DCM Knights

by Chip Caroon

Peter Parker
Mary Jane Watson
Victor Cranston
Natalie Casswell
Flash Thompson
Jimmy Olsen
Harry Osborn
J. Jonah Jameson
Perry White
Allison Mongrain
Norman Osborn
Lex Luthor
Green Goblin

Peter Parker stared at the poster on the wall. He was on his way to lunch, when a simple red and white piece of paper caught his eye.

Give the gift of life! it exclaimed. GIVE BLOOD!

Oh, great, Peter thought. The blood drive is next week. I've always wanted to donate blood, but now I can't!

Jimmy Olsen came up behind Peter and slapped him on the back. "Hiya, Peter!" he exclaimed. Then he noticed the poster. "You gonna give blood?"

What do I say? I can't say no. That'll look bad. But if they use my blood, and find the spider-powers, then there will be questions . . .

"Uh, I'm not sure," Peter replied. "Needles and all."

"Oh, don't worry about that. If you get the right nurse, you won't feel a thing. Maybe just a prick."

"Have you donated before?"

"Yup. Two months ago."

"Still . . . "

"Come on, we're blocking the hall, better get to lunch."

When Peter arrived at the lunch table, Victor Cranston, Natalie Casswell, and Mary Jane Watson were all already seated. Peter sat down beside MJ, across from the other two.

"So, Peter, are you going to give blood?" MJ asked.

Not this again! Peter thought. Aloud, he said, "I'm not sure. I don't like needles."

"Maybe you'll change your mind," MJ said, dropping the subject. "So, how did you do on that last physics test?"

"I got a hundred and seven," Peter replied. "What did you get?"

"Ninety-five," MJ replied.

"Did anyone get number fifteen right?" Natalie asked.

"Come to think of it, I think that's the one I missed," Peter said. "What about you, Victor?"

"I got a 107 too."

As Natalie and Mary Jane continued discussing the physics test, Peter leaned over to Victor. "The main reason I can't give is because of the . . . you know."

Victor nodded. "Don't worry. The Red Cross gives you the option of not using your blood. That way, you won't look like a loser in front of your friends or family."

"And it's all confidential?"

"Of course."

"Hmm." Peter sat back in his chair.

Norman Osborn was sitting comfortably in the chair across from Lex Luthor himself. He suddenly realized that all of their meetings in person had happened at LexCorp. He thought nothing of it, since he wanted to keep Lex happy, and not have him pull out of the deal.

"So, Osborn," Lex said, "what is the status of our corporate takeover?"

"Jameson is rushing, trying to find the perfect story to possibly save his job."

"Excellent . . . He's pulling at strings, looking for the weight to fall on his head. What about the people who work for him?"

"I am checking into that. I have already dispatched several . . . agents, so to speak, to observe the various employees of the Daily Planet. I want to know who will be an asset, and who will be a liability."


"Hey, Parker!"

"Oh, brother," Peter muttered. He didn't need to turn around to tell that the voice belonged to Flash Thompson. He just kept walking through the crowded halls.

"Hey, wait up, Parker!" Flash said, pushing through the crowd, catching up with Peter.

"What do you want, Flash?" Peter asked. "Can we hurry up and get this over with? I need to get to class."

"Sure, whatever, bookworm," Flash said, not missing a beat. "But some of us are throwing a party on Friday. Wanna come?"

"Of course not. It's obviously a ploy to set me up, or make me look stupid, or something."

"Nah, man, it's on the level."

"Why can't I shake the feeling that this is fake sincerity?"

"Fine, suit yourself. Go ahead, and study your life away."

Sure, and just wait until I actually make something of myself, and you end up wasting away after college, Peter thought as Flash walked away.

J. Jonah Jameson sat in his office, looking over the pictures spread across his desk. Perry White was standing in front of the desk.

"How in the world does he do it?" Jameson asked. "I've never seen anyone get such clear and close pictures like this!"

"Peter Parker has yet to reveal his secret."

"These action shots of Spider-Man are amazing!"

"A shame they don't help circulation."

Hmm, Jameson thought. Maybe I could use Parker's secret as leverage. Figure out the secret, maybe find Spider-Man identity in the process. The two must be friends. I need a big story to save this paper!

Aloud, he said, "I wish we had the money, otherwise I'd tell you to start doubling Parker's pay."

"I understand, Jonah. I'll be downstairs."

Peter was in a rush to get to sixth period. He had stayed after to talk to his teacher in fifth period, and now was a little behind.

At least I don't need to go to my locker, he thought.

But as he made the turn around second hall, he bumped into a janitor, dropping the book he was carrying, and spilling a few mops and brooms.

