DCM Timely

No. 37

JUNE 1944

Justice Society of America
Summoning Shadows
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
Wonder Woman
Dr. Fate
Nathaniel Richards
Vandal Savage

Captain America worked out in the gymnasium of the JSA mansion. He could tone his body easily enough but his mind was harder to make perfect. He was ill at ease at the current situation which faced his team. Over the past three months, ever since the Blue Diamond fiasco, the JSA had been a shadow of its former self. They rarely got together and hadn't had a major engagement as a time since the death of the Hulk and the Human Torch. The team had been demoralized by the losses and the traitorous actions of the once-trusted Diamond.

Basically, the group had broken into small units and operated independently. The Justice Society of America, as an institution, had vanished and the public noticed. Cap did his best to keep the spirit of the population up by acting as a one-man-army, albeit assisted by the Star-Spangled Kid. He remained an icon for the public.

These efforts, combine with the contribution of a new team called the Seven Soldiers of Victory helped to keep the masses from loses hope in their heroes. Some good war news was a blessing also. But Cap knew that he had to get the JSA back together and start acting as the gallant, magnificent force they were before the Blue Diamond tore them apart. Cap strained to think of a way to rekindle the JSA's fire.

Keystone County, PA

Jay Garrick - better known as the Flash - left work, patrolled Keystone in his speedster identity, captured some petty thieves and returned home to his wife Joan. Removing his costume, he was grateful for the normalcy of his home life and the love of his wife, Joan.

Jay sat in his living room thinking about the Blue Diamond. How could he have been so blind to the treachery of that backstabbing slime? And he still wasn't sure how to feel about killing the Blue Diamond. True, the Diamond preferred death to captivity or exile, but was that a good enough reason to kill a friend?

"I'm supposed to be the good guy," the Flash muttered, dejectedly.

Responding to the doorbell, Jay crossed the room and front door. Alan Scott - a.k.a. the Sentinel - stood there in his civilian identity. "Hi, Jay."

"Hello, Alan. Come on in."

Alan noticed that Jay was less open and warm than he usually is. That wasn't surprising. His former best friend turned out to be Judas, and Jay was having trouble trusting people now. No doubt he wondered if Alan was totally trustworthy. Alan wondered if it was such a good idea coming here to talk to Jay.

"Have a seat," Jay said, a bit distantly. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine," Alan said. "I just . . . need to talk to someone."

"I may not be the best person to choose right now, Alan."

"I understand. Its just . . . " Alan paused. Should he talk about this?

"What's the problem?" Jay asked, his natural compassion overcoming his mistrust. Despite everything, he still considered Alan a good friend.

"It's about Harlequin," Alan said. "I wouldn't tell anyone else this, but I'm worried. I'm too obsessed with her and its affecting my judgment. I can't stop thinking about her. I love her but I don't know if I can trust her."

Flash nodded. "Yeah. Trust is in short supply lately."

Opal City:

Starman flew to the scene of dark chaos. He had been alerted to the problem and rushed to see what he could do. He looked down, and in the center of Kirby Circle, he saw two men fighting each other using dark forces as offensive weapons. Shadows became deadly arms.

Starman was very familiar with both men. The white-haired dwarf in the frock coat was called Culp. The tall Englishman in the Victorian outfit was known as the Shade. They had similar powers and an extreme hatred of each other. Their feud had gone on since the 1800's and many had been caught in the crossfire.

Shadow daggers spit out and rebounded against shadow defenses. Shadow tendrils wrapped each other in shadowy combat. Shadow warred with shadow as two dark forces collided. Shadow men using shadow warfare, and even their hate was a shadow.

As the combatants tapped into the power of the dark-dimension, Starman fire a volley of energy bursts from his gravity rod to get the attention of the fighters.

"Funs over, boys," Starman said. "The sheriff is here."

"Ah, welcome old chap," the Shade said.

