DCM Timely

No. 12


All-Star Comics
The Chinese Connection: Part VI
by Bob Young

The Shadow
Doc Savage
Wonder Woman
The Fury

Doc Savage was in his lab in the Empire State Building. He had sent Fury away, with the device he promised her. The device she carried could help her and Wonder Woman home in on the exact location of the Yellow Claw's lair. He wished her luck.

Meanwhile, he stayed behind, preferring to study the water and isolate the nature of the chemical warfare that the Claw was attempting. He had the radio on in the background, but wasn't really paying attention to it. Not until the explosion! When the Man of Bronze heard that a massive explosion had shaken Chinatown, Savage debated putting down his test tubes and rushing to the scene.

He decided not to. Wonder Woman was on site. She could surely handle anything that came up. Savage's priority was to find the antidote to the Claw's chemical attack.

Downtown . . .

The authorities were investigating the explosion. City engineers accompanied by uniformed police officers climbed down into the labyrinth of sewer tunnels. Some areas were so dense with hot steam or flame that the investigating officers couldn't get anywhere near it. They had to wait until the heat subsided. They limited their search to the areas that were habitable.

Wonder Woman knew that this was no coincidence. This was directly related to the Yellow Claw and his cronies. She insisted and joining the engineers and officers. Fury carried the device created by Doc Savage, which had been designed to track the ambient fumes of the chemical formula, thereby leading them to the spot where the formula was being made, which would be where the Claw was. But she never got the chance to use it. The intense smoke and steam permeated the air, ruining any chance of detecting the chemical fumes. Disregarding the now useless device, the Fury accompanied the fighting mad Wonder Woman and the other investigators and they all went under the city to search.

Near the East River, under the Manhattan Bridge, in the mouth of a sewer tunnel run-off pipe, a dark-clad man fell from the pipe and into the river. The semi-conscious figure was dragged a short way down the river by the current until he was saved unexpectedly.

The injured man in the dark clothes was the Shadow. He had managed to survive the huge incendiary explosion by quick thinking and a lot of luck. He noticed the bomb just moments before Dorma stepped on it. With amazing quickness, he dived into a mercifully close vent, the same one Dorma had ripped open during the fight.

The vent ran vertical and so the Shadow free-fell down to the lower levels. The explosion followed him, burning through his shoes. But since heat and flame naturally rose, the blast didn't pursue him far. He dropped into the water of another level, which was filled with filthy sewer water. The intense current dragged him to the river, spitting him out. He nearly drowned.

He was barely aware of where he was as he was yanked by the powerful river current. He would have been pulled down by the strong undertow if not for his rescuer.

The mysterious man wore the same type of dark business suit as most plainclothes cops did. He also wore a dark trench coat, gloves, a fedora hat and a bandit-mask over his eyes. He stood on the shore, watching the incoherent Shadow fight the pull of the river. He dived in and, despite the intense current, managed to pull the big, stocky figure of the Shadow back to the rivers edge.

The Shadow was not altogether aware of what was happening to him. He looked up confused at the masked man. Before he could speak, weakness overtook him and he blacked out.

Dorma pulled herself out of the dank, disgusting sewer water. The explosion had injured her, and the toxic water of the sewer tunnels brought her no relief, no healing. In fact, it made her weaker. She was afraid she would die. She needed to get back to the Yellow Claw's hide out. She needed to get to her fresh water tank. That would help her, if anything would. But she was too weak to make it.

Still, she had one chance. There was one person who could save her, albeit unwillingly. She needed to contact a mind she had linked to before. Only by line-of-site or by homing in on a familiar mind could the crown control someone. Since no one was in sight, there was only one other person she could contact, one other mind who she had linked to. Dorma hoped that her unsuspecting ally was close enough. Dorma had never contacted anyone telepathically from a very great distance. But if the subject was close, Dorma was sure she could reach the person she wanted and force her to help . . . Whether she wanted to or not.

The Shadow woke up in the back of a teashop. He was on the same cot that Wonder Woman had woken up on earlier that day. Like her, he rose suspiciously, and crept cautiously out of the rear stock room. And like her, he ran into the kindly old owner of the teashop.

"Hello good sir," the old man said. "I am Quong Lee. And you are very lucky to be alive."

Back in the sewers of Chinatown, Wonder Woman, Fury and the police were scouring the city sewer tunnels. The two female super heroes believed that their search would unveil more than just the cause of the explosion. They believed they would find the criminal organization behind recent events. As Wonder Woman looked around, scanning the darkness with all her warrior instincts, she suddenly heard a voice in her head.

"Come to me," the familiar voice commanded, "Obey me."

Suddenly, Wonder Woman found herself turning around, her body moving without her consent. Her legs started to walk of their own volition, responding to the silent call. She couldn't stop herself. Once again, she had lost control of her body.

