DCM Timely

No. 44


Justice Society of America
River of Death
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
Dr. Fate
Black Canary
Steve Trevor

The deserts of Egypt . . .

"I'm the new Hawkman," the winged hero said, revealing his face as that belonging to Red Raven to the assembled fighters.

Also present were Flash, Wonder Woman, and Hercules. Michael Jupiter - a.k.a. Hurricane - was semi-conscious, lying on the desert sand. Their opponents were the Egyptian warrior known as the Black Pharaoh, and his master - the God of Death - Sett!

Sett, still in his huge snake-form, recoiled in fury at the revelation. "What!? I have been tricked! This is not Khufu!"

"No, sorry," the new Hawkman said. "The old guard has retired. I'm the new boy."

Sett hissed, incensed at the deceit. "Cursed human treachery! I should destroy you all!"

Hercules stepped forward. "Come then, Death God! Hercules welcomes you to try!"

Sett suddenly transformed to his humanoid form. He was a tall, dark skinned man with a head piece adorned by a snake. "I have no quarrel with you Olympian. And I have no time to tarry with these pathetic humans. I will avenge this indignity on a later occasion. If Khufu is not here, I am wasting my time. And in the meantime, Dr. Fate awaits my ruthless attention. Thus, I will depart, but this matter is not forgotten. Although the prophets say the mortal war will soon end, be assured that you will hear from Sett again!"

Sett touched his magic snake emblem and a portal opened, leading to the Egyptian realm of the dead. Sett was about to step through, but the Flash-quicker than the wink of an eye-snatched the snake emblem off Sett's head. The vortex closed before Sett could step inside.

"Lovely souvenir," Flash said, taunting him with the headpiece. "Makes a nice trophy."

"You try my patience, mortal!" Sett bellowed.

"Stand and fight!" Hercules yelled. He charged at Sett, while Hawkman and the Flash used their speed to swirl around and confuse the Egyptian God. Wonder Woman followed closely behind Hercules, backing his play.

But they had all forgotten about the Black Pharaoh. The servant of Sett swooped to his master's assistance, closing in on Wonder Woman from behind.

Sett levitated, avoiding Hercules. Hawkman came close but Sett had a whip that drove the winged wonder back. The Flash made a propeller-like motion with his arms and caused a wave of sand to hit Sett but the God was unfazed.

"You are foolish to antagonize a god," Sett said. "Be thankful I have no time to deal with you at present. But there will be payback in the future."

Flash held out the hat. "You're not going anywhere without this."

Sett grinned. "Perhaps. Perhaps not."

A voice from behind cried out "Hercules! Help me!"

Hercules, Flash, and Hawkman looked around. The Black Pharaoh was holding Wonder Woman from behind. He has a sash around her wrists, which rendered her powerless. He held a knife to her. The Pharaoh smiled, indicating that he was eager for the kill.

"I'm sorry," Hippolyta said, sadly.

"Hippolyta!" Hercules yelled. "Release her or face the righteous wrath of the son of Zeus!"

Sett was calm. "I'll trade the Amazon's life for the Golden Serpent headpiece."

Flash hesitated. Could Sett be trusted? But before he decided, Hercules yanked the headpiece away from him. "The Amazon queen is under the protection of Hercules. And indeed, the beautiful Hippolyta doth remain most favored by me. She must be protected. Let the coward escape. I shall find him in the passing of time."

Hercules tossed the headpiece to Sett. Sett levitated higher, far from the Flash's reach. He opened another portal. "Thank you. Pharaoh, after I'm gone, release the hostage!"

Sett stepped into a portal, laughing. He waved spitefully and was gone.

"Coward!" the Olympian yelled. "Hercules shall see thee pay for this heinous act! I shall track the villain to the ends of the universe to avenge the favored of Hercules!"

After he was gone, everyone turned their attention to the Pharaoh and Wonder Woman. Hercules growled in fury. "And thou, lackey of evil! You will release the Amazon queen now!"

The Pharaoh winked and then started to sink into the desert sands again, dragging Wonder Woman with him.

"Hercules!" she cried, almost completely submerged.

Hawkman tried to reach them but he was too late. Hercules was infuriated. He stormed forward like a rhino. The Flash streaked forward faster than the eye could follow and grabbed Hippolyta's arms. He wasn't strong enough to out-pull the powerful pharaoh. Instead, he used his forte . . . his speed. He spun around, creating a sand cyclone. The wind funnel sucked Hippolyta up from under the sand and launched her into the air.