"Oy, another rummy masked blighter, eh?" Culp said, in his cockney manner. "Well I don't -- "

Before he could finish his sentence, Culp faded in a sparkling haze. Starman and the Shade were equally taken aback.

"That was unexpected," the Shade commented.

Starman descended. "Shade, if you know what's going on around here . . . "

"I fear not," the Shade answered. "But I feel I should find out."

With that, the Shade vanished back into the shadow-realm.

"Hey, wait!" Starman yelled. But the Shade was gone. "Aw nuts!"

Olympus, in the realm of gods:

The gods of majestic Olympus had returned! After their forced exile, they were back in their rightful home.

Time moved differently in the realm of gods than it did on Earth. Although a month had gone by on Earth, only hours had passed on Olympus. They were still in the throes of joy at their freedom.

Hercules had ended the curse that began their exile by re-lighting the Promethean flame. This allowed mighty Zeus, king of the gods, to open a portal and allow the Olympian gods to pass through and re-inhabit the city that the Titan named Typhon had recently ruled. He had been defeated and re-exiled to the limbo he escaped from.

Zeus held a celebration, during which he honored the heroes who had saved the realm. Hercules, the son of Zeus himself, was not alone in performing this brave deed. He had help. Several brave earth people shared his glory.

Diana, Amazon Princess of Themescira; Namor the Sub-Mariner, Prince of Atlantis; Doctor Fate, Avatar of the Lords of Order; Fury, mystically powered protégé of Wonder Woman. These four had helped save the gods!

Zeus presided over the festivities. He looked down from his throne at the four saviors. "This is a gala day! The gods of Olympus have come home. And these, our new friends, shall long be remembered by we gods who owe yon mortals a debt. Speak mortals. What can almighty Zeus due for thee?"

Diana bowed to her elder gods. "Great Zeus, I pay homage to you. I have long worshipped you and your fellow immortals. As has my mother. If I can request something of you, I pray that you help me locate my captured mother so that I can rescue her plight."

"Be this what the rest of you wish, as well?" Zeus asked.

Namor, Fury, and Doctor Fate acknowledged. They all wanted to find the missing Wonder Woman. Zeus nodded. "Very well. We gods of Olympus shall use out power to locate the Amazon Queen who has served us so well for so many centuries. I, too, would wish to see her returned. She is important in many ways. She shall be found."

The pantheon of gods closed their eyes and concentrated, expanding their consciousness across the universe, hoping to find a trace of Queen Hippolyta.

Meanwhile, the four Earth people waited, along with Hercules. Diana stared a hateful stare at Hercules. This did not escape the notice of the Prince of Power. Hercules didn't like this show of disrespect.

"Thine eyes speak volumes, maiden!" Hercules said. "And they speak of their hatred of Hercules. I like this not. Cease thy irksome gaze else I become angered."

Diana was not intimidated. "You are a monster and a villain! You ravaged my mother and chained my people! Your name is reviled among my Amazon sisters and I."

Hercules was surprisingly affected by the verbal salvo. The guilt he had long held for his youthful error - spurred on by Ares - tormented him. That was why he had originally brought Hippolyta to Olympus. They had come to reconciliation, of sorts. Hercules hated hearing these accusations again.

Namor faced off with Hercules. "If you violated my beloved Hippolyta, you must face the wrath of the true Sub-Mariner!"

"Stand back, Namor!" Diana said. "He's mine!"

"Hercules fears no man nor female!" Hercules bellowed. "Come ahead if thou wouldst be foolish enough to battle the prince of power!"

"Stop!" Fury yelled, jumping in between them all. "I don't know what happened in the past between Herc here and Polly, but I know that they were on the same side when they left together for Olympus."

"Impossible!" Diana snapped. "My mother would never . . . "

"It is true!" Doctor Fate said. "Hercules and Hippolyta were allies. I sense nothing but concern from him for her safety. He wants her returned alive. He had brought her here to help her regain her lost powers."

