DCM Zone
Doom Patrol

Negative Reaction: Part II
by Bob Young

The Savage Estate; Residence and HQ of the Doom Patrol:

Mr. Terrific was tinkering with the portal to the newly discovered Negative Zone. It was a great discovery, begun by Doc Savage and concluded by Mister Terrific. Terrific had already tested the doorway/portal when he used it to exile the Molecule Man to the mysterious pocket dimension of anti-matter.

As Terrific focused on his new pride-and-joy, Rita Farr and Cliff Steele - Elasti-Girl and Robotman - cleared up the mess made during the Molecule Man's rampage in the headquarters. Cliff took note of the fact that, even though it was Michael's lab, he was not doing the cleaning. They were.

"I guess we oughtta change our name to the Maid Patrol," Cliff grumbled.

Mr. Terrific continued working.

"He's not listening," Rita said.

"I heard every word," Mr. Terrific said. "I chose to ignore it."

"Ya do that a lot," Cliff added.

"It helps around here," Terrific replied.

"I feel the love in this room," Rita commented.

"I have to get this done," Terrific said. "I'll be reporting my findings to the scientific community soon. This will vindicate any skepticism of Doc Savage. I'm looking forward to this!"

At that moment, HERBIE the robot came hovering into the room, carrying a tray of tea for the three heroes. "Refreshments, anyone?"

"Thank you, HERBIE," Rita said.

HERBIE noticed Cliff cleaning up. "Please, do not trouble yourself with that, Mr. Steele. That's why I'm here. You have more important things to do, I'm sure. I shall attend to the damage."

"HERBIE, yer okay in my book," Cliff said. "I'm gonna buy ya a whole case of polish."

"No need to thank me, sir," HERBIE said, and then considered the offer. "What kind of polish?"

"Would the rest of you keep it down, I'm trying to concentrate!" Terrific said. "The Negative Zone is a unique challenge."

Mister Terrific and his companions had no idea that the Negative Zone had already delivered up a surprise of its own . . . and it was lurking nearby!

Namorita was in the swimming pool of the Savage estate. At her request, chlorine had been removed and salt had been added. She swam, thinking over some things that were bothering her.

She had seen something. Or at least, she thought she did. When the portal to the Negative Zone had been opened, she thought she saw something moving in the darkness out of the corner of her eye. No one else saw it and a search of the area revealed nothing out of the ordinary. She must have imagined it. It was a bad sign when an Atlantean Princess starts seeing things.

Perhaps it was her ire at the relationship between her beloved Michael Holt and that Rita Farr person. Rita, who Namorita regarded as her rival. And Atlantean woman fought for their men!

Larry Trainer had managed to slip out of clean-up duty and was heading out for a stroll around the grounds when he saw Halo sitting watching TV. The young Inhuman found television mesmerizing. She spent most of her time since coming to America channel surfing.

Just great, Larry thought. We take in a member of the Inhuman royal family and turn her into a couch potato.

Larry wouldn't admit it but he was quite taken with the young, pretty girl who had taken up residence in the Savage estate. She was so sweet and perky and innocent. And she was damn good looking, too. And best of all, she wasn't judgmental at all. Having grown up in the environment that she did, one in which mutated and grotesque beings were the norm, she considered no one unusual. To her, no one was ugly. She looked beyond the outer shell and saw a person for who he really was. When she looked at the misshapen exteriors of Larry and Cliff, she didn't wince or turn away. She didn't find them freakish. To her, they were just good people. She considered them friends.

Larry wanted to be more than that. He wanted to kiss her, to feel her beneath him, to take her!

He walked up behind her. She didn't notice him yet. She was lost in a CSI episode. He stood looking at her for a while. Why was he so afraid of her?

"Hi," he said, with uncustomary meekness.

Halo turned around. "Oh, hello Larry. Is everything well after the rampage of the Molecule Man?"

