DCM Timely

No. 43


Justice Society of America
An Old Grudge
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Dr. Fate
Star-Spangled Kid
Black Canary
Dr. Horton
Red Raven
Baron Zemo

The home of Dr. Phineas T. Horton:

Black Canary and Toro were visiting Dr. Horton, creator and "father" to the Human Torch. Since they'd arrived, they had tried in vain to convince him of the Human Torch's miraculous return. So far, they were not having much luck.

"It's preposterous!" Dr. Horton said. "You claim that my Human Torch has returned as some sort of . . . of spectral apparition! An android ghost, you say? How can I accept this ridiculous theory of yours?"

"I'm not saying he's necessarily a ghost," Black Canary said. "But he definitely appeared to us as some sort of flaming, ethereal . . . something!"

"She's telling the truth," Toro said. "We both saw him!"

"A projection of some kind," Horton suggested. "Or a mass hallucination."

Black Canary was getting tired of his skepticism. "That 'hallucination' destroyed the Bi-Beast and left a crater the size of a basketball court in the ground. We could feel the heat from all over the Avian City. I can assure you that this was no hallucination, illusion, projection or hypnotic trick. He was real!"

"And what makes you so certain it was really my Human Torch?" Horton asked.

The Canary narrowed her eyes. She hated it when he called Jim 'his' Human Torch. "You forget how well I knew him, how he felt about me. How he used to look at me. And he appeared out of nowhere to protect me. I can't explain it, but I know it was him."

"It was!" Toro said. "He was my teacher, my mentor. And he was my friend. I'd recognize him anywhere. It was definitely him!"

"How can it be?" Horton asked. "He was totally destroyed! His remains are in my lab."

"Have you put him back together?" Toro asked.

"I haven't reconstructed him yet," Horton said. "Therefore, I know he was not in this Avian City you speak of."

"We've all seen a lot of thing we can't explain," the Canary said. "More things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio. And remember, you got the technology to build him from the future. You don't totally understand it yourself."

"I still can't accept it," Horton said.

Black Canary had had enough. She stood up. "I'm sorry we bothered you, Doctor. Don't get up. We'll see ourselves out!"

Black Canary stormed out, followed by a disappointed Toro. Dr. Horton leaned back in his chair, thinking about what the Black Canary had said. Was it possible? While outside, Black Canary was fuming mad. Toro was more sad than angry.

"Stubborn, stupid man!" she grumbled. "How can an inventor be so unimaginative? No wonder he needed Nathaniel Richards to give him the blueprints for building an android."

"So what now?" Toro asked.

"I'm not giving up on this," she said. "Maybe you were right, Toro. Maybe we need to look at a more extreme solution. We need to talk to Dr. Fate!"

New Orleans:

Carter Hall sat in his office at the museum in which he worked as curator. He was looking up legends of the dead returning to life. He wanted to know which of these have any truth to them. He needed to know if he was going to bring his wife back.

Ever since his friend Dr. Fate refused to help him resurrect Shiera, he became determined to find a way to do it himself. From his time in the JSA, he'd come to believe that anything is possible. Even bringing back the dead!

A large, bird-like shadow came from the window. Carter knew who it was immediately. He didn't even look back when the window started to open. "Hello, Red Raven."

"Hello," Red Raven said, floating outside the open window. "How are you?"

"Stupid question!" Carter Hall said. "Now, would you please go away and leave me alone. I know you're grateful, but I'm done with all this super-hero foolishness!"

"I understand that," Red Raven said. "But I feel that the world still needs a Hawkman. I feel guilty enough that your wife died fighting to save my city, but to have the legacy of Hawkman come to an end as well . . . "

"I'm done with it!" Carter Hall snapped. "I'm not putting on the costume again."

"I don't blame you," Red Raven replied. "And I wouldn't ask you to. Just the opposite, in fact. I've come to offer a solution."

Berlin, Germany:

Baron Heinrich Zemo brooded in his lab. He had no further funding for any further operations or inventions. He was desperate for revenge against Captain America but his last few failures had caused him to fall from grace in the Fuhrer's eyes. The war was not going well for Germany at this point and Hitler was in a worse than usual mood. The Fuhrer was furious at Zemo for having wasted so many opportunities.

Zemo was now relegated to doing research in an obscure science lab. From here, he had no opportunity to enact his thirst for revenge on Captain America. He hoped for an opportunity. One finally came!

A flash of light and pinkish mist appeared in his lab and suddenly, before his eyes, a beautiful blonde goddess appeared. Zemo knew her well.

The Enchantress was back!

"Well met, my mortal friend," she said, in a sensuous voice. "Hath thou missed me?"

