DCM Timely

No. 27


Justice Society of America
Ghost of a Chance
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Human Torch
Star-Spangled Kid
Blue Diamond
The Hulk
Miss Venus
Uncle Sam
Union Jack

The JSA reappeared in the mansion of Miss Venus only minutes after they had departed this dimension for Limbo. Captain America, Sentinel, Black Canary, Human Torch, Toro, Wonder Woman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Star-Spangled Kid, Namor the Sub-Mariner, and the rampaging Hulk looked around, happy to see familiar surroundings.

"I feel kind of strange," the Star-Spangled Kid said. "Does anyone remember what just happened?"

"It's all a blur," Toro said.

"Something has been done to us," Namor observed.

The Hulk just scratched his head. Confusion was nothing new to him.

"Is everyone present and accounted for?" Captain America asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, I have a vague memory that Dr. Fate stayed behind with Miss Venus," Wonder Woman said. "They should both be with us soon."

The Sentinel looked around. "Where's Jay?"

Everyone looked around worriedly. They searched the mansion. He wasn't there.

Dr. Fate and Miss Venus finally appeared, having blocked the JSA's memory of the events in Limbo, with help from Thor. "Is everything well?" Fate asked.

"No, everything is not well!" Cap snapped. "Flash is missing!"

The Sentinel re-entered the room. "I just called Joan. Jay hasn't returned to his house. And he's definitely not here!"

"So where is he?" Cap asked Dr. Fate.

Fate and Miss Venus exchanged confused glances. "I am not sure," Dr. Fate said, with uncharacteristic meekness.

"Well, don't you think you should find out?" Cap shouted.

Dr. Fate nodded. "I will get the help of the Lords of Order. We will search the realms of Limbo. If the Flash is still there, we will find him."

Dr. Fate vanished.

"I'll do what I can to find him, as well," Miss Venus said.

"I'll see what my ring can do," Sentinel added.

"Good!" Cap said. "I want constant updates on your progress! Dr. Mid-Nite, I want you to find Doc Savage and see if science can do anything to locate Jay."

"I happen to know who the Blue Diamond is," Star-Spangled Kid said. "I ran into him and Jay in their civilian identities recently. He's a scientist, too. And he's a good friend of Jay's. I'll ask him what he can do."

"Do it," Cap said. "I want everything possible done. Jay is one of us and I want him found!"

Jay Garrick, the Flash, woke up in some sort of white void. He had passed out after exceeding the speed of light while vibrating, hoping to cross time-and-space, and to escape Limbo. The last thing he remembered was some sort of siren signal calling to him, and then seeing reality fading around him. And now he was here. Wherever "here" was.

Jay got up and looked around. There was nothing but whiteness. Except the road. There was a long road, stretching out to infinity. Jay was confused and seemed to have no other options but to follow the road and see where it led. He ran at super-speed down the road. Running in this strange place felt more natural then ever it did before. It made Jay feel invigorated, almost euphoric. After what seemed like an eternity of running, he saw three figures running toward him, at super-speed, in the opposite direction. He stopped, and prepared to defend himself.

The three figures came to a stop. Jay studied them. One of them was a small, slim Asian man dressed like a feudal Japanese serf. The second was a taller man in some sort of high-tech armor. The third person was a pretty, half-feline, half-woman. They stopped just a few feet in front of Flash.

Flash was tense, ready to fight. He assumed that he had failed to escape limbo and that these people were more of Immortus' henchmen. "Stand back! Don't make me hurt you!"

"The newcomer is hostile," the Asian man said. "We will need to restrain him by force."

The Asian man moved forward at super-speed and tried to grab Jay. But Jay was quicker than he expected, and evaded him. Jay swung around and kicked the other speedster while he was still off-balance. The Asian man toppled to the ground. The man in the armor jetted forward, followed by the cat lady. Jay hit the man with a vibration wave that knocked him backwards. The man toppled back, ramming into the feline woman. Their high-speed collision knocked the wind out of both of them.

Flash looked down at the three other speedsters, who were struggling to get back to their feet. Jay shook his head. "Immortus keeps finding the lamest henchmen. First that guy from Counter-Earth, and now you three losers. He'd better find a new approach, because you just don't match up."

Flash sensed another speedster coming, but he sensed it too late. Before he could prepare a defense, the new speedster slammed into him, knocking him flat.

"Don't match up, huh?" the new speedster said, "Just be glad I went easy on you."

