DCM Timely

No. 2

Wonder Woman
JULY 1943

Sensation Comics
Deadly Reunion
by Kevin Maxwell

Wonder Woman

Hippolyta glanced at herself in the mirror. She was clad in her patriotic armor, but there was a new addition; a long, flowing white cape, clasped beneath her neck by a small circle of gold. The cape was bordered by a thin stripe of blue, overlapped by white stars. The Amazon queen admired herself. She liked how the cape added a certain regal aspect to her appearance.

"And now . . . the woman you've all been waiting for. The warrior who has wowed America with her glamorous looks and mythic might; a symbol of feminine strength and a role-model for boys and girls alike; I proudly introduce to you; Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, better known as . . . Wonder Woman!"

The portly woman walked off the wooden stage, and Hippolyta slowly made her way towards the microphone. The crowd, all women, some young and not even in their teens, and others with gray at their temples, roared in appreciation. Hippolyta felt almost giddy with excitement; she knew that she was going to change these women's lives. After the women mobsters attacker her yesterday afternoon, Wonder Woman had realized she needed to connect with the females of this world. They were taking on careers normally taken by men, but they weren't taking on the correct ones.

"Hola, sisters!" Hippolyta cried, raising her hand in greeting. Several of the little girls in the crowd repeated Hippolyta's greeting. "First, I'd like to thank Washington, DC for the use of this park for my speech. Second, I'd like to explain why I'm here. I originally came from Paradise Island to fight in the war against the Nazis in Germany, and the Japanese in Japan. America is on the side of love and peace, so they are who the Amazons side with.

"But, every new day I live in Man's World, I see something that I never saw on Paradise Island. No, it wasn't superhuman feats, machines, war, men, fantastic beasts, or ancient architecture. It was women submitting to men, women staying at home while the men marched off to war. It certainly isn't as bad as Ancient Greece, where women held the status of slaves, but it is not near the Amazons' standards.

"I am not saying that the women of this world should rebel and become man-haters. Quite the contrary, in fact. We should prove that we are equal to men. That we can succeed anywhere they do. Currently, the United States government doesn't allow women to enter the Armed Forces. Therefore, I propose that we start a petition for a law stating that any woman who is able to perform the tasks necessary to enter the military is allowed to do so. The Black Canary was a normal woman just like all of you out there, yet she was able to fight alongside the JSA. Currently, she possesses a new superhuman power, but she has proven that a woman can learn to fight as well as men.

"Until that law is passed, though, there is plenty to do here. There are many positions left open by men who have gone off to war. I challenge all the healthy young women out there to take those jobs, to work in the factories and businesses!"

Wonder Woman continued, each word echoed by her melodious voice entrancing the crowd. Each woman who walked away from the Amazon Queen's speech that morning felt a swell of confidence and pride. Each woman vowed to herself that she would make a difference in the world, that she could make a difference.

Hippolyta walked away from her microphone, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Doing speeches like these, promoting not only feminism, but peace as well, was the best thing to do with her spare time. Suddenly, instincts spawned from centuries of training took control of her body, and Wonder Woman hurled herself forward into a graceful roll. She heard the sound of something sharp slicing through the wooden floor of the dressing room, and flipped onto her feet. In front of her crouched a tall, broad-shouldered woman clad from head to toe in ancient armor. Her long blonde hair spilled forth from beneath a shining, winged helmet, and her muscles flexed as she tore a massive broadsword from the ruined floor of the dressing room. Queen Hippolyta felt a chill run down her spine as she realized that a smooth ivory mask covered this woman's face. She resembled a phantom; a masked demon warrior from ancient tales mothers from long ago spun to frighten their children into good behavior.

"Who are you?" Wonder Woman demanded, her fingers brushing the shining golden lariat that hung ever-present from her girdle.

"Thou shall call me 'Valkyrie', Hippolyta, chooser of those who shall die upon the battle field!" the woman hissed. She pointed the silvery tip of her broadsword towards the golden eagle adorning the Amazon's chest. "And I choose thee to be slain!"

With those words, Valkyrie lunged towards Wonder Woman, swinging her sword in a wild sweep that would have cut her in two had she stayed still. Instead, Hippolyta launched herself over the attack, landing so close to the mysterious swordswoman that their silken capes almost touched. Hippolyta spun, smashing the heel of her crimson boot into Valkyrie's knee, causing her to stumble and allowing Wonder Woman to hook a slender arm around her neck and catch the wrist of her sword arm in an unbreakable iron grip. Valkyrie struggled, but Hippolyta was far stronger than her.

