DCM Zone
Doom Patrol

More Than Human
by Bob Young

The crisis was over and they had survived. The Doom Patrol had triumphed, despite the incredible odds against them. They defeated Dr. Doom. They defeated Godzilla. They saved Tokyo. And aside from all that, Mr. Terrific was back!

Rita Farr, a.k.a. the Elasti-Girl, smiled at the thought of Michael's - Mr. Terrific's - return. They were lovers and she had missed him. Now he was back.

The Doom Patrol had just returned from Japan after the Dr. Doom case had been settled. They wanted to take some time to relax but there were some things that needed to be done. Rita was calling the news media to fill them in on some facts they had missed regarding all this, including the reason for the recent disappearances of some ships in the Pacific. The area had become known as the new Devil's Triangle. But there was nothing supernatural about it. The disappearances were just some tests of the Zeta-Beam from Rann, to see if it could move objects of very large size, like a ship. Or like Godzilla.

The Zeta-beam had worked and finally, with some help from Captain Marvel, Godzilla had been transported away to the planet Rann. At least temporarily. In about thirty or forty days the energy of the beam would wear off and Godzilla would reappear on Earth. Mr. Terrific apparently had a plan to deal with this eventual problem. He intended to start working on that very soon. But first, he had something personal to take care of.

Mr. Terrific stood in the hospital room, looking down sadly at the bed. The patient in it was someone very dear to him. His mentor. His savior. His idol. His father figure. Dr. Clark Savage, also known as Doc Savage, Man of Bronze!

While Michael Holt - Mr. Terrific - had been away from Earth for several months, Dr. Doom had made a nearly lethal attempt on Doc Savage's life. Savage was now 100 years old. The explosion that destroyed part of his estate also left Savage in this coma. Doom had even sent the simian assassin Mallah to kill Savage while he was helpless, but Elasti-Girl foiled the attempt. Ever since then, Doc Savage had been guarded around the clock by former RAF pilot John Britton, the original Robotman. Britton lived his life in a robot body, just as the new Robotman did.

The first Robotman stood watch as Mr. Terrific checked on Doc Savage. The cybernetic man showed no hint of emotion and made no unnecessary gestures. After all, robots didn't have emotions or move unless it was necessary. And John Britton did his best to be like a machine. He knew he could never be anything resembling a human again, but he could try to be the perfect robot. He obeyed the traditional robot "Asimov Laws" which indicated that no robot could ever harm a human or, by inaction, allow a human to come to harm. And so, when he was asked to help guard the old hero, he immediately agreed. Besides that, Doc Savage knew more about his internal systems than anyone else, and so it was logical to do what he could to see that the only man who could properly repair him was safe and well.

Mr. Terrific looked at Savage's chart. He had already spoken with the attending physician. Having familiarized himself with the nature of Savage's injuries, he contemplated whether or not he should operate on Clark Savage. After all, Mr. Terrific was the finest surgeon in the world, except perhaps for the old Doc himself. If he couldn't save his mentor, no one could.

He was reluctant to actually perform the operation because of Savage's age and weak condition. An operation could be just as dangerous to the old man as the injuries themselves. Maybe, he thought to himself, there was a non-invasive method that could be of use in this case.

"I'll find a way to help you, Clark," Mr. Terrific said to the comatose genius. "I swear I will. You've done so much for me. I won't let you down."

"Can I continue to be of assistance in this matter?" the original Robotman asked dutifully.

Mr. Terrific nodded. "If it's convenient, I'd like you to continue guarding Dr. Savage until other arrangements have been made."

"Convenience is not a consideration," the man-robot said. "It is my duty to serve. I will remain on guard."

"If you need a little free time . . . " Terrific began.

"Negative," the first Robotman interrupted. "I need no free time. I have no human weakness to distract me, like the necessity to eat or excrete. Nor do I have any social obligations to attend to. I will remain at my post until I am no longer needed."

"Your brain is human," Mr. Terrific said. "You'll need sleep."

"You would be amazed at what an organic brain can do when no longer hindered by the human body," John Britton said. "I have trained myself to go many days without sleep. I will remain on guard."