Zemo stood up, his spirit rising a bit, wondering if this was the chance he'd been waiting for. "Enchantress! You are as radiant as always. To what do I owe this honor?"

"I need thy aid in a cause dear to us both, my dear Baron," she said. "The death of an American superhero. One who did recently invade the territory of thy precious Third Reich and steal away the beloved of Wonder Woman."

Zemo nodded. "You are doubtless talking about Hawkman and his bold rescue of Major Steve Trevor. It was indeed infuriating but nevertheless, I must admit, admirable."

"Mayhap," she said. "But would it not stand thee in good stead with thy Fuhrer if thou were to kill this arrogant winged fool? Perhaps thou wouldst once again return to favor."

"That may well be, Goddess," Zemo said, plotting how he could use this situation to his advantage. "What do you have in mind?"

"A new ally," she said. "A powerful Egyptian deity. He doth have . . . unloving memories of the Justice Society members known as Hawkman and Dr. Fate. He is in the process of luring Fate to his dark realm of death. He needs us only to give the sorcerer an extra nudge. When Dr. Fate is in his clutches, he will send us an agent of death to destroy Hawkman. And then, of course, once two members of the Justice Society have been slain, their leader will surely come hunting for thee."

Zemo became suddenly excited. "Captain America! Yes, I like this plan more and more. I shall torment him by killing two of his lackeys and then, when he comes for me, reckless with anger, I will be ready with an inescapable trap!"

"Perfect, is it not?" the Enchantress asked.

Zemo had one suspicious reservation. "But why have you come to me? Why do I deserve the personal attention of a goddess?"

"We doth need a mortal agent," she replied. "Preferably a Nazi, to be the bait for the winged one. And in memory of our former acquaintance and mutual animosity toward the Justice Society, I have chosen thee to join our cause. Wilt thou aid us, my friend?"

Beneath his mask, Zemo was smiling. "It will be a pleasure to join you in this worthy endeavor, dear Goddess. Especially if it ends with Captain America in my power!"

JSA HQ, in Washington DC:

Black Canary and Toro arrived at the mansion to find Captain America and Dr. Mid-Nite sitting near a dictating machine, looking concerned. They were speaking in the low, serious tone that usually indicated that they were discussing strategy.

"What's the score, boys?" she asked. "I can feel the tension."

"Hello, Dinah," Cap said. "We just received this recording. In a most . . . unusual way. It just appeared here on the table. Like magic."

"Weird!" Toro said.

"It gets worse," Cap said. "We played the recording. It's a message from the Nazis, spoken by Baron Zemo himself."

Black Canary clenched her fists at the sound of the name. She remembered being held captive by Zemo and some of his cronies. "So what does Baron big-mouth want?"

"He's willing to trade a hundred POW's for the Helmet of Nabu."

"Whoa!" the Canary said. "This is big! I know Hitler is in love with his little collection of mystic toys, but I'm not sure if I buy this."

"Me either," Cap said. "Especially coming from Zemo. I wouldn't trust that poisonous cobra for a tenth of a second. I think he's up to something."

"Agreed," Dr. Mid-Nite said. "But the matter is irrelevant anyway. Dr. Fate will never part with his golden helmet. And even if he could be convinced to do so, the Lords of Order would surely not allow it."

"Either way, I want him here," Cap said sternly. "Even if he won't respond to the emergency beacon, I've asked Miss Venus to try and contact him. I'm tired of him not being around when I need him. This time, he'd better listen or I'm gong to get mad."

"Yikes!" Black Canary said. "Then he'd better get his ankh over here!"

The Canary was glad to hear that Dr. Fate was coming. She'd been wondering how to contact him and now he was being delivered, on the orders of Captain America himself.

One hour later . . .

Dr. Fate appeared in the library of Miss Venus' mansion. Captain America was in an impatient mood. But he decided to hold off the discussion of Fate's unreliability for a later time. Right now, there was another matter. Cap told him about the offer of the trade.

"It is a bold deceit," Dr. Fate said. "And a cunning one. If I give them the helmet, they will have access to its awesome power and may change the course of the war. If I do not, it will be a public relations nightmare, wherein the Justice Society will be criticized for putting their own needs ahead of the welfare of the troops. And if I go to the rendezvous personally and try to rescue the hostages without surrendering the helmet, they will no doubt be prepared with a mystic trap set specifically for me. They believe they can ensnare me. Yes, a clever gambit. They feel that they are in a 'No-lose' position."

"It's a tricky one, all right," Cap said. "I have my own opinion on the matter but it's your helmet. All this mystic stuff is beyond me. I'll abide by your decision. If you choose not to go, I'll stand behind you, despite the bad press we'll get."