She fell and Hercules caught her. "Ah, an angel drops into my arms. Well met, fair one."

Hippolyta smiled at the Olympian. "Thank you, gallant one."

Flash looked down at the sand angrily. His strategy may have saved Wonder Woman but did not capture the villain. "He got away!"

"Only for now, my friend," Hercules said. "The prince of power will find him and make him pay!"

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Captain America sat in the back seat of the military staff car, lost in thought. He had heard something that concerned him and, through his contacts at the Pentagon, received permission to examine this alarming operation.

His personal chauffeur/bodyguard Steve Trevor, returning to action after a long period of captivity, drove the vehicle. Sitting next to him in the front seat was Cap's loyal sidekick Bucky, a.k.a. the Star-Spangled Kid.

They arrived at the secret military base. Although the guards recognized Cap and company, the visitors were still required to show the papers authorizing their inspection and to supply the proper code words. Satisfying these requirements, they were admitted.

Cap stepped out of the car and looked at the unimpressive looking dwelling that hid a great secret. Cap still couldn't believe what he had heard about this place.

Trevor and the SS Kid walked beside Cap as he approached. "So what is this place?" Trevor asked.

"Hopefully, it's nothing but a weapons research facility," Cap said. "Hopefully."

"You seem tense, Cap," the Kid commented. "You've been acting strange since you got that phone call from Starman. What's giving you a nutty?"

Cap didn't get a chance to answer. Two men came to greet him. One was his fellow JSA member Dr. Theodore Knight - a.k.a. Starman - and the other, the diminutive the head of security, known to the world as the Atom.

"Good to see you, Captain," the Atom said, and then looked at Bucky. "I don't think we've met. You must be the Star-Spangled Kid. I'm . . . "

" . . . The Atom," the Kid interrupted. "I know. Good to meetcha. This is Major Trevor."

"Major," Atom said, saluting.

Trevor saluted back. Cap, however, was in no mood for niceties. "Ted?"

"Glad you got here so quick," Knight said. "I want you to see this."

"You called him here?" the Atom asked, irate. "You told him about this? I know he's Captain America, but what about the Official Secrets Act?"

"I want him to see this," Knight said. "I want his input."

"This is against regulations," the Atom said. "You can't just -- "

"Listen, Atom," Captain America snapped. "I'm glad he called. You know I have top clearance and you know I can be trusted. And if what he's told me is accurate, I want to see this for myself. I won't believe it until I see it!"

"See what?" the SS Kid cried, frustrated at being out of the loop.

"Insanity!" Cap said, in total earnest. "Total insanity!"

Elsewhere, in a celestial dimension unlike our own . . .

Dr. Fate and the Black Canary looked around. They stood in an eerie landscape of dark skies, black sands, ominous grey pyramids and an obsidian river. It looked very much like a photo-negative of the Egypt we know. But there was a dread feeling of foreboding permeating the strange land. The Black Canary thought she could hear faint screams in the distance. All her instincts told her that this was a very dangerous place.

"Where in the hell are we?" Black Canary asked. "Where did that vortex send us?"

"Hell is an appropriate analogy," Dr. Fate said. "I know this place well. We are in the Realm of death. This is the dimension of gods worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. This place is ruled by Sett, the death god. I have a dire feeling that it was he who baited me into this trap. We have a long standing animosity."

"And I blundered into it with you," the Canary said. "Last time I tag along uninvited."

"We must be extremely cautious," Fate said. "We shall be in deadly danger until we escape this dread realm."

"Any ideas how we do that?" the Canary asked, hopefully.

Fate pointed. "Here lay the River of Death. Soon, the Barge of a Billion Souls will sail past. It makes its rounds daily. It once collected the souls of the Egyptian dead. Now that they no longer believe in gods, the Barge still sails, but now sails for other purposes."

"I'm afraid to ask what they may be."

