DCM Timely

No. 11


All-Star Comics
The Chinese Connection: Part V
by Bob Young

The Shadow
Doc Savage
Margo Lane
Wonder Woman
The Fury

The criminal underworld of the city of New York was notorious for terrorizing honest citizens. But there was one man who terrorized the criminals . . . the Shadow!

The Shadow was currently focusing his assault on the Chinatown underworld. He knew that a criminal mastermind had arrived in America from China and was planning an attack on the capital of capitalism. The mysterious fiend had already broken the Shadow's old enemy Lady Cassandra Coffin out of prison, and tried to have Doc Savage killed. Her even hired a strange and powerful blue-skinned woman, who defeated the Shadow in their last encounter, albeit by means of a sneak attack. The Shadow was determined to find this Asian crimeboss.

There was another reason for the Shadow's single-minded persistence. He believed that the enigmatic Chinese gang leader was his nemesis Shiwan Kahn. The Shadow had issues to settle with Kahn, if he was indeed the author of these matters.

The Shadow had been trying to beat the information out of every thug in Chinatown for several nights. Either they have more fear of their master than they do of the Shadow, or they truly didn't know anything. The Shadow even tried to use the hypnotic power of his Girasol to drain the information from the minds of some of the hoodlums, but the ones he chose to hypnotize didn't know anything.

The Shadow was getting frustrated. Three nights had passed without any concrete information. There had to be a better way to find the enemy.

In the Yellow Claw's Chinatown Lair . . .

The Yellow Claw was preparing Step 2 of his master plan. Phase one had failed. His hired agents had successfully put the mysterious chemical formula in the city Aqueduct, despite the interference of Wonder Woman. But things were ruined by the suicidal actions of criminologist Denny Colt, who sacrificed his life to foil the Claw's scheme. The Claw was annoyed, but he admired Colt's fearless actions. He'd have man a good Chinaman, the Yellow Claw thought. This taught the Claw not to underestimate the American's determination.

Step two would be done much more carefully . . . And it would succeed, he promised himself! America will feel China's righteous fury!

Back in his identity of Lamont Cranston, the vigilante sulked, irate at his failure to dig up any useful information on Shiwan Kahn, or whoever the master behind these crimes was. He didn't touch the sumptuous breakfast that had been prepared for him.

His closest companion, Margo Lane, sat on the other side of the table. She wished she could think of something to help Lamont cheer up, but she knew that only finding Shiwan Kahn - who Lamont assumed was the man they were after - would make him perk up. If only she could find a way to help him do that.

She glanced at the newspaper. She noticed an article that updated the condition of the Asian assassins who had jumped Doc Savage. The Shadow helped him fight the killers off, wounding some and killing others. The survivors were taken to the hospital. One of them was on the road to recovery, getting stronger. He had even made an unsuccessful attempt to escape the hospital. The police officers guarding him prevented his escape.

Margo smiled. This was it. She tossed the paper to Lamont. "Look at this," she said.

Lamont read the article and a satisfied grin crossed his face. "That's it," he said triumphantly. He looked at Margo. "Thank you, my sweet. You're indispensable."

"Yes, I know," she said, smiling a sexy smile. "Do you have to leave right now?"

"I have a few minutes."

"It'll take longer!"

Back in the Yellow Claw's lair . . .

The Yellow Claw had been wondering why the police had not recovered the body of Doctor Cobra. His answer came in the form of Granch, Cobra's Neanderthal servant.

The Claw was surprise when Granch came in, looking disheveled and worse for wear, carrying the mangled corpse of his master Doctor Cobra. Granch had served Cobra with blind loyalty ever since Cobra re-animated a dead convict by using Neanderthal DNA.

The Yellow Claw was impressed by Granch's dog-like bond of loyal obedience. Despite the fact that he was obviously injured in the crash, Granch still located his burnt and broken master and carried him back to the lair. The Claw was surprised that Granch had the mentality to find his way back to the hideout without being led there.

Granch held out the corpse of his master in front of the Yellow Claw. "Master hurt. Fix master?" Granch pleaded.

Such devotion, the Claw thought. Its almost touching.

