DCM Timely

No. 4


Justice Society of America
The City in the Sky
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Dr. Fate
Star-Spangled Kid
Black Canary
Steve Trevor
Red Raven
Human Torch
Mr. Fixit

A small island near Madagascar

The base was on Red Alert! Their prisoner was escaping, with the help of an American Super Hero! Secret Base Adolph had been established covertly on the small unnamed island after the Axis' failed attempt to take Madagascar. It's proximity to Africa and the Cape of Good Hope made it convenient, and it was also a good ambush point for shooting down allied planes heading toward Australia or India. A secret base was built there, which was used for holding some of the Reich's most important prisoners.

Major Steve Trevor was one of those prisoners! He'd been there for almost nine months. His celebrity status was due to the fact that he had been Captain America's aide and had been delivered personally to the Nazis by the traitorous Blue Diamond. The Nazis figured he must be something special, so they hid him away on the island POW camp.

The Nazis had been disappointed when they learned that Steve Trevor knew much less classified information than they had anticipated. Despite torture and the administration of some truth serum created by Baron Zemo, Trevor told them nothing significant. His so-called importance had almost been forgotten in the last few months . . . until today!

Hawkman had arrived! He'd spend the last nine months looking for Trevor, as a special favor to Wonder Woman, who'd asked him to find Steve Trevor for her. She had lost her powers at the time and was unable to pierce enemy lines to find her beloved Steve. Hawkman, always excellent at finding things, took up the quest. Finally, after so many months of searching, he'd tracked Trevor to Secret Base Adolph and engineered this prison break.

There were other prisoners in the base, but Hawkman couldn't handle all the well-trained and well armed guards alone, while still protecting dozens of depleted soldiers. There would have been an unacceptable amount of casualties. He made a mental note to return here with help-possibly JSA members-and free the rest of the POW's. In the meantime, he and Steve Trevor were busy fighting their way out. Trevor had grabbed a gun from a fallen Nazi guard. Despite his weakened condition, he proved that he was still a soldier. He got even for the last nine months.

Hawkman was impressed. He could see why Wonder Woman had fallen for Trevor. The Nazi guards could not stop them. They managed to successfully put a lot of distance between themselves and the base. Finally, once they got clear of any pursuit, Hawkman scooped up Major Trevor and flew him to a waiting boat. The craft was a simple fishing boat operated by covert operatives of the OSS to smuggle supplies to resistance fighters. Hawkman had recruited their help. Everyone aboard cheered when Hawkman arrived safely with Major Trevor.

Steve Trevor shook Hawkman's hand. "I can never thank you enough, Hawkman."

"You needn't thank me," Hawkman told him. "I'm always glad to save an American hero from those Nazi swine. And besides, Wonder Woman would kill me if I didn't get you back hail and healthy."

"Wonder Woman," Trevor said, dreamily. "It seems like years since I've seen her. The thought of her was what kept me going all this time."

"You'll see her soon," Hawkman said.

After a few minutes of celebrations and congratulations, the little ship quieted down. Everyone went back to their usual activities and duties. Trevor was given some new cloths and a shave. Hawkman decided to do some flying, to see if they were being followed. He glided gracefully above the boat, like a guardian angel.

And then he saw them! They weren't what he was expecting. From a distance, they liked like silhouettes of himself. Winged beings, swooping like predatory birds! Hawkman didn't know what to make of them, but his instinct's warned him to keep his guard up.

His instincts proved correct. The winged men swarmed all over him, each of them carrying a type of shock stick. Hawkman got a slight shock when one of them grazed his leg. Another was deflected by his wings. These flying attackers - whoever they were - were determined to either kill or capture him! Either way, Hawkman was not going to fold easily. He switched into attack mode. The repressed bloodlust of 100 lifetimes boiled to the surface and he counter attacked with the fury of a true warrior.

The aerial battle was fierce. The winged attackers were skilled fliers, possibly better at maneuvering than Hawkman was, but they were clearly not trained in combat. Hawkman swung his formidable mace, pounding some of his foes. A few of them fell, and others were forced to abandon the battle to rescue their cohorts. Hawkman kicked one in the face, and damaged the wings of another with his saber. Hawkman enjoyed using his ancient weapons. He secretly loved this type of combat.

The remaining two attackers suddenly decided to withdraw. Either they had realized that their efforts were futile, or they had achieved their goal. They flew away quickly. The bird men vanished into the clouds. All gone, like a dream.

Hawkman had a bad feeling. He remembered seeing more silhouettes approaching than he had fought. He dived down to the boat. His fears were realized. The crew of the ship were sprawled around, battered and stunned.

