DCM Zone
Doom Patrol

Cultural Exchange
by Bob Young

Attilan, the Great Refuge:

The members of the Doom Patrol had just spent a week in paradise. They have been the honored guests of the Inhumans, and thus have been catered to and pampered like kings for six days. Twice in recent days, the Doom Patrol had been of service to the Inhumans. First, they found a way to dissipate the dark energy field that had encased Attilan for nearly two decades. Soon after that, they rescued members of the royal family from the thrall of Spragg, the Living Hill. To thank them, the Inhumans have given them a week of pure leisure and comfort.

Mr. Terrific and his lover Elasti-Girl walked arm-in-arm through the streets of the Great Refuge. For Mr. Terrific, this was a wonderful opportunity for scientific study of an unknown race. For Elasti-Girl, it was a chance to catch up on lost time with her beloved Michael, who had been lost to her for months and only recently returned.

Robotman and Negative-Man were the happiest they had been in many a year. This was the first time that they had been able to walk free and socialize like normal people. The Inhumans didn't seem to mind the abnormal appearance that kept these two heroes as outcasts in their own world. To the Inhumans, abnormal was normal. The two Doom Patrol members reveled in the opportunity to feel accepted, and even revered. They loved it in Attilan. No one thought they were freaks here.

Namorita, princess of New Atlantis, was used to being catered to. In some ways, Attilan reminded her of being home in Atlantis. She missed her homeland. Her friends in the Doom Patrol made her self-imposed exile more tolerable, but nothing could make her forget the majesty of Atlantis. This past week was the closest she had felt to being back in the land of her birth in a long time.

A good time was had by all, but all good things come to an end. Eventually, Mr. Terrific called his team together to announce . . .

"It's time to go home."

No one reacted well to the news. "Do we have to?" Namorita asked.

"I suppose the rest of you can stay, but I have to go," Mr. Terrific said. "The Godzilla situation is still hanging over our heads. We don't know how long it will be before the creature returns. We have to be ready for it. Also, Doc Savage is still in a coma, and I want to do something to help him. Therefore, I'm going back. What the rest of you do is up to you."

"I go where you go," Elasti-Girl said.

"Thank you," Terrific said. "And the rest of you?"

The other three hesitated, but ultimately their loyalty was stronger than their desire to be revered.

"I'm with ya, Mikey," Robotman said. "After all, how much hero worship can one guy take?"

"You have my loyalty, at all times," Namorita said.

Negative-Man looked around. It seemed that he was the odd man out. "I don't want to be the rotten apple in your barrel."

"No one is forcing you, Larry," Elasti-Girl commented.

"And no one will forget it if I don't," Larry replied. "All right, I'll go along with the group. Let's fly."

"Damn! I was hoping we were rid of him!" Robotman said.

"Up your chassis," Negative-Man snapped back.

"Negative-Man must refer to your IQ," Robotman quipped.

"Postpone the battle of wits, boys," Elasti-Girl said. "Save it for when we get home."

Soon . . .

Black Bolt, King of the Inhumans, and his beautiful bride Medusa, were giving the Doom Patrol a royal send-off. Also present were Crystal - Medusa's younger sister - and the love of her life, the Blue Diamond. Nearby, another cousin named Halo stood watch.

"We thank you again for being of such great assistance to us," Medusa said. "Black Bolt has designated you honorary members of the royal family, and you are welcome to return any time."

"And we thank you for your hospitality," Elasti-Girl said. "We've had a wonderful time these past few days. I hope we can return again."

"Our home is your home," Medusa said. "Be well in your journeys. Enjoy the world and the great adventures that await you. I envy you your future."

"And I envy you your figure," Rita said, remarking on Medusa's shapely form. "If I was built like you, I'd have gotten twice as much money when I was a movie star."

Medusa didn't understand the comment. Meanwhile, Negative-Man and Robotman were also making a study of Medusa's impressive curves.

"Too bad she's married," Negative-Man said. "What a babe!"

"Ain't it ironic that she lives in a place where looks ain't considered important," Robotman said. "Where we come from, women pay a fortune to be stacked like that."

"I wish we had more time to learn about each other," Mr. Terrific said to the king and queen. "Your Great Refuge is fascinating. I'd love to study it more."

Elasti-Girl whispered in his ear. "As long as you're not studying her!"

"Perhaps in the future, we can learn more of each others cultures," Medusa said.

"Maybe some sort of cultural exchange?" Terrific suggested.

