October 14, 2003 - #2
Editors: Chip Caroon, John Phillips, and JM de Joya
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The Tenku
by John Phillips


The phone had rung at 4:30 AM. That wouldn't have been bad if she had gone to bed before 3:00 AM.

Ariana Helsington wiped the sleep from her eyes. Two patrol cars were already in front of the Transverse Museum of History with their lights flashing. Ariana entered the front entrance and approached the first officer she saw.

"Ms. Helsington?" the officer asked.

Ariana nodded and extended her hand. "What's seems to be the problem?"

"We had reports of shots being fired. When we investigated we found your front doors unlocked and your night watchman was dead," the officer replied. "We need you to check your security tapes and to tell us if anything is missing."

Ariana headed for the security room. The night watchman's body had been removed but the chalk outline told her he had been decapitated. She hoped the tapes showed a little more. Unfortunately they didn't. The tapes had been removed.

Two hours later revealed that the only item missing was the Sarcophagus of Tenusitsun. It was a vase in the shape of a man. It was rumored to hold the ashes of an ancient Japanese wizard.

Duane Barclay snored softly in his high-back leather chair. A headset phone dangled from the right arm and an empty soda can was resting in his left hand. The four computer monitors were the only illumination in the room. A loud buzzing sound roused him from his REM state and the soda can rattled as it fell to the floor.

Duane had designed a new program. It could be called a search engine but it was so much more. It had been searching for more possible Oni sightings in and around Transverse using specific words and phrases. The buzzing indicated his program had flagged something. Duane stared at the computer screen for a moment waiting for his eyes to adjust. The flag was a police report. It seems that someone claimed to have spotted an albino ape.

"Sounds like we've got another Oni. Better call the gang," he said. He reached around for his headset phone and placed it on his head. A familiar ringing sound filled his ears. "Duane Barclay," he answered.

"Duane, this is Ariana. I need you to check out something. See if you can find out anything significant about the Sarcophagus of Tenusitsun."

Torrance Angus strolled down the Transverse sidewalk silently. The morning was still a bit cool but the rising sun was slowly warming the oncoming day. Torrance was on his way to meet his girlfriend, Julie West. He had promised to meet her for breakfast. His current night activities had prevented him from seeing her recently so he didn't want to be late.

He hated keeping his night activities a secret but he had been keeping secrets his entire life. His father was a were-wolf. Of course he didn't find that out until his thirteenth birthday when claws suddenly appeared on his hands. He thought he was a mutant until his mother told him the truth. He never met his father because he had been killed in a dispute with a rival clan.

The wolf blood did have its advantages. He was faster and stronger than average and sometimes the claws did come in handy. He still lived in fear of turning completely into a wolf some day. Fortunately the cycle of the moon didn't effect him like the were-wolves of legend.

As he moved through the town he approached the corner of Elmont and Third Street. Duane had told him another Oni had been sighted there last night and he had promised to check it out on his way. He entered the closest alley and surveyed the surroundings. He was about to leave when he heard a pair of frantic voices.

The two men entered the alley from the opposite end. Torrance leapt behind the trash dumpster and into a pile of Oni droppings. He frowned as he looked to see the others. They were both Japanese and speaking their native tongue so Torrance was oblivious to their conversation. They both appeared worried.

One of them carried a fragile looking vase and he carried it with great care. They moved into the alley and approached a wall. Without showing signs of stopping they both walked straight through the wall.

Torrance watched for a moment to make sure they were gone. He cursed to himself as he left the alley. He had to go home and clean himself up. He was going to be late for his date with Julie again.

Ariana had retreated to her office after the police had left. The museum was closed for the day but then it never had very many patrons anyway. Restless she began searching her books for any information of the missing relic. She had been searching for a little over an hour and turned up nothing she slammed the book shut and grabbed the phone.

"Duane, have you found anything?" she asked.

"Just that the Sarcophagus of Tenusitsun contained the ashes of a white wizard," Duane answered.

"I already knew that. Check with Leslie and see if she knows of any spells that require a wizard's ashes."

"I already did. She didn't know anything. I also checked the Spellfire website. They've got some wicked security but I didn't find anything there either."

"Well keep searching. Call me if you find anything."

