DCM Timely

No. 46

MAY 1945

Justice Society of America
The Gathering
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
Dr. Fate
Black Canary
Plastic Man
Marvel Boy
Johnny Thunder
Uncle Sam
Fighting American
Spirit of '76
Liberty Belle
Miss America
Mr. Terrific
Weapon X
Black Condor
Union Jack
Shining Knight

Justice Society Headquarters in Washington DC

Everyone was gathering. Superheroes, masked and unmasked adventurers, costumed government agents and crime fighting mystery men of every type. They all came. When Captain America called, everyone came.

They gathered at Miss Venus' mansion, which had been the home of the JSA for several years. They came by the dozens, with more arriving by the hour. The place was jam packed with colorful costumes and powerful people. Everyone was gathering. It was the most important gathering that any of them had ever been called to. It was a gathering that could end the war!

Captain America - the Sentinel of Liberty - had retrieved the Spear of Destiny from Hitler's fortress. The spear had been the only thing keeping most of the super powered beings from going to Europe and defeating the Third Reich and its super soldiers. Now that the spear was no longer a deterrent, there was nothing stopping a full scale super hero invasion of Europe. And that was exactly what Cap was arranging on this day. The Invasion of Europe by every super hero in America. It would be the end of the war!

Cap watched satisfied as the mansion filled up. The turnout was better than he had hoped for. Most of his Justice Society was already there. The Star Spangled Kid, Dr. Mid-Nite, the new Hawkman, the Wonder Woman, the Fury, Toro, the Sub-Mariner, Black Canary, and the newest member, the Atom. Even Doctor Fate had shown up, as if he sensed the important of this meeting. Flash had called to say that he and the Sentinel were on the way. Sentinel had been on a hiatus for several months and was only now returning for this vital gathering. Only Starman was missing but he had promised to come later.

Hercules, who had become an unofficial member in recent months, was on hand, as was his cousin the love goddess Venus. Another godly cousin, Michael Jupiter - a.k.a. the Hurricane - was present, still angered by the destruction of his friends the Creature Commandos. He was anxious for payback.

Reserve members Wildcat, Hourman, and Plastic Man were there. Plas had invited his old friend Stripsey to the meeting. The S.S. Kid had summoned the rest of his Young Allies team, Marvel Boy and Johnny Thunder. Aquaman had come in response to Prince Namor's call.

Cap's friend and mentor Uncle Sam had come, along with the team he had trained, the Seven Soldiers of Victory. The Guardian, the Patriot, Fighting American, the Spirit of '76, Liberty Belle, Miss America, and the Whizzer eagerly followed Uncle Sam to join Cap's invasion force.

Doc Savage arrived to much fanfare. He was almost as exalted as Cap himself was. He was joined by his friend Mister Terrific. The man known as Logan - also called Weapon X - slipped in without being noticed. The Canadian government had sent him to join Cap's team.

Many people were surprised to see the Sandman enter. He had the reputation of being a loner, except for his sidekick Sandy the Golden Boy. The Judo Master came all the way from the Far East. The Robotman stomped in, although many people avoided him.

Since word of the meeting had gotten out and every hero was invited, there was a steady flow of miscellaneous mystery men who had so far had little or no contact with the JSA and yet who respected Cap from afar. These included . . . Johnny Quick; the Fin; the Blonde Phantom; Doll Man; Zatara the magician; the Silver Scorpion; the Tarantula; the Whip; TNT; Sergeant Steel; Amazing Man; and Bulletman.

Cap had even made contact with some British heroes who were going to rendezvous with the American invasion. The British Knights, who Cap met months ago, were awaiting Cap's signal to attack.

Captain America nodded in approval. He was glad to see so many willing warriors arriving. He wished that Thor would have come and that the Hulk and the Human Torch were able to be here, but he was grateful for the soldiers he did have. He waited for the late arrivals to make their appearance and then he would start his briefing.

In another room of the large mansion, the Black Canary and Toro were called into a private meeting with Dr. Fate. He had some news to tell them. He had an answer to a question which the Black Canary had been asking for months . . . a question regarding the Human Torch.

"You've got the answer?" the Canary asked excitedly. "Why does Jim keep appearing? Is he alive or is he some sort of ghost?"

"Neither," Doctor Fate replied. "The Human Torch is not dead. He exists."

"Yes!!" Toro yelled, thrusting his fists in the air.

