DCM Zone


Action Comics
Blue Angel
by Bob Young

Faster than a speeding bullet!
More powerful than the pounding surf!
Able to fly higher than any plane!
Look! Up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No, it’s the amazing stranger from the planet Krypton,
The Man of Steel . . . SUPERMAN!
Superman! Who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men!
Superman! Who can change the course of mighty rivers,
Bend iron bars in his bare hands,
Or see through walls of concrete!
Superman! The strange but magnificent savior from another world who fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and freedom!

Metropolis, Michigan

Just across the border from Canada is one of the grandest cities of the United States. Metropolis, where businesses thrive and the trains always run on time. Voted the cleanest city in the country. It now holds another singular honor. It has become the home to the most powerful super being in the world . . . Superman!

The blue-and-red clad hero glided majestically over the city, patrolling protectively above. The people of Metropolis had become used to seeing him there, and had gotten to like it. They felt better knowing someone so noble and powerful was watching over them.

The day started out a quiet spring morning: Uneventful, typical. Superman liked it when things were quiet. He wasn't one of these heroes who looked for adventure or glory. He just wanted people to be safe, secure, and happy.

And then he heard the explosion! He didn't need his super-acute hearing this time. The blast echoed for miles! Superman turned and saw the smoke rising in the distance. Using his amazing eyesight, he could see that the tracks of an elevated train line had been shattered. And a passenger train was headed straight for the gap!

Superman could hear the squeal of the train's breaks trying in vain to bring the metal conveyance to a halt, but there was no time. In moments, the train would fall into the gap and hundreds of people would be killed.

Not on my watch! he thought to himself. This is a job for Superman!

Superman jetted forward with amazing speed, covering the distance in less than a second. He streaked past the train and reached the gap first. The big vehicle arrived a moment later.

Superman could have stopped it immediately with his strength, but such a sudden halt slamming against his indestructible body would be as devastating to the train and everyone aboard as a head-on collision. He needed to be gentler if he was going to save everyone within.

So he backed off slightly, allowing the train to fall off the edge of the gap. Superman scooped it up, as gently as possibly, without any sudden stops. He drifted back, allowing the train to roll more slowly to a stop. The first two boxcars of the train were dangling over the gap, held aloft by Superman's power. Once the train had eased to a full stop, he softly pushed the train backwards, returning the two airborne boxcars safely to the intact part of the tracks. He rolled it further back, to a more stable part of the elevated line.

His X-Ray vision showed him that the passengers were slightly shaken but unharmed. His hearing indicated that most were just confused and didn't know what had happened. The engineer was pale and sweating but relieved. He waved his thanks to the blue-garbed hero.

Superman flew past the windows several times to let everyone inside know he was there, looking out for them. The sight of him relaxed everyone. They knew they were safe with him around. He stayed in sight until he heard the sirens of the police and rescue vehicles. Then he waved, smiled and veered off. Mission accomplished.

He was satisfied. Those people were safe and secure. That was all he wanted. That was the desire that fueled his life's crusade . . . The thought that disaster can be averted.

As Superman flew away, he never took any notice of the van sitting parked in the street, one block away. He didn't know that the people inside were involved or that they were watching. He also didn't know that they were members of Intergang!

Intergang was one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the country. It had worldwide cells, but its main base of operations was in Metropolis. Superman had become a thorn in their side since he settled in Metropolis last year, and they knew that someone so powerful was going to upset the balance of their battle against the law. Therefore, the leaders of Intergang decided that something must be done about him. The people in the van were part of that strategy.

They had infra-red cameras, microphones, satellite dishes and all manner of advanced equipment. They took a lot of scans. They checked the readings, satisfied. Mission accomplished. Once Superman was gone, they drove off.

The Daily Planet building

Superman flew swiftly and unnoticed into the window of the mop and supply storage room. He opened the roof tile where he'd hidden his street clothes and dressed at super-speed. Putting on the thick eye glasses which were unnecessary, except as part of a disguise, Superman once again became reporter Clark Kent.

He slipped out of the store room and strolled casually down the hall. His body language had totally changed. All the self-confidence and charisma of Superman was gone. Now, he was shy, bungling Clark again.

Clark returned to his desk in the newsroom basically unnoticed by the other reporters. Clark Kent was the sort of person who always remained invisible in a crowd. He had mastered the art of being insignificant. He sat at his desk and began writing up the story of the train wreck on his computer.

