DCM Timely

No. 9

APRIL 1942

Justice Society of America
The Race
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Dr. Mid-Nite
Black Canary
Dr. Fate
Wonder Woman
Human Torch
The Angel
Phineas T. Horton
Miss Venus
Miss America
Baron Zemo

Flash left JSA headquarters with the strange invitation in his hand. Recently, the JSA seemed to be going through a rough period. Captain America was on part-time duty, Wildcat hadn't been showing up for meetings, Black Canary had taken a leave, Namor had gone to liberate Atlantis, Dr. Fate was--as usual--unreliable in his attendance, and now the Human Torch was AWOL. Only Flash, Sentinel, Dr. Mid-Nite and Wonder Woman were keeping the team from becoming a failed experiment. At the meeting they just attended, it was announced that Captain America would soon be returning to full-time duty, at which time he would look into the absentee problem. The Sentinel--second in command of the JSA and temporary acting chairman--had decided to give the whole group some time off until Cap returned. The team dispersed, except for Wonder Woman who lived there. Just before Flash left, one of Miss Venus' servants arrived and gave him a message that had been left for him. It was an invitation.

Flash had heard of the mysterious, reclusive millionaire Michael Jupiter. He rarely ever granted an audience with anybody. Now, suddenly, he invited Flash to come to his estate for an unspecified "special event." Flash was curious enough to accept. Even though he had his own individual adventures to keep him occupied, with the JSA temporarily inactive he had some free time on his hands. He thought he'd spend it with Joan, but it turns out that she had plans for the day and so Flash was at a loose end. He decided to attend Michael Jupiter's special event.

The Human Torch was desperate. He had left the JSA without permission, which wouldn't make the government very happy. He'd cross that bridge when he came to it. First and foremost, he had to find Black Canary. She'd gone missing and, to his chagrin, none of the other JSA members seemed interested in looking for her. But he was! He had to find her! He loved her! Or at least, the android equivalent of what love was. If an android was capable of love, then he loved Black Canary.

But he had no idea where to look for her. He knew so little of the real world. He was created in a lab, activated in a plane crash, baptized in a battle with the Icicle in a small village in France, and adopted by the JSA. He was less than a year old. The world was still a mystery to him. Where should he look for Black Canary?

There was one possibility. There was someone who might help him. Someone he'd always wanted to meet. His father . . . Phineas T. Horton.

Black Canary was tied to a chair. She was probably still somewhere in Washington, DC, but in a lair of Nazis. The Huntress, the Fiddler and Sumo had brought her and the Angel here. The Angel had come to her for help and she had let him down. They'd been brought here to answer to the head of this secret project, a Nazi scientist named Heinrich Zemo.

The man called the Angel was strapped to a table across the room.

"I'm sorry," she said to him.

"Don't give it a thought," he said. "We're not licked yet!"

"I'm not giving up hope," she said. "But it doesn't look good. I've never been captured by Nazis before. I don't like being captured at all."

"I'm used to being locked up," the Angel said. "My father was a prison warden at a penal colony. I was born and raised behind walls, surrounded by armed guards."

"Surrounded by criminals," Canary said.

"Some rather scary ones," he added.

"Is that why you became an agent?" she asked.


A door swung open. The three Nazi agents who had captured them came in along with another man. He wore a purple shroud over his head. "Greetings," he said. "I am Baron Heinrich Zemo. I believe you have been looking for me."

"Yeah but we changed our minds," the Angel said.

"Let's forget the whole thing," Black Canary added.

"Very amusing," Zemo said. "I'm glad you're in such a good mood. Maybe you'll be willing to answer some simple questions."

"Probably not," Angel replied.

"Unfortunate," Zemo said. "That means I'll have to be . . . persuasive!"

The Princes of Atlantis battled fiercely to free the city of New Atlantis. Namor the Sub-Mariner and Aquaman were fighting the armies of Attuma, and his ally Krang, a traitor to Atlantis. Waves and waves of soldiers, heavily armed, charged the two royal heroes, determined to kill them. But Namor and Aquaman were even more determined to stay alive. And they were much more powerful than any of Attuma's army. They wouldn't be stopped.