"I have battled a true Valkyrie before," Wonder Woman said to the struggling self-proclaimed warrior goddess. "And she was many times your superior in strength!"

"'Twas her strength more on . . . this level?" Valkyrie asked as she twisted out of Hippolyta's grip and hurled the Amazon queen forward.

"Suffering Sappho!" she cried, bracing herself as she exploded through the flimsy wall of her dressing room in a shower of splinters. She hit the grass and slid for several yards. Recovering instantly, Wonder Woman flipped doggedly to her feet to confront her Norse foe. She hid her true power from me! I am facing someone who is as crafty as she is strong!

"Give Lord Hades and Lady Persephone my regards, Amazon! Thou shall be at their feet soon!"

This time, Hippolyta was prepared for Valkyrie's strength. Her bracelets snapped up, catching the swinging broadsword. Sparks flew as an ancient blade glanced off mystic metal so quickly that it barely registered in the eyes of the enthralled spectators.

"The Amazons learned the game of speed from Hermes himself, woman! You can't hope to beat one at it!" Wonder Woman challenged as she caught every lightning quick strike Valkyrie made.

"Seems that thou hast learned the game of arrogance from thy gods as well!" Valkyrie taunted, but she stopped her barrage of strikes, searching for another method of attack.

Wonder Woman took advantage of this, however, and staged an attack of her own, swinging her powerful fist towards the smooth pearly mask Valkyrie wore. The Amazon was forced to withdraw her attack, though, in order to keep her arm attached to her body!

Son of a Sire! I cannot break through her defense! I am swifter than she, but she is certainly no sloth, and that cursed broadsword gives her a range advantage. I must disarm her if I am to win!

Thinking quickly, Hippolyta removed the gleaming tiara from her forehead and hurled it towards Valkyrie's face. As expected, she raised her broadsword to deflect it, leaving her torso wide open. Wonder Woman lunged; launching a flurry of strikes quicker than the eye could follow to the armor's joints, where it was the weakest. Valkyrie staggered under the assault, and a final backhand swipe sent the broadsword skittering across the road.

"Wench!" Valkyrie bellowed as she charged Hippolyta, catching the Amazon across the jaw with a powerful right hook that sent her sailing backward, stars dancing across her field of vision. She slammed roughly into the wall of a bank, causing a spider web of cracks to form across the granite. Valkyrie charged, but Hippolyta kicked her in the chin, forcing her back. Balancing easily on one foot, Wonder Woman battered her foe with a flurry of powerful kicks. Hopping onto her other foot, she caught Valkyrie with a final roundhouse kick that smashed across her face. The goddess's armor screeched horribly against the pavement as she slid across the sidewalk. Her helmet clanked against a lamppost, signaling her stop.

"Now will you listen to reason?" Hippolyta asked. Her question was answered for her as Valkyrie's fingers dug into the lamppost's base. Shards of concrete sprayed in all directions as Valkyrie uprooted the tall metal shaft with ease, and swung it towards Hippolyta like a baseball bat. The Amazon leapt up, and landed on her side on the lamppost. She slid downward, and smashed her foot into Valkyrie's smooth mask. It crumpled under her boot, but didn't fall off. Valkyrie grabbed her ankle and tossed her into the air, before sending her sailing across the city with a mighty swing.

She glared at the cement walls and iron bars that imprisoned her. The harsh smell of countless inmates permeated her nostrils, causing her stomach to twist and contort. The absence of sunlight and fresh air were beginning to spawn madness in the back of her skull, madness that threatened to creep out and take control of her mind if she was cut off from the outside world any longer.

And as a low hum began to reverberate through the prison, causing the walls to quiver and the floors to vibrate, stirring shrieks from her companions, Candy Augustus, a young woman who, for one brief, shining moment was known as Cyber-Cat, who had, for once in her life, held power and respect, was given an opportunity to regain her lost status, and drive away the madness induced by her brief imprisonment.


That was the sensation that overwhelmed her as she crashed into an abandoned warehouse miles away from the podium she had given her speech about feminism at, only minutes ago. Pain shot through her body, contorting her lovely facial features, which had won the heart of an Atlantean prince.