"What happened?" Hawkman asked the captain, when he recovered his wits.

"Some type of flying men attacked us," the Captain said. "We thought they were with you at first. But they hit us hard. They were so fast. We had no time to get to our weapons. And they took your friend!"

"Trevor!" Hawkman yelled. He was doubly angry. Angry that his brilliant rescue had been ruined, and also angry at the thought of telling Wonder Woman that he had lost her beloved Steve.

"They left a message," the Captain added. "They said, if you want the fair haired soldier back, seek him in Avian."

"In Avian?" Hawkman repeated, puzzled. "Where on Earth is Avian?"

New York:

Sentinel flew over the city, peering down angrily like an avenging angel! He'd been scouring the city, harassing the criminal underworld, trying to find the whereabouts of the hit man known as Hammerhead! Hammerhead was responsible for the death of the Sentinel's lover Harlequin. The assassin had escaped the Sentinel's wrath so far, but sooner or later, he would find Hammerhead, and make him pay!

Washington DC: in the mansion HQ of the Justice Society of America:

There was a special event going on in the halls of the mansion. The ceremony was being officiated by the already legendary Captain America, and most of his team was there to celebrate the occasion. Wonder Woman had returned to the fold. She'd had a tough time lately. First she'd lost her powers, been captured by a Titan, regained her powers and then been spirited away to the future for gladiatorial games, and then taken to Mars to be a pawn in a war between lost-lost agents of good and evil. She was finally rescued by her daughter Diana.

Now she was back, powers intact, and ready to return to active status. Captain America did the honors, singing her praises and saying how glad they all were that she was back. Everyone agreed and applauded.

In attendance were JSA members Dr. Mid-Nite, the Flash, the Star-Spangled Kid, Toro, Hawkgirl, Starman, along with Hippolyta's once betrothed Prince Namor, and her proud protégé the Fury. Also present was the mighty Olympian Hercules, who was staying in the mansion, and who had become an unofficial member. Dr. Fate, not surprisingly, hadn't shown, He usually did not, unless it was an emergency. And the Sentinel was also missing, continuing his odd behavior of late. The Flash was worried about him.

Cap was wrapping up his speech. "And now, I proudly reinstate Wonder Woman to active status as a full-time member of the Justice Society of America. Welcome back, Polly."

Wonder Woman was touched by all this. "Thank you all. I consider being among you a great honor. I've missed you all. It feels good to be back."

There was some mingling after that. Wonder Woman talked to her trainee, the Fury. The Amazon Queen was trying to avoid both Namor and Hercules. She knew that they both had designs on her and the clash of male egos between two such powerful beings could be very bad. She'd had fights start over her before, but this could be chaotic. She wondered how to handle it. She was also worried about the long-missing Steve Trevor, her true love. She was considering going to Europe to help Hawkman look for him.

Just then, Hawkgirl approached the Amazon. "Polly, can I see you for a minute?"

"Certainly," Hippolyta answered. "What's on your mind, Shiera?"

"I'm worried about the Black Canary," Hawkgirl said. "You know that she and I have been teaming up lately as detectives."

"Oh yes, I was told about your Birds of Prey agency," Wonder Woman replied.

"Yeah," she said. "Anyway, last week, she went to Australia to follow up a lead on a case she was working on. I haven't heard from her. I know she can take care of herself, but I heard something strange. There was a sighting in Australia of a flying, lizard-like creature. It fit the description of that Sauron jerk we fought in the Savage Land. He escaped, you'll recall. And geographically, Australia is not that far from Antarctica. Perhaps Sauron reached there. And if he's holding a grudge . . . "

Wonder Woman nodded. "I see. You think he may have come across her and harmed her. A very disturbing thought. Perhaps you, Helena, and I should go and see for ourselves. We are all part of this, and the Black Canary is our friend."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Hawkgirl said. "We gals gotta stick together."

"Right!" the Fury agreed, eager to go to the Canary's rescue.

Wonder Woman talked to Captain America, who gave them his blessings to go and investigate. "The Canary may not be an active member right now, but she's still one of us. Once a JSA member, always a JSA member. Good luck!"

Wonder Woman sought out her patron Goddess, and owner of the Mansion, Miss Venus (a.k.a. Aphrodite) who agreed to use her magic powers to transport Queen Hippolyta, Hawkgirl and the Fury to Australia.