But the tide of the battle changed when Tiger Shark and King Shark joined the fray. These genetically created shark-men were each almost as powerful as either of the princes. They had already cost Aquaman his hand--which had now been replaced by a harpoon--and now those same jaws of death were looking to bite more parts off the royal warriors. Aquaman and Namor now had to focus on the two creatures. This left them vulnerable to an attack from Attuma's armies. More troops came, riding on sharks and using an underwater laser technology which Atlantis had developed for mining but Attuma had turned into a gun. Things looked very bad for Aquaman and the Sub-Mariner!

Flash arrived at the estate of Michael Jupiter. He looked around. Nice place, he thought. This Jupiter guy is a rich as I'd heard.

"The Flash, I presume," a deep voice said.

Flash saw the tall, muscular, handsome figure of Michael Jupiter approaching. He was wet and coming from the direction of the pool. He wore bathing trunks and had a towel over his shoulders.

"What gave me away?" Flash asked, smiling. "And are you Mr. Jupiter?"

"I am," the big man said. "Welcome to my home. Please come and have a seat."

A few minutes later, they were sitting poolside, drinking lemonade.

"Fantastic place you have here," Flash said.

"Thank you," Jupiter replied. "You know, I've been very impressed by the stories I've read about you. You're a true hero."

"Is that why you sent me that invitation?" Flash asked.

"Yes," Jupiter said. "You see, I've always been fascinated by speed. Running, fast cars, horses, anything fast. So your exploits caught my eye. So I came up with a proposition for you. I want you to enter a race."

"A race?" Flash asked, surprised.

"Yes," Jupiter said. "And I'll give one million dollars to charity if you'll compete in a race."

"That's very generous," Flash said, "but all false modesty aside, there's no one I can race against. I mean, no one can keep up with me. Johnny Quick is close, but he's not quite as fast as I am."

"That may not be true," Jupiter said. "I have found you an opponent. He has agreed to compete."

"Who?" Flash asked.

Jupiter looked at a small clock on the table. "He's due here . . . "

A yellow streak whizzed past the two men, circled around them and came to a stop.

" . . . now," Jupiter finished.

The new arrival was a young man in a yellow costume with a 'W' on his chest and little wings on his yellow helmet. "Hey there, Flashy," the man said. "I'm the Whizzer."

"The Whizzer?" Flash repeated, confused. He hadn't heard of any other super speed hero. Unless this wasn't a hero! Flash rose and tensed for a possible trap.

"Yup!" The Whizzer said. "I know you aren't familiar with the name. I just made that up recently. But you probably heard of the guy who's been stopping crimes at super speed in California."

"I have," Flash said. "But I had assumed it was Johnny Quick."

"Nope," The Whizzer announced, smiling. "Me!"

"He also caught my eye," Jupiter said. "So I got in touch with him as well. He was eager to race against you."

"Couldn't pass up a shot at the title," the Whizzer said confidently.

Jupiter continued, "I want you two to race around the world, and I'll give a million dollars to the favorite charity of the winner. So what's your answer, Flash?"

Flash relaxed, convinced this was on the level. But did he want to race? It was for charity.

"Yeah, okay," Flash answered. "Why not?"

The Whizzer zipped over to Flash. "Your title as the fastest man in the world is in jeopardy. You should know that I can break the sound barrier," the Whizzer said proudly.

The sound barrier? Flash thought. This race is over before it starts. I can run at close to the speed of light.

Flash went over to Jupiter. "Uh, you realize this will be a very short race. I can run around the world in less than a second."

"Yes, so I gathered," Jupiter said. "But there is a way around that. I read one in an interview that helped Johnny Quick go faster by lending him speed. Is this true?"


"So you can lend speed. I mean, give some of your speed away to others?" Jupiter asked.

"So you want me to give this Whizzer some more speed?" Flash asked.