"Please fix master," Granch begged.

The Yellow Claw saw a chance to win the powerful brute to his service. He singled to his sister, who was notorious for manipulating men. She put a gentle hand on Granch's shoulder. "I am so sorry, my friend. He is beyond help. Our dear friend Cobra is gone forever."

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in, and then Granch started to cry, hugging the body tightly. The Claw ordered his men to remove the corpse. At first, Granch wouldn't allow them to take it. Sister Mulan stroked his massive arm. "It's all right, my powerful friend. We'll take care of him. We'll see that his body is taken care of. He will get a good burial. We will honor him. Please, let the men take him."

Granch finally released the body and watched sadly as the body was carried off. Mulan took him by the arm. "Come with me, dear Granch. Let me soothe your troubled mind. Let me be your friend."

She led him away. The Yellow Claw smiled.

St. Lukes Hospital, in New York

The Shadow used his power to cloud men's minds to pass the security guarding the injured hitman. The Shadow entered his hospital room. It was unusual for the Shadow to operate during the day, but he couldn't wait to find the information he needed.

Once inside the hospital room, he approached the hitman, who was contemplating escape. The assassin was surprised when the Shadow appeared at his bedside. The killer tried to shout out, but the Shadow silenced him with a nerve-chop to the neck. The man was stunned. The Shadow clamped a hand over the assassins mouth, pinning him with such formidable strength that the weakened hitman couldn't wriggle free.

The Shadow held his ring up to the man's eyes. "You will look at my Girasol, and all your will shall fade from your puny brain. You will obey me. You will answer my questions. Tell me . . . Who is your leader? Who sent you to kill Doc Savage?"

The man stared at the ring, eyes glassy and blank. "I . . . serve . . . the . . . Yellow . . . Claw."

The Shadow was surprised. So, it wasn't Shiwan Kahn after all. It was a new enemy. Who was this Yellow Claw? What was he planning?

"And where do I find this Yellow Claw?" the Shadow commanded the assassin to answer.

Tears streamed down Ellen Dolan's cheeks as she headed to the morgue to identify the body of the man she loved. Ellen had been in love with Denny Colt for years and they had recently become engaged. Tonight, she got a call saying he was dead.

The lovely model reached the morgue, trying her best to keep from breaking down into hysterics. Detectives Van Ness and Pierce were there to meet her.

"I'm very sorry for your loss," Pierce said.

"Are you sure you're up to this?" Van Ness asked. "We can do it later if you . . . "

"No, I want to get this over with!" she insisted.

The two detectives led the distraught woman to the room were the Medical Examiner was waiting. He brought them to the slab where the corpse of Denny Colt was supposed to be . . .

But the body was gone!

Doc Savage, Wonder Woman, and Fury returned from their excursion in the sewers, having failed to find the Yellow Claw. The trio was frustrated, especially Wonder Woman, who had been itching for revenge against those who had humiliated her.

Doc Savage wasn't deterred. He was convinced that they were on the right track. "That dragon you fought was lurking in those tunnels for a reason, your highness," Savage said to Hippolyta. "The Yellow Claw placed it there to chase away anyone who might stumble upon his lair. We're close."

"Then why did you insist we give up so quickly?" Fury asked.

"Now that we know the general vicinity, I have devices that can help us pinpoint the Claws exact location," Savage said. "It'll save us lurking in that smelly sewer for a few more hours."

"I'm all for that!" Fury replied, glad to escape the stench.

Wonder Woman just simmered silently. Her honor had been besmirched by the Lady Dorma, and the Amazon Queen was bursting with the need for revenge. She wanted to crush the Atlantean Lady.

"Why don't you come with me to my lab?" Savage said. "I'll give you the tracking device. I won't be returning. Not right away, anyway. I want to examine this water I took from the Aqueduct. I need to know more about the nature of the formula that the Claw attempted to put into the city water supply. No doubt he intends to try it again, and I need to be ready with an antidote."

"You go with him, Helena," Hippolyta told the Fury. "I'm going back into the sewer. I want to find that Dorma harridan! I'm going to squash her like an insect. Her and her boss, the Yellow Claw!"

