DCM Timely

No. 23

MAY 1943

Justice Society of America
For Love of Country
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Human Torch
Star-Spangled Kid
Doc Savage
The Angel
Uncle Sam
Baron Zemo
Master Man
King Shark
Tiger Shark

Arlington, Virginia . . .

Captain America was called to the Pentagon to answer to the joint chiefs. They were not happy with a recent decision of his, and he was now called on the carpet.

"Captain America, we respect what you've done as head of the Justice Society of America," the Army Chief General said, "but we're having second thoughts about this decision of yours concerning the Hulk."

"I understand, sir," Captain America said. "Your apprehension is perfectly reasonable, but it is also, I assure you, unnecessary."

"Captain," the Navel Chief Admiral said, "several months ago, you came to us to discuss ways and means of tracking down and capturing the creature known as the Hulk. Over three weeks ago, you captured the beast in New York. But you did not turn him over to us. This is an immensely powerful creature, Captain, and we can't afford to have such a beast running around during a time of war."

"Again sir, I understand your trepidation," Captain America answered, "But I can only reassure you that the Hulk is currently not a danger. Dr. Clark Savage has vouched for this."

The Marine Chief leaned forward. "As much as we respect the credentials of both Dr. Savage and yourself, we would like more information. Where is the Hulk and what safeguards are being taken to insure that he does not go on another rampage?"

"The Hulk has not appeared for over three weeks," Captain America said. "That is the longest he's gone without making an appearance. Surely, that should be all the proof you need to indicate that the Hulk is not a danger at this time."

The Head of the Joint Chiefs stood up. "Captain. As you well know, there is a war on. We have other matters to concern us besides this 'Hulk'! Can you guarantee us that the Hulk will not be a danger, nor a hindrance in any way to our war effort."

"I guarantee it, sir."

South America: The Hidalgo Valley of Gold.

This secret valley, hidden by fog and a natural optical illusion, is known to very few men in the world outside the simple inhabitants that live there. Doc Savage is one of those people. The gold he gets from this valley supports him and his scientific research. Usually, Doc Savage does his research in New York, but he does have a makeshift lab in Hidalgo Valley, powered by geo-thermal energy. It was here in this simple lab that Doc Savage was doing research on a man named Thomas Halloway. He used to be better known as the Angel, but lately, he was best known as the Rampaging Hulk.

Doc Savage was looking over the notes on the tests he had done on Thomas Halloway so far. Thomas Halloway lay on an examination table. The Hidalgo Valley was a peaceful place, and an unlikely location for Thomas to be attacked or frightened into becoming the Hulk. Aside from that, he had been given a steady treatment of tranquilizers by Doc Savage. And he had also been taught a breathing technique that would help him keep his heartbeat and adrenaline level steady, which would, hopefully, prevent a transformation. Thomas Halloway felt more relaxed here in the Hidalgo Valley than he had felt in months. He hadn't felt so peaceful since before the accident that caused him to become the rampaging Hulk. He had high hopes that Doc Savage would find a cure to his curse.

He looked across the room, through a glass window. There, he saw his ladylove, the beautiful Black Canary. She was what held him together during this tough time. Her love kept him sane. She smiled at him, reassuringly. He got strength from the knowledge that she was there for him, despite the affliction that periodically turned him into a monster, and despite the fact that he had kept it a secret from her.

There was a fourth man present. He was known as Dr. Mid-Nite. He was there to observe Thomas and his progress. It was he who had taught Thomas the breathing technique that would keep him calm. He noted how the Black Canary's presence was helping Thomas adjust. He admired her loyalty to him.

He looked over Doc Savage's shoulder. "How does it look?"

"I hate to say it, but I'm not getting anywhere," Doc Savage said. "I know what's responsible for the transformations but I have no idea how to stop them."

"But you'll keep trying?" Dr. Mid-Nite asked.

"Of course," Doc Savage answered. "I am partially responsible for this."