You don't need to be a psychiatrist to know that this man has serious problems that need to be dealt with, Mr. Terrific thought, but said nothing. He smiled politely at the mechanical man. "Very well, then. I'll be going. Thank you for your . . . diligence. Good day."

Mr. Terrific took a last, long look at Doc Savage and then walked out, mentally exploring all conceivable alternative treatments for his friend and teacher.

The large figure in blue approached the estate of Clark Savage. He was desperate and single-minded in his determination. He was powerful and he would let nothing stop him from his goal. And his goal was Mr. Terrific! He marched, grim-faced to the manor, which was the headquarters of the Doom Patrol.

Larry Trainer, a.k.a. the Negative-Man, and Cliff Steele, a.k.a. the new Robotman, were bringing their luggage into the manor. They had hired a van to pick up their belongings and bring them to the Savage estate where they would be living. As they lugged their suitcases and other miscellaneous items into their new home, they argued over who gets which room.

"Sun?" Larry Trainer asked. "Why do you care about the sun? You're not gonna get a tan on that metal erector set you call a body!"

"I like ta see the sun come up in the morning, okay, junior!" Cliff Steele said, "And you shouldn't be talkin' about bodies. You've got the physique of PeeWee Herman and you're covered in bandages. Brad Pitt ain't sweatin' you."

"You should take the room in the rear of the place so you don't scare any passing children," Larry quipped.

"You should take a room with no windows so ya don't scare no passin' adults," Cliff retorted.

HERBIE the robot floated in, via his hover-jets. "Welcome, sirs. Rooms have been readied for you and a meal is being heated as we speak. When you're ready, please be seated in the dining room and I'll bring you your lunch. First, I'll take your bags. Do you have a preference of rooms?"

Robotman and Negative-Man glared at each other, about to start the argument all over again. A very loud pounding on the door interrupted them.

"I'll get it," HERBIE said, as he floated to the front entrance.

"Tell whoever the hell it is that there's a fancy new contraption called a doorbell," Cliff snapped. "He don't have ta go banging on our door like it's a flamin' anvil!"

HERBIE barely had the door opened a crack when the new man outside pushed it all the way open.

"May I help . . . ?" HERBIE began, but was interrupted.

"Mr. Terrific!" the large man yelled. "I need to see him now!"

Robotman and Negative-Man walked closer to the door. They got a look at the new visitor. He was a very large man in a blue mask and costume. He had a diamond emblem on his chest.

"Who wants 'em?" Cliff asked.

"Just get him!" the man ordered.

"Pushy, aren't we?" Larry said.

"Ya don't just show up here and start barkin' out orders!" Cliff said.

"Get Terrific out here, now!" the man in blue yelled, angrily.

"You got some friggin' stones!" Cliff barked back.

Larry nodded in agreement. "Lose the attitude, blue boy."

"Mr. Terrific is not on the estate at present," HERBIE said. "I can give him your message."

The man in blue fumed. "You'd better not be giving me the run-around!"

"I've had enough of this crap!" Cliff said. "Listen, little-boy-blue, either ya turn yourself around and get your blue butt outta my sight, or I'm gonna make ya black-and-blue!"

"Well said," Larry agreed.

The man in blue just sneered at them. "If he's not here, tell me where he is. I've come a long way and I'm not leaving without seeing him!"

"Oh yes ya are, sonny boy!" Cliff snapped.

Cliff stepped into the doorway and squared off with the man in blue. "So, are ya gonna leave peaceful-like, or do I gotta get impolite?"

Something inside the man in blue snapped. With unexpected speed, he swung his large fist at Robotman. There was a clang, as when metal hits metal. The impact sent Robotman tumbling back inside the mansion and made him fall over a couch. The mechanical man momentarily disappeared behind the overturned sofa.

"No one messes with Cliffy but me!" Larry cried, angry.

With a moment's concentration, Larry Trainer released the Negative-Man from his body. The Negative-Man flew toward the man in blue, who had just entered the manor, and circled around the intruder's body, creating a field of energy.

