DCM Timely

No. 42


Justice Society of America
Creatures From Beyond
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Dr. Fate
Star-Spangled Kid
Black Canary
Steve Trevor
Red Raven

New Orleans: The funeral of Shiera Hall, better known as Hawkgirl . . .

Hawkgirl was dead! Shiera Hall had sacrificed herself to save a teammate, becoming the third casualty suffered by the Justice Society of America since joining forces three years earlier. But this death was all the more shattering than the last two because Shiera was a young woman. Not an android or a grey monster, but a woman. And now she was dead.

The JSA members attended the funeral, in their civilian guises, along with numerous friends and work acquaintances of the Halls. The stalwart heroes were stricken with grief at having been unable to save their teammate.

Carter Hall, better known to the world as Hawkman, was disconsolate beyond description. He had lost his beloved wife, the center of his world. For a hundred lifetimes they had fought together and died together. Now, she was gone and he was still here.

Carter looked around for a specific member of the JSA. He looked for Kent Nelson, the host for the mysterious Dr. Fate. Carter Hall and Fate had a very, very long history and Carter needed to speak to Kent now. But Kent Nelson was nowhere to be found.

Steve Rogers - a.k.a. the JSA's noble leader Captain America - mourned silently, lamenting the loss of another one of his valiant team members. He always took it hard when he lost a good soldier. He felt responsible for his team members and the death of any of them was a tragic blow to him.

He also worried about Carter Hall, who was going through a rough time. Also, As Hawkman, he had killed his wife's murderer. He used a Boom Tube to cut Mr. Fixit in half. It was true that the law had no jurisdiction on the city of the Avians, who considered the matter fair justice, and it was also true that Mr. Fixit was not a human. His death, therefore, may not be legally murder, but Cap was still concerned. Certainly Hawkman was not in his right mind those few minuets after seeing his wife murdered, and could be forgiven for his actions - if he had shown remorse for it later.

But he didn't. Cap was worried that Hawkman showed no guilt for murdering Mr. Fixit. While Cap could sympathize with his reasons, could he afford to have a JSA member who kills without remorse, despite the reason? Dr. Mid-Nite suggested to Cap that he give Hawkman sufficient time to get over the anger and hurt, at which time he'd begin to feel remorse for his actions. Cap trusted Mid-Nite's advice and agreed to wait, but he was still uneasy.

After the funeral, people started to disperse. Many of them offered their condolences to Carter but he was unresponsive. At best, he was never a friendly man. Now, he had no time for people. What, he wondered, was the point of all this? Why did he live, life after life, fighting the good fight, only to have the only thing he loved taken from his so pointlessly?

Further away, at the gates of the cemetery, stood Hercules in mortal attire. He watched sadly. He had seemed a lot of death in his immortal lifetime, but it was still painful to see a fellow warrior - especially a woman - fall so young. He never felt comfortable in Christian cemeteries. He was a Greco-Roman deity, and he felt like an intruder in such surroundings. He sympathized with Hawkman from a distance.

"May great Zeus sooth thy tortured soul, my friend," Hercules said. "For the sting of death is not easy for mortals to bear. I salute thy valiant wife. May she have a splendid hereafter in the Elysian Fields."

Carter stayed long after everyone else had gone. It was getting dark, and still he stood, staring down at the newly dug grave. "We will be together again, my dearest. I promise you. Nothing will ever part us for long. Not even death!"

Three weeks later . . .

The holiday season was approaching but the members of the JSA were not in a celebratory mood. The death of Hawkgirl still hovered around the team, like an open wound. This was a loss that none of them could easily rationalize.

Carter Hall flew over Massachusetts in his Hawkman guise. He had been hunting for Dr. Fate for three weeks. Dr. Fate didn't show up at JSA meetings. He usually only popped up when he thought they were in deep enough to require his aid. He had no usual haunts for Hawkman to check out, except one! His home in Salem, Massachusetts. That was the only place to find him.

Hawkman had checked there periodically for weeks. He still hadn't been able to find Dr. Fate. He was unable to locate the one man he hoped could help him resurrect his wife!

Hawkman got to the mysterious, ancient tower that Dr. Fate called home. There were no doors or windows. Hawkman landed and pounded his mace against the stone walls. "Nabu! It's me. It's your Pharaoh! It's Khufu! I need your help, my old friend! Please, if you're there, let me in! I need to speak to you!"

