Crisis on Merging Earths

First Moves
by Paul A. Hahn

If Space is the final frontier, than what would you consider an alternate reality, or a whole different dimension?

Reed Richards really never pondered such a question upon discovering the Negative Zone. The first trip he made there, with his team, the Fantastic Four, was one of the greatest moments of his life. He had made an incredible discovery. Unfortunately, the so-called Negative Zone was filled with evils and threats the planet earth had never seen before. It's one of those threats that brought the assembled task force together.

Captain America was at the head, co-leading with Mr. Fantastic. Cap, as many called him, had been around longer than any other still-active hero in their entire universe. Fighting for the American dream, he truly was the greatest Avenger ever.

Anthony Stark and Henry Pym, better known as the Iron Man and Giant Man were founding Avengers. Iron Man's suit provided him with a wide array of weapons and abilities, and Giant Man's name was self-explanatory: he could control his growth.

Thor, the God of Thunder, another founding Avengers member, was recruited to use his vast strength, and the power of his hammer, Mjolnir, to add to the raw strength of yet another founding Avenger, the Incredible Hulk. Bruce Banner, a normal, human scientist gained incredible strength and invulnerability--at the loss of his sanity.

Moondragon brought strong telepathic abilities to the table, as a back-up to the X-Man Jean Grey, code-named Phoenix, one of the most powerful telepaths and telekinetics in the galaxy.

Finally, the Silver Surfer. If any power could help with the conflict at hand, it was he, and his power cosmic.

And so the nine of them entered the Negative Zone in hopes of finding a solution to their newest problem, only to wind up in . . . New York?

"Reed?" Cap asked, surveying the situation.

"We entered the Negative Zone . . . " Reed pondered. "But we somehow landed back in New York. It doesn't add up . . . "

"My sensors confirm, we're in New York," Iron Man said. "Only . . . I'm not sure. Something doesn't seem right. My scanners are finding things to be a bit . . . off."

"This isn't our New York," Jean said in the midst of a telepathic scan. "There's no former Baxter Building or Pier Four, no Avengers Mansion, no Daily Bugle . . . none of the landmarks we're used to."

"So, what are you saying?" Cap asked.

"Another dimension?" Reed pondered. "It's possible . . . the . . . cancer, for lack of a better term to describe it, has somehow disrupted the inter-spatial boundaries between dimensions, making it very easy to land in the wrong place."

"Should we try and backtrack?" Doctor Pym asked.

"We could wind up anywhere," Richards answered. "And besides that, we'd first have to find an accessway into the Negative Zone. This was one turn of events I hadn't planned for."

"We're stuck here?" Jean asked. "Our entire universe is in danger . . . we've got to find a way back there."

"Mayhap we were brought where we are most needed," Thor said, pointing towards the city. "Look! This city has been ravaged. An assault of incredible proportions has been waged."

"Your thoughts, Reed?" Iron Man asked.

"Hmmm . . . " he rubbed his chin. "Maybe we were swept into the universe that's currently being eaten away."

"Then maybe here's where we can make our stand?" Captain America asked.

"You're right. You'll be making your stand here," a voice called from the sky.

"We don't know who you are," another called, "but we're positive you've got something to do with this."

"Who?" Reed looked up.

The JLA stood assembled: Superman, the man of steel. Wonder Woman, the Amazonian warrior. Green Lantern. Martian Manhunter. Aquaman, King of the Oceans. The Flash. The Atom. Steel. Plastic Man.

Yes, Plastic Man.

Fifteen minutes ago, at the JLA's HQ.

"What the--?" Green Lantern asked, looking at the bloody and beaten man lying on their floor.

"Access!" Wonder Woman called.

"What kinda name is that?" Plastic Man asked.

"I don't know," Wonder Woman commented.

"How did he get in here?" Kyle asked angrily.

"I'm not sure," Steel said, running over to a computer to try and figure things out.

"I wonder why he's here," Superman pondered. "After all this time . . . "

"Mind clueing us in on who he is?" Flash asked. "He seems vaguely familiar, but I can't place him. He one of your regulars, Supes?"

"I'm . . . I'm not sure," Superman answered. "I recognize him, know his name . . . but for the life of me, I can't place him."

"Funny," Wonder Woman said. "I don't remember him either."

"Something is definitely up," Atom cut in. "You heard what he said, right?"

"Something is coming, he said," Aquaman nodded. "And whatever it is, it appears to have attacked this . . . Access."

"We should be on alert," Superman said. "J'onn, begin telepathically scanning for anything unusual. Flash, GL, maybe we should begin scouting--"

"I don't think that'll be necessary," Steel said, still over at the computers.

"Find something?" Flash asked.

"Yup," Steel answered, pointing to a monitor. "A bunch of unidentified meta-humans."

"Put Access in the med bay," Superman ordered. "Contact Batman . . . I doubt he'll decide to accompany us, but we should let him know. But make it fast people, we've gotta head out!"

The Present.

"Cap?" Jean asked. "I've scanned a few of them . . . they call themselves the Justice League of America. They're this world's heroes."

"That's good to know," Cap said. "This way we can avoid a figh--"

A blast of green energy pummeled the ground around Marvel's heroes, knocking them every which way.

"See how you like being on the receiving end!" Green Lantern called.

"We're not here to fight!" Cap called as he used his shield to deflect the swing of a hammer by Steel.

"A little late for that," Aquaman called, swinging his hooked hand at Thor.

Thor easily dodged and retorted, "If a fight thee want . . . than a fight thee shall receive!"

Thor let fly his hammer, which instantly sent Aquaman flying.

Mr. Fantastic stretched to dodge blasts of fire from Superman.