Wonder Woman and her two companions spent the better part of a day investigating. Hawkgirl had learned a lot about tracking people down, first from her husband Hawkman and then from the Black Canary. Assisted by Wonder Woman's Lasso of truth, they tracked down every possible lead, from sources both upstanding and unsavory. The Fury wished she could contribute more. The young heroine was itching for a good fight.

Arriving at a small coastal town, their activities attracted the attention of another unusual visitor. He was recently arrived also. He wore wings, similar to Hawkgirl. She recognized him from a distance immediately.

"Carter!" she cried, launching like a rocket to meet her husband.

They embraced in the air, and they kissed lovingly. The Halls had been apart for the last nine months.

"God, I've missed you so much," Hawkgirl said. "Who'd have believed that a stodgy old fuddy-duddy like you could have such a hold on me?"

"You always had good taste in men," Hawkman said.

"Shut up and kiss me again, you big dope!"

Wonder Woman and the Fury watched. Hippolyta was getting impatient, wanting to talk to Hawkman about his search for Steve Trevor.

Finally, the winged duo landed. "Hello, Wonder Woman. Fury."

"Hello, Hawkman," Hippolyta said. "It is good to see you again. Still dutifully on the hunt for Major Trevor, I see. I must thank you for your diligence."

"Don't thank me yet," Hawkman said, hating to tell her how he lost Trevor to the bird people. "First, there's something you all need to hear. Come with me."

Hawkman took the three girls to the motel room that he had been using as an HQ. They were startled to see a winged man sitting up on the bed. He wore a red bodysuit, gloves and boots with yellow fringes, a yellow "V" from shoulders to his navel and a yellow belt. His wings were made of a light-weight metal.

Fury looked at Hawkgirl. "Friend of yours?"

"Nope," Hawkgirl said. "But I'm thinking of suing for copyright infringement! Who is this guy, hon? Are we starting to license our gimmick?"

"He calls himself the Red Raven," Hawkman said. "He claims he was injured fighting some other bird people. I have a good reason to believe him."

"Yes, it's all true," the Red Raven said. "I fought them off, but I was injured. After I escaped them, I flew to find a place of shelter, but I passed out over this town. Fortunately, I was not flying too high. I was told that I landed on some hay. The local people were very kind, taking me in and nursing me."

"I heard about it only yesterday," Hawkman said. "I was nearby, bringing some injured OSS operatives to a local facility for medical help, when I was called in on this. I've been talking to him all night. I believe you should hear this tale."

Wonder Woman held up her magic lasso. "Do you mind if I place this lasso gently around you while you talk?"

"Strange custom," Red Raven said. "But acceptable."

Wonder Woman placed her lasso of truth around the Red Raven. He told his story, honestly. "As a child, I was the sole survivor of a plane crash in some New Zealand mountains. After a few days, I was found by a winged man of the Avian race. He took me to his sky kingdom. The ruler of the kingdom adopted me as his own son, having lost his real son not long before. They taught me to fly with these artificial wings they made me. I became the crown prince and official champion of the Avians. I've come to love them and think of them as my people."

The Red Raven paused then continued. "A few years ago, pollution from your world began to poison my sky home. My people were becoming ill. Unable to cure us, the doctors invented a suspended animation gas that held us all in status, in protective tubes. One doctor remained awake to find a cure. I was immune to the disease, so I stayed awake to help him. As he got sicker, he knew he wouldn't live long enough to find a cure. So he reprogrammed our android servant. It was a large and powerful beast of burden. The doctor programmed it with great intelligence and all the accumulated knowledge of our race. He even gave it a second head to store all the knowledge. He called it the Bi-Beast. It was supposed to carry on the research after the doctor died."

"But something went wrong?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Correct," the Red Raven said. "The twin brains caused a schizophrenic breakdown. The Bi-Beast began to feel that it was superior, and not destined to serve the Avians. He felt his destiny lay elsewhere, so he refused to help, no matter how much we begged him. The doctor died and I was soon alone with the creature. But not for long. A flying reptile-like create calling itself Sauron made its way to our world, having escaped from somewhere called the Savage Land. He began to poison the Bi-Beast's mind, telling him about ambition and destiny. He told the Bi-Beat that his destiny was to rule, and despite my protests, the Bi-Beast believed him. They defeated me and locked me away. They claimed my world as their first kingdom."

"First kingdom?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Yes," the Red Raven said. "They have plans to conquer that Savage Land place, and then someplace called Paradise Island."

"Paradise Island!" Wonder Woman cried, alarmed.