Nothing. No answer. Angry and dejected, Hawkman flew away, determined to continue returning here until he finally found Dr. Fate. Only his old ally Nabu (Fate's original name) could return his wife to him.

While, inside the Tower of Fate . . .

Dr. Fate was inside the tower. Looking in his crystalline orb, he watched Hawkman fly away. He felt terribly guilty about hiding from his old Pharaoh - his old friend - just when Khufu (Carter) needed him most. But he knew that he could be of no help to his old leader at this time.

"I am deeply sorry, my old friend," Dr. Fate said. "I wish I could help you, but it is not my place to change the web of fate. Things have happened as they must. As the Avatar of Order, I cannot bring back the dead for personal reasons. I grieve for you, Khufu. I wish I could return Shay'Ara to you . . . But I cannot!"

Dr. Fate pushed Hawkman from his thoughts and attended to other matters. Something else had come to his attention recently. Something to do with vampires!

The Birds of Prey Detective Agency:

Black Canary hadn't been to her PI agency in almost a month. Not since before Hawkgirl died. The two of them had joined forces six months ago to form the Birds of Prey and solve crimes on their own, without the JSA, without Hawkman, without anyone's help. They needed to prove themselves and they had been doing very well. Until three weeks ago.

Black Canary felt guilty. After all, Hawkgirl and the others had come to the sky city of the Avians to rescue herself and Steve Trevor. She wondered, had she not been captured by Sauron, would Hawkgirl still be alive?

She looked around the quiet office. It was depressing to be there now. She just couldn't stay there. Black Canary locked the place up and walked sadly away. She had to think about something else.

And there was certainly another matter on her mind that she wanted to deal with. On the Avian city, she had seen the Human Torch. But how could that be? He was destroyed. Or was he? Whatever was going on, she vowed to use all her investigative powers to figure out what was going on.


Prince Namor was in his large bed in the royal Atlantean palace. He was recovering from injuries received from Mr. Fixit. This was the third time Namor had been badly injured since he joined the JSA and two of those occasions were at the hands of the same being, more or less. First the Hulk and then his evil counterpart Mr. Fixit. It was an embarrassment to him.

The Sub-Mariner also felt very guilty about the death of Hawkgirl. She died trying to save him from Mr. Fixit's murderous rampage. The Sea-Prince might be dead were it not for her. He wished he could have attended her funeral but he was in no shape at the time for a trip to the surface.

Now that he was mostly recovered, he wanted to go to the surface to visit her grave. And he also wanted to see Wonder Woman. He was aware that she had chosen a human over him. What hold this Steve Trevor had on her was beyond Namor's comprehension, but whatever it was, he had become serious competition. And then there was Hercules, who obviously had designs on the Amazons. Namor couldn't spend too much time wallowing in his injuries, otherwise he would lose Hippolyta for good.

New York City:

Sentinel stood on the top of a skyscraper, looking out over the city. He'd spent months searching for Hammerhead, the murderer of his beloved Harlequin, and had no luck. As Alan Scott, he was a great businessman and as the Sentinel, he was a great warrior, but he clearly was no detective. How, he wondered, could he find Hammerhead?

Sentinel felt a rush of wind pass him and the familiar sound of feet skidding to an abrupt stop. His instincts told him that someone was suddenly standing behind him.

"Hello, Jay," Sentinel said.

"Hi, Alan," Flash answered. "I've been looking for you. We didn't have a chance to talk at Shiera's funeral. You haven't been around much recently."

"I've been busy."

"So I gather," Flash said. "Word is that you've been hunting down the hitman who killed the Harlequin."

"And if I am?"

Flash shrugged. "I suppose it's none of my business."

Sentinel stared at him. "That's right!"

"And if you plan to kill him, there's nothing I can do about that either," Flash added.

"No, there isn't!" Sentinel replied.

"Or is there?"

Sentinel cocked an eyebrow. "And what does that mean, Jay?"

"Just that I'd like to offer you my help in your search," Flash said cheerfully.


"Because, my old buddy," Flash said, "I killed someone once. And it's haunted me ever since. I don't want you to be tormented by something that you won't be able to undo. I'll help you bring Hammerhead to justice, on the condition that you don't kill him!"

Sentinel hesitated. He could use the Flash's help. The speedy fellow certainly could cover a lot more ground than anyone else. But Sentinel also wanted Hammerhead's blood. Jail was too good for the murdering slimeball! What should he do?

