DCM Timely

No. 45

MARCH 1945

Justice Society of America
The Beginning of the End
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
Dr. Fate
Doc Savage
Steve Trevor
Count Vertigo
Captain Axis
Black Lama

The Pentagon

Captain America was at another in a series of meetings with the brass at the Pentagon. He'd had at least one weekly over the past two months, ever since he visited Los Alamos and found out about their plans for an ultimate weapon! The heavy water experiments were appalling to the moral hero. He hoped to bring the powers-that-be to their senses.

Although Cap was, basically, just a government employee - an agent in a mask - he'd still risen to prominence in society. He was the symbol of America and millions looked up to him as the greatest protector of democracy in the world. For this reason, the generals and politicians accorded him the courtesy of an audience when he asked for one. His Justice Society was important to the war effort.

Once again, he tried in vain to talk them out of their plan. It was a plan he considered madness! A plan concerning a hideously powerful bomb!

New York City . . . HQ of the brilliant adventurer known as Doc Savage.

Al Pratt - better known to the world as the Atom - was being examined by a genius. Doctor Clark Savage Jr. was giving the diminutive masked man a thorough check up. Pratt had revealed his identity to Savage, knowing the Man of Bronze could be trusted.

"And you say it was two months ago you started feeling this strange sensation?" Savage asked. "After you were infected by an atomic mutation?"

"Right," the Atom said. "Like I said, I was head of security when one of the mutations that Professor Knight and his colleges had been experimenting on broke lose. With Captain America's help we contained it but I was scratched."

Doc Savage studied a blood sample. "Hmmm. Insect bodily fluid, various chemicals and atomic radiation. I'm not sure what it's doing to you but I don't think it will damage you. There seem to be changes but they aren't toxic to your system."

"There certainly are changes," the Atom said. "Take a look at this."

The Atom crossed the room to where a pair of Doc Savage's heavy bar bells lay. The Atom grabbed the bar in one hand. With ease, he hefted the weights up above his head and held them there. "And this is nothing. I can punch through brick walls."

"Fascinating," Savage said. "We need to run a few more tests."

Salem, Massachusetts

In his tower sanctum, Kent Nelson - a.k.a. Dr. Fate - was using his mystic powers in a supernatural investigation. He'd promised the Black Canary that he'd find out why the supposedly inert android Human Torch kept appearing as a powerful fiery phantom.

His studies had brought him closer and closer to an answer. After eight weeks, the Canary was getting impatient and even Fate himself was getting curious to find the answer to this mystery.

Finally, he came upon something! He muttered to himself, surprised by what he'd found. "An elemental! The Human Torch a fire elemental!"


The new Hawkman, formerly known as the Red Raven, wandered through the halls of the Justice Society manor. He'd been given an open invitation to come and visit. He finally decided to come and see. Toro had begun giving him a guided tour but had to step out momentarily to handle a minor crime that was reported nearby, so the new Hawkman continued looking around on his own.

Months ago he'd promised Carter Hall - the original Hawkman - that he'd carry on the legacy, since Hawkgirl gave her life to save the Red Raven's Avian city. He'd spent the last few months dividing his time between his sky home and terrestrial Earth. He'd been a force for good, especially in Europe, where he'd been helping Allied troops against Nazis. He was so tired from his duel duty that he needed a break. He came to JSA HQ.

He'd been nominated for membership by Wonder Woman two months ago, but the official word on his acceptance had been delayed. Captain America had been distracted by some important meetings. Deputy leader Sentinel and the Flash were off on a personal mission, seeking a criminal named Hammerhead. Doctor Midnight had been away investigating some crime syndicate. No one could be sworn in without the approval of the four senior members, so Hawkman Two waited to see if he was accepted. In the meantime, he liked the mansion. It was almost on par with castle at home.

He noticed Wonder Woman, Hercules and the Fury having some sort of discussion in another room. He was curious about their obviously serious debate and while it wasn't his place to be nosy - he wasn't a member yet - if it was something he could help with, it wouldn't hurt to get some information. With sharp ears, he listened unseen.

Back at the JSA Mansion

Wonder Woman, Hercules, and Fury were having an intense discussion. Wonder Woman held a complex, cube-shaped device in her hand. It was a device of immense importance.

"It's called a Mother Box," The Amazon Queen said. "It's an alien artifact."

Fury pointed at it. "That's the thing Hawkman used to kill Mr. Fixit, isn't it?"

