DCM Timely

No. 39


Justice Society of America
Seeking Polly, Seeking Molly
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Star-Spangled Kid
The Shadow
Wonder Woman
Dr. Fate
Red Sonja
Invisible Woman
Nathaniel Richards
Vandal Savage

New York City:

Sentinel had returned from Pennsylvania after an adventure with the Flash, and now planned visit his lover the Harlequin. Although she was a wanted criminal, he couldn't bring himself to turn her in. He wanted her so badly, it burned in his soul like an inferno!

Searching for her in her secret pink headquarters, he found no clue as to her whereabouts. He worried when he didn't know where she was. Considering her criminal nature, who knew what she was up to? He was trying to change her and felt he was making progress but she was still unstable and capable of antisocial behavior. Including the type of terrorism that first brought her to his attention. He knew he should return to the Scott Media Empire but he had to find the Harlequin first.

Not far away, also in NY: The Roosevelt Millionaire's Club:

Lamont Cranston sat in his expensive men's club, talking to some of the other members, among whom were the wealthiest and most powerful figures in the New York business community. Some were self-made and others were handed companies from their elders, but all of them worshiped the almighty dollar. Lamont feigned interest although he frequently found them boring.

But not today. Today their discussion resonated with Lamont. The millionaires club was buzzing with discussion of the notorious Harlequin. Her penchant for industrial sabotage was making her infamous in her own time.

Lamont listened to the tales of her latest act of corporate terrorism. For the better part of a year she had been attacking and destroying edifices built as monuments to capitalism. So many New York businessmen had suffered as a result of her unreasoning hatred of corporate America. Property damaged and people injured, over and over for months and months.

It had to stop, Lamont secretly vowed. Someone had to do something about this psychotic woman. And he was just the man for the job. Or rather, his alter ego was. This was a job for the Shadow!

Upstairs, in the same building:

In a private room on the second floor of the Roosevelt Club, a powerful group called the Consortium convened. The group was composed of the half dozen richest and most ruthless corporate raiders in the state. They virtually controlled the city. Everything from traffic laws to how the Yankees did in the World Series was manipulated by these robber barons. They were the elite, gods of their domain.

And they were angry! For the last year, they had been among the Harlequin's favorite targets. She had cost them countless hundreds of thousands of dollars by her crazed antics. They weren't going to tolerate this!

They had paid members of the underworld to turn her in and hired hitmen to eliminate her. They put a huge bounty on her head and pressed the police commissioner into setting up a special flying squad devoted specifically to hunting her down. So far, nothing had worked. She still mocked them and challenged their sovereignty in New York. They had had enough!

To end this intolerable situation, they had hired the best of the best. They summoned the man who could track anyone down. The Consortium brought him across the globe to solve their problem, because if he couldn't handle this, who on Earth could? He was the perfect man for the job.

Paul Kirk . . . Manhunter!

10 years earlier . . .

Paul Kirk gave up a career in law enforcement because he found the department too corrupt. He returned to his first love - big game hunting - which he had gotten bored with years earlier, due to the fact that he had captured and killed every type of animal and found no further challenge in hunting. Returning to this jungle stalking lifestyle, he equated the killing of animals with the innocents who died at the hands of the criminal scum he used to arrest. He had no more taste for seeing innocents die. Each new animal he bagged tugged at his conscience.

After hearing that his old friend, Police Inspector Donovan, was killed by the notorious killer known as the Buzzard, Paul returned to San Francisco and tracked the Buzzard down. After slaying the Buzzard, Paul decided that he had stumbled upon his purpose in life. He could protect innocents and simultaneously challenge himself and test his skill. He would hunt down the most dangerous, cunning and treacherous beast on the planet . . . Those possessed of a criminal mind!

In the years since, he had become a legendary bounty hunter and never failed to bring home his prey!

