DCM Timely

No. 36

MAY 1944

Justice Society of America
Mind's I
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Dr. Fate
Star-Spangled Kid
Wonder Woman
Uncle Sam
Fighting American
Spirit of '76
Liberty Belle
Miss America
Brain Wave

It was a bad period for the Justice Society of America. They had received several devastating blows and their veneer of invincibility had been shattered. Ever since the traitorous actions of the late Blue Diamond led to the death of the Hulk and the destruction - possibly permanent - of the Human Torch, the team had started to come apart. Black Canary had quit and Wonder Woman went on a quest to regain her lost powers. The latest defection came from the Flash. After having killed his former best friend - the treacherous Blue Diamond - Flash took a leave of absence to think matters through.

As for the rest of the team, they hadn't spent much time together in the last two months. Captain America and the Star-Spangled Kid had been going on special missions behind enemy lines, sabotaging the Nazis and Japanese. Dr. Mid-Nite had devoted a lot of time to the psychiatric practice of his alter ego, doctor Charles McNider. Toro had been in a depressed state of inactivity, due to the double impact of the Human Torch's death and his ill-fated crush on Wonder Woman. Doctor Fate, as was often the case, was AWOL, battling demons in the nether-realms. The Sub-Mariner, angered at Wonder Woman because of her love for Steve Trevor, had returned to the sea. Newly minted full-timer Starman was busy with personal business in his home city of Opal. Hawkgirl, the newest recruit, was taking care of business at the museum which she and her husband Carter ran, while he was out of the country in the guise of Hawkman.

As for the Sentinel, he tried to occupy his mind by taking care of his media empire. But his mind was on something else. He was still madly in lust with the notorious and seductive Harlequin. She had beguiled him. Whether it was through hypnotism or just an expert use of her feminine wiles, she had him fascinated and barely able to think about anything else. He wanted her! That was all that mattered. He wanted her badly! He was spending more and more time with her and less on his duel careers as a businessman and a crime-fighter. The Harlequin was his great obsession! He knew it, and part of him didn't care!

Mount Olympus, in the realm of gods:

Time moved differently in the god-realms, and so only a short time had passed, while months went by on Earth. It had been mere hours since Typhon the Titan exiled Hercules to the void where the other gods had been stranded. He took the powerless Queen Hippolyta as his intended bride and was about to force himself upon her when a newly arrived opponent defeated his demon army, and challenged Typhon to a fight. Her name was Diana, Princess of Themescira and daughter of Hippolyta.

"Do you accept my challenge, titan?" Diana asked. "Or will you set my mother free?"

Hippolyta smiled, looking proudly at her daughter. She didn't know how Diana came to be there, but if anyone other than Hercules could defeat Typhon, it was the Princess of all Amazons. Diana was the mightiest of her race, gifted by the gods with power beyond even Queen Hippolyta herself.

Typhon stared with apparent amusement at this presumptuous girl. She was tall, statuesque and beautiful, much like her mother. Her long, raven hair blew in the wind as she stared with fierce confidence at Typhon.

"You dare to challenge me, girl?" the titan said. "Such loyalty to your mother. Willing to throw your life away on her behalf. It brings a tear to my eye."

"Not yet it hasn't, but soon," Diana quipped.

"Brave child," Typhon said. "I like you. Perhaps I should make you my second wife. Mother and daughter sharing my bed. I like that."

"I've had enough of this!" Diana said, as she marched with determination toward the titan.

Hippolyta rubbed her hands together excitedly. "You don't know it yet, Typhon, but you're in trouble!"

"Hah!" the titan laughed. "What harm could she do to me? Surely she is as helpless as you are, my Queen. Let her prove her mettle," Typhon stood with his arms apart, allowing Diana to have the first blow.

And she delivered! She struck Typhon with a power that agonized and shocked him. Typhon was knocked across the City Square. Typhon crashed into a statue of Neptune. He thought that this girl hit as hard as Hercules himself. Typhon, embarrassed and angry, scrambled up from the floor, determined to avenge himself for this slight. But Diana was upon him with a speed that rivaled the god Hermes.