"He said something about revenge," the Red Raven replied. "Their Queen did something to him. He wants to punish her and someone called Ka-Zar by conquering their kingdoms. He and the Bi-Beast are forming an army. They are using Sauron's hypnotic powers, combine with a brain washing device created by the Bi-Beast, to turn my people in killers. I managed to escape, and he sent some of them after me. They're afraid of what I might do in retaliation. They want to get me before I get them. I survived one assault, but I knew they'd come after me again."

"But they found me instead!" Hawkman said. "They were clearly disoriented by the brainwashing and it was very dark. They saw me and, not unreasonably, thought I was the Red Raven hiding under a mask. They attacked me but I fought them off."

"My hero," Hawkgirl said.

"Not so heroic," Hawkman said. "I made a huge blunder that I must come clean about. And Wonder Woman, you're not going to like this!"

Hawkman told her about how the Avians stole Steve Trevor out from right under his nose. And then he told her about the message. "Obviously, they deduced that I was protecting the boat and that the people aboard were my allies. They swooped down to take a hostage. Steve Trevor apparently irked them but putting up a savage fight, so they took him as their hostage. They want to use him to draw me - or rather, the Red Raven here - to the Avian Sky city."

"It has worked," the Red Raven said. "I must return. This is my fight!"

Wonder Woman was furious. She punched a hole in the wall and began to pace. "First they take my Steve and then they want to conquer Themescara! And on top of that, Sauron may have done something to my friend the Black Canary! This is intolerable! I must stop him! Red Raven, this is no longer your fight alone! Sauron and the Bi-Beast will face the wrath of the queen of the Amazons!"

"We'll all go," Hawkman said. "But we don't know what kind of opposition to expect, so I say we call in the cavalry. Let's call in the JSA!"

Up in the Avian sky city

The huge, golden creature known as the Bi-Beast was 12-feet high, had three fingers on each hand and two heads. The creature was brilliant but unemotional. It saw no wrong it what it was doing. In fact, it had no conception of right or wrong. It did only what it felt was logical for its own evolution. It worked away, creating its army with no remorse or regret. And it had the patience of a machine.

But Sauron was getting impatient. "Stop procrastinating, Bi-Beast! I hunger for revenge, and your destiny is waiting! Let's just go and destroy the Savage Land and the Amazons!"

"Patience, Sauron," the Bi-Beast said, out of one of its heads. "We need to plan. Strategy and patience are of inestimable value."

"Indeed," said the other head. "The Savage Land is going no place. And as for the Amazons, you admit that you don't even know where they are. We will use our vast intellect to study maps and charts of the whole Earth. We should be able to logically deduce the precise location of this Paradise Island and then send our flying army there. To conquer!"

"Yes, yes!" Sauron said. "To conquer! To have revenge!"

Suddenly, unexpectedly, something began to happen. Something began to appear, to form. It was circular and it made a loud "boom" sound. It was a portal. The Bi-Beast was surprised. "What's this? We seem to have visitors. We think there is someone or something from a distant location coming to see us."

Sauron was nervous about what this meant for his schemes. But the two-headed android was very interested. "Fascinating!"

Moments later, something stepped out of the portal. It was a large, man-like biped. The being was massively muscled. The Bi-Beast could sense the power in the grayish being that had appeared in his city.

"Hello," the Bi-Beast said. "Welcome to our city."

The huge grey creature with the strange clothing looked around. "So, those jerks on Apokolips actually got it right. I never thought this 'Mother-box' gadget would really work. That 'Boom Tube' thing is a real gas. And here I am. Swell!"

"So glad we could pay us a visit," the Bi-Beast said. "What can we do for you?"

The big grey being grinned with Machiavellian glee. "The question is . . . what can I do for you? The oracles on Apokolips say that you're going to have some unwelcome visitors here soon. And Darkseid doesn't like the guys who are coming. Since they rescued my big grey butt, they figure I owe them, so I'm willing to play hit man. I guess I do owe them, so I'm doing them a service. A service that's very compatible with an agenda of my own. I'm looking to kick some butt on a buncha jerks called the Justice Society!"

The JSA (minus Dr. Fate and the Sentinel) appeared in Australia, via a magical assist from Miss Venus. Even Hercules came, when he heard that Hippolyta, who he had feelings for, was involved. They heard the Red Raven's story.

"Right," Cap said. "No point in waiting any longer. Major Trevor and possibly the Black Canary are in danger. And then there's Wonder Woman's kingdom. We have to act now!"

The Red Raven held out a small rock. "This is a Levitation Stone. It is made from part of the floating, anti-gravity rock that causes the Avian city to levitate. It can take us all to the Sky city."

"Then let us wait no longer!" Wonder Woman yelled. "Battle awaits!"

