DCM Timely

No. 2


Justice Society of America
First Steps
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Johnny Thunder
Star-Spangled Kid
The Spectre
Miss Venus
Black Lama
Master Man

Somewhere . . . A council of gods is taking place.

In a temple, surrounded by a misty landscape, beings of immense power sit around a stone table and speak with raised voices.

"This war is the work of the Dark Council!" the Spectre said. "It is part of a greater plan, one that must be thwarted!"

"We realize this," said Zeus, "but we have agreed not to interfere in the ways of mortals."

"Aye!" spoke Odin. "As a warrior God, I wouldst agree that war is a part of any culture. Thus, even mortals have the freedom to wage war if that be their foolish whim!"

"However," the old wizard Shazam interjected, "if the Dark Council has instigated this conflict, then it is meant to lead to something that will be harmful to us all! Does it not behoove us to halt the scheme, before it is too late. Before the Dark Council's machinations have reached a point where they can not be stopped!"

"I agree," said Highfather. "We must act now. To hesitate is folly!"

The angel Michael spoke with a voice of power, love and sorrow. "This war does not please the Great Presence. However, we will not force them to stop. Free will is the most important thing is existance. Only by their free actions can they be judged."

"Free will is the first thing that they will be deprived of should the Dark ones succeed!" countered Highfather.

Father Zuras spoke next. "There must be a way to convince them to stop without forcing them against their will."

"Humans can be very . . . stubborn," said the aged sorcerer supreme know as the Ancient One.

"Zuras is correct," Shazam stated. "We must find a way to end this war without imposing our will. Perhaps by having an agent among them."

"You are correct!" the Spectre exclaimed. "The most ideal situation would be for a group of heroic mortals to appear, to use their nobility and great powers to end this war sooner than the Dark Council would have it!"

Odin chuckled. "This Justice Society that thou hast created? This is thy hope?"

Zeus addressed Odin. "Yes, Lord Odin. And he be not alone in this belief. Mine own agent has descended to Earth to aid this Justice Society in thier efforts to end this war before the Dark Council can succeed in their black designs!"

Back on Earth . . . Washington DC, Christmas Eve, 1941

Captain America stood in front of the grand house which is to be the new headquarters of the Justice Society. No sooner had the JSA been sanctioned by the US government, than did a mysterious female millionaire offer them the use of her mansion as a meeting place. Cap was curious about this enigmatic 'Miss Venus', and had arrived early, hoping to catch her off guard if she was up to any mischief. But from the outside, everything looked calm and quiet.

Cap had gained quite a reputation in the weeks since he had first made his appearance. He had stopped Nazi spies, terrorists and indiginous gangsters. His red, white and blue costume had grabbed the interest of the nation and his every move was reported on the front page. He had quickly become an American hero and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. The US government liked it. He was good public relations in a time of war. So they encouraged his involvement in the Justice Society. And here he was on Christmas Eve, doing his duty, rather than visiting his family.

Cap was distracted by a green light from above him. He looked up and saw the majestic figure of the Sentinel drifting down to the street. Sentinel landed directly in front of the Captain.

"Sentinel," Cap said, with a respectful nod and a smile.

"Captain. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Been keeping busy."

"Yes, I know," said Sentinel with a smile. "Every time I pick up the paper there is another report of your latest adventure. You seem to have become America's sweetheart practically over night. None of the rest of us made this much of an impact when we first appeared."

"I hope it isn't causing any bad feelings."

"No, no! Don't be silly. We're all very pleased. The United States needs a man like you at a time like this. I couldn't imagine anyone representing the stars and stripes better than you have."

Captain America smiled. "Thanks. I needed to hear that."

As the two of them shook hands, a red and blue streak whizzed passed them and came to a halt a few feet away. They turned and saw the Flash.

"Hi, guys," Flash said. "Am I late?"

"No," Sentinel replied. "We're early."

"No surprise when you're early," Flash said to Sentinel with a mischievious smile. Then he looked at Cap. "I didn't know you were an early bird too."

"I tend to be an overzealous worker," Cap answered.

"I can tell that from reading the news," Flash answered merrily. "You've become quite the sensation. The rest of us are very jealous."

Cap glanced over at Sentinel and the two exchanged grins.

"Did I miss some private joke?" Flash asked.

Before they could explain, the sound of a someone clearing their throat interupted them. They turned and first laid eyes on Miss Venus.