"You did it to save his life. And I understand you counseled them against it."

"Still, it was my treatment, as much as the radiation, that triggered the mutation. I was part of the cause, and so I swear that I will devote myself to finding a cure. I just hope that Captain America can buy me the time, before the government decides to take him and turn him into a lab rat."

"Cap will convince them, Dr. Savage. Don't worry."

The Pentagon . . .

Cap walked out of the meeting with the joint chiefs, satisfied. He had gotten what he wanted. Cap's young partner, Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. the Star-Spangled Kid, met him in the hallway.

"How'd it go, Cap?" the SS Kid asked.

"Very well," Cap responded, smiling. "They agreed to leave the Hulk in the care of Doc Savage and the Justice Society."

"Swell!" the Kid said.

Just then, a different General came down the hall. This was the self-same General who had originated the Super Soldier program and who had been Cap's direct superior in his early days. This was the man who allowed Steve Rogers to work in the mailroom of the War Department, where Steve met Bucky.

Cap and Bucky saluted respectfully. "Sir!"

"At ease," the General said. "Good to see you again. I'm glad I caught you before you left."

"Do you have a job for us, sir?" Cap asked.

"Yes, Captain. I do. And it involves an old enemy of yours . . . Baron Zemo!"

Cap tensed at the name of his enemy.

The Mansion of Miss Venus . . .

Sentinel was writing something in the by-lines of the JSA charter. Standing next to him were the Human Torch, Toro, and the masked hero known as Hourman.

"And here we make this decree official," Sentinel said. "In the presence of these two witnesses, and by the power invested in me as the second-in-commander of the Justice Society, I hereby make it official that Hourman is a member in good standing of the JSA reserve squad, known as the Society of Substitute heroes."

The Human Torch and Toro applauded. Hourman smiled. "Thank you."

The Sentinel patted him on the shoulder. "Congratulations. Cap would have liked to have been here himself to do this, but he was called away to the Pentagon."

"Of course," Hourman said. "He's a busy man. I'll thank him for his nomination of me when I see him."

"Queen Hippolyta is usually here," Human Torch said. "She lives here in the mansion. But just now, she's with Namor. Today is the day that Atlantis and Themescria sign their treaty."

Themescria, Home of the Amazons . . .

The island of the Amazons was set for a festival. Most of the population was down on the beach, along with their newly returned queen, Hippolyta. They were dressed in their finest uniforms, ready to meet the Atlantean delegation.

Queen Fen, ruler of Atlantis, was set to arrive soon to sign the treaty, along with Hippolyta. Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner had arrived early to go over some final details with his beloved Queen Hippolyta, the Wonder Woman.

Namor was currently standing astride a whale, several dozen yards off the shore of the Amazon Island. He was respecting the Amazon rule of 'No men'. He and the Amazons stood waiting for Queen Fen's party. She was late. Everyone waited respectfully, but with increasing impatience.

"This is disrespectful," General Antiope said to the Amazon queen.

"Be still, General," the queen said. "We will wait. This treaty will benefit both our races. The technology of Atlantis will be of great use to us. I wish Diana could be here."

"The Princess will be sorry she missed it."

The waiting continued. Namor started to feel embarrassed and a bit angry. This was very unlike his mother, and it dishonored his lover, Wonder Woman. Fen had been against his marriage and forbade it. Was this some residual hostility toward Hippolyta? He and the Amazon Queen exchanged puzzled glances. Where was Queen Fen?

Bubbles appeared on the water's surface. Something breached. But it was not Fen and her party. It was Namor's brother Arthur, the Aquaman. He hopped up onto the whale.

"Arthur!" Namor called. "What has happened? Where is our mother?"

"I'm not sure," Aquaman said. "I was on my way here to congratulate mother on the alliance. I came across her party. Or what remained of it. They were torn apart. Mother's body was not among them."

"Thank Neptune for that!"

