DCM Timely

No. 3


JSA:  A Hero's Final Repose
Everything Is Made To Be Broken
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Human Torch
Star-Spangled Kid
Blue Diamond
The Hulk
Plastic Man
Johnny Thunder
Marvel Boy
Steve Trevor
The Shade
Psycho Pirate
Tiger Shark
Solomon Grundy

Mount Olympus:

The winged stallion Pegasus flew to the top of the mountain. Riding upon the horse was its master Hercules, the Son of Zeus. Along with Hercules was his unwilling companion Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Hercules had taken the now-powerless Wonder Woman against her objections and forced her to accompany him to Mt. Olympus.

The powerful winds didn't seem to bother the prince of power but Hippolyta was forced to hold on to Hercules' waist to keep from falling off. She hated doing this because she hated Hercules. Centuries ago, he had turned her into a slave. She had waited all the long years since then to find and repay him. Now that they've finally met, Hippolyta was stripped of her powers by a different enemy. This left her unable to enact her revenge. Furthermore, it left her unable to prevent Hercules from carrying her off. Worse still, her JSA partners and her beloved Steve Trevor were all in danger and there was nothing she could do to help them as long as she was in Hercules' clutches.

"Home!" Hercules said. "Glorious Mount Olympus. Down Pegasus."

The stallion landed on the edge of the mountaintop, on the periphery of the dimensional rift that separates Earth from Olympus, home of the gods. Hercules climbed down from Pegasus. "We have arrived, my beauteous Hippolyta. Step through the portal and thou will be in my world."

"Hercules, please, you have to return me to Washington," she said. "I'm needed there! People are in danger! You don't understand how important this is. I implore you to bring me back."

"Nonsense," Hercules said. "We shall enjoy the wonders of Olympus and make merry. Old grudges shall be forgotten and we shall drink from the fruits of splendor. Rejoice, my beauty, for paradise is ours."

"But Steve and the others . . . "

"Mere mortals," Hercules said. "They matter little in the grand scheme of things. Why should we let it spoil our fun? Forget such trivialities and revel in the company of the mighty Hercules."

"I told you, I hate you!" she said. "So unless you intend to force yourself on me against my will, you'll get no pleasure from me!"

"Ha!" Hercules laughed. "I love thy spirited willfulness. But surely no woman can resist the charms of Hercules. Thou wilt be a challenge. But soon enow, thou shalt willingly fall into my arms."

Frustrated, Hippolyta crossed her arms and gritted her teeth. She sat upon the horse as Hercules led Pegasus toward the portal. If only I still had my strength and speed, she thought, despairingly. Without them, I'm helpless against Hercules. And while I'm here being his plaything, Steve and the JSA are in deadly danger. But there's nothing I can do to help them!

Hercules led Pegasus into the portal, with the unwilling Wonder Woman in tow.

JSA Mansion:

Captain America had gathered the JSA members for an unscheduled meeting. First, the Flash went missing. Then the Sentinel didn't report back when Cap sent him to search. Finally, when Cap arrived at the mansion, Toro and Wonder Woman were nowhere to be found. The Human Torch said that Toro had gone to see Wonder Woman, but wouldn't say what about.

Cap's instincts were sending him a Red Alert, so he gathered the troops for an impromptu meeting. When only four of them showed up, his fears seemed validated. Cap explained the situation to Dr. Mid-Nite, the Star-Spangled Kid, the Black Canary and the Human Torch. Wildcat, who'd been on reserve duty lately, also showed up.

"I don't have much to go on, but every fiber of my being is telling me that we have a problem," Cap said.

"Normally I'd say you're jumping the gun," Wildcat said. "But I know from experience that Cap doesn't cry wolf. If you're smellin' something, then I'd bet the farm that the bad guys are up to no good."

"I think the first thing to do is find a way to track our missing members," Cap said. "Lacking any clues, magic seems to be the best way. Since we don't know how to get in touch with Dr. Fate, we need alternatives. Mid-Nite, look around and see if Miss Venus is anywhere in this maze of a mansion. Bucky, try to get in touch with Johnny Thunder. Maybe his Thunderbolt can help. I'm going to call John Zatara."