They all stood stunned for a moment. She was the most enchanting woman they had ever seen. Her beauty was overwhelming. She dressed in an elegant fashion. The wind blew her long blonde hair into her face. She brushed it aside and smiled at the threesome.

"Hello, gentlemen. I'm Miss Venus. So pleased to meet you."

The Flash was the first one to come to his senses. Think of Joan, he said to himself, think of Joan.

Cap was alarmed, not only by the effect she had on the men, but also by the fact that she was able to sneak up on them. There was definatly something strange about this woman. He'd have to keep an eye on her. Not an unpleasant prospect.

The Sentinel cleared his throat. "Hello. It's a pleasure. Allow me to introduce -- "

Miss Venus cut him off. "No need for introductions. I'm very familiar with all of you. You're heroes."

"I don't think of us that way," Flash said. "We're just doing the right thing. We have these powers and we use them responsibly."

"How modest," Miss Venus said, smiling warmly at him.

Think of Joan, Flash thought, think of Joan.

"We'd like to thank you for allowing us the use of your home," Sentinel said.

"Not at all," she answered. "With all you've done for the country and the world, it's the least I can do. And speaking of the house, shall we go inside? I'm sure you'd like to take a look."

"After you," Sentinel said.

Miss Venus headed for the house. The Sentinel walked behind her for a few steps and then moved to her side. The Flash followed close behind. Cap hesitated for a moment and then trailed along.

Miss Venus lead them into the front door. They looked around the huge room. The place was immense. The architecture was 19th century and there were antique relics adorning every wall, shelf and table.

"Are you a collector?" Flash asked.

"Among other things," she answered.

"What exactly is it that you do?" Cap asked her. "The government representative who told us about you wasn't very informative."

"We have plenty of time to get to know each other," she answered evasively. "Let me show you around."

Captain America frowned. She was hiding something. Still, just because she had secrets didn't mean she was dangerous. But in a time of war it was best to be suspicious. Best to go along and see what's what.

The three super heroes were given the guided tour. They saw the huge dining room, with its long table which could be used for meetings of the group. The kitchen was well stocked and, they were told, servants replenished it regularly. The basement could be used as a training room. The large library was full of books, many of them antique. There was a ball room for special occasions. And there were serveral bedrooms, guest rooms, spare rooms and an attic that could be used for living accomodations. The place seemed perfect for their needs.

Dare he think, too perfect, Cap mused.

"It's splendid!" Sentinel said. "We'll be honored to use it for our meetings. Thank you."

"Oh no," she countered. "Thank you!"

Berlin, Germany, the same day.

Hitler's command base . . . In a small, dark, strangely decorated room, the Black Lama was sitting cross-legged on a rug. He nodded occasionally and muttered, "Yes, yes." Finally he stood up and left the room.

Elsewhere in the building, Adolf Hitler was sitting behind a large desk, looking at several maps. He fidgeted in the chair. His back was getting sore. He got up and paced around the room. When he turned back toward the table, he was startled to see the Black Lama sitting in his place. Hitler frowned.

"Get out of my chair!"

The Lama hesitated, shrugged and finally rose. "As you wish," he said. "But that is hardly any way to receive someone who is here to make you the Master of the World."

Rather than getting into an argument about protocol, Hitler decided to try a different track.

"You only come here when you have something to tell me. What is it?"

The Lama nodded and moved gracefully around the room. "Have you heard of the Lords of Chaos?"

The Nazi leader shook his head.

"Well, they have heard of you. They have spoken with my masters in the Dark Council. They are very pleased with what you've done. Your progress has been amazing. This war is a gift to them. And they want to give you a gift."

"A gift?" Hitler asked, with great interest. "What kind?"

"A book. A book that contains great power. If you get it, it will help in this conflict immensely!"

"Tell me where it is and I'll get it!" Hitler stated eagerly.

"It is in Washington, DC. It is in the home of a woman named Venus!"

Back in Washington, at the new JSA headquarters.

The other heroes had arrived. Dr. Mid-Nite had gotten there early enough to take some time to examine the architecture. The Black Canary gave Wildcat a ride on her motorcycle. Starman, the Atom, Johnny Thunder, Star Spangled Kid, and Stripesy came next. Hawkman and Hawkgirl came soon after.

