DCM Timely

No. 8

The Shadow
JUNE 1942

The Shadow
World's Finest: Part II
by Bob Young

Deep Zoo was the bar where criminals could hang out and freely talk about their latest schemes, their successes and failures. It was owned by criminals and frequented by criminals. No matter what illegal activity was going on in New York City, someone in Deep Zoo knew about it.

That's why the Shadow was here. For information. Someone here knew.

When the silhouette of the Shadow framed the door, everyone went silent. Many of the guys there were armed but were reluctant to shoot. It was not that long ago that the Shadow had come there, guns blazing, and racked up a huge body count. No one wanted to start another gunfight like that with the Shadow again. Each one was thinking the same thing . . . Maybe he's not after me. No sense me getting killed in a firefight to help one of these losers. I'll just mind my own business and hope he leaves me alone.

Another deterrent was that the Shadow was not alone. Behind him was a larger man, also well known to the criminal fraternity . . . Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze. The big, heavily muscled man stood in the doorway, arms folded, making sure no one left. No one wanted to mess with both of these crimefighters together.

The Shadow moved intimidatingly through the room, like a shark trawling for prawn. He stopped in the middle of the room, and spoke with a voice that chilled the soul. "This is the third place I've visited tonight. Perhaps you heard the ambulances. I intend for this to be my last stop. Where is the Thinker? Someone here knows."

Silence. The Shadow continued. "The Thinker used to be a lawyer. He represented some of you. One of you was the link that brought the Clifford Davoe to Coffin Industries. I won't insult the legendary underworld solidarity by suggesting that you'll surrender his name without torture."

The Shadow saw everyone looking at a dark haired man known as the Turk. The Turk sweat, breathing heavy, panicked. "You bastards!" The Turk yelled. "I buy you drinks, and you sell me out!"

The Shadow stepped up to the Turk. The Turk went pale. He grabbed a bottle and broke it, waving the jagged edge at the Shadow. "Stay away from me or I'm gonna carve your face like a damn Thanksgiving turkey!"

The Turk looked into the Shadow's eyes and was momentarily fixated, like a rabbit being hypnotized by a cobra. The Shadow reached out and grabbed the Turk's hand, the one holding the bottle. The Shadow squeezed the Turk's hand and the bottle broke from the pressure. The shards of glass pierced the Turk's palm. The Turk screamed but the Shadow was unmoved. He continued to squeeze the Turk's hand, causing the broken glass to pierce further through the Turk's skin. Doc Savage watched disdainfully. He wanted to stop this, but in a den of vipers, solidarity was their best weapon.

"Arrgh! Stop it! Jesus, it hurts!" the Turk yelled.

"Where is the Thinker?" the Shadow insisted on knowing.

"I dunno! Really!"

The Shadow squeezed harder. The glass pierced further. The Turk screamed louder.

"I dunno! I dunno! I dunno!" The Turk said. "I just set him up with the guy from Coffin!"

"Which guy?" the Shadow demanded.

"Name's Mack Stern! Security advisor for Coffin! That's all I know! Honest!"

The Shadow let go. The Turk dropped the broken glass and clutched his bleeding hand.

The Shadow turned and calmly walked out. "Be good boys. Don't make me come back."

Savage and the Shadow departed, to everyone's relief.

The two crimefighters cut through an alley, heading for the Cab in which the Shadow got around. Doc Savage grabbed the Shadow by the shoulder and spun him around.

"You're an animal!" Savage said, angrily.

"We're all animals," the Shadow responded calmly.

"Some of us are civilized," Savage said. "We don't torture people for information."

"Better to torture a vermin like the Turk then for a lot of innocent people to be killed. You do remember the poison gas, don't you?"

"The ends do not justify the means, Shadow!"

"Yes they do."

"Not when you're working with me they don't!" Savage shouted.

"I'm not your lackey," the Shadow countered. "I don't take orders from you. The Shadow does what the Shadow must do."

"Then you're no better then they are!"