Clark didn't have the journalistic background of the other reporters on the planet. He sometimes felt bad that they'd had to work hard to reach a position like this, whereas he had taken some short cuts.

As Superman, he had made some highly influential friends. Calling in some favors, they doctored the background of Clark Kent's education and job history, making it easier for him to get a job as a journalist. Clark Kent felt that it was important he have a job in the news media because they were always the first to know when something was happening in the world. Reporters had great contacts. Often, CNN was ahead of the government in knowing what was going on. Clark knew this was the best place for him to be. So, he told himself that his somewhat immoral doctoring of his resume was justified by the need for Superman to know where trouble was brewing around the world.

"Kent!" a bellowing voice suddenly yelled. "Where have you been?"

Perry White, the Managing Editor of the Daily Planet, stood over him, wearing his most intimidating look. He scowled at Clark. "Decided to grace us with your presence, have you, Kent? I sent you to interview the head of the Transit Authority hours ago."

"Sorry, Mr. White," Clark said. "I was delayed by traffic."

"You're always being delayed by traffic," White said. "And while you were sitting in traffic, did you happen to hear the explosion? Superman just saved a train full of passengers after someone blew up the El."

"I know, chief," Clark replied. "I saw the whole thing. I'm writing up the story now."

Perry leaned over and looked at the copy Clark was writing. He was surprised to see Clark so on-the-ball. But then again, he thought, maybe he shouldn't be. Clark may seem a little dim sometimes, but he often seems to be in the right place at the right time. His luck makes up for many of his faults.

"Hmmmm," Perry hummed. "All right, Kent. Glad to see you're awake some of the time. Good. Write it up and I'll look it over."

"Right, chief."

Clark's attention was suddenly diverted to the door, when he saw the attractive brunette entering the room. She wore a shorter skirt than most women in her field. But most women were not Lois Lane. She had proven herself as a top notch reporter over-and-over, so she wasn't worried about people not taking her seriously. No one would ever say that Lois Lane was anything less than a consummate professional.

"Good afternoon, boys and girls," she said loudly. "I'm home, honey. It's the Planet's most talented, determined and-let's face it-hottest reporter!"

"I'm disappointed, Lane," Perry said. "The Lois Lane I know would have been all over that train wreck, rather than spending all day gallivanting around."

Lois sat at her desk, turned on her computer and picked up the phone. "You cut me to the quick, Perry. I've spent the entire day running down leads on Intergang. You assigned me to the story, if you remember. And as for the train wreck, I've been on the phone to my contacts in Metropolis PD, and now I'm going to call a friend in Damage Control. I'll have a story for you within the hour."

"Forget it," Perry said, heading back to his office. "Kent beat you to it. For once, Lois Lane wasn't the first on the scene."

As Perry closed his office door, Lois scowled at Clark. She got up and walked over to his desk. "All right, Smallville. What's the deal? How'd you get the goods so fast?"

Lois thought is bothered Clark when she called him "Smallville", but actually, he liked the nickname. Smallville was the name of the tiny Kansas town he had been born in. He had many pleasant memories of Smallville. His adopted parents and their farm; the county fair; his best friend Pete, who was the first person besides his parents that he shared his secret with; Chloe, the smartest girl in school, who'd gotten him interested in journalism; And Lana, his first crush, who he'd mooned over for years.

Ah, Smallville. He missed it sometimes. It seemed like an eternity ago since he'd lived there. He'd had a lot of adventures between the time he left home and settling in Metropolis last year. But through it all, memories of good old Smallville always made him smile.

"I was just lucky, Lois," Clark told her. "Just -- "

" -- Just in the right place at the right time, huh?" she quizzed.

"Uh, yeah. Basically."

"You seem to get lucky a lot, Smallville," she said, a tinge of anger in her voice. Clark knew how much she hated it when someone beat her to a story. "They must make really lucky rabbits feet in Kansas."

"I hope you're not mad, Lois," Clark said, meekly. "I was just doing my job."

Lois waved her hand, dismissing him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Forget it. Half of everything is luck."

"What's the other half?" Clark asked.

"Blood, sweat and tears," she replied. "Write your story, Smallville. I've got a thousand notes on Intergang to go through. When I'm done, I'm going to have the biggest story since Superman blew into town."

Clark watched Lois walk back to her desk. He liked to watch her walk. When she moved, she had an enticing combination of confidence, class and sexiness, yet Clark could also detect something else beneath the surface. A compassion she tried so hard to hide. As if she thought she couldn't be a good reporter and still have a heart.

