Crisis on Merging Earths

Reality Crumbles
by Bob Young and Chip Caroon

JLA Watchtower:

The members of the Justice League and several heroes from an alternate universe - Dr. Reed Richards (also known as Mister Fantastic, leader of the Fantastic Four), Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, Phoenix, Moondragon, Dr. Henry Pym, Iron Man and the Silver Surfer - listen as the injured man known as Access spoke, explaining that the universe had only seven days left!

"I sensed the destruction while I was traveling between dimensions!" Access said, breathlessly. "And I was on my way here, to this universe, to warn you. I'm called Access. Some of you may have a dim memory of me. There's a reason for that, but I have no time to go into it now. Just believe me . . . I want to see this universe saved!"

"Go on," Superman said.

"On my way here," Access continued, "I was attacked. By who, or what, I don't know. But it nearly killed me. I was left floating, nearly powerless, in the void. I used what little power I had left to detour you nine heroes to this universe." He points to Captain America, Reed, and their companions. "Then, when I finally built up enough strength, I came here myself. But I'm so weak. I have no power left now. It'll be a while before I can help you. All I can tell you is, from what I could determine, this universe will be gone in seven days!"

Soon, after sedating Access so he could rest, the heroes gathered in the JLA meeting room to discuss their options.

"Our main priority should be to get back to the Negative Zone and deal with the cause of this chaos," Dr. Richards said. "And if this 'Access' person is correct, time is of the essense. We must find an opening to the Negative Zone from this universe."

"I agree," Superman said, "I . . . "

Suddenly, the man of steel looked alarmed. "I have to go! There's a problem at the Daily Planet! J'Onn, you're in charge!"

Superman streaked off. There was a moment of silence in the room, since the alternate universe heroes didn't know about his super hearing and his ability to hear news broadcasts. But then the Martian Manhunter spoke.

"Green Lantern," J'Onn began, "perhaps there is a way you can use your ring to protect the Earth from the effects of this phenomenon."

"I'm on it!" Green Lantern said, and was about to fly off, when . . .

"I will accompany you," Silver Surfer announced. His tone, and the power of his voice, left no room for arguement. The Lantern nodded his agreement and the duo head out toward the stratesphere.

Reed turned to the Martian Manhunter. "If we could have access to one of your computers, perhaps we could locate a possible opening to the Negative Zone."

The Manhunter nodded. "Steel, take our guests to the tech-lab."

"Follow me," Steel said. Dr. Richards, Henry Pym and Iron Man followed him to the lab.

"I'll go with you," Atom said, trailing the group.

The Manhunter looked at Moondragon and Phoenix. "I understand that you two are telepaths." The two women nodded. "Good. I suggest that we combine our mental abilities and attempt to discover whether there is a controlling intelligence behind this madness."

The women agreed and followed J'Onn to the private chamber he used for meditation. Captain America addressed the remaining heroes.

"Well, I'm not going to just sit around here while this whole planet is being ravaged," Captain America said. "We should do some damage control."

"I completely agree," Wonder Woman responded. "Flash, Plastic Man, Aquaman and I will accompany you."

Cap glanced over towards his companions. Thor raised his hammer.

"The God of Thunder shall accompany thee, Captain!"

The Hulk didn't need to respond. He was obviously straining at the leash for some action.

"Excellent," Wonder Woman said. "Let's do some good!"

Spider-Man's knees buckled. He could no longer support the weight of the crumbling Daily Planet building. He fell to the ground, and the debris of the building came falling down, about to bury him. He said a silent goodbye to his wife, Mary Jane.

But then he felt a yank and suddenly found himself clear of the building. He watched as a red and blue streak proceeded to reinforce the collapsing building.

"Something tells me I'm not in Kansas anymore!" Spider-Man muttered. He noticed Jimmy Olsen snapping pictures. The photographer was no longer interested in Spider Man, now that this new "super man" had arrived.

After doing temporary repairs to the building, Superman landed in front of Spider-Man. There was a brief flicker of recognition between the two. "Let me guess," Superman said. "You're from an alternate reality."

Spider-Man sighed. "I have a headache."

Dr. Strange was in his spirit form, traveling through the astral plane. At Reed Richard's request, he was trying to find the reason for the destruction Reed had seen. He didn't expect to meet anyone.

"Hi," said a voice.

Dr. Strange was surprised. He looked and saw a ghostly figure in a red outfit. "They call me Deadman. And if you're one of the good guys from this dimension, you'd better do something."

"I . . . I beg your pardon?" the startled sorceror said.

"I spend a lot of time in the astral plane," Deadman said. "And astral planes from different dimensions tend to overlap. I've found myself in your universe from time to time. And I've found out something interesting . . . and not very pleasant. You've got this thing in your universe called the M'Kraan crystal. It's crumbling due to some mysterious force that is devouring universes. If you don't save the M'Kraan crystal, your universe ain't gonna be there for very long!"

