DCM Timely

No. 47

MAY 1945

Justice Society of America
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
Dr. Fate
Black Canary
Doc Savage
Plastic Man
Marvel Boy
Johnny Thunder
Uncle Sam
Fighting American
Spirit of '76
Liberty Belle
Miss America
Mr. Terrific
Weapon X
Black Condor
Union Jack
Shining Knight
Steve Trevor
Solomon Grundy
Human Torch
Baron Zemo
Ultra Man
Count Vertigo
and a cast of hundreds on both sides!


The super-hero invasion of Germany had begun. Now that the Spear of Destiny was out of Hitler's hands, the costumed avengers of the world were free to take the war directly to the Nazis. Captain America had gathered a powerful army of masked adventurers to join him in sacking Germany and destroying the Third Reich.

Joining Captain America were his loyal allies of the Justice Society. Flash; Sentinel; Star-Spangled Kid; Wonder Woman; Fury; Black Canary; Sub-Mariner; Toro; Doctor Mid-Nite; Doctor Fate; Starman; Atom; and finally, the new Hawkman. Auxiliary members Wildcat, Hourman, and Plastic Man were with them as well.

Joining them were frequent allies and friends Hercules, Aquaman, Hurricane, Johnny Thunder, Stripsey, and Marvel Boy. The beautiful Aphrodite - a.k.a. Miss Venus - was present but not necessarily in a combat capacity. She would only fight if there was no other option.

Cap's mentor Uncle Sam had come, along with his team the Seven Soldiers of Victory . . . Guardian; Patriot; Spirit of '76; Fighting American; Liberty Belle; Miss America; and the Whizzer.

The English super Team known as the British Knights were in attendance . . . Union Jack; Spitfire; Destroyer; the Fogg; the Victorian; and Sir Justin, the Shining Knight.

Others costumed heroes who had joined Cap's army included . . . Doc Savage; Mr. Terrific; Logan, a.k.a. Weapon X; Johnny Quick; the Judo Master; Sergeant Steel; the Doll Man; Robot Man; the Blonde Phantom; Zatara the Magician; the Tarantula; Black Condor; TNT; the Fin; the Whip; Amazing Man; the Silver Scorpion; Bulletman; Sandman and his sidekick Sandy.

They stood as the greatest fighting force ever assembled. Their power was staggering and their determination to freedom was resolute. They would allow nothing to stop them! With the Sentinel of Liberty at the head, they would overcome anything that the Nazis could throw at them.

Along the way, Cap and his team picked up a few non-super powered allies for their attack. There were members of the allied military who had managed to slip past the Nazis holding line at the Rhine River. Now that they were inside Germany, they had heard about Cap's Invasion, and they were eager to join. They were . . . Sergeant Fury and his Howling Commandos; Sergeant Rock and Easy Company; the Blackhawk Squadron; the "Losers" unit; Lt. Stewart and his Haunted Tank; the man known only as the Unknown Soldier; and in the river was the small sub piloted by the man called the Red Torpedo.

While Cap greeted his unexpected allies, one last addition to this mighty fighting force made his appearance. And no one was more surprised than Wonder Woman when he made his presence known.

"Hi Angel," he said, coming up behind her.

"Steve!" she said, shocked. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

Steve Trevor shrugged, "Not sure really. I was wishing you and Cap and the rest of you had taken me with you. And out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw this ghostly figure with a green hood. Before I could even turn to see if I was imagining things, I found myself just over that hill. I followed the Howling Commandos and then I saw you, my lovely Angel."

"It sounds like the Spectre," the Amazon Queen said. "You shouldn't be here, my darling. You could be hurt! It will be very dangerous!"

Steve laughed. "I'm a soldier and this is war. I don't go hiding in my room because there might be danger."

"But this will not be the usual battle among mortals," she said. "The Nazis will send their Super Soldiers to stop us, and Loki will have mystic obstacles ready to repel us. You aren't ready for this. Please, go back!"

"Sorry, Angel," he said. "But where you go, I go!"

