Crisis on Merging Earths

by Ritchie Filippi
introduction by Bob Young and Chip Caroon

In the beginning, there was one.

Soon, the universe spilt into a multiverse.

Then, several years ago, a crisis occurred. This crisis was so big, so colossal that only ONE universe remained.

Or so was thought.

But somehow another universe survived. Now there were two universes. Each had its own set of Super-Heroes. Each had its own history and timeline.

For the longest time, only these two universes remained in the All Existance. However, those universe began to create their own parallel time streams. A new multiverse was forming.

This sudden growth of the new multiverse is too much for the All Existance. A Creation Cancer is forming.

Only time travellers and mystic know of this Great Disturbance. Most people are unaware of the great catastrophe.

Soon, however, they will know. Soon, they will know, and their lives will never be the same . . .

Some time has passed . . . But as the saying goes, "The more things change, the more they stay the same . . . "

MARVEL . . .

We are now in a large room, everywhere we turn we see machines and gadgets, almost looks futuristic. Buttons and lights start to flash all over the place, bright blue and red colors swirl in mid air . . . and a portal opens. The sight is amazing as planets and stars can be seen in a distance. Like a pool of water, an arm reaches out from the portal, with the rest of a body following. It is a man in his early forties, he has brown hair with gray templates. A long white coat hangs over his blue and white "costume", and a four can be seen on his chest. He reaches his arm out and it stretches across the room. It returns with a small remote held tightly in his hand. As he presses the buttons on the remote, a beautiful blond haired woman approaches him. She brushes her hair back and wraps her arms around his body.

"Reed, is it bad?"

The man pauses for a second, he is in deep thought. With his right hand he brushes his forehead and replies, "It's hard to say, if my readings are correct . . . Then some . . . thing is "eating" it's way to our universe, almost like a cancer it is spreading. It appears to wipe clean everything in its path. This is bad; we have to contact the Avengers . . . And fast!"

DC . . .

The city of tomorrow, in a world of WONDER. One building towers over the rest, just as one man holds the power over so many; his name . . . Lex Luthor. He sits in his office, lights off, not a sound can be heard . . . He sits in deep thought, for he just learned that the world only has seven days left.

Ironic in a way . . . It is said that the world was created in seven days . . . now it appears to be ending the same way . . .

Outside, there is a clear blue sky. A streak of red flashes through the air as we hear alarms going off. A truck quickly speeds away from a bank. There is a small *THUD* as the truck is lifted off of the ground and into the air. The men quickly look out the window and notice that they are high above the buildings. Under the truck, lifting it into the air is the "man" known only as SUPERMAN. A long red cape swings behind him, and a giant "S" sits on his chest. He breathes in the fresh air of the beautiful summer day and smiles.


A young man sits at a desk drawing . . . He has flown around the world, been to the future and has saved the world more times than one can remember, yet he gets the most satisfaction from what he is doing right now . . . Creating. As the pencil slides across the paper he feels free. For these few minutes he has no worries in the world, in a way he has almost escaped reality. All of that is about to change . . . In what seems like a split second, the ground starts to shake. His pencil breaks on the desk as a book shelf crashes to the ground. His chair tilts back sending him to the ground. He looks both ways as the walls start to crack and crumble. Then, as quick as it began . . . it ends. The man looks down at his fist and a green ring on his finger starts to glow. In the blink of an eye his clothes change . . . He is the GREEN LANTERN. He exits toward the streets and stops in his tracks.

"Oh . . . My . . . God . . . "

Dust and smoke fill the air . . . Buildings are raved . . . Fire burns in the streets . . . Calls for help can be heard for miles . . .


A statue stands over a beautiful park, it is a monument to a fallen hero. A shadowy figure forms in front of the statue. A long cloth drapes behind the being, covering his body in shadows. He stares at the statue, unmoved as the ground starts to rumble with the fury of a stampede, he was once the man known as Hal Jordan . . . But he is the Spectre. He feels the pain . . . hatred . . . and desires of millions and millions of souls. Revenge pours through his veins. Cracks start to form in the statue in front of him as the ground shakes harder. Still unmoved, the spirit watches as the statue starts to crumble in front of his eyes. In less than a few seconds it is no more than dust. The spirit pauses for a second . . . He looks around and disappears into thin air... Knowing that something is not right... That something big is coming . . .

MARVEL . . .

A large room stands before us, the ceiling must be some twenty feet high, as five men sit at a round table pondering the fate of their very world. At the table are Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic; Steve Rogers, Captain America; Henry Pym, Giant Man; Tony Stark, Iron Man; and Bruce Banner, also known as the HULK. Papers and diagrams are scattered across the table. Tony Stark reads through some of the papers as Reed Richards starts to talk.

"Guys, we have to decide what to do next . . . Stay here and wait for whatever is the threat to come here, or take the fight directly to it."

Captain America turns to him and responds, "I say that we take the offense and bring the fight to 'it'. We have set up a few different 'Task Forces' to handle problems that we expect to be having as this 'Cancer' gets closer. But if what your saying is true, then we can't let it get that close! We have to stop this thing now, before the damage is done."

