October 21, 2003 - #3
Editors: Chip Caroon, John Phillips, and JM de Joya
Midnight Sons logo

by John Phillips


A woman's scream was a common sound in Transverse. It was usually a herald for things to come. Sometimes it was a warning that danger was nearby and sometimes it was the call of a creature waiting for its next victim. Within the mists of Transverse you never knew what you would find or what would find you.

The mist started rising just before sunset. It was like this every evening though no could explain the phenomenon. In winter, spring, summer, or fall it still happened. The seasons didn't matter. The night always produced the mist.

The night also produced an abundance of fear. The screams could be heard throughout the night and most of the citizens of Transverse ignored them. It didn't pay to be curious in Transverse. In Transverse, the old cliché about the cat usually proved to be true.

Daniel Ketch rode his motorcycle through the streets. He was driving slowly because the mist was wreaking havoc with his headlights. He had lived in Transverse most of his life and he knew not to be out at night. Unfortunately his sister, Jennifer, was missing and she was the only family he had left.

He was only seventeen when his parents died. It had been ruled an accidental death which was pretty common in Transverse. Fortunately, he had been able to have himself declared an adult and the legal guardian of his sister. There wasn't a lot of foster care in Transverse. Most people knew better than to invite strangers in to their home - even strange children.

Five years had passed and he had done well keeping things together. However it had been two nights since he had heard from his sister and she had never been gone that long before. She usually called to let him know where she was and he hadn't heard from her. He had called all of her friends that he knew and he still hadn't learned anything.

He pulled his bike next to a payphone to check his answering service. As he lifted the receiver, he heard a woman screaming in the alley. He left the receiver hanging and jumped back on his bike. He revved the engine and headed in the direction of the scream.

As he raced down the alley the mist parted and he caught a glimpse of a girl being attacked. A lump grew in his throat as he saw her long flowing blond hair. It had to be Jennifer. He drove a little faster and saw her attacker. He was tall with dark unkempt hair. His body was wrapped in wide strips of black cloth and a threadbare cloak hung over his shoulders.

The attacker took one look at Daniel's oncoming headlights and decided to move on. By the time Daniel arrived, he was gone. The girl lay face down and Daniel knelt to turn her over. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it wasn't Jennifer. He placed two fingers on the girl's neck to see if there was a pulse and instead found two puncture wounds. No blood came from either wound even though it was obvious that it should have been pouring out. Daniel lifted is hand over her face and closed her eyes. He looked over her body once more and found a patch of black cloth in her hand.

She must have ripped this from the attackers clothing, he thought.

A pair of flashing lights prevented him from making further examination.

Since when do Transverse police investigate alleys at night?

He took one last look at the girl and hopped on his bike. He wasn't going to find out tonight.

On the other side of town three figures huddled on the lower tier of a fire escape.

"This bites!" Sedona complained. "I think this fog is actually getting thicker."

"And it's a lot cooler than it has been lately," Torrance agreed.

"It wouldn't be so bad if there was some action. I can't believe we haven't heard a single scream," Sedona continued.

"We may as well call it a night," Leslie said before Sedona could find something else to complain about. She reached into her jacket pocket and removed her cellphone. "Hello, Ariana," she said into the phone. "Hello, dear," Ariana returned.

"I think were going to call it a night. There is nothing going on."

"That's fine, dear."

"Oh, tell Gerald he didn't miss anything. So he was pouting about nothing earlier."

"I would, dear, but he left an hour ago. He really is depressed about not being able join you. You should talk to him tomorrow. Try to cheer him up."

"I will, Ariana. Goodnight."

Gerald Wilson walked with a slight limp. Most people wouldn't have noticed unless they were looking closely. His encounter with the Oni a few weeks back had injured his knee. He could still get around and he resented the fact that he had missed the battle against the Shogunate.* He was in good enough shape to handle a patrol anyway.

*(last issue)

He stopped for a moment to lean on his quarterstaff. It was the first weapon that the Midnight Sons were trained with and all of the team knew how to use them. He had chosen it because he could use it to take some pressure off his knee while he patrolled.

A woman's scream returned his attention to the task at hand. The scream was close, so Gerald ran to investigate assuming his knee could handle the pressure of a short run. He never reached the woman. A tall man with dark unkempt hair stood in his path.

Gerald stopped to analyze the man and noticed a pair of red-glowing eyes. The stranger smiled revealing his fangs.

A vampire! Gerald thought. This should show them I'm fit enough.

Gerald balanced his quarterstaff and twirled it in a threatening manner. He circle around the vampire and swung the staff inward. He hit the vamp in the ribcage and it hissed. He moved in for an overhead strike and he felt a twinge in his knee. The blow hit but not with as much force as it should have.

The vampire noticed that Gerald was favoring his weakened knee. He moved in and gave it a swift kick. Gerald fell screaming in pain.

"Now I'm going to give you something to scream about," the vampire replied.

Leslie bent down on one knee and rolled the body over. "It's Gerald," she said with a quiver in her voice.

"I know," Torrance responded. "I guess I was hoping I was wrong. You've known him a lot longer than I have. That's why I called."

Leslie nodded and tears started to flow. Torrance placed his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Before he could speak the digital beeping of Leslie's cellphone echoed through the alley.

Leslie pulled her cellphone and answered. "Leslie."

"Hi, Les. I picked up some info on last night. Looks like we got four murders. The blood was drained from their bodies. I'm thinking we've got a vampire," Duane replied on the other end.

"Sounds like it." Leslie agreed. "Better make the count five. Me and Torrance have another one. It's Gerald."

"Gerald!?!" Duane exclaimed. "I saw him last night. He was going home."