"And well you should be," Fate said. "Sett feared losing his power when the old Gods lost their followers. He was afraid younger death gods like Pluto and Hela would usurp his realm. With the blessings of the other Egyptian gods, he put a curse on the ship. Should it ever cease its endless journey, the souls of the dead would escape back to the mortal realm. Think of the chaos if that were to happen. So the ship still sails eternally. But we can use it to escape. Each dawn the crew returns the ship for a few brief minutes to the Port of the Sun, where a new crew takes over for the next voyage. Once there, we will be back in the realm of the gods who I once served. They can help us get home. We need only 'hitch a ride' as you mortal say and we will get safely home."

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Captain America, the Star-Spangled Kid, and Major Trevor were getting a tour from the Atom. Dr. Knight was explaining the extraordinary purpose of their heavy water experiments to Captain America. Cap was becoming more and more horrified.

"This is madness!" Cap thought. "This weapon! It will kill thousands!"

"Maybe millions," Knight interjected, sadly.

"Civilians, too?" Bucky asked.

"Yes," Knight said. "This device had no mercy."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this!" Cap cried, distraught. "My government can't be considering using this thing!"

Trevor felt he should defend the military. "Well, we are at war, Captain."

"But we're supposed to be the good guys!" Cap said. "This is not what we do!"

"I don't like it either," the Atom said. "But this could end the war. It's ruthless, I know. But some people think that the only way to beat such evil opponents is to be as merciless as they are."

Cap threw his hands up in despair. "Is that what we're fighting for? To defend a society where the ends justifies the means. Do you really want to act like the people we're fighting? And what really scares me is that, if we do this, we'll one day end up worse!"

"I can't say that thought ever bothered me," Trevor said.

"You're lucky," Cap said. "I've thought about this before but I never wanted to believe it. I told myself I was being paranoid. But now I see I was underestimating the problem!"

Before anyone could counter his argument, an alarm sounded. Loudly!

"What now?" Bucky asked.

"Oh no!" Dr. Knight gasped. "Not that! Not Perimeter 13! Come on! We've got trouble!"

Back in the Realm of the Dead . . .

Dr. Fate and the Black Canary saw the Barge of a Million Souls sail past. The Canary smiled. "There's our ride."

"Indeed," Fate said. "Come. We must not let it pass without us."

Fate tried to levitate them both to the barge but he was having trouble. The Canary noticed. "What's wrong? You seem weak."

"I am," Fate said. "Sett seems to be trying to cut me off from the source of my powers. I can access them a bit but this is Sett's realm and his will is strong here. I can't fly very far. That's why we need the barge to get home."

They landed on the deck of the barge. Fate seemed uneasy. Even though he was wearing his helmet, the Black Canary could tell from his body language that he was on high alert.

"The Crew!" Fate said, calmly but intensely. "The crew is missing! Sett's servants should be steering the vessel on its course. Only Sett could have summoned them away, as master of this realm. He knows we will take the responsibility of seeing the barge safely to its destination. For our freedom and to keep the souls of the dead from rising."

"And I imagine there will be traps waiting for us as we sail along," the Canary said.

"No doubt," Fate said. "But I see no alternative. We need to see the barge safely back."

"Then it looks like we take a cruise," the Black Canary said. "I don't suppose there's a Shuffleboard court?"

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Cap, Atom, Trevor, Dr. Knight, and the SS Kid reached Perimeter 13. A metal blast-door had dropped down, cutting off the perimeter from the rest of the base. Something was banging on the other side. The thick door was starting to give way.

"What is it?" Cap asked. "What's on the other side of that door?"

"We were doing experiments on plants and insects in this sector," Dr. Knight said. "To see what will happen to the flora and fauna after the atomic attack. We exposed them to atomic radiation. One of the insects . . . mutated!"

"Into what?" the Kid asked.

Just then, the door collapsed and the answer to the Kid's question appeared!

The River of Death

The Barge of a Million Souls cruised passed the Bay of Fire, where the water burned like flame. The ship got through safely. They were relieved that hours had passed quietly.

"So far, so good," the Canary said. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

"Keep focused," Fate said. "We are entering the fifth hour of night. I doubt that Sett will wait much longer to set his schemes in motion."

"Look!" The blonde heroine said, as if on cue. "What's that ahead?"

The sorcerer looked and saw a vulture-like airborne monster swooping down. Fate was not surprised. "It is the Carrion Hawk, Sett's pet. It prefers its food dead, so it will rend us to bloody bits with his claws and eat our remains."

The Canary pointed over the rail to the river. "We have another problem!"