"But he is not what we all thought he was," Fate said.

"What do you mean?" the Canary asked.

"The being we knew as the Human Torch is a fire elemental," Fate explained.

"A who?" the Canary asked.

"A what?" Toro asked.

"A fire elemental," Fate repeated. "You see, there are creatures and otherworldly beings that exist on this plane, unseen and unknown by you mortals. The elementals are such beings. They are the living embodiment of the four elements. There are four of each, sixteen in all. The being who became the Human Torch is one of the four fire elementals. He exists outside the sphere of human perception."

"Then how did he get to be an android?" Black Canary said. "And why do I still see him sometimes?"

"I spoke with Doctor Clark Savage on this matter, and we developed a hypothesis," Fate said. "I know for a fact that many of the elemental wish to experience the mortal world. Many, if given the chance, would switch places with a human for a week or for a year to experience the physical pleasures of the mortal world. And especially, to experience human love. Doctor Savage believes that the futuristic technology which Phineas Horton received from the time traveler Nathanial Richards created a physical life support system which a non-corporeal being such as a fire elemental could inhabit and walk among humans as one of them. He wore it like a suit. It clothed him in the form of a man. But he never was one. Nor was he truly an android. He was a fire elemental who possessed an android, like a spirit possessing a human."

"Why didn't he ever tell us what he was?" the Canary asked. "He never mentioned any of this to me. He seemed so innocent, so naïve."

"And so he was," Fate said. "To truly live as a mortal lives, he would have deliberately blocked his memory of what he really was. He forgot about the realm he was born in and knew only this world."

"That explains a few things," Toro said. "Doc Horton once said that he built the Torch to have totally different powers than he had. The power to walk through walls and become hard as diamonds. He never meant for Jim to have flame powers. He said he never really understood how Jim worked, so he assumed he made a blunder. But I guess we know the truth now."

"Perhaps if that android body were to someday be rebuilt, it would have such powers," Fate said. "I suppose we shall never know."

"So why do I keep seeing him?" the Canary asked. "He keeps showing up to help me."

Fate seemed unsure about this. "I have never seen proof of this, however, it is said that an elemental can form such a strong bond with someone or something in the material world that he can exist in the mortal physical realm for short periods of time in the presence of that person or object. I know that the Human Torch had fallen in love with you while he was living amongst mortals. His dream of experiencing human love obviously came to fruition. Now that his body is destroyed and he had to return to his ethereal realm, he still remembers you and the love he felt for you. Perhaps his love is so strong that it transcends the borders between words. He is bound to you. And when he senses you need him, he comes to you. Of course, that is only a theory."

"But it's a good one, Doc," the Canary said. "I'd like to believe it. I think it's true. I want to thank you for telling me this. It means a lot to me. I needed to know. I'm very grateful."

"Me too, Doctor," Toro said. "I'm really glad to know that Jim is okay somewhere out there."

"I require no thanks," Fate said. "You deserved to know. And remember, you may see him again. We have a dangerous battle ahead. Would not be surprised it he appeared once more."

"I hope so," the Canary said. "I really, truly hope so."

Los Alamos

Dr. Theodore Knight, best known around the world as Starman, sat brooding in his lab. His hands shook. He'd been agitated lately. Confused. Tormented. He was becoming filled with self loathing.

He'd been working on the Heavy Water projects known as Fat Man and Little Boy for months now. He knew very well that this project would lead to an explosive device that would kill thousands. Perhaps millions! And what would the radiation do to the living? It was horrible to think about and even more horrible when he realized that he was a party to this nightmare!

This was the kind of sick weapon that the Mad Scientists he fought against as Starman routinely came up with. If one of his enemies had developed such a thing, he'd have labeled them as evil and insane. And now here he was, helping to build the most horrible weapon never created.

He took some of the sedatives that he'd been taking lately to sooth his angst ridden conscience. Looking at the clock, he realized that he was late for the Justice Society meeting. Cap was expecting him. He hoped that the JSA could end the war before this nightmare device had to be unleashed on human beings.

Back at the JSA manor . . .

Flash and Sentinel arrived at the mansion. The Sentinel stopped outside the door, as if he were reluctant to enter. The Flash noticed his reluctance. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"You okay, buddy?" Flash asked.

Sentinel looked up at the huge residence. "It's been a while since I've been back here. I'm wondering what Cap thinks of me for abandoning the team like I did. I ran out on my commitment, just to go on a crazy mission of revenge."