She struck him again, and a third time. Typhon was battered and couldn't get a bead on his fast-moving foe. She was a one-woman army and Typhon realized that he had made a mistake mocking her. Perhaps he made a mistake in abducting her mother. This woman was no one to be trifled with.

"For Hippolyta!" Diana yelled, as she pressed her attack. "For the honor of the Amazons!"

Back on Earth, in May of '44, in New York:

Henry King had made a name for himself as a professional psychic. He could read minds on a limited scale and move objects slightly with his mind, if he concentrated enough. He was impressive to his audience once, but ever since Super-heroes had become so prevalent in America Society, King's bag-of-tricks seemed trite in comparison. It hurt his career. King loved attention and resented being overshadowed.

That was why he accepted the offer from the Nazis. They promised him power beyond his dreams if he would help them destroy the Justice Society. He agreed to subject himself to an operation. The Nazi doctors, including the notorious Baron Zemo, utilized futuristic science gained from Kang to tap into the latent portions of the human brain.

The operation was a success. Henry King was transformed. He was now a powerful ESPer and hypnotist, with formidable PSIonic assault abilities. He was beyond a mere human. The size of his cranium and forehead expanded. He was now an evolved, extra-sensory mutation.

He was Brain Wave!

After having tested his newfound powers on America soldiers in Europe and American policeman in New York, he went to Washington DC to accomplish his appointed task of killing the JSA. Still, even a man of his power had to have doubts when dealing with the powerful super-team. He wondered if he was ready to tackle the JSA. He needed a trial run. He had to take on a lesser team first.

He looked at the paper and smiled. A new team had been making a name for itself lately. They had been filling in for the mysteriously inactive Justice Society. They were called the Seven Soldiers of Victory and they were to be his first target!

The War Department . . .

Captain America and the Star-Spangled Kid had arrived to report to General Blankenship regarding their latest excursion beyond enemy lines. The mission had succeeded and the General thanked them for their efficiency and dedication.

Later, Cap and Bucky stepped out into the corridors of the War Department and ran into Uncle Sam. They all greeted each other warmly. Cap noted that Uncle Sam was also in costume. "Got an assignment?" Cap asked.

"Yes and no," Uncle Sam answered. "I'm here in an advisory capacity."

"Advising on what?"

"My other protégés."

"How about that, Cap?" Bucky said. "This sidekick thing is spreading."

"Who are you training?" Cap asked.

"Your successors!" Uncle Sam stated.

Cap and Bucky looked surprised. "My who?" Cap asked.

Uncle Sam seemed uneasy with his reply. "In case something happens to you, the government wanted to have another Captain America waiting in the wings. Obviously, there is only one Captain America, but if you were to die, it would be a terrible blow to the troops. So they've arranged some people to stand in for you in that event. They're all approximately the same height and build as you are. They're pretty good fighters. Not in your league, but pretty darn good."

"And they'll dress like Cap if he gets killed?" the SS Kid asked.

"Right," Uncle Sam replied, "Although no single one of them can equal Cap's legend, the four of them might be able to make up in volume what they lack in grandeur. They'll never be seen together and there will be Cap sightings all over. People will believe they are you. The public will hear of Captain America doing heroic deeds near and far. Your legend will live on after you."

"It seems deceitful," Cap said.

"It is."

"So who are these guys?" Bucky asked.

"FBI agents," Uncle Sam said. "Some of the best. Jim Harper, Gary Blakely, Jeff Mace, and Johnny Flagg."

"I've heard of them," Cap said. "They're good. Have you tested them in my arena yet? Wearing a costume and fighting super-powered villains changes the equations."

Uncle Sam nodded, "We've fitted them with masks. You've probably heard of them. They're known respectively as the Guardian, the Spirit of 76, the Patriot, and the Fighting American."

"Yes, I know the names," Cap said. "They're part of that new team. The Seven Soldiers of Victory."

"Right," Uncle Sam responded. "We teamed them up with two veteran heroes, the Whizzer and Miss America, who've worked with the JSA in the past. They're looking out for the new guys."