But she could deal with pain. She was Hippolyta of Themyscira, Royal Queen of the Amazons of Paradise Island. She had trained for years to overcome such pain, to master her mind and body so that she could bring herself beyond the pain.

Wonder Woman burst from the rubble, sending chunks of plaster and granite cascading onto the street. Valkyrie dove at her like a hawk from the top of a building. Hippolyta glared at her. The buildings here were all condemned. Surely the working crew wouldn't mind if she did their work for them?

Hippolyta clenched her fists together and swung at her descending foe, sending her careening all the way through an old office building, and crashing violently into its neighbor. The Norse goddess stubbornly pushed herself to her feet. Blood trickled in a thin, crimson line from her lower lip, but Valkyrie paid it no mind as she charged at Hippolyta. The Amazon pulled out her lasso, but Valkyrie plowed into her like a maddened bull. Dazed, Hippolyta couldn't stop her from wrapping the Magic Lasso around her body.

"Gaea-NO!" Wonder Woman cried. She strained against her bonds, even though it was useless. Her only chance was if she could ram the lasso out of Valkyrie's hands, but . . .

"I command thee to cease thy struggles!" Hippolyta summoned all of her formidable will power against the command, but it was as pointless as trying to break the shimmering rope. No one could resist the Golden Lasso.

By all the gods . . . how did she know of the lariat's power? Hippolyta thought. But she could only say her goodbyes to her subjects, and her daughter, Diana, as Valkyrie's dagger descended towards her face.

While Queen Hippolyta lay helpless at the feet of the mysterious and deadly Valkyrie, another story began to unfold on an island hidden by barriers of storm and illusion, a tropical utopia that glittered like an immense emerald upon aquamarine waters, where love and strength go hand in hand as the most prized virtues, and where women rule supreme . . .

A massive, ancient wooden battle ship eased out across rough, slate black waves, a far cry from the smooth, glass-like waters off the white sand beaches of Paradise Island. Out here, miles from the placid home of the Amazons, was where the wild gales and frenzied, frothing sea battled against any incoming crafts, and where the mystical energies that permeated the very air itself created havoc with the much-vaunted technology that mankind relied so heavily upon. Here the playful water sprites that joined the Amazons in their underwater adventures were replaced by sea beasts from the darkest and most terrifying of Greek myths.

On the ship's deck, two Amazons conversed. One, a tall, willowy Caucasian beauty, whose lovely faced was framed by curls of gold that danced haphazardly in the gale, leaned over, peering at the rough waters below. She wore a cloth wrapped around her chest, and a short skirt that whipped and fluttered as the winds battered the venerable warship. Her long, well toned arms and legs were wrought with gold.

<"I despise coming out this far from Paradise Island,"> she murmured in Themysciran, an ancient tongue similar to classic Greek. <"I do not see why Lady Aphrodite saw the need to place these storms here. We Amazons are indomitable; we can protect ourselves.">

Her sister, a tall woman, with the graceful features of a far-east Asian, rolled her almond eyes as she straightened the jade green toga she wore. <"Mala, do you not realize that we Amazons do not wish do fight? Our goddesses placed these barriers here so that the Amazons wouldn't have to defend themselves. We cannot have men on the island; their wars and brutality would destroy us.">

Mala stared at the huge dark shape of a shark that darted beneath their ship. <"I do not believe that is the case, Euboea. Princess Diana shares this opinion. We believe that the goddesses created us to show men and women their places at each other's sides.">

<"You and Diana are the best of friends. Sometimes we wonder whether or not you two actually disagree on anything! You're still young, Mala. Some day you'll realize that Aphrodite was right in pulling us away from men.">

<"Look, I may have come from the outside world, Euboea, but that does not mean I am any less intelligent than a real Amazon!">

The flaxen-haired warrior had originally been a slave of rich king in a Middle-Eastern country, three hundred years ago. The ship the king had been sailing fell into the storms surrounding Themyscira, but a naiad had rescued Mala and two other women from the wreckage.