The three heroes went off on their tasks, and Wildcat left the room also, leaving the Black Canary and the Human Torch alone. There was an awkward silence. The last time they got together, the Black Canary had shouted at the Torch needlessly, in a pique of temper.

"Jim, look, I'm sorry," she said. "What I said before . . . "

"Can we talk about this some other time?" the Torch interrupted.

Black Canary was surprised. The Torch had never been so short with her before. She knew she'd hurt him, but she hadn't realized how much until she heard the coldness in his voice.

"Jim . . . " she began.

The sound of a crash ended the conversation. The Torch and the Black Canary ran to the source of the ruckus. There was a big hole in the wall. Solomon Grundy, Tiger Shark and Ultra-Man stood there.

"Knock, knock," Ultra-Man said. "Mind if we come in?"

The Human Torch threw himself protectively in front of the Black Canary and ignited his flame. He fired a wide burst of fire. Tiger Shark backed up. Solomon Grundy roared but tolerated the scorching attack. Ultra-Man didn't seem affected by the flames at all.

"Is that all you've got?" Ultra-Man asked.

"Try this on for size, big boy!" the Black Canary yelled, and unleashed her sonic scream. Ultra-Man's acute super-hearing magnified the attack. He covered his ears, staggered by the sound. Solomon Grundy was also stunned by the attack.

"Go find the others, Dinah" the Human Torch yelled. "I'll hold them!"

"But . . . "


The Black Canary nodded and ran off to find her allies. Ultra-Man, Tiger Shark and Solomon Grundy moved in on the Torch. He used his flame to create an army of Flame Duplicates. The three villains found themselves faced with a seeming swarm of Human Torch's. They each attacked the closest one, only to have it dissipate into nothingness. They continued to fight their way through the Duplicates. Wave after wave of Human Torch images confronted them, confusing them.

In another part of the mansion, the Hulk crashed through another wall, followed by the Blue Diamond.

"That's a prime piece of real estate you're ruining, Hulk," the Blue Diamond said.

"Everything's made to be broken," the gray giant said. "And call me Mr. Fixit."

Black Canary came across Hulk - a.k.a. Mr. Fixit - and the Blue Diamond. "Thank heavens," she said.

"Good to see you too, babe!" Fixit said. He suddenly grabbed the Black Canary around the waist with his huge hand and lifted her up. "I've been waiting to see you again," he said.

"Hulk, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Giving you the welcome you deserve," he said, squeezing her slightly.

She gasped. "What are you . . . you're hurting me!"

"What goes around comes around, pretty birdie," Mr. Fixit said.

""You're crushing me!"

"Everything's made to be broken!"

"Blue Diamond," she choked, barely able to speak. "Help . . . "

"Sorry, my dear," he said. "We don't play for the same team any more."

She began to realize what was happening, and her heart pounded with fear.

Meanwhile, Captain America was leaping through the mansion, avoiding eldritch lightning bolts. Morganna Le Fey had appeared from nowhere, and she wasn't very happy with Cap.

"You trapped me in limbo!" she yelled. "Now, I shall see that you suffer the tortures of the damned!"

Cap blocked the lightning bolts with his shield, heading for the armory where he could find iron weapons. Iron was what he had used to defeat her before, and he hoped would work again.

Dr. Mid-Nite was faced with Skurge the Executioner. The blind hero barely evaded the Asgardian's battle-ax. Mid-Nite threw a blackout bomb, hoping to blind the huge warrior, but the Executioner was a hunter God, with eyes that could see in the blackest void. The smoke bomb was no obstacle for him.

Blackbriar Thorn wrapped a jagged vine around Mid-Nite's ankle, tripping him. Mid-Nite seemed to be a sitting duck for the Executioner's blade, but then Hooty the Owl swooped in and tore the vine holding Mid-Nite. Mid-Nite rolled out of the way just in time. He and Hooty raced done the hall, pursued by the Executioner and Blackbriar Thorn. The Harlequin was lurking nearby, as well, watching.

In another room, on the second floor . . .

The Psycho Pirate was using his power on Bucky. "You're useless," he told Bucky. "You're the weak link. You're a burden on the team. They'd be better off without a loser like you."