To Larry's amazement, the man in blue walked right through the field. He swung at Negative-Man but the flying hero was too fast. Negative-Man let loose a focused x-ray blast - the equivalent of a laser - and zapped the man in blue. The big man yelled in pain but would not be stopped.

Robotman had gotten back to his feet. The leaped at the blue intruder and tackled him. Cliff felt like he had rammed into something incredibly hard and solid, but he managed to take the man in blue down.

Negative-Man unleashed a few more bolts of energy, while Robotman wrestled with the intruder. The sound of battle brought Rita Farr running from upstairs.

"Now what?" she muttered, as she grew to as large a size as was possible inside the residence. She rushed to help Cliff restrain the intruder. Negative-Man had been out of Larry's body for over a minute. He had less than thirty seconds before the separation became fatal. The Negative-Man returned to Larry. Larry gasped at the reuniting. It would be a few minutes before he could release Negative-Man again.

The man in blue threw Cliff off of himself and out the front door. The stood before Rita, menacingly. They faced off, neither one making a move.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Rita asked.

"I just want to know where Mr. Terrific is!" the man in blue said.

Elasti-Girl became angrier than before. If this attacker was out to hurt her Michael, he would have to deal with her first. "What do you want with him?" she asked.

"I don't have time to explain!" the man said. "Just take me to him!"

"Not very damn likely until you answer a few questions!" she replied.

The man in blue swung at her. Realizing the extent of his strength, Rita used her size-shifting power to shrink. She quickly decreased in size and the blow passed way over her head. She continued to shrink until the attacker lost sight of her. The man in blue looked around. There seemed to be no one left to fight and he still was no closer to his goal.

Outside . . .

Robotman was extracting himself from the rented van, which he had been knocked into. "That does it!" Cliff roared. "No more Mr. Nice-Robot!"

As he peeled the van off of himself, he spotted the Terrifi-Car descending. Mr. Terrific was back.

"Oh, hiya, Mikey," Cliff said, casually.

"I can't leave you alone for a minute, can I?" Mr. Terrific said.

Back inside . . .

The ant-sized Rita was preparing an attack against the blue garbed stranger. Larry had ducked into cover, waiting until he could release the Negative-Man again. Even little HERBIE was getting in on the action.

"I have defensive capabilities," he announced to the man in blue. "Do not force me to unleash my arsenal."

Before the blue attired attacker could answer HERBIE's challenge, Mr. Terrific and Robotman entered.

"That's the SOB!" Robotman said. "Step aside an lemme at 'em!"

"Hold it!" Mr. Terrific ordered. "I think I know who this is."

The intruder also recognized Mr. Terrific. "You! I've been looking for you!"

"And here I am," Terrific said. "You're the Blue Diamond, aren't you?"

The man in blue nodded.

"I thought so," Terrific said. "Doc Savage showed me pictures of some of his golden age allies. We'd heard there was a new Blue Diamond, but we thought you were on our side. Didn't you once work for STAT?"*

*(Superhuman Tactical Action Task-force)

"I used to," Blue Diamond said. "I quit a long time ago."

"And dropped out of sight," Terrific said. "Now, you come out of hiding and attack us. Why?"

The Blue Diamond looked embarrassed. "I . . . I'm sorry. I didn't come here to fight with you. I'm just so tired. I've been searching for so long, and my need is so great, that I'm not thinking clearly any longer. I overreacted. I'm very sorry."

Cliff and Larry didn't seem too keen on accepting the apology. Rita, having re-grown to normal size, stood beside Mr. Terrific, ready to defend him.

"You said you've been searching for me," Terrific said. "Why?"

"It's a long, unpleasant story," Blue Diamond said. "And it goes back twenty years."

Soon after, the team had reassembled in the dining room where HERBIE served lunch and the Blue Diamond told his tale.

"You'll have to forgive me for being cryptic," Blue Diamond said, "but I can't tell you everything. There are some details that I must keep secret."

"Sounds pretty fishy ta me," Cliff said.

"Quiet, Cliff," Rita said.

"Being enigmatic won't help your cause," Mr. Terrific said. "I suggest honesty if you really want our help."

"I won't say a word that isn't true," Blue Diamond said. "I just have to omit a few details. I made a promise to someone."