"Easy, Fastback," the man in the armor said. "We don't want to hurt him."

"Ahh, he had it coming," the newcomer named Fastback said.

Flash heard all this in a semi-conscious state. He opened his eyes and looked up. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The newcomer, Fastback, was . . . a turtle! A big turtle!

"I must be hallucinating," he said. "This can't be real. I can't have just gotten clobbered by a turtle."

"Why not?" Fastback asked. "It's better than being a hairless ape!"

The man in armor helped the Flash to his feet. "Steady, new blood. You took a hard blow there."

Flash yanked his arm away, still suspicious. "Where the hell am I? Who are you . . . Uh, people?"

"You're in the Speed Realm," the cat woman said.

"Speed Realm?" Flash asked, confused. "What's the Speed Realm?"

"It's the Promised Land," Fastback said. "Speed Heaven."

"You are one of the rare ones, to have actually made it here," the Asian Man said.

"I don't understand any of this," Jay said.

"You'll adjust soon," the woman said. "Come. Follow us to Speed City."

The other four speedsters ran down the road. Flash, baffled, saw no other option except to follow them, and hope that explanations would follow.

"Here goes nothing!" Flash muttered and ran after them.

After another long run, the five speedsters reached a large, emerald city. It reminded the Flash of the city of Oz in that movie. Towering spires and majestic palaces hovered over hundreds of speedsters who raced around, seemingly for the sheer joy of running.

"Speed City?" Flash asked.

"Right," the armored man answered. "Now, as the old saying goes, we'll take you to our leaders."

The other speedsters lead the Flash to the palace of the regent and the magistrate. They were the co-rulers of the land of speed. They were both large, regal men. One wore red and white armor and the other wore robes and a wreath around his head.

"Ah," the man with the wreath said. "Fastback and his companions have returned from their reconnaissance. Yon mortal in the helmet must be the newest occupant of our realm."

"Welcome," the man in red and white said. "I am Makkari, of the Eternals. This is Hermes, of Olympus. We are Gods of speed. We oversee this place."

"Thou art most welcome, friend Flash," Hermes said. "Aphrodite hath told me much of thee."

"I suppose all this seems very strange to you," Makkari said. "Like a dream or an illusion."

"I hope that's all it is," Jay said. "Otherwise I'm going nuts!"

"Nuts?" Hermes repeated. "Ha! Thou mortals and thy strange language."

"I promise you that you are not insane," Makkari said. "Nor is this a dream or hallucination. You are here, in the realm of speed. Come, let us run and talk."

Flash accompanied Makkari on a run around the city. Speedsters zipped by every-which-way.

"Have you ever wondered about the source of your speed?" Makkari asked. "As a scientist, you know that the human body is not capable of producing such speed from within."

Jay had wondered about his powers often. He convinced himself that the accident with the hard water molecules, which had first made him into the Flash, had somehow changed the laws of physics and allowed him to spontaneously produce incredible speeds, but intellectually, he knew that it really wasn't true.

"Yes, I know," Jay said.

"This place is the source of your speed, Flash," Makkari said. "Of all our speed. It is what we have tapped into, or has tapped into us. Think about it. You've been known to be in action for days on end without eating or sleeping. Normally, the human body would waste away to nothing under such circumstances. But the speed you are using is not taxing your body's resources because it is being supplied by another source. The Speed Force. And the source of that force is here in the land of speed."

"Why am I here?" Flash asked.

"You exceeded the speed of light," Makkari said. "Once you do that, you become speed. Your body merges with the speed force and brings you here! Anyone who runs faster than light must come here."

Jay now understood what had happened to Rival months ago when he disappeared. "How do I get back?" Jay asked.

"There is no way back," Makkari answered.


"Once you surrender to the speed force, you're here forever," Makkari stated.

Jay was shocked.

Ten days had passed in the real world. All efforts to locate the Flash had failed. No one knew whether he was even alive. And if he was, he could be anywhere in time or space. Despondency had set in. The other JSA members had started to despair that they would never see Jay Garrick again.

Captain America called a meeting at the JSA mansion. The ten current members of the team, along with auxiliary member, the Blue Diamond, were present.

"This meeting will now come to order," Cap said. "As you all know, we have failed miserably in our efforts to locate the Flash. According to Dr. Fate, he could have re-materialized in any century. He may be in the future. He may even be . . . Well, I hate to say it, but the Flash may be dead."