"I'll consider your offer, Jay," Sentinel said. "I'll let you know."

JSA HQ in Washington DC:

Hercules was feeling a bit bored. The JSA hadn't seen any major action in a few weeks. At least, nothing to challenge the Olympian Prince of Power. He craved action. The only reason he stayed on Earth was to be close to Queen Hippolyta, who he had fallen in love with. But she was more interested in the mortal called Steve Trevor. Hercules couldn't believe that any woman would choose a mere mortal over him.

He looked out the window and into the large backyard. To his chagrin, he saw his beloved Hippolyta walking in the yard with the uniformed Major Trevor. They had been nearly inseparable since Trevor was rescued from the sky city. The Amazon queen had been practically gooey with adoration for her air force hero. Hercules was disgusted! He wished something would happen that would allow him to impress Wonder Woman again and steal her away from her mortal lover.

New Orleans:

Hawkman flew over the city, a familiar sight to the people of the city. But his mind was elsewhere now. Hawkman knew that his home city was full of mystics and Voodoo practitioners. If he couldn't find Dr. Fate, maybe one of them could be of service to him in resurrecting his wife.

He'd gotten a lead on one. Normally, he would do nothing more than keep an eye on such people, but now, he hoped to gain their trust and enlist their help.

The following evening . . .

Hawkman had made contact with the cult and had, it seemed, gained their trust. They needed help in contacted the spirits of the dead. Since that was also Hawkman's goal, they came to an agreement. Hawkman would supply an ancient talisman and the "drop of pure blood" needed for the ritual, while the Voodoo men would supply the ancient texts and the six other people needed for a coven. Hawkman agreed.

Soon, Hawkman was in a room with six voodoo practitioners, who were painting sign and symbols on the floors and walls of their makeshift church. The talisman and blood were placed in the center of a circle.

"You're certain that these texts are the correct ones?" Hawkman asked.

"Absolutely certain," said the Dark Steward, leader of the cult. "With your blood and the talisman you supplied, we can contact our undead spirits, and you can contact your deceased lady."

Soon, the seven people were standing in a circle and began chanting. "Emmoreth, Morte, Vivolibus! Emmoreth, Morte, Vivolibus!"

The chanting went on for a while and night fell. Hawkman started to wonder whether of not this was going to work. But all of a sudden, a mist appeared and a wind blew out all the candles. A shadowy form began to appear in the center of the room. Hawkman had a bad feeling about all this. His instincts told him that he'd been tricked.

The figure formed in the center of the circle. It was a tall, aristocratic looking man, with dark hair and eyes, a trimmed beard and elegant clothing, complete with a an opera cape. The newcomer looked around and smiled . . . revealing his fangs!

"Thank you, my children," the enigmatic figure said. "Your lord and master walks among you this night. Dracula has returned to you!"

"Dracula!" Hawkman said, grabbing his weapons and crouching in a defensive position. "So this was all a trick! They took advantage of my grief to deceive me into helping them bring you back!"

"Well deduced, fool," Dracula said. "Ever since the Shadow killed me, I've waited in the burning nether-realms for someone to bring me back. Someone always does. This time, I had the honor of seeing the great Hawkman manipulated like an amateur. Thank you for your help, you winged buffoon!"

"This is my fault!" Hawkman said, waving his mace. "And I'm about to rectify my mistake!"

"Please try," Dracula said. "It might be amusing."

Black Canary was talking to Toro in the sitting room of the JSA's mansion HQ.

"But it was him!" Toro said. "We both know it was him! I don't care what anyone else thinks! It was Jim!"

"I believe it was, Toro," she said. "And I've been trying to figure this out. I was hoping that Dr. Fate might be helpful but he's been missing in action for over a month. Maybe we should se that other mystic, John Zatara."

"Why go the magic route?" Toro asked. "Shouldn't we talk to a scientist, like the Flash or Doc Savage? Or maybe the guy that created him, Dr. Horton?"

"Talking to Horton might help," Black Canary said. "But I'm still thinking that this is something . . . otherworldly! Did you notice, when Jim appeared . . . "

" . . . That we could almost see through him," Toro stated. "Yeah, I did. Like he was some sort of ghost."

"An android ghost," the Canary said. "It boggles the mind. Maybe we should . . . "

The sound of the JSA emergency beacon blared. Black Canary and Toro ran to the radio room. Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, Hercules, Fury, and the Star-Spangled Kid all joined them there.