Clark couldn't help admire her. He respected strong woman, since he's been around so many Super heroines, but he had also grown up around sweet, small town girls, who could be so feminine. Lois seemed to be the perfect mix. An ultra-feminist with a touch of country girl heart.

Clark pushed Lois out of his mind, and concentrated on writing his story. He had to slow his fingers down or he might short-out the computer. Later, had would revert back to his Superman alias and check with his friend Inspector Henderson at Metropolis PD to see what they had learned about the explosion.

Suicide Slum, in Metropolis

Even the most spectacular city has its dark side. For Metropolis, Suicide Slum is that dark side. It stood in the shadows of the great towers that made up the business district, like a forgotten, lost child. It was an impoverished, dirty, crime-ridden area where hope was harder to come by than in other parts of the city.

The old armory had not been used for years. Not long ago, it was rented out by a corporation who claimed they had plans for it. So far, there seemed to be little activity going on at the armory. At least, not from the outside.

On the inside, however, it was a different story. Inside, it was the main headquarters of the criminal organization known as Intergang. They entered and left through underground tunnels, so no one in the neighborhood saw anything suspicious. Not that anyone in the area was likely to report suspicious activity. That was part of the reason the armory was chose. Its location and size made it perfect for Intergang.

Within the armory, the leader of Intergang was pacing, impatiently. He had many ambitions which would either come to fruition or fail in the near future. He was becoming very pensive.

His name was MacDonald "Mac" Gargan, but his code-name was "Scorpio". He used to be known as the Scorpion, but he recently shortened it. Growing up, his parents had died when he was young and he was brought up by his step-mother. But she soon began a relationship with Jake Fury, brother of legendary Nick Fury. Jake Fury was a bitter man, having failed at most things in life. He never lived up to the notoriety of his famous brother. Jake eventually became a struggling private detective, who would take any case, no matter how amoral or unpleasant. He crossed the line between legality and crime very frequently. After he married Mac's mother, Jake Fury started training Mac to be his successor in the PI business.

Jake was eventually arrested by his own brother for getting involved with the fledgling criminal organization which would one day be known as Intergang. Jake killed himself in prison and Mac inherited the Private detective business. Jack hated Nick Fury for arresting the only father he had ever known. Mac devoted himself to being an anti-establishment rebel, breaking the law whenever he could get away with it. He hated anyone who upheld the law, thinking they were all pompous, sanctimonious robots. He continued working with Intergang sporadically.

At one point, Intergang was looking for a volunteer for a procedure that would create a superhuman being. They asked Mac and he immediately volunteered. The Corporation operated on him and turned him into the Scorpion. Mac now had a protective, green exo-skeleton. He was stronger, faster and more durable than your average man. He had claws that allowed him to scale walls. Most of all, he had a lethal scorpion-like tail which was cybernetically controlled. This could be used as a whip, or as a stinger to inject deadly poison. It could also spit venom. He became the best assassin Intergang ever had.

Soon after, he was contacted by the Corporation which sponsored Intergang. The once small Intergang was growing, becoming international. The Corporation needed someone to run Intergang's home base in Metropolis. The Scorpion had proven himself loyal and resourceful. They offered him the job and he gladly accepted. To start his new life as a leader of men, he changed his name to Scorpio. He had led Intergang for five years now. His superiors in the Corporation had trusted him completely. Up till now.

The appearance of Superman in the very same city where Intergang was headquartered caused the Corporation to believe that their investment was in danger. They were afraid that Superman was more than ever Scorpio could handle. So they gave him an "advisor".

At the moment, Scorpio was feeling impatient about the machinations of his so-called "advisor". He felt this brainy counselor was keeping things too close to the vest. He marched to the lab to confront his consigliore. As he entered, he felt of revulsion. He hated the creepy look of his new advisor.

MODOK was a genetically engineered being. Once, he was a normal man named George Tarlatan. But no longer. He was mutated into something beyond that. Something frighteningly different.

His head was enlarged to the size of a hippopotamus. His body, although of normal size, seemed tiny in comparison. He relied heavily on his LSHC (life-support hover chair). He couldn't support the weight of his head without it, nor could he move from one place to another. Also, his body couldn't provide the blood and nutrients his massive brain needed, so the chair helped sustain him.