Bucky started to cry, filled with self-loathing by the Psycho Pirate. "I'm useless."

Blue Diamond happened upon this scene. "We have no time for games," he said, and slapped the Star-Spangled Kid, who fell to the floor. "Forget the boy. He's not worth bothering with."

Downstairs . . .

Ultra-man, Tiger Shark and Solomon Grundy finished off the Flame Duplicates and realized . . .

"None of them are the real Human Torch!" Tiger Shark said. "He tricked us! He slipped off while we wasted time with these stupid decoys!"

Ultra-Man tried to scan the building with his x-ray vision. "I can't see through the walls. This damn building must be magical. We'll have to hunt for him. Let's split up."

Meanwhile . . .

The Human Torch found Mr. Fixit squeezing the agonized Black Canary and laughing. "No one messes with the Mr. Fixit, pretty birdie. You're gonna pay for snubbing me!" Fixit said.

The Torch already hated the gray behemoth. When he saw this, his AI temper flared. He headed like a missile toward the Fixit, firing a flame burst that the gray behemoth shrugged off.

"Don't try to save this little tramp!" Mr. Fixit said. "She always treated you like dirt anyway."

"Leave her alone!" He said, pelting Fixit with fireballs. Mr. Fixit hardly seemed fazed. The Torch's mobility was impaired by the size of the corridor. This gave Fixit an advantage. With more speed than the Torch expected, Fixit leaped and tackled the Torch in the air. He brought the fiery android down and pummeled him into the floor.

Black Canary, barely conscious, saw the Torch being smashed to bits. "Oh God . . . "

With little except his head still functioning, the Torch looked over at the Canary. "Dinah . . . I love you . . . "

With a final smash, the Human Torch was destroyed. The Canary gasped. "Jim!"

Mr. Fixit smiled. "Everything's made to be broken. And now for you, little bird."

Meanwhile . . .

Wildcat was trying to hold off Solomon Grundy. The monstrous being seemed impervious to harm, no matter what Wildcat hit him with. Just then Cap came racing down hall from the other direction, pursued by Morganna Le Fey. Ultra-Man had joined her. Dr. Mid-Nite came down a third corridor, chased by Thorn, Harlequin and the Executioner. The Blue Diamond and the Psycho Pirate came from yet another direction. At the intersection of two corridor's, Cap, Mid-Nite and Wildcat were surrounded and trapped.

"The game is over, Captain," the Blue Diamond said. "I've won!"

"You're behind this?" Cap asked, appalled. "We treated you like a teammate. Instead, you're a -- "

"A traitor?" the Blue Diamond asked. "Yes, yes. I hear that quite a lot. But we have to cut this charming conversation a bit short. You must be eliminated. I was going to kill you, but my new toy - the Norn Stone - requires soul sacrifices. And you three oh-so-pure souls will be perfect. So, goodbye Captain. For what it's worth, I did respect you."

Morganna created a stasis vortex, freezing the trio in time, until they could be brought to the Norn Stone and absorbed by it. The Blue Diamond nodded. "Perfect. Carry them back to the Diamond Suite, and we can sacrifice them to the stone. This is game, set and match. It's over. We've won! The JSA is no more!"

Wonder Woman and Hercules emerged on the other side of the Mount Olympus dimensional rift. Still atop Pegasus, Hippolyta saw the grand realm of the Gods, its towering castles and palaces, its shining spires. Though still on the outer fringes of the realm, in the plains where hunters thrive, the city loomed large and glorious. Hercules led Pegasus and his reluctant passenger through the fields and plains leading to the city.

"Is it not as I described, lovely one?" Hercules asked. "Is there a finer place is all existence than here in the bosom of gods?"

"I might be inclined to be impressed were I here willingly," Hippolyta said. "But a prisoner is hardly likely to be impressed by her prison."

"A prison?" Hercules asked. "Hardly so. Tis paradise thou sees."

Hercules released Pegasus and made a proud sweeping gesture toward the expanse of his homeland. Wonder Woman saw an opportunity. She tried to urge Pegasus to move, hoping to ride the horse back to Earth. But the stallion wouldn't move an inch. She kicked harder, and only succeeded in causing the winged horse to buck her off its back angrily.

