DCM Timely

No. 3


Justice Society of America
Stranger Than Fiction
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Miss Venus
Black Lama
Master Man

Dec. 27th, 1941.

Captain America felt like he was dying! He would die if he didn't get his wound tended to. But his life was a secondary consideration. First and foremost, he had to stop Master Man!

The Nazi assassin had stolen a magic book which had transported the other JSA members . . . somewhere. During his struggle with Master Man, Cap had allowed himself to be distracted, and recieved a knife wound as a result. Master Man fled with the book. Cap was hot on his tail, via Black Canary's motor cycle, but he was losing blood quickly and would soon pass out. He had to get the book back quickly, or he would lose his only chance to save his partners.

Miss Venus was still held motionless by the spell of the Black Lama. She seethed with anger at her inability to free herself and help the endangered JSA members. But she wasn't totally helpless. Her body was trapped but not her mind. She could still send her spirit astrally to find help. But who would be the best one to help her?

There was only one answer. Her astral form travelled across the world at the speed of thought and reached an island hidden from mortal eyes by a barrier of fog and illusion. The island of Themescria . . . also known as Paradise Island. This was the home of the Amazons, the greatest race of warriors that the world had ever known. And the greatest of these was their queen . . . Hippolyta.

Hippolyta was kneeling in prayer to a statue of her goddess, Aphrodite. To the queen's surprise, an apparition of the goddess of Love appeared before her.

"Hippolyta!" The vision pleaded, "I need your help! You must follow this apparition and obey my instructions!"

The Amazon queen was confused, but she quickly regained her composure. If her goddess needed her, this was no time to be asking questions.

"I live for your service, oh goddess!" she responded.

After informing her subjects of her impending departure, and appointing her best general, Antiope, as Regent in her place, Queen Hippolyta went into her palace, and into a certain room. If she was to leave Themescria and go to man's world, she needed to present the appearance of a warrior but not an enemy.

Years ago, during the first world war, a lost female flier had crashed on Paradise Island. She lived on the island for a few years and became an honorary Amazon. When she died, they made a special armored outfit for her. One that represented the United States of America from where she came and also befit a warrior. She was buried in that outfit. However an identical outfit had been made for Hippolyta to wear during the ceremony. This was the outfit that she would wear to go to Aphrodite's aid . . . To go to Man's World!

Master Man and his lackey had arrived at the docks where their boat was waiting. As they boarded, Master Man looked back to see Captain America on a motorcycle in the distance, racing toward them. Master Man debated whether or not to stay and finish off the Star Spangled American right now. He may never get a better chance. The Captain was wounded. Better to finish him off now before he becomes an annoyance later.

But no! The führer's orders were to get the book. That was the top priority. Hitler didn't tolerate disobedience. Hopefully the knife wound would take care of Captain America. Reluctantly, he gave the order to sail.

Cap reached the docks as the boat was pulling away. Was he too late?!

No! He couldn't fail! He picked up speed and sent the cycle flying off the pier toward the boat. He reached out and his fingers came within inches of the boat.

But he missed! Captain America and the motorcycle splashed down and disappeared beneath the waves. The Nazis cheered and laughed, thinking that the last obstacle had been cleared.

But miles away, somewhere over the Atlantic, on an intercept course with the Nazi assassin and his crew, was a woman in red, white and blue armor, and a blue skirt with stars on it. She carrried a glowing golden lasso. This was the Golden Lasso of Truth, which had been entrusted to her care by Aphrodite years ago. Also, she was wearing winged sandals. The sandals of Hermes, God of Speed. These allowed her to run on the air, faster than the speed of sound. Following Aphrodite's astral guidance, the Queen raced with no fear to an unknown, hostile destination.

Dr. Fate had finished the task that the Lords of Order had set for him and was heading back to the home of the mysterious Miss Venus, which was the current headquarters of the Justice Society. He disagreed with the opinion of his masters that the JSA was a futile endeavor. He could sense greatness in this fellowship.

He arrived at the mansion and entered through the walls. He felt a strange tingle as he passed through it. There was something unusual about this place, as there was about Miss Venus herself. He should investigate this matter further. But first he should see if the other team members were still here. Maybe he could catch the end of the meeting. He entered the library, prepared to make his apologies.

The first sight he saw was that of Miss Venus, immobilized by some mystic force. The room was a wreck and there was blood on the floor. Dr. Fate cursed his lateness! He should have been here! Something had happened to his partners and he had let them down by not being here.