The Blue Diamond nodded. "That's a good idea. I'm staying here with the Inhumans. I'll represent the humans," he grinned down at his precious Crystal, who beamed affectionately back at him.

Halo, who had been listening, stepped forward. "I want to go!"

Black Bolt and Medusa looked shocked. "You what?" Medusa asked.

"Please, your majesty," Halo said. "You and Black Bolt know how I've always wanted to explore the world outside the Great Refuge. Maybe this cultural exchange is a good idea."

"Halo, you are absolutely unprepared for the outside world!" Medusa said.

"But that's the point," Halo remarked. "To learn. And I'll have good teachers. The Doom Patrol!"

Medusa and Black Bolt looked at each other, uncertain.

"We'd be happy to have her come for a visit," Mr. Terrific said.

"Our existence is a secret," Medusa said. "It's not for nothing that its called the Great Refuge. If word was to spread about us . . . "

"I won't say anything!" Halo said. "I can keep a secret."

"We won't say anything either," Elasti-Girl said.

Medusa and Black Bolt conferred for a few minutes. Finally, Medusa gave Halo the good news. "Very well, Halo. You may go, but only for a few months. And you will return when you are summoned."

"Yes, yes, of course," Halo said. "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

Halo hugged Medusa and bowed respectfully to her king. Black Bolt softly put his hand on her head, giving her his blessing.

"Thank you, your highness," she said, and then turned to the Doom Patrol. "When do we leave?"

Black Bolt shook hands with Mr. Terrific and nodded respectfully.

"I wish the best to you and your people," Mr. Terrific said. "And we'll take good care of Halo," he turned to his team. "All right, group, let's go home."

"Yea!" Halo yelled.

A musical procession accompanied the Doom Patrol and Halo as they returned to their ship and flew off for America.

From the windows of the Doom Patrol jet, Halo looked out excitedly at the world she had never known. Terrific watched her, wishing he still had the same youthful exuberance. Oh, brave new world, that has such creatures in it. Tis new to thee, he thought.

Negative-Man watched Halo. She was a pretty young girl. No Medusa, but attractive. Blonde, slim, young, cheerful . . . It'll be nice having her around.

The jet reached US airspace.

Three weeks later . . .

Halo was enjoying her brave, new world. She flew above the estate headquarters of the Doom Patrol, doing loops in the air, enjoying the view of the city. Larry Trainer - the Negative-Man - watched her. He wished he could join her, but only his Negative form could fly, and it couldn't talk. Also, it could only be separated from his body for ninety seconds. Not nearly enough time. He wondered what she thought of him?

Inside the estate, in the research lab, Mister Terrific was working on two problems simultaneously. He was doing medical research, hoping to find the best possible non-invasive procedure to help his mentor, Doc Savage, who lay in a coma. Also, he was working on the problem of what to do with Godzilla when the beast reappeared. It had been over a month since the monster had been transported to the planet Rann. Soon, the effect of the Zeta-Beam would fade and Godzilla would reappear in Japan. Mister Terrific, with help from Adam Strange, had conceived of a means to re-route the Zeta energy so that Godzilla should appear somewhere else besides Tokyo. The problem was . . . where should they send him? Where in the world was there a place to contain such a monster?

Mr. Terrific had been working on a portal to the theoretical place that Doc Savage had dubbed the Negative Zone, but it was far from perfected. There had to be another place. Someplace with no people around, and which could be a home to a giant. A home and a prison!

Elsewhere on the estate . . .

Princess Namorita had returned from under the sea. She had vowed not to return to Atlantis, but she broke her promise for Michael's sake. She still loved Mr. Terrific, even though she knew that his heart belonged to another. And so, in the name of that unrequited love, she returned to New Atlantis to see Aquaman. She needed some information from him. She remembered a story he had once told her. This information could prove very valuable to Michael.

Namorita looked up and saw Halo sailing through the sky, in a state of rapture at life. Namorita hadn't felt that way in many a day. Halo was near to her age, but much younger in spirit. Namorita had occasionally thought about quitting the Doom Patrol. Maybe Halo could be her replacement. Namorita wouldn't want to leave Michael and the team short handed.

She entered the estate. She was greeted by HERBIE, the serving droid created by Doc Savage. After turning down a meal, she headed for the lab, where she assumed Michael would be. As usual. Before she reached it, she saw Rita Farr, the Elasti-Girl. Rita was the reason that the Atlantean Princess had so often thought of quitting. When Michael and Rita became lovers, it was painful for Namorita. She did her best to hide it, but it was still painful.

Namorita passed Rita in the hall.