"I agree, but how do we fight a 'force of nature'? This isn't some sort of 'super-villain' or some thing that we can even see. We would be fighting blind, and probability on a suicide mission."

Tony puts down the papers and responds. "That is not entirely true . . . You keep on comparing this 'thing' to a 'cancer'. How do you stop a cancer? You can either cut it out or contain it. If we were to contain it inside one of the universes it is trying to feed on, then in essence, it would be stuck, not able to grow and feed on other universes."

"But then what happens to that universe? Will they be stuck in a state of 'hell' or completely destroyed? We have no idea of the effects of trying to contain it, or even how to contain it . . . " says Henry Pym as he shuffles through papers. Tony brushes his hair back and takes a deep breath. Bruce Banner finishes writing some notes on a small pad and stands up.

"No, Tony is right . . . We have to contain it! I don't fully know how to explain what I'm thinking, but I'll give it a try. At least it is one way we can go . . . Look, inside of me is a power that is much like a 'force of nature', and it is almost impossible to stop or contain . . . Yet I am able to walk around and stand here before you. A powerful telepath, Jean Grey of the X-Men, was able to lock up and contain the force within me. Now, what I'm thinking is if we can create enough raw power and 'channel' it through a telepath, maybe we will be able to contain this force. It is a long shot, but it just might work."

Reed Richards thinks for a second, then responds . . . "The amount of power would almost have to be of 'cosmic' levels, but we might be able to do this. So, we enter the Negative Zone and try to contain this thing?"

"Yes, we bring together power and powerful minds . . . Hopefully everyone will be willing to make a small sacrifice in order to save millions and millions of souls," is said by Captain America as he gets up from the table and starts typing at a computer.

Tony Stark says, "I don't think that anyone here will have that problem . . . " as he pulls out a small device.

They all look at each other in agreement. As they finish, a gust of wind knocks open the large doors of the room, and a figure covered by shadows stands in the doorway. Light reflects off of his body of sliver as he walks into the room. All eyes turn as he starts to speak.

"I got your warning, Mr. Richards . . . and I shall lend my hand in the upcoming problem . . . "

Reed Richards starts towards the Silver Surfer and extends his hand toward him, "You are just the person we need!"

A few hours pass . . .

We are now in a place much like the beginning of our story. Eight shadows stand before a portal into the "Negative Zone", and the only hope for the survival of their world. In the room just next to them are two people; Reed Richards and his wife, Sue Richards. They hug and hold each other as tight as they can, knowing that this might be the last time they will ever be able to. He gives her a sweet kiss as he starts to let her go.

"You know how to activate the machines . . . Right after I get into the room, put them on. I promise that I will be back!"

They embrace and he walks off into the other room with the others. Lights flash as the portal into the unknown opens. One by one they walk in, humanity's last hope. Reed is the last to enter, and he waves goodbye before disappearing into the portal. Sue moves to shut down the systems, but something is wrong. It took too much power to keep the portal opened long enough. Lights flash as everything goes from bad to worse. Sue puts her invisible force field up as the machine blows up, taking out most of the building. In only a split second, portals into the Negative Zone open up all around the "world" and close . . . but for a few unlucky individuals, nothing will ever be the same. Out of these individuals, one falls out of the other side of the portal and hits the ground hard, not fully knowing what is happening. He looks around and knows that he is not "home", but he is now in a more future like city. He is known as the Spectacular Spider-Man, and he is a long way from home. His Spider-Sense goes off the scale as the ground starts to shake uncontrollably . . .


An emergency meeting has been called. Eight people sit around a large round table, much like King Arthur and his Knights of Camelot. Among the men and woman are . . . Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, the Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Steel, Plastic Man, and the young man known as Green Lantern. Missing from the ranks is the mysterious man that fights crime and injustice from the shadows, the urban legend known as "The Dark Knight", Batman. In the last few hours, many cities around the world have been struck with powerful earthquakes, ravaging them. One of those cities was the home to the JLA member known as Green Lantern.

"I contacted Batman, but he has a few more pressing issues at this time . . . We are manned thin as it is, but Oracle is contacting anyone available to help out in the crisis at hand. Reports have been flooding in from all around the world . . . This is bad!"

"Yeah, and what are we doing about it? Nothing!" is said by an impatient Green Lantern. "I say we go out there and find whatever is causing this and stop it!"

Wonder Woman turns toward Green Lantern. "We will, we just need to find out what exactly is happening . . . And how we can help . . . "

"Yeah, and while you do that I'll do some real 'helping' . . . "

Green Lantern gets up from the table, still visually shaken from the event prior to the meeting, and quickly walks toward the teleporters. Flash gets up to follow him, but the Martain Manhunter grabs his arm, "Let him go, he needs some time alone . . . "

A small red portal opens in thin air and a body falls out and lands on the ground before Kyle. The person tries to make it to his feet, but falls back to one knee. It is the man known as Access, bloody and bruised he tries to talk but passes out before he can say anything.