"It's irrelevant whether I'm better than they are," the Shadow said. "All that matters is that we stop the Thinker and Lady Coffin."

"By any means necessary?" Savage asked, frustrated.


Savage shook his head. "I won't be party to torture or brutality. I think we should split up for a while. I'll meet you back at my office at eight o'clock tonight."

"Fine," the Shadow said, getting into his cab. He ordered the driver to go. Doc Savage watched the car pull away , wondering what he'd gotten himself into, teaming with a vigilante.

The Shadow snuck into the apartment belonging to Mack Stern, Lady Coffin's security advisor. The Shadow was surprised at what he found. Mack Stern was laying on the floor of his apartment, eyes wide open and drooling. His mind was gone. Obviously, the Thinker had gotten wind of the fact that the Shadow was looking for him and was covering his tracks. Mack Stern was not talking to anyone. The Shadow had just lost another round.

Doc Savage was making a lot of phone calls. He planned to use more civilized methods than the Shadow had. He was getting in touch with his contacts in the medical field. Coffin Industries was in the medicine business and they had to travel in the same circles as Doc Savage did. Somewhere along the line, they had to deal with the same people. Someone knows.

That afternoon, Lamont Cranston was having lunch at an outdoor café when Margo Lane past by with some shopping bags.

"Margo, good to see you," Cranston said. "Doing some shopping?"

"Yes," she said. "It's such a nice day, perfect for exploring the city."

"Would you care to join me for a bite?" he asked.

"Sure, why not?" she said, and sat across the table from him. As she looked at the menu, Lamont studied her. She was beautiful. He liked her very much. He wished he could become more than an acquaintance to her. But he had to protect his secrets.

They talked for a while over their meal, and as was often the case with Margo, the subject drifted around to the subject of the Shadow.

"You know what I heard?" she said. "'I heard that the Shadow was seen with Doc Savage last night. The Doc Savage!"

"Where'd you hear that?" Cranston asked, curious about how news of his nocturnal activities had been spreading.

"A friend of a friend is a reporter," she said. "He knows all the ins-and-outs of the New York underworld. I asked him to let me know anything he hears about the Shadow."

"You're obsessed with this Shadow," Cranston said.

"He's fascinating," Margo said. "He's rugged and strong and brave and . . . Dangerous. There are very few men like that. Or at least, I don't know any."

Cranston resisted the urge to smile.

In his office at the Empire State Building, Doctor Clark Savage received visitors: Detectives Pierce and Van Ness.

"What can I do for you, gentlemen?" Savage asked politely.

"We heard some interesting rumors, Doctor," Pierce said. "That you were seen last night in the company of a wanted vigilante known as the Shadow."

"Really?" Savage said. "Well, you know how rumors are."

"Are you saying that it's not true?" Van Ness asked.

"I would have thought that I had earned enough of a reputation as a law abiding citizen that I would not be subjected to inquires based on second had rumors," Savage said.

"We police all have great respect for you, Doctor Savage," Van Ness said.

"I'm personally a huge admirer of yours," Pierce said. "But this rumor has been past by several sources, some more reliable than others. We would really appreciate an answer. Have you been in contact with the Shadow?"

Savage thought for a minute. He didn't like to lie. But the safety of the city relied on his alliance with the Shadow. "No. I have not seen the Shadow."

The two detectives nodded, not seeming totally convinced. "Thank you for your time, Doctor. We'll see ourselves out."

Outside, the detectives ceased their veil of politeness.

"He's lying," Van Ness said.

"Yeah, I'd say so," Pierce said. "But why would a great man like Clark Savage be associating with the likes of the Shadow?"

"I say we stake the place out and maybe we'll find out."

"Absolutely. We build a tent right here on fifth avenue."

Margo was tempted to go and see Doc Savage but decided against it. What would she say? Would she quiz a living legend about his activities? And why would he admit it? He wouldn't! No, there had be to another way. She had to get close to Savage, get friendly with him and then maybe she could trick some information out of him. She decided that the best way to slip into Doc Savage's life was through his sister, Patricia.

