DCM Zone
Doom Patrol

Negative Reaction: Part V
by Bob Young

The Estate formerly belonging to the late Clark Savage . . . HQ of the Doom Patrol:

Blastarr, the Living Bomb Burst, had been defeated. The Doom Patrol had found a way to stop the powerful creature from the Negative Zone, incarcerated him in their headquarters before he did further damage to New York.

Michael Holt - better known as Mr. Terrific - had a special stasis booth created to keep the monstrous invader in an indefinite sleep. Blastarr wouldn't be any further threat as long as he stayed inside the elevator-sized booth.

Mr. Terrific checked the settings on the booth for the third time, making sure the being inside was held properly suspended. He nodded. Everything was in order. It was quite a relief to him, considering how formidable a foe Blastarr had been. The Negative Zone creature was far too dangerous to be allowed to remain in our world. He needed to return the creature to its own dimension.

Mr. Terrific was explaining this fact to his five teammates . . . Elasti-Girl, Robotman, Negative-Man, Namorita and Halo-who were less than enthusiastic.

"Are you flamin' nuts, Mikey?" Robotman asked, exasperated. "You wanna go into that spooky place?"

"I have to," Mr. Terrific said.

"No you don't!" Rita Farr (Elasti-Girl) said. "You can just as easily eject the stasis booth into the Negative Zone portal and we'll all wave bye-bye. There's no reason to go in there!"

"She's making good sense," Negative-Man said. "I don't see any reason for going into that creepy zone."

"I'm forced to agree with them, Michael," Namorita said. "There may be many more creatures like that Blastarr within."

"More like him?" Halo said. "I don't think I like that."

"I have to do this," Terrific said, "and I'll tell you why. First of all, I need to make sure that Blastarr is deposited deep in the Negative Zone, far from the dimensional portal; otherwise he might find it again and be tempted to return here. Secondly, I need to determine how much of a threat the Negative Zone poses to our world. Are there more beings like Blastarr in there, waiting to invade us, should they find a way through? And finally, there's a personal reason. I told you how much this meant to Doc Savage. The discovery of the Negative-Zone was the culmination of years of research, for which he was scorned. I need to vindicate him. I'm not asking anyone to go with me. This is my job. A personal mission. I own it to him. For that reason and the others I've mentioned, I have to go into the Negative Zone!"

"There's something else you haven't mentioned," Rita said. "There's your own scientific curiosity. You've spent a lot of time discovering the Negative Zone. You want to know what's in there, don't you?"

Mr. Terrific didn't want to admit it, but Rita had him pegged. "If I'm pressed to tell the truth . . . "

"That figures," Negative-Man said. "The scientist's ego!"

Robotman was annoyed. "You ain't gonna change that stubborn mind o'yours, are ya, Mike?"

"He won't," Rita said. "I know him all too well."

"No, I won't," Terrific said. "My mind is made up. I'm going in. I don't want any further arguments. It won't do you any good. I need to start preparing. My trip may take weeks or even months."

"Our trip," Rita said. "No way I let you go off alone again."

"Rita . . . " Terrific began, but his protest was interrupted.

"Don't 'Rita' me, Mr. Holt," she snapped. "I spent six months thinking you were dead when you and Dr. Doom vanished into space. Now you expect me to let you just wander off into the Negative Zone for months, while I sit here playing desperate housewife?"

"She's right, Mike," Robotman said. "Somebody has ta keep ya outta trouble. You're stuck with a couple'a traveling companions. One fer all an' all fer one."

"Where our leader goes, we all go," Namorita said. "Add one more traveling companion."

"Make that two more traveling companions," Halo said. "We Inhumans don't desert our friends. Besides, it could be exciting! What do you say, Larry?"

Larry Trainer - the Negative-Man - was displeased. He thought this excursion into danger was pointless and stupid, fueled by Mr. Terrific's huge ego. Still, he had a duty to his friends even when they were being stupid. And he had recently developed a strong romantic attachment to Halo. Where ever she was, he wanted to be as well. He certainly didn't want her to think he was a coward.

"Why not?" he said. "There's nothing good on television anyway. Summer reruns. Might as well go into the danger zone. Count me in."

Mr. Terrific was touched by their loyalty. "I appreciate it, but you don't have to . . . "

"Just shut up and deal with it, love," Rita insisted. "You're outvoted and we're coming."

"We don't wanna hear any more arguments!" Robotman added.

Mr. Terrific smiled. "Thank you. Thanks all of you."

And so, the stage was set for the Doom Patrol's journey into the mysterious Negative Zone.

Over the next few days, Mr. Terrific was a whirlwind of excited activity, preparing the equipment the team would need for their long excursion into the unknown. He couldn't anticipate what would happen once they got there but he had managed to take some preliminary readings of the environment on the other side of the Negative Zone portal and done some study on cells from Blastarr. This gave him a rough idea of what they would be heading into. He trusted his team and his own resourceful mind, and so was confident that they'd deal successfully with whatever dwelled within.