Dr. Strange took the information in and nodded, "Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'll go at once."

"Don't be a stranger," Deadman said as he drifted off.

Dr. Strange was heading back to his physical body, when he heard - or rather 'sensed' - Deadman screaming. He returned to find the ghostly man floating, senseless. As he examined Deadman to try and figure out what had happened to him, Dr. Strange was struck by a mystic bolt. He convulsed in pain. He looked, and saw a man with a helmet approaching.

"You have attacked an ally of Dr. Fate, agent of chaos! And Dr. Fate will make you pay for that transgression!"

Superman returned to the JLA HQ with Spider-Man. They entered the Tech-Lab where Reed, Hank Pym, Iron Man, Steel, and Atom were working on a way to get into the Negative Zone.

"Spider-Man?" Iron Man said, with surprise. "What are you doing . . . No, scratch that! I don't want to know! Welcome to an alternate universe."

"Thrilled to be here. Wherever here is," Spider-Man quipped.

Reed answered. "The concept of parallel universes was first formulated by-"

"Doc," Spider Man interrupted, "I don't really want to know. I just want to get home."

"Later," Hank Pym said. "First, we have to help save this universe, and ultimately our own, from destruction!"

"It's gonna be one of those days," Spider-Man sighed.

Screams were heard, and the group of heroes rushed to the chamber where the telepaths were. They found Moondragon and Phoenix laying unconscious on the floor. J'Onn J'Onzz was on his knees, stunned.

"J'Onn," Superman said, helping the Martian to his feet. "What happened?"

"Minds!" the Manhunter said softly. "Two powerful minds. So vast, I've never felt anything like them! And--they're at war with each other!"

Unnoticed by the others, Access was standing in the doorway outside the chamber.

"It's them!" Access said. "The brothers!"

The Silver Surfer and the Green Lantern were in space, trying to shield the Earth from the effects of the "cancer." They weren't succeeding.

"Try harder!" the Surfer yelled. "We must not fail!"

Great, Green Lantern thought, I've got another drill sergeant here! Don't I have enough of those in the League?

They both concentrated so much on their task, that they were taken totally by suprise when they were attacked from behind.

Two strange beings approached: a bug-like creature and a hairy beast.

"Surrender!" ordered Blastarr.

"Or you will be destroyed!" Annihilus roared.

Meanwhile . . . on the other Earth, in Westchester County, New York, at the mansion of Professor Charles Xavier, also home to the Uncanny X-Men!

Logan was sitting in the den watching the evening news, eating a ham and salami sandwich. It seemed like the first night in an eternity that he hadn't been busy.

Hank McCoy, better known as the Beast, was sitting on the sofa next to Logan's recliner. He was flipping through the latest scientific journal.

Logan was taking a sip of his beer when a picture popped up on the screen.

"And this was the scene today in Central Park, as various bits of 'white space' seemed to appear from nowhere, puzzling local authorities, as well as many famous scientists. Reed Richards, of the Fantastic Four, was unavailable for comment . . . "

Logan swallowed hard. Hank's jaw dropped as he took off his glasses.

"Beast, don't that look familiar?" Logan asked, putting down his sandwich.

"Oh, my stars and garters, Logan! That looks almost exactly like what happens to the M'Kraan crystal when it-"

"When it gets screwed up!" Logan finished. "An' usually, when the M'Kraan starts actin' up, guess who Lilandra always calls."

Suddenly, as if to confirm Logan's suspicion, the X-Men heard a loud noise outside as the whole mansion shook.

SNIKT! Logan's claws came out of his arm, as he ran out with the Beast to see what was going on. When they arrived outside, they found several members of the Shi'ar royal convoy, including Gladiator.

Wolverine looked around. The other X-Men with him and Beast were Gambit, Rogue, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Archangel.

"X-Men," Gladiator announced. "Lilandra Neramani, Majestrix of the Shi'ar Empire has requested that you accompany us. The M'Kraan Crystal is weakening, and only you can help us!"

Back at JLA headquarters, Phoenix and Moondragon had recovered and the heroes were all gathered to hear what Access had to say.

"I don't know where to start," Access said.

Suddenly a voice rang through the room. It was low, but full of strength and presence. A cowled, darkly clad man stood in the shadows.

"Make it short. We've wasted enough time talking."

Batman, the Dark Knight, had arrived. With him, were his 'agents': Robin, Nightwing, Azrael and the Huntress.

"The time for talk is over. I'm taking this very seriously. Let's get busy!"

Elsewhere in the city, amid the earthquakes and destruction, an unexpected visitor appeared on this world. He wore a metal mask and had a presense as powerful as Batman.

Dr. Doom had arrived!