Wonder Woman couldn't help but smile. "So stubborn! Such a male!"

"Every inch of me, gorgeous!"

Impulsively, she kissed him. She didn't care who was watching. Hercules and the Sub-Mariner tried to ignore it. They had given up trying to win Wonder Woman's heart. Trevor already had it.

"Enough lollygagging," Cap yelled. "We have an Empire to conquer! Let's move out!"

The mighty super army marched on, closer and closer to the heart of the Third Reich! They met some early resistance in the form of normal German troops. They were defeated or routed easily. It would take a lot more then that to stop the Allied super heroes from reaching their real enemy!

Fortress Europa, Hitler's HQ in Berlin

There was panic in the fortress. Officers of all ranks and their aides rushed around frantically. The war had been going against them for months, but they had managed to hold the line, thanks to their super soldiers. But now that they'd lost the Spear of Destiny, the thing they had feared most was now occurring. The Super-Heroes of America and England had united to march on the Third Reich. They had Invaded Germany, defeated the first line of resistance and were nearing Berlin.

Everyone was at panic stations. The calmest man among them was the man formerly known as Werner Schmidt. He was once a normal man, but now he was nothing but a brain in a glass bubble. A brain which could speak telepathically. He was generally known as Brain Drain, and he had been appointed the head of the Uber-Force Division. He summoned Captain Nazi, who had been picked as head of the united Axis Super Army. He seemed confident.

"Is it time?" Captain Nazi asked.

"It is," Brain Drain said. "They're here. I've summoned your legions. Every one of them! Japan and Italy have even sent a few extra soldiers to boost our forces."

"I'm ready," Captain Nazi said. "No one will reach the Fuhrer. We will destroy them all! Hail Hitler!"

Elsewhere in the fortress, in a hidden chamber

The German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler entered a secret room which only he and one other being were ever allowed to enter. The room was crammed with mystical artifacts which Hitler had collected. He was obsessed with mysticism and he believed it was the only thing that could save his Reich now.

Inside the room was another man. He was a tall, dark haired being in green and gold attire, wearing a horned helmet. He had the conceited bearing of a god. And that was what he was. Loki, the Aesir god of evil!

"They're here!" Hitler shouted frantically, in German. "The Americans and the British! They're here! They're coming! We've sent out the super soldier army but you have to do something! You promised me!"

Loki was outwardly very calm as his listened to the panicky Hitler rant and rave like the madman he was. Inwardly, though, Loki was excited that the final battle was finally here. No more games. No more stalling. No more holding back. It was time for this massive war to become an epic battle, something like Ragnarok!

Finally, Hitler ran out of breath. "Say something, you infuriating godling! Speak to me! I am Adolf Hitler! Recognize me!"

Loki considered turning Hitler into a German Shepard but the Dark Council had invested a lot of time in cultivating Hitler's career and now, with the end so close, was no time to dispatch him. Later, but not now.

"Calm thyself, my good Adolf," Loki said. "I am aware of all that has occurred and I am preparing even now a suitable greeting for the cursed invaders of thy country. In the meantime, let thy super warriors do what they have been prepared to do. They will gain me time, and they will weaken the enemy. And then very soon, I will have a most unloving welcome for the Justice Society and their allies! Trust in Loki! They are assuredly doomed!"

A few miles away . . .

Captain Nazi and his Axis Uber-force had created a defensive line outside of Berlin. On a field near the city, the battle of all battles would finally be fought. This would decide the war!

Captain Nazi's army consisted of . . . Master Man; the Warrior Woman; the Huntress; Icicle; Sumo; the Fiddler; Etrigan the Demon; Brain Wave; Count Vertigo; the Reaper; the Junk man; the Blue Bullet; the Psycho Pirate; the Yellow Wasp; the Flaming Skull; Solomon Grundy; Blitzkrieg; the Swastika; the Reich's Mark; the Iron Kaiser; the Crimson Samurai; Culp; the Thinker; Granch; Tiger Shark; King Shark; Von Bach (the Manitaur); Blackbriar Thorn; and Ultra-Man.