"I'm so sorry," Peter said as he bent down to pick the stuff up. He glanced at the janitor, who he did not recognize. She had medium length brown hair, was a little shorter than Peter, and looked to be in her forties.

"It's no problem," the janitor said. "I understand you kids need to get to class."

"Sorry, Ms. . . . Sorry, I realized that I don't know your name."

"Mongrain," the janitor replied. "Alison Mongrain."

Peter noticed a strange tingling on his neck. It was his spider-sense. He looked around. Nothing was coming, and the tingle was mild.

"Nice to meet you," Peter said, cautiously. "I better go now."

Ms. Mongrain smiled. "I agree."

As Peter rushed to class, Mongrain pulled a radio out of her pocket. "Mongrain here. Parker has been spotted. Out."

Due to some strange astronomical reason, Mary Jane Watson actually got an afternoon off from The Crib. So, how does she spend her day off?

"I can't believe I'm here. I'm so pathetic," MJ said, sipping on her Coke.

Peter laughed. "Did you actually think you would end up somewhere else?"

"That's what I get for letting you drive my car."

"What, is there a problem with my driving?"

"Not your driving, just your destination."

"Can I get off if I claim the car made me do it?" Peter asked.

"You're so pathetic."

"I though you were."

"Hey, don't go there!"

Peter smiled. "So, where would you have gone?"

MJ leaned back in the booth and thought for a moment. "Probably right here."

Just then, Jimmy Olsen came up to Peter. Harry Osborn was following him.

"Mind if we join you?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh, no, of course not," Peter replied, moving to the other side, beside Mary Jane.

"So, how are you doing, Harry?"

"I'm doing fine, Peter. Thanks for asking."

A waitress came up and took Jimmy and Harry's orders.

"Harry, I just realized that we haven't talked much this year," Peter said.

"Don't sweat it, man. You've been busy, I've been busy."

"What are you up to?" Mary Jane asked.

"Just trying to survive high school," Harry said with a smile. "And, always trying to get my dad to notice me."

"Ouch. I remember that incident at the football game," Peter said.

"Yeah, well, I wish that was the only time it happened. But it was just the beginning." Harry sighed. "It was bad before, but ever since his company started developing Oz, and then he started his crusade against the newspaper, he's just been totally unaccessible."

"Crusade against the newspaper?" MJ asked.

Peter leaned over. "His dad is working with Lex Luthor to buyout the Daily Planet."


"So, Harry, do you have any inside info? Anything that we might be able to carry back to the office?" Jimmy asked.

Harry shook his head. "I'm sorry, but my dad doesn't quite give out too much information."

"What exactly is this 'Oz' that I keep hearing about?" Peter asked.

"It's some kind of drug," Harry replied. "It's supposed to make people stronger or something."

Stronger . . . Peter thought. Like, the Green Goblin?

"Anything else?" Jimmy wondered.

Harry shook his head. "Not that I know of. Like I said, my dad doesn't let me in on what he's doing." The waitress returned with the drinks. He took a sip. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Who's started their physics project?" Jimmy asked.

That evening, Peter and Victor were at Victor's house working on their physics project. More specifically, they were in Lamont's workroom, with all the tools. The goal was to create a machine that could put a golf ball on a tee in ten or more steps. Peter worked on attaching the pegboard to the frame, while Victor was sawing PVC pipe.

"Hey, I found out something interesting today," Peter said. "I was talking to Harry Osborn. He said that his dad is working on a drug called 'Oz'."


"Well, it's supposed to give people superstrength, or something like that. So, I got to thinking. Remember a couple of months ago, when the Green Goblin was going around, killing people?"

"Of course. Gave me a headache that lasted for a week."

"Remember who got targeted?"

"It had something to do with someone financing something . . . "

"Jameson. Everyone was part of something that had benefitted from Jameson's money."

"And Osborn is trying to take over the paper," Victor remembered.

"Scaring Jameson in the process," Peter finished.

"You're saying that the Green Goblin was injected with 'Oz'?"

"I'm not saying anything. It just seems like a feasible explanation."

"But what if the Goblin is working for Luthor?"

"Could be, but Luthor goes for more subtle ties that are easier to dispose of."

"Interesting. I guess we'll have to wait to see how it all turns out."

The two continued working for a couple of minutes in silence before Victor asked, "So, how are things going with Mary Jane?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've seen how you two have been acting recently. Especially since Christmas. Has anything . . . you know . . . happened between you two?"

Peter laughed. "No. Well, almost."


"Yeah. Let's just say that there was some mistletoe, and a couple of busy aunts."

