
originally published

Justice Society of America
The Once and Future League: Part II
by Bob Young

Roll Call
Captain America
Martian Manhunter
Wonder Woman
Iron Man

The Hall of Justice, more specifically, the science lab . . .

Captain America watched the operation with a mixture of anxiousness and nostalgia.

The inert body of the android called the Vision lay on the table, being repaired and reconstructed by Dr. Henry Pym and the elderly scientist who spent many years as a super hero, Jay Garrick, the former Flash. Jay, who had recently been released from the City-in-a-bottle, had worked on the android years ago, in World War Two, when they both were members of the Justice Society, as was Cap. And so the aged but still sharp scientist was brought in to help Pym fix up the Vision.

Cap thought back to his war years when he had first met the Vision, who at the time was known as the Human Torch. He looked more like a human being back then, and even used a human name, Jim Hammond. Now, the unfortunate android had been rebuilt by the Mad Thinker and turned into a crimson and emerald automaton that shows no emotion.

Cap remembered the Human Torch as the kindest and most moral being he had ever encountered. Less than a man, he was also more than a man! And he had been a friend.

As the Vision, he had been reprogrammed to kill on two occasions, first by the Thinker and then by Roulette. His systems had shut down after an encounter with Quasar, during that whole mess with the Key and his alternate universe. And his emotions were gone. So were many of his memories. Cap wasn't sure how he should react to the android once he was reactivated.

Henry Pym closed up the cranial port he had been working on. "There, that's it. Finished."

"About time, too. I need to sit down," Jay Garrick said.

Jay sat and Hank Pym studied the printouts of the Vision's inner works, comparing it to the old blueprints of the Human Torch.

"So what's the verdict?" Cap asked.

"We've done all we dare to do," Hank said. "The old print-outs are not much help. The Mad-Thinker has totally altered this android since the 40's. His improvements are brilliant and, I must admit, beyond me. At least at the moment. I'll have to do a lot more study on the schematics before I can determine whether or not it's possible to recreate the old Torch's personality."

"I agree," Jay said. "This is not the same Jim Hammond I worked on during the Big One. The computer brain has been totally revamped and reconfigured."

"Some of the circuits are still the same," Hank said. "Explaining his recollections of Toro and the few other things he remembers. But there's very little of the old persona left. And the body is a whole other story."

"How so?" Cap asked.

"It's been rebuilt with synthetic material that simulates human parts," Jay said. "Synthetic flesh and bones, synthetic organs. This is not the same mechanical man covered with cold, artificial skin. It's a whole new ball game."

"So, do you want us to activate him?" Hank asked.

"Is he still a danger?" Cap queried.

"We don't think so," Jay said. "But like we said, we can't be sure."

"We've restored as much of his memory as possible and reactivated his morality program," Hank said, "We've removed the disc that Roulette put in him to make him a killer. My best guess is that he's safe now. But I wouldn't bet the headquarters on it."

Cap hesitated. Finally he said, "Do it."

Hank used a laser to feed energy into the solar-power absorbing crystal on the Vision's forehead. Once the android had enough power, its system's automatically came online. The Vision's eyes opened. He sat up. The Vision looked around the room expressionless, examining his surroundings. His fixed his eyes on Cap.

"Captain America," Vision said in a monotone, robotic voice. "Hero. Soldier. Government agent. My former leader in the Justice Society of America. Known for his tactical genius, hand-to-hand combat skills and his formidable shield. Real name, Steven Rogers."

Cap nodded. "That's right. Hello, Jim."

The android responded coldly. "This unit no longer utilizes the appellation of Jim Hammond. I have but a single designation now. I am the Vision."

"As you wish," Cap said, with a touch of sadness.

The Vision looked at Jay. "The Flash. Superhero. Scientist. One of my former partners in the Justice Society of America. Possesses the power to run at the speed of light. Real name, Jay Garrick. Your current appearance does not match the visual memory of this unit."

"I got old," the former Flash said.

"Old," Vision repeated. "Aging. I understand. I must update your file in my memory banks."