"Indeed," Wonder Woman said. "The villainous Fixit brought it from a far planet. Carter Hall took it off him and used it to destroy him. The fiend deserved it. When Carter decided to retire, he left the device with me. I've asked my friend Doc Savage to examine it. He ran a series of tests on it to try and understand its working. Although the technology is beyond even Clark Savage's ken, he has deduced how to utilize it, and he has instructed me in its use. With this, I can transport anywhere instantly."

Hercules yawned. "This mewling babble of strange devices serves to make my eyelids heavy with the desire for sleep. Although the Price of Power is ever at thy service, my lovely Amazon queen, I wouldst know why thou didst awaken me to listen to such tiresome ramblings?"

"The war, Hercules," Hippolyta stated. "We can end the war with this!"

"With that?" Fury said, pointing again. "You've lost me, Polly?"

"Think a moment," Wonder Woman said. "What stops the Justice Society and other heroes from storming Germany and Japan, thus ending the war?"

"The Spear of Destiny," Fury said. "The most powerful heroes are vulnerable to it."

"And without the likes of the Sentinel, Doctor Fate, the Flash and such, the rest of us would not be able to fight off the Black Lama and the Fuhrer's army of superhuman soldiers. Our attack would be futile."

"How does this Box thingy change any of that?" the Fury asked.

"We've wanted to get the Spear of Destiny away from Hitler for years," Hippolyta said. "But we haven't been able to get into his fortress. We can't go into Germany by any normal route or we'd be driven back. And a mystic shield projected by the Lama prevents Aphrodite or Dr. Fate from teleporting us there by there magic."

"And so?"

"And so," the Amazon continued, "we now have a non-mystical means to teleport ourselves into Hitler's Fortress. A means that won't be blocked by the Lama's power. We can slip undetected into the Fortress, steal the Spear and be away before anyone becomes the wiser. And once the Spear is out of Hitler's hands, the heroes of the Allied countries can overrun the evil Axis and finally end this accursed war!"

Hawkman was listening, very interested in this conversation and in how he could help. Just then, he heard someone entering and ducked out of sight.

Fury was still reeling from the news she's just heard. She jumped to her feet. "Wow! Fantastic! The end of the War! When do we leave?"

Wonder Woman waved a finger. "Not you, my dear Helena. This is a danger I'll not permit you to face. It is a responsibility that must be mine. I am one of the few super powered beings who are immune to the power of the Spear. And only I know how to use the Mother Box. It is I who must go."

Hercules rose from his comfy chair and stood in the center of the room. "Although the Son of Zeus hath no interest in wars between mortals, wither goes the Amazon, so does Hercules venture."

"And I!" Another voice said.

It took a moment for Hippolyta to recognize that deep voice which she had not heard in so many months. It was the voice of a man she had once loved and who she believed had abandoned her and the rest of the JSA. But he was back. She knew that voice.

Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner, had returned!

Hippolyta was momentarily speechless with surprise. As for Hercules, he just gritted his teeth and sneered at the one-tome love of Hippolyta. He considered Namor his rival, although the fact was that Wonder Woman only had eyes for Steve Trevor these days.

"Namor," Hippolyta said, composing herself. "You've returned to us."

"I have."

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back."

"I have a debt of honor to complete," the Atlantean prince said. "I keep my word."

Hercules stepped toward the Sub-Mariner. "So, I see thou hast at last recovered from thy injuries. Thy recovery was a long one, but I see that thou art once again upon two winged feet. Being ministered to by mermaids must agree with thee."

Namor eyed him with anger. "I will not waste words on you now, Olympian. My ears have detected plans of war and I am eager for battle with the hated Nazis. But wait until another time, and we will speak face-to-face as men of honor!"

"So be it!" Hercules said.

Queen Hippolyta hated it when they fought over her like this, as if she were a prize. Her heart belonged to Steve Trevor. She had to take control of this conversation.

"Enough posturing!" she shouted. "It's time to act. We three shall go together! Hercules, you will deal with the Black Lama. Namor, you will handle security. And I shall retrieve the Spear."

Fury wanted to go along. "Polly, can't I . . . "

"I've made my decision!" Wonder Woman said. "You will remain here. If we're not back in one hour, tell Captain America where we went and he'll decide how to proceed next."

"Time for action," Hercules yelled. "Ha! This was worth waking up for!"

"These Nazis not only have the Spear, but also Neptune's Trident," Namor stated. "And I will see them both taken from that Aryan madman or die trying! Imperious Rex!"

"It's time!" Wonder Woman said.

