DCM Timely

No. 2


Justice Society of America
Ourselves Alone
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Wonder Woman
Human Torch
Dr. Horton
Miss Venus
The Angel
Doc Savage
Solomon Grundy

Diary of Dr. Charles McNider (a.k.a. Dr. Mid-Nite): "Bucky will have been training for several weeks now. The poor kid must be going through hell! Cap can be very demanding and I'm sure he won't go easy on the boy. And he shouldn't. It's for his own good. They both need to know if Bucky is capable of being Cap's partner, of being the new Star-Spangled Kid. This must be almost as hard on Cap - or should I say Steve Rogers - than it is on young Bucky. I hope Steve is okay."

The beautiful women embraced Steve passionately. She was more lovely than any other women he had ever seen. He kissed her as they rolled around in the grass.

"Make love to me," she said.

There was nothing Steve would rather do. He . . .

He woke up! It was all a dream! And what a dream! The latest of many similar ones.

Bucky was shaking his shoulder. "Are you okay, Steve?" Bucky asked. "You were moaning strangely."

Steve hoped he wasn't blushing. "I'm . . . fine. Just a dream. What time is it?"

"It's seven am, Steve. After dawn."

I overslept Steve thought. I never oversleep. But then, I never have dreams like that. Until lately.

He looked up at Bucky, "I'm sorry, Buck. I'm setting a bad example. Give me a minute to get dressed, then we'll have breakfast, take a half hour to practice our breathing exercises and then we'll get down to training."

"Sounds like fun," Bucky said sarcastically.

"I told you that this wasn't going to be pleasant," Cap replied.

"I know, I know. I'm just griping. I'll see you downstairs."

Bucky walked out. Steve wondered about the significance of the dream he just had. Who was the magnificent blonde woman he'd been dreaming about? Was it someone he'd met? Probably not. He'd remember her. Why was she haunting his dreams every night?

Somewhere else . . . the Enchantress smiled.

Diary of Dr. McNider: "By now, Prince Namor will have told his royal mother of his plans to marry. I wonder how it went?"

Namor was angry. Since his mother had refused to allow him to marry Hippolyta, he had to invoke the rite to earn the privilege by deed and combat. His mother then decided on what his challenge will be . . . to locate the traitorous Warlord Krang and bring him back to Atlantis for justice!

But he couldn't find Krang. The seas covered three quarters of the world and Krang could be hiding in any nook or cranny of that area. It could take Namor years, or decades to track Krang down. He had no leads to follow. Krang had left New Atlantis months ago in a hurry. Once, Sentinel, Dr. Fate, and Wonder Woman had helped overthrow Krang and his ally Attuma, he fled like the coward he is. By this time, he could be anywhere!

Namor decided to begin his search near New Atlantis and spiral his way out, searching the caves and valleys and the other locations that would make good hiding places. It was a shot in the dark, but he had no better strategy. Namor only had a limited time to find Krang. He had to be back with Hippolyta and the JSA by September on the surface men's calender.

After a week of searching he saw someone! A figure moving in the distance. It seemed to be shadowing him. Was it Krang?

Namor dived down and concealed himself in a dark pit. The figure past overhead and Namor launched himself out of the pit and grabbed the other swimmer. He immediately knew that it wasn't Krang. He was clutching the figure of a woman.

And a beautiful one, he noted, when he got a good look at her. "Who are you woman?" he demanded to know.

"My name is Lady Dorma," she answered. "I'm from New Atlantis."

"The name sounds familiar," Namor said.

"I am the daughter of Karnus, Warlord of New Atlantis."

"Why were you following me?"

"I was not," she protested. "I just happened to see you, and I wanted to . . . get a closer look. I didn't dare approach you since you are a prince and hero to our people."

"What were you doing out here?" he asked her.

"Prince Namor, you are hurting my arm."

"Oh," he said, releasing her. "Your pardon, dear lady. I did not mean to be so indelicate."

"I hold no malice, your highness," she said. "And in answer to your question, I was out here because I like to be out here. I like to expand my horizons. The seas are vast and New Atlantis gets very . . . limiting sometimes. I like to explore."

"Have you seen anything that could lead me to Krang?"

"If I had, I would have told your brother, Prince Arthur."

"You explore this area frequently, do you? In that case, would you help me search. You may know the best places to hide. Places where Krang may be concealed."

Dorma smiled. "I would be most happy to accompany you, your highness."

