DCM Timely

No. 19


Justice Society of America
Zero's Hour
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Human Torch
Star-Spangled Kid
Doc Savage
Max Mercury

New York Hospital - February 1943

Dr. Charles McNider had been summoned to the hospital by the legendary Dr. Clark Savage, Jr., better known as Doc Savage, Man of Bronze. The blind psychiatrist was greeted warmly by Savage.

"Thank you very much for coming on such short notice, Dr. McNider," Savage said.

"Not all at, Dr. Savage. I'm honored that you wanted to consult with me. So tell me about the patient."

"We don't know his name. We call him Patient Zero," Doc Savage said, as he led the blind McNider down the hall. "He was found a year ago outside the museum of art, curled up in a ball and ranting incomprehensibly. Since he was brought here, he hasn't said a word."

"Interesting," McNider said. "Anything else I should know?"

"Just two other little things that I think are worth mentioning," Savage said. "One is that when he first got here, he was screaming the words, 'Medusa Mask'. Those are the only comprehensible words I've ever gotten from him. The second thing is - and I know you'll understand this because I've read your papers on the subject - I think Patient Zero may have Extra Sensory Perception."

"Ah, so that's why you asked for me, is it?"

"You have done more research on ESP than most people in your field. If Patient Zero is an ESPer, you're the man to tell me."

McNider nodded. "What can you tell me about this Medusa Mask?"

"I did some research on it," Savage said. "It's an ancient Gold mask from the Grecian Empire. Its origins are unclear but stories of death and insanity follow it. It is hanging in the same museum that the patient was found near."

"I see. All right, Dr. Savage, take me to the patient."

Flash had just come from telling the Blue Diamond the news that he had been accepted as a reserve member of the JSA. Flash had become good friends with Sentinel over the past year, but it was going to be nice to have his best friend on the team, even if it was only on an occasional reserve basis. The JSA was a very diverse and interesting group, but they could use some more normal personalities.

Flash was racing to the shopping district to buy a Valentine's Day present for Joan. As he passed the lake, he circled around it, enjoying the view. Suddenly, he sensed another speedster nearby. For a moment, he had a sense of dread that it might be Rival again. But no, Rival was gone for good. He was sucked into nothingness. Whoever was coming, it was someone else. Maybe the Whizzer or Johnny Quick?

Flash saw the man in the blue costume streak by. It was no one that Flash had ever seen. He signaled to the Flash to stop. He came to a halt and waited for the Flash to stop. Flash circled around, looking for any sign of a possible trap. There was nothing unusual around. This new speedster seemed to be alone. Flash stopped ten feet from him.

"Hello, Flash," the man said. "It's a pleasure to met you."

"Thank you. And you are . . . ?"

"I'm called Max Mercury."

"I thought I knew all the other speedsters," Flash said. "Are you new?"

"Actually, quite the opposite," Max said. "But that isn't important. I came to tell you something urgent."

"And what would that be?"

"I have these occasional . . . glimpses into the future. Don't ask me the how's and why's of it. I just do."

"And you saw something that concerns me?" Flash asked.

"Yes," Max said. "I saw that you are going to be betrayed."

"By who?"

"By one of your partners in the Justice Society," Max stated.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Flash asked. "You pop out of nowhere and I'm supposed to believe that one of my friends on the JSA is going to turn against me?! I don't know anything about you, but I trust every member of the JSA with my life!"

"I'm telling you the truth."

"Which one of the members is it?" Flash asked.

"I'm not sure," Max said. "It's often hard to make sense of the things I see. I just get . . . flashes - if you'll pardon the pun."

"How convenient," Flash said. "Is it a full time member or a reserve one?"

"A full time member."

"Forgive me if I don't lose any sleep over this, Mr. Mercury."

"You should listen to me, Flash!" Max said urgently. "Because if you don't, two members of the JSA will die!"

"And I guess you can't tell me which two."

"No. I'm sorry, Flash."

"No, I'm sorry. Sorry that I wasted my time with this stupidity. Look fella, I know all the new speedsters think they need to meet me or compete with me or some such thing. One of them wanted to race me and another stole my speed. So I guess this is your way of making an introduction. Well nice try, Max, but there's no way you'll convince me that any member of the main JSA team is a traitor! And now if you'll excuse me, I have to go."