"Don't worry about Cap, Alan," Flash said. "I did the same thing last year after that whole Blue Diamond fiasco, if you recall. He didn't hold a grudge. Cap's an understanding guy."

Sentinel looked down. "I'm embarrassed, Jay. I wanted to kill Hammerhead."

"But you didn't."

"He's still dead, Jay."

"You didn't kill anyone," Flash said. "The Shadow did it."

"But I wanted to," Sentinel said. "If you hadn't talked some sense into me, I might have actually killed him. And when I heard what the Shadow did, I was glad he was dead. I'm embarrassed about that."

"It's human, Alan," Flash said. "Anyone would feel the same way. But the fact that you couldn't kill him shows the kind of man you are. I'm proud to be your friend."

"Thank you, Jay," Sentinel said. "Thanks for sticking by me through all this. You're a great friend, and I'm very grateful to have someone like you in my life. You're a heck of a guy. Thanks for being there when I needed you."

"No charge," Flash said. "Ready to go inside?"


"Head held high, Alan," Flash said. "You're a hero."

Shoulder to shoulder, the two heroes walked into the JSA mansion.

In another room . . .

Hercules and the Sub-Mariner stood staring at each other, poised to clash in a battle that could destroy the mansion. Two men of pride were fighting over the women they both loved. The object of their desire, Wonder Woman stood nearby, angered at this display.

"The Amazon is mine!" Namor yelled.

"I say thee nay!" Hercules countered. "The Queen of Amazons is the chosen of Hercules, and I will fight for her hand!"

"So be it," Namor yelled. "Imperious Rex!"

Wonder Woman got between them to play referee. "Stop this childish bickering! I am not an object to be won in a silly contest between you! If there is a decision to be made, it must be made by me, and I have made my choice already! I love Steve Trevor!"

"Thou wouldst choose a mortal over the Prince of Power?" Hercules said, aghast. "Art thou mad, woman?"

"Furious!" she snapped. "You only wanted me at first because you were hoping that I would absolve you of your past sins against me. You saved my life so I forgave you, and I now see you as a valued ally. But I do not love you. Nor do I think you truly love me. You are physically attracted to me, but the real reason you want me is that you hope to continue protecting and rescuing me as a way of making you feel better about what you did to me long ago."

Hercules opened his mouth to speak but hesitated. Was she right? Did he really see her as a means of absolution? By being her protector, was he easing his conscience for the horrible thing he did to her centuries ago?

"And you!" she said, pointing to Namor. "You're no better. You want to possess me. I'm a worthy prize for the future king of Atlantis. But I've already told you that we can never be wed because of my duty to my people. And besides that, you have some relationship with that Dorma wench who violated me months ago! So there is no future for us, Namor. None!"

Namor sneered but he knew she was right. As much as he wanted her, there seemed to be no possible way they could be together. And then there was Dorma, who had previously initiated a fight with Wonder Woman for the right to be his bride. She loved him as well. Could she be the one who Namor was meant for?

"Stop pursuing me," she insisted. "Stop fighting over me! Plastic Man and Toro both gave up their infatuation with me. It's time for you two to do the same. If I am to be with any man, it will be with Steve Trevor. That is all I have to say on the matter. Now, if you two still desire to pummel each other like misbehaving children, you may do so, but it will get you nowhere with me. My heart belongs to Steve, and that is that! Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to take a little walk. All this male ego is making me uncomfortable."

They both watched as Hippolyta walked out, as regal and graceful and ever. Then the two powerful men stared at each other. There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Quite a woman, is she not?" the Sub-Mariner said.

"Indeed so," Hercules responded. "A rare prize. A pity that neither of us shall ever possess her."

"Quite so," Prince Namor replied. "I was ready to fight for her."

"Thou would most assuredly have lost," Hercules said.

"Not likely, Olympian," the Sub-Mariner answered.

"Hah!" Hercules laughed. "I like thy spirit, Sea Prince. Come and drink with Hercules!"

"Why not?"

The two of them walked off together, putting their animosity behind them.

The Fury was sitting on the couch with Bucky the Star-Spangled Kid. They held hands and giggled like kids, which in many ways, they still were. The Fury noticed Wonder Woman walking out the back door. She could tell that her teacher was agitated.

"I wonder what happened in there," she said. "Polly's got that 'Men-are-so-stupid' look. Hope she managed to get her love triangle sorted out."