Hippolyta was sent hurtling through the air, tumbling feet-over-head. She feared that, without her strength, she would break her neck on impact. To her surprise, Hercules caught her in his powerful arms.

"Such a delightful morsel that falls from the sky," Hercules said. "Thou shouldst not enrage the feisty Pegasus. He likes not being kicked. And he will obey none but his good master Hercules."

"Put me down!" she yelled.

"Such ingratitude," Hercules said, dropping her onto her hindquarters. "Satisfied?"

Sneering, she rose and dusted off the back of her skirt. Hercules laughed.

"Follow me then on foot, my spirited Amazon beauty," Hercules said.

Hercules and Pegasus walked toward the city. Wonder Woman lagged behind. Looking out at the broad expanse of the wilds of the outer regions, she considered losing herself therein, until Hercules got tired of looking for her. After that, she could slip into the Olympian city and find one of her patron Goddesses' such as Aphrodite, Athena or Hera. Perhaps one of them would be good enough to send her back to Earth. They may even be able to restore her power. It seems like the wisest plan, she thought.

Once Hercules was far enough ahead, she made a dash for the woods. She was nearly there before Hercules noticed her attempted escape. She hoped that he would not use the horse to chase her, because she could not outrun Pegasus now that she had lost the speed of Hermes.

Hercules just stood and watched her run. He seemed more amused than upset by this turn of events. Hippolyta didn't care what he was thinking, as long as he didn't give chase. She reached the woods and hoped to conceal herself. Looking over her shoulder for Hercules, she didn't see the lurking menace until she stepped on it. She awakened a sleeping monster.

It sprang up instantly, looking for a meal. It was a fifty-foot long snake-like beast, with dorsal spines and horns on its head. It reared, studying its prey. Wonder Woman backed away, knowing that she couldn't fight this creature in her present powerless condition. The beast, sensing it's pray was no threat, toyed with the woman. It slithered in a loop, surrounding her. She attempted to vault over it, but it's tail whipped out and rapped up her legs. She fell to the ground.

The snake began to wrap itself more tightly over her legs, constricting. It slid its way up her body, encircling her around the waist and torso. One of her arms was pinned. She stretched out with the other, hoping to reach a rock or some other possible weapon. But nothing was within her grasp. Even at such a moment, she thought only of her friends. She feared dying only because Steve and the others needed her help. She had to survive, to return to Earth and help them. To her dismay, she saw only one way out of her present peril. She hated to do it, but she knew that help could only come from one source now. From the man she hated most!

"Hercules!" she cried out. "I need you!"

The beast encircled her from shoulder to ankle and began to constrict tighter and tighter. Wonder Woman gasped, unable to breathe. Looking up, she saw the large figure of Hercules springing out of the brush.

"Doth thou still seek to escape my company?" Hercules asked. "Or am I less objectionable now?"

His mighty hands tore the beast from its intended prey. The creature tried to substitute Hercules as its meal instead. But the prince of power made short work of the creature, tearing it apart. The easy victory was disappointing to Hercules and he thought no further of the beast.

He looked down and Wonder Woman, who lay on the ground, getting her breath back. She was humiliated at having to look to the hated Hercules for aid. He gathered her up in his arms and carried her back to Pegasus. She was strangely silent and compliant.

"No words of protest?" he asked. "No venomous barbs, speaking thy hated of the 'despoiler' Hercules?"

"You saved my life," she said. "Why?"

"Perhaps I am not the monster thou doth believe me to be," he said.

She thought deeply as she allowed herself to be carried back to Pegasus.

Salem, Massachusetts:

Kent Nelson was buried in the rubble of his fallen tower. The Tower of Fate had been blown up by enemies unknown to him. He was pinned under the debris. Separated from the Helmet of Nabu, and the Amulet of Order, he could not become Dr. Fate, and thus was powerless. Kent cursed himself for not paying closer attention to those nagging thoughts of dread that haunted him when he arrived in the tower. Now he was paying the price.