Flash raced off. Max watched him go, shaking his head sadly.

Asgard, a realm of gods

Thor appeared on Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge leading to the gates of Asgard. He had been away for weeks. He had been summoned to Earth by Aphrodite to help the Justice Society. He decided to stay on Earth for a while, and got himself into an adventure with the mortal known as Hawkman. He knew he was pressing his luck, because his father, Odin the king of Asgard, didn't like these prolonged absences. So he returned home.

He saw Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge.

"Well met, friend Heimdall," Thor said. "Tis good to see thee again."

"Prince Thor," Heimdall said, with sadness in his voice. "I wish that I could greet thee with the same good cheer. But alas, my heart is heavy."

"What ails thee, valiant one?"

"Tis my sister and thy true love," Heimdall said. "Sif is the cause of my grief."

"Milady Sif?" Thor asked, alarmed. "What has befallen her?"

"I do not know, my prince. For my sister hath vanished!"

Thor rushed into the palace of his Father, the ruler of Asgard . . . Odin! The majestic figure of Odin sat on his throne talking to his grand Vizier.

"Hail, father," Thor said. "I salute thee. But my return is tinged by dark news. I have been told that my beloved Lady Sif is missing? What hath occurred?"

"Welcome home, my son," mighty Odin said. "And thou art correct. Thy true love is no where to be found."

"Cannot even all seeing Odin find her?" Thor asked.

"I fear not, my noble son," Odin said. "She is shielded from my sight."

"What of the oracle Ymir?"

"I have consulted him, my son. All he can foresee is that Sif will be found upon Midgard. At which location, and what her condition will be when she is located, he cannot say."

"Then if she who is my beloved doth be upon Midgard, to Midgard will the God of Thunder go!" Thor cried. "With thy leave, father!"

"You have my leave, Thor. Go. Bring our lost daughter back home."

"I shall find her!" Thor announced. "And not all the dark forces in the universe shall stand in my path!"

Two days later

Doc Savage had finished in surgery. He went to see what progress Dr. McNider was making with Patient Zero. McNider was sitting by his bed, talking to him. As always, Patient Zero merely stared.

Soon, McNider exited the room. Savage was still waiting. "Any progress?" Savage asked.

"It's only been three days," McNider said. "This will take time. However, I did get a reaction from him when I mentioned the Medusa Mask."

"Yes, he always reacts to that."

"Can we get a hold of it?" McNider asked.

"I've considered that. I wasn't sure of the psychological impact on him," Savage said.

"It's a risk, but I'm convinced that the Mask is the key to all this. Can you get it?"

"I know some of the members of the board of the museum," Savage said. "And I'm generally trusted. I think I can get us a loan of it."

Thomas Halloway, the Angel, was trying to maintain control. He was driving the truck as full speed. The truck was full of explosives and was supposed to blow up city hall. The Angel's contacts had gotten word to him. He didn't want to get involved personally for fear of the transformation, but there was no time to find any of the JSA. The bomb was about to go off. He couldn't let the Nazi spies have this victory. He drove the truck swiftly toward the docks. His heart pounded. He was afraid, both of the bomb and of becoming the Hulk. As the water got closer, his heart rate increased. He drove the truck off the dock. The truck crashed into the water . . .

Thor was in the bar called Deep Zoo. From what he had learned in his recent meeting with Hawkman, this was where all the criminals converged to talk and brag. Maybe someone here knew. He tossed some of the thugs around.

"If one of thou doth knowest and is keeping Thor from his lady, thou shalt suffer for it!"

"We don't know!" they kept yelling. "We don't know any Sif!"

Thor eventually began to believe it. He stormed out of the bar, frustrated. "Somewhere in this mortal realm is my true beloved? But where? Where canst she be? Perhaps I shouldst contact those mortals known as the Justice Society. They doth owe Thor a good turn."

Thor heard a commotion. Loud crashes. People running and screaming in panic. "The mortals are in peril!" he said. "Although my lady doth need me, these frail mortals are so easily slain. I must see what the danger is before I abandon them to it."

Thor raced to the scene. He saw a large, gray skinned creature ripping open a truck full of vegetables.

"Food," the creature said. "Hulk hungry." He started to devour the contents of the truck.