Namor the Sub-Mariner arrived fashionably late, as befit a prince. He had considered not coming at all, but these Nazis needed to pay for their sins against Atlantis, and Prince Namor needed help to do that. He didn't want to involve his subjects in this war of surface men. So he needed human allies. And these super beings who had christened themselves the Justice Society seemed to be the most noble of all the land living beings he'd met. Captain America and the Sentinel had particularly impressed him with their honor and courage. If he had to join with any surface men, these were the best choices.

Dr. Fate arrived last. His masters, the Lords of Order, were not too enthusiastic about him joining this mortal fellowship. They had other purposes for him. The fact that the Spectre had endorsed it convinced them to reluctantly allow the Descended One to attend. They didn't promise that they wouldn't change their minds later, but for the time being, Dr. Fate would join the Justice Society.

The group assembled in the dining room, and sat at the impressive table. Captain America looked around. Miss Venus was no where to be seen. Strange.

"Cap," Sentinel said, "as a representative of the government, it seems appropriate that you start things off."

Cap hesitated. He hadn't intended to chair the meeting, but someone had to do it and everyone was looking at him. He nodded and stood at the head of the table.

"Thank you everyone for coming on Christmas Eve," Cap said. "Welcome to the first meeting of the Justice Society of America."

Everyone (except Namor and Dr. Fate) cheered the announcement. The applause died down and Cap continued.

"As you know, the Government has officially sanctioned us. They've given us financing and special security authorization, in return for us doing special missions when they need us. So this won't be a second rate operation. This is something special. Before we begin, I should mention that we received messages from Johnny Quick, Hourman, and the Sandman. For various reasons, they can't be part of the team as they planned. They send their regrets. Also, Mr. Terrific has declined to join. He has chosen to help people on a more personal level. I understand the sentiment. Anyway, that's that. So now, let's get the meeting under way."

Hawkgirl addressed the group. "While we're on the subject of not being able to join the team . . . " She elbowed Hawkman.

Hawkman nodded. "I'm afraid that she and I have some . . . personal things going on right now and won't be able to commit full time. We can be here on an auxilliary basis, but don't except us to be attending meetings regularly."

Cap nodded. "I was just thinking of something along those lines. A group this large is very unweildy and awkward. I would suggest that we create an auxilliary team, led by Hawkman, who will not be required to attend meetings. You'll only be called in for the most dire emergencies."

"Excellent!" Hawkman said. "I'll be happy to lead the second team. Who'll join Hawkgirl and I?"

"I will," Starman said. "There are things going on in my home city of Opal that require my attention. For me, Opal comes first."

"I'll join the back-up team, too," said Johnny Thunder. "I don't feel like I belong on the first team."

The Atom raised his hand. "Me, too. I'm a small fish in a big pond. I don't feel totally comfortable being among guys like Sentinel and Doc Fate. I'll be here if you need me, but that's all."

Stripsey leaned over and whispered into the Star Spangled Kid's ear. The Kid nodded and addressed the group. "We'll take a pass too. Put us on reserve duty."

"Anyone else?" Cap asked. No one else spoke. "Fine. When our charter is made up, we'll add in that a Justice Society reserve team, consisting of Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Starman, the Atom, Johnny Thunder, Star Spangled Kid, and Stripesy, should be given certain rights and privledges."

The reserve members all decided to excuse themselves. After some polite goodbyes, they exited. Cap reconvened the meeting.

"All right then. Our permanent charter will consist of myself, Sentinel, Flash, Wildcat, Black Canary, Dr. Mid-Nite, Dr. Fate, and Prince Namor. Now, the next order of business is to choose a chairman."

Namor stood up. "I must disappoint you. I cannot be your leader. I have no interest in these silly procedures of yours. I am only interested in regaining the Trident of Neptune. This Society is a means to an end. So don't beg. I will not lead!"

Everyone looked at Namor and then at each other. Wildcat looked annoyed. "So who asked him?" Black Canary elbowed him.

Cap continued. "Uhh, thank you, Prince Namor. So let's find out who can be the leader. The floor is open to nominations."

Please, Cap thought, don't choose me.

"I nominate Captain America," Sentinel said.

Cap winced.

"I second that," Flash added. "He's a good man. And as a government agent, he'd be a good middle man between us and the feds."

Dr. Mid-Nite folded his hands. "And he has been accepted by the public as a symbol of America. He has the perfect image to be our front man."