"I'm glad ours is so simple," Bucky said. "No drama. I hate drama."

"Uhhh, yeah," Fury said. "I hate all that drama, too. But I do have to tell you something."

"Hmmmm? What's that?"

"If this goes the way Cap planned, the war will be over soon," Fury said. "Everything will change then. I don't know what that will mean for the JSA but what will it mean for us?"

"You mean you and me?" Bucky asked. "Why should it change anything between us?"

The Fury looked a little sad. "Because Polly told me she's going back to Paradise Island when this is all over. And I . . . I'm going with her."

Bucky let go of her hand and slid a few inched further away from her. His expression was not a happy one. "You're leaving?"

"When the war is over," she said, feeling guilty. "I owe my allegiance to Hippolyta. I'm the warrior novice to the Queen of the Amazons. That's a great honor. I don't think I can back out on her. She's expecting me to go back with her."

"And what about us?"

"I don't know, Buck," she said in a melancholy tone. "I don't know how long I'll be gone. It's all so confusing. I don't know what to do. I want to stay with you, but I gave my word to Polly that I'd stick with my lessons until I mastered them. I asked her to make me an Amazon warrior and she's stuck with her side of the bargain by training me. How can I tell her that I don't want to finish because I have a boyfriend now?"

Bucky looked down at his feet, frowning. "I can't tell you what to do, Helena. It's all up to you. If you want to stay, I'll be the happiest guy in the world. If you leave, I'll be the saddest. But I won't pressure you. Do what you think is best."

She took his hand again. "I'm sorry to upset you. You know I'm crazy about you, sweetie."

"Yeah," he muttered. "But I take back what I said about drama."

Captain America chatted with a few people as he watched the steady influx of heroes arriving. But after a while he decided he needed a minute to himself. He asked Dr. Mid-Nite to supervise things while he stepped away.

Cap paced alone in the library for a few minutes. It was overwhelming to think that he was planning the invasion of Europe. The weight of the world was on his shoulders. It was an awesome responsibility.

He had a sudden desire to call up Pat Savage. He liked Pat. She made no secret of the fact that she wanted to date him. He had only met her a handful of times, but he enjoyed her company and her sense of humor. He sometimes called her when he was feeling morose. Just the sound of her voice cheered him up. He wished that he wasn't burdened with all this duty and obligation. Perhaps, if this mission went well, the war would really be over. And then, when he didn't owe the world all his time, he could dare to have a social life. He could call Pat and ask her for a date. That would be nice.

But not today. Today he had to concentrate on the most important thing he had ever attempted. His focus had to be undivided. He knew that all these brave men and women were counting on him to lead them to victory. And if they failed, he would carry the blame.

Not far away, above the street of Washington, DC . . .

One of the lesser heroes of the war years, known as the Black Condor, glided above the city with his special glider cape. His flight was erratic. He was not himself. He was, in fact, possessed.

The power behind the Axis forces desperately wanted the Spear of Destiny back. To that end, they sent a special operative to retrieve it. Someone who could work covertly. Someone who could hide inside the body of another. They sent the being known as the Spirit King. He had the power to possess the body of another for a period of time.

He'd hijacked the body of Black Condor and was planning to use him to sneak into the mansion and steal back the spear. But the Condor was not taking it lying down. He was resisting with all his will.

Get out of my body, you damn son of a bitch! Condor mentally screamed.

"I'm almost done with you, my feisty friend," the Spirit King replied.

The Spirit King looked down. They had reached the JSA mansion. But he was tired of fighting the Black Condor and wanted to get out of this body. He hoped to find another who was more susceptible to his power, who wouldn't give him such a fight.

He saw someone alone in the back yard of the mansion. He hoped it was someone he could use. He went into a dive. He crashed deliberately into the ground, stunning the real Black Condor. This was witnessed by Wonder Woman, who was pacing alone near the pool.

Seeing the fall, she ran to his assistance. She knelt down and checked him out. "Are you hurt? Can you speak? You're the Black Condor, aren't you?"

The Spirit King saw his new victim and vacated the Black Condor's body. The Condor was already stunned and the psychic shock of the Spirit King leaving his body caused him to pass out. Wonder Woman was examining his unconscious form . . .

. . . when the Spirit King possessed her! He entered her form and took over her body. He had his new host.

What's happening? she mentally cried.