"One of our members is in trouble!" Wonder Woman cried. "Who is it?"

Black Canary studied the radio receiver. "It's a reservist frequency. It's . . . its Hawkman!"

"Where's it coming from?" the Star-Spangled Kid asked.

"New Orleans," the Canary said. "His home city. He's never called for help before. This must be serious!"

"We must hurry to his assistance!" Wonder Woman said, taking charge of the team.

"Toro and I can't come," the Canary said. "We're working on something else. But if you get into a sticky situation, give us another buzz on the beacon and we'll come running."

"Fair enough," Wonder Woman said. "Fury and the Star-Spangled Kid will come with me. Steve, would you be so kind as to stay here as liaison to the others, should we need help."

"I'll mind the store, angel," Steve said. "You can count on me."

Hercules stepped forward. "I shall accompany thee, fair one. Hercules hungers for adventure."

"Your strength will be most welcome, Hercules," Polly said. "Come then. Let us away!"

New Orleans:

Hawkman crashed into the skylight of his museum headquarters. He had been hurt in his fight with Dracula and his six servants, who had knives and cross bows hidden around their makeshift church. The winged wonder somehow escaped. Fortunately for him, Dracula didn't see him as a great enough threat to pursue. Hawkman barely made it back to the museum, crash landing in his attic secret lair.

He took out his first aid kit and repaired as much of the damage to himself as he could. He wasn't worried about Dracula coming here after him. Vampires couldn't enter unless they were invited in. Aside from that, Hawkman had his HQ prepared with the proper vampire deterrents ever since he fought another vampiric foe, the Mist. He was as safe as he could get there.

Hawkman collapsed on a cot and waited to see if anyone would answer his JSA emergency summons. He didn't have long to wait.

The reinforcements arrived very quickly. Using the Levitation Stone given to them by the Red Raven, the four heroes floated with the speed of a plane. They arrived in New Orleans in only a few hours.

Wonder Woman kneeled over Hawkman's battered form. "Are you badly hurt, my friend?"

"I'll survive," Hawkman said. "Physical pain is irrelevant. But I have to tell you what's happened. I made a stupid blunder and released a terrible evil!"

Hawkman explained about how Dracula had been resurrected. The team listened sympathetically. Considering what he'd been through, no one blamed him.

"You rest here," Wonder Woman said. "Tell us where Dracula is and we'll go and deal with him."

"No, I'm coming with you," Hawkman said. "Hurt or not, this is my fault, and this city is my responsibility. I won't lay here like an old lady while others do my fighting for me."

"I'll help too!" a new voice said.

They all looked up at the skylight. To their surprise, the Red Raven had appeared. "I owe you all. I'd like to be of assistance."

"What are you doing here?" the Star-Spangled Kid asked.

He held up one of the JSA's emergency beepers. "This belonged to Hawkgirl. She gave her life to save my city. Captain America let me keep it because I wanted to repay you somehow. When I heard the summons, I took wing to get here as fast as I could. Whatever you need, the Red Raven will be right there with you, shoulder to shoulder!"

"Let's not waste any more time then," Hawkman said, rising painfully. "Let's get Dracula!"

The six heroes arrived at the small church where Dracula had been resurrected. But there was no one there. They had abandoned the place. Hawkman grunted furiously.

"I suspected as much," the winged wonder grumbled. "The cult most likely has a number of locations around the city. We'll have to search for them!"

"What if Dracula left the city?" Fury asked.

"No, he'll stay to feed," Hawkman said. "He'll want to build up his strength and he's in a city of over a million people. Each one a potential meal for him! He's not going anywhere!"

"I agree," Wonder Woman said. "So where would you suggest we search?"

"I have a few ideas," Hawkman said. "No one hides from me in my city!"

The group exited the building. In the darkness, none of them saw the bat that was soaring through the night sky, observing them. The creature took a keen interest, especially in one of them.

Day came in New Orleans . . .

The heroes had searched all night and not found the vampire. They decided to continue the search during the day. That was when Dracula was at his most vulnerable. It would make things easier if they found him in his daytime slumber.

Meanwhile, hidden in a small bunker in the nearby bayou, Dracula rested in a coffin prepared for him by his servants, complete with some of his native earth for comfort. Dracula lay unmoving, but his mind was still working. He thought about one of the American heroes he had seen. The raven haired Amazon called Wonder Woman.

