DCM Zone
Doom Patrol

Better Left Unsaid
by Bob Young


Agent Wanda Mason tossed the paper aside. How could a gigantic cruise vanish and re-appear back where it was? Could some super-human being have carried it away and back without anyone seeing? The passengers and crew are of no help. They have no memory of what had happened to them. Strange things were happening all over. Especially in regards to Dr. Doom and the Doom Patrol. And Godzilla.

They were the subjects of the baffling case she was working on. What had happened during that last adventure of the Doom Patrol? Where had Dr. Doom been the last six months? What was the final fate of Mr. Terrific? Where was the Negative Man? Who had placed the bomb that nearly killed Doc Savage and Namorita? Was Godzilla alive? If so, where was it hiding? What did Dr. Doom want with it? Too many questions. Not enough answers.

Agent Mason was so lost in thought that she didn't notice her mysterious follower had returned. He kept his distance, careful not to let her spot him this time. He bided his time, waiting for her to lead him to the prize.

Agent Mason had just come from Doc Savage's damaged manor, where H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot had informed her of the condition of Namorita. James Lockhart, a member of the Sea Devils, had come in response to the robot's summons and repaired the damage to the tank wherein Namorita was recuperating. The explosion hadn't caused her any further injuries and her vital signs were slowly getting stronger.

Now Agent Mason was arriving at the hospital to see what the condition of Doc Savage was. The century-old legend had been injured in the explosion and inhaled a lot of smoke. His condition was critical. She hoped he'd make it. Her grandmother, the Blonde Phantom, knew Doc Savage and told young Wanda many stories about him. He was one of her childhood heroes. She'd be very sad if he died.

She parked in the lot and started walking to the hospital entrance. A woman was getting out of a cab and walking in the same direction. Agent Mason recognized the face. She had seen that face in the movies. And she'd also seen it in the dossier she was given on the Doom Patrol. The woman was Rita Farr, former movie star and the Doom Patrol member Elasti-Girl.

"Rita Farr?" Mason called.

Rita nodded, expected this to be an autograph seeker. At least until Agent Mason pulled out a badge.

"I'm Special Agent Wanda Mason of the FBI, and I'd like to speak to you."

"Oh, you're the one," Rita said. "Dr. Savage told me about you just before he was injured."

"Did he tell you what we talked about?"

"He told me that you are investigating the last case of the Doom Patrol."

Agent Mason nodded. "It's about Godzilla. I need to know . . . "

"Drop the case, Agent Mason," Rita said, "Tell your superiors you couldn't find out anything. Just let it go! For everyone's sake."


Rita sighed. "We have to talk. There's a diner across the street. Have you eaten yet?"

The two women sat in a booth at the diner.

"I don't know if Godzilla is alive or not," Rita said, "But until we know he's not, you can't tell anyone that he might be."


"There are people in the world, including in the government, who would love to get their hands on Godzilla. You have no idea how powerful this creature is. If it hadn't been for the Oxygen Destroyer, he would have destroyed everything back in 1955. We got lucky a second time more recently. I wouldn't want to push our luck a third time. If you write a report saying that this ultimate weapon is alive, some unscrupulous person in our government, or in some other government, will try to revive him and bring him to the surface. If that happens, the world will be in the worst danger it's ever faced."

"We have a lot more super-heroes now than we did back in '55." Mason said.

"We'd need them all," Rita said. "Godzilla is not just a big lizard. He's something beyond the ken of humans. He's like a force of nature. He's like a harbinger of destruction sent down from the heavens to punish us for the sins of science. He is Hell on Earth!"

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit?"

"No I'm not! In fact, my words don't do it justice! Believe me, we can't let anyone know that Godzilla may still be alive. The temptation to use him as a weapon would be too much for some people. And other people would just panic. It's better for everyone if no one knows."

"Someone knows."

Rita nodded. "Dr. Doom. Yes, he knows. And I'm taking steps to deal with Godzilla covertly."

"Just you alone?"

"I had planned to discuss my plan with Doc Savage. A while back, I overheard him talking to Mr. Terrific, saying that he sometimes worried about the possibility of Godzilla returning. To that end, he planned to recreate the Oxygen Destroyer first designed by Dr. Serizawa. I never heard him mention it again. But if he did make one, I have to find it. It may be the world's only chance."

"Where is it?" Mason asked.

"I don't know. H.E.R.B.I.E. and I search the manor but it wasn't there. I hope it wasn't destroyed in the blast."

"So what you're saying," Mason began, "is that if he really made this Oxygen Destroyer, and if it wasn't destroyed in the blast andif you can find it before it's too late, then we have nothing to worry about. Well I'm sorry, but that isn't very reassuring."

"It's better than panicking people over something that they can't do anything about," Rita said.

"I think people have a right to know," Mason said. "And certainly the authorities should know so they can prepare for what you say is an imminent disaster. You should tell the Avengers League."