<"Mala, every woman is an Amazon. She simply needs to realize her inner power. That is all we Amazons are; women. Everything we have we earned. We train for centuries to develop our superhuman powers; we performed great acts of wisdom and courage to earn the mystic tomes our sorceresses study. Once we arrived on Paradise Island, we were forced to dig to find the spring of eternal youth, which we now must drink from every one hundred years to regain our immortality.">

<"You are right. And yet, the Olympians do not deter from sending us challenges, do they? We are still honor bound to defend the other pantheons when they are under attack. Even now, we embark to find the beast that attacked Eurinome whilst she was fishing. I still say she was foolish for coming out this far.">

Euboea shrugged. <"The largest fish swim out in these waters.">

<"Indeed. And now we must seek one of the largest 'fish' of all,"> a new voice interjected. General Antiope stalked towards the two women. Antiope, many said, was the reason the word 'Amazon' had been associated with massive, athletic, and very tall women. Clad from head to toe in shining bronze armor, sword bouncing at her hip, Antiope was a tall, powerfully built warrior. Her long, strawberry blonde hair had been tied into a tight, braid whipped behind her above a flapping crimson cape. The winds ruffled even the scarlet crest of feathers along her helmet. Beside her, a figure clad completely in baggy, dark green robes walked silently. The General's flashing green eyes fixed Euboea and Mala with a piercing stare, and both Amazons suddenly felt very guilty about not being too alert. <"Eurinome is a mighty warrior, and whatever beast could have surprised and defeated an Amazon so quickly that she could not even discern its identity is a danger to us all. The sea beats that dwell here are all allied with the Amazons. Perhaps they have seen something. Magala, please summon Scylla.">

The figure next to Antiope pulled her hood away, revealing horribly disfigured features. Glittering ebony eyes flashed from beneath a protruding forehead, making Magala look like a Neanderthal woman. Which, at least physically, she was. Long ago, an ancient foe of the Amazons used her magic to transform Magala from the perfect human body all Amazons were born with, to the cavewoman body that had originally house Magala's soul. Despite her primitive features, Magala's mind was sharper than a dagger's blade, and she was the greatest of the Themysciran sorceresses.

Magala nodded silently, waving her hands in arcane gestures. A brilliant beam of light lanced from her fingers, and miraculously curved in midair, plunging into the murky depths.

The Amazons waited silently, as the waters began to foam and bubble even more violently. An eerie howl pierced the air, and a massive beast erupted from the sea, spraying the Amazons with salty water.

Even though she had seen miraculous things since her arrival on Paradise Island, Mala still found herself in awe and terror when she beheld the she-beast Scylla. Scylla's six heads, all with baleful yellow eyes and needle sharp fangs, reached to the top of the ship's mast. Massive fingers, each as thick as a tree trunk, groped the air. A ring of snarling wolf-heads sprung from her waist, snapping their mighty jaws. Scylla's fishlike tail disappeared deep into the waters. Mala found it hard to believe that this monstrosity had once been a girl not unlike Mala herself, who had fallen in love with the sea god Poseidon, and found herself the object of Athena's rage and transfiguration powers when she and Poseidon had dared to make love in the chaste goddess's sacred temple.

<"Who dares to disturb Scylla, mistress of devastation and queen of the deep?!"> Scylla roared, her cacophonous voice echoed six times by her many heads.

<"Cease your melodrama, Scylla. You impress not Antiope, General of the Themysciran Army!"> Antiope shouted, her powerful voice carrying above the storm, to Scylla's many ears.

<"What is thy boon, General? What use do thou have for Scylla?">

<"One of my sisters was attacked in these very waters, mighty one,"> Antiope explained, attempting to flatter the monstrous sea creature. <"We were curious as to whether or not you have heard word of this from your brethren, or had been a witness yourself.">

Twelve eyes narrowed at the Amazon general, nearly sparking with irritation and malice. <"I have heard naught of any disturbance in these waters. Now be gone, and bother Scylla not with thy insignificant woes.">

Magala glared at Scylla, her primal features livid with rage. <"Spiteful demoness! You should watch your tone. 'Twas only with Queen Hippolyta's consent that you were allowed in our waters. Because of Her Majesty's benevolence, you were spared a life of eternally hiding from mortal hunters! Show some gratitude when speaking to her General!">

Scylla rolled her many eyes, and turned, diving once more to the dark trenches of the sea. Her fishlike tale thrashed the water, sending a wave crashing into the ship, soaking the four Amazons on deck.