"I see the power of his soul," Dr. Fate said. "He is a rare man and will excel at the job."

"I've fought him," Namor said. "He has courage, skill and honor. I could only follow such a man."

"I'm okay with that," Wildcat said. "Any guy who can mix it up like Cappy can has my respect."

Black Canary grinned seductively. "And he's cute, too."

Cap blushed with embarrassment at the last comment.

"All in favor?" Sentinel asked.

Everyone raised their hands. Cap sighed. He was afraid of this. Oh well. He was stuck with it now.

"Congratulations, Mr. Chairman," Sentinel said.

"Thank you, everyone," Cap said. "I'll try to be worthy of this honor. As my first act, I'd like to appoint the Sentinel as my deputy leader. Any objections?"

No one objected. Sentinel nodded his thanks.

"Well," Cap began, "if no one has any pressing business, I'd like to end the meeting early. It's Christmas Eve and I know you all have plans. Anyway, I need time to write up a charter which will spell out our specific goals, rules and other official stuff. I'll see you all at 8 a.m., the day after tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and rose. "About time!" Wildcat said. "All this procedure stuff makes me nuts. Hey, Canary! How about you and me get in a good workout?"

"I assume you mean exercise," she responded.


The Canary smiled and gestured for Wildcat to follow her. Wildcat smiled and pursued her out the door.

Flash raced back to Joan. Fate disappeared without a word. Namor tapped Cap on the shoulder. "Do not worry, Captain. I will advise you about your leadership."

Namor walked off. Cap sighed. "Thanks."

After the Sentinel left, only Cap and Dr. Mid-Nite remained.

"You've taken on a very large responsibility," Dr. Mid-Nite said. "The pressure of such a job can be crushing. If you ever need to talk, I'm a very good listener."

"You talk like a psychiatrist," Cap said off-handedly.

Dr. Mid-Nite suppressed a smile. "Just offering my ear. And whatever advise I might be able to give."

"Thanks," Cap said. "I appreciate it."

"See you," Mid-Nite said as he left.

Cap took a moment to take all this in. Then he remembered Miss Venus. He took a walk around the house, to see if he could find her. She wasn't there. Cap pushed his suspicions to the back of his mind and concentrated on business.

He spent Christmas Eve reporting to his superiors. The next day, Christmas, Captain America spent alone. He decided not to visit his parents. They had noticed changes in him. Changes he wasn't prepared to explain. So he spent the morning training in an FBI facility. In the afternoon, he went back to the JSA HQ. Miss Venus was still nowhere to be found.

He spent most of the night in the library, writing the charter. At about 4 a.m., he dozed off.

Near dawn, he was awoken by a sound. Someone else was in the house. Was Miss Venus back? He got up and was about to exit the library when the library door slowly began to open. Some instinct told him to hide. Perhaps he could learn something about Miss Venus if he watched what she did when she thought she was alone.

Hiding behind a tapestry, he was shocked when a large man in a trench coat entered the room. He had blonde hair and a crew cut. Something about him seemed very . . . Nazi! Cap watched as he began to search through Miss Venus' books. He found what he was looking for.

Then, the visitors eyes turned towards the tapestry, and saw it rustling. He narrowed his eyes. He pulled a knife out of his belt and threw it at the tapestry. Cap raised his shield. The knife bounced off it. "Come out of there!" the visitor ordered.

Cap obliged. He didn't know who this person was, but he was not friendly.

"So!" the visitor said, with a heavy German accent, confirming Cap's Nazi suspicions. "Captain America! This will be a glorious kill!"

"Dream on!" Cap answered. "Who are you anyway?"

The visitor took off his trench coat. He wore a costume with a large swastika on the chest. "I am Master Man! Greatest assasin in the third reich!"

"Are you lost?"

"I am searching for something."

"I'm not going to let you have it!"

"You can do nothing to stop me!"

"Let's test that!"

Cap rushed the Nazi, who tossed the book aside and braced for the attack. The two of them locked up. They were even in strength, skill and speed. Both seemed to know military tactics. But Cap's shield was a more potent weapon than Master Man's knives. Master Man found the shield difficult to overcome. He was put on the defensive.

Outside, Master Man's fellow agent waited in a car for his return. He grew impatient. It was a big house, but how long can a search take? He noticed something in the sky.