Some policemen fired their guns at the Hulk. He ignored them for a second but then turned, more annoyed then hurt.

"Little humans," he said. "Always they attack Hulk. Try to hurt Hulk. Hulk is tired of little humans."

Hulk ripped off the side of the truck and swung it at the cops. Had it hit them, it would have broken every bone in their bodies. But it didn't hit. Instead it was shattered by a thrown hammer. The Hulk stared confused as the hammer swooped around and returned to the hand of its master. Thor, the god of thunder. Thor assumed that the monster was some sort of troll.

"Beware, troll!" Thor shouted. "These mortals are under my protection! Harm them at thine own risk!"

The Hulk growled a warning at Thor. Thor was not impressed. "I fear thee not, troll! For I have slain many of thine bestial ilk. No troll is a match for the son of Odin!"

"Why do you call Hulk troll?" Hulk asked. "Hulk is not troll. Hulk is Hulk. And the Hulk is strongest one there is!"

"Hulk, is it?" Thor said. "Well, thou art about to meet who is stronger than thyself! Prepare to fall, Hulk!"

Thor charged forward. The Hulk roared with rage and charged to meet Thor's advance.

Doc Savage had retrieved the Medusa Mask. He and McNider watched Patient Zero's reaction to it. He merely held it tightly to him, like a teddy bear. He smiled. He relaxed and drifted off to sleep.

Savage and McNider were surprised at its effectiveness. "I've never seen him so relaxed," Savage said.

"Yes, his obsession with it is very strong. Whether this change is for the best or not is still to be seen. However, I see no reason not to let him keep it for the night."

"I agree."

Savage instructed the nurse to keep an eye on Patient Zero all night and to call him if anything strange happens. After Savage left, Patient Zero opened his eyes . . . and laughed!

The battle was raging. Serious damage had been done to several city blocks. And neither combatant showed any signs of slowing down. Thor and the Hulk were going at it tooth and nail, no holds barred!

Thor hit the Hulk with is hammer. Hulk was sent hurtling backwards through a storefront and out the back of the building. Thor followed, ready to pounce. But the Hulk had recovered already and met Thor with his massive fist. Thor was sent flying back in the other direction. The Hulk rushed him. Thor hopped to his feet and raised his hammer. "By my command, let the lightning strike!"

Bolts of lightning rained down from the sky and struck the Hulk. The Hulk was staggered, stunned. He roared in pain but he didn't fall. He kept moving forward.

"By Odin, doth thou not know when thou art over-matched?"

"Hulk will smash!!"

Hulk reached Thor and swung his huge fist but Thor dodged it and kicked the Hulk's legs out from under him. The Hulk fell. Thor brought his hammer down on the fallen Hulk's head. The Hulk bellowed in pain.

The monster smashed his fists against the floor, and the shockwave threw everything nearby - including Thor - into the air. Thor landed on his feet and was about to renew his attack but the Hulk was already back up. The Hulk grabbed some debris and threw it at Thor like a bunch of little projectiles. Thor spun his hammer in front of him like a propeller and shattered the debris as they reached him.

"Thy strength is indeed impressive, Hulk. Seldom have I jousted with one so mighty. Yet still shall Thor emerge victorious!"

"No one beats Hulk! Hulk is strongest one there is!"

"So thou hath said. But still must thou prove it!"

They locked up again.

The hospital ward had become an insane asylum. But this time, it was the staff who were the ones going berserk. Laughing, crying, cowering in fear, or running around screaming. And in the middle of it all walked Patient Zero. He wore the golden Medusa Mask. He laughed gleefully.

An orderly who heard the commotion ran up the stairs to see what was happening. He looked around and couldn't believe his eyes. Patient Zero approached him. Patient Zero took off the Medusa Mask and had a look of misery on his face as he stared at the orderly. "It's so sad," Zero said. "Life is so empty and meaningless. And in the end we all die alone. Life is short and pointless. Why suffer through it any longer? Isn't it better to just kill yourself?"

"Yes," the orderly repeated. "Life is hell. I should just kill myself."

The orderly threw himself out the window. Patient Zero smiled and laughed. "Ahhhh!" he sighed, taking in all the emotions. He looked at the mask. "Yes, my love. The emotions are so intoxicating. I must have more! Let's go shopping!"