"Your body is mine to control now," he said. "I've come for the Spear and I will use you to get it."

No, I won't let you! I'll fight this!

"Ha!" the Spirit King laughed, "This is much better. You're more vulnerable to this than my last host. I can stay inside you for a long time and you won't be able to force me out."

No! No! Get out of me!

"Sorry, my pretty," the Spirit King said. "Not until I get that spear."

He hid the Condor's unconscious body and went inside to find the spear. He/she passed through her fellow heroes. People stared. The Spirit King felt uncomfortable but he soon realized that they were just admiring the Amazon's statuesque form.

"You have a lot of admirers, Wonder Woman," Spirit King communicated to her. "So, are you ready to tell me where the Spear is hidden?"

You have my body, fiend, but I will tell you nothing!

"No matter," Spirit King said. "I'll find it eventually."

In the back yard . . .

The Fury and the SS Kid led Cap and Dr. Mid-Nite to the unconscious form of the Black Condor.

"We were taking a walk in the yard and we found him here," the SS Kid said.

Dr. Mid-Nite examined the Condor. He managed to awaken the stunned hero.

"What happened?" Cap asked the Condor.

Black Condor explained about the Spirit King. Cap nodded, having heard of him.

"Go get Dr. Fate," Cap said. "He told me about this Spirit guy. He can find him."

Upstairs in the mansion

Spirit King/Wonder Woman finally found the Spear. It floated suspended in a crystalline orb. Its power was cut off from the world . . . as long as the crystal remained unbroken!

"There you are," the Spirit King said. "That crystal looks pretty sturdy. It's a good thing I have the strength of Wonder Woman to smash it!"

Merciful Minerva, no! Please don't do this!

"Sorry, but I came a long way for this," he said, pulling back his/her arm for a shattering blow.

But the crystal had a defense. Before he/she could strike, it unleashed a mystic wave that knocked him/her off his/her feet. As Spirit King/Wonder Woman lay stunned, Doctor Fate suddenly appeared. He had been using his power to scan for the intruder. The surge of power from the crystal drew him to the room. His looked down at the imposter and his amulet glowed brightly.

"Be gone, evil spirit!" Fate yelled, as his white light of justice washed over Wonder Woman. "Leave the body of this woman now and leave this house! Do not return!"

With a scream, the Spirit King was ejected from Hippolyta's body and from the mansion. His astral form was so weakened after this that he made no further attempts to get the spear back.

Doctor Fate helped Wonder Woman to her feet. "Are you well, Your Majesty?"

"Fine now, thank you, Doctor."

"Good," Fate said. "Then let us hurry downstairs. I'll inform the Captain that everything is well so he can begin the meeting.

Everyone who was coming had finally arrived. Starman was the last to appear. Black Condor had recovered. Everyone gathered, waiting for Cap to begin. Soon, Cap appeared, and everyone was one hundred percent focused on his words.

"You all know why we're here. The Spear of Destiny has been taken out of Hitler's hands and is no longer a deterrent. Finally, Europe is wide open to us. We can cross the sea, take on the enemy and finally end this damned war! There will be strong resistance, to be sure. Aside from their military, they have their own super soldiers. And then there's Loki and his mystic bag of tricks. He has access to Hitler's stolen arsenal of mystic artifacts. So there's no telling what we may run into. It won't be easy. This will be one of the hardest battles we've ever fought.

"But as I look around at the faces of the noble and heroic people I see before me, I know that we will succeed. I couldn't imagine going into battle in better company. I know what you're all capable of and I know that you'll show incredible courage and skill in the face of the enemy. I know you won't let your country down. I see patriots and heroes. You will end this war and create a future for the children of the world. You will insure freedom, not only for America but for the rest of the world as well. And years from now, when all this is just a memory, and the world enjoys the freedom we will win for it, you can say, 'I was there. I fought with the Justice Society to defeat the Third Reich and ensure liberty for everyone, everywhere. I was a hero when the world needed me'. And you are!

"You are good and true men and women. I respect you all. Now, who will come with me to fight the greatest evil of all and end this war?"

Everyone raised their fists and cheered vociferously. There were no dissenters. Every man and woman among them was ready to die for this cause. And some would.

"I knew I could count on you all," Cap said. "We'll be leaving at dawn, the day after tomorrow. So go on home, get some rest, make whatever arrangements you have to make, and meet me back here at sunrise Wednesday morning."