"I thank you for your trust, Captain," Fate said. "But I have already made my decision. I will go to the rendezvous and make an attempt to free the hostages . . . assuming there are any to be found. This may all be a fabrication designed to lure me there. And I shall pick up the gauntlet they have thrown down. Dr. Fate will accept this challenge in the name of order and justice!"

"Then good luck to you, Doctor," Cap said. "I'll be right there with you in spirit."

"Thank you," Fate said and then didn't say a further word. He turned and walked into another room where he could cast a spell of transportation without dragging anyone else along. He wanted to do this alone.

Black Canary had been wanting to talk to Dr. Fate about the Human Torch situation. She was glad when he arrived. She waited patiently while he talked to Cap, knowing that the POW matter was more important than her mystery.

But when Dr. Fate abruptly marched out, without so much as a 'by-your-leave', she sprinted to catch up with him. She saw him step into another room. Although she knew that Fate was an extremely private man, she risked invading his privacy.

Fate had just completed his spell and began to fade. Black Canary walked carelessly into the middle of his displacement spell. They both faded from sight.

A mountain in the Swiss Alps . . . Rendezvous point for the exchange:

Dr. Fate and the Canary reappeared. Fate turned furiously on the Black Canary.

"Foolish girl!" he shouted. "Do you not realize that the eldritch forces of the universe are not to be trifled with? A spell is a delicately balanced thing. You could very easily have caused a serious problem for us both! That was imbecilic!"

Black Canary disarmed him with her most sweet and charming smile. "There was nothing to worry about with you in the driver's seat, Doc. You can handle this magic stuff with one magic wand tied behind your cloak."

Dr. Fate was finding it hard to stay mad at the beautiful blonde heroine. "Still, you must go. I need to handle this alone. It is a matter of honor."

"But I need to talk to you about something," the Canary said. "I need your expertise."

"It will have to wait," Fate insisted. "I have a mission now."

"Then you just got yourself a partner," the Canary said. "Like it or not, you're stuck with me until you hear me out. Then you can transport me away and I'll be out of your hair. Assuming you have hair under that helmet."

The argument was interrupted. Just then, marching sounds were heard. Numerous figures appeared. There were a hundred POW's, guarded by about thirty-five armed Nazi soldiers and a dozen snarling German Shepards.

The Nazi guards urged their weary looking captives onward. It struck the Black Canary that this was a very strange venue for an exchange. She and Fate looked around. There seemed to be no one else around, no weapons or traps.

"This is too easy," the Black Canary said.

"Agreed," Dr. Fate said. "We are being lulled into a false sense of security. Be on guard."

"I'm a hair trigger, Doc!"

Suddenly, the guards and dogs vanished. The prisoners looked around, confused. Then a portal opened. Some sort of dark hole in the air appeared and began to suck the soldiers inside. They were yanked off their feet by an invisible force, pulled into the darkness.

"We must save them!" Dr. Fate yelled, as he launched himself into the air.

"Right behind you, Doc!" the Canary shouted.

Dr. Fate tried to use his vast powers to close the portal but it was difficult. Whoever had opened it was a powerful sorcerer or sorceress. This would take time. Time he didn't have because most of the soldiers had been drawn helplessly into it already.

Black Canary tried unsuccessfully to disrupt the vortex with her sonic scream. It did no good. Next, she tried to physically hold one of the soldiers down. She dug her spiked heels into the ground and grabbed the leg of one of the soldiers, trying to anchor him. It didn't work. The force yanked them both inside.

Dr. Fate saw the Black Canary being sucked into the maw of the vortex. All the soldiers were in there as well. The portal started closing. With no time to plan, Dr. Fate impulsively flew into the portal, which closed behind him.

The vortex closed. Dr. Fate, the Black Canary and the soldiers were all trapped within.

JSA HQ, in Washington DC:

A second recording appeared in the JSA mansion. Cap was getting quite annoyed with all this! He and Dr. Mid-Nite listened to it.

The voice of Zemo spoke: "Greetings once again, my weak American foes. Hear the words of Zemo. We have Dr. Fate and the Black Canary. If you want them back, we will speak only to Hawkman. Have the winged one come to the coordinates that follow and tell him that, if I see any other member of your Justice Society, we will kill the hostages!"

The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia . . . The Estate known as the Abode of Life, home of the enigmatic Michael Jupiter.

The demi-god, sometimes known as Hurricane (but best known to the world millionaire as Michael Jupiter) sat watching his friends, the Creature Commandos, as they playfully spared, training to use their powers. They'd been with him for several years now. He didn't see them as androids. He saw them as friends.