The immortal beings from the dark council had sent the Executioner and the Enchantress to assist Loki, and Loki sent them to the battlefield to join Captain Nazi's army. An army chosen from the files of the Nazi genius Baron Zemo, who helped plan their strategy along with Brain Drain, before his fall from grace, although Zemo would not be present at its enactment. Brain Drain-following Zemo's play book-had reached out to Attuma and Warlord Krang, but they had sworn off further contact with the surface world. And since Vandal Savage and the Red Skull were nowhere to be found, this was the final line up for the Uber-Force.

The super powered beings were backed up by every available German soldier that Hitler could gather. Led by the vicious Colonel known as Krieghund (which means 'War Hound') the Nazi storm troopers were well supplied with tanks and guns, determined to repel the enemy.

Captain Nazi could see the American and British heroes approaching from a distance. His heart beat faster. It was time. The ultimate battle was about to begin!

Not far away, unbeknownst to the superheroes, the Soviet army, led by General Chukoff, was also marching toward Berlin, with a zealous determination to avenge themselves for the long siege at Leningrad. Since most Nazi forces in the area had been redeployed to Colonel Krieghund, it was easy for the Russians to push their way past the initial resistance and close in on Berlin!

They finally met! The two powerful costumed, super armies met on the field of combat. They stood a hundred yards from each other. There was a minute of silent staring, as if one side hoped the other would turn and flee. But that didn't happen. Captain America signaled to his men to wait where they were and he walked forward. Captain Nazi did the same they stopped ten feet from each other and sized each other up.

"We will not let you set your filthy American feet in Berlin," Nazi said. "We have - how do you Americans say it? - the home field advantage! You will not win!"

"I've been told that before by many Nazis," Cap replied. "It was no truer then, than it is now. The war is going against you. Be smart and surrender without further violence."

"Such idiotic bravado," Captain Nazi said with a laugh. "Can you possibly believe you can defeat us here in the heart of our own fatherland? Fool, you have three choices. Flee, surrender or die!"

"I guess talking isn't going to get us anywhere is it?" Cap commented.

"The time for talk is long past," Nazi said. "Time to die!"

"Then we take Berlin by storm," Cap said. "This ends today!"

"This is only the beginning of the thousand year Reich!"

"Keep saying that to yourself," Cap said. "Maybe you'll believe it. That's all I have to say to you."

Cap backed away, keeping his eyes on Captain Nazi. The Nazi turned and walked back to his people. Cap returned to his side. "It's time," Cap said. "Let's stop Hitler!"

Captain Nazi and his compatriots let out a fearsome war whoop and wasted no time in beginning the battle. Led by their leader, the Uber-Force charged toward Cap's army. At Cap's signal, the American and British heroes launched themselves forward, meeting the charge.

The two armies collided with epic force!

Fortress Europa

Hitler sat curled up in the fetal position. Things were falling apart. The super armies of the allies were at the gate and word had come that the Soviets were marching on Berlin from the other side/ Hitler didn't have enough men to spare to fend off the soviets. He could only hope that his Uber-Force defeated Captain America's army in time to stop the Russians.

He didn't know what Loki was planning, but he hoped it would be something grand! He needed a grand show of force; otherwise his mighty Reich would surely fall.

Back on the battlefield . . .

The two armies were locked in mortal combat. Captain Nazi had made a beeline towards Captain America but was intercepted by his deputy leader Sentinel. The Sentinel blasted Captain Nazi back 100 feet and purposed him. Capt. Nazi recovered quickly and charged back to kill the Sentinel.

Master Man, armed with an ancient Sword given to him by Hitler himself, locked up with his old rival Captain America. He had been in special training and hoped that this time, he could finally beat Cap.

Solomon Grundy ripped a tree out of the ground and swung it like a baseball bat. But Hercules blocked its path, shattering it with his mace. Grundy roared menacingly and attacked the Olympian. The slugged it out with incredibly powerful blows.