People applauded, still caught up in the moment. Soon, they started to file out. They needed to make preparations, to pray and make love to their spouses or sweethearts. The day after tomorrow would be an epic day that they would never forget . . . if they lived long enough!

"Well said," Uncle Sam told Cap. "I can tell you that I was absolutely caught up in a wave of patriotism. I'm sure that everyone is fired up for the big battle. They're ready to follow you anywhere. My compliments."

Cap thought of a quote. "If these men do not die well, it will be a black matter for the king who led them to it."

Over the next day, everyone involved was tense, wishing that the waiting was over. All of them realized the immense importance of what was to come the following dawn.

Cap hardly slept, going over and over his battle plans.

Flash spent the time with his wife, Joan, assuring her that he would come back to her.

Starman took some pills, to get him through this.

Black Canary thought about the Human Torch, hoping she'd see him again.

Doctor Fate visited the Lords of Chaos, who approved of his joining the invasion force.

Sub-Mariner paid a visit back to Atlantis to talk to his mother, promising to return the Trident of Neptune to his people.

Hercules and Venus prayed to Zeus for victory.

Some of the more religious heroes also prayed to their respective deities.

Others made out their wills.

People tried to sleep the night before. Most couldn't. They wished the dawn would finally come.

The Morning of the Invasion of Europe:

Dawn came and the heroes started to gather by the dozens. They all came just as they said. No one backed out. They all were determined to win freedom for the world. They would follow Cap through the gates of Hell to build a better future.

They all stood on the front lawn of Miss Venus' mansion. Most were quiet and pensive, lost in their own thoughts. Some worried that they would never see their loved ones again. Others spoke nervously to friendly faces in the crowd, trying not to think about what was to come. Even Plastic Man was taking it seriously. A few, like Hercules, were eager for the battle, but most just tried to remain confident.

Cap came out and everyone turned to him for leadership. "I knew that none of you would let me down. You're all true heroes. Well, you didn't come here to listen to another speech. I see we're all here. No more time for talk. It's time for action. Everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded. They were all set to go. No turning back now. Cap signaled to a few of his colleagues. Doctor Fate, Miss Venus, Zatara, and Sentinel all raised their hands and started to chant. Wonder Women activated the Boom Tube she had gotten from Hawkman.

A huge vortex opened in front of the building. It was a big hole in the air. Through it, they could see the hills of the German countryside. This was their doorway to the enemy. A shortcut to the outskirts of the Third Reich.

"This is as close as we can get," the Sentinel said. "Loki and the Fuhrer's toys keep us from going directly to Berlin."

"It'll do," Cap said. "Nice work. Ok, everyone, follow me!"

Cap stepped boldly through the portal. Hercules followed immediately behind him. The Sub-Mariner, not to be outdone, caught up with the Olympian Prince. Aquaman joined his brother. The Flash raced through next. One by one, others started to follow until eventually the entire costumed invasion force had passed though. Doctor Fate, Sentinel, Zatara, Miss Venus and Wonder Woman stepped across and closed the vortex behind them.

The huge super team stood on a hill. Some city was visible in the distance. Everyone watched Cap for instructions. Cap looked at Hippolyta and the mystic heroes again.

"Phase two," Cap said. "Let's get everyone here."

Fate, Sentinel, Venus, Zatara, and Hippolyta repeated their previous performance and opened another, smaller vortex. Six new heroes popped out. The British Knights arrived.

Union Jack; the Destroyer; Spitfire; the Fogg; the Victorian; and Sir Justin the Shining Knight. They were ready to join the fight.

"Glad you could make it," Cap said.

"Wouldn't dream of missing it," Union Jack said. "England's been in this war from the very beginning and we'll be there at the end!"

"Right," Cap said. "Let's move!"

Cap started marching in the direction of Berlin. Everyone fell in step behind him. Some flew. Hawkman glided, and Sir Justin's winged horse sailed overhead. They moved as a unit, ready to face any obstacle. They would take on whatever the Nazis threw at them. Even if it cost them their lives! One way or another, the war was going to end. This would be the pivotal battle!

To be continued as the epic battle begins! The forces of freedom fight their way through all the resistance that the Third Reich can throw at them. Guest stars galore as heroes and villains collide. And what last trick does Loki have up his sleeve? It all hits the fan in Justice Society of America #47! You only think you know how the war ended!