DCM Knights

The Prom
by Chip Caroon

Peter Parker
Victor Cranston
Mary Jane Watson
Natalie Casswell
Jimmy Olsen
Carolyn Trainer
Lois Lane
Perry White
Aunt May

Peter was rummaging through the refrigerator, trying to find the plastic box with Mary Jane's corsage.

"Peter!" Aunt May called from the living room.

"In a second!" Peter replied. He finally spotted the corsage in the back of the fridge, and grabbed the box.

He walked into the living room to find his aunt with a big smile on her face and a camera in her hand. Peter put the box down long enough to put the jacket of his tuxedo on.

"You look wonderful," Aunt May said.

"Please, we went through this last year."

"I know, but this is your senior prom."

Peter sighed and looked at his watch. "I better get MJ. The limo is supposed to be picking us up in five minutes."

"Where are you going for dinner?"

"Victor's grandfather was able to get us reservations at the Cobalt Club."

"My, my," May replied. "That's an awfully fancy restaurant."

"And getting reservations is a killer. I think we're going to be the only people in there going to prom. Yet, we might be underdressed."

May looked Peter over. He was wearing a traditional black tux with a blue bow tie and cumberbund. "There is no way anyone can say you are underdressed for anything."

Peter picked the box up. "I gotta go."

Peter walked out of the house, and May followed him with the camera. He walked up to Mary Jane's front door, and rang the doorbell.

"Peter!" Anna Watson exclaimed as she opened the door. "Don't you look handsome? Come on in, Mary Jane will be down in a second."

"Mary Jane!" Anna called up the stairs. Within seconds, Peter saw a dazzling figure appear at the top of the stairs.

"Hi, Peter," MJ said with a smile.

"Uh . . . hi," Peter replied, too shocked to talk. "You look . . . amazing."

"I was about to say the same thing about you," MJ said, coming down the stairs. She was wearing a red tube top dress with long red gloves. The dress barely touched the floor. Her hair was pulled up.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she put her hand out. Peter opened the box, and put the corsage on MJ's wrist. He then looked up and kissed her.

The couple was brought back to reality by the camera flashes. Peter rolled his eyes and put out his arm. "Shall we?"

MJ accepted. "We shall."

"Wait a moment," Anna said. "Let us get a picture."

MJ and Peter stood, arm in arm, both smiling for the camera.

Anna and May both took several pictures. Finally, they put the cameras down.

The happy couple walked out, to find the limo pulling up.

"Nice shoes," MJ said, noticing the white on black saddle shoes Peter was wearing.

Peter blushed. "Thanks. I've been wanting to wear these since last year's prom."

"You went last year?"

"Why do you act so surprised?"

"Well, you just didn't seem like the type of guy who wouldn't go to those events. Who did you take?"

"Um, well, I went alone."

Just then, Victor Cranston stepped out of the limo, wearing a tuxedo similar to Peter's, but with a black bow tie, black cumberbund, and all black shoes. He helped Natalie out. She was wearing a blue dress very similar to MJ's. Her hair was also pulled up, and Peter noticed that she had lightened it.

"Oh, don't you all look so cute!" Anna exclaimed.

"Cute. Why do they always have to say cute?" Victor muttered.

"I take it you had the same problem when you left?" Peter asked.

"Oh, yes."

"Let's get some pictures of all four of you," May suggested.

Another couple of minutes passed with many clicks coming from cameras.

Victor and Peter helped the girls get into the limo. They were just getting ready to climb in themselves when Anna and May came up with overnight bags.

"Peter, you forgot these," May said.

"That's right! The clothes for the after party. Thanks, Aunt May," he said, taking both bags as Victor asked the driver to open the trunk.

Peter placed the bags in the trunk, closed it, and proceeded to the side.

"Take care. Have fun," Aunt May said.

"I will," Peter replied with a smile.

He climbed in and closed the door. Victor turned his head. "Driver, take us to the Cobalt Club."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city . . .

Lois Lane was sitting in her cubicle at the Daily Planet. Perry White walked past, and did a double take.

"Lois! What are you doing here at this time on a Saturday evening?"

Lois smiled sheepishly. "Just some research. My connection at home isn't that great, and so I thought I'd use the network connection here."

"What story are you working on this time?"

"It's not really a story, yet," Lois replied.