"He's stealing my gig!" Plastic man complained.

Atom shrunk down his body, hoping to find an advantage, only to bump right into Ant-Man!

"Hey!" Atom called.

"No fair!" Ant-Man replied.

Martian Manhunter called out to Moondragon, "Your telepathic abilities are impressive. But I'm afraid I out-power you."

The Phoenix image flared around Jean's body as she approached the Manhunter. "Then why not try to go against me?"

Superman flew in quickly and punched Thor, actually managing to knock him back. Supes turned and punched Hulk in the chest. He didn't move.

"Rawr!" he yelled. "Hulk SMASH!"

"Good God!" Superman called before the blow knocked him clear across the battlefield.

The Silver Surfer let loose a blast of energy which Green Lantern deflected with a green shield. Without missing a beat, Kyle poured the energy on the Surfer, hitting him as hard as he could.

Wonder Woman and Captain America traded blows as Steel and Iron Man flew in the air, both hoping to get a shot at the other.

Steel managed to fake out Iron Man and deliver a powerful blow with his hammer, knocking the armored Avenger towards the ground.

"If thou wouldst wield a hammer," Thor called, "Mayhap thou should be prepared to face the Odinson! For Asgard!"

The God of Thunder knocked Steel out of the sky.

Ant Man dodged an attack by the Atom, and decided to switch tactics. He began to grow, and soon he was his typical Giant Man self. He surveyed the fight.

Neither side's really getting anywhere, he thought. It's an even number on each side, and we've all got a lot of similar powers . . . I'm fearful for how this fight will end. But if this . . . JLA is supposed to be heroes for this world, we've got to try and talk things out!

"Listen to me!" Giant Man called. "We don't have to fight! We're not here to harm you!"

"Tell that to the friends I lost!" Kyle yelled. He pummeled Henry Pym with pure energy from his glowing green ring.

"We didn't attack anyone!" Phoenix called. "We just arrived here!"

"You expect us to believe that you didn't cause the earthquakes?" Wonder Woman asked.

Jean turned to her. "What earthquake?"

As if on some horrible cue, the ground beneath the heroes began to shake terribly. The already ravaged city began to fall apart even more.

"JLA, quickly!" Superman called. "Damage control!"

"Everyone" Cap ordered. "Help protect the innocents!"

Both group sprung into action. Silver Surfer and Green Lantern disintegrated falling pieces from buildings. Phoenix telekinetically attempted to hold things in place. Cap blocked some rubble and helped Superman lift civilians away from the buildings.

"It's too much!" Phoenix called. "I'm being pushed to my limits!"

Just as abruptly as it started, the quake ended.

"Jean?" Reed asked.

"I'm barely . . . holding it together," she said, straining.

"We've got to work together people!" Captain America ordered.

"But . . . " Kyle complained.

"We've no choice," Superman said.

"You, with the green," Cap said, pointing to Green Lantern. "Help the Silver Surfer weld building pieces back together. Reed, help your stretching double and create a net across this area, in case Jean can't hold much longer."

The heroes sprung into action, and in a matter of moments, the immediate damage was over.

"That was some quick thinking," Wonder Woman said.

"I'm glad you were willing to trust us," Cap nodded.

"I've scanned several of them," the Manhunter commented. "They are heroes from their own world . . . a parallel earth, it appears."

"Indeed," Mr. Fantastic said. "My name's Reed Richards . . . tell me, do you know of the Negative Zone?"

"Negative . . . Zone?" Steel asked.

"I suppose not," Reed said, rubbing his chin. "I detected a being of incredible proportion who was swallowing worlds whole. He was causing incredible damage, and I came to the logical conclusion that sooner or later, he would come to our earth. Captain America and I assembled a team of some of our earth's greatest heroes and ventured into the Negative Zone, hoping to find a way to defeat the creature. However, instead of entering the Negative Zone, we appeared here."

"And you think this creature is causing the damage to our planet?" Flash asked.

"It would appear so," Reed nodded.

"Then that's what Access was warning us about!" Wonder Woman exclaimed.

"Come on, friends," Superman said. "I think we need to compile our information and find some way to combat this."


Man, my spider-sense was buzzing like there was no tomorrow. I know an earthquake represents danger, but that was insane. I think I'm gonna have a headache . . . that is, after the rest of my body stops aching.

The Amazing Spider-Man took a deep breath as he kept the load on his upper body. Half of a building was being held up by him, and him alone.

Fine mess I got myself into here . . . and I wonder what ol' J. Jonah Jameson would say to me now . . . I'm saving a totally different newspaper! Daily Planet . . . interesting name. Maybe I'll have time to figure this all out after I get this building off my shoulders. Of course, if the normal police would just move faster evacuating the place . . .

Jimmy Olson was escorted outside his job, along with many others. He turned and saw his costumed rescuer and managed to grab a few snap shots.

Great, some kid is taking my job . . .

"Hey, insect!" an officer called.

"A spider is an arachnid," Peter called back.

"What?" the officer asked.

"Never mind," Spidey sighed. "What's up?"

"The building's clear," the officer continued. "We're clearing everyone back, but . . . if you drop the building, you may not make it out alive. And with the whole city needing help, no one's coming here anytime soon to take your place."

"Great," Peter grunted. "Send my love to the wife."

The JLA's HQ.

"This is Access?" Reed asked.

Superman nodded.

"He's coming around," Flash said.

"Access?" Wonder Woman asked. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes," Access said.

"Take it easy, son," Cap said. "Looks like you took some heavy hits."

"There's no time . . . " Access muttered.

"There's plenty of time," Superman said. "Now rest easy . . . "

"You don't understand," Access sighed. "This world . . . has seven days to live!"