Diana couldn't believe this. Hercules was the most hated name in Amazon history. Could her mother have formed an alliance with this monster? She was confused. She needed to hear the truth from Hippolyta herself.

Back on Earth . . . New York City: June '44:

Culp reappeared inside some sort of science lab. He looked around suspiciously. How had he gotten here? Had he been rescued or was this a threat to him. Either way, he was ready for anything!

Culp spotted a thin man across the room, watching him. The man had some sort of metal cap on his head. "Hello Culp."

Culp put on his toughest face. "Better tell me who ye are, matey, or I'm bloody well gonna thrash the bleedin' life out of ye."

"Relax, Culp, I'm a friend," the man said. "You can call me the Thinker."

"And why'd ye bring me here, eh? I don't flamin' well like surprises. If ye want to see me, send a bloody invitation!"

"I'm just a middle man, Culp," the Thinker said. "I work for a fellow who's willing to offer you a lot of money to help him get revenge against the Flash."

"Who's this bloke, then?" Culp asked, interested.

"His name is Thurston Hollingsworth. Ever hear of him?"

Culp nodded. "Yeah, I did. Weren't he that rich bloke who became a racecar driver?"

The Thinker nodded. "Hollingsworth was born rich and made himself richer, but he quickly got bored with commerce and took to sports to get a buzz. He found that he loved speed. Both in cars and on foot. He held records in foot-races and in stockcar driving. He was called the fastest man alive."

"Blimey, I'm seein' the pitfall here," Culp said. "They're calling the bloody Flash that now, aren't they!"

"Right," the Thinker said. "Mr. Hollingsworth is a man used to getting attention. He likes respect. He loved being the fastest man in the world. When the Flash came along, everything he did suddenly seemed trivial. Who cares if someone can run the 100-yard dash in 8 seconds, when the Flash can run faster than the speed of light? Mr. Hollingsworth tried to pay off the Flash to retire, but he got a very rude answer. Very disrespectful. Big mistake! Mr. Hollingsworth doesn't like to be disrespected, especially by a man who already stole his glory."

"So he wants me to take down the Flash for 'em, does he?"

"Not exactly," the Thinker said. "He wants to take away what the Flash loves most. He wants to steal Keystone, Pennsylvania!"

Back in Olympus:

Diana and Namor restrained themselves, calmed by the Fury and Doctor Fate. Hercules stood apart, anticipating an attack from the two Earth heroes. But it didn't come. They seemed content to wait.

Finally, Zeus and the other gods opened their eyes. The search was over. "Success," Zeus said.

"What news, good Father?" Hercules asked.

"We have located the Amazon," Zeus answered.

"Where is my mother?" Diana asked, trying not to show impatience.

"Thou shouldst say when is she," Zeus answered, "She has been stolen through time. She is a prisoner in the far future!"

The 25th Century, in New America

In the advanced, armored fortress that served as the headquarters of the Elite Forward, a portal opened. Out stepped the notorious immortal Vandal Savage and his mysterious ally Nathaniel Richards. Also accompanying them was the mesmerized Wonder Woman. She robotically followed the two men out of the portal, which closed behind them.

Vandal Savage looked at their blank-faced captive. "Well, one out of two is better than nothing. Her daughter Diana was the one I really wanted. She'd be the crown jewel of our collective, but I knew she wouldn't be easy to take. She always was a wild one."

Nathaniel Richards began to dismantle his armor plating. "A pity. We certainly could have used her."

"Let's not give up on her too soon," Savage said. "If I remember her correctly, she will try to rescue her mother. We may be seeing her again soon."

"She won't know where, or when, to search," Richards said. "Even if she knew, how would she get to our century."

"Don't underestimate Wonder Woman," Savage said. "Or rather, the second, and best, Wonder Woman. She will one day exceed her mother as a champion of justice. If we can get her, our chances will increase enormously."

"We'll need all the help we can get against Zarko," Richards said. "He's a crafty one."