Most of the JSA members stood in the back of a hay-wagon, borrowed from the village. The wagon was encased in a sphere of anti-gravity created by the Levitation Stone. It floated skyward, heading straight toward the cloud city of Avian. Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Starman, and the Red Raven flew under their own power.

"Everybody be on your guard," Captain America said. "We don't know what to expect but we know we're facing greater numbers. Everyone stay sharp!"

The sky city was hidden behind a cloak of invisibility but the Red Raven knew exactly where it was. He led the others through the cloaking field and the floating city came into view. It was almost as big as Manhattan but more futuristic looking. The Avian race was obviously very advanced.

The wagon set down on the edge of the city and the JSA members deployed for action. Cap, as always, reminded everyone why he was in charge. "Ok, group, keep your guard up. Stay close, and that includes you flying members. Polly, I know you're upset but stay calm. Everyone keep your head about you. OK, let's go."

They moved further into the city, gathered defensively together like a close-knit unit. Cap marched at the head, exuding confidence. There was no sign of the enemy. That bothered Cap the most.

Wonder Woman was impatient. "Please, I must find my Steve!"

Cap understood her angst. "All right. We'll break into two groups. Red Raven will take you to the prison where he was held. The Fury and Toro will accompany you. The rest of us will deal with Sauron and the Bi-Beast."

Wonder Woman eagerly followed the Red Raven to the cells. Cap kept moving bravely into the center of the city, followed by the bulk of the team.

And then they saw him! The last being in the world that they expected to see. The hated enemy who had caused two fatalities among the JSA members. They all froze at the sight of the grinning grey giant.

"Mr. Fixit!" Cap yelled, immediately recognizing the evil version of the Hulk, despite his strange, alien clothing.

"Hiya Cappy boy!" Mr. Fixit said. "Good ta see ya again. Too bad our reunion is gonna be so short. I'm gonna kill ya in record time! I gotta remember to thank those guys from Apokolips who rescued me from the Dark Dimension you guys stuck me in. Their boss Darkseid doesn't like you very much. He sent me to ace you jerks! Lucky me!"

Cap sneered. "You killed the real Hulk and destroyed the Human Torch! We haven't forgotten our fallen friends. Now, you're the one who's going to pay!"

"Come and get me!" Mr. Fixit said, eager for the battle.

Cap looked around for Hercules, who he thought would be the key to battling the evil Hulk. After all, he'd fought the real Hulk once, so why not his dark double? But Hercules was nowhere to be found. Where had the Olympian gone?

He must have gone looking for Wonder Woman, Cap thought. Damn!

Cap couldn't look for Hercules now. "Come on, team! Let's get some justice done!"

Cap led the others against the green goliath. The Flash battered Mr. Fixit with super-speed blows. Starman used his gravity rod. Dr. Mid-Nite used his blackout bombs. The Hawks pounded Fixit with their old weapons. Cap threw his formidable shield.

The Sub-Mariner was the most effective against Fixit, using his formidable Atlantean strength to slug it out with the grey monster. He remembered fighting the real Hulk before. It was an unfortunate experience for the sea prince. He was nervous around Mr. Fixit.

"Is this the best you can do?" Fixit asked. "This is gonna be easier than I thought!"

As if things weren't going badly enough for the JSA members, they got worse when the flying Avian army appeared. They swarmed to the attack.

"Oh my," Hawkgirl said. "This is not good!"

The prince of power strolled brazenly through the Sky City, looking for Wonder Woman. He was enamored of her and determined to protect her. "Where art thou, fair one?" he muttered to himself.

He turned a corner and ran into someone, but it wasn't Hippolyta. It was the new master of Avian. It was the Bi-Beast!"

"Greetings, tiny intruder!" the twelve foot android said. "We are the Bi-Beast. We rule here. You should not have come to our city."

"I fear thee not!" Hercules shouted. "Free thy captives and give up thy schemes of attacking Paradise Island, else thou must face the regal wrath of -- "

While Hercules was pontificating, the Bi-Beast leveled him with an uppercut. The android was composed of special material, made denser by the Levitation Stones, and his inner machinery was highly advanced. It was a powerful machine. The Olympian prince was knocked off his feet.

"A mighty blow but deviously struck," Hercules shouted. "No more talk then. Feel the power of the son of Zeus!"

Hercules locked up with the huge android. Their struggle rocked a section of the sky city.

Red Raven led Wonder Woman, Toro, and the Fury to the prison cells. He pointed. "There. That is where prisoners are held."

Wonder Woman rushed ahead. The others tried to keep up with her, but she had the speed of Mercury. And then, another obstacle appeared. They were cut off by the Avian army.