"How do you feel?" Cap asked.

"The question is irrelevant," Vision said. "This unit has no emotions."

"How are you functioning?" Hank Pym asked.

"This unit is functioning within established parameters," Vision said.

"He feels okay," Jay said.

Cap was about to comment but was distracted by something out of the corner of his eye. He turned and, to his amazement, saw his old partner Dr. Fate.

Dr. Fate was making hand gestures, as if he were summoning Cap.

"Fate?" Cap said.

"What?" Hank asked.

Cap turned for a brief moment to Hank Pym, but when he looked back to where Dr. Fate had been, the sorcerer was gone.

Jay noticed Cap staring at the corner of the room. "What's the problem, Cap?"

"Did you see him?" Cap asked.

"See who?"

"Dr. Fate!" Cap answered.

Flash raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Dr. Fate? You're kidding? No one has seen him in years."

"I just did!" Cap insisted.

Hank shook his head. "I hate to disagree with you, Cap, but it's a typical psychological phenomenon. Being reacquainted with an old companion from your JSA days, as well as the presence of Jay here, and the fact that you were undoubtedly thinking of the war years . . . Well, let's just say that apparitions of the past are a common trick of memory."

"I suppose that's possible," Jay said.

Cap thought about it. He had been under a great deal of stress lately. Maybe his was living in the past again. "I guess you're right, Hank. Forget I said anything."

Hank returned his attention to the Vision. "Would you be willing to cooperate with me in running some tests on you? I want to determine your functionality and your power level."

"That would be acceptable," Vision said.

"You two go ahead," Jay said. "I'm heading back to Keystone. Most of the people there are still adjusting to having been shrunk and enlarged again."

"I'll arrange a ride home for you," Cap said. "Thanks for coming. It was good to see you again."

"You too, Cap," Jay said. "It's always good to see my leader."

Limbo: A place beyond space and time, which is adjacent to all space and all time.

Immortus, master of Limbo stood over the sleeping body of the goddess called Aphrodite. She was by far the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. She was here to end his loneliness. She had been brought there - unwillingly - by Ares, the god of war. The Grandmaster had given Immortus a vial that would rob the beauty of her memory. A few drops on her full lips were all that was necessary. Immortus waited for her to wake up. In the meantime, he dealt with the intrusion in limbo by a group of 1940's costumed adventurers. He was determined to stop them from rescuing Aphrodite. He sent warriors from Counter Earth to kill them.

Captain America lay down on the sofa in the rec room in Hall of Justice. A thousand thoughts ran through his minds. Memories, sad and magnificent. Regrets and lost time. All this ran through the brain of Steve Rogers. It was more than he wanted to deal with. He didn't want to think anymore this night. He drifted to sleep.

And in his dreams, he once again saw Dr. Fate. Fate stood looking at Cap through the eye-slits in his golden helmet. Cap walked toward him.

"This is not a dream," Dr. Fate said. "This is real. It is I, Dr. Fate. I need your help."

"What do you need me to do?" Cap asked.

"I need you to remember," Fate said. "August 1943. The kidnapping of Aphrodite. The labyrinths of limbo. Remember. You are my only hope!"

Cap woke up. What he had just dreamed weighed heavily on his mind. But was it a dream? Wasn't there a time back in the war - it may have been 1943, come to think of it - when the JSA members experienced some sort of lost-time phenomenon. Was this connected? He had to know!

Cap knocked on the door of J'Onn J'Onzz's private quarters. Martian Manhunter was mediating but the sound snapped him out of it.

"Come in," the Martian said.

Cap entered, looking upset. "I need your help, J'Onn."

"I don't need to read your mind to see that you're upset. What is troubling you?"

"I need you to help me remember something!" Cap insisted.

Cap explained about the dream and the previous sighting of Dr. Fate and the memory loss back in 1943.

J'Onn nodded. "I understand. I can't guarantee success but I will do my best."

"Go on," Cap said.