His tower was in the middle of nowhere, on private property, surrounded by 'Do Not Disturb' signs. Even if someone had heard the explosion, no one was coming to help. And the mystic defenses around the sanctuary would keep them away, in any case. He was on his own. And he was no way out. He cried out to the Lords of Order for help. But without the power of Dr. Fate, the message did not reach his mystic masters. He was running out of air.

And then, he saw something. It looked to be black, octopus-like tentacles snaking through the rubble. At first he thought he was hallucinating, but soon the strange saviors were pulling the chunks of rubble away, freeing him from his trap. Fresh air, at last!

A man stepped out of the smoke and dust. He was a dark-haired man in Victorian garb and a top hat. He carried a walking stick, and bowed gracefully to Kent.

"You really should pick up the place before company comes, my good man," the Shade said.

Kent was surprised. Why was a criminal like the Shade coming to his rescue? "Hello, Shade."

Kent struggled to rise. His left leg was injured. The Shade took his arm and helped support him.

"Why are you -- ?"

"Later for exposition," the Shade said. "For now, my good chap, you and your fellows have a spot of bother to attend to."

"The rest of the JSA are in danger, too?" Kent asked.

"They are not having a happy day," the Shade responded.

"Help me find my helmet," Kent asked. "It's in this mess somewhere."

"It could be anywhere," the Shade said. "Searching could take all day. Your friends don't have the time."

"Find the Sentinel," Kent said, giving a JSA transmitter to the Shade, and setting it to the Sentinel's frequency. "Find him. With his ring, he can help me find my helmet quickly!"

"Will you be all right here?"

"I'll be okay, Shade. Our enemies think I'm dead. Just help me find my helmet and I'll show them how wrong they are!"

The Sentinel awoke, tied up in the Harlequin's lair. She had taken him by surprise and hypnotized him. When he came to his senses, he found himself bound and his ring taken from him. He'd been unable to free himself. What was the Harlequin up to?

Sentinel saw a black portal open in the room. He wondered nervously what was coming out of it. He didn't know how to react when the Shade stepped forth.

The Shade tipped his hat. "I didn't know that you were into the bondage thing."

"What's the game, Shade?"

The Shade didn't answer. Instead, he freed the Sentinel. "No ring?" the Shade asked.

"No," the Sentinel said. "But I know who has it!"

The Star-Spangled Kid had been overlooked. The Blue Diamond hadn't taken him. The Kid recovered, found the others gone, and rushed off to get reinforcements. He recruited his two partners in the Young Allies; the Fury and Marvel Boy. They carefully slipped back towards the mansion, ready for anything.

"Wait!" a familiar voice said.

Bucky and the others saw the Sentinel and the Shade hiding in the bushes nearby.

"Glad to see you," the SS Kid said. "I thought they got you too."

Bucky and the Sentinel exchanged information, filling each other in. Just then, the Injustice Society exited the mansion. The Executioner opened a large void in space/time and the villains all went through, carrying the frozen-in-stasis Cap, Wildcat, and Dr. Mid-Nite. They all vanished. All but the Harlequin, who stayed behind. She rounded the corner and walked into the bushes. "I know you're here."

Sentinel stepped out. "How'd you know?"

"I get a sense about you, honey," she said. "We're connected. Like soul mates. I know you."

"My ring," Sentinel said. "Now!"

"I love it when you're all tough like that," she said, tossing him his magic ring. "Now, excuse me."

"I could arrest you," Sentinel said.

"I could have killed you," she said. "Instead, I cut myself to provide a bloody dagger to prove to Blue boy that you were wasted." She showed her slashed arm to the Sentinel. "I'm leaving now," she said.

"Let her go," the Sentinel told the group, as Harlequin walked away. He was sorry to see her go.

I need to focus! he thought, and addressed his men, putting his ring back on his finger. "All right, group! As deputy leader, I'm taking charge. First, we help Dr. Fate find his helmet. The Shade knows where we can find the enemy. We'll hit them hard and fast! We'll show them what justice really is!"


Wonder Woman sat upon Pegasus, as Hercules tended to her minor leg wound. She didn't know how to feel about all this. The man she's hated for so long had saved her life and was now ministering to her.