I am not mistaken the vampire thought. It was her. A true immortal! I know the costume and I sense her immortal life force. It is the Queen of the Amazons. An eternally young warrior queen! And a splendid one! In all the centuries I have walked this Earth, never have I known such pristine power and alluring beauty. She must be mine! I will enrapture her, and then, with one dark kiss, the crimson blood of this immortal beauty will be mine!

The next day, Hawkman and Wonder Woman were at the city morgue, examining a number of bodies that turned up the night before, each one drained of blood.

"This is just the beginning," Hawkman said. "There will be a lot more bodies if we don't find him some. We're narrowing it down. We'll have him soon!"

"By the grace of Zeus," Wonder Woman said. "I hope we find him very soon."

The group decided to split up. Hercules went out into the Bayou, where he promptly got lost, not realizing that a spell from the cult had disoriented him and caused him to lose his direction. Without fighting him, they had successfully removed Hercules from the game.

As for the others . . . The Star-Spangled Kid staked out the church where Dracula had been resurrected. Fury waited at the hospital, in case Dracula went after the hospital's blood supply. Red Raven cruised over the city, hoping to spot any large conglomeration of bats. Hawkman and Wonder Woman followed up some leads in the French quarter.

The Star-Spangled Kid sat patiently, as Captain America had taught him. If anything was going to happen, being impatient wouldn't make it happen faster. And so he waited. Finally, his patience was rewarded. Three members of the cult returned to their little church.

The Kid popped out of hiding. "All right, guys. One of you is going to take a little trip to see Wonder Woman with me. She has this nice little lasso that makes people very talkative. As for the other two of you, I won't hurt you. Much!"

But before the SS Kid could lock up in battle with the three cult members, five more entered the room. They all pulled out long, sharp daggers. The Kid suddenly regretted making his presence known. "You know, on the other hand, why don't you wait here and I'll go get her!"

The eight cult members attacked the Kid.

Meanwhile, the Red Raven was cruising above the city, in a frustrating search for bats. Finally, he saw a few. He flew nearer to where they were, and suddenly, from out of the darkness, a swarm of large and savage bats appeared. They all veered toward him, fangs displayed for the attack. The Red Raven was overwhelmed by the flying hoard.

Fury was getting bored sitting in the hospital, guarding the blood bank. She almost nodded off a few times. She wished she could have gone with Wonder Woman and Hawkman to the French Quarter. But she had a job to do here and so she sat, impatiently.

Someone came into the room. At first, Fury wasn't alarmed. Whoever it was, they were wearing a hospital gown, marking them as patients here. Then she started to wonder why patients were wandering unescorted into the blood bank. She took a closer look . . . and saw their fangs! She realized that these were the deceased victims who Dracula had killed the day before. And now they were . . .

"Vampires!" she yelled, alarmed. She wished Wonder Woman were here!

The French Quarter:

Wonder Woman and Hawkman entered the hall of a local community theater. Rumor had it that satanic ceremonies were sometimes held in the basement of this theater. Wonder Woman kicked open the front door, while Hawkman crashed in through the window.

They were both on their guard. They looked around for anyone. There was no one to be seen. Hawkman pointed to a door that may well have been the one that led to the basement. They moved cautiously toward it, not knowing what to expect. All they knew was that Dracula was dangerous!

Then, they saw a mist swirling on the stage. The mist formed into the classy but sinister form of Dracula, Lord of Vampires. "Greetings, my friends. I've been expecting you. My servants allowed information to leak out that would lead you here. I'm only disappointed about how long it took. However, you're here now and we can proceed!"

Hawkman sneered. He'd been in a foul mood lately and the memory of his defeat at the hands of Dracula and his henchmen made his blood boil. "The only thing we'll proceed with is to send you back to that burning nether-world you came from."

Hawkman produced a wooden stake and a sword with which he could decapitate his opponent. He launched himself at the vampire. Wonder Woman allowed him the honor of the kill.

But then, out of the shadows, came a large swarm of insects. Bees, mosquitoes and all sorts of biting little bugs. They engulfed Hawkman like a buzzing cloud. He was stunned by the unexpected attack. He tried to drive them off but it was hard. He certainly couldn't fight the Lord of Vampires while he was busy trying not to be stung to death by thousands of insects. He backed off, giving himself distance from Dracula.

Wonder Woman moved toward the stage, grabbing her lasso. "Your resurrection will be a sort one, vampire! I will not allow you to continue to pray on the innocent!" She twirled her lasso.