The first thing to do was to free Miss Venus. She must have seen something. He needed information. He cast a spell to extricate her from her mystic prison. But it didn't work. So he tried again, and again, and again!

Miss Venus had been so focused on guiding Hippolyta that she hadn't noticed Fate's arrival until he started using his magic. If she could move she would have kissed him. Their combined power should be enough to set her free.

Somewhere else, somewhere not of this Earth.

Sentinel, Black Canary, Wildcat, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Namor the Sub-Mariner were standing in a picturesque landscape, trying to figure out where they were. Dr. Mid-Nite had seen something out of the corner of his eye. A smiling cat vanishing. He found the area to be too perfect, too fairy tale. Something was not right. Why would the Nazis have sent them to a place of beauty and peace. Trouble was coming, Mid-Nite thought, and when it hit, it would hit big.

Sentinel was trying to keep the others confident by giving the impression of being in control of the situation. As the JSA's second in command, it was his duty to keep the team together and organized. He scanned the area with his ring, trying to get a sense of location. But the ring was giving him strange readings. He didn't know what to make of the messages it was sending him. He was unsettled by this, but couldn't let the others know.

"Find out anything?" Black Canary asked.

Sentinel thought fast. "Not yet," he said with a reassuring smile. "It'll take a few minutes to process the information. Just be patient. Anyway, I'm sure that the Flash will be back any second to tell us that he knows exactly where we are."

Flash had no idea where they were. Sentinel had sent him out on a recon, but the search was coming up empty. He'd covered the dense woodlands for miles and found nothing but perfect forest.

What the speedster didn't know, was that someone was watching him.

"At long last, my enemy has been delivered into my grasp! Now, finally, revenge!!"

Unaware of the surveillance, the Flash continued his search until he came across a small village, full of cabins and cottages. The Flash smiled. "At last!" He thought, as he ran to the door of one of the cottages. He knocked, and waited. A man answered. A man who looked like all the misery in the world was heaped on his shoulders.

"Excuse me," Flash said, "But could you tell me -- "

"Lenore?" the man whispered.

"Uh, no. I'm the Flash. I . . . "

The man looked around and then the Flash realized that the man didn't see him. With a morose expression, he closed the door. Flash didn't know what to make of this. He raced to the next cabin and knocked again. This time, when the door opened, Flash's jaw dropped in shock.

Hippolyta was having trouble following Aphrodite's vision. It kept fading, as if Aphrodite was concentrating on something else. However, it lasted long enough to lead the Amazon to her target. A boat heading east across the Atlantic. The image of Aphrodite pointed to the boat, and then vanished permanently. Hippolyta was left on her own. She didn't know what to expect on this boat. All Aphrodite had told her is that evil men were on the boat and that they had stolen a book that belonged to the gods. Hippolyta was determined to get the book back. She swooped down towards the boat!

The JSA members were still waiting in the clearing when the Flash suddenly popped back into view.

"At last!" Prince Namor said. "This waiting is intolerable!"

"I hate to agree with pointy ears, but it's about time," Wildcat added. "For the fastest man in the world, you took your sweet time!"

Sentinel brought the conversation back to business. "What did you learn?"

"I . . . I'm not sure," Flash said, "I found a town and knocked on some doors. The first guy acted like he didn't know I was there. All he said was 'Lenore.' And at the second cabin, a little pig, walking on it's hind legs peeked out and told me to go away because there are wolves around. And at the third cabin, I spoke to a wolf dressed like an old lady who told me to go way before Red got there! Someone's playing games with us!"

"Ridiculous!" Namor said, "This attempt at humor is not appreciated!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Fairy tales," Black Canary said. "Someone is trying to confuse us by sending fairy tale characters to mix us up!"

"I don't think so!" Dr. Mid-Nite added. "Look around us. Everything is too fairy tale looking. And remember, we were transported by a book. Or rather, into a book!"

"We're inside a book?" Wildcat asked incredulously.

"More than that!" Mid-Nite replied. "I think we're inside Fiction itself!"

"So you've figured it out at last, have you?" a booming voice announced from out of the blue. "Congratulations! And now allow me to introduce myself, I am your host . . . Bard Figment!'

"What a lame name," Wildcat said.

"I demand to know what you want of us!" Namor yelled imperiously.

The face of Bard Figment appeared in the air. He was an older man, with gray hair.