Pat Savage ran a beauty salon a few blocks away from the Empire State Building. They were reportedly very close. If Margo could make friends with Pat Savage, maybe she could work her way into Clark Savage's good graces.

Having made an appointment, she sat in the chair as Pat Savage worked on her hair. Pat Savage was a stunningly beautiful woman, perfect of face and form. She had long, luxurious red hair, and a sexy voice.

"So you're Doc Savage's sister?" Margo asked.

"Yes I am," Pat replid, smiling.

"That must be exciting," Margo said. "Having a legendary hero for a brother. I mean, you've gotten involved in some of his adventures, haven't you?"

"A few," Pat said. "More than he'd like. He hates it when I go with him on these adventures. He's so overprotective. And a little old fashioned. He wants to keep me safe. But me, I love the excitement."

"So tell me about some of his adventures," Margo said. "Anything recently?"

The four men waited in the car outside the beauty salon at closing time. Pat was closing up. Someone else was watching her too . . . Margo! Margo walked down the street to "accidently" bump into Pat.

As Pat finished locking up, Margo walked into her. "I'm sorry," Margo said innocently. "I . . . Oh, it's you! Hello again."

"Hi," Pat said politely.

Margo quickly started a conversation with Pat, who was trying to be polite, even though she wanted to go. Ten feet away, in the car, the four men watched.

"Do we wait till she's alone?" one man asked.

"What if this other broad sticks with her all night? She might never be alone," a second said.

"The Thinker wants us to grab the Savage dame tonight," the third announced.

"Right, let's nab 'em both," the fourth added.

The two women were suddenly grabbed by the four big men. They put up a good struggle, especially Pat, who was experienced in these situations, but ultimately their efforts were in vain. They got dragged into the car, which sped away.

Doc Savage looked at the clock. The Shadow should be here soon. But the police were watching the building. He hoped they didn't . . .

"Doctor," the Shadow's voice said.

Savage turned and saw the Shadow appearing from the shadows. "Did you notice the police stakeout?" Savage asked.

"Of course," the Shadow said.

"Are you sure they didn't see you?"

"The Shadow is no fool. I am seen only when I wish to be seen. Have you learned anything?"

"Yes I have, actually," Savage said. "You first."

The Shadow hesitated, hating to admit his failure. "I have nothing new to report. Yet. And you?"

Savage resisted the urge to brag about the fact that his civilized methods had been more effective than the Shadow's roughhousing. But he decided not to bring it up. "I learned something from my sources in the medical profession. I found that there is a clinic in the Bronx which is receiving a large number of deliveries from a factory owned by Coffin Industries. The clinic is in an area where a large number of 'Demon' victims lived, and died. And the factory receives numerous amounts of international shipments from countries that supply the materials needed to make pesticide BX4."

"I see," the Shadow said. "Coffin Industries can't order supplies to make a lethal gas because the Fed's look out for those particular materials. So Lady Coffin decided to make a poison gas based on an old insecticide, which was made illegal because it was so powerful it even affected people. The chemicals used to make pesticide BX4 are not illegal or on the Fed's 'red alert' list. They ship the chemicals in, a few at a time, from other countries, make the poison in that factory and then ship the completed 'Demon' poison to this clinic. The people who run the clinic probably are payed off by Coffin Industries. They sell Demon to the local drug dealers, who sell it to the public."

"That'd be my guess," Doc Savage said. "And if my other guess is right, they'll be making an airborne variant in that factory right now. They've tested it in liquid and solid form. And it's deadly in both. And the gas should be just as deadly."

"Worse," the Shadow said. "Because the people who used the drug version of Demon brought it on themselves. But when the Demon gas is released, I suspect that a lot of innocent people will die. People who did nothing to deserve their fate."

"I don't agree with your supposition that the past victims brought it on themselves, but I agree that we're looking at a disaster if the Demon gas is released in New York." Savage said. "We have to get to that factory and stop them before they finish!"