"Who's member number seven?" Bucky asked.

"Libby Bella Lawrence," Uncle Sam said. "Also know as the Liberty Belle. She was brought in originally to be a sort of female icon, a counterpart of Cap's. I trained her. The government thought it was a good way of paying tribute to the woman in the workforce who have stepped in to fill in for the boys overseas. She was to be the standard bearer for the new American woman. Strong and independent."

"So what happened to that idea?" Bucky asked.

"Wonder Woman came along and the Liberty Belle suddenly seemed like small potatoes," Uncle Sam answered. "So we kept her in reserve. When we sent the other six out, we sent her out, too. They got some press over the last few weeks, especially since you JSA guys have been conspicuously quiet after that Blue Diamond thing. Your reputation has suffered. With some encouragement from the government, the media latched onto them as new heroic icons. The Guardian came up with the name. They're doing pretty well. They're not the JSA, but they're good."

"The Seven Soldiers of Victory," Cap said. "Good name. I'd like to meet them."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Uncle Sam said. "Are you free right now?"

The Olympian gods were still exiled to the Shadowy limbo. Zeus was growing impatient.

"There must be some way to escape this imprisonment!" the king of the gods bellowed, "I am the Lord of Olympus! I must do something!"

"I share thy ire, father," Hercules said. "I, too, wish to return to Olympus and thrash vile Typhon!"

"Perhaps you can," Aphrodite said. "I have an idea. If Great Zeus will add his power to mine, I think it has a chance of success."

"What is thy plan?" Hera asked.

"We can possibly contact the Avatar of the Lords of Order, Doctor Fate," the goddess said. "With him working from outside this realm and us working from inside, we might be able to transport Hercules out."

"Aye," Hercules said. "My demi-god nature hath advantages. Mine aspect is linked to the realm of Earth."

"Twill be done!" Zeus announced. "We shall try to contact the Earth sorcerer called Dr. Fate!"

Dr. Fate returned to his newly rebuilt home in Salem, Massachusetts. He was tired, having just returned from fighting agents of the Lords of Chaos in a lower realm. He was about to take off his helmet and revert to his human identity of Kent Nelson . . .

But then he heard the voices! The distant but desperate voices of the pantheon of Olympian gods. They were pleading for his help. They needed him to help break down the barriers of their exile and send Hercules to Olympus.

"I shall try," Dr. Fate answered, not knowing whether or not they could hear him. "I will do what I can to send the scion of Zeus to the home of his father," Doctor Fate sat cross-legged and concentrated.


The battle between Diana and Typhon continued. Hippolyta watched with a mother's concern for her daughter and concern for what will happen to herself should Diana fall. Typhon would certainly ravage her and perhaps Diana as well. Although Diana was acquitting herself admirably, the victory was not certain. The Amazon Princess was given better than she got and was-what was that American saying?-ahead on points. Still, Typhon was a long way from defeat. In a battle of immortals, long could be very long indeed.

Typhon was furious that he was doing so poorly against this tiny woman. He dwarfed her, and yet she was controlling the fight. Her strength was every bit the equal of his and her speed was phenomenal. Also, she was a consummate warrior. Trained on the Island of Amazons, she had traveled the Earth and beyond learning the art of war. While Typhon languished in captivity, Wonder Woman was honing her skills. Recently, she had traveled to Asgard and fought the Trolls alongside the Thunder God Thor. She was every bit Typhon's strategic equal. He truthfully had no idea how to defeat her. Still, he had no intention of giving up the battle. He would continue to fight, even if it took a century of more.

As for Diana, she was concentrating on the battle, her only concern to rescue her mother. She had to admit that she enjoyed a challenge, but that was secondary. Hippolyta was the priority. The Queen must be saved.

While she knew she was doing well against the massive Titan, Diana was also aware that the stamina of the Titans was legendary. Typhon would not fall any time soon and he would certainly never quit. Diana wondered if this stalemate would last for days or weeks. Perhaps years? Was there an end in sight?