"Looks like he took a detour," Leslie responded. "Could you call Ariana and let her know?"

"You got it. Duane out."

Leslie shoved the cellphone into her pocket and turned to Torrance. "How did you find him back here anyway?"

"I was heading to meet Julie for breakfast this morning and I came across him," Torrance answered though he was afraid to tell her he had been on the street and recognized Gerald's scent and had tracked him here.

"So, you're late for a date with Julie again?"

"Actually, I've started leaving earlier. I kinda learning to expect things like this. If I leave right now I'll just make it."

"And I need to get to school," Leslie nodded.

The two left the alley leaving Gerald's body behind. Ariana would inform the proper authorities. It wasn't good for a Midnight Sons field operative to answer questions. That often led to a field agent being put in psychiatric care.

As they left, a black figure crept into the alley. He was tall with a muscular frame. He had dark skin and his black hair was cut short. He was wearing dark clothing and a long black leather jacket. A Saracen sword was strapped on his back for easy access and a pair of mirrored sunglasses completed the look. He knelt beside Gerald's body and began examining it. A grim look appeared on his face as lifted the head to get a closer look at the neck.

He stood and looked around the alley from one end to the other. In the trash and rubble he uncovered a quarterstaff and kicked it. He shook his head. "Like bringing a knife to a gunfight," he replied. He searched for a few more minutes but didn't find anything of interest and exited the alley in the same direction he entered.

The team assembled at Ariana's apartment as usual. Each one was seated in their usual place. The seat that Gerald usually occupied was vacant and it made the entire room seem empty. Ariana placed a single white candle in the windowsill and lit it.

"We light this candle in remembrance," she began. "In remembrance of our friend and brother, Gerald Wilson. May he find peace in the world beyond."

The team sat in silence and watched the candle burn. Ariana waited a few minutes before she spoke again.

"I hate to see this happen but Gerald knew the risks of his actions. You all knew when you signed on it would be dangerous. I've told you many times that very few members of the Midnight Sons ever make it to adulthood. It is sad that we lose so many so young but that is the nature of the business." She spoke solemnly. "In fact, on my last mission as a field operative, I was the only one to walk away. My entire team including my mentor was killed."

"What were you fighting?" Torrance asked.

"That's a tale for another time," Ariana answered quickly. "I still have trouble remembering it. I still don't feel comfortable discussing it."

Ariana turned and unfolded a map on her dining room table. "Gather round."

The team moved in and viewed the map.

"These are all of the attacks from last night," she replied. "As you can see there all within a half-mile radius. This appears to be close to the center of the circle. So tonight you need to start your patrol here." She pointed her finger on the spot to emphasize the point.

The central location was a poorly lit street corner in the lower part of town. All three of the companions were on edge as they waited. Torrance and Sedona carried quarterstaffs and Leslie had a pair of wooden stakes in her belt. The growing mist only made the night seem darker.

A woman's scream caused the team to jump in fright. Torrance was the first to recover and ran into the mist toward the source of the scream. The girls followed but lost sight of him quickly. The deeper Torrance ran into the alley the light was available and soon he was lost in the mist

Leslie and Sedona continued moving hoping to find Torrance. They were so busy looking for his large frame that they almost missed the pair of red glowing eyes coming at them. Before they even realized they were in danger the vampire had them both by the throat and off the ground. Both girls looked down at his black unkempt hair. Sedona gave him a kick to the ribcage and he tossed both girls in opposite directions.

He turned and went after Leslie assuming she had less fight in her. Leslie tried to call on her magic but couldn't concentrate. Her impact with the ground had her seeing bright colored pinwheels and she could not remember her incantations. She screamed as the vampire closed in.

Torrance responded to the screams and found that he was only a few steps away. He grabbed the vampire by the shoulder to pull him off Leslie. The vampire backhanded him knocking him back.

Sedona moved in and hit the vamp across the back with her staff. Torrance moved beside her and swung his staff underneath and lifted him off Leslie. Sedona made a second hit to his back and Torrance followed up by hitting him in the head. The vampire fell.

Torrance shoved his staff against the vamp's right shoulder and Sedona did the same to the left pinning him to the ground. Leslie moved in with a stake prepared to finish him.

"I am Michael Morbius," he screamed, "and I am only the beginning. Destroying me won't end the killing. The killing has only begun."

The three companions stared at the vampire shocked by what he had said. Unfortunately they stared too long and Morbius managed to free himself from Sedona's staff. He grabbed Torrance's with both hands and knocked him aside. With all the strength he could muster he ran from the Midnight Sons and into the mist.

Daniel Ketch arrived at Transverse High School just after dawn. Jennifer came to school early some days to meet her friends in the library. The janitor, Mr. Furlong would let the students in early as long as they stayed out of his way. Daniel figured he could speak to him and some of Jennifer's friends to see if any of them had seen her.

Daniel stepped up to the plate-glass door and tapped on it lightly. The door moved slightly ajar and Daniel pushed it and it opened fully. Something was wrong. Mr. Furlong would let almost anyone into the school but he never left the door unlocked.

Daniel ran down the hallway until he reached a T-section. He looked to the right and there was Mr. Furlong lying on the floor. Daniel rushed to his side to find he was dead. His neck bore a similar wound to the girl from the night before. A payphone hung on the wall just outside the teacher's lounge, so he headed for it to call for help.

Before he could reach the phone a teacher entered the building. "Mr. Furlong!" she called. "You left the door unlocked." She moved into the T-section and found his body.

As the dispatcher on the other end spoke, "911, what is the nature of your emergency?"

The only answer he received was a woman's scream.

Continued in Midnight Sons #4 . . .