"I won't ask you to break your word," Terrific said. "I'll listen to what you have to say."

"Thank you," Blue Diamond said. "I'll be as detailed as I can. It started in the early eighties. I was working for STAT, and I was pursuing my best enemy, the Red Ghost. We ended up fighting in the Himalayas. He had these three super apes with him with him. I won't go into all the details of the fight, but the important detail is that the Red Ghost created a field of dark energy, some sort of shadow matter. He planned to use it as a hideout. It seems totally indestructible. I've spent two decades trying to find a way to pierce this field. There seems to be no way. I need to get in there!"

"I've spoken to some of the greatest scientists in the world," Blue Diamond continued. "I came looking for you six months ago but you disappeared. Everyone thought you were dead. When I saw the news reports from Japan, where you and your team were fighting Godzilla, I set out to find you."

"So, you want me to find a way to pierce this field of Dark Energy, do you?" Mr. Terrific said.

"More than anything!" Blue Diamond said.

"Why?" Rita asked. "What's so important?"

"There's . . . someone in there," Blue Diamond said. "Someone I love. I've been trying to get her out for years. No one has been able to come up with anything to help."

Mr. Terrific considered the situation. "Very well. I should do an on-site study of the phenomenon. Larry, prepare the ship. We'll be heading for--"

"No!" The Blue Diamond shouted, "You can't!"

"Why not?" Terrific asked.

The Blue Diamond struggled for the words. "It's just that . . . I can't explain. But there's something there that I can't ever tell anyone about. I wish I could but I can't. I made a promise."

"How do you expect Mr. Terrific to help if he doesn't examine the phenomenon personally?" Rita asked.

"I can give you read-outs," Blue Diamond said. "Scientific energy readings I took with a scanner provided to me by another scientist. I can show you photographs and the charred remains of objects that I attempted to force through the field. I can provide you with any data you may need."

"Crucial as all that may be," Mr. Terrific said. "A personal study of the object is necessary."

"But I made a promise . . . " Blue Diamond said.

"Then you have a difficult decision to make!" Terrific said. "You can keep your word, which will deny me necessary information and probably doom this person you care for to permanent confinement, or you can trust me to keep your secret and let me help you with my hands untied."

Blue Diamond slumped in his chair, torn with indecision. He had never broken his word before and the consequences of anyone discovering what was inside that dark shield had terrible repercussions. But she was in there, and he had to get to her somehow.

"All right," he said, uncertainly. "Prepare your ship. I'll lead you to the spot. I can only ask you never, ever to speak a word of what you see there."

"If it's as important as you say, you'll get our promise," Mr. Terrific said. "Larry, fire up the ship!"

"I still don't trust the blue jerk," Robotman said.

Later . . .

The ship was almost ready to go. The Blue Diamond paced nervously, hoping he'd made the right decision in trusting the Doom Patrol. Outside, Princess Namorita was approaching the estate. She was anxious to see Mr. Terrific again. She knew that he was in love with Rita Farr, but she couldn't help the feelings she had for him. He was . . . Terrific!

There was something else on Namorita's mind. Weeks ago, when she was attacked by Doctor Doom on his man-made island, she had swam away injured, trying to reach the west coast of the United States. She remembered reaching the shore but then she passed out. She had a vague memory of someone nursing her back to health, but her recollection of those few days were hazy. The next clear memory she had was waking up in a lake, not far from the Savage estate. After that, she weakly made her way there and passed out after arriving. Savage put her in the therapeutic water tank, where she dreamed of her strange benefactor. She couldn't remember his face but she did remember his voice. She hoped she could find him one day. Maybe Mr. Terrific could help.

Namorita entered the residence and saw the Blue Diamond and Rita Farr. She always felt a wave of discomfort at seeing Rita, who was technically her rival, but she focused on the man in blue.

"Ah, Nita, your timing is perfect," Rita said. "We're going on a little trip. Like to come?"

The team's jet had nearly reached the Himalayas. The Blue Diamond was bursting with nervousness and with hope. He prayed that Mr. Terrific would be the answer to his search. Namorita was filled in on the situation. Mr. Terrific looked over some equipment he'd brought with him. Larry piloted the jet, carefully following the directions that the Blue Diamond had given them.