"Perhaps our friend the Flash can answer that," Figment said. "Or should I say, Jay Garrick?"

Flash winced for a moment at the revealation of his identity. He had intended to share it with the others eventually when he knew them better, but this was unsettling. How did this "Bard Figment" know who he was?

But then the Flash took a closer look at the face. "Wait, I think I recognize him. Yes, I do. You're Professor Abraham Fisher!"

"That's right, Garrick. Abraham Fisher. The man you destroyed. The man who's going to destroy you!"

Dr. Fate and Miss Venus succeeded together. Their unified strength had broken the spell that was holding Miss Venus prisoner. Now able to speak, Miss Venus told Dr. Fate everything that had happened. Dr. Fate took it all in calmly.

"I cannot locate the other Justice Society members," he said, "But I can sense Captain America's life force. It is very weak. He needs help. I must go to him quickly!"

Dr. Fate flew off. Miss Venus stretched, relived to be able to move again. She then used her magic to see what was happening to Queen Hippolyta.

The Nazis had called Master Man up on deck.

"What's the prob--" he began, but didn't have to finish. He saw the tall woman on deck. Her red, white and blue outfit with the American eagle on the chest told him immediately who's side she was on.

Hippolyta spoke. She had learned English from the flyer who had come to her island. "You have stolen a book of the gods! You will give it back or face the wrath of the queen of the Amazons!"

The Nazis all laughed. "Queen of the Amazons, are you?" Master Man said. "Well, we'll be sure to give you a royal funeral." He turned to his men. "Kill her!"

They all fired their pistols at her. She blocked some of the bullets with her braclets, much to Master Man's suprise. Then she leaped through the air, moving so quickly and acrobatically that they couldn't get a beat on her. Hippolyta threw her tiara like a boomerang and struck down some of the Nazis. The rest of them hesitated, suprised. She took the advantage to ram into the group and topple them like tenpins. They tried to physically overpower her but she easily manhandled them. Master Man watched with growing alarm and then ducked below decks.

Hippolyta tied the Nazis up with her magic lasso, then looked around for their leader.

She heard a crash, and saw the metal man breaking down the hatchway door. She had never seen a robot before. She didn't know what it was but as the ten foot metallic monster lumbered towards her she sensed that she was in for a fight.

A hand reached up out of the waters near the dock in Washington, DC -- A red gloved hand belonging to Captain America. He barely had the strength to pull himself up. He crawled up onto the pier and collapsed. He tried to raise but just couldn't do it. He lay there bleeding to death, his only thought that he had failed his companions.

He heard a footfall. He weakly turned his head and saw Dr. Fate standing there. Cap managed a slight smile.

"Do not fear," Dr. Fate said. "You shall live."

He used his mystic abilities to heal the wounded hero. Captain America jumped up, suddenly healthy and strong. "Thank you, Fate. I owe you one. But right now, we have to get after that boat and get the book back!"

"I have hated you for years!" Bard Figment said.

"What's this all about?" Sentinel asked Flash.

"It started when I was a graduate student, before I got my powers," Flash said. "He taught in my college. He was a literature professor. He . . . took liberties with several female students and intimidated them into silence. I found out and encouraged them to speak out. He did some jail time."

Figment's angry voice bellowed . . . "You shouldn't have interfered in my affairs! After I got out of prison I couldn't teach any more. My wife left me. I wandered the country, hating you. I got a job in a store that sold obscure books. I found a magic book which, when I read a certain page, transferred him here. As a literature expert, I quickly realized where I was. Through the power of my will, over the years, I've become the god of this realm. My will bends the world to my whim. I am the master here! I learned how to see into the Real World. I watched you Jay Garrick, I watched you become the Flash. I watched and hated. And now, at last, I have the opportunity to destroy you!"

Suddenly, several beings appeared, powerful beings of Fiction . . . Paul Bunyon and the Giant from the Beanstalk went after Namor. The Jabberwocky and the Questing Beast went for the Flash. The Wicked Witch of the West and the Rock King of Oz attacked Sentinel. The Queen of Hearts sent her army of men after Black Canary, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Wildcat.

"Destroy them!" Figment ordered. "Destroy them all!!"

Dr. Fate and Captain America were in the air, via Fate's magic, having just located the ship. They looked down and saw the partiotically clad woman battling a robot, as Master Man hurled profanities at her, and untied his Nazi partners.