Mr. Terrific was also a bit concerned about their absence from the world. The Doom Patrol had been acting as protectors of the people, saving the city from Molecule Man and Blastarr. He didn't think he should just rush off without a word to anyone, so he contacted Captain America at the Hall of Justice.

" . . . And I can't say for certain how long we'll be gone," Terrific told Cap. "It may be as long as six months. I just thought you should know. And if you could pass the word on to our peers, I'd appreciate it."

"Of course," Cap said. "We'll miss your help fighting the good fight. I heard from Wasp what you did against Blastarr. And you've been an asset as far as giving scientific advice. But I understand your need to go to this Negative Zone and I would probably do the same thing in your place."

"Thank you, Captain," Terrific said. "We'll be back as soon as we can. As for scientific consultation, you have Henry Pym, and I'm sure Reed Richards will be glad to offer an opinion on anything you might need to know. You'll be fine without me."

"Well then, good luck," Cap said. "I hope it's a triumph for science, as well as a vindication for my old friend Doc savage. Be careful and God speed."

"Thanks, Captain," Terrific said. "I'm sure it will be an adventure."

Under the sea, in the Atlantic Ocean . . .

Princess Namorita was swimming to Atlantis. She had to tell her cousin-King Namor-that she would be gone for months. He wouldn't be happy about it but she knew he'd convince him. Although he'd gone sour on the surface world, he once was a member of the Justice Society. He'd eventually understand.

Namorita had her own doubts about going, but her team needed her. And besides, her beloved Michael was going. She wanted to see him through any dangers and hopefully win his love. If Elasti-Girl was going, Namorita had to be there. She couldn't let those two be off for months without her.

And so Namorita enjoyed her last day in the sea that she'd spend for a long time. She'd miss the beautiful oceans and all the wonderful creatures therein. She hoped that the trip to the Negative Zone wouldn't be too long. This was her natural habitat. She belonged here. She wondered if they had any such oceans in the Negative Zone.

It was getting late in the evening before the Doom Patrol were to leave for their amazing voyage. Halo was flying above the Savage estate in her Light Form. He playfully created fireworks to celebrate their last night on Earth. It was also a ritual among the Inhumans to celebrate a triumph in advance, as if it had already happened.

Larry stood on the front lawn, looking up at her. He had become so emotionally drawn to her these last few weeks, it was scary to him. He had been in lust with woman before. And he'd once been infatuated with Rita. But he'd never been in love before.

He'd never dreamed before now that he could meet anyone who was not put off by the scared ruin of flesh he hid beneath his bandages. But Halo was one of the Inhumans and they were brought up not to look at the surface. Rather, they saw the goodness inside a person. And halo apparently liked what she saw inside Larry.

This was a revelation to him because he didn't see anything beautiful inside himself. He realized that he was bitter and angry about his lot in life. How, he wondered, could she see past both his anger and his deformity to find a soul worth loving?

"You're amazing," he whispered, looking up longingly at her. "And I'll follow you anywhere. Even to the Negative Zone."

The training room in the basement of the Savage estate:

It was after midnight but Robotman was sparring in the team training room with a robot opponent built by Mr. Terrific. He wanted the extra practice so he could be at his best to face whatever horrors awaited them in the Negative Zone.

It was at times like this when he realized how much was missing from his life. He had no relatives to say goodbye to. No girlfriend to kiss goodbye, even if he'd had lips. His only connections to the world were his pals in the Doom Patrol. So wherever they went, he went.

Michael was his best bud. If wanted to go prancing recklessly into the damn Negative Zone, then he'd have the Robotman there to watch his back!

Mr. Terrific found himself walking in a field of grass and flowers. What was he doing there, he wondered? How had he gotten there? He looked around, hoping to find something to help him pinpoint his location.

He spotted someone else. Someone he knew well. It was a tall, powerfully built man with bronze skin and strange eyes. As he approached, he smiled warmly at Mr. Terrific. "Hello, Michael."

It was Clark Savage, Jr., a.k.a. Doc Savage, the man of Bronze.

Mr. Terrific smiled. "Clark!"

"It's good to see you again, old friend," Doc Savage said.

"It's good to see you to," Terrific said. "But where are we?"

"In a special place in your mind," Doc Savage said. "It's easy to access while you sleep."

"I'm asleep in my bed," Terrific said, glad to finally understand what was going on. "Are you real, Clark? The last time I saw you, you had become the Spectre. Am I dreaming you?"

"I'm real," Doc Savage said. "I'm contacting you on a subconscious level."

"Are you?" Terrific asked, reaching out to touch Savage. "Or am I just dreaming that you said that because I so badly wanted to speak to you?"

Savage shrugged. "I guess there's no way for you to be sure. Either way I'm here, whether as a part of your mind or as a visitor to your mind. And I wanted to thank you for what you've done. Your respect for my memory and my work does me great honor."

"I owe it to you, Clark," Terrific said. "You taught me everything that was worth knowing. My mentor and my hero."

"You were a magnificent student," Savage said. "And if you go to the Negative Zone, you'll see wonders to thrill the imagination and horrors to chill the soul. It's an amazing scientific wonderland of mystery but it's not for the faint of heart. If you go, don't just do it for me. I wouldn't ask you and your friends to face such danger for my sake. Understand what you're in for."