Dracula looked at her. She caught sight of his intense, piercing eyes. His authoritative voice seemed to envelope her. His presence filled the room. She had heard of his mental powers but wasn't prepared for them. It was overwhelming and somehow seductive. Part of her liked the intrusion.

"Drop your lasso, my lovely one," Dracula said.

She fought valiantly against his mental persuasion. "I . . . I . . . "

"Drop it, I say!" Dracula said, louder.

"Yes," Hippolyta said and dropped her magic lasso on the ground. She looked down at the fallen lasso, shocked and nervous. She knew she was vulnerable to this sort of attack. She'd been hypnotized before. She had to do something before Dracula took her over completely.

"I . . . I'll fight you without my lasso!" she said and took an aggressive step forward.

"Stop!" Dracula command. "You will not move until I say so!"

Wonder Woman found herself completely immobilized. "I . . . I can't move! Hera help me, I can't move!"

"You will remain there while I deal with your winged friend," Dracula said.

Meanwhile, Hawkman had used his flapping wings to drive off the hoard of attacking insects. He was sore and a weakened from the attack, but he set his sights on Dracula. "You're not rid of me yet, vampire!"

Dracula raised his hand. From out of nowhere, rats appeared. Dozens. Perhaps a hundred. They dropped down on Hawkman from the rafters, or leaped up at him from the dirty floor. They attacked in a mass, viciously clawing and trying to get a clean bite. Hawkman took to the air, trying to make it harder for the rats to reach him. He swatted at them with his sword and mace. He was disgusted by the creatures and wanted them off.

Dracula, in the meantime, turned his attention back to the unmoving Amazon. Wonder Woman wished she could help Hawkman, but as hard as she tried, she remained frozen on the spot.

Dracula smiled imperiously at her. "Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted, my sweet?"

"I do not fear you," Hippolyta said. "Do what you will; I will not give you the satisfaction of fear."

Dracula was amused. "Tsk, tsk. Such unpleasant thoughts from such a stunning beauty. And royalty as well. I am not a monster, lovely one. You and I can be . . . good friends. I want to share our immortal lives together. Look at me, Hippolyta. You don't want to be my enemy, do you? You know we can be more than friends, don't you, fair queen?"

Wonder Woman tried to fight but his power was too much for her. "Y . . . Yes. More than friends."

"Excellent," Dracula said. "Come closer, my dear."

Wonder Woman, freed from her immobility, stepped closer to Dracula. He held out his hand. She reached out and took it. He led her up onto the stage. She stared at him. Just as Dracula had promised, he had enraptured her.

"You are lovely, Wonder Woman," he said. "You will make an excellent queen of the night."

"Yes," she said, her mind in a whirl of confused passion.

Across the theater, Hawkman disposed of most of the rats. He saw that Wonder Woman was in trouble and dove to her assistance. "Hang on, Polly. I'm coming!"

Hawkman held out his sword, ready to chop Dracula's head off. He was only a few feet away, but he was stopped by an unexpected source. A flashing fist from the Amazon Queen slammed into his face. He fell, unconscious.

Dracula beamed smugly. "Thank you, my dear. And as a reward, I would kiss you. Do you wish me to kiss you, Hippolyta?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Are you sure, my sweet?" Dracula said. "Say it!"

"Yes, I'm sure," she said, uncontrolled passion rising within her. "Please . . . please kiss me. Please, my lord. Kiss me."

"Since you wish it," Dracula said. "I feel duty bound to do as you desire. And you do desire it, don't you?"

"Yes, kiss me. Dracula, my lord. Please kiss me."

Dracula tilted Hippolyta's head to the side and sank his fangs into her neck! Wonder Woman did not resist. She yields like a fluttering bird. She is mine!

Fury was battling with the group of vampires in the hospital. She didn't want to destroy the blood bank but she couldn't hold back too much either, otherwise they would kill her. She was doing her best, despite her inexperience. She wished she had some help.

And her prayers were answered. In a flash of light, a savior suddenly appeared . . . Dr. Fate! His amulet glowed with the light of a small sun. The Fury closed her eyes.

"By the power of the light, I vanquish you, spawn of evil!" the helmeted mystic yelled.

The light reduced the vampires to ashes. Fury uncovered her eyes. "Glad to see you, Doc," she said.

"Are you well, young Helena?" Fate asked.

