October 28, 2003 - #4
Editors: Chip Caroon, John Phillips, and JM de Joya
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Dust to Ashes
by John Phillips


Daniel Ketch sat on the pleather couch and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. He placed his face in his hands and tried to regain his composure. Mrs. Hathaway, the teacher who discovered the body after him, sat across from him on a matching love seat and stared blankly at a cup of coffee she had gotten from the vending machine.

Dan had called 911 a second time from the teacher's lounge and an ambulance was on its way. The sound of movement in the hallway reminded him the front entrance was still unlocked and students would be coming in soon.

He peered into the hallway and noticed a girl with blond hair examining Mr. Furlong's body. She carefully placed two fingers on his chin and turned it to get a better look at his neck. She moved down on all fours and beginning searching the body for something more specific. At first, Dan though she might be a thief looking for his wallet then she removed something from Mr. Furlong's hand. The girl looked around nervously and pocketed the object. It was a piece of black cloth.

Sedona shoved the black cloth into her pocket and looked around for a second time. She saw a single eye watching her from the teacher's lounge. A shiver went down her spine and she moved back toward the front entrance. If there were a vampire in the building it wouldn't follow her into the sunlight.

She burst through the double doors and into the front courtyard. Several groups of students had already gathered on the stone benches waiting for classes to begin. She looked around for several minutes before she located Leslie, entering the courtyard.

"Looks like Morbius made it here last night," Sedona stated producing the black fabric and presenting it to Leslie.

"That looks like a piece of that ratty cloak he was wearing," Leslie agreed. "Where did you find it?"

"In Mr. Furlong's hand," Sedona replied dryly.

"Not Mr. Furlong!"

Sedona nodded. "'Fraid so!"

Dan watched the two girls through the plate-glass door. They knew something. He didn't know what they knew or if it would even lead him to his sister but it was the only clue he had. So he decided to follow them and see where they led.
Ariana Helsington spread the city map over her desk. With a red marker she began dotting areas, each dot corresponding with another attack from the previous night. She pulled a compass from a desk drawer and tried to find the center as she had the night before. The attacks were too spread out. There were too many of them. Apparently Morbius was no longer working alone.

A sudden rapping on the frame of her office door startled Ariana. She looked up and found Silas Androvich smiling at her. His antique suit had been recently pressed and he carried a black overcoat across his right arm. He entered the office without an invitation.

"Marking the locations of the most recent attacks I see," he said in a charming voice. "It would appear that a band of vampires is making their presence known in Transverse."

"How!?!" Ariana stammered giving him a confused look.

"I am knowledgeable about such matters after all," he replied. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance in this venture. It would only be fair after all the help your organization has given me."

"We would be very grateful for your help Mr. Androvich."

"Splendid!" Silas exclaimed clapping his hands and rubbing them together. "We should discuss this further over lunch." He continued as he extended his hand.

Ariana placed her hand in his and rose from her seat. "I would be delighted."

"I can't believe we had still had classes today. I mean there was a dead body in the hallway through half of first period," Sedona whined.

"If we closed the school every time we found a dead body on the property, we'd never go to school," Leslie returned.

"You say that like it was a bad thing."

The two girls walked down the hallway to Ariana's apartment. They met here everyday after school to prepare for the evening. As they approached Ariana's door they found Torrance and Duane waiting outside.

"What are we waiting on, geekboys?" Sedona taunted.

"Ariana's not here yet," Torrance answered.

"That's odd!" Leslie said with a concerned look on her face. "I hope everything's all right."

"Well, it's daytime so I doubt Morbius got her," Torrance replied.

"Don't be to sure!" Duane warned. "We live in Transverse. I've seen a lot stranger things here than a vampire walking in the daylight."

"We can add one more to the list of victims," Sedona spoke up. "I found this on the janitor at the High School," she continued, producing the piece of black fabric.

"That looks like our guy," Torrance agreed.

"You know," Duane started, "I seem to remember one of the forensics reports mentioning one of the victims carried a black cloth. Oh, you can add a lot more than one to the list. I found a few more victims that the press didn't learn about. The police are trying to keep the attacks quiet."

"How would you know, geekboy?" Sedona asked.

Duane gave her a knowing look and raised his left eyebrow. "Never mind."

Dan Ketch stood around the corner watching the four companions. Though he really strained he couldn't hear the conversation. In fact he only heard one word: victim.

He viewed the group suspiciously. They definitely knew something and he hoped that something was the whereabouts of his sister.

"And Lady Elianne Turac recently loaned the museum some beautiful pieces for a new exhibit," a woman's voice spoke behind him.

"Really!" Silas responded with great interest. "I'll have to check that out."

"May I help you, young man?" Ariana asked Dan.

Dan turned in panic to face the man and women that just entered from the stairwell. His sudden movement made Torrance and the others aware of him as well. So he did the only thing he could think of. He ran.

"How odd!" Ariana replied.