"Look Agent, I know you mean well, but if the knowledge of Doom's plan for Godzilla goes public, he may speed up his timetable. Right now he's moving methodically, with caution. But if he learns that the Avengers League is coming after him, he'll jump-start his plan. He may raise Godzilla before I find the Oxygen Destroyer."

"If it exists."

"At least give me a chance to find out," Rita implored. "Listen. Doc Savage has a secret fortress in the arctic. He keeps some valuable things there. That may be where he keeps the Oxygen Destroyer. Give me 48 hours to get there and find it. Please."

"Forty-eight hours may be too late," Mason countered.

"I'll make you a deal," Rita said, "You continue your investigation, get all the facts you can, but don't report anything to your superiors for 48 hours, unless something happens. If there's a crisis and you feel your information is needed immediately, then by all means, report it. But if not, keep it to yourself until I get back two days from now."

Agent Mason considered the proposition. "I'll tell you what. I'll agree to your terms, if you'll answer some questions for me."

Rita frowned. "There are some things I just can't talk about. But I'll tell you what I can."

Mason thought about it. "Hmmmmm. All right. Tell me about the first time you encountered one of Doom's henchmen. I believe it was 18 months ago at Tech Quest labs. A robot sent by the Wizard and the Mad Thinker. It's rumored that you first got your powers that day."

"You're remarkably well informed, Agent Mason," Rita said, "and you're right. All those things happened that day. And one other thing too. It was the day I first met him."


"Mr. Terrific. Michael Holt. The man I fell in love with."

Eighteen months earlier . . .

Rita had arrived at Tech Quest labs to visit her father who worked there, researching new power sources. She walked into his lab and he didn't even notice her. "Hello dad!" she said loudly.

"Huh?" Professor Farr muttered. "Oh, it's you, my dear. Sorry, I was a little distracted."

"You always are," she said. "So how's work going? Any brilliant scientific breakthroughs?"

"These things take years, dear."

"I know that dad. I was joking."

Rita was startled by the sound of crashes down the hall. "What in the world . . . "

Her father was again engrossed in his work and seemed not to notice the crashes. She walked out without him, searching out the source of the ruckus. She turned a corner and gasped!

She saw the new, young hero Mr. Terrific fighting a robot. He had some sort of laser and was blasting the robot, but the ray was having no effect. The robot kept coming forward. Mr. Terrific saw her.

"Get away from here!" he ordered her.

She hesitated. The robot targeted her and fired an iron spike at her. It would have pierced her head, but Mr. Terrific shot it out of the air.

Terrific looked down the hall and addressed another man, a stocky man who was watching the fight. "Cliff, get her out of here!"

"You got it, Mikey!" Cliff answered.

Mr. Terrific distracted the Robot and gave Cliff a chance to slip passed it. Cliff grabbed Rita by the arm and dragged her away.

"What in God's name is going on?" She demanded to know, "Who are you?"

"My name's Cliff Steele, honey. I work with Mr. T sometimes. Hey, aren't you Rita Farr?"

"Yeah, I am. But what's . . . "

"Never mind," Cliff said, "There's gonna be a lotta time for questions later. Just keep your feet moving. There a place you can hide 'round here?"

"In there. That's my father's lab!"

"Good!" he said, shoving her inside. "Now stay put. Don't . . . " He trailed off when he noticed the sign. ENERGY RESEARCH. Cliff snapped his fingers. "Energy! Holy cats! Talk about your lucky breaks!"

Cliff ran out. Rita's father looked at her. "What in the Sam Hill is going on here?!"

Rita tried her best to explain what little she knew. The sounds of the battle continued. They suddenly stopped. She wondered if the battle was over. But then Mr. Terrific and Cliff came running in.

"Where's the robot?" Rita asked.

"We lost it for the moment, but it'll be coming for us soon. I suggest you two get out of here. I need to use some of the equipment you have here."

"I will not leave my lab, young man!" Professor Farr shouted, "And furthermore, these devices aren't toys! It takes considerable technical skill to operate and understand . . . "

Terrific looked around at some of the gadgets. He fixed his gaze on one. "A Garrick Frequency Modulator."

"You can't use that!" Professor Farr said. "It's very expensive and it takes a great deal of skill to operate."

"Yes, I know. I've read your papers on the subject."

Proffessor Farr grinned, a bit flattered. "Really?"

Mr. Terrific picked up the frequency modulator. "Thanks for this, Professor. You may have just saved my life." He looked at Cliff. "Come on, buddy. I hear our automaton friend approaching. We need to go somewhere in which I can work."

The two of them ran out. Rita hesitated, then ran after them, ignoring her father's entreaties to stay.

Rita heard the robot stomping behind her, coming closer. She kept running until she got to a large room which housed several racks with containers and vials of various chemicals, and lots of small tools for finely detailed work. Inside, Mr. Terrific and Cliff were frantically working on their laser gun. They had hooked up the laser to the frequency modulator using some of the tools and some wires ripped from a junction box.

"It looks real Flash Gordon," Cliff said.

"Let's just hope this has a happy ending like the Flash Gordon serials did."