"Lois Lane doing research, and it's not for a story." Perry shook his head.

"Well, I don't know if it is a story yet or not. Can you keep a secret?"

Perry's face softened. "Of course, Lois."

"I've been doing some thinking about Osborn. Based on some things that I've been told, he was up to something. That drug he was making . . . "

"Oz, wasn't it?"

"Yes. Anyway, I've been looking some stuff up on that. But I'm running into a lot of roadblocks."

"And I doubt that you are turning up anything good."

"Do you mean good as in potential story material, or good as in beneficial to mankind?"

"Beneficial to mankind."

"Nope . . . "

"Listen. Keep me informed. I won't print anything until it's all verified, but if Osborn was doing something dangerous for anyone, I want to know about it, and I want the city to know."

"Gotcha, chief."

As the quartet entered the Cobalt Club, they couldn't help but be amazed at the fancy decor. They also noticed Benny Goodman's Sing Sing Sing beginning to play as they walked in. It sent chills up Peter's spine, as he remembered how he thought it would be cool to go to a Forties club and have the band be playing this song. And their timing couldn't have been better.

"No wonder this was the place to be at in the Forties," Peter said.

"It's magnificent!" Natalie agreed.

"Cranston, party of four. We have a reservation," Victor told the host.

"Ah, yes," the host replied. "Right this way."

The host led them through the main dining room, into a special section at the rear, where they were seated. It was a booth, and the two guys sat on the outside.

"A waiter shall be here shortly."

"Thank you," Victor said.

A moment later, a waiter appeared holding a bottle of what appeared to be wine.

"Uh - " Victor started to object.

"Good evening. When Mr. Cranston put in the reservation, he mentioned how he would have liked to provided a bottle of the finest wine. However, as you are not yet of drinking age, he instead requested a bottle of sparkling cider. Enjoy." He popped the top and poured the cider into each of the glasses sitting on the table. "And here are the menus. I shall be back shortly to take your order. And you need not worry about the prices. Mr. Cranston said that this meal is on him. Order whatever you wish."

"Victor, remind me to do something really nice for your grandfather," Peter said.

"Noted," Victor replied.

"So, have you actually been here before?" Mary Jane asked.

"Not really. However, there have been times my grandfather came here and brought some food back. The duck is excellent."

"I've always wanted to have duck, but never had the chance," Peter said. He looked through the menu to find out how the duck was served.

Within minutes, the waiter returned and took their orders. Peter took a sip of the sparkling cider.

"Vic, what's up with the band?" he asked, when he noticed they had stopped playing. "I love the song they're playing."

"Oh, they play music from the Forties. Big band stuff," Victor replied. "Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, and the like. They're real popular with the dance crowd."

"Speaking of crowds," Mary Jane said, "it looks like there's a nice one in here already. But it seems so early!"

Victor looked at his watch. "Not as early as you think. It's only a little after seven o'clock. From what I've heard about this place, the fun has already started by eight."

The band started playing Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. Natalie turned her head to face Victor. "Can we dance?" she asked.

Victor stood up, and put his hand out. "Why sure, m'lady." They walked to the dance floor, and began dancing in a style rarely seen of teenagers. Victor placed his right hand on Natalie's band, and held his left hand out, with her right hand.

"That's so romantic," Mary Jane commented.

"Would you like to dance?" Peter asked.

"In a minute," MJ replied. She leaned over and kissed Peter. Peter returned the kiss. Half a minute later, Mary Jane pulled back. "Now, I'd like to dance."

As the four teenagers left the Cobalt Club nearly an hour later, In the Mood was filling the air. They returned to the limo, and in a matter of minutes, they were pulling up to the side of their high school, near the entrance to the gym. The prom committee spared no expense to make it look as best as they could, including the red carpet.

"Peter!" they heard as they entered the gym.

It was darkened, and about half full. Tables were set up along both sides. The DJ was up at the far end.

Jimmy Olsen walked up to the four. He had a lovely black haired girl on his arm, wearing a green dress with a slight gold trim. Jimmy was wearing a tux with a white coat and vest, black pants, shoes, and bow tie.

"Good evening, Jimmy," Peter said.

"Back at ya," Jimmy replied. "And you girls look stunning."

"Thank you, Jimmy," MJ said.