It was a clear but chilly January day and since none of them felt the cold, it was a good day to have fun outdoors. The fun wouldn't last very long! Playtime was interrupted by the arrival of Aphrodite (a.k.a. Miss Venus) who looked very distressed.

"Cousin," Michael Jupiter said. "This is a welcome surprise. But I detect more then a friendly visit behind your concerned eyes."

"It is true," she said. "I need a favor. A message has been sent to Carter Hall - the man known as Hawkman - ordering him to a rendezvous where he will try to rescue Dr. Fate and Black Canary. I've sensed something lately that concern's me. Some force similar to that which the ancient Egyptian deities used to utilize. And since Dr. Fate and Hawkman are both directly endangered in this recent crisis, I suspect a plot."

"It seems likely," Jupiter said. "What can I do to assist?"

"No other members of the JSA must be present at the rendezvous," she said. "But Captain America has an idea. What if some noble beings who were not affiliated with the JSA should happen to arrive at the scene. Surely, the culprits wouldn't slay the hostages due to an unlikely coincidence, would they?"

"Captain America is wise," Jupiter said. "He wishes me to induce my friends, the Creature Commandos, to go to Hawkman's assistance, doesn't he?"

"He does indeed, cousin," she said. "You must send the Creature Commando's to help!"

The rendezvous in Egypt:

Hawkman flew over the desert. Captain America had called Carter Hall in New Orleans while he was talking to the Red Raven about the Raven's plan to keep the legacy of Hawkman going. The seriousness of the situation left no time for further debate. Hawkman took to the air, ready for whatever challenge might await him.

Hawkman hovered over the rendezvous area, wondering what to expect. He spotted something rising out of the sand, like a demon rising out of hell. It was a large man. Hawkman didn't know who it was, but it was clearly the opponent he was waiting for.

The newly arrived menace was well muscled and had dark skin. He wore a black outfit, with no sleeves, but with yellow and green arm and wrist bands. His torso was covered in a protective mesh, and there was a large Eye on his chest. He wore a Pharaoh-like headpiece and carried a scepter. He looked up at Hawkman hatefully.

"Khufu," he said. "Here at last! It's been too long since grievance was settled between you and my Master. And this time, Dr. Fate will not come to your rescue."

"I don't need Fate to rescue me," Hawkman said. "I'm here to rescue him."

"Then come ahead, former king of Egypt," the enemy yelled. "Come and face the Black Pharaoh! Let my master's vengeance begin!"

Hawkman didn't know who this 'Black Pharaoh' was, or what he was capable of, but that wasn't going to stop him from trying to save Dr. Fate. He swooped down into battle.

The Black Pharaoh raised his scepter and fired a beam of power at the winged hero, who narrowly evaded it. It did singe one of his wings, but not enough to hinder his flight. He pulled out his mace and veered for a rear attack. The Black Pharaoh spun around and fired again. He blasted the mace out of Hawkman's grip.

Hawkman threw a dagger at the Pharaoh, who clubbed it away with his scepter. Hawkman swooped upwards, getting some distance from his formidable opponent. He pulled out his sword-the last of his weapons-and plotted how to use it to defeat a foe with a weapon as powerful as that scepter.

The Black Pharaoh was not about to give him time to plan. He floated up into the air and came level with Hawkman. "There is no escape, Khufu. My master will have revenge!"

Hawkman backed off, needing time. How should he handle this?

Suddenly . . . help arrived! Michael Jupiter (Hurricane) appeared with his Creature Commandos . . . Dyna-Mite; Sub-Zero Man; the Human Bomb; the War-Wolf; the Missing Link; the Heap; the Glob; Orca the Killer Whale.

"Black Pharaoh!" Michael Jupiter said. "You are interfering in the truce orchestrated by the Living Tribunal. You have no idea of the forces involved. Cease your hostile activities or face not only my power, but that of my Creature Commando's as well."

"It is you who will die, Hurricane," the Pharaoh said. "My master will not be denied!"

"Then I will battle you first!" Hurricane said.

Hurricane, racing with the speed of Mercury, darted toward the Black Pharaoh, hoping to take him by surprise. But the Pharaoh had the reflexes of an ancient warrior. He swung his scepter, knocking Hurricane to the ground. While Hurricane was still stunned, the Pharaoh blasted him with an energy beam. Hurricane rolled along the ground, staggered. The Black Pharaoh pressed his advantage.

The Creature Commandos hesitated, wondering if they should intervene. Michael Jupiter did ask to face him first. The Commandos weren't very experienced in combat situations. But Hawkman swooped down, catching their attention with an authoritative voice . . . the voice of royalty.