"Here!" Blue Diamond said. "Land here. This is the spot."

"I don't see anything," Larry commented.

"No, you wouldn't," Blue Diamond said. "And that's the way it should be."

Larry landed the jet. The Doom Patrol and the Blue Diamond emerged in the frosty mountain region.

"Brrr, it's freezing out here," Rita said. She looked at Namorita, who wore nothing but her bikini-like skimpy outfit. "Aren't you cold?" Rita asked her.

"We Atlanteans have naturally high resistance to the cold," She said, in a dismissive manner.

"This way," Blue Diamond said.

He led the group around a peak of rocks, and then they saw it. The giant black dome, which stood as large as a city.

"Holy smoke!" Cliff said.

The Blue Diamond nodded, understanding his amazement, "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you . . . Attilan, the Great Refuge!"

"How come we couldn't see it from the air?" Larry asked.

"There's something called a Cloud Cloak," Blue Diamond said. "I'm not sure how it works, but as you can see, it works well."

Mr. Terrific studied the shadow dome. "This is something quite new in my experience."

"Let's give it a test, huh guys?" Rita said.

Robotman and Larry nodded, eager for some action.

"Don't bother," Blue Diamond said.

They ignored her. Rita grew to full size and rammed into the shield. It didn't give an inch, and she felt a burning sensation. Robotman had no better luck. Larry released the Negative-Man from his body. The Negative-Man unleashed a formidable radioactive bombardment, which had absolutely no effect on the dome. The Negative-Man returned to Larry's body.

"Let me get my equipment and see what I can see," Mr. Terrific said.

Mr. Terrific set up his equipment and spent the next two hours taking readings. With only his usual jacket on, he stood in the snow and worked diligently. Namorita stayed outside with him. The Blue Diamond paced around, also unaffected by the cold. The other three went back into the jet. Robotman didn't feel the cold, but prolonged exposure could be damaging to his systems. They watched from inside until Terrific was done. Finally, he waved for everyone to gather around.

"Well?" Blue Diamond asked, impatiently. "What do you think? Can it be done?"

"I have good news and bad news," Terrific said. "The bad news is that there is no way to destroy this field, or even punch a hole in it."

Blue Diamond looked crestfallen. "So what's the good news?"

"We can walk right through it," Terrific said.

"What?!" Blue Diamond yelled. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I can disrupt the field," Terrific said. "We should be able to pass through it."

The Blue Diamond was aghast. Could it be true? Were his prayers finally answered? Mr. Terrific went into the ship and returned with four small boxes.

"What are those?" Rita asked.

"They're called Molecular Agitators," Terrific said. "The can alter the molecules of a solid object and endow it with liquid-like fluidity. We'll be able to pass right through the field, like diving through the water's surface."

"Will those things work on this dark whatchamacallit?" Larry asked.

"Not at present," Terrific said. "But give me a half hour to alter the circuits based on my sensor readings and they should suffice for the task at hand."

"Fantastic!" Blue Diamond yelled excitedly.

"No," Rita said. "He's Terrific!"

A half-hour later . . .

The Molecular Agitators were finally completed. Mr. Terrific gathered his team around him. "Is everyone ready?" he asked.

"Yes, yes!" Blue Diamond yelled. "Let's go!"

"That's a yes," Rita said.

Mr. Terrific placed the four agitators in a square shape on the face of the black dome. After he activated the agitators, the surface of the dome between the boxes started to shimmer.

"It's working," Mr. Terrific said. "Follow me."

Mr. Terrific walked into the shimmering wall and vanished inside it. The rest were amazed by the science. The Blue Diamond wasted no more time. He rushed into the shimmering wall and disappeared from sight. Robotman followed next. Then went Rita, then Namorita, then Larry.

Larry Trainer came out on the other side and saw his teammates gathered, waiting for him. "It worked."

"You're a genius!" Blue Diamond shouted, euphorically.

Mr. Terrific was looking up at the amazing city he was standing in. The rest of the team joined him in being impressed by the bizarre-but-grand architecture. The towering spires reminded Rita of the Emerald City, from The Wizard of Oz.