The Lincoln Memorial:

The Seven Soldiers of Victory were assembled. They were supposed to meet Uncle Sam there. Their mentor and trainer had informed them that they were going to meet the living legend Captain America. This was an honor none of them could refuse. Although the Whizzer and Miss America had already met him, they were not going to refuse an invitation to meet him again. Cap was the standard bearer of the super elite. It was an honor to get an audience with him.

They were all so excited that they didn't notice the little man with the large, bald head and the green graduation robes. Brain Wave had arrived.

The little ESPER used his mental powers to eavesdrop on government communications. When he learned that the Seven Soldiers would be gathering at the Memorial, he raced there. He was able to walk unnoticed past citizens and sentries, due to his hypnotic abilities. In the style of the Shadow, he clouded their minds so that they did not perceive him. He walked unmolested to the memorial before revealing himself.

As the heroes talked, eagerly awaiting Cap's arrival, Brain Wave closed in on them. It was the Guardian who noticed him first. Garbed in a blue bodysuit, with golden trunks, gloves boots and crash helmet, he was an intense presence, not unlike Cap himself. He even had a golden shield. He took stock of Brain Wave. "We've got company, and somehow I don't think he's friendly."

The Whizzer and Miss America looked at the newcomer and agreed with the Guardian's assessment. They stepped to the forefront and confronted him. "Who are you?" the Whizzer asked. "What do you want?"

Brain Wave smirked. "I am the last face you'll ever see." He unleashed his terrible power!

Before even the Whizzer could react, the mental assault hit. The Whizzer tried to utilize his speed, but he couldn't coordinate the movement of his arms and legs. He was dizzy and disoriented. His thoughts were a muddle and he fell to the ground, in spasms.

Miss America rushed Brain Wave and pulled back her fist for a mighty blow.

"Stop," Brain Wave said calmly.

Miss America froze in place. She couldn't move a finger. Brain Wave walked calmly passed her, ignoring her. The other five members of the Seven Soldiers of Victory charged the confident little man.

All at once, they found themselves confronting monsters of their own mind! Whatever their worst fear was, they saw it! They each believed that their most horrible nightmare was before them! With desperate terror, they fought with all their courage to confront their imaginary fear!

Nearby . . . Captain America, Uncle Sam and the Star-Spangled Kid arrived. They saw the five junior members of the Soldiers flailing at the air. For a moment, Bucky thought it was some sort of pantomime exercise. But Cap immediately saw the horror on their faces, and the Whizzer writhing on the ground. He spotted the smiling little man with the large head and all his instincts screamed 'Enemy!'

"Come on!" Cap yelled, and raced to rescue the besieged Seven Soldiers. Uncle Sam and the Star-Spangled Kid were right on his heels.

Brain Wave was suddenly excited to see the leader of the Justice Society arrive. "Ah, the legend arrives. I'm so happy to see you. You've given me a chance to show my Nazi employers what a valuable commodity I am."

Brain Wave unleashed a PSIonic brain-blast that engulfed the trio. Bucky and Uncle Sam passed out, overcome by the amazing mental onslaught. But Captain America was unlike any other. His will was as indestructible as was his adamantium shield. He was stunned and his knees almost buckled but he composed himself, shook off the pain, straightened up and faced his foe.

"You'll have to do better than that," Cap said.

"I shall," Brain Wave said.

He hit Cap with a second brain-blast. Cap cried out and fell. But he wouldn't stay down. Despite the fact that a fog was rolling across his mind, he tried to force himself to his feet.

Brain Wave was impressed and surprised. "Your will is strong. But you can't hold out forever."

Nearby Military Policemen, guarding the memorial from Nazi terrorism, ran to Cap's assistance. "Hang on, Captain. We've got the drop on that little . . . "

"No, stay back!" Cap yelled. "You don't understand! He's too powerful!"

"Let them come," Brain Wave said. "They want to play with fire, let them get burned," Instantly, Brain Wave took mental control of the guards, turning them into robot-like slaves. "That's better."