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Good," she said. "I must say, I am fascinated by this thing you call television. It is a wondrous invention. Have you seen the program called the 'Simpsons'? I don't really understand it, but it makes me smile. That Bart is such a scamp. And that 'West Wing' show helps me to understand your government. But I thought your President was named something else other than Bartlett. These reality shows baffle me. I watched the show called 'The Bachelor' and I find the women there very strange. Woman among the Inhumans do not act so odd. This 'Average Joe' program is equally strange. Why did that foolish woman pick the tall, shallow man? The portly man was much nicer."

Larry smiled through the bandages that covered his face. Halo was amazing. So naïve. So good. "I don't get the reality thing either. I mean, does anyone care who Donald Trump hires?"

"I don't like him," Halo said. "He is very mean. Anyway, sit down and watch this with me. The forensics team is investigating a murder."

Larry gladly sat down next to Halo, glad that the TV would do the talking and he wouldn't have to think of anything to say. Halo made him nervous. He liked her. He wanted her to like him. They watched TV together.

Deep in the bowls of the service tunnels under the estate, which Doc Savage had built and used to perform maintenance on his subterranean geo-thermal generators . . . Something was moving!

The strange creature lumbered along, the only illumination provided by the red glow of the arrow signs that pointed toward the exit. The mysterious being had entered our universe through the portal that had been opened when the Doom Patrol fought the Molecule Man. Ignoring the tremendous force of the suction, the being forced his way into our positive matter realm and found himself in the estate of Doc Savage. Hidden by the chaos of the open portal and the Molecule Man's attack, the creature slipped out of the lab and into the corridors of the Savage estate. Weary of his new surroundings, the creature slipped into the comfortable darkness of the tunnels and used them to move around.

But he was tired of hiding under the ground. This did not befit his status. He was too important for this. He was better than this. Clearly destiny had brought him here and it was not to skulk in dark tunnels. It was time to step out of the shadows and into the light of the unknown world above.

A world he would conquer!

Following the arrows, he located the exit. The creature raised his hand, and suddenly there was an explosion. The door was shattered into tiny, burnt shards. The stairway was revealed. The creature ascended.

The hatchway at the top of the stairs popped open and the creature stepped out into the sun. He was in an open field, barely a mile from the Savage estate. He noticed the residence in the distance but paid it no further mind. Looking in the other direction, he saw a city. That was where he wanted to go! That would be where he would find his destiny, and his new subjects! Subjects who would worship him or die!

Back in the sitting room, where Larry and Halo were still watching television together, Larry heard the echo of the distant explosion coming from the nearest access point to the deep tunnels. Halo clearly was oblivious. Larry wanted to ignore the possible problem and stay with Halo but he couldn't get the sound out of his mind. It sounded like something blew up. He really should check this out. He tried to fight his better urges but he couldn't suppress them for long.

"I'll be back in a minute, Halo. I've got to check something out."

Halo waved a hand absent-mindedly to acknowledge him and Larry headed for the tunnels.

Back in the lab, the clean up was almost done. Mister Terrific was still completely focused on his great discovery. He didn't know which pleased him more . . . The fact that he had made a scientific breakthrough, or that this would vindicate Doc Savage.

Rita came up beside him. "This is really important to you, isn't it?"

"To me and to him!" Terrific said. "Clark Savage deserves this."

Robotman watched HERBIE straightening up the lab and fixing a few broken odds and ends. "Well, outta respect fer old Doc, I'll help clean this mess up, but don't expect me ta make a habit of it. I got my pride."

Mister Terrific continued to check on the instrumentation. "Everything is undamaged. All systems functioning at top capacity. The Inter-Dimensional sensor readings of the Zone are delivering spectacular information. I'm ready to go and reveal this discovery to the world. And the dimensional portal seems to be perfectly capable of transporting a man from our universe safely to the Negative Zone. Or vice-versa if the portal was open."

"But how can negative and positive matter co-exist without an explosion?" Rita asked.

"Because of the spatial distortion scrambler," Terrific said. "As an object is crossing through the dimensional rift between zones, it is basically pulled apart molecule by molecule, and re-polarized. It's a similar principle to a transporter device. Then the object would be reformed exactly as before, except that its matter/anti-matter nature has been reversed."