The Executioner lunged forward with his ax, ready to hack apart anyone in his path. A mystic bolt of eldritch energy tripped him up. He looked up and saw Doctor Fate swooping down towards him. The Lord of Order managed to disarm the Asgardian of his ax but still had to deal with his staggering strength and fighting prowess.

Ultra-Man - who had been recruited from space by Loki - flew into the fray, confident that none of them - except Doctor Fate - could counter his many incredible powers. Magic was his only weakness and since Fate was distracted by the Executioner, he was free to wreck havoc on the others. However, he did not know that there were other magicians among the Americans. While he was focused on his first target - the Sub-Mariner - Zatara the magician cast a spell that started to sap Ultra-Man's strength. Also, Johnny Thunder said the magic words 'Cei U' and summoned genie Thunderbolt.

"Hey bolt," Johnny Thunder said, "I want to you help Zatara in taking away Ultra-Man's power so Subby can beat him!"

"As you say, master," the Thunderbolt said obediently and proceeded to use his powers against Ultra-Man.

Von Bach, the mighty horned Manitaur, rammed forward and came across the Whip. The Spanish hero foolishly tried to use his whip to deter the monstrous horned being. He failed and ended up impaled on one of those big, lethal horns. The Whip became the first casualty of the battle!

Before Von Bach could celebrate his kill, he met further resistance from the demigod Hurricane, along with the Atom - who had recently gained super strength - and Amazing Man.

Wonder Woman raced to help against the Manitaur, but suddenly, the Enchantress appeared. Seeing the woman who had bedeviled her on so many occasions, Hippolyta forgot about Von Bach and charged at the Asgardian goddess.

"Witch!" the Amazon cried. "This will be our last meeting!"

"Indeed it will," the Enchantress said, with a smile. "It will indeed."

Nearby, Aquaman hooked up in battle with Tiger Shark and the two of them fell into a nearby lake to continue their fight. The bestial King Shark pursued them, eager to join his friend Tiger Shark for the kill. However, Spitfire and Toro blocked him with a wall of flame. The monster backed off, frightened of the fire. The two flame throwing heroes continued their attack.

Etrigan the demon was drawn to the flames and was anxious to spit his own fiery breath at an enemy. He was distracted by the descending shadow. The shadow of a flying horse and its rider!

"Etrigan!" Sir Justin called, recognizing the demon from centuries ago, when they battled during the fall of Camelot, where Sir Justin was frozen in time. "I have not forgotten you, creature. I remember how Merlin summoned you to help us but you betrayed the King! Would you face your old foe again?"

"Ha!" the Demon laughed, remembering their long ago encounter.

"So, the Shining Knight still can shine.
We meet again on the banks of the Rhine.
This time I will taste your flesh, Sir Knight.
This will be your final fight!"

"Come ahead, monster!"

Etrigan spit flames at Sir Justin but the knight's shield deflected it easily. Etrigan roared and continued his assault.

Blackbriar Thorn was a mystic creature, part mutant and part demon. He had lived for centuries. He was a Forest demon, made of wood. Aside from limited mystic powers, he could transform himself into a giant thicket of thorns and strangling wooden roots. He could produce poisonous thorns out of his body.

Flash picked up the Ax dropped by the Executioner. Following the Flash's lead, the Whizzer picked up the sword that Master Man had been relieved of. Taking their cue, Johnny Quick borrowed a ceremonial Civil War scimitar from Jeb Stewart. The three speedsters began to hack the forest demon apart at super speed. They chopped him up faster than Thorn could regrow his dismembered parts. They were easily able to avoid his thorns. He tried to use his magic on them, but unbeknownst to him, Miss Venus was hiding nearby, protecting the speeding trio from his spells. They continued to hack him to bits.

Culp crept stealthily, using his diminutive size to move unnoticed. He was good at being sneaky. He focused on Captain America, who was pummeling Master Man, as his target. He was about to utilize his shadow powers and destroy the star spangled hero, but he was cut off by an unexpected foe. An old rival had returned.