"Not quite," Jupiter said. "I don't think that would sit well with him. He's quite proud. I was just thinking that if you could give away speed, you can -- "

"I can give away a majority of my speed, making me slower and giving him a sporting chance," Flash said.

"Precisely!" Jupiter said.

Flash was starting to get suspicious again. "And who am I to give my speed to?"

"Your choice," Jupiter said.

"How about me?" a voice asked.

Flash was surprised to see Captain America. "Hi," the Captain said.

"What are you doing here?" Flash asked.

"I've been here for days," the Captain answered. "I'm on a mission."

"I thought you were on a personal leave," Flash countered.

"That's the cover story," Cap said. "I'll tell you the whole story when it's over."

"Well I'm glad you're here," Flash said. "You're the perfect one to give my speed to."

"I'm honored," Cap said.

Flash concentrated and Captain America jerked with a slight spasm. "Wow!" The Captain said. "I feel so . . . energized!"

"Be careful with it," Flash said. "It's tricky to handle!"

The Whizzer came over. "So are we gonna do this or what?"

"Yes," said Jupiter. "Let's begin."

He led them to a starting line with a flag. There was a map of the world near it. "This is the path you'll take," Jupiter said. "Memorize it."

They both looked at it. "I've got it!" The Whizzer said. Flash nodded as well.

"All right, gentlemen," Jupiter said. "Get on your marks."

Flash and the Whizzer crouched in the starters position. The Whizzer looked over at Flash. "Get ready to eat my dust, Flashy," he said.

Flash was starting to regret giving him a sporting chance. Oh well. Anything for charity.

"Get set!" Jupiter said. "And . . . GO!"

The two runners disappeared from sight.

Jupiter smiled. It'll take them a few hours to get back via the route I've mapped out, he thought. Jupiter went to Captain America. Suddenly, the man who appeared to be Cap started to shimmer and fade. It wasn't Captain America at all. It was a solidified apparition. The man called Jupiter absorbed the energy of the fake Cap into himself. And he absorbed something else . . . He absorbed Flash's speed!

"At last!" Jupiter said. "I have the power again. And the fiend who stole from me will pay dearly!"

Jupiter sped back into the house at super speed.

The Human Torch had used a telephone directory to find the home of the man who was, essentially, his father: Dr. Horton. The Human Torch felt nervous. Or at least he felt the artificial intelligence equivalent of nervousness. And ironically, Dr. Horton had programmed him with this capacity to feel.

The Human Torch rang the doorbell. He waited but no one answered. He then saw a light coming from the crack in the edges of the garage door. He walked over and peeked in. There, he saw an aging scientist working on a complicated looking contraption. He had converted his garage into a lab. The Torch looked at Dr. Horton, his father, and smiled. He looked so nice, and so dedicated to science. The Torch opened the garage door.

Horton angrily shut off the device he was working on. "Oh please, just walk right in while I'm performing a complicated experiment. You idiot! You . . . "

And then Horton recognized the visitor. "Son," Horton whispered.

"Yeah, it's me . . . Father."

Horton moved closer, studying the android carefully. "I've been reading about your adventures with the Justice Society. I'm very proud."

"Thank you, father," Torch responded. Horton hugged the Torch. The Torch felt so happy.

"I have a name now," The Torch said. "It's Jim."

"Jim," Horton repeated. "That's a nice name. I'm glad you came to see me."

Horton walked over to a headset and picked it up.

"I need your help," the Torch said.

Horton nodded. "Of course. But first there's something you must do for me. Put this on."

The Human Torch was curious but didn't want to insult his father. He put the headset on. "I'm looking for Black Canary."

"But first," Horton said. "I just want to say . . . I'm sorry!"

Horton pressed a button. The Torch jerked spasmodically and collapsed to the ground. Horton kneeled over the unmoving android, with a devastated look. He stroked the Torch's hair. "I'm so sorry, son."

Horton went to a phone and dialed. "Huntress? Tell Baron Zemo that I have the Torch!"