Namor and Dorma swam off together.

Diary of Dr. McNider: "I hope that the Human Torch is enjoying his visit with his father, Dr. Horton. Poor Jim needs to feel like part of a family. After the Black Canary situation, he needs support. He needs family and he needs the company of his own kind. And his own kind would be the Creature Commandos. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the Torch and Horton ask to see the captive Commandos."

The Human Torch and Dr. Horton made their request of Miss Venus. She, along with the Sentinel, had placed the Creature Commandos in a state of mystic stasis after Ares led them to attack the JSA. The Creature Commandos were being held in the basement of Miss Venus' mansion. The Torch asked Miss Venus if he could somehow speak to them. She agreed. She accompanied the android hero and the scientist downstairs.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.

The Torch nodded.

"I don't understand," Dr. Horton said. "How are they being held? What manner of stasis is being employed. This is a scientific miracle!"

"It's not science," the lovely Goddess said. "It's magic."

"Rubbish!" Horton snapped.

Miss Venus smiled. "I'm going to cast a spell that allows them to speak but they will be otherwise immobilized."

"A spell!" Horton said. "What nonsense!"

Miss Venus waved her hand and walked up the stairs. "Let me know when you're done. Good luck."

The Creature Commandos became cognizant of their surroundings. Their eyes moved. They fixed their gaze on Horton, who they somehow knew. He knew all of them as well.

Dyna-Mite, the Sub-Zero Man, the Human Bomb, War-Wolf, the Glob, the Heap, the Missing Link and Orca the Killer Whale.

"Where are we?" Dyna-Mite asked.

"You are in the cellar of the JSA manor," Horton said.

"You came here to attack us," the Torch said.

"Now, now," Horton said. "There were extenuating circumstances. Weren't there, my friends?"

"We're not your friends," Dyna-Mite said. "We are your captives. What are you gonna do with us?"

"We are not going to hurt you," the Human Torch said.

"Of course not," Horton added. "I didn't create you just to destroy you."

"You . . . created us?" Dyna-Mite asked. All the Creature Commandos hung on his next words.

"Yes, I did. I am Dr. Phineas T. Horton. I am your father."

"But Ares . . . "

"Ares used you!" Dr. Horton said. "He used you as pawns to settle a score for himself. He didn't care about you. He would have let you all be killed."

"Ares is evil!" exclaimed the Human Torch.

"And what are we?" the Commandos wanted to know.

"You can be whatever you want to be," Horton said. "I hope you will be a force of good."

"We are machines," Sub-Zero Man said. "All we can do is what we're programmed to do. We are tools. Of Ares or of you."

"Not true," the Human Torch replied. "I am one of you. Dr. Horton created me as well. I am an android. He is my father. I am your brother. I am also a member of the Justice Society of America. I am an equal partner. I have friends, I have feelings. You can have lives too. Maybe you can use your powers to fight against the great evil that threatens the world. Please, let me help you to help yourselves."

The Creature Commandos were stymied. They had never made a decision before. What should they do? Who should they trust?

Diary of Dr. McNider: "I heard that there was an incident concerning the Angel. He's in the hospital now. I'm not sure of all the details, since it happened in a secret government project. All I know is that the Black Canary is with him. She likes him very much. She'll be heartbroken if something happens to him."

The Black Canary sat with the Angel as he waited for his test results to come in. She put an arm around him.

"Everything will be okay," she said. "He's the best doctor you could ask for."

The Angel put on a brave face but he was worried and justifiably so. The amount of radiation in his body was lethal. Soon the effects would begin to show.

Dr. Clark Savage, Jr. came into the room. Better know as Doc Savage, he had shared several adventures with the spy called the Angel. He didn't look happy when he came into the room.

"Give it to me straight, Doc," Angel said. "I know you're an honest, honorable man. I want the truth. Don't sugar-coat it. What's the verdict?"

"You're dying," Doc Savage said. "Your body has absorbed too much radiation. Symptoms will begin to show in a few weeks."

"How long have I got?"

"A few months," Savage answered sadly, "six at most."

The Angel took the news as well as can be expected. Black Canary was devastated as well. "There must be something you can do, Doctor Savage. You're supposed to be the world's smartest man! Can't you figure out something?"

"I wish I could," Savage said, "but I don't know any verified cures for this."

"Verified?" Black Canary repeated. "What do you mean by that? Is there some possible cure?"