Queen Hippolyta glided over the waves and joined Namor and Aquaman. "What is wrong?" she asked.

"My mother's party has been ambushed," Namor said. "Her attendants are dead. She, herself, is missing."

"It seems she's been abducted," Aquaman said. "Hello, Queen Hippolyta."

"Greetings Prince Arthur. I am sorry to hear this news. But at least your mother seems to be alive."

"You say the party was torn apart?" Namor asked. "By what?"

"It seems to be the work of sharks," Aquaman answered.

"Impossible!" Namor snapped. "The guards were more than a match for sharks, even a large school."

"I agree," Aquaman answered. "But I can only report the facts. It seems like shark bites."

"We have to find her!" Namor said.

"That won't be easy!" Aquaman said.

"There must be a way!" Wonder Woman interjected.

"I have an idea," Aquaman said. "We'll ask the fish!"

"Excellent!" Namor cried, "Our friends shall assist us. Come brother! Our mother needs her sons!"

"I'm with you, brother!"

"I should come along as well!" Wonder Women said.

"Where we are going, you cannot come, my beautiful Queen," Namor said. "The sea is not your domain, my love. Be of brave heart. Your prince will return!"

Namor grabbed Hippolyta and kissed her passionately. "Good bye, my Wonder Woman."

"Goodbye, my handsome Namor."

Namor dived off the whale. "Come, Arthur."

"I'm at your winged heels, Namor," Aquaman answered.

As they disappeared under the ocean's surface, Wonder Woman gritted her teeth. She wanted to help. If only there were a way for her to follow.

The General was leading Captain America and the Star Spangled Kid through the corridors of the Pentagon. "Baron Zemo and a mysterious female assistant broke Master Man out of prison last night," the General said. "They killed four prison guards and injured six others. The woman, especially, was deadly."

"You don't know who she was?" Cap asked.

"The surviving guards have looked through photographs of known Nazi agents. They didn't find a match."

"To take such a risk, they must have something big up their sleeves," Cap said.

The General nodded. "And we need you to stop it."

"I may need to get some help," Cap said. "If this women is as good as you say, Bucky and I will be at a disadvantage. We need to even the odds."

"I've thought of that," The General said, "I've got an equalizer waiting. A partner for the two of you."

Cap and the SS Kid looked at each other skeptically. The General grinned. They arrived at the room the General had been leading them to. The General opened the door. When Cap looked inside, his face brightened into a smile.

"Uncle Sam!" he cried cheerfully.

The SS Kid looked inside. There, he saw a tall man with a white beard, dressed in the red-white-blue outfit of the fictional "Uncle Sam" who appeared on recruiting posters. From the red and white striped pants, up to the tall top hat, it was Uncle Sam.

"Hello, Steve," Uncle Sam said.

Cap gave Uncle Sam a hug. Star Spangled Kid scratched his head curiously. "He knows who you are?"

"This is my uncle Sam," Cap said.

"Yeah, I got that from the costume," the Kid said.

"No really!" Cap said. "This is really my uncle. Sam Rogers. My father's brother."

"Your Uncle is Uncle Sam?" the Kid asked. "Wow, that's appropriate!"

"Why are you wearing that outfit?" Cap asked. "Do you have something to do with this mission?"

"I'd better start from the beginning," Uncle Sam said. "I'll explain who I am to the Star-Spangled Kid, and I'll explain to you, Cap, what I am now."

Uncle Sam continued. "You see, Bucky - May I call you Bucky? - Thank you. You see, Bucky, I am Steve's biological uncle. I have been a secret agent for many years. I was the top government agent of the twenties and thirties. When the Super Soldier project began several years ago, I was one of the prime candidates to become the first person given the treatment. But some people decided that I was getting a little old and was not a good future investment. They started to look for a replacement. I suggested my nephew Steve. He was so sickly as a boy, that he was a skinny 4-F when the project began. I felt that he would be the ultimate test. If it could turn Steve into the physical specimen you see here before you, think what it could do to someone who is already a hunky muscleman. And so, Steve became the first super-soldier.