Similar dark energy to his own appeared before him, and the dapper Englishman known as the Shade stepped out of the shadow. He tipped his hat politely.

"My dear Culp," the Shade said. "So good to see you again, old chap. Have I interrupted something? Dear me, how rude of me!"

"Dickie boy," Culp said. "I was hoping you'd be along, mate. Wouldn't be the same if I didn't get the chance to do you once and for all, eh?"

"You can try, little friend," the Shade said. "But I think you'll be disappointed. Again!"

"Bloody pratt!" Culp snarled.

The two masters of darkness collided, and in an explosion of blinding blackness, they both vanished into the ether.

The Psycho Pirate tried to use his emotion altering powers on the brilliant Doc Savage. Removing his Medusa mask, he tried to turn savage into a terrified coward. The Psycho Pirate was stunned when it didn't work.

"Doctor Mid-Nite warned me about you," Doc Savage said. "He told me that if someone had a strong enough mind, it was only a matter of self hypnosis and concentration which would create an immunity to your powers. It seems he was right."

"Uhhh," the Psycho Pirate muttered, "Whoops!"

Doc Savage knocked the Psycho Pirate out with one solid blow.

Meanwhile, Brain Wave was using his own formidable mental powers on Wildcat, the Blond Phantom, and the Black Canary. The over eager Wildcat lunged at the little man with the large cranium. The small man grinned confidently. A blast of psychic energy hit Wildcat. The costumed hero suddenly didn't know which way was up. His world turned topsy turvy. All he could see was swirling chaos!

As Wildcat fell, the Blonde Phantom and the Black Canary tried to sneak up on him. However, he sensed their presence with his mental powers. He turned and looked at the Blonde Phantom.

"Sleep" he said casually.

Blonde Phantom abruptly fell asleep in mid run and collapse to the ground. The Black Canary was on her own. She opened her mouth, planning to unleash her sonic canary cry.

"You will not speak," Brain Wave said. "Silence!"

To her shock, the Black Canary found herself rendered mute. Try as she might, she couldn't make a sound. She crouched in martial arts position. Brain Wave didn't seem intimidated.

"Stop your hostilities," he ordered. "Put your hands down and come to me, now."

Lowering her fists, the Black Canary was drawn forward, unable to stop her legs from walking towards her foe. She felt like a puppet. She strained to control herself. She slowed down a bit but couldn't stop herself.

"You and I will have an enjoyable post war celebration, my lovely," Brain Wave said.

As she fought valiantly to free herself, both she and rain Wave were distracted by a bright flash of red from above. A small star had appeared, and quickly formed into the shape of a man. A flaming man!

Jim! Black Canary thought. I knew he'd come!

The Human Torch dived down toward the little telepath. Brain Wave tried to use his powers against his fiery foe, but he had never met a Fire Elemental before. They were ethereal, preternatural beings, unlike anything in Brain Wave's past experience. The Human Torch had no corporeal brain in his flaming form and thus was immune to Brain Wave's powers.

With a gesture, the Human Torch set Brain Wave on fire. The little criminal screamed in agony as he was incinerated, becoming the second casualty of this awesome battle. The Black Canary, freed from Brain Wave's power, gasped. She had never seen the Torch so vicious. Still this was war and he was protecting her. And he was not human himself. Could she judge him by typical morality?

"Jim!" she called up to the Torch. "Thank you. And please don't just vanish this time! I need your help. This battle is important and it may end the war. I need you to help me through this. We all need you. Please stay and help. For me?"

After a few moments of hesitation, the flaming elemental nodded. The Canary was relived.

"Thank you," she said. "I knew I could count on you."

At that moment, the Blue Bullet and Bullet Man launched themselves over the field at each other, moving at high speed. They collided with a sickening crack. The Blue Bullet's cumbersome Iron suit split and the man inside fell to the ground, badly injured but alive. However, Bulletman's steel cap shattered, as did his skull. He fell to the ground, dead, casualty number three.