Cap stood up. The Military police faced him and raised their guns. Brain Wave pointed to the red, white and blue hero. "What are you waiting for, my little automatons. Kill that flag-waving fool."

They fired their weapons. Cap ducked behind his shield. The bullets bounded off, some of them rebounding in Brain Wave's direction. Brain Wave feared taking a ricocheting bullet accidentally and so mentally commanded the MPs to stop shooting. "Grab him instead!"

The MP's tried to restrain Cap but he was a powerhouse whirlwind. He would not be stopped! He regretted having to hurt the MP's but it was necessary. He tried not to injure them. Brain Wave was so engrossed in watching the fight that he was taken by surprise when Cap kicked out and slammed his foot into Brain Wave's chest. The little criminal was knocked several yards onto the steps of the memorial.

Brain Wave was not used to such pain and wailed loudly. His back ached. Cap marched toward him, determined to end this. "No, stop, please!" Brain Wave yelled. "I can't stand pain. I'm defeated!"

Cap paused. "Why should I trust you?"

Brain Wave suddenly smiled. "Oh, that's easy . . . Just look in my eyes!"

Cap was struck by hallucinogenic distortions that twisted the world around him. Brain Wave interfered with Cap's Temporal Lobe. He couldn't tell up from down. Nothing made sense.

"Do you understand now?" Brain Wave asked. "I can warp your very perceptions. It's futile to try and fight me! I am the future!"

Cap fought with all the power of his unbreakable mind to focus on his foe. Instinct, more than thought guided his hand as he threw his shield. Amazingly, it hit the mark. The blow wasn't dead on but it was good enough to knock Brain Wave off his feet and disrupt his concentration. The distortion ended.

Both men lay prone for a few moments, trying to recuperate. They both sat up slowly, but Cap was a little faster. He got to his feet first and moved in on Brain Wave. Brain Wave saw Cap coming and tried a telepathic attack.

Cap was suddenly filled with self-doubt. "What am I doing here? I can't fight these super-powered enemies. I'm just a guy with a shield. I'm the weak link of the JSA. I shouldn't be the leader. They follow me but I don't have all the answers. I'm just as lost as everyone else. The responsibility is too much for me! I can't take it!"

But Captain America was no wilting flower. He realized that Brain Wave was messing with his mind. These were not his thoughts. They were Brain Wave's manipulations. He must not listen to them. He must fight on. The others were counting on him! The world was counting on Captain America!

Captain America lashed out with a backhanded slap that stunned the fragile Brain Wave. The little villain was staggered. At that moment, he lost his psychic grip on the Seven Soldiers, Uncle Sam and the Star-Spangled Kid. The nine heroes were free to assist Cap.

"Come on!" shouted Uncle Sam, leading the charge of vengeful heroes.

Brain Wave saw the force heading toward him and felt a rush of nervousness. This was not working out as well as he thought. He hadn't yet been able to beat Captain America and now he had nine more foes to deal with. He had thought that this would be easy. He was wrong!

Brain Wave had an idea. Using his illusion powers, he made the heroes believe that they were seeing numerous duplicates of him all over. They even saw each other as Brain Waves. They couldn't tell reality from illusion, friend from foe. Brain Wave was everywhere and everyone!

Brain Wave used the confusion to slip away. Not far away, some not-so-innocent bystanders were, in actuality, members of the American Nazi party, who decided to back Brain Wave up. As Brain Wave slipped away, hoping to regroup and strike another day, the Nazis moved in on the still baffled heroes. They were armed with knives and pistols.

As Brain Wave moved out of range, the illusory spell faded and everyone's true face was revealed. The heroes saw the mysterious, darkly dressed men with knives moving in on them. "Look sharp! Danger!" Cap yelled, and struck out at the lead Nazi. His companions followed his example.

The Spirit of 76 - dressed in his colonial era-garb and black domino mask - struck out with flashing fists. He was hit by a bullet but his long riding jacket was bullet proof, as was the leather strap that crossed his chest and shoulder.