MODOK had an amazing super-human brilliance, as well as an ability to calculate odds that bordered on the clairvoyant. He didn't look at Scorpio when he entered. He stared at a dozen different computer screens. "Good evening, Mr. Gargan."

"MODOK, I want a word with you!" Scorpio snapped.

MODOK's chair pivoted around toward Scorpio. "What can I do for you?"

"I've been waiting for a status report on the Zodiac Project," Scorpio said. "Instead, I hear you've started some project regarding Superman without my authorization."

"Calm yourself," MODOK said, condescendingly. "There is no reason to fret. I am quite capable to focusing on two projects at the same time. I am, in fact, working on quite a few initiatives as we speak. The subjects in the Zodiac chamber are proceeding flawlessly, and I am in the process of procuring the final element I need to bring the project to fruition. Fear not. I have control over the situation. It is well."

"And what's this about Superman?"

"You forget, Scorpio," MODOK said. "The Corporation created me to deal with Superman. That is my primary goal. I exist to destroy him. Hence, my name . . . 'Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.' I must find a way to kill an unkillable being. That is my challenge. The mission today regarding the train was part of my overall Superman objective. You see, Gargan, I used the explosion to bait Superman to a certain spot, where some of our operatives were hidden in an inconspicuous vehicle. Hiding in plane sight, as it were. They took scans and specific reading of Superman. I now have records of his speed signature and Alpha Wave frequencies, among other things. I can now monitor his flight and detect his approach from miles away. Detection is a handy asset. Don't you agree?

"Still, I'm disappointed in my quarry so far. He was so easily baited. Apparently his powers do not include high intelligence. This may not be as difficult as the Corporation anticipates. If only I were created to defeat Mr. Fantastic, instead. I believe he would provide some mental stimulation. Alas, I must content myself with proving that mind is always superior to muscle by destroying Superman."

Scorpio was tired of listening to MODOK. "Do what you have to do about Superman, MODOK. Just make sure my Zodiac project is completed on time!"

"You worry needlessly, Mr. Gargan," MODOK said. "All will be well. Now if you'll excuse me, I am anticipating a volcano eruption."

"A volcano eruption?"

"Indeed," MODOK said. "In Hawaii. I monitor geological events around the world and I calculate that one will be erupting in just minutes. This one is extremely important because it will allow us to gain access to the special element we need!"

Uptown precinct HQ of metropolis PD

Superman was speaking to his friend Inspector Henderson about the explosion. Henderson sat at his desk, showing some reports to the Man of Steel as he explained the situation.

"The bombs was made of easily obtained materials and chemicals that can be found in common insecticides and cleaning products. There were no fingerprints or other tell-tale signs. I'm afraid this is a dead end."

Superman nodded. He'd expected something like that. "There must be a purpose for it, unless it's just a case or terrorism. Do you think Intergang is involved?"

"I wouldn't be surprised," Henderson said. "They seem to have their hand in everything these days. They practically control crime in Metropolis."

"Hopefully we can end their reign soon," Superman said. "I'll make it my mission."

"It's a never-ending battle against crime we fight," Henderson said.

Superman felt that was very well put. A never-ending battle. That was his lot in life. He'd arrived on this planet as a boy and discovered that the lighter gravity of Earth and Solar energy from the sun gave him phenomenal powers. He always knew that he had a great destiny waiting. His adoptive human parents who raised him in Kansas - after finding his crashed ship - always told him that he was meant to be a force for good. He had dedicated his life to this never-ending battle against evil! Intergang was the latest skirmish in the endless war.

"Inspector, do you think . . . Wait a second!"

Superman's incredible hearing picked up an AM radio transmission. The newscaster was talking about a powerful volcano erupting in Hawaii.

"Excuse me Inspector," Superman said. "I'm needed!"

The Big Island of Hawaii

The volcano had erupted unexpectedly, with devastating force. People were fleeing, as volcanic ash covered them, and tons of molten lava flowed down the mouth of the volcano. Rocks were spit into the air. There was panic and chaos!

Superman arrived quickly! His astounding speed allowed him to reach Hawaii in mere moments. His super-vision scanned the whole area, assessing the situation and prioritizing. He had to act quickly but also with thought.

The first thing he did was the scoop up people who were in immediate danger of being engulfed by lava and carry them to safety. Occasionally, he saw projectile chunks of stone being spit out of the mouth of the volcano, hurtling toward clusters of fleeing people. Superman focused his vision into a laser which he called his 'heat vision' and disintegrated the dangerous falling rocks.