Paul Kirk stepped out of the shadows and stood before the assembled power brokers of the Consortium. Kirk was a tall, rugged looking man with dark hair. He wore a red bodysuit with a blue harness and holster, gold throwing stars on each shoulder, and gold armbands, wristbands and belt. A pale, blue facemask covered his features.

"It seems you men have a problem," he said.

The Future; 25th Century America:

Zarrko, President of New America, stared at his new prize. The bald ruler known as the "Tomorrow Man" smiled lustfully. Nathaniel Richards, a sometimes ally, had brought him a tasty tribute.

Before him stood the hypnotized and helpless Wonder Woman. He was overcome by the sight of her. Her beauty lived up to its reputation and her strength was reputed to be just as great. She'd be a great addition to the games. She'd also satisfy other pleasures.

Zarrko placed the control collar around her neck. While in her mesmerized state, only Richards could control her. Zarrko wanted her to be his and his alone. The collar would see to her obedience. Once it was firmly locked on and activated, Zarrko spoke the code words that Richards gave him. These were the words that would awaken Hippolyta from her trance.

"Long lost son," Zarrko said.

Hippolyta's eyelids fluttered and she put her hands to her cheeks, momentarily confused. "What? Where am I? I feel so . . . "

"Now, now, dear heart," Zarrko said. "Everything is fine. You're in your new home and you're mine now."

Wonder Woman looked around. She didn't know what was happening or where she was, but this man who was claiming her as "his" was certainly involved in her abduction. She sneered at him. "I don't know who you are, little worm, but you had best rethink the way you speak to me. I belong to no man! You will tell me where I am or I shall become a very bad guest!"

"There's nothing you can do to me," Zarrko said, laughing. "The Tomorrow Man rules here. But if I must prove it, try and fight me."

Wonder Woman tried to grab Zarrko with the intention of throttling him. But then some sort of strange power ran through her body. It was like an over-ride that took control of her body. She couldn't force herself to touch Zarrko, as much as she might like to.

"You see," Zarrko said. "You are helpless. I command here. The collar forces you to obey me."

Hippolyta reached up to the collar and tried to rip it off but the power of the collar usurped control of her arm and prevented her from removing it. She gritted her teeth, frustrated to be held powerless like this, unable to lift a finger in resistance. She could do nothing but play along.

"What do you want with me?" she asked, trying to sound more confident than she was.

Zarrko grinned. "I have an interest - some might say an obsession - with watching beautiful women fight. Especially powerful, skillful warriors like yourself. I have assembled quite a collection, from the far reaches of space and time. Come, I'll introduce you to your fellow gladiators. Or rather, gladiatresses."

Zarrko led Wonder Woman down a hall. She had no choice but to accompany him. The collar over-rode very attempt at disobedience and forced her total cooperation with Zarrko's instructions. He brought her into a large room. It looked something like an army barracks, with the numerous beds lined up along each wall of the huge room. But the beds were better adorned and stylized than army cots. The place was partially decorated with curtains and flowers. It seemed like a cross between a barracks and a harem.

An army of women inhabited the many beds of the strange residence. They all stood up when Zarrko entered. Hippolyta wondered if they weren't compelled to do this since each wore a collar like her own. Judging by their hateful stares, they were all unwilling guests of Zarrko, just as she herself was.

"Welcome to the Femi-Zone," he said. "This is your new home, and these are your roommates."

Wonder Woman looked around. They all stood in non-threatening posture, indicating that they were all restrained from action, just as she was. They were a varied group, clearly taken from many places.

Among them were a red-haired warrior woman in a chain-mail bikini named Red Sonja, and a blonde haired super heroine in blue tights named Susan Richards but who was better known as the Invisible Woman. Also present was an acquaintance of hers, a girl in animal skins known as Shanna the She-Devil.

"You're fellow fighters will explain the games to you," Zarrko said. "And I will call on you later. I'd like to watch the next match with you personally. I'd like your warrior opinion on it."

"If this collar weren't around my neck, I'd show you my warrior skill!" she hissed.