The Patriot - garbed in his blue body suit, with the yellow eagle, two white stars on his belly, red helmet, trunks, boots, gloves with white cuffs and cowl with the yellow 'V', and a blue plume - was skillful and quick as he lashed out at the fascist sympathizers.

The Fighting American - in his blue bodysuit, red trunks, boots and gloves with yellow fringe, red cowl with yellow top and an eagle on the forehead, and an eagle made of red & blue strips on his chest with white stars on it - was a dynamo of energy as he attacked.

The Liberty Belle - in her yellow breeches, brown boots, blue blouse, mask, red gloves and yellow Liberty Bell likeness on her torso - kicked out with judo skills and surprising speed and agility.

The Whizzer and Miss America, with their super-powers, mopped up the rest of the Nazis in no time flat. The Guardian was a total pro, showing great potential. Cap nodded, satisfied at what he was seeing from the Seven Soldiers. He was miffed that Brain Wave escaped but otherwise, things went well.

Soon, after things had calmed down and the Nazis were taken away by military intelligence, Cap addressed the Seven Soldiers. "You did well. Even after being confronted by your worst fears, you still recovered quickly and came to my assistance. And you reacted quickly to the Nazis when you saw them. I liked your fighting skills, too. Overall, I'm very impressed. Keep training with Uncle Sam and the world will soon be proud of the Seven Soldiers of Victory!"

The Seven Soldiers couldn't be prouder. Praise from Captain America was the greatest thing they could ask for.

The Sub-Mariner was swimming near Atlantis, still angry with Hippolyta for her love of Steve Trevor and yet still obsessed with her. He wanted to see her again, to hear her reasoning. How could she prefer the mortal Trevor to Prince Namor of Atlantis?

As he mused this . . . he vanished!

Fury was wandering in the yard of the mansion of Miss Venus. She missed her mentor Wonder Woman. He fingered Hippolyta's lasso tenderly, wishing she knew what was happening to her friend and teacher. Had she gotten her powers back?

As she thought about this . . . she vanished!

Fury and the Sub-Mariner appeared in the Salem Massachusetts domicile of Dr. Fate.

"What trickery is this?" Namor yelled. "Explain yourself, Fate!"

"I'm a little curious, too," Fury said.

"I need your assistance in the rescue of Wonder Woman," Fate said.

The name caused them both to focus with intense interest. "Wonder Woman is in danger?" Fury asked.

Fate nodded. "She is. Right now, she stands as a captive in Olympus, a prisoner of the Titan called Typhon. I have been summoned by our patron Miss Venus to free the Olympian God Hercules that he may fight Typhon. But to do so, I must cast my spell in Olympus. That will leave me vulnerable to an attack from Typhon. I require the two of you to protect Wonder Woman and myself as I cast my spell. Typhon must not harm either of us before I open the portal and free Hercules!"

"I'm in!" Fury quickly said.

Namor reacted to Hippolyta's danger. Also, he had been eager to find and speak to her. "I will accompany you. Hippolyta will not be harmed!"

"Then come with me to the realm of gods!" Fate said, waving his hands and causing the trio to disappear.

Back in Olympus, Diana was still battling Typhon. She had the edge, but was still far from victory. Typhon was determined to keep his "prize". He wasn't giving up Hippolyta willingly. But Diana wasn't going to take "No" for an answer. The battle raged.

Hippolyta was a mix of nerves and anger. She feared for the safety of herself and her daughter, and she also fumed at her helplessness. She hated being so powerless. All she could do was watch and hope.

Her attention was drawn away by a sudden burst of light and a strange smell. She didn't know that it was the smell of time-warping Chronoton particles burning air and Ozone. She saw what looked light a hole in space. It was, in reality, a hole in time.

Out of the portal stepped two men. Both of them were familiar to Hippolyta. One was a tall, thin man with gray hair wearing futuristic armor. He had a goatee, intelligent eyes and an authoritative baritone voice. Hippolyta knew him as Nathaniel Richards, a former ally of the time-traveling villain Kang.