"As you know, the formula was lost to us. The government debated what to do with Steve. When war broke out in Europe, and some people suspected that we would be drawn into it, they started training Steve to be a symbol. If there were a war, the troops would have a perfect hero to rally around: Captain America! While others designed his costume and his PR campaign, I was given the task of training him. For seven months, I taught him judo and other self-defense techniques. I made him into a fighting machine. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Prince Namor attacked New York, it was decided that it was time for Cap to go out on his own. He's done a great job since then. He occasionally contacted me for advice in his early days as the leader of the JSA, but he quickly learned to stand on his own feet. I had recognized quickly that he had an affinity for tactical thinking. He proved me right.

"As Cap became the new star of government work, I faded into the background. I became an advisor and teacher for younger agents. Recently, however, the government decided that the world could use more patriotic symbols. They've begun recruiting a bunch of imitation Captain Americas. They have names like "The Fighting American' and 'The Patriot'. I was assigned to teach them. Someone decided that I should have a patriotic identity too. With my white beard and my name - Sam - I took the identity of Uncle Sam!"

The Star Spangled Kid smiled. He was always happy to learn more about Cap's background.

"So, you're going on the mission with us?" Cap said.

"If that's all right with you?" Uncle Sam responded.

"Absolutely, sir," Cap replied.

"So whattaya think Zemo and his cronies are after?" the Star Spangled Kid asked.

"I'm afraid I have a nasty suspicion!" Uncle Sam said. "Files on Thomas Halloway have recently been stolen. And Master Man was broken out of jail the evening before your meeting with the Pentagon about where Halloway is."

"The Hulk!" Cap said, alarmed. "Zemo wants to kidnap Halloway and control the power of the Hulk!"

In a secret room at the rear of the hall that houses the American Nazi party, Baron Heinrich Zemo was addressing his two associates. One of them was a tall, muscular blonde man called Master Man. He was a result of the Nazi's own super-soldier experiment. Although not as successful as Captain America, he was a formidable opponent. The second associate was a tall woman with a grim but not unattractive face. She had dark hair and a well-toned body.

"Thank you for releasing me, Baron," Master Man said. "It repulsed me to be in the custody of those vile Americans."

"It is your own fault for allowing them to capture you!" the woman said.

Master Man turned on her menacingly. "Who are you to speak to me that way, woman? Know your place!"

"I am the Warrior Woman!" the female Nazi yelled. "And it was I, along with the Baron, who freed you! If not for us, you would still be rotting in the American jail!"

"Damn you woman, I -- "

"Enough!" Baron Zemo yelled. "I will have order here! Master Man, let me for formally introduce you to the Warrior Women. She is the second product of the same experiment which made you what you are."

"A woman?"

"It was a smart move on the Fuehrer's part." Zemo said, " A beautiful woman has her own specials . . . weapons!"

Master Man muttered as Warrior Woman smiled smugly. Zemo resumed speaking.

"We are currently working on more super-soldiers. The Reich needs more power. We need to counter the force of the American group called the Justice Society. The group led by my hated foe, Captain America! To that end, we must find the Hulk!"

"The monster who attacked us when we were in the Injustice Society?" Master Man asked.

"Yes!" Zemo answered, "And the monster recently fought the entire Justice Society. It was an incredible beast, full of rage and power and very nearly indestructible. If the Reich had such a beast under our control, we could turn the tide against the cursed Justice Society! And I know where to find him. I have a source inside the American super-team. I am assured that we can find the Hulk in South America!"

"How can we catch such a beast?" Master Man asked.

"I have learned that he has a Jekyll and Hyde condition that occasionally transforms him into a normal mortal. We will catch him when he is in the form of Thomas Halloway, the Angel!"