J'Onn touched Cap on the temples and concentrated. "Think about the day in question, Cap. Focus on Dr. Fate."

For a few moments, nothing happened, but then a flood of images overwhelmed Cap. He couldn't make them all out. It was a jumble. But he remembered going to Limbo and getting separated from his teammates. He remembered some sort of white giant and Dr. Fate being captured. He remembered fighting . . . someone. It was all a blur! But he remembered the intensity of emotion he had and the seriousness of the event. He knew that his involvement was pivotal, both in the past and in the present!

"Thank you, J'Onn," Cap said. "I know what I have to do now! I have to help Dr. Fate! If I don't go, the past will be changed!"

"Go where, Cap?" J'Onn asked.

Cap looked sternly at him. "To Limbo!"

Cap raced down the hall before the Martian Manhunter could ask any more questions. J'Onn followed Cap, who sought out the thunder god Thor.

Thor had helped the Avengers League in a previous battle involving a Martian Emerald, and had decided to stay for a time, just to feel the joy of being among the group that he had founded many years ago. Also, he wanted to renew his acquaintance with Princess Diana, who he had met many decades ago. He found her an interesting woman and a worthy comrade in arms. The two were arm wrestling when Cap came running in.

"Thor!" Cap said loudly. "Thank heavens you're around. I need your help!"

"Surely, good Captain, will the God of Thunder lend thee any aid thou doth require," Thor said. "Thou hath but to ask. Merely allow me a few moments to teach yon Amazon a lesson in false pride and I shall be at thy disposal."

"I would advise you not to be overconfident, Prince Thor," Diana said.

"I hate to be a spoil sport, but I can't wait that long," Cap said. "We need to act now. I'm summoning the rest of the group."

"What is the occasion of this haste, Captain?" Thor asked.

"Yes, what's the danger?" Diana asked.

"We have to go to Limbo and save the past!"

Soon the others had arrived. Iron Man, Quasar, Wasp, Flash, and even Batman joined Cap, Thor, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Henry Pym in the meeting room. Cap explained the urgency to them.

"So that's the situation," Cap said. "I'm going to Limbo, and I want my team behind me."

Flash looked overwhelmed by the concept. "Limbo? Wow! I've gone to other dimensions and other planets . . . But Limbo!"

"Why the sudden rush?" Batman asked. "Why hurry to the rescue now after sixty years?"

"I can't explain it," Cap said. "But that's the sense I got. And this is the day that Dr. Fate contacted me. Don't ask for a better explanation than that. That's just how it is."

"Don't underestimate mystic portents," Wonder Woman said. "My people have great respect for them. I will accompany you, captain."

"Thank you," Cap said. "Thor and J'Onn have also agreed to come with me. Anyone else?"

"You don't have to ask, Cap," Iron Man said. "You know we'd all follow you into hell. Or Limbo."

Everyone agreed.

Henry Pym stood up. "Would you like me to accompany you as Giant Man?"

"Not at first," Cap said. "I want you to wait here. Give us twenty-four hours. If we're not back by then, I want you to find another way into limbo. Gather up a group of volunteers for a rescue party and come after us."

"I will," Pym said.

At that moment, the red and green android called the Vision entered. He was wearing the golden cloak, gloves and boots that he had worn when Quasar brought him in. His gem glinted in the light.

"This unit will accompany you, Captain America," Vision said coldly.

Cap wasn't too crazy about that idea. "Thanks, but that won't be necessary."

"I will be of inestimable value to your mission," Vision countered.

"We don't need you," Batman said.

"You cannot be certain of that fact," Vision countered. "My powers are formidable and unexpected to any foe we may encounter. They may be the advantage you need to succeed in your mission."

Cap considered this. "What do you think, Henry?"

"I've worked with him all morning," Hank said. "His morality program is fully intact. And he seems to still have a devotion to serving you, Cap. Perhaps it's some residual memory of his days with the JSA. You can trust him. And his powers are most impressive."

"I looked over the data while we were waiting," Iron Man said. "I can't find any fault with Henry's findings."

