DCM Timely

No. 1


Justice Society of America
Proud Warriors
by Bob Young

Johnny Quick
Dr. Fate
The Spectre
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Mr. Terrific
Black Canary
Star-Spangled Kid
Johnny Thunder
Black Lama

December 7, 1941, in a harbor called Pearl, disaster had struck.

The Flash was the first one to arrive. He stood immobile, transfixed by what he was seeing. The fleet was decimated, the base was in flames and hundreds were dead or dying. Johnny Quick arrived moments later and had the same reaction that the Flash did. Alan Scott the Sentinel, and Starman got there next. Finally, Dr. Fate appeared. All five were overcome by what they were seeing. And they were also overcome by something else . . . Feelings of guilt!

Why weren't they here? They were all distracted by some other matter and didn't hear about the attack until it was too late. They're supposed to protect people. Shouldn't they have some means of being alerted to something like this? They should have been here!

The Flash faced forward to see what he could do to help. The others followed his example and assisted in the rescue operations. Eventually, there was nothing else they could do. It was time to let the medics attend to the wounded and for the Navy to take stock of the damage. The five heroes stood in a group. At first they said nothing, just exchanged guilty glances. Even Dr. Fate, who's face was covered by the helmet of Nabu, showed by his body language that he was not immune to regret. After a few minutes, Alan Scott addressed the group, with a fury that would have surprised them in different circumstances.

"We can't let them get away with this!" he said. "We have to respond to it!"

"What did you have in mind?" the Flash asked.

"I suggest we attack Japan!" Sentinel answered.

The Flash, Johnny Quick, and Starman were shocked. Dr. Fate wasn't.

"It is a good idea," Fate said. "Justice must be served. Evil must be punished. We should attack Japan. And more than that, we should also visit Germany."

"Germany?" Starman repeated confused, "Why there?"

"There is an alliance between the two nations," Fate explained, "This I know. We can't allow Nazi Germany to think that this country is easy prey to an attack. They might get a . . . similar idea. We should confront their leader and let him know that the United States is under our protection, and they any attack will be dealt with very harshly. Then we will go to Japan to show them just how harsh we can be!"

"Good idea," Sentinel said. "I'm in. Who's else is with us?"

The Flash, Starman and Johnny Quick wavered for a time but ultimately agreed. Sentinel formed a platform for Flash and Johnny Quick to ride on while they crossed the ocean. But before the two speedsters could mount the platform, a burst of golden light captured the group's attention. Someone else had appeared.

The newcomer was a tall man with a ghostly white complexion, dark eyes and wore a green hood and cloak. He had an intimidating presence and an echoing voice. This was the Spectre.

"You must not do what you are intent on doing!" the Spectre commanded. "You must not go to Germany!"

"You are the Spectre, are you not?" Dr. Fate asked. "Why would you not want us to do this?"

"You will fail!" the Spectre announced ominously, "Do not go!"

And with that, the Spectre vanished. The others look around at each other confused, and too angry to listen to reason.

"The Spectre underestimates our power," Fate suggested.

"Right. The Nazis have nothing we can't handle," Sentinel rationalized. "Let's go!"

Over in Germany, Hitler had just received news that five small blips had appeared on the long range radar. His intelligence network informed him that it could be five American super heroes coming to attack! Hitler slipped into a secret room. The room was darkly lit, with antique furniture and lots of ancient artifacts. Incense was burning and a torch was the main source of light. Sitting cross-legged on a small rug was a man in robes. This was the Dark Lama.

"The moment I have anticipated is here," Hitler said. "The super-beings are coming. Can you do what you said?"

The Lama got up and grabbed hold of a spear. "This is the Spear of Destiny. Named so because it changes the destiny of a man by changing his mind, his thoughts, his soul. The spear turns love into hate, friends into enemies, loyalty into betrayal! When the American heroes arrive, the spear will make them loyal to what they hate most!"

Soon, on the roof, the Lama was chanting in a forgotten language, casting a spell over all of Europe and part of the far east.

The arriving super-men had no idea what is happening to them. Slowly, their thoughts were corrupted by the power of the spear. What were they thinking, being loyal to a decadent nation like the US? The Nazis had the right idea. Create a master race! Let the strong survive! The pure races!

The spear had done its work. The heroes had been turned into loyal Nazis. They continued onward to Germany to report to their new master.

In Washington DC, Steve Rogers was listening to the radio. There was a news report about the Pearl Harbor attack. Steve shook his head sadly. America had been anticipating their involvement in the war for some time now, almost as if they knew what was going to happen. That was why they started the Super Soldier program. They experimented on a scrawny 4-F named Steve Rogers, and the Super Soldier formula worked beyond anyone's expectations. Steve became the physical ideal. If the scientist who invented the formula (and unfortunately didn't write it down anywhere) had lived, there would be an army of super soldiers now. But he did die, and his formula died with him. So there was only Steve. The government had been training him in hand-to-hand combat and military battle techniques. They gave him a shield, a costume, and a codename: Captain America!