The two Princes of the sea, Namor and Aquaman, dived under the ocean. They had gotten clues as to the direction that their mother had been taken from marine life in the vicinity.

"We know which way they're headed," Aquaman said. "Now we need to try to determine exactly where they are hiding."

"That won't be easy," Namor said. "They could be anywhere. I think . . . "

"Look!" Aquaman said, pointing.

A figure was swimming closer to them. When it got close enough, they saw that it was a woman.

"Lady Dorma!" Aquaman said.

The beautiful lady from New Atlantis swam to the two Princes. "Milords," she said, looking at Namor.

Namor tensed. Several months back he had spent some time with Lady Dorma while searching for the Warlord Krang. To his shock, he found that he was attracted to her. It was shameful to him. It was dishonorable to his beloved Hippolyta. He had hoped he wouldn't see Dorma again. He had hoped to avoid temptation. But here she was. "Hello, Dorma," he said.

"You and the Lady are acquainted?" Aquaman asked.

"We've come across each other," Namor answered.

"It was my honor," Dorma said.

What are you doing here, Lady?" Aquaman asked her.

Dorma didn't want to admit that she was heading to the treaty signing, hoping to see Prince Namor.

"I followed you from New Atlantis," she said. "I was on one of my usual excursions of discovery when I saw you pass. I was curious so I followed you. But that doesn't matter! I know where your mother is."


"I witnessed the attack and followed the kidnappers," Dorma said.

"Who did it?" Namor asked. "Who took her?"

Dorma looked very grim. "It was Attuma!"

Attuma had created a small base for himself in the undersea peaks called Thor's Twins. To turn the base into a scientific lab, Attuma allied himself with a mortal mutant he met named Dr. Dorcas. Dorcas was once a surface man, a marine biologist, who had scientifically made himself into an amphibian. It was Dorcas who had done experiments with sharks and humans, which created the two powerful mutants Tiger Shark and King Shark. Tiger Shark was the more intelligent and humanoid of the two. King Shark was a savage beast, who looked more shark-like than man-like.

Tiger Shark had helped Attuma conquer New Atlantis a year prior, but they were driven out by Aquaman and the JSA. The two met again months later and have been together ever since. The original King Shark had been killed but Dr. Dorcas created another one for Attuma. And now, this evil foursome had captured the Queen of Atlantis.

"This is your final mistake, Attuma!" Queen Fen said, from her cell. "My subjects will find you. My sons will lead them in a bloodhunt. They will eviscerate you!"

"Good," Attuma said. "Let them come. But they won't like what they find."

Queen Fen looked confused and afraid. She feared for her life and her kingdom.

The Pentagon . . .

Cap, Uncle Sam, and the Star-Spangled Kid waited impatiently while government agents did some research at Cap's request. Finally, one of the agents came rushing back into the room, carrying a piece of paper.

"Captain America!" he said. "We have what you wanted."

"Excellent!" Cap said, as he took the paper and read it.

"What's the story?" Uncle Sam asked.

"A private plane was chartered by a Wilhelm Niedht, who happens to be a known and prominent member of the American Nazi party. It's heading for South America. Three passengers. A 'Baron Mezo' and two others, a male and a female. They're leaving from a small airfield, not far from the prison where Master Man was freed. They leave in two hours!"

"Then we'd better get there quickly!" Uncle Sam said.

Thor's Twins . . .

Lady Dorma led Namor and Aquaman to the secret lair of Attuma and his assistants. "This is it!"

"Thank, Lady Dorma," Aquaman said. "Let us handle the rest. You stay behind!" He looked at Namor. "Are you ready, brother?"

"Yes, Arthur. Into battle!"

Aquaman shot forward like a torpedo. Namor hesitated a moment. He and Dorma locked eyes. Dorma smiled at him. "Good luck, my prince."

Namor nodded, trying not to show any emotion. He followed Aquaman.