A giant snake rose from the river. Its jaws were huge when expanded. Even Dr. Fate was alarmed. "It is Nehebkau, the snake God of the river."

"We're getting hit from both sides," the Canary said. "I don't suppose there are cannons on board this thing?"

"That may not be necessary," Fate said, raising his hands. "If I have enough power left."

Fate concentrated and caused a simple illusion. He confused flying beast. The Carrion Hawk missed the ship and flew into the giant jaws of the snake god. The snake was satisfied, sinking under the water as it chewed on its meal.

"One crisis averted," Fate said. "I hope the rest will be so easy,"

Another hour passed without incident. But then . . .

"There!" Fate said, pointing. "The Mortuary Reefs. Reefs formed of bone, not coral."

"They're huge!" the Canary said. "How did reefs get so big?"

"The reefs are formed of skeletal remains," Fate said. "accrued in mankind's many wars. That accounts for their immense size. We must be cautious as we pass, least we break up and sink. The barge must remain intact! I must steer the ship carefully."

Fate took the wheel, guiding the ship. But he didn't get far before another trial arrived.

"So, Nabu," a harsh female voice called out. "It seems I was well informed. You are in death's realm and with a mortal as well."

From above, an old, bronze-skinned sorceress sailed through the dark skies, riding aboard a chariot pulled by two flying crocodiles. She laughed a heartless laugh.

"Astarte," Fate said. "Queen of blood! Still doing the bidding of Sett, are you?"

"I would be a fool to disobey my Lord," she said. "And so, you must die. Behold!"

From out of the River of death, an army of female corpses emerged. The grabbed onto the Golden anchor and started to climb up to the deck.

"The she-demons will slaughter your mortal friend," Astarte said. "But you won't live to see it, Nabu! I will attend to you personally!"

"I must fight her," Fate said to the Canary. "Only by defeating her can the she-demons be stopped. You must steer the barge while I battle her!"

"Me?" The Canary said, nervously. "I'll do my best."

While the Canary tried to steer clear of the towering reefs, Fate flew weakly up to battle Astarte. He wasn't confident. Astarte's flying crocodiles snapped savagely at him. He put up a shield. The sorceress battered the shield with dark spells of her own. Fate's strength was fading.

Los Alamos

The atomic mutation was a huge ant. It charged, attacking everything that moved. It killed several guards, crushing them in its pinchers. It was a fierce beast. Scientists ran for cover.

Cap threw his shield, but the beast hardly seemed to feel it. "Damn, this thing's tough!"

Steve Trevor fired his gun. The SS Kid helped clear civilians out of its path. Dr. Knight was, strangely, no where to be seen. Cap shouted orders, trying to keep everyone calm.

The Atom jumped on its back, trying to rein it in by wrapping a cable around its neck. He road it like a bucking bronco. "Yeee-ha! Ride 'em, Atom!"

"Stop playing around," Cap ordered. "Get off of there! It's too large, too powerful!"

The ant lurched and threw the Atom to the ground. It snapped with its pinchers, grabbing the Atom's arm. Blood flowed from his forearm. Cap leaped to his rescue, chopping at the ant's pinchers with his shield. He dragged the Atom to safety.

Suddenly, the ant trembled, its many legs seemingly unable to hold it. The ant dropped to the ground, unable to move. Cap turned, knowing what must have happened.

Starman had arrived. With his gravity rod, he immobilized the beast. "Someone get the formic acid solution! This thing needs immediate euthanasia!"

Soon, the beast was put down and scientist surrounded the body to study it. Trevor and the Star-Spangled Kid were relieved. The Atom looked at his wounded arm. Cap was distraught.

"I have to try and stop this!" He stated. "I want the war to end, but not like this!!"

The River of Death

On the barge, the Black Canary had almost steered through the reefs. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that the she-demons were climbing over the railing. They closed in, hissing. Slime dripped off their dead grey skin. The Canary noted that Dr. Fate was still busy with Astarte and not doing too well. She could only think of one thing to do. She screamed her sonic scream!

The Canary Cry was an awesome sonic boom. The she-demons, so used to the quiet of the grave, were confused by the sound. They were staggered, thrown off-balance.

Above, the sorceress Astarte was also taken off guard by the sonic wave. Fate saw an opportunity to get the upper hand. He unleashed the pure white light of his mystic amulet. Astarte screamed, the light hurting her even more than the sound. She tumbled back and fell off of her chariot. She plunged into the River of Death. Immediately, the serpentine Nehebkau popped up and locked its jaws around her. She screamed.