Then it was time to turn his attention to the lave flow. He had to divert it from populated areas to the nearby sea. He had a plan to do so, but he was interrupted by something big!

To his shock, and immense being rose from the mouth of the volcano. It was a seventy foot, blue-hued, humanoid shaped, hairless creature. It didn't make a sound but looked around blankly. Then it fixed its gaze on Superman, who was hovering in front of it.

"Do you understand me?" Superman asked. "Who are you?"

From out of its eyes, two powerful energy beams shot forth, striking the surprised Superman, hurtling him backwards. Stunned, he was forced to the ground with a crash. The deadly beams continued their assault. Superman hadn't been hurt in a long time. He was virtually indestructible but he could feel pain. It was a rare thing, however and he liked it that way. He wasn't enjoying this!

He looked around and saw that the lava flow was getting nearer to occupied areas and rocks were still spitting from the volcano's maw. He had to do something! He forced himself to rise, despite the pain!

And then he flew, against the beams. He made slow headway and the pain was agonizing. Frustrated, he swung his fists at the rays. He was surprised when his blows actually caused a backlash in the energy beams which seemed to sting the monster's eyes. The monster stopped it's laser attack and instinctively rubbed its eyes. Superman, no longer restrained by the beams, shot forward suddenly. He crashed with full force into the giant's jaw.

The great beast staggered back but didn't fall or make a sound. Before it could recover, Superman treated it to a volley of heat vision bursts, which didn't have much effect. The massive beast fired at Superman again and swung his massive fist. Superman's speed allowed him to avoid both attacks. He glided upwards, to get some distance and work out a strategy.

Unnoticed in the mayhem, a human materialized some distance away. His name was Emil LaSalle. He wore a golden costume. He looked around, unnerved by the danger and chaos. He'd been hired by Intergang, but no one warned him about the giant. He spoke into a small communicator.

"Warp to MODOK," he said. "What sort of insanity have you sent me into?"

"Calm your fears, Warp," MODOK said. "Your transportation abilities will allow you safe passage. Now look around for a large green stone, approximately the size of a basketball. It calculate it should be within ten yards of your location. It will have been unearthed by the eruption of the Volcano."

"I am looking, monsieur," Warp said. "What is that giant?"

"It is called Ultimo," MODOK said. "According to information I received from the immortal Vandal Savage, it is a giant alien warrior robot, buried for centuries. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth, but when I learned that this volcano was going to explode, I was anxious to see if this 'Ultimo' would appear. And so he has. He is unrelated to our mission. However, he is a convenient diversion for superman."

Warp spotted the green rock and grabbed it. "I have it, MODOK."

"Return at once!" MODOK ordered. "The Kryptonite is ours!"

Warp was eager to flee the area, and immediately warped to safety.

Meanwhile, Superman had developed a strategy against Ultimo. He hurtled downward like a meteor and rammed into the rim of the volcano mouth. The whole volcano rocked. Ultimo lost his footing and fell backward into the volcano. He was swallowed up by the smoke, ash and lava. As Superman expected, the conditions inside the volcano which had held it in stasis before-temperature, air pressure, gasses, perhaps some ambient radiation-once again affected it the same way, once it was back in the depths of the volcano. Now that the eruptions had stopped, Superman crossed his fingers, hoping that it would not wake up again. It didn't!

With Ultimo gone, Superman returned to his rescue mission. The lava had almost reached the nearest buildings and panicky crowds. Superman began to spin, arms outstretched, like a propeller. He flew across the ground, digging a long trench, leading to the sea.

His plan worked. The lava flow was diverted. He also used his powerful lungs and freezing breath to cool part of the flow, turning it to stone. The new stone blockades helped to divert the flow. Then he used a series of mighty blows at the summit to collapse the maw of the volcano, which then collapsed in on itself. The rock and ash stopped spewing out.

Superman looked around, relieved. The eruption was over and Ultimo seemed to be dormant once again. The town was safe and no one died. Rescue teams were on the scene, as were medical personnel. Everything seemed to be under control. Another disaster averted. That was the thought that drove him on . . . The thought that disaster could be averted. This one ended well. Everyone safe and secure.

Superman flew home. Despite the success of this job, he was uneasy. He had the feeling that something bad was coming. The never ending battle was going to escalate!

Next issue: Superman gets his Fortress of Solitude! The Origin of MODOK! A mysterious enemy attack! And, the Fantastic Four guest star, all in Action Comics #2!