The whole team reacted uncomfortably to that idea. Flash was very well liked by all.

Cap continued. "We won't stop looking for him, and if any means can be found to shed light on his disappearance, we will follow any avenue. As for the present, though, we have to face the fact that we may never find him. We have to go on. The JSA has to continue. We have a duty to the world."

Sentinel stood up. "Excuse me, Captain, but I'm not ready to admit defeat yet. Flash is alive out there. I'm sure of it! And I'll find him, somehow!"

Without another world, the Sentinel departed. "Let him go," Cap said. "He and the Flash were close."

"So were the Flash and I," Blue Diamond said.

"That's part of the reason I asked you here," Cap said, "The Flash was our science advisor. You, as I understand it, are also a scientist. We need someone to take his place as our science specialist. And as I friend of his, I know that you'll be glad to honor him in this way. I'd like you to become a full-time member of the team."

Blue Diamond nodded. "At least, until we find out what happened. I owe it to the Flash to continue his work. I accept your offer."

"I wish it were under happier terms," Cap said. "But welcome to the group. The second thing I wanted to discuss is that I'll be away for a little while."

"Why?" Black Canary asked.

"You've heard of Uncle Sam, the government operative?" Cap asked.

Some of them had, some hadn't.

"Well, regardless, he's someone very close to me," Cap said. "And he's missing. He was last seen somewhere in Europe. The government has asked me to look for him. I'm going. I've lost one friend this month, and I won't lose another!"

"We understand," Wonder Woman said. "Our thoughts will go with you."

"Thank you," Cap said. "I'm taking Bucky with me. And since the Sentinel has rushed off, I'm leaving Dr. Mid-Nite in charge."

Namor fidgeted. He didn't like the fact that he was never considered for the position of leadership. He was a warrior prince after all. Who better to lead these super-powered beings into battle? But he respected Cap and reluctantly accepted the decision.

"If there's nothing else, I call this meeting to a close," Cap said. "Again, welcome to the Justice Society, Blue Diamond. And I'll see the rest of you when I get back. Let's go Bucky."

Jay had been running around Speed City, hoping desperately to find a way out. So far, he had failed in every attempt. For the moment, he had stopped, trying to think up a new approach.

While he stood still, the high-tech armored man who had originally approached him on the road popped up at his side. "You're different, aren't you?" he said to Jay.

"How so?" Flash asked, distractedly.

"The rest of us like it here," the other speedster said. "This place gives us a sense of well being. And we can just share the joy of running with those who understand it. This is like heaven to the rest of us. But you keep trying to escape. Why?"

"I left a wife behind," Jay said.

"Ah!" the other man said. "Yes, some people hang on to the last world longer than others. They've left loved ones behind. You'll forget, eventually."

"I don't want to forget!" Jay snapped. "I want to se my wife again! And I have a duty to my world. There's a war on! People need me! I can't stay here and languish in Eden while my world is going to Hell!"

"You may as well try to forget," the man said. "There's no way out of here. Once you enter the Speed Force, it's for eternity."

"I refuse to believe that!" Jay said.

"You're a stubborn one, Flash," the man said. "By the way, we haven't been properly introduced. They call me MPH. That's short for -- "

"Miles-per-hour. I get it," Jay said. "What year did you come here?"

"I was an inventor during the industrial revolution," MPH said. "I came across an injured man wearing this suit. He claimed to be from the future. I tried to help him but he died. It took me years to repair the suit. I tested it out and it worked swell. In the twenties, I tried to join my idol Doc Savage in fighting crime, but I lost control of my speed and ended up here."

"What about those others?" Flash asked. "The Asian guy, and the cat lady and that weird turtle thing."

MPH chuckled. "The Japanese guy is called Windaria. As far as I can tell, he's the first person to access the Speed Force, way back in Feudal Japan. He fought against demons to protect his people. He was nearly killed by Vandal Savage and survived by escaping into the Speed Force centuries ago. He was here alone. But not for long. Others came. The cat-girl is from a planet in a distant galaxy where the population evolved from cats instead of monkeys. Her name is Cheatara. The Turtle guy, Fastback, is from some sort of alternate universe that existed before something called "the Crisis" destroyed it. On his world, the animals are intelligent and rule the planet as humans do on our Earth. He was part of a super-hero team called the Zoo-Crew. The rest of the people here come from different times and places. But they're all runners."

"Thanks for the information," Jay said. "But it doesn't help me get out of here."