He laughed as he exited, leaving the ward in chaos.

The Hulk and Thor stood toe-to-toe, slugging it out. The vibration of the impact of their blows rocked the vicinity and shattered windows. Thor was amazed to find that the Hulk was actually getting stronger as they fought. It seemed that his strength increased by the minute. Thor was no fool and so decided to change his strategy. He conjured up a storm. All the power of nature was focused on the Hulk. Wind and rain and lightning. But nothing stopped the rampaging Hulk.

However, the storm and the battle were doing a lot of damage tot he city. Thor looked around and realized what he'd done. "Odin's blood! Our battle is ravaging this mortal city. In mine eagerness to defend these mortals, I have done them much harm. No more! This battle must be moved!"

Thor spun his hammer and suddenly a portal opened in the air. An inter-spatial doorway that looked onto another world. The Hulk was confused by it. He hesitated, staring at it. This gave Thor the opportunity to grab the Hulk and lift the creature off his feet. He threw the Hulk into the portal, and then followed after the monster. Once both had passed through, the portal closed behind them, leaving a confused city to lick its wounds.

Doc Savage and Dr. McNider looked over the chaos at the ward where they had left Patient Zero. "I think we made a big mistake!" Savage said. "Patient Zero did this, there's no doubt. Stay here, I have to get some help to get control of this situation."

McNider nodded as Savage raced away. Charles McNider gritted his teeth. Savage was right. They made a huge mistake. Letting Zero have that Mask caused all this. He had to be found. But Doc Savage was busy here, and Dr. Charles McNider was only a mere blind physician. But Dr. Mid-Nite was something else. A hero and a manhunter. Dr. Mid-Nite would catch the escaped patient.

The criminal known as the Art Plunderer was a third rate villain. Right now, he was cowering in fear, reliving his worst nightmare, courtesy of the power of Patient Zero. Zero smiled in satisfaction. It was the Art Plunderer who had hired him a year ago to ransack the museum. But back then, Zero didn't know about his latent ESP ability. When he touched the Medusa Mask, he was suddenly flooded with an ocean of emotion. It took him months recover. In the time since, all Zero wanted to do was to get his hands on the Medusa Mask. Having gotten a taste of the power of pure, unbridled emotion, he was obsessed with tasting it again. And the Mask could bring out any emotion in a person that the wearer wanted. Bring it out and let the wearer feed on it. Emotion was like a drug for him. He wanted more. He needed more. And he would get more. But where to start?

He picked up a newspaper. He noticed the article of a high society party scheduled for later that evening. Alan Scott, Wesley Dodds and other notables would be there. He laughed. That was the place to go. The rich had everything. Including emotion. He would bring down their fancy world. The mighty would fall.

Zero took the costume from the Art Plunderer. It was a gaudy red and black costume with a cape but it served Zero's purpose. He looked like a super-villain. Now he needed a name to go with his new power. His birth name was long since abandoned, and 'Zero' just didn't seem right. He needed a name that described somebody who pirated other people's emotions.

"That's it!" he whispered. "I am . . . the Psycho Pirate!"

A planet in a distant solar system . . .

The Hulk looked around. He didn't know where he was. This wasn't the city. It was some sort of purple jungle. What happened? he wondered. Thor came into view.

"And now monster," Thor shouted. "On this alien world we can continue our battle without fear of harming any mortals!"

"Hulk not care where we are. Hulk will still smash you!"

The rammed into each other again. Their battle shook the alien landscape.

But then a bolt of powerful energy knocked them both off their feet. The looked up. They saw a silver man floating on something that looked like a surfboard.

"This planet has been claimed for the nourishment of my master," the silver man said. "You are damaging it. I demand you stop this, and go! No one may interfere when the Master wishes to feed. Go, I command you, or face the wrath of the Silver Surfer!"

Next issue: It's a three-way war between the Mighty Thor, the Rampaging Hulk and the cosmic-powered Silver Surfer. And back on Earth, why has the Sentinel gone berserk? And can his JSA partners stop him? The Sentinel battles the JSA, as Dr. Mid-Nite hunts the Psycho Pirate. All this, plus Doc Savage, in issue #20 of Justice Society of America.