The doorbell rang. Steve answered it and saw a man in a suit, obviously a government agent.

"It's time," the agent said.

"I'm ready!"

The five American supermen had arrived at Hitler's stronghold. They stood before the Nazi leader, waiting instructions.

"I'm glad that you finally realized how decadent and corrupt the US is," Hitler said. "You'll like working for me much better. In fact, I have a job for one of you right now."

Hitler took the Sentinel aside and after a brief conversation, the Sentinel flew off on his mission. Hitler saw the Dark Lama standing in the corner, admiring his handiwork. Hitler approached him.

"Will he regain his former personality once he leaves the continent?" Hitler asked.

"No," the Lama said. "The power of the spear extends halfway across the ocean. The Sentinel will still obey us, even in Atlantis!"

Not long after, the Sentinel was under the sea, in a protective green bubble that resisted the crushing pressure of the ocean. His magic ring allowed his to locate a place that most people think exists only in legend . . . Atlantis!

Sentinel saw the golden city on the ocean floor. His ring told him exactly where the object of his search was. He headed for one particular tower. A blue skinned, pointed-eared, basically humanoid being shouted at him in a foreign tongue. The ring could have translated the language if he had wanted, but why bother? He blasted the blue skinned guy out of his way, and then blasted a hole in the wall of the tower. Inside was his prize -- Neptune's Trident. Hitler wanted it, and the Sentinel was going to bring it to him!

Some more of the blue guys came, this time with armor and weapons to stop him. They didn't fare too well. Sentinel thought that it was all clear sailing now. He was wrong!

Another Atlantean cut him off. This one had white skin. little wings on his feet and a powerful build.

"Halt, surface scum!" the Atlantean demanded. "You have committed transgressions against my realm! Release the trident or face the wrath of Namor, the Sub-Mariner! Namor, Prince of Atlantis! The avenging son!"

The Sentinel responded by firing an energy burst at the Sub Mariner, but Namor easily evaded it. Sentinel tried to make a bee-line for the surface, but the water slowed him down. Namor overtook him. Namor began pounding on the green bubble, with strength that surprised Sentinel. Between the water pressure and the pounding, Sentinel was afraid that the bubble wouldn't make it back to the surface. He put all his spare power into one massive energy burst.

Namor screamed in pain as he was forced backwards and downwards by the ray. He was buried in the ocean floor. Minutes later, as he dug himself out, he looked around for his foe, who was gone. But he wouldn't escape that easily!

Namor would follow him across the seven seas and beyond!

The Sentinel presented the Trident to Hitler. Hitler was pleased, but he wasn't done with the super men yet. He had bigger plans for them. Like sending them to destroy England!

Namor came ashore in Brooklyn, New York, and started tearing the place apart. He didn't know much about the surface world or where to look for the Trident. He was just on an angry rampage. He lifted up a car and hefted it across the street and through the gate of the Coney Island amusement park. He didn't know what an amusement park was for, but assumed from all the people that it was important and so went inside.

Namor was ripping the place apart, when he was hit on the head by something. It hit hard! He turned and saw the disc shaped object floating through the air and coming to rest in the hand of a surface dweller in a strange outfit, with wings on his head like on Namor's ankles. The disc, or shield perhaps, was the same color as the man's costume. He was covered in stars and stripes. He spoke with a voice that was intense and confident.

"Leave these people alone!" the man with the shield said.

"Who are you who thinks that he can command the Sub-Mariner?" Namor growled.

"I am Captain America! And these people are under my protection!"

Although the public had never heard of "Captain America" before, something about this brave man, wrapped in the colors of the flag, standing alone against yet another foreign threat struck a cord with the people. A spontaneous cheer erupted.

Namor charged and swung at Cap, but he used Namor's momentum to flip him over. Angry, Namor got up again, and threw another punch which Cap blocked with his shield. Cap was knocked back several feet. He was stunned by Namor's power. Many more blows like that and Cap's arm would break. It was time for a new strategy . . . keeping his distance. He proceeded to use his acrobatic skills to evade Namor's attacks.

The five super heroes were on their way to England to level it in Hitler's name! The British Empire must fall!

But as they got further away from Germany, the Helmet of Nabu was able to block the power of the spear. The magic helmet had tried several times, but had been too close to the source of the spell. Now, Fate was able to momentarily reassert himself. He knew he wouldn't be able to resist the power of the spear for long. So he quickly cast a spell that transported them all back to the USA.

Captain America was getting tired and he knew that the fight would be over as soon as Namor landed a solid blow. But salvation came from the sky as a winged figure bashed Namor over the head with a mace. Namor winced, rubbing his sore head.

The winged figure flew above him. It was a big man in a hawk mask. It was Hawkman!

"Whoever you are," Hawkman said, "you'd better stop what you're doing before you get hurt!"