"I do," Terrific said. "And it's not only for you. There are lots of reasons. You must know. If you're in my mind, you know why I have to go."

Savage nodded. "I do know. And you're doing the right thing. I'd do the same thing. You and your Doom Patrol are very brave and very loyal. You're a great team."

"I'm lucky to have them," Terrific said. "And I was lucky to have you for my teacher. You made me everything I am."

Savage put a hand on his shoulder. "You always had the greatness in you. It didn't take much to bring it out. I am so proud of you. Michael. You're everything I could have wanted in a son. You do honor to my legacy. I love you, you know."

Terrific hugged Savage. "And I've always loved you like a father. Thank you for everything, Clark."

"And now, I have to go," Savage said.

"Must you?"

"It's time for you to wake up and become the greatest explorer since Columbus," Savage said. "Go do what you have to do and know that I'm out there somewhere and that you've made me proud."

"Thank you," Terrific said. "Well, I guess this is goodbye."

"It is," Savage said. "Goodbye, Michael. And remember the greatness you have in you."

"I will," Terrific said. "I'll do good."

"I know."

Savage started to fade and the flowery, grassy landscape started to blur. The dream was over.

The bedroom of Michael Holt and Rita Farr . . .

Mr. Terrific woke up in his bed. He sat up. It was still dark. He looked at the clock. It was 3am. He wondered if he had dreamed his meeting with Doc Savage or if, somehow, his mentor had really managed to contact him from the great beyond. After all, there wasn't much he couldn't do, now that he was the Spectre.

Rita opened her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," he said. "Sorry I woke you."

"That's all right," she said, sitting up and putting her arm over his shoulders. "Can't sleep?"

"I was sleeping," he said. "But I'm not tired anymore."

"Excited about going into the Negative Zone?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. Among other things. I very much want this exploration to be a success. It's important, in so many ways."

"It will be," Rita said. "With you running it, how could it not be?"

Terrific smiled. "As long as I have you to inspire me, I'll do good."

"I know you will."

The day arrived:

The morning of the trip found everyone pensive and/or excited. They were all up early and ready to go. Namorita had returned during the night and rested in her water tank until Mr. Terrific gathered everyone for the pre-departure preparations.

"We don't know what to expect in there," Terrific said. "But if Blastarr is any indication, we'll need to be on our toes. There may be some disorientation as we pass through the dimensional distortion zone but it shouldn't be too severe. Let's make sure we all stay together in there. So, is everyone ready?"

"Ready, chief," Rita said.

"Raring to go," Robotman said.

"I'm excited," Halo chirped.

Namorita and Negative-Man acknowledged with less enthusiastic voices.

H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot floated nearby on his hover jets, a patient servant. Terrific addressed him like an old friend. "Well, H.E.R.B.I.E, I'm leaving the place in your hands. Take care of things."

"You can rely on me," the little robot said. "I'll keep the estate and the laboratory functional and spotless. I'll take care of your mail and take your phone calls. The estate is in good hands."

"Indeed it is," Terrific said. "We'll miss you, little friend."

"And I you, sir," H.E.R.B.I.E. replied. "All of you. It will not be the same here without all of you."

Everyone said their goodbyes to their robot friend and, in their own way, said goodbye to the estate and the world.

Terrific felt it was time to go. "Ok, everyone put on your gravity harnesses."

Belt-like harnesses, capable to creating localized gravity fields were strapped around the waists of everyone on the team. There were strong cables connecting the harnesses, so that the team members didn't get separated.

"Everyone grab some equipment," Terrific said. "None of it is very heavy. It's all made to be light-weight and easy to carry. I'll explain what it all does later. Cliff, would you carry the stasis booth? We can't leave old Blastarr behind."

"Why do I always have'ta be the beast o'burden?" Robotman muttered.

Robotman hefted up the booth, while everyone else picked up some smaller equipment.

"All set, everyone?"

They all nodded, with a touch of nervousness. Mr. Terrific opened the outer door to the Negative Zone. "Once we're inside, H.E.R.B.I.E., close the outer door behind us. We'll active the inner door from inside the airlock."

"Yes sir," H.E.R.B.I.E. said. "And good luck to you all."

"All right team," Terrific said. "Let's go."

"Why do I have the feelin' I'm gonna hate this trip?" Robotman asked.

They all stepped inside the Negative Zone portal doorway. Terrific nodded at H.E.R.B.I.E., who closed the outer door behind them. That was the last he'd see of them for a long time. The little robot checked the control panel. It indicated that the inner door was opened. That meant that the Doom Patrol members were now passing into the distortion field that separated our dimension from the Negative Zone.

It meant that they were gone!

"Good luck to you all," H.E.R.B.I.E. said. "I wonder what you'll find in there."

The End . . . for now

Writer's Note

Doom Patrol is going on hiatus. But in due time, the fate of the Doom Patrol members will be revealed! Will they survive the Negative Zone? Only time will tell.

-Bob Young