"Why are you being so kind, all of a sudden?" she asked.

"Perhaps I wish to show thee that I am not what thou may think I am," Hercules said. "Not any longer."

"What you did to me and my Amazon sisters . . . " Hippolyta began.

"I know I have wronged thee," Hercules said. "But that was centuries ago. I was a foolish youth, spurred on by the taunts of Ares. I am no longer the . . . Despoiler."

"Is this an apology?" she asked.

"A god need not apologize," Hercules said. "Not even to a mortal. I am merely explaining."

"I've hated you for so long," she said. "Now I find myself in your debt. I don't know how to react to this."

"Perhaps thou mayest begin by accepting that I am not a monster," Hercules said.

Hippolyta realized something. "Is that why you really brought me here? You want my forgiveness."

Hercules was silent for a moment. "Even a god may know guilt. I have made many an error in my long years, but what I did to thee was by far the worst. I need to ease my troubled brow."

"You want atonement?"

"Aye, Milady," the Olympian said. "And only thou mayest offer it to me."

"You won't win my forgiveness by holding me prisoner," she said. "Return me to Earth, and we'll discuss whether or not I can find it in my heart to absolve you of your sins."

The Injustice Society had regrouped at the Diamond Suite. The Enchantress used the Norn Stone to absorb Cap, Wildcat, and Dr. Mid-Nite as sacrifices. They were turned to ethereal wisps and sucked into the stone.

"I shall sacrifice those others as well," she said. "Sub-Mariner, Plastic Man, Johnny Thunder, Toro, and the Flash. Their souls will add to the power of the Norn Stone and the Spectre shall not be alerted, since no innocent blood hath been spilled."

"Perfect," the Blue Diamond said. "All has ended well. Just as you wished. Are you happy, my love?

"Deliriously!" she said.

The Injustice Society members - except Mr. Fixit, who had taken the Black Canary somewhere - were getting restless. Mingling wasn't their specialty, and they didn't fully trust their partners. It was time to split up and start moving on. The JSA had been beaten and now the world was up for grabs.

They waited too long. They should have left. They didn't. The Enchantress took them by surprise. She unleashed the power of the Norn Stone. They all screamed in fury as the Enchantress sucked their souls into the Norn stone. "Tis done! Each soul I absorb increases the power of the stone. Soon, twill be powerful enough to defeat even mighty Odin himself! Soon, I shall rule all Asgard."

"And I will be there, at your side," the Blue Diamond said.

"Do you think so?" the Enchantress said, preparing to use the Stone to absorb Blue Diamond's soul.

Pegasus landed in the yard of the JSA manor, with Hercules and Hippolyta on his back. Wonder Woman jumped off and ran into the mansion. Hercules followed her in.

Inside, she found the signs of a struggle. No one was around. She could only assume that the rest of the JSA had been taken as well. For all she knew, she was their only hope. And she was powerless!

"This is a nightmare!" she said, pacing in frustration and despair. "My friends are in the clutches of madmen, and there's nothing I can do to help them! I'm powerless! If I only had my strength . . . "

The word 'strength' made her think of Hercules. He was standing nearby, looking at a big hole in the wall.

"Hercules, you must save them for me!" she said.

"I?" He asked. "Fight on behalf of mortals? Why should I wish to do thus?"

"Because, if you do, I'll speak the words you want to hear," she said. "I'll speak words of forgiveness."

In the Diamond Suite . . .

Mr. Fixit was on the lowest level of the Diamond suite. He had the Black Canary and Thomas Halloway tied up. "Two lovers, together. It's touching, I tell ya!" Fixit said.

"If there's any decency left in you -- " the Black Canary began.

"There isn't!" Fixit interrupted. "All that's left in here is hate! And you're gonna feel it!"

Just then, the alarm went off. "What the . . . ?" Fixit asked.

Upstairs . . .

The Enchantress was about to use the Norn Stone on the Blue Diamond when the alarm went off. The Blue Diamond checked his cameras. They weren't working. "We've got company," he said.

Outside . . .