Following Doc Savage's instructions, she activated the Mother Box. A loud sonic 'Boom' was heard and a portal appeared in the air. A "tube" through time and space. The boom tube. Hawkman peeked in from the other room.

"If Doctor Savage programmed this correctly, the other end of this portal should be inside Hitler's Fortress," Wonder Woman said. "Are you both ready?"

Hercules and Namor both nodded. Wonder Woman smiled at her young protégé. "Goodbye, sweet Helena. I'll see you soon."

"Good Luck, Hippolyta."

Wonder Woman led the Olympian god and the Atlantean mutant into the swirling portal. They vanished from sight. Fury crossed her fingers, praying for her teacher's safe return.

Hawkman watched all this and decided that he couldn't just sit here in the mansion and let others take the risks. He needed to do something to be worthy of the legacy of Hawkman. He owed it to Carter Hall and poor Shiera. And knowing that he was immune to the spell of the Spear - possibly because his wings were man-made, he'd been able to go into the area of its influence before without any ill effects-he made a decision.

Hawkman launched himself forward. The Fury was startled to see the winged figure whoosh past her and dived into the boom tube.

"Hey! Stop!" Fury yelled.

It did no good. He was gone. The Fury took a moment to decide whether or not she should disobey Hippolyta and go into the portal. She reluctantly chose not to go to her teacher's aid!

Hitler's Fortress in Berlin

A boom tube opened in a darkly lit eastern wing of the Fortress. Wonder Woman stepped out of the portal, and crouched defensively, her senses alert for danger. Hercules and the Sub-Mariner leaped out of the portal moments later. Like the Amazon, they were alert for any security.

"It seems that the coast is clear," Wonder Woman whispered. "Now we need to find the Spear. Aphrodite once told me that by concentrating, by lasso could lead me to it. Let us see if she was correct."

She put her lasso on the ground and concentrated. Moments later, it started to move on its own, slithering like a snake. It crawled away.

"I'll follow," she said. "Hercules, you come with me. Namor, guard the portal. Make sure no Nazi agents use it to get to America."

"Leave that to me," Namor said.

Prince Namor concentrated. His incredible hearing was focused for any sound. He utilized his dolphin-like radar powers. His eyes - so used to the dark oceans - scanned the darkness. No one was going to sneak up on him.

But someone did appear unexpectedly. Hawkman suddenly popped out of the boom tube. He glided through the hall.

"By Neptune!" Namor shouted, surprised. "Why have you followed us?"

"I'm just here to help," Hawkman said. "I won't get in the way."

"Winged fool!" Namor yelled. "Go back before you . . . "

He didn't have a chance to finish scolding the Avian hero. His sharp ears picked up the sound of coming danger. Hawkman, whose hearing was also excellent, detected it, too.

Two figures came out of the darkness. One had a skull-like head and glowed because of the flames that burned from his body. The second was a tall, dignified looking man in a cloak. They were called, respectively, the Flaming Skull and Count Vertigo.

"I knew I sensed some motion here," Vertigo said in German. "Motion is my specialty."

Namor gestured to Hawkman to stay were he was. "I shall deal with these surface scum!"

The sea prince charged forward, but was forced to halt his aggression when the Flaming Skull released a fiery defense. Namor back-peddled, fearing exposure to the flames.

Hawkman swooped to Namor's assistance, hoping to draw the Flaming Skull's fire and give Namor a chance to get through. But Count Vertigo wasn't going to stand by and let his partner have all the glory. He used his power to disrupt balance and equilibrium to disorient Hawkman. The winged hero suddenly felt that the whole world was spinning. He tried to fly straight but he crashed into a wall. He fell to the ground, so dizzy he was unable to stand, let alone fly. Namor tried to go to his assistance but the flames of the other Nazi kept him at bay. The Atlantean sneered. Things were not going well!

Nearby . . .

Hercules and Hippolyta were sneaking through the halls of the fortress, following the slithering lasso. Hercules hated sneaking. He was itching for a good fight. Wonder Woman just wanted to find the spear.

Suddenly, in a puff of grey smoke, someone appeared in front of them. He wore the robes of a Lama. His face was hidden under the hood, but they knew who it was.

"The Black Lama," Wonder Woman said. "Or should I say, Loki of Asgard!"

Loki, Norse God of Evil, removed the robes. "Well met, my fair Amazon Queen. Ah, and thou has that Olympian oaf Hercules with thee. Thy taste in men hath not improved. Perhaps Loki could show thee finer company. Thou art a comely wench."

"I'd sooner cuddle with a cobra," she replied.