"My brothers," the Red Raven yelled. "Please don't fight me. I am trying to help . . . "

The attempt at reason didn't work. The brainwashing was too intense. The flying soldiers attacked Red Raven and Fury. They were slightly more leery of Toro. His flames singed their wings.

Toro threw fireballs, scattering the attackers, while the Fury and Red Raven did their best to fight hand-to hand. The Fury was at a disadvantage fighting on the ground but her strength was so great that she handed her attackers easily enough.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman entered the prison building. She quickly searched all the cells, easily defeating the guards. She soon found that two were occupied. In one was the Black Canary, and in the other was her beloved Steve Trevor.

"Steve!" she cried, gleefully.

"Hiya angel," Steve said, smiling. "I knew you'd come."

The Black Canary was gagged, to keep her from using her sonic scream.

"Hello, friend Dinah," the Amazon said. "I'll have you both free in a moment."

Wonder Woman was about to rip the door off of Steve's cage, when trouble came.

"Look out!" Trevor yelled.

Wonder Woman turned, just in time to see Sauron soaring towards her. The lizard man rammed into her, clawing her with his sharp talons. Hippolyta's flesh was pierce. She bled from her arm.

Sauron glided further down the large corridor and then swooped around for a second pass. Wonder Woman crouched defensively, keeping her bracelets out in front of her to parry Sauron's claws.

Sauron slowed down and finally halted his attack run. He hovered about ten feet away from the Amazon. She watched the creature warily, ready for any tricks. But she made one mistake . . . She forgot about his hypnotic powers.

He fastened his terrible, large eyes upon her. He did not speak but those eyes seemed to be boring straight into her brain. Hippolyta felt an irresistible force urging her towards him. She fought to resist him. She tried to turn her eyes away but she could not. She was held as if in horrid fascination by those glittering lidless orbs that called to her. Slowly, every step a painful struggle of resistance, she moved toward the horrific creature. She tried to cry out in an effort to awaken her numbing facilities, but no sound passed her lips. If those eyes would but turn away, just for an instant, she felt she might regain control of her steps. But those eyes never left hers. They seemed to burn deeper and deeper, gathering up every last vestige of her will. She made one last heroic stand against the force that drew her on. But in the end, she succumbed. Her last conscious thought was of Steve.

"Angel!" Steve yelled. "Wonder Woman, can you her me?"

Sauron touched down to the floor, standing in front of the hypnotized Hippolyta. "You waste your words, human. She hears nothing but my words. Is that not so, my Amazon slave?"

"Yes master," she replied, with no emotion or expression.

"I should destroy you right now for what you did to me in the Savage land," Sauron hissed. "But I shall wait. Because I have the ultimate punishment for you. You are going to lead me to Paradise Island and then you'll help me destroy your people. Won't you, my dear."

"Yes master."

"Excellent," Sauron said. "Come with me to the map room."

Sauron drifted down the hall, with Wonder Woman following obediently behind. Steve called to her frantically, but it did no good. She did not acknowledge him.

Hercules was doing well in his battle against the Bi-Beast. Despite the size difference, Hercules was the stronger, more fierce and more skilled fighter. The Bi-Beast, though unemotional, was experiencing something close to nervousness. He never calculated such a powerful being into his plans. What to do?

Nearby, Sauron was passing, with his mesmerized captive. He saw the Bi-Beast getting the worst of his struggle with the Olympian. Sauron needed the Bi-Beast and his army to get his revenge. The Bi-Beast must not fall!

"Go, Wonder Woman," he commanded. "Destroy the bearded muscleman!"

"Yes master," she said, charging mindlessly into the fray.

Hercules was enjoying the combat until, to his shock, Wonder Woman appeared and punched him squarely in the jaw. Hercules toppled back.

"What madness is this?" he asked, baffled. "What possesses thee, woman?"

Sauron came swooping over head. "Destroy him! Destroy the invader!"

Wonder Woman hit Hercules again. Hercules was stunned. But when he recovered, he figured out what was happening. "So! Yon flying villain is the Sauron who we did seek. He has bewitched the fair Hippolyta to turn her against me."

Wonder Woman continued to attack, assisted by the towering Bi-Beast. Hercules could not bring himself to strike Wonder Woman in return. And together, they were more powerful than Hercules. He was at a loss for how to win this battle.

Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Starman were in the midst of a vicious aerial battle with the bird men of the Sky City. On the ground. Cap was leading the battle against Mr. Fixit. Dr. Mid-Night and the Star-Spangled Kid were unconscious. Namor was making a valiant stand against Fixit, but was getting the worst of it. And the Flash seemed to have mysteriously vanished.