"The Human Torch was a close friend of my mother," Wonder Woman said. "I'd like to give his new incarnation the benefit of the doubt. I'm willing to trust him."

Wasp, Flash, J'Onn, and Quasar finally agreed. Only Batman abstained.

"All right, he can come," Cap said. Then he turned to Thor. "It's time. Take us to Limbo!"

"Very well, Captain," Thor bellowed. "Stand you back, while I spin my hammer, Mjolnir."

Thor swung his hammer, spinning it faster and faster. Finally, a hole appeared in the air. The hole opened wider and became an inter-dimensional portal.

"Step through, good comrades!" Thor yelled.

The Avengers League and the Vision entered. Thor followed them through and the portal closed behind them. Henry Pym watched, concerned. He hoped that the Wasp would be all right.

Limbo: The castle of Immortus.

Immortus had sent emissaries to deal with the 1940's masked adventurers that were causing him problems in his realm. He had trapped them in the Labyrinths of Limbo and was hoping that his chosen warriors would eliminate them. In the meantime - which was relative, since time didn't exist in Limbo - Immortus was watching Aphrodite. She was finally waking up.

"At last!" he whispered excitedly.

Aphrodite opened her eyes and looked up at Immortus. "Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Immortus. How do you feel?"

"I . . . I don't know," she said, dazed and confused. "I don't know where I am. I don't know who I am."

Immortus smiled. The plan was working perfectly. "Don't be afraid. You're perfectly safe."

"I'm not afraid," she said. "I'm just confused. Who am I?"

"You are Venus. My bride. Queen of Limbo," Immortus said convincingly.


Immortus waved his arm expansively, indicating the surroundings. "This is Limbo. This is our realm. We rule here."

"And we are wed?" she asked.

"Yes, my love," Immortus answered. "We are."

"Why can't I remember you?" she asked.

"You've been ill," Immortus answered. "Your memory should return eventually."

"But what if it doesn't?" she asked.

"Then we will make new memories," Immortus said. "And I will take care of you and love you throughout eternity."

Before Aphrodite could answer, an alarm sounded from one of Immortus' large and surprisingly unsophisticated looking devices. He felt rage that this important moment had been interrupted.

"Just lay there, my darling," Immortus said to the amnesiac goddess. "I'll return in a moment."

Immortus rushed to his machines. His sensors indicated that some new intruders were entering his land of Limbo. This was intolerable! He finally gets female companionship and all these invaders were storming his realm. He would end this!

Using the dimensional defenses of his realm, Immortus caused the new intruders to be scattered when they arrived in Limbo. Scattered and exiled to the Labyrinths of Limbo.

The Avengers League - along with Vision - stepped out of Thor's portal but materialized in different points within the Labyrinths of Limbo. Immortus had successfully separated them.

Thor looked around. He knew about the legends of the Labyrinths of Limbo and realized what had been done to him. "By Odin, I have been tricked!" he cried.

Thor furiously swung his hammer at the walls of Limbo, but the eternal, unalterable, unbreakable stones that made up the tunnels of the Labyrinth did not receive even a scratch.

"Odin's blood! My mightiest blow did naught," Thor said, disappointed and a bit embarrassed. He then raised his hammer, attempting to call down the forces of the storm. He was disappointed once again.

"Naught!" he grumbled, as he decided his next move. Should he use his dimension-crossing power to escape? No! Thor would never abandon his comrades of the Avengers League. He would stay and search on foot.

Elsewhere in the Labyrinth, the other Avengers League members were dealing with their situation.

Captain America was having strong feelings of déjà vu. He had been through this before, although he had no clear recollection. And as he did last time, he immediately set out in search of his partners.

Flash raced through the labyrinth, faster than the speed of sound, trying to locate the rest of the team.

Iron Man failed to blast his way through the walls and so used his armor's scanning equipment to try and locate the others. Some sort of static interfered with his readings. He decided to start searching. Rocket powered roller-skate-like wheels popped out of his boots and he skated through the labyrinth.