"I think I get it," Rita said. "If anything made of anti-matter were to come through the distortion scrambling thing it would be taken apart and turned into matter and then reformed as an object that can exist in our universe. An if we sent something into the Negative Zone, it would be turned to Anti-matter."

"That's it precisely!" Mister Terrific said. "And in theory, the same would apply to a person. Anyone going to the Negative Zone would become anti-matter and survive in the Zone."

"So that Molecule Man jerk might still be alive in the Negative Zone?" Robotman asked.

"All the evidence points to it," Terrific said. "The scientific theory is sound. I wouldn't have sent him there if I thought he had no chance to survive the crossing."

"I would'a," Robotman said.

Terrific wasn't listening anymore. He was looking at the giant viewer that presented a picture of the Negative Zone, based on the inter-dimensional scanner. Mister Terrific thought of a whole, new frontier waiting to be explored. It was an exhilarating idea.

The creature from the Negative Zone was trampling across the field, the distant city growing slowly larger with each long stride. The strange being was just itching to begin the subjugation of this backward little planet and ultimately use it as a stepping stone toward his true goal.

The being came across a highway. He studied the primitive vehicles racing along, ferrying the small inhabitants of this planet on their meaningless errands. Such tiny, pathetic creatures, the invader thought.

The drivers saw the large, lumbering form stomping onto the shoulder of the highway. Drivers were so distracted that an accident resulted. Cars skidded and rammed into each other. The sound of metal and glass breaking echoed across the field.

The Negative Zone being watched the pile-up with disdainful scorn. He saw the injured bodies of the crash victims and realized how easily these puny creatures could be damaged or killed. They wouldn't make very good servants but they would have to do.

But these particular beings were hurt and of no use. They could serve no purpose except as a demonstration of the Negative Zone visitor's power. The strange being raised his large hands toward the highway and a blast of astounding power exploded forth.

Cars exploded and people were incinerated by the amazing power of the explosive force that the creature emitted. He possessed enormous destructive power. The monster laughed at the carnage he was causing. This planet would be easy to conquer.

Larry Trainer was walking through the subterranean tunnels, looking for the source of the blast. He couldn't see much in the dimly lit passages and was ready to give up. But then he smelt something. Was it smoke?

Larry sniffed out the source of the smoky scent. He found the shattered door. Larry knew that these doors were reinforced metal and not easily destroyed. Yet nothing else was damaged. Whatever had blown the doors down was focused directly for the purpose of opening this doorway. This was no accidental explosion.

Larry looked at the stairway beyond the ruined door. It was covered with ash. Larry noticed, with some alarm, that there was a footprint in the ashes. A large and decidedly non-human footprint! The print of whatever had destroyed the door!

Larry looked to the top of the stairs. The emergency exit at the top of the stairs was open. Whatever was down here was now loose in the world. This was not good! The thing in question was big and could cause explosions powerful enough to wreck re-enforced metal doors. Someone had to check this out.

Larry debated summoning the rest of the team but decided to check it out on his own. He was a big boy and could handle things without the others. He didn't need a baby sitter. This may not be too big a deal after all.

Larry climbed out into the field and looked around for something unusual. He spotted some more of those big, strange footprints heading in the direction of the highway. He then heard the explosions across the field. He couldn't make out what was going on but he saw the pillars of smoke and explosive plumes of flame coming from the highway. Something bad was going on. And he doubted that it was a coincidence. This had to be connected with his mysterious intruder.

Sitting on the ground, Larry released the Negative-Man from his body. Larry slumped weakly onto the ground, like a puppet with its strings cut. He lay there, too weak to move, but mentally in contact with the Negative Man. He could sense what was happening to his silhouetted alter ego.

Negative-Man flew in an instant across the field and observed the scene at the highway. Some monster was unleashing blasts of energy and destroying cars and drivers. The Negative Man, and by proxy Larry, studied the creature.

The invader from the Negative Zone was a large creature, ten feet high and extremely broad from shoulder to shoulder. It was basically humanoid in shape but was clearly not of this Earth. Its skin was blue, but thick and leathery like a hippo's protective epidermis. His large head was surrounded by a lion-like mane. His eyes were an unearthly indigo color. His nose was pig-like and his wide mouth was full of shark-like fangs. Two long incisors were prominent. His ears were pointed. His hands were similar to an Earthman's but his feet were more simian in nature. He was a bizarre specimen.