Namor laughed. "Hurt? And who is going to hurt me? You?"

"No," Hawkman answered. "Us!"

Nearby, many other costumed adventurers had appeared. Hawkgirl, Wildcat, Dr. Mid-Nite, the Atom, Hourman, Mr. Terrific, the Black Canary, Sandman and his sidekick Sandy, Star Spangled Kid and his partner Stripesy, and a plain clothed young man named Johnny Thunder.

Wildcat wasn't going to wait. "Let's get him!" The boxer yelled, charging Namor, causing all the rest to recklessly charge in as well.

A battle royale commenced.

Black Canary and Captain America bumped into each other.

"Black Canary, right?" Cap asked.

"Yeah," she said. "And you are?"

"Captain America."

She looks at his costume. "Yeah, I should have guessed."

Dr. Fate and his four companions appeared in Times Square, New York. Once out of the range of the spear's power, they came to their senses. After a moment to reorient themselves, they stood embarrassed and with renewed anger.

"I can't believe that happened," Johnny Quick said.

"I feel so . . . violated!" Starman said.

Dr. Fate explains to the others about the Spear of Destiny.

"I've heard that Hitler is heavily into the occult," Flash said.

"So we're all right now?" Johnny Quick asked.

"Yes," Fate responded. "The power of the spear doesn't extend this far. I sense that it covers Europe and parts of the Eastern World, including Japan."

"So we can't take the fight to them," Sentinel said. "But if they ever come here . . . "

Before he could finish, a beat cop approached them. "Excuse me," the cop said. "But why aren't you guys in Coney Island?"

"Why should we be in Coney Island?"

The costumed adventurers were getting knocked around. Johnny Thunder was about to call his Thunderbolt, but at that moment, Sandy caught a backhand slap from Namor and was sent hurtling into Johnny. Both were rendered unconscious. Sandman wanted to use his gas gun, but too many of this comrades were close to Namor. No one could seem to hurt him.

"This is useless," Cap shouted. "He's too strong to fight this way! We need a plan!"

Before Cap could attempt to unify the assembled adventurers, a lazar blast struck the ground and everyone stopped fighting. Starman was hovering above with his cosmic rod. Flash and Johnny Quick scooped up the other heroes and got them away from Namor. Namor saw the Sentinel come into view.

"You!" he roared, and took to the air, surprising everyone with his ability to fly. Sentinel barely got a shield up in time. "Where is the trident?" Namor yelled as he pounded on the energy field.

"Sorry to do this," Sentinel said, as he created green energy chains to bind Namor. Dr. Fate also cast a spell to bind him. Namor struggled vainly to break free. they brought him back to the ground.

"Do your worst!" Namor yelled at the group. "The Sub-Mariner does not fear death!"

"No one wants to kill you," Dr. Mid-Nite said, in his calmest psychiatrist voice. "We're not your enemies!"

"Liar!" Namor hissed.

"I'm going to try to explain this to you," Sentinel said. He then related the whole story of the spear of Destiny.

Namor was not convinced. "Surface swine!" he shouted. "You make up ridiculous lies to cover your acts of evil!"

Cap came to the forefront. "Namor, a prince should be able to look into a man's heart. Can't you see how sincere he is, how sorry? Calm your temper and use your instincts."

Namor seemed to calm down a bit. "I cannot see into hearts, but I can see honor. You, Captain America, are a man of honor. I don't think you would deceive me. But I need to be sure of these others!"

Sentinel removed the green chains from around Namor. He looked at Fate. "Let him go, Doc."

Fate hesitated until he realized what Sentinel was doing. Once Namor was free, Sentinel turned his back on Namor.

"No force shields," Sentinel said. "No defenses. Do what you want."

Everyone held their breaths, waiting to see what Namor would do. Namor merely smiled, walked around in front of Sentinel.

"You have honor," Namor said. "I would be proud to call you friend. But those . . . Nazis, as you called them . . . They are my enemies! I will avenge myself against them!"

Suddenly, in a burst of light, the Spectre reappeared. "So it has come to pass. The greatest heroes of the world are together. But you must remain together. Threats will soon arise that require your combined power! You must join together as a force for justice." Just as suddenly, the Spectre vanished again.

"A society for justice?" the Flash wondered.

"A justice society!" Black Canary cried. "That'd be the perfect name!"

"Sounds good," Dr. Mid-Nite said. "I'm in. Who else?"

One by one everyone nodded their agreement. Namor hesitated the longest, but finally . . .

"I shall join this . . . Justice Society. For a time. Until honor is satisfied!"

"Great!" Cap said, "Here comes the media. Who wants to be the first to introduce the Justice Society of America?"

Next Issue: Captain America battles Master Man, while the JSA picks a leader and gets a headquarters which isn't what it seems. Also, higher powers have an agenda of their own. You don't want to miss Justice Society of America #2!