Before MPH could answer, another speedster zipped by and bashed Jay with a solid right to the jaw. Jay fell, stunned. The other speedster tried to follow up, but MPH held him back. Other passing speedsters grabbed the attacker and held him back. MPH checked on Jay. "You okay, Flash?"

Flash nodded, still sore from the attack. He checked the identity of his attacker. It was just what he had feared.

It was Rival!

Cap and Bucky arrived in England a few days later. They met with Major Lane of the British CID. The Major had been assigned to work with Uncle Sam before he disappeared.

"We'd gotten word that German spies were working under the guise of an construction Crew," the Major said. "But there are quite a lot of construction crews in England now, seeing as the bloody Fritzies have been blitzing us for years."

"So Uncle Sam was here to help you weed out the group in question," Cap said. "Any idea what they were trying to do? Plant bombs?"

"That was what we originally assumed," Major Lane said. "But Uncle Sam suggested that they were after something bigger."

"Such as?" Bucky asked.

"He thinks they were trying to excavate the sword Excalibre!"

Back in Speed City, it was becoming increasingly difficult to separate Rival and Flash. Rival spent all his time stalking his enemy. He usually didn't attack because there were so many other speedsters around who would break up the fight. But whenever Jay was alone, Rival would pounce, and the two enemies would fight it out until others came along to break it up.

Hermes and Makkari were getting annoyed at this constant interruption in the calm, peaceful, organized daily routine of Speed City. There were no jails in speed Heaven, so there was no place to lock up Rival. Anyway, Speed City was no place for a prison. And no one had ever died in this place, so there was no telling what the outcome would be if they killed Rival. There seemed to be no way around this problem.

But then, Makkari came up with one. It was the only way to keep peace in Speed City and it was possibly Jay Garrick's only hope to ever get home!

Captain America and the Star-Spangled Kid were following up leads given to them Major Lane. These were the same construction crews that Uncle Sam had earlier investigated. Cap hoped that by tracing Uncle Sam's steps he'd come across a vital clue that would help him locate his uncle.

After investigating a fifth crew, Cap and the Star-Spangled Kid were crossing Holland Park. "We're getting nowhere," the Kid said.

Cap held up a list. "This is the list of construction crews that Uncle Sam was going to look into. One morning he went to check up on one of them and disappeared. I don't know which one it was or what order he went through this list, but one of these crews knows something. One of them must be the German spies."

"So we just keep going through the whole list until you're satisfied?" the Kid asked. "And if we don't spot the guilty parties?"

"I will," Cap said. "Even if I have to go through the list a dozen times. I'll question them all again and again until I know which one it is."

Then there came the unexpected sound of horses. Cap and the SS Kid turned and saw a legion of horsemen, all in armor and brandishing swords, charging at them.

"Kill the foreigners!" the lead horsemen said. "Cut them to pieces!"

The throngs of Horsemen bore down on the two American heroes. Cap raised his shield to fend off some potentially lethal sword swipes. The Star-Spangled Kid dived out of the path of some other lethal lances.

"We've got a problem!" the Kid yelled.

"We're too badly outnumbered!" Cap shouted. "We can't beat them. We need to escape!"

"But they're all around us!" Bucky cried.

Cap tried to think of an exit strategy while he kept his defensive posture up. He kept his eye on young Bucky, doing his best to cover the kid's back whenever possible. They were in a tight spot!

Suddenly, help arrived. Five figures came through the trees, rushing to the American's defense. They tore into the horsemen like flame through paper. They were called the British Knights!

The Knight's leader, called Union Jack, was wrapped in a uniform resembling the British flag, much as Cap was draped in Old Glory. He fought with a skill almost equal to Cap's own.

The lone female member of the team was called Spitfire. The lovely English lass was garbed in yellow and red, and breathed fire on her opponents.

Another member of the team was called the Destroyer. He wore a gray costume and fought much as the former JSA member Wildcat did, with flashing fists, backed with lots of pride and passion.

The next member dressed in an antique style of clothing, including a top hat and walking stick. A blade emerged from the walking stick as the British hero, called the Victorian, cut a path through his foes.

The final team member was called the Fogg, because that's what he could transform into . . . fog.

The British Knights quickly turned the tide and drove the horsemen away. Cap sighed with relief. "Thanks," he said. "Your arrival was very timely."

"Quite all right, mate," Union Jack replied. "It's a pleasure. We've all heard a good lot about Captain America, haven't we?"