"Very spirited," he chuckled. "I like you, girl. You know, you don't have to stay here with the others. I'd be happy to welcome you to my own bed."

"I'd rather snuggle up with a cobra!" Hippolyta snapped.

Zarrko was undeterred. "It doesn't matter. When I want you, you'll be mine. I've had all the others. All but one. And soon you'll perform for me in the games. Pick out a bed and get ready for the tournament."

Wonder Woman obeyed and picked out an empty bed. Zarrko looked over his private army. "Salute me."

The women, in unison, all crossed their arms in a gesture of homage. "Hail to the Tomorrow Man!" they yelled. Even Hippolyta cried out the salute, even though she had never heard it before. The collar obviously pre-programmed the women toward certain Pavlovian behavior.

Zarrko left. The women cursed him. Hippoyta looked at the other captives. The Invisible Woman came over to her. "You're Wonder Woman, aren't you?"

"Yes. And you are . . . ?"

"Sue," she said. "Do you know where you are? Or when?"

"I admit to be rather confused," the Amazon said.

"You're in the future," Sue said. "In the 25th century. I was taken from the early 21st century. I know your daughter Diana, by the way. And that women over there, with the long red hair, she's from the Hyborean period, which was somewhere between 150 BC and 6 BC. She couldn't even speak English until Zarrko attached a translator module to her collar. All the girls are kidnap victims from across time."

Red Sonja's keen ears were listening to this. She interjected herself into the conversation, via the translator module. "And we are forced to fight for his amusement. Some of us have been killed or injured. I don't mind fighting but not to entertain a scum like Zarrko! And he has . . . forced me to copulate with him! The swine! I made a sacred vow that no man would ever touch me unless he has defeated me in combat. Zarrko is no warrior. He has no right to my body! He has no honor. This cursed collar compels me to submit to his lustful violations. All of us have been treated thus. All, that is, save one!"

Red Sonja looked suspiciously at the Invisible Woman. Sue knew what hid behind the hard stare.

"I'm the only one who hasn't been used sexually," Sue said. "For some reason, Nathaniel Richards insisted that I not be touched, except in the gladiatorial arena."

"And you both have the same last name," Sonja said. "Mrs. Richards!"

"I have no idea who he is," Sue said. "If there's a connection between us, I don't know what it could be."

"We need to focus on rebellion and escape," Wonder Woman said.

"Impossible!" Sonja said. "These damnable collars prevent us from doing anything contrary to Zarrko's wishes. It's as if they have a mind of their own."

"Possible an artificial intelligence," Sue said. "Either way, Sonja is right. These collars seem to know what we're thinking and stop us before we can do anything rebellious. We can talk and move about normally unless we try to resist or escape. Then some sort of over-ride kicks in and we become passengers in our own bodies, forced to watch ourselves obeying this sicko! We'd love to escape, but believe us, its impossible. All we can do is go along for the ride and hope an opportunity presents itself to get free."

Wonder Woman thought about the possibility of rescue. Would the JSA or her daughter Diana or even Hercules be coming to save her? Even if they knew where she was, how could they reach her in the future?

Across town:

A mile away from Zarrko's capital building, the HQ of Elite Forward sat inconspicuously, belying the buzz of activity inside. Inside, Vandal Savage was overseeing the finishing touches on his ultimate weapon, the Star Imploder. This was the key to defeating their real enemy . . . Solaris!

Nathaniel Richards returned from having delivered Wonder Woman to Zarrko. "The Tomorrow Man is happy with his gift."

"He won't be when we begin the next phase of our plan," Savage said.

"So it's time?" Richards asked.

"Very nearly," Savage said. "Soon, Zarrko will be a memory and we will rule the last superpower . . . America! And Solaris will be a bad memory!"

"If we succeed," Richards said. "If we fail, Solaris will probably destroy the world in a fit of pique!"

Less than a mile away:

A portal appeared on the high roof of a towering 300-story building. It was a doorway into time itself. Stepping out of the timestream came eight powerful heroes of the past.