At roughly the speed of sound, Flash couldn't pull ahead of the Whizzer. They ran neck and neck. To get from the U.S. to Europe, they had to go up through Canada, into the Arctic Circle. The snow and ice slowed the runners down even more. Flash felt like he was moving so slow. And at this speed, he could feel the temperature more than usual. It was cold! They made their way south through Siberia and into Russia. Flash was relieved as the temperature dropped. Their route look them through Mongolia and China. Hydroplaning over the water, they crossed the Philippines, Indonesia and New Guinea. Every time Flash got a look at the Whizzer's smug smile he was tempted to take back his loaned speed and leave this guy in the dust.

They crossed Australia and then down to Antarctica. Crossing it was even worse than the polar north. He couldn't wait to get this over with. Finally, they cut up the Antarctic Peninsula, crossed the Scotia Sea and reached land at Cape Horn at the bottom tip of South America. It was warm. Ahhh! From here it was all land until Washington, DC.

Michael Jupiter was in his mansion. He was finishing the chant that would summon his enemy. "Rise, rise, foul demon! Rise the demon Etrigan!"

It a burst of flame, the horned, yellow demon Etrigan appeared. He laughed his horrible laugh and looked at Jupiter. "Once again you've summoned me hence. You never learn - you must be dense! So I am come with fang and claw, to end your life forevermore!"

"You stole my speed from me, demon!" Jupiter said. "No one steals from a demi-god without suffering for it!"

Etrigan grinned. "You call me demon but that's not quite true. I am more than when I last met you. I am no longer merely Etrigan. I am now--the Speed Demon!" Etrigan raced around Jupiter in a yellow streak. "I can move with lightning speed. To catch me, similar quickness you'll need."

Suddenly Jupiter shot forward with Flash's speed. He punched Etrigan with the incredible strength of a demi-god! The demon fell. He rubbed his jaw and laughed again. "I thought I'd taken all your speed away. But it seems you have more . . . Touche!"

With incredible speed and strength, demon and demi-god battle savagely.

Miss Venus found out from her servant that Michael Jupiter had summoned Flash. She knew what had recently happened to Jupiter and that he was desperate. She didn't like the idea of him inviting the fastest man in the world to his home after he had lost his speed. So she contacted Wonder Woman.

"What can I do to serve you, my Goddess?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I want you to check on Flash," Venus said, "He's at the Estate of Michael Jupiter!"

Miss America was a very new superheroine. Ever since she got her powers she was inspired by Wonder Woman to be a great hero. Recently she had met the Whizzer. They joined forces and romance bloomed. The Whizzer had mentioned that he was going to the home of Michael Jupiter, the reclusive millionaire. He said something about a race for charity. Surely he'd win. Miss America decided that she'd go to the estate of this Jupiter guy and be there when the Whizzer won the race.

Flash and the Whizzer passed through Mexico and into Texas. "This is where we say goodbye, Flashy!" The Whizzer said, and put on a final burst of speed. He pulled slightly ahead of Flash, waving 'goodbye' spitefully.

I've had enough of this! thought Flash. He concentrated and, from hundreds of miles away, reabsorbed all the speed he gave to "Captain America." Once again, Flash could run at nearly the speed of light. He casually caught up to the Whizzer, smiled and waved 'goodbye' and disappeared in a blur. The Whizzer's jaw dropped.

Michael Jupiter suddenly found his new speed gone. Etrigan realized it too. "Lost your speed? How very sad. My next deed shall be to pummel you bad!"

At super-speed, Etrigan the Speed Demon battered Jupiter, who couldn't land a blow in return. He has so angry that speed would prove his undoing. At one time, speed was his forte.

Flash arrived at the estate. He didn't see Cap or Jupiter around. He looked back. The Whizzer was still nowhere in sight. Flash grinned a satisfied grin. He went to look for Jupiter to claim his charity money. But then Jupiter came crashing through the window. He was beaten and bloodied.

Etrigan leapt out of the window. "Ahh, a mortal. My favorite feast. Die for Etrigan, the foulest of beasts!"

