DCM Timely

No. 9


All-Star Comics
The Chinese Connection: Part III
by Bob Young

Wonder Woman
The Fury

In his underground lair, beneath New York's Chinatown, the Yellow Claw sat in a large chair, smiling with arrogant confidence, assured that his plan could not fail.

"Soon," he whispered, "The great Chinese dragon shall swallow the decadent American eagle."

His ally, Doctor Hippocrates Cobra, was finishing work on a formula which would bring the Yellow Claw's dream to fruition. Cobra's large, Neanderthal servant, the genetically created hulk known as Granch, stood by, awaiting his masters orders. The simple creature, although incredibly strong, was not very intelligent and was unflinchingly loyal to Dr. Cobra.

"Almost ready," Cobra said to the Yellow Claw. "Destiny is inches away."

The Yellow Claw nodded, with a self-satisfied smugness. Just then, one of his other allies came into the room. She was known as Lady Coffin, former pharmaceutical mogul, turned fugitive. She joined the Yellow Claw at first unwillingly, because he wanted her resources to complete his formula. But she had a few demands. Not the least of which was the ability to defend herself, to become a warrior.

Doctor Cobra had granted her wish. The former heiress had been turned into a cyborg. Her arm had been replaced by a robotic limb. Her left eye was removed and, in its place, there was an electric lens, capable of seeing in the infrared frequency and also firing laser bolts. Lady Coffin smiled, excited at her new power. "I can't wait to run into Doc Savage or the Shadow. They'll certainly be in for a surprise. They are going to pay for what they did to me!"

"Since you're so eager," the Yellow Claw said. "Why don't you accompany Dr. Cobra and Granch to deliver the formula."

"Gladly," she said. "They may need some extra force."

Lady Dorma stood in the corner, looking in a mirror. The blue-skinned Atlantean noblewoman was studying the new air-gills that Dr. Cobra had surgically implanted in her. Now, she no longer needed the orb of water over her head. She could breath for hours on land now before returning to her native element.

"I shall gladly go, as well," the Atlantean said. "But you promised that she will be there! She is the reason I have come to your surface world . . . To kill Wonder Woman!"

Washington, DC . . . Headquarters of the Justice Society:

In the yard of the palatial mansion of Miss Venus, Queen Hippolyta was training her young novice, the Fury. They were engaged in a duel of battle-staffs.

"Focus," the Amazon Queen said to her trainee, "Don't just react, anticipate my movements."

The Fury did her best to try and get passed Wonder Woman's guard. She had improved quite a lot, in the months that Hippolyta had been training her. But not enough! Wonder Woman connected with a solid blow to the side of her head. The Fury was staggered. Wonder Woman followed up with two more blows, to the stomach and to the top of the head. The Fury fell.

Wonder Woman sat on the floor, next to the Fury, who was lying on the ground, her head spinning. "Are you all right?" Hippolyta asked.

"I'm too numb to tell," the Fury said.

Wonder Woman smiled. "You're doing very well, Helena. I see improvement every day. You just need to concentrate more. You let your emotions take over. In a battle, you must always be calm and controlled."

The Fury nodded, embarrassed. Hippolyta heard the doorbell ring in the mansion and excused herself to answer it. A man in a strange outfit fell in the open door. Hippolyta caught him. Soon, the man was lying on the couch, with Hippolyta and Helena ministering to him. The man wore a tan bodysuit and a helmet with a large, black fin atop it. He also had goggles and a cutlass.

"My real name is Peter Noble," he said, weakly. "But I'm better known by my alias, the Fin!"

"Prince Namor has mentioned you," Hippolyta replied, "He said you were a navy lieutenant who found a magic cutlass that allowed you to breathe underwater."

"Yeah," the Fin said. "I've worked with him and Aquaman a few times. That's why I came to warn him. Do you know the Lady Dorma?" the Fin asked.

"We met once, during that Dr. Dorcas fiasco," Hippolyta answered.