Ariana place the phone on the receiver and banged her fist against the book on her desk. She knew she was starting to rely on Duane too much but he usually found the information she needed so quickly. "What's so special about that vase?"

"Perhaps I can answer that," Silas Androvich replied as he stepped into her office. "Please forgive the intrusion. I noticed the closed sign but the door was open. My name is Silas Androvich, a humble mystic." He continued with a bow.

Ariana silently cursed herself because she had forgotten to lock the door. "You said you have information concerning the Sarcophagus of Tenusitsun."

"Yes," he stated with a clever smile. "Tenu Sit-Sun was a white wizard. He was killed by his rival Tenku, the Shadow's Heart. Tenku actually kept the old boy's ashes. Anyway, Tenku was slain by my order. There were rumors that he had a resurrection spell that required a single drop of his blood. For that reason my order drained his blood and it was destroyed. I believe that Tenku hid a sample of his blood in the ashes of his enemy. It's the one place my order would have never looked. I believe the Shogunate, Tenku's followers, are attempting to resurrect him and I believe that they are going to do it soon. Tenku was a wizard of the darkest sorts if he isn't stopped who knows what danger we may be in." He paused for a moment. "Am I correct in assuming your night-watchman was beheaded?"

Ariana nodded.

"That would be the Shadow's wing, one of Tenku's lieutenants. A very nasty fellow! He is probably your thief."

"Hold that thought," Ariana said as she reached for the phone. "Duane, I need you to look into someone named Tenku and see what you can find out about a resurrection spell using a drop of blood." She hung up before Duane could respond. "Now Mr. Androvich, perhaps you can tell me more about this order you belong to before we commit to helping you."

"Oni droppings . . . No kidding!" Leslie laughed and soon Sedona and Gerald joined her.

"It wasn't that funny!" Torrance said defensively.

Duane was at Ariana's computer once again and was unaware of the conversation.

"Hey Geekboy!" Sedona called. "What's so important? You're staring at that screen like it was playing BabeWatch or something."

"I'm trying to get past the Spellfire security. It would be a lot easier if Ariana would update her computer," Duane complained and continued to tap the keyboard furiously. "By the way, I pulled up a few spells I though you might find useful." He continued handing Leslie some pages from the printer.

"These are great, Duane. Thanks," Leslie responded.

The doorbell rang. "That would be our guest," Ariana stated as she headed for the door. She opened it and allowed Silas to enter. "Everyone, this is Silas Androvich of the Order of the Stone."

"Ask him which circle," Leslie's grandfather whispered even though no one else could hear him.

"Which circle?" Leslie spoke up.

"Circle?" Silas said caught off guard. "Oh . . . Circle . . . I am of the first circle," he stammered.

"A novice."

"So you're a novice," Leslie continued.

"How does one so young know so much about my order?" Silas asked.

"Leslie's practically an encyclopedia of arcane knowledge," Ariana answered. "Who knows where she picks this stuff up?"

"Got it!" Duane said interrupting the conversation. The printer hummed in the background.

"What's up, Geekboy?" Sedona asked.

"According to Spellfire, Tenku will be resurrected on the full moon before All Hallow's Eve. That's tonight."

"Good work Duane!" Ariana praised.

"So we've got to stop him, tonight?" Sedona moaned.

"We better start in the alley Thor was in earlier." Leslie said taking charge. "It sounds like something's going on there."

"Let's go!" Gerald said excitedly.

"You still haven't been released, Gerald," Ariana stated. "Until you're medically cleared you'll have to stay here."

"With Geekboy!" Sedona added, not noticing that Duane had paused for a moment to watch her through the corner of his eye.

Gerald nodded and bowed his head silently.

"Sedona!" Leslie chastised. "Is that really necessary?"

"Hey, Geekboy's the crasher. He was never officially invited to this party. Besides we need to get moving before this Tenku decides to wake up without us."

"Before you go, let me cast a protection spell," Silas began. "The Shadow's Wing is sure to be there and his black projectiles are deadly."

Silas raised his hands and began to incant. "Far from Nirvalon's bright Sea we entreat thee protect these children from the Shadow's wrath." A visible sphere of energy surrounded them and then disappeared.

"Remember," Silas stated as they walked out the door, "the blood is the most important part. Destroy the blood and the spell is over."

"That's definitely Thor's footprint." Sedona stated examining the Oni's excrement.