The other man was no stranger to her either. He was ever taller than the other, with a stocky build, dark hair and a beard. His eyes seemed like twin wells to all the knowledge of the ages. He smiled a sinister smile.

"Vandal Savage," Hippolyta whispered.

"There's one," Richards said, pointing to Hippolyta. Then he looked at Diana. "There's the other."

Savage watched Diana. "So powerful. She'll be an excellent addition but she will not be taken easily."

Diana's fight with Typhon had paused when they both spotted the newcomers. Now she was facing a whole new threat. She had encountered these men before. They were no pushovers. She knew what she was facing and she knew that this was big trouble.

Savage and Typhon looked at each other. "Greetings noble Titan. I am Vandal Savage. I see that you are having difficulty with this wench. We have come to take her away. She'll trouble you no longer."

Typhon smile. This was excellent. Let the hellcat Diana be taken away. Typhon would still have Hippolyta and the throne of Olympus. "I salute you, Vandal Savage. The woman is yours. Take her!"

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Savage!" Diana roared, showing no fear, "If you think you can force me, come ahead and try."

Savage laughed, "Brave words. You have spirit. You are indeed well chosen. You will be a fine addition."

Diana wondered what he meant by "addition" but didn't bother to ask for an explanation. She let loose a powerful kick toward Vandal Savage but he managed to evade it. While Diana was distracted, Typhon hit her from behind. She tumbled to the ground, hissing in pain and anger.

Diana slowly rose, flanked by two dangerous and powerful foes. She wasn't confident in her chances for victory but she would not back down, especially with her mother's safety in the balance.

Nathaniel Richards, in the meantime, approached Hippolyta. "Surrender. I do not wish to harm you."

"I will not!" Hippolyta said. "I am the Queen of the Amazons and I am tired of being manhandled!"

Hippolyta lashed out, trying to use her formidable combat knowledge to fight Richards. But she had been made so weak by her condition and Richards was armed and ready. Energy cables shot forth from his armor, encircling the Amazon queen, restraining her. She winced as the charged bonds jolted her.

"I told you I didn't want to hurt you," Richards said. "You're not as strong as I remember. Not like your daughter. She will be a fine addition."

"Addition to what?" Hippolyta asked. "What are you referring to?"

Diana fought desperately against her two formidable foes. Vandal Savage basically hit-and-run, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. He let Typhon handle the lion's share of fighting. Diana was on the ropes.

But then, something new was added. In a puff of spectral smoke, Dr. Fate appeared, along with Namor and Fury. They took in the scene. Fate pointed. "These are our foes!" Fate said. "You must keep them from me while I free Hercules!"

Namor looked around. He couldn't see the face of the woman fighting the two attackers, but she favored Hippolyta. He assumed it was she. "I will do as you ask, Fate."

Namor charged. He rammed into Typhon, stunning the giant. Savage immediately recognized the new addition and was annoyed at the interruption.

Typhon scowled at the sea-prince. "Who are you, tiny interloper? How dare you strike a Titan?"

"I am Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner, champion of Atlantis, and you must now face me!"

Diana looked at Namor. "I've heard of you, Prince Namor. Thank you for your help."

Namor only now realized that this was not Hippolyta. But there was a resemblance. She was just as lovely as her mother. "I am at your service, dear lady."

Nearby, Fury spotted Hippolyta being restrained by Nathaniel Richards. "Polly!" Fury yelled and ran to Wonder Woman's aid.

"A new one," Richards said. "I haven't met her before. I believe she is called the Fury."

"Up yours, creepo!" the young heroine said, as she connected against Richards' armored body with a kick taught to her by Wonder Woman. Richards stumbled to the ground, but his armored systems balanced him. After that, he took her a little more seriously and fought her with his technical arsenal. The Fury did her best, despite being less than well armed. Hippolyta had never been prouder of her. She couldn't stand by and watch her young protégé take all the risks. She joined the fight. Even in her weakened state, she hoped to turn the tide in the Fury's favor.

"Together again, Helena," Wonder Woman said.

"Wouldn't miss it, Polly."