Princess Diana of Themescira; Thor, Prince of Asgard; Hercules of Olympus; Prince Namor of Atlantis; Fury, protégé of Wonder Woman; Brunnhilde the Valkyrie; Balder, the Light of Asgard; and Dr. Fate, Avatar of the Lords of Order. They had arrived and they were determined!

Diana looked around the futuristic city. It was a massive mega-metropolis of spires and tall towers and flying vehicles and numerous other scientific and architectural wonders. It was like nothing ever seen by the eyes of 20th century beings such as these. Diana was not impressed. She preferred the beauty of nature, like the green peacefulness of Paradise Island.

"And now to find my mother," she said.

"How?" Fury asked.

"We will find her!" Namor said. "So swears the true Sub-Mariner!"

"So say we all, Atlantean," Thor added.

"Then let the talking cease!" Hercules cried. "Let us find a foe we can thrash!"

Balder the Brave saw a flying robot heading toward them. "Ho! Yon mechanical sprite hath espied us."

The hovering mechanoid observed them. "You . . . Are . . . Not . . . Registered. You . . . Are . . . Illegal . . . Immigrants. You . . . Must . . . Surrender . . . And . . . Turn . . . Yourselves . . . In . . . To . . . The . . . Authority . . . Of . . . Zarrko."

"Doth thou think so?" the Valkyrie said, and suddenly leaped upwards. Her sword flashed with amazing speed and she sliced the robot in two. She dropped gracefully to the roof. "Ha! No challenge!"

Diana shook her head, "That may not have been wise, Brunnhilde. I was hoping to try and find some allies. Attacking everything in sight may not be the best way to do that."

"The woman acted wisely," Hercules said. "Yon tin bird was no friend. Its tone was decidedly hostile."

Diana didn't like Hercules and snapped at his argumentative attitude. While they argued, and Thor tried to play referee, they were unaware that the damaged robot had sent out a silent emergency SOS. This activated a priority defensive response from Zarrko's powerful combat Dreadnaughts.

The eight heroes were still on the roof when Balder saw the Dreadnaughts closing in on them. "Friends, attend! We have apparently attracted the attention of the guardians of this strange realm. I believe battle is afoot!"

Back in New York, 1944:

The Shadow paid a visit to a church in Manhattan where he spoke to a man known only as "The Monk". The Monk was a Franciscan Friar who didn't take his vows too seriously. For some quick cash, he'd rat out his own mother. He interacted with underworld thugs who foolishly thought that he would keep his mouth shut about the things they bragged about.

The Shadow, backed up by Lamont Cranston's cash, got as much information from the Monk as was available. The underworld was talking about the Harlequin. She had managed to evade not only standard law enforcement but the superheroes as well. There were even rumors about her being seen with the JSA's deputy leader, the Sentinel.

This was strange, the Shadow thought. He had a lot of information to work out. He headed out to follow the leads provided by the Monk.

Paul Kirk had been given several strong leads by the Consortium. They had their resources and it was all at the Manhunter's beck-and-call. They had even managed to get their hands on government dossiers about the Harlequin prepared by Dr. Mid-Nite and the living-legend Captain America.

There seemed to be some sort of connection between the Justice Society and the Harlequin. The Sentinel, in particular, had a relationship with her. The Manhunter decided that this was his best lead.

Over the skies of New York City, the Sentinel flew along, concerned and confused. In his identity as Alan Scott, media mogul, he interacted with numerous members of New York high society. And they were all talking about the Harlequin. She was causing a lot of trouble.

Sentinel was very distraught. He had hoped to curb the Harlequin's violent tendencies. She promised that she would stop. But apparently she hadn't stopped at all. Instead, she had started to increase the frequency of her terrorist activities.

As obsessed and passionate as he was about her, his conscience wouldn't allow him to ignore this. He and the Harlequin had to have this out once and for all! If he could find her! She wasn't in any of her usual haunts. He hadn't seen her in days. Where was she? What was she up to? He had to find her quickly!