"This, my friends, is the Great Refuge!" Blue Diamond said.

"Most impressive!" Mr. Terrific said.

The Blue Diamond began to run forward. "I've got to find her!"

The others started to follow him, but the Blue Diamond didn't get far. A blast of energy tripped him up. Everyone looked into the air to see where the blast had come from. And then they saw . . . the Inhumans!

They were super-powered men who were more than men. Some looked like they were part bird, others part lizard. Some had tails, some had claws or hooves or beaks or other non-human attributes. They were a strange looking collection of beings. They were definitely not human. They were decidedly Inhuman!

"What the hell are those things?" Robotman asked.

"I think we've just encountered the indigenous population of the Great Refuge," Mr. Terrific said.

"The Blue Diamond's in love with one of those freaky things?" Larry asked. "Yuck!"

"I'm more interested in why they're firing at him!" Rita said.

"Something's definitely wrong," Terrific said.

The Blue Diamond got to his feet. The Inhumans surrounded him.

"Surrender or die!" the Inhuman guards ordered.

"It's me!" the blue garbed hero said. "Don't you remember? I'm the Blue Diamond!"

"We don't care who you are!" the guards said. "You must surrender and face the judgment of the king."

"Fine," Blue Diamond said. "Take me to Black Bolt."

"Black Bolt?" one of the guards said, surprised. "We're taking you to King Grodd!"

"Grodd?" Blue Diamond cried, alarmed. He remembered Grodd. The last time he was here, the fiendish simian Inhuman tried to overthrow his brother Black Bolt and conquer Attilan. Something had gone horribly wrong during his long absence. His thoughts went to his beloved.

"Where's Crystal?" he demanded.

"You are in no position to ask anything of us!" a guard said, "This is your last warning. Surrender or die, by the order of Grodd the mighty!"

Blue Diamond charged forward, towards the royal palace, determined to find Crystal.

"Fire!" the guard ordered. The Inhuman security force fired hand held and inbred weapons at the Blue Diamond. He was rocked by the impact but didn't fall. He pushed on, determined to find Crystal.

"What should we do?" Rita asked.

In answer, the guards attacked the Doom Patrol as well.

"We defend ourselves!" Mr. Terrific said.

The Doom Patrol joined the Blue Diamond in battling the Inhumans. The Blue Diamond looked up at the royal palace and saw the Gorilla-like creature grinning own at him with sinister glee.

"Welcome back, Blue Diamond," Grodd said. "I've so looked forward to seeing you again."

"Grodd, you bastard!" Blue Diamond yelled, and tried to fight his way to Grodd. He couldn't understand why the Inhumans were serving Grodd or where the Royal Family was. Determined, he forced his way to the foot of the palace. Digging his fingers into the walls, he proceeded to climb, ignoring the blasts that struck him. He climbed up onto the balcony, intending to throttle Grodd.

On the balcony, he saw Medusa, the beautiful Queen of Attilan and bride of Black Bolt. Why was she standing with Grodd? Grodd had always wanted her, and had tried to force the red trussed beauty to marry him the last time he took over the Great Refuge. But why was she just standing there?

"Medusa, it's me!" he yelled.

Medusa didn't respond. She continued to stare forward. She didn't even seem to notice him. Grodd smiled.

"Medusa, my dear, get rid of this blue cretin," Grodd said.

Medusa's powerful, moving red locks snaked forward and tangled the Blue Diamond up. As he struggled, he noticed that her expression never changed. He realized what was going on, but that didn't help him. Medusa used her hair to drop the Blue Diamond off the balcony. He crashed loudly to the ground.

"Diamond, are you all right?" Rita asked, running to his side.

The Blue Diamond pulled himself slowly from the floor. "I'll live. But I know what's going on. Grodd is controlling them somehow. He used to have some sort of mental power. It seems to have increased!"

Mr. Terrific heard this. That was all he needed to know. Using code words, he ordered his T-Spheres to float over to Grodd and circle him.

"What is this?" Grodd asked, as he tried unsuccessfully to swat the spheres.