Suffering Sappho, NO! her mind cried. Not again! I won't become a puppet again!

Yet, despite her unspoken protest, she continued to obediently walk down the tunnel in response to the summons. She tried to cry out, to tell the others that she was in the thrall of the enemy, but she couldn't say a word. She passed several policemen and then moved away from the other searchers. She turned down a different tunnel and left the others behind.

This is horrible! she thought, infuriated at her powerlessness. I cannot believe that this is happening to me again! This is the second time that Dorma has pirated control of my body! And there's nothing I can do about it!

She continued walking for a few more minutes, being directed by telepathic commands. She knew from before that there was no way for her to regain control of her body. She would just have to accept the humiliation and hope that Dorma would eventually release her.

Finally, after what seemed to her like an endless trek down dark tunnels, she came across Dorma, who lay burned and injured.

It serves you right, Hippolyta thought. If only I could move of my own free will, I'd put you out of your misery!

"Pick me up!" Dorma commanded.

Obeying the order, Wonder Woman picked Dorma up off the tunnel floor.

Dorma pointed. "That way. Carry me in that direction."

Having no other choice, Wonder Woman carried the injured Atlantean down the tunnel. Hippolyta's mind was seething with hateful wrath, but she had no way to release it at the moment. She couldn't do anything except what Dorma told her to do.

I swear, if I ever get control of my body back, I'll kill her slowly! Hippolyta raged inwardly. If she's smart, she'll never release me, because if she does, she'll die!

But the Amazon's thoughts of vengeance would have to wait. For the moment, all she could do was obey.

Fury emerged from the sewers. Not only had she not located the Yellow Claw and his henchmen, but now she had lost Wonder Woman as well. This was the second time that Hippolyta had gone missing during this case. If anyone could handle herself, it was Wonder Woman. She was the greatest hero the Fury had ever known.

Still, earlier, she had become enslaved to Dorma's mental powers. Could that have happened again? No, she thought, Hippolyta wouldn't let that happen to herself twice. Not if she could help it, she wouldn't. Still, her disappearance was strange. The Fury hoped that she was all right.

The Yellow Claw was wondering about the cause of the explosion that had rocked the hidden underground lair. He suspected that it had something to do with Dorma and the Shadow. He didn't want to send his men out to search, because there were no doubt lots of police and city workers examining the scene. He would just have to hope that the Shadow was killed in the explosion. As for Dorma, if she was alive, that was fine, since she was a good soldier for the cause. But if she was dead . . . Oh well, these things happen. Soldiers have to be sacrificed.

The Yellow Claw saw his men staring and pointing. He turned his attention to the cause of their interest. To everyone's surprise, Wonder Woman entered, carrying a burnt Lady Dorma. From the blank expression on the Amazon's face, the Claw could tell that she as once again under Dorma's control.

Dorma pointed to her tank of water. "Put me in there," she ordered the Amazon queen.

As commanded, Wonder Woman dropped Dorma into the water. Dorma sighed with relief as the soothing water worked it's magic on her damaged body. Wonder Woman stood outside the tank, unable to move without further orders.

"Report!" The Yellow Claw insisted.

Dorma didn't like his tone, but at the moment she was too weak to argue. She explained everything that had happened. The Claw listened closely.

"I see," the Claw said. "We should be thinking about relocating to the other sanctuary. This one is getting-what is the western term-getting too 'hot'!"

He looked to one of his henchmen. In Chinese he ordered, <"Find my sister. Tell her to prepare plan B.">

The henchman nodded and rushed off. The Yellow Claw looked Wonder Woman up and down lustfully. He smiled a lecherous smile. Wonder Woman, unable to move or speak, hoped that he was not thinking of taking liberties with her while she was helpless.

He put his hand on her, in a place she would normally break someone's arm for doing. However, since she couldn't move, she could only fume silently and endure it.

"You and your friends have not spoiled my plans," the Yellow Claw said. "You've been a very minor inconvenience. Soon, you will see my schemes come to fruition, and your America will cry like the spoiled babies they are. China will have its revenge! And then, I will have Dorma command you to . . . please me!"

He plans the destruction of a country, and my rape, all in one breath! the Amazon Queen thought. Wonder Woman didn't know what he was planning, but she knew that if he weren't stopped, it would spell disaster for the United States.

The Shadow was suspicious of Quong Lee. His experience had taught him to trust no one. The Shadow pointed his pistols at the old, Asian man.

"You do not need those, sir," Quong Lee said.

"Why am I here?" the Shadow asked.

"You were brought here by a friend of mine," the old man said. "You were in a bad way. We thought you could use a helping hand."