Automatically, the she-demons abandon the ship and dived into the sea to rescue their mistress. As they battled the snake, the ship cleared the reef and sailed on safely.

Fate returned to the ship. "Well done, Dinah. You are a worthy champion."

"Well, I'm not just another incredibly gorgeous face," she said. "I earn my keep.

Some more time passed. Soon, Dr. Fate sensed something. "Beware. There is danger!"

They didn't see the massive, transparent spider web until it was too late. It was stretched between a dead tree on one shore and a small, grey pyramid on the other. The ship came to a sudden stop, caught in the web. Fate and the Canary were thrown off their feet.

"Look!" the Canary said, pointing upwards, at the gargantuan spider which was descending menacingly toward them.

"It is Arachis," Fate yelled. "God of spiders. Be cautious, Black Canary."

The spider god began to climb down toward the ship. The Canary winced at the horrifying sight. "Why do I like this job again?"

"My powers are so weak," Fate said. "I do not know if I can fight this beast."

Black Canary grabbed a sharp tool from the deck and leaped onto the mast. She climbed up, shimmied along the Main Boom, and tried to cut the spider's web. But the web was too strong and she only ended up getting herself got caught in it. She couldn't get free. "Uh oh! This is definitely not good!"

Fate tried to cast a spell but he was very weak. He concentrated, trying to summon up reserves of mystic energy. He saw that the Black Canary needed help.

Amazingly, help came from a different source. An explosion of fire appeared in the sky. The fire morphed into a humanoid form. A man of fire!

"Jim?" Black Canary whispered.

The Human Torch had appeared out of nowhere, as he'd done before. He looked at the Canary for a moment and then swooped into action. With his flame, he cut the strands of webbing and freed the Canary. Then he pummeled the spider god with fireballs. The beast squealed and then backed away.

The Torch burned away the strands of the giant Web, freeing the Ship. With his job done, he took another long look at the Black Canary and then began to fade from sight again. Just as he did last time.

"Jim!" Black Canary cried. "Come back!" Yet despite her pleas, the flaming apparition vanished.

Dr. Fate cast a spell with the last of his power that propelled the ship forward, safely away from the spider.

Black Canary lost track of time as the ship sailed on. She sulked, thinking of the Torch. Fate silently hoped that they would not run into any further trials because he was almost powerless now. If there were another attack, they would likely not survive it.

But soon, it was dawn and the Barge came sailing safely into the Port of the Sun. Fate gestured, more animated than usual.

"We have arrived," he said. "We have survived the night and day has dawned once more. Once we dock safely, we can disembark and then find our way home."

Thoth, master of the harbor and occasional pilot of the barge, met them. He was shocked. "What madness is this? Mortals on the Barge of a Million Souls? It is forbidden by the scrolls of the Ennead. This must be reported!"

"Indeed," Fate said. "Report this to your elders. Tell them that Nabu, Avatar of the Lords of Order, seeks an audience."

They were taken to the council of elder Egyptian gods. The Black Canary remained silent as Dr. Fate explained the situation. The old gods listened.

"It is most extraordinary," the god Horus said. "Were you not the Avatar of Order, we would not believe you and instead pass summery judgment."

"But he is," the goddess Nut said. "And we all know that the Avatar of Order has a role to play in the upcoming final battle of the mortal world war."

"Final battle?" Fate asked.

"Indeed," Osiris said. "There will very soon be a final clash between the armies of man that will have repercussions in the grand cosmic war between the Light and Darkness. The Avatar of Order must be there. It is written. Therefore, we forgive your transgressions, Nabu."

"And my colleague?"

"She is unimportant," Isis said. "In deference to you, she is free to go as well."

"I thank you," Fate said. "We will trouble you no longer. I go to meet . . . my fate!"

He bowed, as did the Canary. They left, thinking about this 'final battle' that was imminent. Were the old gods right? Was the war ending? And if so, how would it end?

Next issue: The gods are correct -- the war is ending. Next month, the end begins, in the first of a multi-part epic. A JSA member faces Loki in a battle for the Spear of Destiny! A guest villain complicates things. New members join the JSA. All this and more next time in Justice Society of America #45 . . . You only think you know how the war ended!