"Then why are we standing here?"

Margo and Pat were tied up and gagged in the factory. They struggled to get loose, but to no avail. They had no idea why they were being held. Their captors were not being very forthcoming. All they had been able to learn was that the mastermind behind their capture was a man calling himself the Thinker.

The Thinker was also at the factory, overseeing the completion of the Demon gas. He was on the phone with Lady Coffin. "Yes, Madam, don't get excited. I assure you that I have everything under control. Believe me, my dear, grabbing Savage's sister and her friend is the best way to keep Doc Savage under control. He won't do anything to jeopardize his precious sister. As for the Shadow, I handled him before and I'm confident that I can do it again. Trust me, dear lady. I'm in control. We'll be ready in time for Project M."

The Thinker hung up. He looked at Patricia Savage. "I'm assuming your famous brother will be arriving soon. He's clever enough to trace us here. You're my insurance policy."

Margo had heard the mention of the Shadow. She hoped that the Shadow would appear out of the night and save the day again.

The Shadow and Doc Savage had snuck out of the Empire State Building through Savage's secret tunnel which leads to the Hidalgo Trading Company, across town. A pneumatic vehicle shuttled the duo across quickly under the city. But the trading company actually served as a hanger and equipment warehouse for Doc Savage. Savage led the Shadow to his aircar, the Skybolt, the fastest air vehicle in the world. It took almost no time for the duo to get from mid-town Manhattan to the factory in Brooklyn. The Shadow wouldn't admit it, but this means of travel certainly made his auto-gyro seem primitive by comparison. Doc Savage may be unrealistically optimistic, but he was also a genius.

Savage landed the Skybolt on Gerritson beach, which was uninhabited at that time of night. The beach was only three blocks from the factory and so they ran. The Shadow was amazed at the speed of Savage. For such a big man, he ran like an Olympic sprinter. Savage reached the factory first and began to survey the area. The Shadow caught up. "Do you know anything about the interior layout?" he asked.

Savage nodded. "I obtained a copy of the blueprints before you arrived at my office."

"Best ingress?"

"There's a fire escape at the rear," Savage said. "The fire door is at an area away from the main work area. Low visibility."

"The Thinker is smart," the Shadow added. "He'll have it guarded."

"I know," Savage said. "I suggest one of us go in the front to create a distraction, while the other sneaks in the back."

"I'll take the back," the Shadow said. "I'm better at covert entrances than you."

"Right. I'll meet you inside, Shadow. Good luck."

Savage marched in the front entrance. The Shadow had to admit that Savage had courage. He could see why Savage had earned his legend. The Shadow headed around the back.

The Thinker was standing near Margo and Pat when they heard the ruckus. All the workers turned their attention to the front entrance. Doc Savage kicked open the door. The two men standing guard tried to restrain him. One received a broken wrist and the other got off with only a broken nose. Savage left them laying battered on the ground.

The big, bronze-skinned scientist marched through the factory. The workers all had their eyes glued to him. Savage spotted Pat and his eyes widened in surprise. This changed things. He tried to cover his alarm. "Who's in charge here?"

The Thinker stepped up. "Doctor Clark Savage. This is an honor. You're supposed to be the world's smartest man. I challenge that. You're looking at the new title holder."

"I assume you're Clifford Davoe, the Thinker," Savage said. "I've heard quite a lot about you. I am not impressed."

"You will be," The Thinker said. "You will be. Where's your new best friend, the Shadow? I hear the two of you were looking for me all last night. I suspect he'll be along any minute. No matter. Every entrance is booby trapped. If he tries to sneak in through any other door but the front, he'll end up a in more pieces than a jigsaw puzzle."

Savage tensed up. There was no way to warn the Shadow that he was walking into a trap. "What do you want with my sister?" Savage asked. "And that other woman?"

"That should be obvious," the Thinker said. "She's my way of controlling you. I want you to give up without a struggle or your pretty sister will get an overdose from my Thinking Cap and end up a mindless vegetable. Just like Mack Stern."