"We have to help him," Hawkman yelled. "The Pharaoh is too powerful. We can't just stand by. Let's show this vile villain what we can do!"

The Commandos were taken with Hawkman's powerful voice and charisma. And they knew of Hawkman. So, they followed him into battle. Their fledgling artificial emotions felt a combination of fear and exhilaration.

But before they could reach Hurricane . . . they were intercepted by a greater menace!

A sandstorm swirled before them, slowly materializing into a giant creature. Hawkman and the Commandos watched in stunned silence as the sandstorm turned into a giant snake. And they were even more stunned when the snake began to speak!

"Foolish insects!" the snake being said. "You mechanical cretins have no idea what you have walked into. I suggest you run far, far away, or I will destroy you utterly! And as for you, Khufu, I have waited a long time for this moment! At last, you are within my grasp!

"So?" Hawkman said. "You'd be the Black Pharaoh's mysterious master, I imagine."

The snake being hissed menacingly. "Do not feign ignorance of me, Khufu! Our enmity is one not easily forgot. Cease pretending you do not know Sett, god of death!"

The angry Sett spit a powerful venom at Hawkman. The winged wonder evaded the attack, but the venom struck the Sub-Zero man. The android screamed, as his icy exterior melted, revealing his mechanical insides. And even those were seared and melted by the acidic venom. The Sub-Zero-Man collapsed, destroyed!

Dyna-Mite, diminutive leader of the group, was outraged. "Noooo!" The tiny hero launched himself, picking up momentum and striking like a bullet. But he bounced off Sett's scaly hide. He damaged himself in the impact. As he lay on the sand, trying to get to his feet, Sett rolled right over him, crushing him. Two team members were destroyed.

The other six members of the team, who have difficulty controlling their emotions, became so blind with rage that they attacked impulsively, ignoring Hawkman's shouts and commands.

Sett laughed as he tore into the group with his divine power. Not since they fought the Hulk had the experienced such naked power. Sett was out of their league. And he was vicious in a way they could never imagine. Ruthless and murderous . . . Truly a god of death! And death is what he brought!

Hawkman tried to intercede and save the Commandos but he didn't get the chance. The Black Pharaoh, having defeated Hurricane, blocked his way. "The master will deal with you next, winged one. Be patient, Khufu. You will die soon enough!"

Hurricane lay wounded, and the Creature Commandos were being torn apart by Sett. Hawkman was held at bay by the Black Pharaoh. The winged hero was at a loss as to what to do next. The situation looked incredibly grim . . . Until a golden lasso grabbed hold of the Black Pharaoh. Hawkman looked up and Saw Wonder Woman, on the back of Pegasus, behind Hercules, who was steering his flying stallion into battle. Hercules smiled, eager for battle.

The Pharaoh managed to shake off the restraints. Wonder Woman leaped off the horse and dropped to the ground. Hercules landed aside her.

"Did you think we would abandon our colleagues?" she asked. "Captain America sent the Commandos to distract you, while we waited to see if Dr. Fate or the soldiers were nearby. As he expected, they aren't. You can't threaten to kill hostages who aren't here!"

The Black Pharaoh lunged at her. She met him with a powerful left hand. He fell back, stunned. "Leave this one to Hawkman and myself, Hercules," she said. "Get the snake!"

"Aye!" Hercules, said. "The beast twill no doubt supply me with a challenge!"

Sett crushed the Missing Link - last of the Creature Commandos - in his mighty jaws. But then he felt an enormously powerful blow in his side. Such pain! But who?

Sett recognized Hercules and was not pleased to see him. He didn't expect to have to fight another God today. Sett reared back, hoping to bluff the Olympian. Just then, a lightning-fast red streak whizzed by, kicking up a torrent of sand into Sett's face.

The scarlet speedster known as the Flash popped into view. "Wow! You are butt ugly!"

Sett hissed in anger. He was furious that these beings were interfering in his revenge against Khufu. "Sett will not be deterred! I will see the blood of Khufu spilled!"

Hawkman flew closer to Sett and addressed him. "Then this battle is useless, Sett. Because I am not Khufu!" Hawkman removed his mask. Surprisingly, he did not reveal the face of Carter Hall, but rather of another winged adventurer.

"I used to be the Red Raven!" he said. "Now, I'm the new Hawkman!"

Next issue: The Atom guest stars, to help the JSA against an atomic mutation!

Writer’s Note

The beginning of the end is coming. The last chapter in the World War 2 saga is finally here. You only think you know how it ended.

-Bob Young