Outside Attuma's base, Tiger Shark and King Shark had gone outside to stand guard. Tiger Shark kept the primal King Shark from straying off to hunt prey. But then King Shark smelt something close - coming closer.

It was Aquaman! The prince of New Atlantis rammed into the shark beast. Only stunned for a second, King Shark responded savagely with teeth and claws. Tiger Shark was about to enter the fray, when he caught sight of another invader. "Namor!" he muttered.

"Yes, Tiger Shark! It is I! The one, true Sub-Mariner! I come for my mother and for the honor of Atlantis! Imperius Rex!" Namor locked up with Tiger Shark.

Inside the base . . .

Attuma was watching, smiling smugly, as Dr. Dorcas bathed Queen Fen in chemicals. The Queen screamed at the pain of the treatment. Attuma glanced out of the window and saw the fight that was going on.

"Namor and Arthur," Attuma said. "Take heart, your majesty. Your boys are here. Of course, they have arrived too late! But they'll find that out very quickly."

Outside the base . . .

The fight went on. For a time, it seemed an even match. The shark men's savagery was an equalizer against the superior strength and skill of the two princes. Aquaman got an idea. Pushing King Shark away, he dived at Tiger Shark. He fired the harpoon he had built into the stump of his missing hand. The harpoon hit Tiger Shark. The shark man yelled, as blood flowed from him.

King Shark was about to attack Aquaman again . . . when he caught the scent of blood. His primal urges took over again. He shot forward, and attacked Tiger Shark.

"Stop it, you fool!" Tiger Shark yelled, but to no avail. King Shark wanted blood.

The two shark men wrestled savagely. Namor pointed to a rocky cliff above them. Aquaman understood immediately. They swam up, struck the cliff and caused a rock fall. The rocks buried the two shark men.

"And now . . . Attuma!"

Namor and Aquaman broke into the base. They saw their mother in a cell. Dr. Dorcas was freeing her.

"Hello, royal princes," Attuma said. "It was very loyal of you to come to your mother's rescue."

"I intend to beat that smug grin off of your vile face, Attuma!" Namor yelled.

"I'm with you!" Aquaman said.

"At your leisure," Attuma said. "But first, why don't you say hello to your mother?"

The Queen screamed. And then she started to transform. She grew and turned into something part reptilian, and part crustacean. She became a huge monster. She roared savagely.

"Great Neptune! Mother!" Namor yelled.

"Meet the She-Beast of the seas!" Attuma said. He then pointed to the princes. "She-Beast . . . Kill!"

The She-Beast stalked the princes. Namor backed up, unwilling to fight her. "Mother, please! Don't you recall who you are? You are Queen Fen! Ruler of . . . "

The She-Beast swung at Namor, knocking him backwards. Aquaman rushed to Namor's side.

"What should we do?" Aquaman asked. "She's powerful! How do we stop her without killing her?"

Namor had no answer. The She-Beast attacked again.

At a small, private airfield, Zemo, Master Man and the Warrior Woman were about to board a private plane. Zemo was giving instructions. "When we arrive, the first thing we must do is . . . "

A strong, authoritative voice interrupted. "The only thing you'll be doing, Zemo, is marking off the days of your jail sentence on your cell wall with a piece of chalk!"

Zemo saw that the voice was coming from Captain America, who was accompanied by two other patriotically garbed men.

"You!" Zemo yelled, "You won't stop me this time, American! This time, the Third Reich will be the victor!"

Cap rushed at Zemo, but Master Man intercepted him. "I owe you for our last battle, American!"

Uncle Sam locked up with Baron Zemo. The Star-Spangled Kid approached the Warrior Women. She smiled seductively at him. "You wouldn't hurt a woman, would you, young man?"

The Kid's pulse beat quicker as she touched him gently on the shoulder. "Ummm. N . . . No. No, I won't hurt you. If you surrender peacefully, I'll . . . "

Suddenly, the Warrior Woman kicked him in the groin. While the Kid was doubled over in pain, she attacked him with all her skill and super-soldier serum increased strength. The Kid went down, stunned. The Warrior Woman put a knife to his throat. "Americans!" she said. "Surrender, or I shall kill the boy!"