Rita ran in and joined them.

"Get away from here!" Mr. Terrific demanded. "It's not safe here!"

"No!" she insisted, "My father and some other people I've known well for years put a lot of sweat and tears into making this place what it is. If I can help save it, I will!"

"I don't have time to argue!" Terrific said. "The robot will be here any second."

She looked at the makeshift gizmo warily. "Are you sure this will work?" she asked.

"The theory is sound," Terrific said. "This robot I'm fighting seems to be highly resistant to all known forms of laser energy. It can polarize its armor, causing any energy weapon that strikes it to disperse harmlessly. Apparently, the polarization effect works by adapting to the energy signature of the weapon. I need a weapon that constantly alters its frequency, keeping the robot from adapting to it. Hence, the frequency modulator."

"Let's hope it works!" she said.

"If not, you'll die a horrible death," Cliff said.

"Thanks," Rita said.

The robot lumbered in. Mr. Terrific stood up and aimed the gun. "Here goes nothing."

He fired. The robot jerked and teetered. The weapon was having a strong effect on it. Its chestplate was starting to crack. But then the gun started to hum. Steam came out of it.

"It's overloading!" Terrific shouted, "Take cover!"

Terrific threw the gun at the robot. Everybody dived behind some object for cover. The gun exploded. It caused the whole room to shake. Some of the containers shattered. A spray of various chemicals spilled all over Rita. She yelled as they came in contact with her skin because they initially burned. But the burning quickly stopped. She looked up. The robot was off balance, disrupted and damaged. There was an open hole in its chestplate. Mr. Terrific raced past it. "Come and follow me, you clanking, rusty, bucket of gears!"

Mr. Terrific ran out. The robot pursued him. Cliff looked at Rita. "You okay, lady?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good. I gotta go help Terrific."

Cliff ran out. Rita wiped the chemicals off herself.

Now . . .

"As you may have guessed," Rita said to Agent Mason. "Those chemicals turned me into Elasti-Girl. And ended my career. Once rumors of my size-changing ability got out, no one wanted to hire me. I decided to use my powers to fight crime. I was inspired by Mr. Terrific. By his resourcefulness, his heroism and by the fact that he saved my life. I wanted to be just like him. So I became a super-hero. Not long after that, I was recruited by Doc Savage to be part of the Doom Patrol. Probably because I let it be known publicly that Mr. Terrific was my inspiration."

"And Cliff Steele got injured later that same day, didn't he?" Mason asked. "Injuries that led to him becoming the Robotman."

"Yes," Rita said. "Poor Cliff. I went to the hospital to see him later. His body was ruined. Michael - Mr. Terrific - was devastated. He felt so guilty. I tried to console him. I could see right then and there that he had a beautiful soul, as well as a beautiful mind and body."

"He sounds too good to be true," Mason said.

"Yes, he always did," Rita said. "I've known a lot of men, and in one way or another, they all disappointed me. But one man didn't. One man showed me what was best in human nature. He was a good man. He was . . . Terrific."

"Sounds like you loved him very much," Mason said.

She nodded. "He was my North, my South, my East, my West. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song. My sun and my moon. My heart and soul. My everything."

"In a way, I envy you," Agent Mason said. "Most people never experience what you had."

"I was the luckiest girl in the world," Rita said.

"I understand it caused a lot of friction within the group," Agent Mason said.

"Well, Nita - that's what we called Namorita - she did resent me. She loved Michael too. And of course, Larry Trainer was always in competition with Michael. I was one of the prizes they competed over. There were some tense moments."

"Now about that last day," Agent Mason said. "I know that Dr. Doom sent the Lethal Legion to Doc Savage's manor to kill you. I know that Mr. Terrific surrendered himself to save the rest of you. I heard about how he outwitted them and set them up for defeat. All but Mallah, who escaped. And I know that he overheard them saying there was something going on at the spot where John Savage was killed. I know you all went to investigate. And this is where it gets fuzzy. Something happened there! Something concerning Godzilla. Something that caused Dr. Doom to vanish for six months. And something that led to the death of Mr. Terrific. I need to know what happened."

"You don't need to know that," Rita said. "You know enough. And it's better you don't know everything."

"I'd still like to know."

"Let me just say this, Agent Mason," Rita began. "That day, the world came very close to falling over the abyss into chaos. And it was an act of heroism and self-sacrifice by Michael that saved us. The details don't matter. Just believe me when I say that I would love for the whole world to know what Michael did. I wish there were statues erected to him. But the sad fact is, no one can know. His sacrifice will go unheralded."

Agent Mason nodded. "I guess you really don't want anyone to know, do you."

"Never. Never. Never."

"All right," Mason agreed. "I'll wait 48 hours."

"Thank you, Agent Mason."

Rita looked out the window. "You know what I've been thinking. I thought that Dr. Doom was dead, but he turned up again, like a bad penny. So I keep wondering . . . if he can turn up alive, could my Michael? Could Mr. Terrific still be alive out there, somewhere?"

To be continued . . .