Kent Nelson had found his helmet and become Dr. Fate again. Fate healed his own leg and then joined Sentinel, the SS Kid, Marvel Boy, the Fury and the Shade in storming the enemy camp. The Blue Diamond's alarms briefly detected their arrival, until the Sentinel used his ring to scramble the signal.

"Hit them hard and fast!" the Sentinel said.

The JSA members burst through the wall of the Estate. The Enchantress was waiting for them in the main living room. She held up the Norn Stone. "Greetings, foolish mortals. Welcome to the final moments of thy pathetic lives."

The JSA members attacked the goddess, but they hadn't reckoned with her new power. The Norn Stone increased her Asgardian Sorcery a hundredfold. With a gesture, she sent the JSA members reeling. The Sentinel and Dr. Fate tried to counter attack, but her defenses were too great. She battered them with spells and mystic bolts of power. The JSA members were as powerless as children against her new abilities.

"Glorious!" she sang, joyfully. "The power is mine! No one can stop me!"

Downstairs . . .

Mr. Fixit had released the Black Canary and was manhandling her. He threw her to the ground. "You didn't want any part of me before," he said, angrily. "I went through Hell in that Hyperbolic time chamber and you snub me like the witch you are! Well now, you're gonna make me happy!"

"Stay away from her!" Tom Halloway yelled.

"Shut yer trap, Halloway," Mr. Fixit said. "After I have my fun with little Miss two-face here, I'll deal with you!"

Black Canary tried to scream, but Fixit covered her mouth with his powerful hand. The Canary struggled to no avail. Tom Halloway watched this, tortured by the sight. His heart pounded and his adrenaline increased . . . and he started to change!

Upstairs . . .

The Enchantress was winning her fight against the JSA. But then, she felt an agonizing pain. It was as if the Norn Stone was fighting back against her. Dr. Fate noticed her pain and realized what was happening.

"It's the power of a pure soul," Dr. Fate said. "A soul too pure and good to be corrupted to the Enchantress' evil purposes. That soul is fighting her. It's the soul of Captain America!"

The Enchantress lost control of the Norn Stone. In that instant, all the stolen souls escaped and re-materialized . . . The Injustice Society, along with Wildcat, Dr.Mid-Nite, and Captain America.

The Enchantress felt weak and dizzy. The Norn Stone had lost most of its power, leaving her vulnerable. She feared what would happen if the members of the Injustice Society got hold of her. They'd want vengeance. She used her remaining powers to turn herself invisible and ran from the room.

There was a great deal of confusion between the Injustice Society and the Justice Society as to who was on whose side, and who should be fighting whom. But natural enemies in the same place, in a tense situation, inevitably came to blows. The simple Solomon Grundy lashed out at Sentinel and a massive brawl broke out. The odds were greatly against the JSA members.

Outside . . .

Hercules and Wonder Woman arrived aboard Pegasus. Wonder Woman pointed. "In there!"

"Remain here, maiden," Hercules said. "I shall thrash these villains swiftly."

Wonder Woman waited outside, knowing that she would be a liability without her powers. "Good luck, Hercules," she whispered.

Back Inside . . .

The Injustice Society was winning their brawl against the JSA members. Suddenly, Hercules entered.

"It's that jerk from before," Ultra-man said. "I'll take care of him."

Ultra-Man rammed into Hercules, but was surprised at the fact that the Olympian stood up to the impact. Hercules returned a mighty blow and a battle of titans ensued.

Downstairs . . .

Thomas Halloway had changed. Even though he and the Hulk had been split into two halves, the good side of the Hulk was still in him. The innocent, simple Hulk of months ago re-appeared.

"Hulk smash!" the old Hulk roared.

Fixit released the Black Canary. "Well, well, well. It's my twin brother. Damn, you're good looking."

The two Hulks locked up, exchanging powerhouse blows, unequaled by any other living being!

Meanwhile . . .

The Executioner had had enough of all this. Why do I still battle? For the Enchantress, who tried to steal my soul? I refuse to continue this useless battle! The Executioner opened a portal and exited the battle.

Tiger Shark had a similar idea. He had defeated the Sub-Mariner. Why go on with this? He fled the scene, heading for a nearby river.