Captain America paused to take stock of the situation. He realized that they weren't going to win this way. With Hercules AWOL, and without the services of Dr. Fate and the Sentinel, they didn't have the raw power to win this one in a straight up fight. They needed help. But where could help come from, up here in the clouds?

Black Canary and Steve Trevor were still in their cells. The Canary was bound and gagged, unable to pick the lock on her cell or use her sonic powers. Steve was able to move around his cell, for all the good it did him. They were both stymied.

A guard came, one of the bird-men. He carried some sort of gun.

"Sauron says that you have served your purpose here," the bird guard said. "You've baited Wonder Woman here. You are no longer needed. You must be eliminated. I give you a few moments to make peace with whatever deities you worship."

The guard held the gun up at the Black Canary. She tried not to show any fear, but inside, terror gripped her. She was about to be shot and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it. She was scared and angry and frustrated. She didn't want to die! Her thoughts wildly clung to hope of a last minute rescue by someone!

And then the unexpected happened. There was a burst of fire and light. It seemed that a mini firestorm had appeared out of nowhere. The flames stretched out and engulfed the guard. He screamed in agony as he was incinerated.

Trevor averted his eyes but the Canary watched in stunned fascination as the flames seemed to take form . . . The form of a man. A man she knew. Although less defined than she remembered, the resemblance was unmistakable. And the way the faceless flaming form stared at her left no doubt as to the identity of her rescuer.

She stared, amazed at the return of the Human Torch.

The Human Torch melted the bars of her cell and burned off her bonds. He was hotter than she remembered so he didn't stand to close. She looked at him, gratefully and tenderly. "Jim, is that really you? I thought you were dead."

The flaming silhouette said nothing. The Canary thought she could almost see through him, as if he had no body. As if he were composed only of flame.

"Jim, I don't know what's happened to you, but we need your help. We're in trouble. We need you!"

Without a word, the Torch took off, burned a hole in the wall and flew outside. The Canary didn't know what to think. She proceeded to pick the lock on Trevor's cell.


Toro, the Fury and the Red Raven were fighting a squad of the Avian army. They were doing well, but the opposition seemed endless. The bird-men kept coming.

Suddenly, the Human Torch arrived. Toro immediately recognized him. "Jim?"

The Torch floated, and increased his flame. His powers seemed much greater than before. Flames spit out in every direction, like fireworks. Fireballs were everywhere. The bird men were struck and burned by flames. If they were somewhat intimidated by Toro, they were terrified of the infinitely more powerful flaming being that lit up the skies over the floating city.

Scorched and overpowered, the bird men retreated. The three heroes looked at the Torch, confused. Toro floated up to his former mentor. "Jim? Is that you?"

The Torch paused, looking at Toro, and then sped off, as if he knew where else he was needed. Toro followed, calling his name, but the Torch was much faster.

Hercules was still fighting his two opponents. He kept trying to reach Hippolyta with his words, but she was too firmly held under Sauron's power. She and the Bi-Beast continued to double team the Olympian.

Suddenly, this flying fireball came streaking out of the sky, like a meteor. The Torch's flame had increased to Nova-Heat proportions. Even Hercules was affected by the fiery humanoid projectile as it descended angrily from the heavens.

The flaming being rammed into the Bi-Beast, exploding with a force that rocked the entire floating island. The heat was unbelievable. Hercules cringed. If Wonder Woman had been closer, she would have been badly burned. As it was, considering her distance, she was slightly singed.

Hercules looked at the smoking crater, and the mutilated machine parts that used to be the Bi-Beast. Even Hercules was amazed. "Zounds! Not since the thunderbolts of my father have I seen such heavenly fire!"

The explosion of light and fire had another effect. It shocked Wonder Woman from her trance. She looked around, befuddled. "What? Where . . . Hercules, what's happened? I can't remember . . . "

"Fear not, fair one," Hercules said. "All will be made clear in time. For the nonce, battle awaits!"

The bird men were massing for another attack. Starman and the Hawks were tired and didn't know how long they could hold off the flying army.

Fortunately, they didn't have to. The Flash saw to that. He'd come up with a great idea. After having heard the Red Raven story about the suspended animation gas, the Flash raced through the city at light-speed and searched the places that looked like science labs. As a scientist, he recognized the ether-like smell, and the way the vials were stored in a central, easy to find place. He reasoned that he had found the suspended animation formula.