"As thou wishes," Loki said.

With a wave of his hand, large and venomous cobras appeared. They hissed menacingly.

Wonder Woman noticed that her lasso was crawling out of sight. "We have to follow the lasso, Hercules!"

"Go then, fair one," Hercules said. "Leave the Asgardian trickster to me!"

Wonder Woman nodded and raced after the lasso. Hercules marched fearlessly into battle with the two giant Cobras. Loki laughed as they rapped themselves around the Olympian.

Minutes later . . .

Wonder Woman continued to follow her lasso until it reached a vault door at the highest levels of the tower. She easily ripped the vault off its hinges. The lasso slithered inside the chamber. Hippolyta followed.

The Amazon Queen entered. Inside, she saw the object of her search. The Spear! The infamous Spear of Destiny hung on the wall of the chamber. Her heart lifted. It was within her reach.

But then she noticed someone else sitting in the darkness. He sat reclined in a chair in the corner. He stood up, straightening his green costume and cape. He had a swastika on his chest. He grinned confidently at the woman.

"Greetings, Fraulein," he said. "You would be the famous Wonder Woman. I am Captain Axis, champion warrior of the Third Reich. If you want the Spear, you must defeat me. And no mere woman can defeat an Aryan man!"

The Amazon sneered. "So be it! Let's see if male ego can defeat Amazon skill!"

She leaped into battle. Captain Axis dodged with amazing speed. He counter attacked with a roundhouse punch, but the Amazon was equally quick. They danced around each other for a while before locking up in battle. They were both very powerful. However, Wonder Woman was the stronger of the two. She began to out-power the Nazi. He surprised her by taking to the air. He had the power of flight.

While Hippolyta was distracted by this new trick, her lasso-which had lain forgotten during the battle-began to writhe and throb. The magic object was affected by the presence of another mystic artifact. The Spear corrupted the lasso.

Acting as if it had a mind of its own, the lasso sprang to life and targeted the Amazon queen. It wrapped itself around its former mistress like a constrictor.

"Great Hera!" Wonder Woman cried. "What's happening? This is impossible!"

Wonder Woman found herself bound from head to foot by her unbreakable lasso. She tripped to the ground, unable to free herself. Captain Axis wasn't sure what had happened but he knew the corrupting affects of the Spear and guessed what had occurred.

He descended to the floor and reached for the end of the lasso. Hippolyta panicked.

"Merciful Minerva! No!"

Captain Axis grabbed the lasso. Queen Hippolyta found herself in his power, forced to obey whoever held the lasso.

"You will not resist any longer!" Axis commanded. "You will obey."

"I . . . I will obey," she said meekly.

"Are you alone?" he asked. "Answer me!"

"I . . . I am compelled to answer. I am not here alone. Hercules and the Sub-Mariner are here as well."

"Then you will help me lead them into a trap!" Axis said, smirking.

Wonder Woman's eyes widened in horror. "I can't disobey. I must comply!"

Back in Washington, DC

Captain America and the Atom were in an army car, being chauffeured to the JSA manor by Steve Trevor. Atom had asked to see Cap and the JSA leader agreed. The Atom was describing his new super power. He even crushed a golf ball to demonstrate.

"So, you're part of the super powers club now, are you?" Cap said. "Congratulations. But be careful. Amazing powers bring increased responsibilities. Use your strength wisely."

"That's why I came to you," Atom said. "I could use the guidance of super powered people like your fellow JSA members. I always wanted to join, but I never felt I measured up. Now I think I have something to offer. Do you think I can join you?"

"It's not only up to me," Cap said. "I'll discuss it with the other members when we get to the mansion. But personally, I think your chances are good."

JSA Manor

Fury paced outside the boom tube, worried. She wished she could have gone and was having a hard time resisting the urge to dive into the Boom Tube and join them.

A few minutes later, Cap and the Atom entered. They saw the Boom Tube.

"What on Earth . . . ?" Cap began.

"Oh boy, am I glad to see you!" Fury said. "We have a problem here!"

Fury explained the situation to Cap and Atom. Cap was angry that Hippolyta had planned this without his approval, but that was a matter for a later time. Right now, his people were in danger. He also had a golden opportunity to get his hands on the Spear of Destiny. He had to act!

"You two stay here," Cap said. "I have no powers, so the Spear won't affect me. I'm not so sure about you two. It seems to be selective and I can't take the chance of you turning on me. So you two stand guard here and make sure no Nazi agents come out of the portal and into our mansion. I'm going in. Wish me luck!"

