the air, atop the winged horse . . .

"I implore you, Hercules," Hippolyta pleaded. "If you have any decency in you at all, you have to release me! You must let me help them!"

"You waste your words, beauteous one," the Olympian said. "Thou art accompanying me to Olympus and nothing thou sayeth shall alter this."

Wonder Woman's heart sank as she resigned herself to her fate. I'm sorry, Steve. All of you, forgive me.

Hercules and the powerless Wonder Woman ascended to Mount Olympus.

Not far from the Estate of Elton Morrow, a man in Victorian clothes was watching events unfold. He was known as the Shade, and very little of importance happened that he didn't know about. Ever since he had been offered membership in the Injustice Society, and refused, he had kept an eye on them. Partly to see what they were up to and partly to make sure they weren't going to strike against him. He observed covertly, with increasing concern.

"I don't like what I'm seeing," he said.

Thomas Halloway sat up. He was on the grass, in a field, near a cave. His memories were confused. Everything that had happened since he permanently merged with the Hulk side of his personality was surreal and vague. He was surprised to find that he had become Thomas Halloway again. How had this happened? He shouldn't have reverted to his human form. What was going on? Wasn't there a woman involved? The Black Canary? No! It was the Enchantress!

Clearing his head, he saw the seductive Goddess standing nearby, holding a stone. And she was not alone. Someone else was with her. Someone very big!

"Dear God!" Tom Halloway gasped, when he saw who her giant ally was. "It can't be!"

"But is it, mortal," the Enchantress said. "Your worst fears are realized."

"Hiya Tommy," the big man said. "Good to finally see you in the flesh. Eye to eye, man to man, live and in person. At last!"

The monstrous man reached out a huge gray hand toward the terrified Thomas Halloway.

Back in a lower level of the Diamond suite, the Flash was still trapped in the Stop-Gate, a cage that cut off his access to the Speed Force. He had tried repeatedly to escape from the cage, but failed again and again. The cage was well designed. Jay felt the brutal irony of this, since he had designed it. It was meant to hold Rival, but now he was a prisoner of his own device. And of his best friend, Elton Morrow, the Blue Diamond!

The Blue Diamond entered. The Flash glared at him with undisguised loathing.

"Hi 'old pal'!" the Flash growled.

"It pains me to have to leave you caged like this," the Blue Diamond said. "I don't suppose there's anything I can say to convince to join our cause, is there?"

Jay smiled a fake smile. "Sure, buddy. Open the cage and I'll join the Injustice Society."

The Blue Diamond sighed. "You're no actor, Jay. Lying was never your strong suit."

"You're much better at it than I am," Flash said, disdainfully.

"I'm truly sorry that you and I had to be enemies," the Blue Diamond said. "I really did like you, Jay. You were my best friend. But the Enchantress . . . "

A puff of smoke interrupted the conversation. "Thou didst call?" the Enchantress asked.

She held the Norn stone and was accompanied by two others. One was the frightened Tom Halloway, who was being held by the other, more fearsome arrival. The mammoth gray man grinned. "So, the Blue Diamond is the ring leader of this gang, huh?"

"Hello, Hulk."

The rampaging Hulk nodded. "Glad to see you. I have you to thank for getting that pathetic Tommy Halloway out of my system."

He held Halloway in his large hand, shaking him like a rag doll. Halloway was terrified.

"The Norn Stone worked magnificently," the Enchantress said. "It split the Hulk into two halves. One good, and the other . . . evil!"

The gray brute grinned a sinister grin. The Flash shuttered, realizing the enormity of what had happened. The Enchantress had separated Thomas Halloway from the Hulk. Apparently, all the goodness and humanity was retained in the Halloway personality. That left the Hulk soulless and conscienceless. Totally evil! And incredibly powerful!

"Why is Halloway alive?" the Blue Diamond asked.

"I ain't sure what's gonna happen to me if I ice the jerk," the Hulk said. "I thought since you're Mr. Science, you could look into it."

"Certainly," the Diamond said. "But later. We'll keep him locked up for now. We have other matters to attend to."

"Right," the evil Hulk said. "I hear you wanna dust the JSA. Great. Can I help?"

"I was hoping you'd ask," the Blue Diamond said. "I'm sure you can help me fix the JSA once and for all, Hulk."

"Yeah, I'll fix 'em," the gray behemoth said. "Only don't call me Hulk any more. Call me . . . Mr. Fixit! And I'll fix everything!"

Next: The story reaches it’s climax as the Injustice Society, aided by Mr. Fixit and the Norn Stone, launch their final assault against the remainder of the Justice Society. A hero dies and the JSA will never be the same again.