Psycho Pirate tried to use his Medusa mask, but he was knocked out by a punch from Dr. Mid-Nite.

The Shade opened a rift to the Shadow-verse, and the Sentinel used his ring to shove Solomon Grundy into it. The Shade closed the rift, trapping Grundy in that dark realm.

Dr. Fate trapped Blackbriar Thorn and Morganna Le Fey in an orb of preternatural energy.

Ultra-Man was slugging it out with Hercules, when Dr. Fate and the Sentinel came to join him. Ultra-Man realized he was outnumbered, and he was vulnerable to magic. He decided to live to fight another day. "We'll conclude this battle privately, at another time, Hercules!" he said, and flew away at Super-Speed.

Meanwhile, downstairs . . .

The weakened Enchantress collapsed into the arms of the Blue Diamond. The Flash watched from the cage.

"Sounds like things aren't going too well," the Flash said. "Why don't you give up?"

"I am going to give up," he said. "The Enchantress and I are going to flee to fight another day."

"You'd better kill me now," the Flash said. "Because if you let me live, I'll never stop hunting you!"

Blue Diamond seemed to be debating the matter. But he was interrupted by Captain America, who had traced him to his command center. "You're not laying a hand on one of my people while I live!" Cap said.

"You can't stop me!" the Blue Diamond said.

"Try me," Cap said.

The Blue Diamond tried to hit Cap, but the red, white, and blue hero evaded the blows. Cap maneuvered himself to the Stop-Gate, and smashed the lock with his shield. The Flash was free!

Blue Diamond was nervous. It would take the Flash a few seconds outside the cage to build up his speed again. At that moment, the dazed Enchantress dropped the Norn Stone. The Blue Diamond tried to get it, but Cap threw his shield, knocking it away. It slid on the ground, sliding over to the Flash. The Flash picked it up. The Blue Diamond knew he was in trouble.

The Diamond shook the Enchantress. "Concentrate, Amora. You must transport us, now!"

The Enchantress nodded, and spirited herself and the Blue Diamond away. They had escaped.

Flash glared at the empty air. "I'll find you, Elton. This isn't over! I'll find you!"

Meanwhile . . .

The two Hulks were slugging it out, throwing each other around the basement. The savage, simple Hulk charged his counter-part. Fixit sidestepped and managed to get around behind his simple-minded twin.

"Good night, dear brother," Fixit said, grabbing the good Hulk by the head and twisting it . . .

He snapped the Hulk's neck!

Hulk's eyes widened in shock and wonder, and then he fell to the ground, unmoving.

"No!" the Black Canary screamed, running to the Hulk.

Fixit laughed. "Everything's made to be broken!" he said, and reached for the Black Canary.

"Stop!" a voice yelled. It was Captain America. The JSA had arrived. Fixit was surrounded.

"You wanna dance?" Fixit asked them. "Come get some!"

"You are a monster!" Dr. Fate said. "And you have no place on this Earth. I cast you out! I consign you to the nether-realms!"

Combined with the power of the Sentinel, Fate opened a portal to the infernal regions. At first, Fixit resisted being forced in. But Hercules rammed him, knocking him backwards. Fixit stumbled into the vortex, bellowing with rage, and vowing revenge. The portal closed. Fixit was gone.

Everyone huddled around the body of the fallen Hulk. It reverted back to that of Thomas Halloway. The Black Canary cradled his head, tears streaming down her face.

"You're at peace now, my love," she said. The JSA members bowed their heads.


The ambulance arrived and took away the body of Thomas Halloway. Plastic Man, Toro, and Johnny Thunder were freed, and Namor was taken for medical attention. Dr. Phineas Horton had been called upon to examine the damaged Human Torch. Black Canary tried to keep her composure as best she could.

"How's Jim?" she asked.

"Inert, was the word Dr. Horton used," Cap said. "I'm not sure he can be repaired."

"They both loved me," the Black Canary said. "And I didn't treat either of them as well as I should have. I broke their hearts. Now, their deaths have broken mine. I guess it's true . . . everything's made to be broken."

Next: The hunt for the Blue Diamond in Justice Society of America #34.