"Well she's disappeared," the Fin said. "I met some Atlantean soldiers who were looking for her. I joined them. Doctor Dorcas escaped at the same time. Our fish friends said they'd been seen together. We were attacked by some of Dorcas' genetically altered creatures. That's how I got hurt. We recaptured Dorcas, but we didn't find Dorma. I came here to tell Namor."

"Rest, warrior," Hippolyta said. "You've done well. I'll handle matters from here."

The doorbell rang again. The Fury answered. She returned to Wonder Woman with a box. "A delivery boy dropped this off. It smells like fish."

They opened it and inside it was a dead fish. It had a note tied to it. Wonder Woman read the note. It said . . . 'New York City aqueduct, today at 3pm.'

"This can't be a coincidence," the Fury said. "A fish!"

"It's not," Wonder Woman said. "Let's leave word with Toro, to tell Captain America that we'll be away for the rest of the day. We're going to New York."

Back in NY . . .

Dorma, Doctor Cobra, Granch, and Lady Coffin were in a van, heading to the Aqueduct. In the van with them were several large containers, filled with the mysterious formula.

Dorma was impatient. She had been anticipating her confrontation with Wonder Woman, and it would be here very soon. She had a strategy prepared to deal with the powerful Amazon Queen. Part of it depended on Wonder Woman being sufficiently distracted, and the second part concerned Dorma's newly acquired talisman . . . The Serpent Crown! This new power would play an important part in her confrontation with Wonder Woman.

Denny Colt, the criminologist hired to find Lady Coffin, got information from his source, the Monk, and was heading to the Aqueduct. The information regarded Doctor Cobra. Colt had been after Cobra for a long time, and if Cobra was going to be at the Aqueduct, then Denny Colt was going to be there to catch him!

2:53 PM.

Wonder Woman and the Fury reached the Aqueduct. It was almost time for the rendezvous with whoever sent the message. There didn't seem to be anyone present, but the area around the aqueduct was wooded, and there were a lot of places to hide.

"We should split up," Fury said. "There's a lot of area to cover."

Wonder Woman was ambivalent. She wasn't sure if she wanted the Fury going off alone against an unknown opponent. "I'm not certain . . . "

"I can handle it!" Fury insisted. "I'll just look around. If I see anything, I'll come and get you!"

Wonder Woman finally nodded. "But be careful!"

"Right!" Fury said, and rushed off to search for the enemy.

Soon . . .

Fury was searching the bushes. Something caught her eye near the edge of the water. She cautiously moved to see who it was. The Fury spotted the Lady Dorma.

Dorma stood by the water, looking very imperious. The Fury knew that she should run and get Wonder Woman. She promised she would. But this Dorma didn't look so tough, and the Fury deeply wanted to impress Queen Hippolyta. The Fury stepped out of the bushes and confronted the Atlantean.

"Who are you?" Dorma asked, contemptuously.

"I am the Fury," the blonde teenage girl said. "I am Queen Hippolyta's student."

"Ah, a novice," Dorma said. "She cares for you, then? Thus, your death will be painful to her!"

Dorma held out a war club, and moved in on the Fury. The Fury struck a defensive posture. They locked in battle. They were basically equal in skill and strength. They fought for a few minutes. Fury was actually enjoying the battle, eager to beat this tough opponent and prove herself to Wonder Woman.

But she never got the chance to be the victor. She was so caught up in the excitement that she didn't notice someone sneaking up on her. It was Lady Coffin. The cyborg girl zapped the Fury with an eye-laser. The Fury convulsed, stunned. Lady Coffin and Lady Dorma simultaneously struck her. The Fury fell. Dorma hit her with the club, and Lady Coffin finished her off with some sleep gas.

"And now, for Wonder Woman!" Dorma said.

Wonder Woman's battle instincts and acute ears drew her to the sound of combat. She suspected that the Fury broke her promise and got into a fight with the enemy. Wonder Woman was concerned about the girl's safety. The sounds of battle ended. Wonder Woman searched the area. There, she saw the Lady Dorma, standing with a hateful look.