Savage clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. The Shadow wasn't in position yet and Savage had no doubt that the Thinker would carry out his threat. He had to stall for time.

"If I surrender, you'll kill me. After that, you can't afford to allow Pat to go free and tell the police what has happened here. So you'll erase her mind anyway. Either way she'll be your victim. So why should I make things easy for you by surrendering?"

"I guess I'll have to show you that I'm serious," the Thinker said. "And that when I say surrender, I don't want discussion or debate. I want surrender." The Thinker pulled out a cranial port and put it on Margo's head. "This woman is first. Your sister is next."

Margo panicked. Becoming a mental vegetable was the worst fate she could think of. She closed her eyes and prayed.

The sound of an explosion was heard. The Thinker smiled. "Ahh, that would be the Shadow trying to sneak in the fire entrance. Bad idea. Oh well, I'll go and pick up the pieces later. In the meantime, little Miss Lane here is about to become less intelligent than a cocktail napkin."

Savage slowly moved his hand to his utility belt where his gas grenade was. He was hoping he could do it without the Thinker noticing.

The Shadow was no fool. He suspected that there would be either a booby trap or an armed guard behind the fire door. He shot the lock off the door. And then, from a safe distance away, he threw a garbage can at the door, which knocked it open. The booby trap exploded, destroying the door and the garbage can. The Shadow snuck inside.

The Thinker was just about to begin erasing Margo's mind. Savage couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed the smoke bomb. And . . .

The sound of a gunshot was heard. The Shadow, Savage thought, He's alive!

The Shadow had been shocked to see Margo there. He fired a shot at the Thinker. The shot hit his Thinking Cap. It bounced off the cap without doing much physical harm to the Thinker, but it damaged the Thinking Cap. The Thinker was stunned by the impact against his cap and staggered backwards. The wire connecting the cranial port between he and Margo snapped off.

Doc Savage threw his smoke bomb. It exploded and covered the area around the Thinker, Margo and Pat in a black cloud. The Shadow and Doc Savage ran into the smoke screen. The Thinker's men couldn't fire inside it or else they might hit the Thinker. Inside the cloud, the Thinker tried to use the power of his Thinking Cap but it wasn't working. It must have been damaged by the Shadow's bullet. He ran for cover. He emerged from the cloud and ordered his men to shoot inside. The henchmen obeyed, firing a hail of bullets into the smoke-screen. When the smoke cleared, amazingly, no one was thee. No corpses. Nothing. Just two empty chairs where the woman had been bound.

"Where in the world . . . " the Thinker wondered.

Across the room, The Shadow, Doc Savage, and the women were standing unnoticed. The Shadow had used his power to cloud men's minds and the four of them walked out of the smoke screen and across the room without anyone seeing them. The Shadow and Savage nodded to each other, indicating that it was time to fight.

Savage and the Shadow tore into the group like two tigers among a herd of deer. Savage's strength and combat skill was almost superhuman. The Shadow made himself invisible and peppered the thugs with unseen fists. The Thinker's men didn't stand a chance.

The Thinker realized that it was time to abandon this HQ. Fortunately, they had managed to complete one cannister of the Demon gas. The Thinker grabbed the gas cannister. Putting an a gasmask, he open the canister and some of the gas leaked out, filling the room. The Thinker escaped through a secret door, leaving his men and the heroes to breath in the fumes of the demon gas.

It only took a few seconds for the gas to take effect. The henchmen were the first ones to start choking. The two women were next, gasping and coughing. The Shadow started to feel the effects and finally Doc Savage began to suffer from the airborne poison.

The Shadow grabbed Margo and tried to make it to the door, but his knees gave out. The deadly poison was doing it's work. In another minute, everyone in the factory would be dead . . .

Next issue: Can the Shadow and Doc Savage survive the Demon poison? And what is the Thinker planning to do with his new poison gas? And what is Project M? Find out next month in Part 3 of World's Finest.