Meanwhile, Dr. Fate was casting his spell to free Hercules. Savage noticed what he was doing and made an attempt to stop him . . . but he was too late! As he reached Fate, there was an explosion of fire and smoke. After the smoke cleared, Savage saw someone large standing there. Someone big!

Hercules was back!

"Free again!" Hercules yelled. "Free to avenge myself and save my people!"

Savage took cover, hoping to elude the eye of the powerful Olympian. Hercules wasn't interested in him, however. He was focused on his hated foe Typhon. The Prince of Power charged at the Titan. "Have at thee, vile Titan! Hercules hath burned to repay thee for thy treachery! Only thy blood will satisfy me!"

Hercules slammed into Typhon with unbelievable power. The Titan was rocked by the impact. After his difficult battle with Princess Diana, Typhon did not need this. Hercules was fighting mad and out for blood!

While the Prince of Power dealt with the wicked Titan, Diana chose to aid him. Typhon was the enemy of both of them, and if he won the battle, Hippolyta would suffer. Namor also added his sea-born muscle.

Dr. Fate was momentarily disoriented after his difficult spell. Savage struck him from behind, knocking the sorcerer unconscious. He waylaid Fury, too. "Come along, Richards. Take the one we've got and let's go!"

Savage jumped into the portal and Richards dragged the struggling Hippolyta toward the mysterious vortex. She desperately did not want to go in there but was slowly being pulled towards it.

But then, she felt something. Something she hadn't felt in a long time . . . power! Her muscles were filled with the familiar power of the Amazons. Somehow, some way, her power had returned. Perhaps it was the doing of Zeus, who wished her to aid Hercules in battling Typhon and freeing the Olympians.

"Thank you, Great Zeus!" she said, stretching her powerful arms and snapping the cables. She was free! Free to avenge all the indignities. And Richards was first on the list.

"You thought to drag Queen Hippolyta away, like a chained slave? You'll regret that, foolish little male!"

Richards looked surprisingly blasé about her threat. He had researched her and noticed that she was susceptible to mental warfare and hypnotism. He raised a small device that looked like an egg. It glowed, shining a kaleidoscope of colors into Wonder Woman's lovely eyes. Hippolyta stopped short, dazed by the light. She felt compelled to stare at the light source.

"That object!" she said, confused, "I can't take my eyes off it! What's it doing to me?"

"It's stealing your will," Richards said. "Soon, you will have no thought except to do what I tell you."

"No, I won't let you!" Hippolyta shouted. "I won't submit to this!"

She wanted to raise her fist to strike out at the futuristic villain, but something prevented her. It was as if she didn't have the will to order her arm to move. Richards waved the object in her face. Unable to turn away, Hippolyta tried with all her royal will to fight the hypnotic effect and retain control of her mind. She could tell that she was losing her battle. She made one last mighty effort to assert herself and turn away from the device, but she failed. Drained of the last of her will power, she had no choice but to surrender to the mesmerizing effect. She fell into a deep trance.

"I must obey," she said, with robotic coldness.

Richards smiled at his victory. "Excellent. Now follow me into the portal."

"Yes, I obey," she said, and obediently followed Richards into the portal. It closed behind them.

Meanwhile, Typhon was getting battered by Hercules, Namor and Diana. Even the powerful Titan couldn't endure such a beating. Finally, the mighty Typhon fell! The formidable trio stood over the fallen villain.

Diana eyed Hercules with a hateful sneer. "Are you Hercules? The despoiler of my mother?"

"Vex me not, girl!" Hercules bellowed. "I am the son of Zeus!"

Fury had recovered. "Hey, forget the posturing! They got Hippolyta! What do we do?"

"We get her back!" Diana said. "And no force in the universe shall stop me!"

Next issue: Diana and her team of allies track the missing Hippolyta, and make a stop in Asgard en route, to recruit a certain hammer-wielding thunder god for help. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Flash must turn to one of his oldest foes — the Shade — to save his hometown of Keystone from Culp and a new foe. The Vision gust stars, next time in Justice Society of America #37.