Back in the future:

The new White House, under the direction of Zarrko, had added a gladiatorial arena to its already impressive structure. Zarrko, accompanied by a few special guests, would retire to the arena each night to watch beautiful female gladiators battling each other. It excited him!

Today, Zarrko was accompanied by the unwilling Wonder Woman. With the collar firmly around her neck, she could not refuse his invitation. She sat with Zarrko and a few nameless lackeys as they gleefully watched the woman warrior's battle.

In the arena, Red Sonja displayed her usual skill and savagery as she skirmished with Shanna the She-Devil. Sonja brandished her broadsword while Shanna used a spear. Sonja managed to get past Shanna's defenses and chopped the spear in half. Shanna backed off, unarmed. Sonja hit her in the leg with the flat side of her blade. Shanna fell. Sonja put the point of her sword to Shanna's throat. She looked up for a "Thumbs Up' from Zarrko.

The Tomorrow Man thought for a moment and then gave Shanna a 'Thumbs Up'. She would live to fight another day. Sonja helped Shanna to her feet.

"Salute me," Zarrko said.

"Hail the Tomorrow Man," they were forced to shout, after which they returned to their quarters.

Wonder Woman was disgusted. "Your are the worst type of slime, Zarrko. You are a coward and a perverted weasel!"

An angry Zarrko slapped Hippolyta. She was infuriated by the affront but could do nothing about it.

"Don't vex me, girl!" Zarrko said. "I rule here. I desire you and I give you the opportunity to be my favored consort. Otherwise, you'll spend your days in the ring fighting for my amusement!"

"If I'm to be forced to amuse you, I'd rather do it in the arena than in your bed."

"I could force you," Zarrko pointed out. "Re-think your stubbornness or I will decide your fate myself!"

Over the city, Diana and her forces were handling the futuristic defenses with relative ease. Robots, laser cannons, flying attack tanks . . . None of it succeeded against the fighting mad invaders. They tore through all obstacles like wolves through a herd of sheep. Not all the technology in the 25th century was sufficient to stave off an invasion of the gods!

Zarrko brought Wonder Woman to his private residence in the West Wing. She did not want to be there. She wished she could just kill Zarrko. She wished she could remove that collar. Her Amazon pride seethed with burning anger.

"I always have my way, woman," Zarrko said. "I take what I desire. Right now, I desire you!"

"Coward!" Wonder Woman hissed, hating the idea of what was coming next.

There was a buzz from the door. "Sir, we have a situation," someone yelled.

Zarrko was annoyed. "This had better be urgent!"

Zarrko spoke to his aide and learned about the arrival of Diana and her seven partners. Zarrko was not happy.

"Send my female warriors!" he ordered. The aide rushed out. Zarrko turned to Wonder Woman. "You'll come with me, my dear. I think you might make a valuable hostage. We're going to see Solaris!"

Diana and her team had pretty much wiped out the mechanical defenses of 25th century Washington. They expected soldiers to arrive next. What they saw surprised them.

A squadron of formidable women appeared to meet them. The Invisible Woman unleashed a crushing invisible force field that rammed and stunned Hercules and Namor. Thor struck the field with his hammer. The impact was so great that the backlash hurt Sue.

Red Sonja leaped at the Valkyrie, but despite her equal skill, she was no match for the Valkyrie's power. Nearby, Shanna attempted to pierce Dr. Fate with a dagger but he froze her with a spell. The other enslaved women locked up with Diana's rescue team.

"Stop us!" Sue yelled. "We can't help ourselves! Zarrko is controlling us!"

Diana felt sorry for these enslaved women. "Try to not hurt these unfortunate warriors. They suffer enough being enslaved by a man!"

"You're mother is in the White House!" Sue yelled. "Go quickly, before I try and stop you!"

"Thank you sister!" Diana said, and sped off at the speed of Mercury to rescue her mother.