"I'm not concerned about Zarko," Savage said. "It's Solaris I'm wary of. We can't toy with such a being. We'll need every advantage to deal with Solaris."

"I agree," Richards said. "But we've made a start. We're amassing a formidable army of females. Now that Hippolyta has somehow gotten her strength back, she will add some much-needed muscle."

"And she may be the bait that lures her daughter here," Savage asked.

Hippolyta stood by, hearing all this through a surreal haze, like watching a dream and having no control over it. Deep inside her, she was cognizant of her surroundings, but her will to act and even to think had been stolen from her. Her ability to think independently was restrained by the hypnotic power of Richards' Mesmer-light. He had used the device to overcome her, despite the return of her strength. His will was now hers, and she stood obediently, awaiting his next command. Even though a part of her heard and understood that she was being used as bait for her own daughter, she lacked the will to reassert herself and act of her own accord. The tiny voice that was still Hippolyta cried out in helpless rage beneath her enforced obedience.

"We will not fail," Richards said. "Zarko and Solaris must and will be stopped. I will bring Wonder Woman to the other troops," he looked at Hippolyta, "Wonder Woman. Follow me!"

"Yes, I must obey," Wonder Woman said and followed Richards out. Savage remained, plotting. Always plotting.

Keystone County:

Flash and Sentinel decided out on a dual patrol. They were getting antsy sitting around discussing the very problems that were ruining their lives and could find no answers. But they could still rough up some criminals.

After a sweep of Keystone County, where no crimes severe enough for super intervention turned up, they decided to go to other areas of Pennsylvania and possible as far as New York, which was the Sentinel's home state.

"Race you to Scranton," the Sentinel said, and jetted off for the borders of Keystone.

Flash wasn't in a particularly playful mood but he realized that Alan was trying to cheer him up, and perhaps the childlike fun of a race would help both men. Flash kicked his Speed-Force born rapidity into high gear and easily passed Sentinel. He ran outside the official borders of Keystone and waited for the Sentinel who should come along momentarily.

He was shocked and alarmed when a large barrier appeared around Keystone. It was made of something that could only be described as Solid Darkness.

Flash, thinking of his wife inside, tried to find a way around but the dark filed surrounded every inch of Keystone. He tried to vibrate through, but he couldn't pass through the Shadow matter. He tried vibrations and sonic booms, but nothing could shatter or pierce the darkness.

Inside Keystone . . .

Sentinel blasted away at the darkness that had trapped him and everyone else in the county of Keystone. His ring, along with electric lights, were the only illumination in a town totally cut off from the sun.

The Starheart power spit from the ring with awesome power. He couldn't unleash his full potential inside Keystone, not without destroying the town. He used as much power as he dared and tried to burn a hole through the barrier.

The limited power that he dared use was not enough to break down the barrier. He was trapped!


"Your mother hath been stolen through time," Zeus was explaining to Diana. "The cowardly varlets who took her have fled beyond my reach. I can tell thee truly the when and where of her captivity, yet I cannot act to rescue her. For we Gods are weak after our enforced exile and must have replenishment. Further, any time questing in Chronos' temporal realm wouldst bring the ire of the Living Tribunal down upon my beloved Olympus, for he hath forbidden that any among the White Council of Elders travel through time, else we take it upon ourselves to change the course of this war which is so important to so many. I would not have my subjects, so recently tormented, be the recipient of his wrath. Therefore, I cannot aid thee."

Diana looked determined and fearless. "I will find a way to get to her! I swear it!"

"And I will join you," Namor said. "The Sub-Mariner vows to bring his beloved Amazon back alive."

"I'm with you, too," Fury said.

"And I will use my magic to aid you any way I can," Doctor Fate said. "Wonder Woman is important. She must be brought back unharmed."

Diana thought for a moment. "I have a thought! I recently spent some time in Asgard and formed a friendship with the thunder god Thor. His dimension-spanning power, combined with your magic, may allow us to follow her into the future."

"I will do what I can," Fate said. "I am at your service."