Larry suspected that this was no mindless beast because of the body armor it wore. The gray, armless armor was slightly Roman-like but with touches of medieval knighthood. His suspicions were confirmed when the creature spoke. Its voice was deep and fierce. It shouted at its victims in a language that neither Larry, nor any other Earthman, had ever heard before.

If he could understand the alien language, he would have learned that the invader's name was Blastarr!

Both Larry and his Negative alter ego were incensed by the sight of this big beast laughing as it slew several victims and injured dozens more. Negative-Man launched himself into battle.

Negative-Man bathed Blastarr with waves of microwave energy. Blastarr was surprised but unhurt by the attack. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it, taking the energy in like a warm, refreshing hot shower. Blastarr looked up at the dark figure, and shouted at him in his native language, which neither Larry nor the Negative-Man could understand.

Negative-Man stretched himself out snake-like and rapped himself around the body of Blastarr. He tried to boil the blood of the alien intruder with microwaves. But once again, the attack did no good. Blastarr seemed to relish the attack. With a display of strength, Blastarr spread his arms and stretched the Negative-Man out like a chewed piece of gum. Larry felt the backlash of pain that the Negative-Man felt. Also, time was running out. Larry and the Negative-Man could only be separated for ninety seconds before the separation became fatal. A minute had passed.

So weak he could hardly move, Larry reached for his wrist-communicator and pressed the red-alert signal.

Back in the lab, Mister Terrific was talking about the Negative Zone to Rita and Cliff when HERBIE came drifting in as fast as his hover-jets could carry him.

"Sir, there is an emergency!" HERBIE announced. "I just got a priority red alert from Mr. Trainer."

"I didn't even know the pest left the building," Robotman said.

"Where is he?" Mister Terrific asked.

"I've pinpointed his exact location as being a half mile east," HERBIE said. "Near the highway."

"We'd better go and see what's happening," Rita suggested.

"Right!" Terrific said. "Round up Nita and Halo. We don't know what the situation is, but we know Larry doesn't like to call for help. If he's hit the alert button, it could be something big!"

Back at the battle on the highway . . .

Blastarr released his awesome explosive powers at the Negative-Man, but the shadowy figure was too quick. Negative-Man could move at the speed of light. However, as the clock ticked down toward the 90 second mark, the Negative-Man got slower. Larry sensed his weakness and summoned him back to his host body.

As the dark shade called the Negative-Man turned to retreat back to his host, he left himself vulnerable. Distracted and with his speed reduced, the experience of Blastarr allowed him to get a bead on his opponent. Blastarr fired . . .

And struck the Negative-Man a devastating blow! The powerful blast had such an effect on the Negative-Man's energy form that the dark being suddenly exploded.

Larry felt the feedback and screamed with agony at the destruction of his alter ego. The pain was unbearable. Worse yet, only thirty seconds remained before the Negative-Man had to return to Larry's body. Now that it was destroyed, Larry didn't see how he could survive.

Blastarr, oblivious to Larry's presence or his plight, turned from the highway and looked toward the city. He didn't know the city was called New York and he didn't care. All he knew was that it seemed as majestic as this little world was likely to offer and so he intended to use it as a base of operations after he conquered the world. Then, he could focus on achieving his true goal!

Tired of the slow hike across fields, Blastarr decided on a faster mode of travel. Pointing his hands at the ground, Blastarr unleashed his power blast. The reverse thrust of the blasts caused Blastarr to shoot upwards, like a rocket ship launching from a pad. Tilting himself slightly, he flew at an angle that took him to the city of New York, where he would begin his campaign of destruction and conquest!

Meanwhile, Larry lay semi-conscious, counting down the few remaining seconds of his life!

Next: Blastarr hits New York, and the Doom Patrol try desperately to stop him. They get some help from a few guests stars, but will it be enough? And what will happen to the Negative-Man? Find out in part three!