New York, 1944:

The Shadow and the Manhunter were both following similar leads. Sentinel seemed to be the best way to track down the Harlequin. That led them both to a man named Doiby Dickles.

Doiby was a friend and ally of the Sentinel and one of the few people outside the JSA who knew his identity. Doiby was an ex-con who reformed and became a cab driver. Alan Scott hired Doiby as his chauffeur and Man Friday. Doiby had been seen with the Sentinel many times. Some people wondered what his connection to the Sentinel was. The Shadow and Paul Kirk certainly did.

Doiby wasn't home when Paul Kirk sneaked into his apartment and began poking around. He didn't know what he was looking for but if there were answers there, Paul would find them. What he didn't realize is that he wasn't alone.

"Paul Kirk, the Manhunter," the spooky voice said. "I've heard of you. You are not as big as I assumed."

Kirk looked around. This was unexpected. He was sure that he was alone. Who could possibly have sneaked up on him? Even the stealthiest animal couldn't get the drop on the Manhunter. He put a hand on his gun but kept it holstered. "Who's speaking?"

"I am the Shadow. And like you, I understand the evil in the hearts of criminals. Like you, I punish!"

"I'm just getting paid to bring in the Harlequin," he said, scanning the room, wondering where the Shadow was. He had heard rumors of the Shadow's invisibility. Apparently it was true.

"Leave the Harlequin's judgment to me, Paul Kirk. This is not a matter for mercenaries. This is justice!"

Paul Kirk was nervous. The Shadow had the advantage. He could easily kill Kirk if he wanted to. "Once I take a commission, I finish the job. Why don't you come out in the open and we can chat?"

Paul Kirk saw something out of the corner of his eye. He spun around, attempting to deliver a kick. The Shadow dodged the attack and swiped Kirk's legs out from under him. Paul Kirk fell. Recovering quickly, Kirk pulled out his gun but the Shadow had the drop on him. Before he could aim, the muzzle of the Shadow's pistol was pressed against his forehead.

"I'll take that, if you please," the shadow said, relieving Kirk of his weapon.

"So what now?" Kirk asked, refusing to show fear.

"You leave. And I find the Harlequin and punish her for her transgressions."

"Why don't we work together," Paul Kirk said. "I hear you worked with Doc Savage recently. Together we can find her in no time. You get justice and I'll get my bounty. What do you say?"

The Shadow considered. He respected Paul Kirk but did he really want to team up with anyone? Occasionally he had paired off with others, including Dr. Mid-Nite and Weapon X. But he had no intention of making a habit of it.

He heard something outside the apartment door. "We have a visitor."

Paul Kirk had also heard the footsteps. Doiby Dickles stepped in and turned on the light. He was a chubby, cherubic little fellow. He was startled by the sight of two men in his room. "What the . . . ?"

The Shadow held up his ring. It glowed a red glow. "Look at my Girasol. Gaze into the ring!" he said.

Paul Kirk watched as the Shadow hypnotized Doiby Dickles. Then came the question-and-answer period.

Somewhere in New York, the Harlequin was hiding. She didn't go back to her usual hideout because her instincts told her the Sentinel might be angry about her increased attacks against the corrupt corporate villains. And just as she guessed, her underworld contacts told her that he was searching for her.

And not only him! Word reached her that Paul Kirk and the notorious Shadow were also on her tail. This was frightening and flattering to her. All this attention! Still, the Shadow didn't play games and she decided that she needed either a good place to hide or some powerful allies.

The Future:

Diana reluctantly left her friends to fight the enslaved women as Diana herself went after Zarrko to rescue her mother. She hated to abandon the battlefield but her mother's safety had to come first. She hoped Hercules and the others didn't injure those unfortunate women.

Diana arrived at the White House. There was a force field surrounding it but no shield was going to keep her from her mother. After a few tries, he burst through. The guards made an attempt to stop her. She blocked their lasers with her bracelets. She moved with incredible speed and skill, disabling the sentry's in minutes. She burst into the White House and stormed through the halls, knocking aside any who hindered her. She got more and more frustrated as her search turned up neither President nor Amazon.