"Who is this friend of yours?" the Shadow asked, "What is his name?"

"He has no name," the man said. "Not any more. He's just a . . . Spirit!"

Back in the Yellow Claw's secret HQ . . .

The Yellow Claw had a loyal following among the poor immigrant population of Chinatown. One such person witnessed the Shadow's rescue by the masked man in the trench coat. He saw the rescuer carry the vigilante to Canal Street. He lost track of them there.

The Yellow Claw nodded. "I don't know who this new player in our game is, but I perceive that he will need to be dealt with. Now, let me think. He couldn't have carried the Shadow very far. Someone nearby is helping him. If I had to guess, it would be that bothersome Quong Lee. I should have eliminated him earlier. I shall rectify that error now! He and the Shadow must be liquidated!"

The Yellow Claw summoned Lady Coffin.

"What can I do for you, boss?" she said.

"You've been a very valuable asset to me, my dear," the Claw said. "And now I ask you for another boon. How would you like to test out your new Cyborg attachments against a worthy adversary?"

"Who would that be?"

"Your old friend, the Shadow!"

Lady Coffin smiled with sadistic glee. "Revenge!" she hissed.

The Shadow leaned against the wall of the teashop, regaining his strength. He still half-expected an attack.

"I see that you are ill-at-ease in this place," Quong Lee said. "I wish I could make you more comfortable."

The Shadow's instinct for danger wasn't aroused by the presence of the old man. The Shadow sensed that he was just as he seemed. A moral man who just wanted to help.

"You have done enough," the Shadow said. "I am not good at saying thank you, but I appreciate your aid. I will repay you some day."

"I need no repayment, my young friend," Quong Lee said. "Just do good for the world. That is payment enough."

The Shadow liked this old man. He resisted the urge to smile. He turned to leave, keeping his enigmatic image intact.

However, before he could exit, the front door was smashed down. He recognized the intruder.

"Knock, knock!" Lady Coffin said. "I'm here to buy some tea and spill some blood. Let's do the blood thing first, shall we?"

The Shadow was surprised at the new implants on Lady Coffin's arm and eye. He suspected that she had a dangerous new bag of tricks to go with them. "Hello again, Cassandra."

"Ah, the Shadow!" she said. "I've been hoping I'd run into you. I owe you. And Lady Coffin always pays her debts!"

She pointed at the dark vigilante and darts shot from her finger. Weak from the explosion and taken by surprise at the unexpected ability, some of the darts winged the Shadow in the arm. He hoped they weren't poisoned.

He used his ability to cloud minds to conceal himself, giving him time to regroup. She had a way to deal with that tactic, however. Her new eye had a heat seeking infrared device. He was able to see him, even while he clouded her thoughts.

A saw-blade came out of her arm and she charged the Shadow, trying to cut him to pieces. He narrowly evaded the saw. He fired a few shots from his pistols at the woman, but she had prepared some sort of magnetic defense that caused the bullets to swerve. The Shadow missed every shot.

"I am ready for anything you can dish out, Shadow!" Lady Coffin said. "I was created to be your match!"

As the Shadow back peddled, thinking up a strategy, Quong Lee tossed him a container. "Here!" the old man yelled.

The Shadow took a second to read the Chinese writing on the little can. It was a strong sedative made of ancient Chinese herbs. The Shadow had heard of it before. It could put a rhino to sleep.

As Lady Coffin came charging again with her buzz-saw blade, the Shadow held up the can. The blade ripped the can open, and the powdered contents burst out. Lady Coffin was momentarily disoriented by the cloud of gray powder. This gave the Shadow the chance to shove the can in her face. She inadvertently breathed in some of the sedative. She felt dizzy. Her head was spinning.

She didn't know what had happened to her, but she knew that she had better flee before she passed out. Knocking the Shadow aside, she ran out of the teashop. The Shadow was about to pursue, but he also felt a wave of dizziness.

"The darts," he said. "Poisoned!"

Quong Lee helped the Shadow keep his balance. "Let me assist you," Quong Lee said. "I have antidotes for every poison known."

The Shadow sat down. He sniffed one of the darts. "A mix of spider venom and blowfish poison."

"I have just the thing," Quong Lee promised.

True to his word, he supplied an appropriate antidote to the poison. The Shadow rose, his head clear and his vision focused. "I thank you again for your assistance, honorable sir," the Shadow said. "You have a friend in the Shadow!"

"We can never have too many friends," Quong Lee said.

"But I have a new enemy, also!" the Shadow said. "His name is the Yellow Claw. And I name him as my target. Either I will kill him or he will kill me. There will be no other ending to this war! We fight to the death!"

Next: The story continues next issue, where Wonder Woman and Doc Savage battle their way through the lair of the Yellow Claw.