Grodd began to order Medusa to use her hair to pick the spheres out of the air, but before she could carry out his order, the T-Spheres emitted alpha waves, which jammed the telepathic commands from Grodd.

Like melting snow in the spring, Grodd's spell fell from the minds of the Inhuman population. There was a moment of confusion and then they all looked at Grodd. Thoughts of retribution filled their brains.

"He used us!" they yelled. "Down with Grodd! Get the usurper!"

Panicked, Grodd used his ape-like agility to try and evade the enraged populace, but Medusa, free from his thrall, stretched out her hair and grabbed his ankles. She tripped him. She tied him up in her living locks. He tried to fight his way free, but soon found himself surrounded by Medusa, Blue Diamond, and Doom Patrol. He tried to use his mental powers to take control of Medusa again. She started to fall under his spell again and he began to slip out of her hair, but then Robotman bashed him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

As the population cheered, Medusa smiled. "Thank you, Diamond. I knew you'd come back for us. And I thank your friends as well."

"My friends are called the Doom Patrol. Things have changed since I left. Can you fill me in on what's happening? And where's Crystal?" Blue Diamond asked.

Soon, in the royal chambers, Medusa told her story. "After the dark field was put up and the controls destroyed, things were tough for us here. But under Black Bolt's leadership, we persevered. Halo supplied sunlight for our plants and gardens to grow. ZZZaxx supplied the power to keep the lights on for all these years. We had to ration our water, but thankfully we had our water hole. It kept Triton alive. With orderly discipline, we managed to survive our long imprisonment. And while we waited for the Blue Diamond to come to our rescue, Dubbilex tried to use his own telepathy to reach the mind of Grodd, who'd been driven insane after his battle with Black Bolt. We hoped that once he was sane again, we could compel him to repair the machine that controls the dark field.

"Dubbilex thought that he wasn't getting through to Grodd, but we later found out that he succeeded better than anyone expected. Grodd was sane again but managed to hide the fact, even from Dubbilex. You see, Grodd's mental powers had magnified greatly after his bout with insanity. He used his power to block Dubbilex's mental probes and continue to fake insanity. He bided his time until the right opportunity came. And it came in the form of the Lava Man!"

"Who in the blue hell is the friggin Lava Man?" Robotman asked.

"A subterranean being," she said. "It appeared from out of the ground one day. After a battle with the royal family, it retreated into the ground. Black Bolt and the rest of the royals went down after it, hoping to find an alternate route out of the Great Refuge. That was weeks ago and no one has seen them since. I was left behind to look after things. That was when Grodd made his move. He used some sort of machine he'd rigged up to increase his already immense telepathy. He filled the minds of the population with blind loyalty to him. I tried to resist him, but he turned put me into some sort of trance. I had a vague notion of what was happening, but it was like a dream. I had no control. Thank great Omega that the nightmare is over. Thank you all."

"It was our pleasure, your highness," Mr. Terrific said. "And now, let me have a look at that machine. Maybe I can get rid of that damnable field of darkness that's been plaguing you."

It didn't take Mr. Terrific more than a few hours before he fixed the machine that Grodd and the Red Ghost had created. "It's ready," he said. "Here goes!"

Terrific activated the machine. Seconds later, and to the delight of the Inhumans, the dark field that had imprisoned them for so long faded. They saw the sun for the first time in nearly twenty years. Exhilarated cheers greeted the Doom Patrol.

"Thank you again," Medusa said. "You've done so much for us, we can never repay you. You may stay as our honored guests as long as you like. As for the Blue Diamond and myself, we must go down into the pit and see what happened to Black Bolt, Crystal and the rest of the royal family. Whatever danger they are facing must be great to have kept them from returning. They clearly need our help. We leave immediately."

"Well, you're not going alone," Mr. Terrific said, "We're involved in this now and we can't just walk away from it. We're in this with you, till the end!"

Cliff and Larry looked at each other.

"Here we go again!" Larry said.

Next issue: The story continues in the first Doom Patrol annual . . . The Doom Patrol journeys to the center of the Earth to rescue the Inhumans. With the help of the Blue Diamond, they must face the fury of the Lava Men!