Cap and Uncle Sam hesitated. What should they do?

Namor and Aquaman dodged the powerful attacks of the She-Beast. They didn't know how to stop her without injuring her. Finally, the She-Beast fled the base out of the hole that the two Princes had made. The Princes followed her. To their amazement, a golden lasso looped around her. Out of the shadows of Thor's Twin appeared Wonder Woman. She grabbed the Sea-Beast and wrestled her.

"How is she breathing underwater?" Aquaman asked.

"Worry about that later!" Namor asked, "Let's help her!"

The two princes joined Wonder Woman and they held the She-Beast immobile while they tied her up with the golden lasso. "Thank you, my lovely Hippolyta."

"How are you breathing down here?" Aquaman asked.

"I prayed to great Neptune," Wonder Woman said. "He allowed me a temporary gift."

"What do we do with our mother now?" Aquaman asked.

"I can answer that," a different female voice said. It was the voice of Dorma. She was holding Dr. Dorcas in a choke hold. "I think that this fiend can help us in that matter. He cursed her, he'll cure her," she said.

The princes and Wonder Woman dragged the struggling She-Beast into the base.

"Attuma!" Namor yelled, looking around. "Face us, villain!"

"I'm not getting his scent," Aquaman said. "I think he escaped."

"Curse him!" Namor said. "I'll catch him yet."

"But for the moment," Wonder Woman said, "let's take care of your mother!"

"What will you do now, Captain?" Zemo asked, laughing. "Stop us from going after the Hulk and you will cause the death of your loyal sidekick. What is your decision?"

All eyes were on Cap and Uncle Sam as they debated their options. This delay gave the Star-Spangled Kid a chance to recover. Cap had taught the Kid judo. The Kid grabbed Warrior Woman and flipped her. Cap immediately threw his shield. The shield hit Warrior Woman, knocking her unconscious. Master Man locked up with Cap again. The returning shield hit Master Man in the back. He fell, stunned. Cap kicked him in the face. Master Man passed out.

Zemo found himself surrounded by Captain America, Uncle Sam and the Star-Spangled Kid. He was furious. He had failed again.

"Give it up, Zemo," Cap ordered. "You're not getting the Hulk!"

"Not today, American! But there will be another day." Zemo pulled out a small leaf from his belt. "This is a gift from my old friend, the Enchantress."

Zemo bit into the leaf. There was a puff of smoke and suddenly Zemo was gone.

"What the . . . " Uncle Sam muttered.

"Damn it!" Cap grumbled. "He always manages to slip away!"

"But we stopped him, and that's the main thing," Uncle Sam said.

"Still, I would have liked to have some questions answered." Cap said. "He seemed to have a lot of inside information. How did he know that the Hulk was in South America? We may have a security leak inside the Justice Society. And that idea scares me!"

While Cap spoke about security concerns, he didn't notice the hidden camera monitoring him.

In a secret lair far away, the Answer was monitoring events at the airfield, via the hidden camera. It was the Answer who had given Zemo inside information on the whereabouts of the Hulk. Just as he had given Zemo information months earlier when Zemo formed the Injustice Society. The Answer had a pipeline into the workings of the Justice Society. He knew things. He was trusted. He would use that information and that misplaced trust to crush them.

The Answer knew that Zemo would fail. He helped Zemo because he wanted to observe the JSA once again. It was a test, and the Answer wanted to watch. He needed data. And slowly he was gathering it. He would take his time, but eventually he would strike, and when he did . . . the Justice Society would fall!

Next issue: Numerous guest stars drop in to participate in the ultimate tournament, as the JSA battle the Champion of the Universe. The Collector is on hand also, to complicate things. Be here next month for Justice Society of America #24.