"Okay, boys and girls," Silas began. "I'm going to give you a crash course in vampires. I've studied arcane matters for several years and I believe I can assist you with your current situation."

Silas stood in front of the group within Ariana's apartment. It was obvious he liked to hear himself speak.

"Vampires were created in the city of Atlantis before it sank beneath the ocean. It was an attempt to create a cure for death. The Atlantean scholars sought immortality. What they found was walking death."

"This history lesson is great and all," Sedona interrupted, "but how do we kill them?"

"The basic stories are true. A vampire can be slain by direct sunlight, wooden stake to the heart, de-capitation, fire, silver, and holy water. All of these things will destroy a vampire effectively," Silas answered. "Be prepared. When a vampires is slain his remains turn to dust."

"Dust?" Leslie questioned.

"Ash actually. A vampire is so full of hatred when one is destroyed it consumes him. Even its clothing is destroyed. Vampires are pure evil. Their only desire is to destroy the life that has been stolen from them. I've examined the map and I believe it would be best if you started here."

Torrance, Sedona and Leslie exited Ariana's apartment building headed for the designated area. They each carried an assortment of weapons. They moved quickly into the mist.

Daniel Ketch watched them from across the street. He waited patiently giving them a good head start and started his motorcycle. He gunned the engine softly and slowly moved the bike to follow them. Had he not been so focused on the three young people he might have realized that he was being watched as well. A man wearing black leather and carrying a Saracen sword followed him.

The alley seemed darker than most and the mist only made matters worse.

"If we were attacked by vampires we'd never see them," Sedona complained.

"Gather closer," Leslie responded. She placed her hand on her companion's foreheads and chanted, "Eye of Agamotto." She stepped back. "How is that?"

"Good," Sedona replied.

"A little too good," Torrance agreed pointing to the end of the alley. A pair of vampires were moving to flank the group. "I've got the one on the left," he stated.

Torrance moved toward the vamp at full speed. It was his own speed that worked against him as the vampire grabbed him and tossed him aside. Torrance fell hard on his back and the wind was knocked from his body. Sedona saw Torrance's prone body and rushed to assist him. Leslie nearly froze in terror when she realized she was forced to face a vampire alone again.

The vampire moved with confidence. He had no reason to fear this teenage girl. Leslie stood her ground squeezing the wooden stake in her hand. She lunged forward at the creature. The vampire dodged easily and grabbed Leslie's wrist. With his other hand he grabbed her hair and pulled back to expose her neck. Leslie started to scream when the vampire turned to dust and she fell. She looked up and saw a black man wearing dark clothing wielding a Saracen sword.

The man turned to assist the others only to see Sedona striking the second vamp with a wooden stake. The battle was over.

"My name is Blade," the man said offering Leslie his hand.

"What brings you to Transverse, Blade?"

"I was following a vampire known as Deacon Frost." He almost spat the name out like it was poison. "He joined up with a group calling themselves the Vampire Underground. The group is on some unholy quest for the Dark City. Apparently it's close by, because this is where the trail led."

"Thanks for the assist," Torrance replied.

"Don't mention it," Blade responded. "Better get moving. It's never a good idea to stay in one place when vampires are about." He headed for the end of the alley and was gone.

"That was strange," Sedona stated.

"Would you like to see something stranger?" came a voice from above them.

Michael Morbius jumped from the roof above them and struck Torrance with a double axe-handle. Torrance fell to the ground unconscious. With Lightning speed he moved at Sedona and incapacitated her with a round-house punch. Leslie watched him cautiously knowing one wrong move meant she was dead.

Morbius smiled as he moved in. He had one this battle quickly and efficiently. He had left nothing to chance this time. Then he heard the motorcycle. Before he could even move a pair of wheels rolled across his body. The boy on the bike turned to make another run. Morbius rose to his feet. Sedona had already recovered and Leslie didn't seem as helpless as she had before. Morbius fled into the mist and out of sight.

Later that evening, the gang met at Ariana's apartment.

"How about it, Daniel?" Torrance asked. "Now that you know monsters exist, would you like to join us?"

"Yeah," Daniel nodded. "As long as you understand that finding my sister is my first priority."

"We'll help you," Leslie said placing her hand on Daniel's shoulder.

"Sorry, guys," Duane broke in. "I can't find anything on the Vampire Underground or the Dark City."

"That's okay, Duane," Ariana said. "I'll look in my books tomorrow."

"I will look in mine as well." Silas added.

Silas stood in the center of his bedchamber speaking on his cellphone.

"Mother, I have the children under control but this Blade character is a wild card. I don't like it but at least he is going after vampires. We never should have started that silly rumor you know. Now we'll have to clear out the vampires before we can proceed . . . Excuse me, Mother, I seem to have a guest."

Silas set his cellphone on the desk and turned to his invader. "Cole October! What brings you by so late at night?"

"I have found my heir. Have you?" Cole taunted.

Silas only scowled as Cole melted into the shadows laughing.

Next issue: Jonah Hex and Silas Androvich cross paths in Midnight Sons #5 . . .