"I'm okay, all things considered," she said. "Not to be ungrateful, but what are you doing here?"

"I've been on the hunt for vampires over the last few weeks," Fate said. "Portents indicated some formidable danger lurking. Hours ago, I sensed emanations that led me here to New Orleans. I believe that great danger in close at hand."

"I'll say," Fury said. "Danger called Count Dracula."

"Dracula!" Fate shouted, alarmed. "This is worse than I supposed. We must act quickly!"

Meanwhile, in the cult church . . .

The Star-Spangled Kid was in a life or death struggle with eight cult members. But he was reprieved by the arrival of his sweetheart, Fury. Her strength easily allowed them to defeat the cult. Bucky smiled. "It's not every boy who's lucky enough to have a girlfriend who rushes in like the cavalry."

"And I'm a good kisser, too," Fury said, flirtily.

Elsewhere, Dr. Fate arrived to save the Red Raven from an army of bats. The Red Raven had never seen Fate before. "I don't know who you are, but thank you."

"I am Dr. Fate. And this city is in great danger. We need to move immediately!"

Soon, Hercules was directed back to the city by Dr. Fate's mystic summons. "Well met, mystic one. You're help is indeed timely. Mayhap thou can aid us in locating our elusive foe."

Dr. Fate cast a spell. "I sense him nearby. In a theater in the French Quarter. I shall teleport us there."

The theater . . .

Dr. Fate, the Fury, the Red Raven, the SS Kid and Hercules appeared in the theater. They found Hawkman lying on the ground, moaning. Dozens of rats were surrounding him, moving in for a good meal from their helpless pray. The JSA members chased the rodents away.

They woke Hawkman up. "Fate! I've been looking for you." Hawkman yelled.

"We'll have time to talk about personal matters later," Fate said. "We have a situation at present."

"A situation that just got worse," Hawkman said. "Dracula has taken Wonder Woman!"

Another cult lair in New Orleans.

In a small room in a cheap hotel, Wonder Woman lay on a bed. Dracula stood over her admiring her power and beauty, the taste of her blood still on his lips. The blood of the Amazon flows through my veins. I feel more powerful than I have felt in many decades!

"Awaken, my love," he said. "Your lord bids you awake."

Wonder Woman's eyes fluttered open. She moaned. "Wha . . . Who?"

"I am your prince," Dracula said. "You are my bride."


"Would you not gaze upon your beloved husband?"

"Husband?" she asked, confused. "I . . . I . . . "

"You are my love," Dracula said. "Don't you recognize your lord and prince?"

"Yes, yes of course I do," she said. "I remember everything. I recall being overwhelmed by love for you. I remember feeling such passion as I've never known. Take me in your arms, my ardent prince!"

Hippolyta embraced Dracula, forgetting everything except her passion for him.

Dr. Fate and the others were still in the theater.

"This is very bad," Fate said. "I'm trying to locate the Amazon's whereabouts but she is cloaked in a veil of darkness. I believe she has been engulfed by the lord vampire's evil."

"Omigod!" Fury yelled. "You mean Polly's become a vampire? What can we do?"

"She can yet be saved," Fate said. "If only I can locate her. I must pierce the shadows that surround her!"

"Then make haste and do so!" Hercules shouted. "My Hippolyta is in danger and I would fly to her rescue!"

Dracula looked out the window of the motel. "The night beckons to us, my love."

Hippolyta smiled lovingly at him. "How charismatic you are, my prince. I would follow you anywhere."

Dracula turned and grinned at her. "I am power beyond challenge. You are beauty beyond compare. The entire world will soon be our kingdom! By night, we shall reign enthroned upon the grandest of royal monuments. And by day, we shall embrace in close quarters, velvet curtains drawn against the garish sun."

Hippolyta threw herself into Dracula's arms. "I am yours, my lord. Now and forever!"

One of the cult members knocked on the door and Dracula bid him enter. "Forgive the intrusion, Lord Dracula," the small man said meekly. "But the package you wanted . . . "

"Out!" Dracula bellowed. "Leave the package and get out!"

The cult lackey dropped the package on the bed and ran out, in fear of his life. Dracula handed the package to Wonder Woman. "For you, my dear."

Hippolyta opened the package. Inside was a beautiful evening gown. Hippolyta was impressed.

"Only the best shall grace so perfect a form as yours," Dracula said. "Elegance that befits royalty. For tonight, we shall not hide, but rather step out into the night as its King and Queen. I would court you in the traditions of the nobility of my native Transylvania. We shall paint the town red!"