Meanwhile, Count Vertigo was using his dizzying power to disrupt equilibrium on Doll Man and Mister Terrific. Doll Man was overwhelmed, caught in the grip of spinning chaos. Mister Terrific tried to hold together, focusing his brilliant mind on his enemy. Although disoriented by Vertigo, he managed to stagger forward slowly.

While Count Vertigo was concentrating on Mr. Terrific, Doctor Mid-Nite came up behind him. Mid-Nite was very good at covert actions. He snuck up on Vertigo and waylaid him with a nerve punch.

"Thanks," Terrific said.

The Icicle, the Flaming Skull and the Neanderthal-like Granch saw that Captain America had defeated Master Man and they closed in on him, hoping to assassinate the enemy leader. However, they didn't get the chance. The Flash, Johnny Quick and the Whizzer had finished with Blackbriar Thorn (Who had retreated back to the bowels of the earth) and the Sentinel had defeated Captain Nazi. The four heroes suddenly ambushed the Axis trio. The Icicle and Granch were quickly captured. But the Flaming Skull tried too hard to defeat his foes, overtaxing his powers, until he burned himself out, combusting uncontrollably, until he was reduced to ashes. Another death!

While this was happening, a skirmish was occurring across the field. On one side was . . . Uncle Sam; the Star Spangled Kid; Judo Master; the Sandman; Sandy the Golden boy; Black Condor; the Silver Scorpion; the Tarantula; Union Jack; the Destroyer; the Victorian; Stripsey; the Guardian; the Patriot; the Spirit of '76; the Fighting American; Hourman; and Wildcat.

On the other side was . . . The Warrior Woman; Huntress; the Fiddler; the Reaper; Junk Man; Sumo; the Yellow Wasp; Blitzkrieg; the Swastika; the Iron Kaiser; the Reich's Mark; the Crimson Samurai; and the Thinker.

The two mini armies closed in and fought, looking more like a gang fight than a war scene. But a few dozen yards away, a more warlike scene was taking place.

Colonel Kreighund and his normal, non-super powered forces were rolling into combat. Captain America saw them and rallied his own non-meta troops. The Howling Commandos; Easy Company; the Losers; the Unknown Soldier; Steve Trevor; and the haunted tank. Cap knew there weren't enough of them to counter all of Kreighund's army, but fortunately, he had some super powered back-up.

Along with the normal soldiers were Sergeant Steel; the Fogg: Robot-man; Hawkman; the Fury; Logan; Miss America; Marvel Boy; the Fin; TNT; and Plastic Man. The Black Canary joined them, with the Human Torch following her lead. These super beings helped Cap's small army battle the much larger, better armed forces of Colonel Kreighund.

Logan led the charge, taking many bullets. He fell several times, only to rise again, healed and more determined each time. He scared the Nazi's who'd never seen anything like that. Cap was right behind him, protected by his shield. Sergeant Steel and Robot-Man were immune to the artillery. Several members of Easy Company and the Howling commandos fell to the enemy bullets but the rest continued to run bravely into the hail of lead.

Krieghund sent in the tanks, and TNT destroyed the first in line, but the second tank caught him with a direct hit, killing TNT instantly. The Human Torch melted a few tanks, while the Haunted Tank took out a few more. Sergeant Steel and Robot Man combine their strength to overturn some of the tanks, while Miss America and the Fury teamed up to turn over the rest. Krieghund's tank unit was quickly neutralized.

Nazi air cover arrived late and zeroed in on the allies. But they were met by the Black Hawk Squadron, as well as Starman, who used his gravity powers to cause the planes to become too heavy to fly. The Nazi planes crashed. The Nazi air cover didn't last long.

A mortar barrage was unleashed by Kreighund's Nazi's and explosions erupted all over the field. One came down near the site where Uncle Sam's group was fighting Warrior Woman's group. Stripsey, Black Condor, Sandy and the Victorian received minor injuries, but the blast was lethal to the Tarantula and the Silver Scorpion. The other side wasn't spared. The Iron Kaiser, the Crimson Samurai and Sumo were also killed.