"At last!" Dorma said. "My rival appears for the showdown!"

"Rival?" Hippolyta said. "What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about Prince Namor!" Dorma said. "I love him! He should be with a woman of his own race. Not a surface slime like you! You've bewitched him, but I shall save him from you! I claim him!"

"So that's what this is all about," Hippolyta said. "Jealousy. You're being ridiculous."

"Am I, surface harridan?" Dorma said. "You won't say that when I slay you!"

"Stop being a fool!" Wonder Woman said. "First of all, I refused Namor's offer of marriage . . . "

" . . . But he is still obsessed with you!" Dorma interjected.

" . . . And in the second place, if you love Namor, maybe you should talk to him, instead of fighting me."

"That is not our way!" Dorma said. "We Atlantean woman fight for our men! To the death!"

"This is ludicrous!" Hippolyta said.

"You won't think so for long!" Dorma said. "I made an alliance with surface dwellers - which I find very distasteful - to help find you and bring you to this spot, now! This is your final fate! Prepare to fight!"

"I refuse to fight you," the Amazon queen said.

"I suspected that you might be a coward," Dorma said. "So take a look over there!"

Dorma stepped aside. She had been blocking a view of the aqueduct. In the water, Wonder Woman gasped in shock when she saw the unconscious Helena tied to a pole. The water level was slowly rising.

"The water will be over her head in minutes," Dorma said. "Unless you can fight your way past me!"

Wonder Woman waited no longer. She barreled forward, straight for Dorma. Dorma swung her club, which Wonder Woman blocked with her bracelets. Dorma threw a punch, but Wonder Woman easily blocked it. The Amazon hit Dorma in the face, sending the Atlantean flying, and splashing into the water.

Reinvigorated by the water, Dorma charged Wonder Woman. It was clear that she was no match for the Amazon. Atlanteans were strong and fast, but Wonder Woman was stronger, faster and more skillful. She could probably take Namor and could definitely handle Dorma. The Atlantean lady had to accept that she couldn't win this fight hand-to-hand. It was time for the Crown!

As Wonder Woman manhandled Dorma, Lady Coffin crept out of the bushes and tried to ambush her. Hippolyta tossed the battered Dorma aside, and spun around, fully aware of Lady Coffin's presence. The Amazon was an experienced warrior and it was not easy to sneak up on her. She casually slapped Lady Coffin away. This gave Dorma a chance to reach for the hidden Crown.

After Lady Coffin fell, Dorma played possum. Wonder Woman headed to the water, her path finally clear to rescue the Fury. When Wonder Woman turned, focused on saving her junior partner, Dorma opened her eyes. It was now or never. She reached behind a bush and pulled out her ace-in-the-hole. It was a crystal headpiece, which looked like a coiled snake. This object was the legendary Serpent Crown, reputed to have the power to enhance the mental strength of its wearer. For centuries, the lords of Atlantis used the Serpent Crown to defeat their rivals. The crown could link the wearer's mind to an enemy and control him. It was lost in antiquity, but Dorma had found it in one of her deep-sea excursions. Now, she could use it against Hippolyta. It was time to strike! Dorma put the crown on her head, focused all her concentration and let loose a powerful telepathic attack.

Wonder Woman ran to the water's edge, and was about to leap in, but was surprised by a sudden sense of danger . . . of being violated. Something came over her. She froze, stunned into immobility.

With the aid of the Serpent Crown, Dorma superimposed her thoughts upon Hippolyta's formidable will. She burned her commands into the Amazon's brain. You are in my power, Wonder Woman. You will not move until I tell you to, Dorma commanded.

Wonder Woman found, to her shock, that some force had taken hold of her. Wonder Woman's arms dropped to her sides and she stood unmoving, her eyes wide and staring. She didn't know how, but she was suddenly helpless!

Dorma smiled, knowing that her opponent was in her power. "Turn and face me," Dorma said. Hippolyta felt herself obeying the command. She turned away from the water and stared into the face of her enemy.