"Hi, Nita," Elasti-Girl said, pleasantly.

Namorita only liked being called 'Nita' by Michael. Not by anyone else, and certainly not by her rival. "Hello, Rita," Namorita said, with as much mock politeness as she could muster. She passed quickly and entered the lab. Rita could easily tell that the young princess still resented her.

Inside the lab, Namorita saw Michael hunched over two computers. A desktop and a laptop. Only a genius such as he could divide his concentration like that and not make a mess of things. Her heart still beat faster at the sight of him. "Hello, Michael."

"Oh, hello, Nita," he said. "I didn't hear you come in. I was . . . "

"Engrossed in your work?" she interjected. "Why does this not surprise me? Perhaps the news I bring you will catch your attention."

Terrific still worked on his computers. "What information is that?" he asked, distractedly.

"I know of a place where Godzilla can be sent."

Only half listening, it took Terrific a moment to process this information. Then he spun around, surprised and excited by what he had just heard. "You do?"

"Yes," she said, smiling. "Its called Monster Island."

"But I thought that was only a myth?" Terrific said. "Then again, I once thought Atlantis was a myth. So, you're saying that there really is a Monster Island?"

"Yes," she said, glad that her information had pleased him so much. "Aquaman has been there. He made a map for me. Here it is."

She handed the map to Mister Terrific. It showed how to get to Monster Island from the eastern seaboard of the United States. Terrific studied it carefully.

"According to legend, the creatures who dwell there can never leave," Namorita said.

"Nita, this is wonderful!" he said. "You may have just saved the whole world from Godzilla!"

Terrific gave Namorita a friendly hug. She closed her eyes, enjoying the close contact.

Soon . . .

The Doom Patrol was preparing for the journey to Monster Island. Halo was helping with their preparations. "Can't I come?"

"No, this will be dangerous," Terrific said. "Black Bolt would never forgive us if something happened to you."

"But you said I was a member now!" Halo protested.

"We made you an honorary member," Elasti-Girl said. "Not a combat member. You don't have the experience for this. Believe me, you're better off here."

Halo sulked and pouted. It didn't change Michael and Rita's minds. As the Doom Patrol boarded the jet, Larry paused. "You won't be missing much," he said to Halo. "It'll probably be a quick trip. We scope out the island and come back real fast. No problem."

"Then why can't I go?"

"Ah, Mike worries too much. Trust me, you're not missing a thing!"

Halo wasn't appeased. Larry didn't know what else to say, so he boarded the ship. Moments later, the ship jetted away. Halo debated for a moment, then transformed into her Light-body, and followed the jet.

Somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean . . .

The Doom Patrol jet approached the site indicated on the map. There was an island, just where Aquaman had indicated. Mr. Terrific was elated. At least, until he saw the other island.

"Look there," he said, pointing. "Just on the horizon. A second island. They're so close together that I can't tell from the map which one is Monster Island."

"I guess we'll have to check both," Rita said. "We'll find out which one has monsters on it."

"An aerial search won't help much," Namorita said. "I understand that many of them are subterranean and that others have cloaking abilities. So flying over the island may not be sufficient."

"So we land," Terrific said. "Larry, pick one and set us down."

Larry nodded, and the jet landed on one of the islands. The Doom Patrol members exited the ship and looked around.

"I don't see no monsters," Robotman said.

"They may be here regardless," Namorita said.

"We need to search more thoroughly," Mr. Terrific said. "Namorita, activate your sonar. You, Cliff and Larry will head to the north end of the Island. Rita and I will go south as my T-Spheres scan the area. We'll meet back here in a half hour."

Larry, Cliff and Rita agreed. Namorita was angry that Michael was going off alone with Rita, while she was being sent in the other direction. Reluctantly, she obeyed Michael's orders. They split up.

Above the island, Halo, transparent in her Light Form, observed the search.

Elsewhere on the Island, something else was stirring. It had been standing in a cave, immobile and inactive for centuries. The arrival of the Doom Patrol caused some secret alarm to beam an activation signal to the large creature. Its system came online and it started to move. It was "awake".

It was a mechanical being, twenty feet high and eight feet wide. It was thick and dense, made of an unbreakable gray metallic substance. It weighed tons. Basically humanoid in shape, it had glowing eyes, and great strength. It's skullcap and face protection made it look almost like it was wearing a football helmet. It stomped forward, with a long, steady stride.

"Intrusion," the robot said, in an echoing, mechanical voice. "Perimeter has been breached. Must repel unauthorized beings."

Next: More danger on Monster Island . . .