Flash ran back to the fight. Throwing the gas canister down, shattering it, the Flash twirled his arms, creating a tornado-like wind that blew the gas into the air.

High in the sky, where the bird army was massing for another attack, the gas filled the air around them. Unable to think or remain conscious, they started to fall, one-by-one.

Starman got caught in the gaseous attack. Hawkman figured out what was happening and admired the Flash's cleverness. "Shiera, keep back! The gas has been released. I'll save Starman."

Flash continued to neutralize the enemy while Hawkman rescued Starman from a bad fall. Hawkgirl pulled back. She decided to see what was happening with the battle against Mr. Fixit.

Wonder Woman rushed back to the prison cells where Steve had been held. She saw Steve and the Black Canary coming out of the building.

"Steve!" she cried, as she rushed to embrace the man she had lost nine months earlier. "Thank Hera you're all right!"

"I'm great now, angel."

Black Canary looked around, seeing the flaming trail of the Torch leading to the smoke in the distance. She hoped he was OK. Assuming he was even alive and not some flaming ghost.

Not far away . . .

Sauron watched from hiding. He had seen the Bi-Beast defeated and Wonder Woman freed from his power. The bird men had retreated and momentum was swinging the other way. His instincts told him to flee and fight another day.

Sauron took wing and escaped.

Mr. Fixit hit Cap's shield, sending Cap stunned to the ground. Only Namor remained, but he was getting battered badly by Fixit. The grey giant knocked the weakened Atlantean prince down to the ground. As the real Hulk had once done, he started to stamp Namor into the ground. This time, he was not going to stop until Namor was dead.

Hawkgirl arrived, seeing Namor being battered mercilessly by Fixit and no one was left to help him . . . except her! She swooped to the rescue!

But she made a tragic mistake. The sun was behind her. Fixit saw her shadow coming. He smiled, knowing a new victim was here!

Fixit spun around, his huge powerful fist swinging with lethal force. Hawkgirl saw the mighty, massive fist coming her way. She tried to change her direction, but she was diving so fast that it was difficult to turn so quickly. That fist closed in on her.

And it struck! The infinitely powerful Mr. Fixit, whose punches can shatter mountains, rammed his huge fist into the small, delicate body of Shiera Hall. Fixit held nothing back. Hawkgirl rammed into a blow that could destroy a battleship.

She had no chance. Her body could not withstand the impact. She was destroyed, inside and out. Captain America and Hawkman watched from the distance. They knew that she was dead. Cap was aghast. But that was nothing compared to what Hawkman was feeling.

"Shiera!!" he screamed, with despairing fury. "Noooo!!!" Hawkman dropped Starman, and flew with deranged rage at Mr. Fixit.

Fixit laughed. "Come and get some!"

But Hawkman was not as crazed as Fixit believed. Even now he was thinking . . . but he was thinking about revenge!

Earlier, he had come up with a strategy, but it seemed so inhuman that he decided not to act on it. Heroes didn't do the kind of thing he had thought of. But now, he didn't care about morality! He cared about vengeance!

Hawkman dived at Fixit. Fixit swung at him but Hawkman dipped under the blow, narrowly evading it. Then, he grabbed the small device strapped to Mr. Fixit's huge bicep.

Hawkman had seen a Mother Box before, having had a few space adventures. And moreover, he knew how to use one. He knew it could be lethal! Getting some distance from Fixit, Hawkman operated the Mother Box.

Mr. Fixit was surprised when a Boom Tube opened around him. He was half inside and half outside. He had a bad feeling. He hesitated, confused.

"You've killed three JSA members now," Hawkman said. "Worst of all, you just killed my wife! You don't deserve to live. And you won't any longer! Burn in Hell!"

The Boom Tube closed, halfway around Mr. Fixit. Half of him vanished . . . But the other half did not! He screamed for a brief moment. But only for a moment. His once hateful eyes registered nothing but fear as he breathed his last. What was left of him dropped lifeless to the ground. Mr. Fixit was no more!

Hawkman stood over the fallen form of Mr. Fixit but then forgot him. He ran to the broken, shattered remains of his wife. His precious Shiera was dead. Nothing else mattered. His world had lost its meaning.

Captain America, Flash, and Starman gathered around, as Hawkman cried over his fallen wife.

Soon, the Red Raven was thanking Captain America for his help. Cap was not in a celebrating mood. "I lost a third teammate today. A beautiful young woman is dead. Sorry, but I don't feel like having any parades just now. You're race is free and for you, this is a victory. But from my perspective . . . we lost. When there are casualties, everyone loses! Especially when that casualty is a friend!"

Next: Dracula!