"This is the alley," Torrance insisted.

"No one's doubting you Torrance," Leslie comforted.

"I am," her grandfather replied.

The three companions had been in the alley for thirty minutes and still hadn't found the entrance.

"Wait a minute," Leslie ordered. She closed her eyes and whispered. "Eye of Vishanti." She opened her eyes. "There it is." She moved to the end of the alley and stepped through the wall.

Torrance and Sedona looked at each other dumbfounded and followed.

Beyond the wall was a descending staircase. Chanting could be heard in chamber below. They crept down the stairs and into the chamber.

The Shogunate were arranged in a circle around Tenku's body. Two Oni were sleeping in a cage behind them. One of the members of the circle stood and began to speak.

"By the scarlet night of Draggus we pour this essence upon the vessel. May this most precious of fluids awaken the master. May the Shadow's heart beat once more."

The Shogunate priest raised the Sarcophagus of Tenusitsun and dropped it on the floor. He lowered himself and sifted through the ashes. In a moment he produced a small vial.

"Time to move guys," Leslie stated as she ran into the room. "By Nabu's blinding light."

The chanting stopped as the Shogunate members stared at the brilliant light that appeared in the center of the chamber. The two Oni were awakened by the bright light and began growling and rattling their cage. Cole October reacted to the three invaders by releasing his Black Projectiles at them. The projectiles struck the protection spheres and ricocheted into the walls of the chamber.

Torrance moved on Cole and swung his fist at the Shadow's Wing. Cole dodged the blow easily and counter-attacked with a roundhouse kick. Torrance fell back. He moved forward again and surprised Cole with his speed. His next blow connected. Cole decided he had underestimated the youth and needed to end this quickly. He pummeled Torrance with a straight punch. Torrance fell to the floor unconscious.

Sedona rushed the Shogunate Priest and grabbed the vial from his fingers. He awoke instantly and wrapped his arms around her. She started to toss the vial to Leslie but realized Leslie was too far away. She looked in the other direction and saw the Oni. She forced her elbow into the Priests ribcage and he released her. She took the stance of a baseball pitcher and tossed the vial at the Oni's open mouth. The Oni swallowed it in a single gulp.

Sedona turned and saw Torrance fall to the floor. She leapt over the Shogunate circle and followed with a roundhouse that knocked Cole to the floor. Cole stood up and surveyed his surroundings the spell was obviously over and the mages were caught in Leslie's spell. So he did the only thing he could do. He melted into the shadows and disappeared.

At the foot of the stairs Silas Androvich watched the action. "I release the Mists of Morpheus," he spoke and instantly a mist began to rise in the room. Leslie and Sedona both fell to the floor and began to snore.

Silas entered the room and grabbed a katana that was decorating the chamber wall. He made his way to the center of the circle and swung the blade in a wide arc. The Shogunate members' heads rolled from their bodies. "For my brethren!" he screamed as he lowered the blade into the Priest and then repeated his move into the corpse of Tenku.

He grabbed a torch from the nearest wall and tossed it on Tenku's lifeless form. It burst into flames. Moments later the room was filled with fire. Silas ascended the stairs without even looking back.

Torrance breathed in the smoke and began coughing. The coughing fit brought him into a state of consciousness and rose to his feet. Claws extended from his hands as he panicked. Then he saw Sedona and Leslie sleeping on the floor. He forgot himself and rushed to them. He tossed one over each shoulder and headed for the alley. In a matter of seconds he was breathing fresh air and trying to arouse the girls. He breathed a sigh of relief when they both woke up.

Only one Oni remained loose in Transverse. It had taken most of the night but they had finally tracked it down.

Sedona swung her quarterstaff at the Oni's midsection it bent over growling in pain. Torrance followed up with a blow to the head from his staff while Leslie tried to cast the Bands of Cytorrak around him. This was especially difficult since she had never attempted the spell on a moving target. Sedona finished with a strike to the back of its leg and the creature collapsed with the magical bands surrounding him.

Leslie pulled out her cellphone. "We got him!" she replied.

From the shadows, Silas watched in amusement. He put his cellphone to his ear and smiled.

"Mother," he began, "the Shogunate have been dealt with and I believe these children are going to become extremely useful."

Next issue: The vampires come out and play in Midnight Sons #3 . . .