Diana grabbed a scurrying aide who was trying to reach safety. "You! You will tell me where Zarrko is keeping Hippolyta!"

"I . . . I don't know!" he whimpered. "Please don't hurt me. He left, taking her with him!"

"Where to?" she asked, shaking the cowering man.

"I really don't know. He has a lot of hiding places. And lots of allies. Like Nathaniel Richards or . . . "

"Yes, that's the one!" Diana yelled, "Where do I find Nathaniel Richards?"

1944 New York:

The Harlequin was hiding in the basement of a condemned building, trying to figure her next move. The basement was a safe house for some gangsters who'd "gone to the mattresses", trying to lay low for some reason. Harlequin found the hide out and used her hypno-goggles to induce protective feelings in them. They'd do anything for her now. She had created a small army of loyal bodyguards.

Someone else arrived. He came in response to a call from the Harlequin. Arriving more out of curiosity than any other reason, he entered the room. He was a large strong man, possessed of a strangely flat head. He was a feared enforcer of the underworld. He was called Hammerhead. The moment he arrived, Harlequin activated her hypnotic goggles. She made him want to protect her, too.

Sentinel had finally gotten her scent! He had searched and searched the city, threatening several thugs to find her location. Once getting enough information to get within her range, his ring throbbed urgently. He had a bond with her and his ring homed in on her. He had found her! He had found the Harlequin!

Sentinel burst down the basement door, entering with no fear. Immediately, the hypnotically protective gangsters fired their weapons at the Sentinel but could not pierce his force field. He raised his ring and engulfed them all in a cage of Starheart energy.

However, he felt the power of his ring starting to fade. It took much effort to form the cage. He realized that his obsession with the Harlequin had caused him to forget to recharge his ring. Twenty-four hours had expired and his ring was practically out of power. The Sentinel was alarmed. This was a bad time. He spotted the Harlequin. He was again taken by her exotic seductiveness. "Hello, Molly."

"Hiya handsome," she said, with a seductive smile, "I've got something for you."

From behind him, Hammerhead charged. Utilizing his considerable bulk and the steel plate hidden beneath his flat skull, Hammerhead rammed the Sentinel, rhino-style. Taken by surprise from behind and with his protective screen weak, the Sentinel was hurt by the impact and fell to the ground. He tried to focus his attention for a counter attack. With all his will, he tried to fire a power-burst at Hammerhead but his Starheart energy sputtered out and he was suddenly powerless. The gangsters were freed from their captivity. They, along with Hammerhead and Harlequin, surrounded the de-powered hero.

"Well, well, well," the Harlequin said. "My sweetie's come to visit. How nice. But no flowers?"

"Molly, please, listen to me . . . " Sentinel began.

"No!" she shouted. "This time, I'm calling the shots. I've heard that you've been looking for me, to take me to the booby hatch! No one is locking me in the nut factory! I'm not crazy! I won't let you do it!"

"Are you going to kill me?" he asked.

Harlequin hesitated. While she debated her next actions, a blast of gunfire was heard. Some of her gangster allies fell to the ground, struck by bullets. The Harlequin saw two new players enter the game. The Manhunter and the Shadow had appeared! Doiby Dickles, under hypnosis, had given them a small fragment of the original Starheart meteor. The Shadow was able to use his special mental powers to track down the Sentinel using the fragment. They had arrived none too soon.

The Shadow, using his power to become essentially invisible, picked off the gangsters one-by-one. In the meantime, Paul Kirk locked up in battle with the fearsome Hammerhead. The Harlequin was actually glad for the interruption because it saved her from having to decide the Sentinel's fate. She waved at her lover.

"Bye, bye, stud. See ya whenever," she ran toward the nearest exit.

Sentinel leaped and tackled her to the ground. They wrestled on the hard floor. Harlequin almost seemed to be enjoying it. Sentinel pinned her to the tile floor. "Stop it, Molly!"