Wonder Woman stormed away, determined to have her anger satisfied with blood.

Back in the Yellow Claw's hidden lair . . .

Lady Coffin was overseeing the production of a new batch of the formula. Now that Dr. Cobra was dead, Lady Coffin was the best expert the Claw had on chemicals. Following Cobra's notes, the former heiress supervised the creation of the largest batch yet.

The Yellow Claw watched satisfied. While the first salvo in his war against America had failed, this time things would be different. In the meantime, Granch was being handled by Mulan and the HQ had remained undiscovered by their enemies. So far, so good.

Just then, however, the proximity alarm for one of the sewer tunnels activated. Someone was coming!

"I was afraid of this," the Yellow Claw said. "Once the Amazon killed my dragon, I feared that others might come wandering in."

Lady Dorma, who had been standing nearby, bored, decided to amuse herself. "I will go and see who it is. I require some activity to take my mind off the fact that you made me release the Amazon!"

"Only a temporary measure, my dear," the Claw said. "We don't want the whole Justice Society swarming down upon us before I complete my purpose."

"But your purpose is not mine!" Dorma snapped. "My sole purpose is the humiliation and elimination of Wonder Woman!"

"All in good time, dear lady," the Claw said. "Savor the waiting. It will make your eventual victory all the sweeter."

Dorma sneered at the Asian Criminal and headed out to the tunnels, hoping for some excitement. If she were lucky, it would be Wonder Woman herself. Dorma grabbed hold of her Serpent Crown, just in case.

The Shadow moved through the sewer tunnels with all the stealth of a creature of the night. The wounded assassin had given up the location of the Yellow Claw's headquarters, albeit unwillingly. The Shadow was here to put an end to his machinations.

He heard someone coming. He used his power to make himself invisible to the naked eye. Or so he thought.

Lady Dorma appeared around a corner, wearing the Serpent Crown. The telepathic power of the crown allowed her to shrug off the Shadow's mind-clouding power and see her opponent clearly.

"You again!" she said. "Did you not learn your lesson before?"

The Shadow was surprised that she could see him, but he adjusted to the disadvantage. "I owe you from the last time, woman!" the Shadow said. "The Shadow doesn't forgive!"

"I am an Atlantean," she said. "I fear no surface scum!"

The sea-born lady charged the dark vigilante, swinging a powerful fist. The Shadow was quicker than she thought and evaded the blow. The Atlantean woman was as swift as she was strong, and she pressed the Shadow to his limits. He could barely avoid her. He drew his gun and fired a shot into her shoulder. She yelped and backed away, more stunned then injured. A woman who could survive the deep-sea pressure could survive a bullet wound. But she didn't like the feel of the lead pellet stuck in her shoulder. This 'Shadow' was becoming annoying. She used her Atlantean strength to rip-off a metal hatch and throw it, Captain America style. The Shadow narrowly evaded the projectile.

She then attempted to use the formidable power of the Serpent Crown to control the Shadow. She sent a mental assault into the shadow's brain.

The Shadow was dizzy for a moment, rocked by the unexpected attack. But the Shadow was the master of mental manipulation. He had powers that few people ever imagined. He fought against his dark urges every day. His mind was a maelstrom of chaos on his best day. This new telepathic invasion was nothing more than a few extra bullets in a war. The Shadow could handle it. He shoved the psychic assault aside with a casual thought.

Dorma was shocked. She didn't believe that anyone could dismiss the power of the legendary Serpent Crown. What sort of man was this Shadow?

They continued the battle. Both combatants seemed immune to the best efforts of their opponent. Dorma was too concerned about the Shadow's guns to launch a significant physical attack. Yet she was too strong to fall to his offense. The fight seemed destined to continue until one or the other wore out. Either Dorma would weaken from being out of the water too long or the Shadow would tire from his hit-and-run tactics.

However, during the fight, Dorma tripped one of the Yellow Claw's incendiary bombs, meant to prevent intruders. The firebomb exploded, magnified by the many gasses already in the sewer tunnels. The blast was enormous. Manholes were blown off for blocks around.