The cult's church:

The SS Kid and Fury had left some of the cult members tied up there. They struggled to get free. They couldn't. And then things got worse . . . because the Fury arrived, holding Wonder Woman's magic lasso.

"I'm not the expert with this," she said. "but I'm betting I can make you guys talk."

Fury put the lasso around one of the men. "Speak up, you little worm. Where do I find Dracula?"

"I . . . I am not sure," the man said. "But he mentioned something about taking his queen to the opera!"

The opera:

Dracula sat in a private box with Hippolyta, as the sounds of Il Travatore filled the theater. Wonder Woman only had eyes for the vampire king. Dracula looked around the opera house. "A fine bit of architecture," he said. "I have seen many a grandiose edifice in my long existence. I have seen artwork and heard music by the great ones. But none of it outshines my stunning queen."

Hippolyta blushed. "You flatter me, my dearest prince."

Everyone's attention was drawn to the door as it was knocked off its hinges. Hercules charged in like a raging bull. He spotted Hippolyta sitting with an aristocratic man who he knew must be Dracula. "Prince of the undead! Hercules, prince of power has come for his woman! I challenge thee!"

Hippolyta stood up. "No! Please, my prince! Do not let him take me away from you! I belong only to you!"

"Fear not, my love," Dracula said. "We shall not be separated. This empty headed fool will not keep us apart!"

"Come down and face me, then, vermin!" Hercules insisted.

"Come with me, sweet Hippolyta," Dracula said. "We will face him together!"

"I am forever at your side, my lord."

Dracula and Wonder Woman descended to ground level and confronted the vampire. The crowd fled, giving the combatants plenty of room. Hercules ripped a seat out of the ground and threw it at Dracula. The vampire turned to mist and the seat passed through him. Dracula's voice echoed with evil laughter.

But he stopped laughing when his misty form was engulfed in a sphere of mystical energy. In this form, he didn't have the power to break free. He saw Dr. Fate hovering above.

"You are trapped vampire!" Fate said. "There is no escape!"

Wonder Woman was furious. "I will save you, my lord and master!" she yelled.

But Hercules grabbed her and got her in a powerful bar hug. She struggled wildly.

"Let me go!" she yelled. "My prince needs me! I must save my master!"

Hawkman appeared and poured holy water onto Hippolyta's neck wounds, where she was bitten by Dracula. She screamed in agony. Fury wrapped the lasso around her.

"By the purity of the lasso of truth, I free your soul from the power of evil!" the Fury said. "You are the Queen of the Amazons! Assert yourself. You are free from Dracula's thrall."

After a few moments of struggling and screaming, Hippolyta slumped in Hercules' arms. "Ohhh. So weak. What . . . what happened?"

"All is well, fair one," Hercules said. "You are safe in my arms."

"Is she cured?" the SS Kid asked.

"For the most part," Dr. Fate said. "There are a few more incantations I must do to ensure that her soul remains free, but she has been returned to us. And now, I must attend to Dracula!"

To everyone's shock, the mist had vanished from inside the magical sphere of energy. Dracula had escaped.

"Gone!" Fate yelled. "But how . . . Ah, I sense the answer now."

"What answer?" Hawkman asked.

"Members of a Chicago Dracula worshiping cult have transported their master to safety. I must go after him. He has become powerful after drinking Wonder Woman's blood and cannot be allowed to go free. I must track him."

"Wait!" Hawkman said. "You and I need to talk."

"I know what you will ask me to do," Dr. Fate said. "Come with me as I fly to Chicago. We will talk en route."

"All right, but I won't take 'No' for an answer," Hawkman said. "I am devoting my life to bringing Shiera back. Nothing else matters. If I have to give up my Hawkman identity to devote all my time to finding a way to help her, then I will."

"Come, we will talk," Fate said.

Fate and Hawkman flew off. The Red Raven was sad. It would be a shame if there were no longer a Hawkman, but he understood Carter Hall's need to devote himself to saving his wife. Red Raven still owed the Hall family for their sacrifice. He wished he could do something.

And he had a good idea what that could be!

Next issue: The Enchantress and Baron Zemo return, along with a surprise ally. The Black Canary investigates the mystery of the Human Torch, and the Creature Commandos return. Plus, there’s a change in Hawkman. All this and more in Justice Society of America #43!