"You always did like to wrestle," the Harlequin said. "You know I like it rough!"

"Stop joking, Molly!" Sentinel said. "You can't keep this up. Come with me to see Dr. McNider!"

"I'm not crazy and I won't be treated like a wacko any longer!" she screamed, and rammed her knees into the Sentinel's groin.

Sentinel moaned in pain and surprise. The Harlequin pushed him off and made a beeline for the door. However, she had forgotten the invisible Shadow. He had defeated her guardian gangsters. He appeared before her, blocking her escape.

"Going somewhere?"

"A girl needs to play hard to get," she said, and activated her hypno-goggles. The swirl of colors beamed into the Shadow's eyes. The Harlequin fully expected him to fall under her spell, like everyone else did. But she was disappointed.

"I've seen evil and corruption in all its forms. I know all about persuasion. I am beyond your amateur games. I am the Shadow and it is time for these games of yours to end!" He pulled out a pistol.

"No!" the Harlequin shouted, in a moment of genuine fear.

Sentinel threw himself between the two. "Don't shoot! Please Shadow, don't kill her! I know she's done wrong, but I believe in redemption. She just needs help. Please, let me help her! If you want to take her, you'll have to kill me first!"

The Shadow considered this. The Sentinel was a great hero. He was considered the father of the age of superheroes. Vice-leader of the JSA. And yet he was willing to die for this woman. What did he see in her? If he believed in her so strongly, maybe there was something in her worth salvaging. "Very well. Put a leash on her and see that she does no more harm. I allow only one reprieve. If I have to pay her a second visit, she will not survive it. Farewell, Sentinel. Hopefully, I will have no need to return."

The Shadow vanished from sight. The Sentinel let of a sigh of relief. For a moment, he thought the Shadow would kill them both. Apparently, Doc Savage and Doctor Mid-Nite were right about the Shadow's sense of honor.

Harlequin hugged the Sentinel. "Thanks, baby. I'm gonna treat you real good tonight. My hero."

Sentinel looked at the Manhunter who was battling Hammerhead. "We'd better get you out of here before he finishes up. He may not be so easy to dissuade."

As the Sentinel and Harlequin headed for the door, Hammerhead briefly got the upper hand on Paul Kirk and grabbed him in a bear hug. Also, the pain of the struggle had freed Hammerhead from the Harlequin's spell. Seeing the woman who had messed with his mind fleeing, he was filled with rage. Tossing the breathless Manhunter aside, Hammerhead grabbed a gun from one of the fallen gangsters . . . and fired!

His aim was true and the bullet hit the mark . . . It hit the Harlequin in the back of the head!

She let out a muted whimper of pain and fell to the floor, limp and unmoving. The Sentinel turned and saw the blood. Having heard the gunshot, he knew what had happened. "No! God, no!" he yelled.

The Manhunter, having gotten his breath back, grabbed a gun and fired a shot at Hammerhead. The bullet did not strike a vital organ and Hammerhead was a powerful man. He screamed in pain. Wounded, he fled to find a doctor to remove the bullet. Paul Kirk didn't pursue. He looked down at the fallen Harlequin.

Sentinel embraced her one last time, tears flowing down his face. She weakly raised her hand and stroked his face. A slight smile crossed her face . . . and then she died.

"Noooo!" Sentinel screamed.

The Manhunter felt like an intruder on this scene and decided to leave and track down Hammerhead. As for the Sentinel, he squeezed her body tightly, as if his love could bring her back. He didn't want to let go.

"Life was never fair to you, my love," he said, crying, "Maybe, in another life, we could have been happy. But fate had other plans for you. Life always hated you. Now you're free of the torments of life. Rest happily, my dearest. I'll always love you!"

He carried the body of his lover out of the dirty basement where her tragic life ended.

Next issue: Diana and her team of gods and warriors face the powerful Solaris to rescue Hippolyta. A chase through time ensues and a strange war begins.