"We certainly have," Spitfire said. "You can't pick up a newspaper without reading about the Justice Society."

"Who were those guys?" the Star-Spangled Kid asked.

"The horsemen of Camelot," the Victorian said. "A cult."

"They supposedly worship the ghost of Morganna Le Fey," the Destroyer said.

"We've been having a right lot of problems with the blighters for months now," the Fogg commented.

"They've been very active recently," Union Jack said. "We're not quite sure why."

"Camelot," Cap said. "Morganna Le Fey. Hmmm. We may be working on the same case. I'm here about the excavation of Excalibre!"

In Speed City, Makkari talked to Jay. "It's called the great bird of Velocity," the Eternal told the Flash. "It flies over our city periodically and then disappears."

"Disappears where?" Flash asked.

"We don't know," Makkari said. "It just vanishes."

"You mean, it leaves the Speed Force?" Jay asked excitedly.

"I think so," Makkari answered.

"How?" Flash asked. "You said there was no way out."

"Not that any of us have ever known," Makkari said. "But the Great Bird of Velocity moves faster than any of us. None of us have ever been able to catch it. But if there is a way out of the Speed force, the Great Bird of Velocity is the only creature that has ever used it."

"So I have to catch it," Flash said. "I'll find a way."

"I think I have a way," Makkari said. "And your freedom depends on Rival!"

Flash had a bad feeling about this.

Captain America, the Star-Spangled Kid, and the British Knights reached the compound, which was the headquarters for the Horsemen of Camelot.

"We scatter them periodically, but they always come back here," Union Jack said. "This is supposedly some sort of Holy Ground."

The Victorian pointed. "Rumors have it that the hills over to the west were the spot where the Castle of Camelot once stood."

Cap noticed a bulldozer on the nearby hill, and some dug-up Earth. Cap checked his list. Sure enough, one of the construction crew on the list was working in this spot. Cap nodded knowingly. "I understand now. With Hitler's occult and supernatural knowledge, the Nazis were able to determine the location of Camelot and where Excalibre might be buried. So these spies, pretending to be doing construction, start excavating here. This disturbs the spirit of Morganna Le Fey. She contacts her cult servants, which is why they've been so active lately. They've been trying to keep anyone from disturbing the excavation. Anyone, including Uncle Sam. And after the Nazis find the Sword, the Horsemen will attack and take it from them, and deliver it to Morganna, who has coveted it for centuries!"

"Very clever!" a harsh, female voice said. "Too bad your knowledge has doomed you!"

The assembled heroes looked up and saw a spectral figure looming over them.

"Morganna!" Cap whispered.

"Indeed, foreigner!" the ghost of Morganna Le Fey said. "But you can call me . . . Death!"

Morganna raised her hands and suddenly lightning and fireballs dropped down on Cap and his companions.

Flash and Rival stood side-by-side, at the starting line.

"This race has the blessing of myself and Hermes," Makkari said. "One million times around Speed City. If Rival wins, we will allow him to satisfy his thirst for vengeance and fight the Flash to the death. Are both parties agreed?"

"Yes!" Rival screamed.

Flash just nodded. Makkari gave him a knowing look. Flash wanted to thank him but he couldn't give the plan away to Rival. Makkari gave the signal. "Prepare, and . . . begin!"

The two speedsters shot forward, at the speed of light. As they circled the city, Rival tried many times to cut Flash off and drive him into a wall. Flash didn't care if Rival was cheating. He didn't care about winning the race. He cared about something far different.

This race was arranged at a certain time. At a time when the Great Bird of Velocity often passed over the city. The Flash hoped that the bird would follow it's routine and do the same today. One hundred times they circled the city. Five hundred. One thousand. Five thousand. Flash was beginning to despair that the Great Bird wouldn't show.

But then there it was. Sailing majestically over the city, the great bird was breathtakingly beautiful. It's bright colors left a streak behind it. The Flash was awed by it. It didn't seem to be moving very fast just yet but the Flash remembered Makkari's warning that none of the inhabitants of Speed City could ever catch the Great Bird.

Flash ran up the side of a wall and across the rooftops. Rival, not knowing what his opponent was up to, followed him. Flash leaped from the rooftop and tried to grab the Great Bird. The Creature put on a burst of speed and the Flash missed. He started to fall.