Master Man spotted the two new arrivals descending toward them. Before he could order his men to get their guns and fire, they were engulfed in a ball of energy generated by Dr. Fate. Master Man managed to evade the energy cage but he was then tackled by Captain America. Master Man assumed an easy victory until he realized that Cap had, miraculously, been healed. He was getting pounded before he knew what hit him.

Hippolyta saw that she had allies and battled the robot with renewed vigor. Dr. Fate helped her out by turning the robot to glass. The Amazon shattered it with one punch!

Master Man was distracted by the robot's destruction and received a powerful right cross from the Captain. His head jerked back and he fell, hitting the ground, unconscious.

Cap shook his sore fist and looked at Hippolyta. "You handle yourself well, ma'am. You're a wonder!"

"Thank you," she said. "So do you."

"I'm Captain America. This is Dr. Fate. Who are you?"

"I am Queen Hippolyta, ruler of the Amazons. I came seeking a book."

"That's a coincidence. So did we."

The JSA was not doing well in their fight. The laws of physics were different here and their powers were not working quite right. Also, whatever damage they did to their opponents could be undone at Bard Figment's whim.

The Flash decided to deal with this problem at the source. "Fisher!" he called. "Where are you? Come out and face me! This is between us! Where are you?"

"Right here, cretin!" Figment responded. "You want to battle me? Fine! Let's have at it!"

Bard Figment sent lightning bolts down which Flash evaded. Insects were next. Wave after wave of attack came. Flash was frustrated since his foe had no physical body to attack.

Dr. Mid-Nite was thinking the same thing. Bard Figment had to be attacked in the one area he was still vulnerable in . . . his psyche!

"Now I understand why you bullied young girls, Fisher! It was to make you feel powerful. Because you were a small, weak and powerless little man who could only push around scared teenage girls."

"Shut up!" Figment roared.

"And when the real world was too scary for you, you managed to run away from it! You buried yourself in fantasy because you couldn't face reality!

"I'll Destroy You For This!!"

"Life pushed you around so you pushed around kids. When that didn't work you retreated to fiction. Fiction can't fight back. It doesn't exist. But we do. And as you see, as soon as you have to deal with somone real, you can't handle it. We'll beat you because you're a loser!"

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!! I hate you! I'll kill you!!"

"What's the matter? No young girls around to frighten? Can't deal with another adult human being? You're pathetic! I could feel sorry for you if you weren't such a low piece of trash!"


Suddenly all the fictional beings vanished. The JSA members looked around in surprise. They waited for another attack from Figment. It didn't come.

Wildcat scratched his head. "Did we just win?"

Dr. Mid-Nite smiled.

Suddenly they all disappeared . . .

. . . and reappeared on the deck of the Nazi boat. Dr. Fate had the book in his hand and had figured out how to return them to safety. Captain America smiled at his newly returned partners. "Welcome home, team."

Back at Miss Venus' mansion, Cap was telling the other JSA members about Hippolyta's battle against the Nazis. He referred to her again as a "wonder." Hippolyta saw Miss Venus peeking out of the other room, gesturing for her to come in. She obeyed.

"Goddess," Hippolyta said, "I don't understand why you're here. Why are you pretending to be a mortal?"

"There is more going on than you know, my faithful Hippolyta. Suffice it to say that it is Zeus' will. This JSA is vital to his plans. I must help them. And I want you to help them too. Stay here with me and become a part of this team."

"The affairs of man's world are -- "

"Are important to everyone!" Aphrodite answered. "Trust me. I know you don't understand this, but I need you. Stay here and be part of the Justice Society."

Hippoyta nodded reluctantly. "I will do as you ask, oh goddess."

"The Captain is right," Miss Venus said. "You are a wonder! Now go back to them. I'll see you soon."

Miss Venus melted into the shadows and was gone. Hippolyta returned to the other room, where the JSA members congratulated her for her efforts. Namor couldn't take his eyes off her, enamored by her at first sight.

"We don't know much about you, " Cap said, "But you obviously don't like the Nazis and you'd be a big help to us! If you're willing, we'd like you to consider joining the Justice Society."

"Excellent suggestion!" Namor said.

"We could use another woman on the team," Black Canary added.

"I would be honored!" Hippolyta said.

"Great!" Cap exclaimed. "So, should we just call you Hippolyta?"

Hippolyta considered for a moment. "Call me . . . Wonder Woman!"

Next issue: The Human Torch! Sgt. Rock! Sgt. Fury! Justice Society of America #4!