<"That sea-soaked harlot!"> Mala sputtered. <"We should slit all six of her throats!">

<"Violence is not the Amazon way, little sister,"> Euboea said, wringing her silky raven air. <"Foolishly proud and arrogant Scylla may be, but her strength is to be respected and her wrath something to be wary of.">

Always composed, Antiope removed her shining helmet, and inspected distastefully the ruined crest. <"We will simply have to resort to other means-">

Antiope turned, and in an instant had her sword drawn and ready for combat. <"To arms sisters! An enemy approaches!">

As the other Amazons rushed to retrieve their ancient weapons, Mala could only stare in wonder, for curving and writhing in the stormy sky, posed to strike at the Amazon ship, was a massive silver serpent.

Back in Washington . . .

The dagger plunged into the pavement, an inch away from Hippolyta's head. Valkyrie let loose a loud, raucous laugh, as she pulled away her crumpled mask to reveal handsome, smiling features.

"Fooled thee, did I not, Hippolyta?" she crowed as she knelt to untie the Amazon queen.

"Brunhilde!" Hippolyta cried in surprise. "You sly snake!"

Wonder Woman leapt to her feet to embrace the large woman.

"We have not seen one another in nearly five hundred years, Hippolyta! I felt compelled to visit thee!" Brunhilde cried.

"Come, here is not an ideal place for a reunion! Come back to Aphrodite's mansion with me!"

Candy shielded her dark eyes from the piercing sun. All around her was chaos; the rubble of the prison, guards shooting at figures in the sky, a glorious woman with wide white wings deflecting the bullets with some sort of sonic shield, and a lithe, athletic woman stalking across the rubble towards her, the armor of Cyber-Cat in her arms.

"Priscilla! Over here!" Candy rushed towards the woman. "Thank you so much! I knew Mistress Sazia would send help for me! Thank you for grabbing my armor!"

Priscilla yanked the armor away from Candy's greedy fingers.

"Your armor?" she asked. "I think not. You failed miserably, Augustus. Mistress Sazia has made me the new Cyber-Cat!"

Candy was aghast. Her hands covered her mouth, eyes widened with horror. "No! She can't take that away from me! No! It's not fair! That power . . . I must have power!"

Shaking her head, Priscilla chuckled. "Little fool. Don't worry. Mistress Sazia has plans for you. Beaudry has developed a new weapon. Or more precisely, a device. How do you feel about apes, Augustus?"

At the mansion of the enigmatic heiress Miss Venus, whose identity as Aphrodite was known only to the JSA, as it here that the world's premiere superhero team made its home . . .

Two kinds of laughter filled the spacious halls of this palatial home. One was light and feminine, tinkling like birdsong. The other was loud and deep. One would have thought it was a man laughing, had they not seen its originator. Both suggested that the laughers had partaken of a little too much wine.

"By Gaea . . . *snicker* I shall never forget the look on your face when I defeated you for that first time!"

"I know . . . thou had come alongside Aphrodite and Athena to glorious Valhalla to join us in a feast . . . "

"And you were serving mead . . . "

"And Lady Aphrodite, full of spirits, had boasted of thy fighting skill!"

"Then Odin the Allfather pitted us against one another . . . "

"Aye . . . I shall never forget that amazing battle! Thou fought well!"

Hippolyta sipped from her goblet of wine. "As you did. By the way . . . Were you present when Diana journeyed to Valhalla?"

Brunhilde nodded enthusiastically. "Aye! Thy daughter art a credit to thee! She challenged Thor himself to combat!"

At this, the Amazon queen nearly spat out her wine. "By the Gods . . . how did she fare?"

"I t'would say she nearly won! Odin the Allfather was forced to end the battle after thy daughter knocked the Odinson through a wall for the fifth time. Valhalla was beginning to look like a loaf of bread left to the worms! Thor held back at first, but soon fought full force when he realized Diana's true might! By Mjolner, I have never seen such a fighter as she! I am sure that Thor would deny that he was a breath away from defeat, but anyone present would tell thee otherwise!"

"Great Aphrodite, that girl surprises even me at times!" Hippolyta murmured. "I have fought alongside the Odinson, and he is the mightiest of warriors!"

"Certainly score one down for womankind, eh?"

A brilliant flash of light interrupted the friends' banter. A garishly clad man stumbled from thin air, landing uneasily before the two immortals.

"Dammit! I should have said 'yltneg'." He looked up at the shocked warriors. "Uh . . . hi."

Next issue: Wonder Woman and Brunhilde learn the secrets of their surprise guest, before running off to battle a new, deadly foe, with an outcome that's far different from most battles Hippolyta has fought! Meanwhile, the Amazons battle for their lives against the Empress of the Silver Snake! Don't miss it!