"I invented something," Savage said, "A micro-organism that would eat cancerous or irradiated cells like a termite eating wood. But I don't know what the effect on a human would be. It's never been tested."

The Canary looked hopeful. "It's got to be better than dying!"

"Maybe not," Savage said. "The micro organism could conceivably damage the DNA. Changing it."

"What would that do?" Angel asked.

"It would have a mutagenic effect."

"You mean I'd mutate into something else?" Angel asked.

"That's one possibility," Savage answered.

"Into what?" Black Canary wanted to know.

"I have no idea," Savage answered. "It would be a completely random mutation. It's all based on chaos theory. You see -- "

"Doc!" the Canary said. "Please, now's not the time for a lecture on chaos theory."

"Yes, you're quite right."

The Angel took a deep breath. "I want you to use it on me."

"You don't know what it will do to you," Savage countered, "so I can't sanction it. The first rule of medicine is ‘Do no harm.' I won't administer a treatment that could be worse than the disease."

"You said you wanted to test it. I'm volunteering to be the guinea pig. If it works on me, then it will save countless other lives. Please! I have to try! Use the micro-organisms on me."

"I agree," Black Canary said. "Please do it."

Savage sighed. "Very well. I don't recommend this, but if your mind is made up, then I'll do it. And God help us all!"

Diary of Dr. McNider: "By now, Queen Hippolyta has no doubt informed her people of her impending marriage to Prince Namor. I wonder how they took it . . . "

Queen Hippolyta had not yet told her people of her plans to marry. She wasn't sure how they would take it. She had only told General Antiope, and the good general's reaction told her all she needed to know. If the imperturbable Antiope was taken aback, how would the rest react?

This was a strange feeling for Hippolyta. She had never been reluctant to speak to her subjects about anything. So why was she hesitating now? Of course, she knew that her Amazons disliked and distrusted men. The idea of a king would not be easy for them to accept. But shouldn't they trust her judgement? She had never led them astray before.

Except once. Long ago, when she caused them to be enslaved by Hercules. She was attracted to Hercules and that led her to be put off her guard. Her Amazons suffered for that error.

And that was why she hesitated. Namor was similar in many ways to Hercules. When her people saw him, they would no doubt be reminded of that tragic event, so long ago. True, she knew Namor better than she knew Hercules and couldn't believe that someone so honorable would ever betray her. But if the union with Namor in any way turned out to be a problem, would her people ever trust her again. She'd let them down once. She must never do so again.

And so, she could not tell her people of her plan to marry Namor. And she couldn't marry in secret. She wouldn't act behind her Amazon's backs. That left only one possibility . . . The wedding was off!

Diary of Dr. McNider: "I wonder what Dr. Fate is doing. Something strange and mystic, I imagine. Something that mere mortals like myself couldn't comprehend."

"We need to talk, Nabu!" Kent Nelson insisted. "And now!"

The Helmet that contained the life-energy of Nabu glowed brighter. A voice bellowed with rage. "You forget yourself, Kent Nelson! You do not give the orders! I am the master here! I am your destiny! I am Fate!"



"Why are you my fate, Nabu?"

"You are the chosen one, Kent Nelson. You were born to be my vessel."

"That's the part I don't understand, Nabu. Why me?"

"Your father opened my tomb."

"And was killed. Why did I survive?"

"Because you are the chosen one. You were meant to survive, Kent Nelson."

"We're talking in circles. There must be some reason I was chosen. I need to know the truth."

"You do not want to know the truth!"

"I do! Tell me, Nabu!"

"There will come a time, Kent Nelson, when you will know the truth. For now, savor your ignorance."

"Nabu . . . "

"Enough! I go! Do not summon me in this way again. I shall not return until Dr. Fate is needed. Is this in any way unclear?"

"I guess it's out of the question that we can be friends."

"Let this be your answer!" Nabu stated, and unleashed a blast of mystic energy. Kent Nelson was knocked off his feet. "Goodbye, Kent Nelson."

Nabu's consciousness returned to the other-worldly place it usually resided when he wasn't being Dr. Fate. Kent Nelson got back to his feet.


Diary of Dr. McNider: "The Sentinel is one of those people who never stops. I can tell. No doubt he's spending his off time from the JSA keeping as busy as possible. I wonder if he ever just goes for a nice walk in the woods."