Dorma paced slowly in circles around Wonder Woman, shaking her head disapprovingly. "So, you thought you'd succeed in taking Prince Namor from me," Dorma said, mockingly, "But now you see the error of your actions. You are now my slave. You exist only to serve me."

In the prison of her trance, only Hippolyta's physical form was held by the other woman's mental power. Her mind was alert and fully aware of everything that was happening. She just couldn't move. Her brain seethed with anger behind her blank, expressionless face.

This can't happen now! she thought, desperately. Helena needs me. I must free myself! I must move! Helena is counting on me!

Dorma grinned mischievously. "And now that I have you, the question is, what should I do with you? I intend to make you suffer! I believe I will begin by forcing you to watch your little friend die. Turn, Amazon. Watch your fair haired novice get swallowed by the sea!"

In response to Dorma's command, Wonder Woman turned and looked out at the Fury, who was still unconscious. The water had passed her shoulders and was almost up to her chin.

I cannot allow this to happen! Wonder Woman thought, in desperation. I must force myself to act! I must regain control! I can't stand here helplessly and watch Helena die!

Wonder Woman stood, immobilized and forced to watch as the water level slowly rose, passing the Fury's chin and nearing her mouth. Hippolyta was growing increasingly fearful for Helena's life as the minutes ticked by. More than anything, she wanted to rush to the Fury's rescue. But she couldn't move.

Wonder Woman was in a panic. Great Zeus, I pray to you. Give me back control of my body! Let me save Helena. I beg you, Mighty One. Her prayers were not answered. Her Gods did not free her from Dorma's thrall. She remained unable to act.

Just then, Fury regained consciousness. It took her a moment to get her bearings and realize what was going on. She was chained to a post and about to drown. She tried to break free but she was still weak from the sleep gas and didn't yet have enough strength to break the heavy chains. She looked around for help.

Nearby, on the water's edge, she saw Wonder Woman standing there. At first she was relieved to see salvation so close at hand, but then she noticed the blue-skinned enemy standing at Wonder Woman's side. The Fury didn't know what to make of it. What was going on?

"Hippolyta, help me!" she cried out. She was shocked when Wonder Woman just stood there and made no move to help her. "What are you waiting for? Do something!" Fury called.

I wish I could, Helena, truly I do, Wonder Woman thought. But I'm powerless to act!

Dorma added to the Fury's confusion by putting her arm over Hippolyta's shoulders and acting very chummy. "Wonder Woman is with me!" Dorma yelled.

Fury's eyes widened in shock. Meanwhile, water covered her mouth.

Oh no! Wonder Woman thought. She thinks I betrayed her! And I can't say a word to tell her what's really happening!

Try as she might, the Amazon couldn't say a word or make a move. Watching in horror, she saw the water rise over the Fury's head. Her friend and sidekick vanished beneath the surface.

NO!! Wonder Woman's mind railed, in misery and anger. My poor Helena. May Hera grant you peace.

"And that's the end of your pathetic little acolyte," Dorma said. "Turn and look at me."

As commanded, Wonder Woman turned and stood face-to-face with Lady Dorma. Dorma smiled, smugly. Wonder Woman was filled with rage and hate. When I regain control of my body, I shall kill you for this, wench! the enraged Amazon thought. She wanted to reach out and snap Dorma's neck. But she was powerless. Her body still refused to respond to anything except Dorma's commands. A tear rolled down her expressionless face.

"I have much to do this day," Dorma said. "And you shall assist me. Come, my slave."

Dorma walked away. Wonder Woman felt her legs start to move, and against her wishes, she followed Dorma to their unknown destination.

Where is she taking me? Hippolyta wondered. And how can I free myself? What further torments does she have in store for me? How do I escape this nightmare? The distraught Amazon continued to helplessly follow Dorma.

Next issue: Can Wonder Woman get free and stop the Yellow Claw from infecting New York with his mysterious formula?!