He gasped when he saw Sentinel flying, with a green disk floating behind him. Wildcat, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Black Canary were riding the disk. The Canary had her motorcycle with her and she polished it as they streaked through the air. Sentinel brought them to a landing. Flash, who was running along beneath them, stopped next to the Canary. They waited for her to finish polishing her cycle. The Nazi agent left the car and went around the side of the house. He crawled into a window and followed the sound of battle and found Master Man battling Cap.

<"The American supermen are outside!"> he yelled in German.

Master Man pointed to the book. "It's there! Pick it up and read page nineteen!"

The agent did as he was told. Cap tried to stop him, but Master Man got in his way. The agent began to read the chant.

In the skies over Massachusetts, Dr. Fate was flying to the destination that the Lords of Order had just commanded him to go to. Fate knew that he was supposed to be at the JSA meeting, but his Masters said that there was a more important mission to be attended to, so he obeyed. He couldn't help thinking that the Lords of Order were underestimating the importance of the Justice Society. But his was not to question why. He flew on toward his objective.

Miss Venus suddenly appeared on the scene of Cap's battle with Master Man. She saw the Nazi reading the book.

"No! You must not!"

She raised her hand as if she was about to do . . . something!?

But then she suddenly freezes. Somehow, the Black Lama had been watching this and was prepared for Miss Venus' involvement. He had prepared a way to immobilize her. In her mind, she spoke to the Lama.

"Let me go, damn you! You can't let the Nazis possess the power of the book!"

The Black Lama answers her in her head. "On the contrary, my dear. The Nazis will soon possess power that will make them the lords of this planet!"

Try as she might, Miss Venus just couldn't move. She could only helplessly watch as the agent read from the ancient book.

Outside, the Canary had finished polishing, and Namor had arrived. Namor eyed the Canary, who admired his physique but not his personality. She took Wildcat by the arm and went inside. Wildcat grinned at Namor. The Atlantean sneered. He followed the rest inside.

As soon as they got inside, they heard the sounds of battle. They rushed to the library and burst in. They took in the scene and were just about to help Cap in his battle with Master Man, when the agent completed the chant.

Miss Venus tried in vain to warn them. She could only watch as a mist flowed out of the book and encircled the newly arrived JSA members. Flash charged foward but somehow the mist bounced him back. He laid stunned on the floor. Before any of the others could act, the mist engulfed them and the six heroes disappeared.

"No!" Captain America cried. Miss Venus' heart sank.

Cap was distracted by the disappearance of his new partners, and Master Man took advantage. He stuck a knife in Cap's back. Cap screamed and fell to the ground. Master Man looked to his partner. <"Good work!"> he said in German. <"Now let's go!">

The duo rushed out, leaving only a fading mist, an immobile Venus and a wounded, bleeding Cap.

"That book!" Cap muttered. "I have to get that book back!"

He looked at the paralyzed Venus and realized that magic was at work. There was nothing he could do for her. Struggling to his feet, he staggered after Master Man.

He saw the two Nazis speed away in their car. He looked over at the Canary's cycle.

Moments later, the wounded hero was racing along on the cycle. The bleeding was getting worse and Cap was quickly getting weaker. He struggled to stay on the bike. He had to reach Master Man before the Nazi got to a boat or a plane. But even if he did reach the enemy, could he stop him in this weakened state?

The other JSA members found themselves in a forest. There was a moment of confusion, and then Sentinel called everyone to order.

"All right, troops!" he said authoritatively. "The first order of business is to find out where we are and which way is home. Flash, do a quick recon. Get our bearings."

"Right!" Flash said. "Be back in a jiffy!"

As he raced off, Dr. Mid-Nite looked around. He saw a cat in a nearby tree. But something was strange. Was the cat smiling?

Black Canary tapped him on the shoulder. "Something wrong?" she asked.

Dr. Mid-Nite looked back to where the cat was. It had vanished. And for a moment, he thought he saw a smile hanging in the air. Dr. Mid-Nite looked around. "Doesn't this forest look too green? And doesn't the sky look a little too blue?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. But I think we should be on our guard!"

Not far away, the Flash was zig-zagging around trees, looking for any sign of civilization. Unbeknownst to him, he was being watched!

'Run, Flash, run! You can't run far enough to escape me! We have matters to settle between us! And your comrades will be sacrificial lambs! Lambs to the slaughter!'

Continued next issue! Plus, don't miss the first appearance of Wonder Woman!