Back in the Fortress in Germany

Namor was still being driven back and dehydrated by the fiery power of the Flaming Skull. Hawkman remained nearly immobilized by the power of Count Vertigo. The two Nazis chuckled, confident in their victory.

At that moment, Captain America leaped out of the boom tube and immediately took stock of the situation. He noted that Namor and Hawkman were not doing well. The two Nazis hesitated a moment, surprised by the arrival of the American icon. Before they could react, Cap flung his shield. The disc hit Count Vertigo, knocking him unconscious. It returned to Cap's hand just in time for him to use it as a defense against the Flaming Skull. The Skull blasted away at the Captain with fireballs. The shield protected him.

While the Skull's attention was fixed firmly on Cap, Namor grabbed the mace from the still stunned Hawkman. He threw it at the Skull, hitting him in the stomach. The Skull doubled over, gasping for breath. Cap threw his shield again and knocked the Skull out.

Namor rose to his feet. Cap helped Hawkman up. The winged hero was still dizzy and unsteady but he tried to look confident.

"Everyone okay?" Cap asked.

The two men nodded. Just then, they heard a woman's cry for help. A Wonder Woman calling for their aid.

"Hippolyta!" Namor said. "She's calling! She needs help!"

"Right!" Cap said. "Hawkman, you stay here by the portal and keep it clear. When we get back, we'll be in a hurry. Namor, let's go find Wonder Woman!"

The star spangled hero and the Atlantean followed the anguished shouts which led them to the ripped-off vault door and the chamber of the spear. Cap crept cautiously toward the entrance. He suspected a trap.

"I'll take the lead!" Namor said.

Cap knew that Namor was far more durable than he. "Be my guest, Namor."

The Sub-Mariner barged into the room. Unexpectedly, a net dropped from the ceiling and caught him off guard. Captain Axis smiled and flicked a switch. He caused an electric current to flow into the net. Namor had a spasm due to the jolt.

"Namor!" Hippolyta cried, still bound by the lasso.

Axis laughed, but his joy was short lived. Namor quickly recovered. Using his electric-ell ability to conduct current, be absorbed the volts and unleashed them in an electric shock ray. Captain Axis was hit by the electric charge and screamed, dropping the lasso.

Captain America leaped into the room and spotted the spear. He pulled it off the wall and held it up triumphantly. Namor was untying Hippolyta. The weakened but still dangerous Captain Axis maneuvered behind them. Cap bound across the room and stabbed Axis in the leg with the spear. The Nazi screamed in agony and dropped to the floor, bleeding.

Wonder Woman was freed. "I'm glad to see you boys."

"No time for pleasantries," Cap said. "We have to collect Hercules and get out of here!"

Wonder Woman grabbed her lasso. Now that Cap had the spear, it was no longer a corrupting influence. His conscience corrupted the spear instead. The lasso obeyed Wonder Woman again. She led Cap and Namor to the spot where she'd left Hercules.

Nearby . . .

Hercules had defeated the two giant snakes. In the time since, Loki had confounded him with illusions. Hercules . . . Powerful but not a great thinker . . . was repeatedly fooled by the mirages that the Prince of Evil concocted. Loki laughed as the Olympian God struck out uselessly against unreal phantoms. Hercules lashed out at Loki himself, but the mischievous Asgardian used another illusion to fool him. Hercules's fist passed through an image of Loki. The real Loki laughed at Hercules's gullibility.

"Muscle bound, fool!" Loki said mockingly. "Thou art as much an imbecile as Thor!"

Loki's laughter was cut short. Namor and Wonder Woman arrived, along with the Spear wielding Cap. Loki was not happy. He knew how powerful the Atlantean and the Amazon were. Combine with Hercules, they were am awesome combination. Even worse, the Spear of Destiny would shield Cap from his power. The shield was capable of killing even a God. Loki was suddenly unhappy about his odds! "Bah! I will not waste my powers on the likes of thee! I will regain the spear at another time! Beware Captain!"

Loki vanished. Everyone was relieved. They herd the sound of guards coming.

"It's time to go people," Cap said. "Back to the portal. We have our prize!"

Cap and his partners returned to America via the boom tube. The Sentinel of Liberty had just given the allied forced the chance to end the war! Victory was close!

Next issue: The Heroes of America mobilize for their assault of Germany. Loki sends an agent to retrieve the spear. Guest stars galore as the final phase of the war commences. Don’t miss Justice Society of America #46! You only think you know how the war ended!