Alan Scott was walking through a swamp marsh. He wasn't there for recreation. He was thinking of buying this land. It would have to be drained first, of course. But it could be the site on which Alan Scott would build his newest station . . . a television station. Television, the wave of the future.

Alan caught sight of something moving in the trees. It was large and coming closer. It suddenly crashed through the trees with tremendous force. Alan Scott got a good look at it and his jaw dropped.

It was basically humanoid, but had ghostly white skin, hair and eyes. Standing at seven feet tall and powerfully built, it wore a tattered undertaker's outfit. "Solomon Grundy smash!"

The creature charged him. Alan Scott, always calm, took a second to look around and make sure that no one was watching. Once he saw that the coast was clear, he mentally commanded his magic ring to change his wardrobe. He was immediately clad in his Sentinel outfit. He took to the skies, barely avoiding the massive fist of the creature.

"Solomon Grundy kill!" it roared.

"Solomon Grundy, is it?" Sentinel said. "Well, Mr. Solomon Grundy, I don't know who or what you are, but you're not going to kill or smash me!"

Sentinel unleashed a beam of the green energy of the Starheart. It hit Grundy. Grundy staggered and roared in pain and rage but didn't fall. "Grundy crush you for that!"

"It's crushing now, is it Grundy?" Sentinel quipped. "You're nothing if not consistent."

Sentinel created a cage of green energy around Grundy. Grundy roared and pounded on the cage. The blows were so powerful that Sentinel could feel a backlash. Grundy continued his onslaught. It went on for a long time and Grundy showed no signs of tiring. Sentinel's cage was getting weaker. Grundy would be through it soon. The Sentinel started to get worried and decided to change tactics.

The cage vanished and Grundy was free . . . and angry. The Sentinel let loose with a series of powerful rays, knocking Grundy across the marsh. But Grundy wouldn't be stopped. He grabbed a tree and swung it at the Sentinel. The Sentinel felt a flash of fear. Wood was his weakness. If Grundy hit him with a tree, he'd be killed.

The Sentinel dodged. Grundy continued his efforts to swat the Sentinel out of the air.

Not far away, the mighty Thor, temporary substitute member of the JSA, felt his hammer vibrate, which meant that there was a dangerous mystical force nearby. Perhaps an Asgardian magic. Perhaps it was Loki!
Sentinel kept his distance, waiting until Grundy abandon his tree strategy. But then he saw some other people in the area.

What the hell are these idiots doing in a swamp? he wondered. Unfortunately, Grundy saw them too. Grundy turned his attention to them. Now Sentinel had a choice . . . Let Grundy attack these innocents or risk getting smashed by a tree. There was no real choice. He had to try and save those people. He circled around Grundy and used his ring to scoop up the newcomers. Grundy took advantage of the distraction and swung the tree at Sentinel. The tree was mere feet away from Sentinel. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the end.

But it didn't come! A thrown hammer shattered the tree to bits. The hammer then returned to the hand of it's master. To Thor, the God of Thunder!

"Fear not, friend Sentinel!" Thor said. "Whilst Thor is here, none shall smite thee!"

"Thanks, Thor," Sentinel said. "Just let me get these people to safety and we'll tackle this monster together!"

"Protect yon innocents," Thor said. "Thor shalt take the measure of yonder beast!"

Thor headed directly for Grundy who stood his ground, ready for battle.

But then Grundy vanished! Thor and the Sentinel exchanged surprised looks.

"Whither has he gone?" Thor asked.

"I don't know," The Sentinel said, "But I'm glad to see him go!"

Loki looked over at the Enchantress with a curious grin. "Why didst thou spirit away mine engine of destruction, lovely Enchantress?"

The beautiful Enchantress smiled back. "A battle with thy brother doth be the last thing we doth need now," she said. "Better to save this weapon thou didst create for a more opportune occasion. He may come in handy in my future machinations wherein I shall destroy the Justice Society."

Loki lifted up a goblet. "Then here is to the soon-to-be demise of the accursed Justice Society!"

Diary of Dr. McNider: "Soon the temporary hiatus of the Justice Society will be over. I hope the others had a good vacation. Soon, the team will be together again. I'm anxious to hear what they all did. I hope it was relaxing."

Next month, the hiatus is over, and the team has to turn in their 500 word essays on how they spent their summer vacation!
No, not really. Actually, the team reforms, while the Creature Commandos battle a powerful enemy. So, be here next month for the debut of the Rampaging HULK!