Quasar also made an unsuccessful attempt to blast his way out. Having failed, he started to fly through the halls, hoping to locate an exit or his partners.

Wasp shrunk down to insect-size to make herself harder to find if this was a trap and enemies were waiting to pounce. When no enemies came, she flew off in search of the others.

Martian Manhunter used his telepathy. He sensed other minds in the labyrinth. There were far more than just the Avengers League here. He was having trouble sending a telepathic message. Something was blocking him, but was able to feel the familiar minds of his friends. Turning himself intangible, Martian Manhunter passed through the walls of Limbo, heading toward his partner's location. He found himself in yet another hall. He tried again, moving through the floor. Another tunnel. He kept his calm and continued to move through the tunnel walls until he could reach his companions.

Batman stood for a while, contemplating the situation. The walls were obviously too thick to break through, even with an explosive. And if someone trapped him here, he was no doubt deep into this maze and so there was no sense in venturing through, hoping to find an exit which was certainly nowhere near. The best thing to do was to wait. Surely his foe would come looking for him. Batman hid in the shadows, waiting.

Wonder Woman looked around with a warrior's calmness, but also on guard against any attack. She made her way along the labyrinth for a while and found nothing. She tried to break through the walls but couldn't. She attempted to use her hunting skills to maneuver her way through the maze and track down her companions.

The Vision emotionlessly calculated his next move. His laser beams, which now came from his eyes due to Hank Pym's renovations, failed to breach the walls. Vision calculated further. His duty was to find Captain America and assist him. He increased his molecular density to become as hard as a diamond. He punched the wall. He showed no reaction when his powerful punch failed to make a mark. He calculated again. He lowered his molecular density and became intangible. He passed through the walls, hoping to locate Cap.

Immortus was monitoring the battle between the 1940's team and the warriors he had sent to fight them. His agents were not performing satisfactorily. He transported them away. Then, he observed the Avengers League moving through the Labyrinth and a cunning plan came to him. He had a way to get rid of both teams.

The first part of the plan was accomplished by warning the 1940's team, via a communications device that spread his voice to various places in Limbo, that new warriors were coming for them. This put the World War Two heroes on a tense state of alert. They were ready to hit anything they didn't recognize.

Part two of the plan involved making the Avengers League just as tense and ready to fight. He needed preliminary warriors to do that, a first strike team to prime the League into the right mood.

Immortus summoned his servant, the enigmatic, mischievous being called the Space Phantom. The Phantom was a shape shifter, who could mimic the powers of whomever he duplicated.

"I have need of you, Space Phantom," Immortus stated.

The little man bowed. "At your service, your greatness."

Immortus continued. "I want you to use the time scanner to pick out some of the most fearsome warriors of Earth's past and duplicate them one-by-one. Each one of these duplicates must battle a member of the Avengers League. I don't expect you to defeat them. Just get them angry. Put them in a fighting mood and then disappear. I'll do the rest!"

"As you command, master," the Space Phantom said, vanishing.

Aphrodite came into the machine room. "Is anything wrong?"

Immortus smiled. "Nothing for you to worry about, my dearest. Just some pests, easily dealt with. I promise you, no one will ever come between us!"

Captain America turned a corner in the Labyrinth and came across a Spanish man in a Zorro-like outfit, holding a whip. Cap recognized the man from decades ago.

"The Whip?" Cap said in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

Without a word, the Whip cracked his lash at Cap. Cap blocked it with his shield. The man's use of his weapon was clumsy. Cap got the feeling that this wasn't the real Whip. He charged forward, using his shield to fend off the slashing weapon. The Whip laughed as they locked up hand-to-hand. Cap tossed the Whip across the hall with a Judo move. Perhaps it was too easy.

"You're not the Whip!" Cap said.

The man who looked like the Whip laughed and transformed to his identity of the Space Phantom. "Goodbye, Captain," the Phantom said, vanishing.

The same scenario played out over and over in different points of Limbo, involving the different members of the Avengers League.

Thor was accosted by what appeared to be Solomon Grundy.