But the laws of physics were different in the world of Speed than they were in the real world. Everything was designed to be run on. Even the air. The Flash had learned that if he kept up a consistent enough speed, the air would accommodate him and become solid enough to run on. It worked. Flash ran along the air, trailing the Great Bird who was pulling away. It was too fast, even for the Flash. And Rival was at the Flash's heels, trying to grab him.

But Rival, in his maniacal fury, didn't realize that the Flash was slowly, stealthily, stealing some of Rival's speed. Not enough to alarm him, but enough to boost the Flash's speed. Also, Makkari and Hermes donated a portion of their own speed to Jay. Flash began to move faster than any inhabitant of Speed City had ever moved. Bit by bit, he gained on the Great Bird of Velocity . . .

And he caught it! He gripped the Bird's tail feathers tightly and hung on desperately, still running along behind it, using the Bird's speed to boost him along at even greater levels of rapidity. The Great Bird made its customary exit, vanishing from the realm of Speed. This time, it had a passenger. The Flash was pulled out of the Speed Force along with it.

Rival screamed with rage! The Flash had become the first and only person to escape the Speed Force!

Lightning and fire rained down on Cap, Bucky and the British heroes. They evaded the assault. Cap used his shield to block incoming dangers. The Fogg turned unsolid. Spitfire returned fire to their ghostly attacker. It did no good.

"You will all die!" Morganna screamed as she continued the attack.

Cap noticed that the construction crew last left some of its equipment in the bulldozer. Some irons spades, among other things.

"Iron!" Cap yelled.

With his shield as an umbrella against the fiery rain, Cap leaped raced to the hill and reached the bulldozer. He picked up the iron spade. He used his belt to strap the spade to his shield, which he threw at the ghost. The ghost didn't bother to evade the approaching projectile, assuming that it was no threat.

She was wrong! The iron spade struck her. She screamed and the spectral figure vanished from sight.

Everyone was surprised. The Shield returned to Cap's hand. He smiled. "Thank you, Dr. Fate."

Cap explained to the rest of the group that Dr. Fate had once explained to him that iron is harmful to supernatural beings, like sunlight is harmful to a vampire. Being struck so hard by the iron spade dispersed Morganna's ectoplasmic form, preventing her from manifesting herself on Earth. Cap raced inside the Cult HQ. There were only a few Horsemen remaining to guard the captive Uncle Sam. They were no match for a fighting mad Captain America.

Later, agents of the British government were digging up the hill. Union Jack watched them. "They'll find Excalibre if it's really there," Union Jack said to Cap and Uncle Sam. "And we'll put it in a safe place, so the Nazis won't get it."

"As we speak, CID men are rounding up the members of this construction crew," Spitfire said. "All the Nazi spies will be under arrest by nightfall."

"Good," Cap said. "How are you feeling, Uncle Sam?"

"Its good to be able to move around again," Uncle Sam said. "Being tied up for days is not a pleasant experience."

"Why didn't they kill you?" the Victorian asked.

"They said they were going to send me back to Berlin, along with the sword," Uncle Sam said. "They wanted to know what information I had on Cap and the JSA."

"Well, all's well that ends well," the Star-Spangled Kid said.

"Yes, we should be going," Cap said. "I want to get back and see what progress has been made on locating the Flash."

Jay pulled himself off the ground, groggy. He wasn't sure where he was. After the Great Bird of Velocity had pulled him free of the Speed Force, Flash found himself in a void between dimensions. He tried to calculate his way back home. It was hard to maneuver in the time/space vortex, but he hoped that he had directed himself correctly and made it safely home.

He stood up and looked around. He was in a field full of trenches, the type troops used to hide in. The signs of a battle were everywhere. He spotted some dead bodies. He ran over to them and studied them. The bodies wore different uniforms. Some were German, some were British. But what startled Jay was the style of the uniforms. They didn't use these types of uniforms or helmets any more. And they didn't use trench warfare anymore, either. A terrible realization hit Jay.

"I'm in the past!" he gasped. "I'm back in the First World War!"

Next issue: Flash is stuck in the past, facing a creature called Misery. While Cap and Bucky, in 1943, must defeat a creature called . . . Misery! Guest stars galore appear: Uncle Sam; Sgt. Rock; Sgt. Fury; the Blackhawks; the Haunted Tank; the "Losers" battalion; the Air Aces (Air Boy, Skywolf, the Iron Ace, Valkyrie, the Black Angel); and the Enemy Ace. Be here next month for Justice Society of America #28!