"And Hercules shall accompany thee as well," Hercules said.

"We'll do without your help, godling!" Diana snapped.

"Do not let pride blind you," Fate said. "He can be of help and, whatever his motive, I perceive that he wants to save Wonder Woman."

Zeus raised his hand. "And I decree it! Hercules will accompany thee! So shall it be!"

Diana didn't want to defy Zeus on his doorstep, especially since she owed him a favor. And this Doctor Fate, who was reputed to be a teammate of her mother, vouches for him. Diana decided that perhaps it would be best to keep Hercules under observation. "Very well, he may come. But I lead this mission!"

"Hercules will comply with this," Zeus said. "Go now, with my blessing!"

With a wave of his arm, Zeus transported the five heroes to their destination.

Keystone County:

Sentinel stood on the steps of the Town Hall, speaking to the populace, trying to keep them calm. "Panic will only make things worse. I assure you that I will do everything in my power to keep you save, and I know that the Flash is working from the outside to find a way to get us out. In the meantime, just go to your homes and stay calm. We'll work this out. Everything will be all right. I promise."

Just then, something dropped out of the dark ceiling that covered the town. It looked like an egg. It floated to the ground and opened. Inside were two men. One was the Thinker. The other, the Sentinel knew well.

"Culp!" Sentinel said, staring fiercely at the former member of the Injustice Society.

"Ahoy there, Sentinel, old mate," Culp said, tipping his derby. "Good t'see an old chum, eh?"

"Back to your old tricks again, Culp?" The Sentinel said. "The last I heard, the Shadow gave you a whipping and sent you running with your tail between your legs."

"You shouldn't bloody well have mentioned that!" Culp said, still angry at the defeat. "I don't like it!"

Sentinel wasted no more time in idle chatter. He let loose with the power of his mystical ring. Culp blocked the ray with a shield made of dark matter. The Sentinel caused balls of green fire to circle around the shield and home in on Culp. Culp picked them off with daggers of darkness.

Sentinel created a thousand little fairies with swords and arrows who attacked Culp from every angel like a swarm of insects. Culp was hard-pressed to fight off such an attack. He would have lost the fight . . . if not for his ally!

The Thinker was watching this and knew that he had to act. From everything he knew about the Sentinel, his power came from strength of will and concentration. If his focus was shattered, he was disabled. The Thinker was just the man for that job. He used his Thinking Cap to muddle the Sentinel's thought, confusing the ringed hero.

Sentinel became disoriented. He couldn't think straight. His fairy army began to fade. Culp smiled. With a wave of his hand, he caused a chunk of the dark barrier to separate from the rest and engulf the Sentinel. The JSA member fight but was totally engulfed. A few moments later, the dark bubble released him. He stood unmoving, his eyes as dark as night. He smiled an evil smile.

"Hail the darkness!" he said, possessed by the strange substance.

"Welcome to the team," Culp said.

The people of Keystone fled in panic. However, there was one pair of eyes watching this that did not run. He remained in hiding, awaiting his chance to act.

Meanwhile, outside the dark barrier, Flash was trying to use the scientific approach to see if there was a way to deal with this seemingly insurmountable conundrum. He wondered if he should call in the rest of the JSA.

Just then, to his surprise, the Shade appeared. He tipped his hat to the Flash. "I see that you're having a less-than-pleasant day, old chap."

Flash sped over to the Shade and grabbed him by the lapels. "If you're behind this . . . "

"Steady on, old boy," the Shade said. "You've got the wrong fellow. Culp is the bad guy in this matter."

Flash didn't know why, but he believed the Shade. This whole this wasn't the Shade's style. But Culp was another matter. He let go of the Englishman. "Can you tell me what's going on here?"

"Not quite," the Shade said. "I'm mystified how Culp was able to channel so much power. This is beyond either of us. Only this morning I tussled with the blackguard, but he showed no sign of being able to do this. If he's suddenly developed this kind of power, it concerns me as much as anyone."