The Thinker was wounded and his Thinking Cap destroyed. The Huntress was also badly injured, but the wreckage of one of the crashing planes crushed her dying body and finished her off.

Master Man, who was lying beaten and battered on the battle field struggled to get to his feet, He'd been beaten by Captain America again. He was angry and lusting for revenge. He heard a whistling sound. He looked up and the last sight he saw was a mortar shell coming down right on top of him.

Aquaman came out of the lake, dragging the injured form of Tiger Shark behind him. He had impaled Tiger Shark with his Harpoon arm. He looked around to see who needed help.

Sentinel helped Hercules defeat Solomon Grundy, and the three speedsters, joined Namor, Zatara and Johnny Quick in neutralizing Ultra-Man, whose power had been depleted. The eight of them and Aquaman divided their forces to help finish off the Executioner, King Shark and Von Bach.

Etrigan was still battling Sir Justin. But the Demon was getting frustrated. He had been wounded by the Knight's sword several times and couldn't seem to get passed Justin's defenses. He was so angry and focused on the Shining Knight that he didn't see Doctor Fate and the Thunderbolt coming up behind him. They cast a spell on him before he knew what was happening.

The two mystic beings turned Etrigan into stone! The Uber-Force was falling apart.

The Enchantress, although not technically part of the Uber-Force, was still fighting Wonder Woman. The Amazon had evaded the sorcerery attacks of the Asgardian. The Enchantress looked around and saw that the battle was not going well and the Justice Society was going to win again.

Wonder Woman saw Steve Trevor running in her direction. She was distracted for a moment, worrying that the Enchantress might kill him if he came too close to her. The Enchantress noticed Hippolyta's attention wander for a split second and she took advantage. Quickly, she cast a spell.

"Immobilus!" she cried. "Thou shalt not move Amazon! Thou shall be still as a statue!"

Taken off guard, Wonder Woman found herself completely immobilized by the Enchantress' spell. As hard as she tired, he couldn't move a finger. She was helpless before her enemy and she knew it. Worse yet, her beloved Steve was coming and if the Enchantress decided to kill him, she couldn't help him.

"The mortal is handsome, Hippolyta," the Enchantress said. "I shall have some fun with him."

Trevor neared the two women and sized up the situation. He realized that Wonder Woman was at the mercy of the Enchantress. He pointed his gun at her. "Don't to anything stupid, lady. Just move away from Wonder Woman and I won't shoot!"

"Amusing," she said, "Brave and handsome. No wonder the Amazon is taken by thee. Perhaps I should take thee for myself."

The Enchantress waved her hand and the gun turned to water, soiling onto the floor. Steve looked stunned. The Enchantress smiled. The immobilized Wonder Woman feared for Steve.

The Enchantress worked her sensual magic on Steve. She eyes and her words seduced him. He was mesmerized by her. "Such an impressive man. So handsome. The consort of an Amazon would make a fitting companion for an Asgardian. Do not say thou finds me unattractive. Could I steal your love from the Amazon Queen?"

"I . . . Uh, umm . . . " Steve muttered, beguiled by the goddess.

The Enchantress touched his cheek and Steve felt a wave of desire for her. "Would thou test thy love for Wonder Woman against my passionate lips?"

She threw her arms around him and kissed him, to Wonder Woman's horror. No! Steve, fight her!

But it was too late. Steve was totally under her spell. "Wouldst thou come with me, handsome mortal?"

"I . . . I'd go anywhere with you, my love."

NO!! Not Steve! She can't take him!

"Good. Come with me, my sweet," the Enchantress said, taking Steve's arm. Steve away, to Hippolyta's horror. Just then, a mortal shell landed nearby and exploded. The fragments barely missed the helpless Amazon. A Nazi plan crashed nearby, too. The place was deadly with debris, and Hippolyta couldn't move.