Etrigan tried to grab Flash but Flash evaded him with greater speed. "So!" Etrigan said. "Another speedster. Tally ho, I hope you're a bleeder!"

Etrigan was now in the same situation that Jupiter had been in. This mortal in the helmet was even faster than he is. He couldn't connect. Flash, on the other hand, was having his own troubles. He could hit and run, but his blows didn't seem to have any effect on the creature. The demon spoke, "You can strike, time and again. But no such blows can harm Etrigan."

"How about these blows?" a female voice said.

The Demon turned to see Wonder Woman leaping at him. She swung her fist, but he easily evaded the punch, laughing, "I think very little of your blows. How you'll hit me, no one knows!"

"We must flank him!" Wonder Woman said. "Corner him!"

"Come and try," Etrigan said. "Each of you shall die!"

Miss America arrived. She saw Flash and her idol, Wonder Woman, battling some horrible creature. She didn't know where the Whizzer was, but this was her chance to work with Wonder Woman. She joined the fight.

Wonder Woman smiled at her. "Welcome, sister," Wonder Woman said. "It's good to see another of us taking up the way of the warrior!"

Miss America smiled back. The four of them worked together. Flash tried to herd the Demon so that the stronger heroes could catch him.

Then the Whizzer showed up, embarrassed and angry at having lost the race. But he forgot that when he saw his love Miss America, along with Flash and Wonder Woman, fighting a monster. He wasn't sure what was happening but he joined in. "Help me herd him to the others!" Flash said to the Whizzer, who nodded his agreement.

Despite their speed, they couldn't hurt Etrigan enough to force him into the arms of the three more powerful heroes. Flash got an idea!

Flash ran around the world again--in less than a second this time! He reached the borderline of light-speed. He heard the mysterious calling, beckoning him, as he often did when he reached top speed. He ignored it, as he usually did. He concentrated on the job. At this incredible speed, his physical density increased to an almost infinite mass. He returned to DC, and with all his momentum behind him, the rammed fist-first into the demon! The enormous impact shook the entire estate.

The demon was sent flying for miles and crashed in the mountains. Flash ran to the crash site. The demon was hurt. Flash peppered him with light-speed blows, keeping him down until the others arrived. The injured demon couldn't evade Jupiter, Wonder Woman and Miss America. They grabbed him and he couldn't break free!

Jupiter clutched the Demon's head. "What was mine shall be mine again!" Jupiter said. He absorbed back the speed that the Demon had taken from him. "And now, you shall return to hell! Down, down, oh foul demon! Return to hell, of Etrigan!"

Etrigan screamed as he was sucked back down to hell again. Flash looked at Jupiter. "I think you owe us an explanation."

Jupiter nodded. "I am a demi-god, child of Hermes, god of speed. I have lived for years on your world in the guise of a mortal. You may have heard of the legends of Hurricane, a man of speed and power who protects humans from demons. That is me. As Hurricane, I came into conflict with Etrigan, one of the foulest demons of hell! He was ready for me and used a talisman to steal my speed. Only with equal speed could I fight him and regain what he had taken."

"So you came up with this scheme to steal my speed," Flash said. "You could have just asked."

"You are correct," Jupiter said. "And I apologize. Next time, I will greet you as a friend."

Jupiter offered his hand. Flash shook it. "I guess we can overlook the whole thing."

The Whizzer walked over to Flash. "What you did to the demon . . . Wow! Let me shake your hand."

Nearby, Miss America was also singing the praises of Wonder Woman.

Later . . .

Everyone had gone their separate ways. The Whizzer was running, with Miss America flying beside him. "That Flash is incredible!" he said. "I thought I was in his league, but I'm not even close!"

"And I got to meet Wonder Woman," Miss America said. "She's everything I expected. All in all, this has been a good day for everyone!"

Down in Atlantis, Namor and Aquaman were overwhelmed and defeated. They were taken captive by the conquerors of Atlantis. Attuma was victorious!

Next issue: The fate of Atlantis is decided and Captain America battles Baron Zemo in Justice Society of America #10!