"Can you get me inside?"

The Shade studied the barrier. "I believe I can influence it enough to create a small doorway for us."

The Rainbow Bridge, the mystic path to Asgard:

Diana, Namor, Doctor Fate, Fury, and Hercules appeared on the bridge. The towering, golden realm of Odin and his Norse God subjects lay before them.

Diana had been here before, but the others had not. The Fury was in awe. Namor tried to remain impassive and would not admit that Asgard out-shown even Atlantis. Doctor Fate studied the realm, more curious than impressed. Hercules felt that Asgard was poor in comparison to his own majestic Olympus.

"I didn't think I'd be back here so soon," Diana said. "Come. Follow me!"

Diana led her four allies to the end of the Rainbow Bridge, determined to find Thor.

Back in Keystone:

The Thinker stood in front of the Town Hall, using his Thinking Cap to detect the thoughts of the many minds of Keystone, all of whom were seeking refuge in their homes or some other hiding place. The Thinker smiled. "I sense fear. I love the power fear gives us. They're huddling together in terror, hoping for a miracle rescue. It doesn't take a mind reader to know that they're waiting for their precious Flash."

"Let him come," Culp said. "I'll erase the little blighter like a school brat correctin' a mistake in his homework. And after we bury Mister Speedy, what say you an' me take a little holiday over in New York and hunt down that Shadow bastard, eh?"

"That sounds pretty good to me," the Thinker said. "We both owe him. With interest!"

Without warning, Culp was hit by a fast moving assailant. The Thinker was knocked down when a second blur sped by but the main thrust of the offensive was against Culp. Although Culp couldn't get a clear look at his enemy, it was no great leap to deduce that it was the Flash. How had he gotten in?

Had Culp not been gifted with immortality and the strange energies of the Dark Dimension, the battering could have been lethal. But the Flash knew he could unload on Culp with less restraint than usual.

"Let Keystone go!" Flash said. "I'm not playing around with you! Get rid of that barrier! Now!"

Culp was hurt and having trouble focusing to counterattack. Once again, he was saved by the Thinker. The cerebral criminal recovered faster than the Flash had expected and used his mental powers to disorient the Flash.

Suddenly, the Flash found that his mind was not moving as fast as his speeding form. He was having trouble maneuvering around stationary objects. Amazingly, he crashed into the side of the Town Hall. Only the protective aura that activates when he runs stopped him from being seriously injured by the impact. But he lay stunned and momentarily helpless.

Culp closed in on him with a dark dagger. "Let's cut his head off and let Mr. Hollingsworth have it."

"I'd just as soon you wouldn't," a familiar, English voice said.

Culp spun around, knowing who he'd see. His nemesis! "Shade!"

"Fate does have a way of throwing us together, doesn't it, old chap?" the Shade said, standing over the unconscious form of the Thinker, "Miss me?"

"Like I miss payin' bloody taxes, me old mate!" Culp said. "Come to Culp and get what's overdue."

The two Shadow warriors locked up, their nearly identical dark forces collided in another of an endless series of stalemates. The people of keystone peeked out from their hiding place to root on their mysterious savior. Whoever he was. And the same mysterious being still watched as well. It was not yet time to act. Very soon, but not quite! He lit a small fire in preparation.

As Culp and the Shade fought, they were distracted by the arrival of the possessed Sentinel. Culp was very happy with this turn of events but the Shade was less than thrilled.

Shade was caught in a crossfire. The mystery watcher began to move. The moment was nearly here!

Flash, in the meantime, shook the cobwebs out of his head and focused on the fight. He was stunned to see the Sentinel helping Culp. His first thought was of another traitor. He launched himself like a cannonball at the Sentinel.

The human projectile rammed the Sentinel with colossal force. Despite the Sentinel's protective energy field, he was hurt by the impact. The Flash wasn't holding back. He battered the Sentinel, over-reacting to the seeming betrayal.

"Wait!" an unearthly voice shouted.