"I think I shall leave thee here," the Enchantress said. "If thou survives the debris, you will be powerless against what Loki has in store for thee and thy friends. And I want thee to know that thy beloved Steve Trevor is mine now. Think upon that during the last moments thy life. Goodbye Wonder Woman. I shall enjoy thy lover. Come Steven."

The Enchantress led Steve away. The frozen Amazon was furious and despairing as her precious Steve walked off with her nemesis. Steve, come back! Don't leave me! Come back!

The Enchantress and Steve vanished . . . And reappeared in the hidden chamber inside Fortress Europa. Loki stood inside, watching the events of the battle in a crystal orb. He glanced over at the Enchantress. "Ah, Amora, wonderful to see thee. I see thou hast brought me a guest."

"I have our . . . volunteer," she said. "He'll do anything for me, won't you, my Steven?"

"Yes," the spellbound Steve shouted, "Anything you want. I'm yours to command."

Loki smiled. "Perfect. He'll do fine. Bring him to the weapon."

They entered a chamber behind a sliding door. Loki slid open a curtain and revealed the giant metal form of the Asgardian Destroyer!

"The invincible weapon," Loki said. "It just needs a mortal soul to quicken it to life. The cursed justice Society survived their last encounter with it by luck last time but this time, without Thor and other fortunate strokes of luck, they will die at the hands of the Destroyer!"

Back on the battlefield

The battle was over. The Uber-Force was defeated. Kreighund's army was in retreat. The tank unit and the air squadron were totally destroyed. The mortar battery had stopped. It was all over. Berlin lay open to them. Hitler was undefended and there was nothing left to stop them.

They took a few minutes to gather their dead. There had been five casualties and half dozen injuries to their forced. Cap asked Doc Savage and Doctor Mid-Note to stay and care for the injured-guarded by Starman, Robot Man and the Black Hawks. Sandman insisted on staying as well, since Sandy was injured. They didn't know where Wonder Woman was, so Namor volunteered to go and look for her.

The rest (Cap, the Sentinel, the Flash, Hercules, Black Canary, Human Torch, Toro, S.S. Kid, Doctor Fate, the Atom, Hawkman, Uncle Sam, the Guardian, the Whizzer, Miss America, the Patriot, the Spirit of '76, the Fighting American, Logan, Johnny Quick, Mister Terrific, Judo Master, Zatara, Marvel Boy, the Fin, Amazing Man, Wildcat, Aquaman, Hourman, Plastic Man, Union Jack, Spitfire, Destroyer, the Fogg, the Shining Knight, Sgt. Fury, Jeb Stuart, Sgt. Rock, the Losers, and the surviving members of easy company and the howling commandos) headed for the heart of Berlin.

Before they got very far, they saw Loki standing on top of a truck parked on the outskirts of the city. He seemed very jolly. "Greetings, foolish mortals. Welcome to the end of the war and the end of thy lives."

"Loki" Cap said. "You keep turning up like a bad penny. But surely you don't think that even you can defeat us all?"

"Let me thrash the villain," Hercules said. "I challenge the Asgardian to one-on-one combat!"

"Save they foolish bluster, Olympian," Loki said. Thou impresses me not. Reserve thy strength for the true challenge I have in store for thee."

"Challenge?" Cap asked suspiciously.

Loki snapped his fingers and suddenly, something broke out of the side of the truck. Something large and metal and powerful!

"The Destroyer from Asgard!" Cap cried.

"The unkillable machine!" Hercules added.

"Uh oh!" Bucky the SS Kid said. "Not good."

"Kill them!" the Asgardian God of Evil shouted. "Kill them all!"

The Destroyer stomped forward, unstoppable and determined to kill the allied heroes!

To be continued! Can the invincible Asgardian Destroyer be stopped or will it save the third Reich? Will the heroes fall or will Hitler be defeated? And what’s going on in Japan? Be here for Justice Society of America #48, to see the final battle of the European theater of war! You only think you know how the war ended!