"It has been decades since last we battled, monster, but Thor stands ready to defeat thee!" the Thunder God said. After a brief, one-sided tussle, "Grundy" transformed into the Space Phantom who vanished with a wink.

Elsewhere . . .

Batman was stalking the shadows when a large, deformed, patchwork creature lumbered past. It stopped, sensing Batman's presence and swung its huge fist at the dark knight detective. Batman flipped over the creature and landed gracefully, ready for battle. Batman got a good look at the monster.

I can't be seeing what I think I'm seeing, Batman thought. But I think that this is the Frankenstein Monster!

The monster attacked again. Batman evaded. Remembering the legends of Frankenstein, Batman pulled an incendiary out of his utility belt. He tossed it and it exploded, creating a wall of flame between himself and the monster. The monster hesitated, looking at the flames. Then the creature smiled and transformed into a little man who disappeared.

"I knew it wasn't Frankenstein's monster," Batman said.

Elsewhere . . .

Iron Man locked up with a big, metallic being whose legend went back to the old west. He was known as Ironhorse, the living locomotive. Despite his legendary status, Ironhorse was no match for Iron Man. After revealing himself as an impostor, he vanished.

Elsewhere . . .

Wonder Woman easily defeated a large man calling himself Goliath. She didn't need a sling shot to beat him. He turned into the Space Phantom and faded away.

Elsewhere . . .

Wasp found her foe, the Yellow Wasp, to be an impostor, after she outmaneuvered and out-stung him. He vanished.

Elsewhere . . .

Flash saw the legendary Johnny Quick who promptly attacked him. The Flash made short work of Johnny Quick, who unveiled his true form as he disappeared.

Elsewhere . . .

Vision ran into the Blue Diamond. Some distant memory alarmed the android, who increased his density and became diamond-hard. But the Blue Diamond also had the density of a diamond. They exchanged punches but neither one fell. The Vision unleashed his laser eye-beams, which staggered the Blue Diamond slightly. The Diamond stepped back, changed form and faded out.

Elsewhere . . .

Quasar met Count Vertigo, who used his equilibrium-disrupting powers on Quasar, who stumbled like a drunken man. But Quasar had experienced enough distortions in space to be able to get his head together momentarily. He let loose a powerful blast. It missed the enemy by inches. The close call alarmed the attacker, who decided to flee, after showing his true face.

Elsewhere . . .

Martian Manhunter saw someone who he thought to be the villain called Brain Wave. The villain launched a mental attack on the Manhunter, who countered with his own telepathic power. Perhaps the real Brain Wave might have won, but this imitation Brain Wave could not. He abruptly fled, after exposing his real identity.

After their respective encounters, all the Avengers League members were tensed for a second wave of attacks. Immortus smiled. This was going well. He used a device to transmit his voice to wherever the Avengers League members were.

"Be warned, intruders from Earth! Immortus does not suffer invasion lightly. I will see you destroyed. The warriors I sent to fight you were only a test, to see what you were capable of. Now that I know your capabilities, a new force will be sent against you. A force consisting of beings who have the appearance and powers of the greatest heroes of your past! Pray to whatever gods you worship, for you will not survive the attack of my next champions!"

The Avengers League members were primed and ready for battle. If they saw any "heroes" from the past, they knew what to do! Whoever it appeared to be, it was an impostor. Whatever champion of the past arrived, would be a duplicate sent by Immortus to kill them. And the League members vowed that they would defeat whoever crossed their past, even if they appeared to be an honored legend!

Meanwhile, some great legends of the past were also moving through the halls of the Labyrinth of Limbo. They were the mightiest heroes of World War Two. Their leader was a red, white, and blue clad hero named Captain America. He was accompanied by his valiant partners: Wonder Woman; Flash; Sentinel; Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Human Torch; Star-Spangled Kid; Toro; Dr. Mid-Nite; Dr. Fate; Black Canary; and the rampaging Hulk!

They were well known as the Justice Society of America!

Continued in Justice Society of America versus Avengers League #1!