The Flash turned and saw the red-hued, decidedly non-human form of the Vision stepping out of the shadows.

"What are you doing here?" Flash asked, suspicious of everyone.

"As before, I am here as an ally," the Vision said.

Sentinel retreated, trying to recover and form a counter attack. The Flash considered the Vision. True he was having trouble trusting people lately but he did owe the Vision a favor. If not for him, the JSA would still be stone statues decorating Dormammu's throne room in the Dark Dimension.

"Sentinel is not acting of his own accord," the Vision said. "He is possessed by dark powers."

Flash felt embarrassed. He had automatically assumed that his friend had gone bad. "Can you help him?"

"Distract him."

Flash saw the Sentinel returning for another round. The Flash zigzagged, distracting the Sentinel. The Vision stood in the smoke of his small fire and joined with the wisps, becoming smoke himself. He floated upwards, drifting behind the Sentinel. Regaining his original form, he grabbed the Sentinel. Before the Sentinel could react, the Vision quickly sucked out the dark forces from his body. The Sentinel screamed and fell to the ground, senseless.

"He'll be fine," the Vision said. "Now let us deal with Culp!"

Flash, Vision, and Shade surrounded Culp, who knew when he was in over his head. "You three goody-good blokes better think before ye act. If anything happens to me, the barrier stays up."

"Not quite!" Vision said. "A machine is allowing you to tap into the vast dark matter. The Shade can utilize the device as easily as you."

"So you are now expendable, old man," the Shade said.

Vision formed a smoke portal behind Culp. The Flash rammed him, knocking him backwards. Culp was swallowed up by the strange smoke. When the smoke dispersed, Culp was gone.

"So where is this machine?" Flash said.

"I'll lead you to it."

Sentinel sat up, dizzy. "What happened to me?"

"I'll explain later," the Flash said. "In the meantime, you'd better stay here and keep and eye and Keystone, and guard the Thinker. I have to go somewhere with my two friends here."

New York City . . . Thurston Hollingsworth's science lab:

Flash, the Shade, and the Vision arrived in the lab. It was filled with complex looking machines. No one was around. The Flash studied the machine. Being a scientist, he figured out how to use it. "Shade, Would you mind?"

"Not at all, dear boy," the Shade said.

Utilizing the machine, the Shade took control of the Barrier and ordered it to dissipate.

The population of Keystone County cheered when the sky came into view again. The stars of the night sky where the most beautiful sight most of them had ever seen. The Sentinel looked up, relieved. He was glad that Keystone was saved. Jay had suffered enough lately. He decided to check on Joan, as a favor to Jay. Then he'd go and visit Harlequin.

Back at the lab:

"So can anyone explain all this to me?" Flash said.

"I'll try," the Vision said. "From within the dark dimension, I sensed a great disturbance. Some sort of conduit had been created to link the Shadow-realm with this world. This machine allowed Culp to exceed his normal potential and break down the barriers between universes. But these barriers, once irrevocably destroyed, could never be fixed. That would allow my enemy, Dormammu, to flood your realm with the shadowy essence of his dark realm. Your realm would become like his. That would allow an invasion and Dormammu could claim your world as his own. I have long fought Dormammu, as you know, and could not allow it. I traveled here to see what I can do to stop it."

"I imagine that the Thinker designed the machine," the Shade said. "And Culp would be eager to make the Flash suffer due to past grudges."

"They mentioned a Mr. Hollingsworth," the Flash said. "I think I know who put them up to this and paid for it all. I'll have to pay him a visit."

"And I should be going," the Vision said. "I must get back and see what Dormammu is up to."

"I should depart as well," the Shade said. "As always, dear Flash, it's been a great pleasure."

Vision and the Shade vanished. Flash returned to his wife and friend in Keystone.

Next issue: Johnny Sorrow is back, complete with a frightening new power, and looking for revenge against one of the JSA members. Also, Diana’s adventures in Asgard continue in Justice Society of America #38.