"Thanks, " Natalie nodded.

"And who is the lovely lady standing beside you," Victor asked.

"Oh, this is Carolyn Trainer," Jimmy answered.

"Hi," Carolyn smiled.

"She's from Manhattan High School. We met while I was covering a story for the Planet."

How come I could never get girls like that? Peter wondered. Eh, doesn't matter now.

"So, where did you all go for dinner?" Jimmy asked.

"The Cobalt Club," Victor replied.

Jimmy whistled. "That's a pretty swanky place. How did you manage that?"

"My grandfather was able to pull some strings . . . " Victor said.

"That's awesome!" Jimmy commented. "Would you all care to join us? We're sitting over there."

"Sure," Peter said.

"All right, folks, it's that time. So, I want everyone to gather around here, seniors in front! It's time to crown this year's prom king and queen!"

After everyone had gathered around the DJ's table, the assistant principal took the microphone.

"This year's prom queen is . . . Natalie Casswell!"

There was the obligatory cheering. Natalie kissed Victor, and then walked up to receive her bundle of flowers and crown.

"And now, this year's prom king is well known amongst his peers. He's been described as an all around nice guy . . . Victor Cranston!"

Victor walked up beside Natalie and received his scepter.

"Now, let's have a special dance for the king and queen!" the DJ exclaimed.

"Wow, who'd a thunk that Victor and Natalie would get king and queen?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, I knew that Vic had a better chance than I did," Peter replied. "But I knew he wouldn't have any problem. And they always like to keep couples together for this."

A little while later, after the teenagers had been on and off the dance floor several times, they were resting at their table. The guys had already removed their jackets. Peter was at the refreshment table, getting punch for him and Mary Jane.

"Hiya, Pete."

Peter looked up to see Ezekiel, in a full tux, standing against the wall.

"What are you doing here?!" Peter exclaimed.

"Shh," Ezekiel warned. "You're too public. Don't draw attention to yourself."

"Okay," Peter said, now near a whisper. "Now, why are you here? Don't tell me you're really a teacher here."

"I'm not. I just decided to drop by and see how teenage social events go these days."

"Have I ever told you how much you frighten me?"

"Not exactly, but I've gathered as much."

"If you have information, or even questions, I'm not interested right now. In case you haven't noticed, this is a Peter Parker night, not a Spider-Man night."

"So, even if I had the most important information possible about your parents, you wouldn't care?"

"Tonight? No. I'm simply trying to have a nice prom night with my friends. More importantly, my girlfriend. I'm not in the mood for mysteries."

"Actually, I just came to get a feel for this place."

"A feel for the high school?" Peter asked.

"There's something here, Peter. Answers."

"Answers to what?"

"I don't know. I just know that this school plays a role."

"Now you're sounding like we're all pawns in a game, or characters in a play."

"I think we are, Peter."

Peter just took his two cups of punch and walked away.

When he returned to the table, Mary Jane was the only one remaining. Everyone else was either dancing or talking to other friends.

"Who was that you were talking to?" she asked.

"Ezekiel," Peter replied.

"What did he want?"

"To play mind games with me again. Says that the school has answers, but doesn't know to what."

"How do you manage to get involved with such crackpots?"

Peter chuckled. "I don't know."

"Okay, folks," the DJ said. "This prom's winding down, and we're about to play the last song for all you couples out there. Just remember, the fun continues all night long over at the after prom party at the Ditko Student Center."

Mary Jane stood up. Peter put his jacket back on. They both walked out to the dance floor as I Only Have Eyes For You began playing. Peter put his arms around MJ's waist, and she put her arms around his neck. They gently swayed to the music. Gradually, they're lips came closer and closer together. They continued on, dancing and kissing, not caring what the rest of the crowd was thinking (mostly because everyone else on the dance floor was doing the same thing).

And all too quickly, the song faded away. Peter and Mary Jane let go of each other, and Mary Jane grabbed Peter's hand. The lights came on, and people started heading back to the tables and the doors.

"Ready to go?" Victor asked as he came up.

"Sure are, Mr. Prom King," Peter replied with a smile.

Victor shrugged. "Eh. It's just a title that everyone will forget by graduation."

"I don't know, they might make it to July," MJ said.


"Enough talk. Let's go party!" Peter said.

Next: After Prom Party!