"Maybe you should give me some more details before I take that the wrong way, and will have to severely hurt you for putting such mental images in my head."

"Hey, you're the telepath!"

"A low level telepath. I can actually block thoughts out unless I want to see them. And in this case I don't. So, what happened?"

"Like I said, there was some mistletoe at Christmas dinner."

"Let me guess, you were about a centimeter away when your aunts called you in."


Victor turned from his sawing. "Bummer. I remember when Natalie and I first starting going out, or at least thinking about it. There were many awkward moments."

"But I'm not sure if I want to be with her."

"Are you crazy? Peter, for eleven years, you were the poster child for nerd. Last year, you started coming out of your shell, and this year, you actually have friends, and could have a girlfriend if you just take some initiative."

"I know, but there's just so much involved."

"Peter, are you listening to yourself, or just spitting out a bunch of crap you heard on TV? Look at me and Natalie. Dating for months, perfectly happy."

"I guess you're right . . . "

"Wait, I see . . . You're worried about Spider-Man."


"Then tell her."

"What, just like that?"

"Natalie knows my secret ID, and yours."


"So, you ready to put this PVC on the board yet?"

"Jimmy, can you please pass the empty film canister?" Peter asked. It was the next morning, and Peter and Jimmy were in photojournalism class - more specifically, the darkroom. They were both rolling new film, and putting them into canisters for use.


"What's that?" Jimmy asked.

"Sounds like it was in the classroom," Peter replied.

The two teenagers rushed into the adjoining classroom to see shattered light fixture laying over a janitor. It was Alison Mongrain.

Jimmy walked over to help her up, while Peter bent down to examine the damage. He noticed something strange in the debris. Glass and plastic were not the only two things to shatter. He lifted some up.

This looks like . . . ice? Wait a minute. Spider-sense tingling. She's not here just to clean up a school.

"This is odd," he said aloud. "It looks like there is some ice here."

By this time, Mongrain was standing up already. She had a look of mad rage in her eyes. "Scum!" she shouted, lunging at Peter. As she jumped, an ice trail formed behind her, sending her and Peter crashing through the wall, outside.

Jimmy stood up. "I'll call the cops."

Peter lay on the ground, still dazed by the fact that he had just been attacked by a janitor.

"Okay, so you look like a superpowered crazy type," he commented. "I assume you have a codename or something?"

"Call me the Ice Queen," Mongrain said coldly.

"So, what's the deal with the whole sliding out of the school?"

"I was told to keep an eye on you."

"This is definitely more than just an eye."

Norman Osborn's secretary burst into his office, not even bothering to knock.

"Rita! I've told you, never come - "

"It's Ms. Mongrain, sir."

Osborn shut up. "What about Ms. Mongrain?"

"She just went postal on some kid at Midtown High."

Osborn smiled at his guest, sitting in the chair in front of him. He stood up. "Would you please excuse me for a moment? I shouldn't be too long."

"Neutralize her immediately," he whispered to his secretary as they walked out.

Peter mustered all the strength he could into his legs. His thoughts concentrated on one task: ridding himself of the Ice Queen. He lifted his legs, and using his enhanced strength, he kicked up, knocking the Ice Queen back.

"Unngh!" the Ice Queen yelled as Peter jumped up and ran off. She stood up. "Where is he?" she shouted.

Suddenly, a red gloved fist slammed into her face. "Hey! Nobody messes with my man Parker!" Spider-Man exclaimed.

"Awesome," Jimmy muttered from the edge of the classroom. He had already called the cops, and was now taking pictures of the fight.

"Where's Peter?" the teacher asked.

"He ran off," Jimmy replied. "No doubt to safety."

"Shouldn't we go find him?" a girl in the class asked.

"You want to run past that fight over there?" Jimmy asked. "I'm sure Peter's fine."

Outside, Spider-Man was faring well. He had already overpowered the Ice Queen, and was standing with one foot on her chest.

"Overzealous fool," the Ice Queen muttered, grabbing Spidey's foot, and icing it up.

"Ye-ow!" Spidey exclaimed, jumping up. "Cold-cold-cold-cold-cold-cold-cold!" He spun around to hit the Ice Queen. She fell back. Spider-Man heard a familiar rumble.

"Goblin!" he shouted.

Sure enough, the Green Goblin glided in, and grabbed the Ice Queen. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have my orders. Queenie here is coming with me!"

Jimmy came running out and stood next to Spider-Man, taking pictures of the fleeing Goblin. "Isn't that just fine?" he asked.

"Thank God for small blessings. On one hand, the Ice Queen is out of my hair. But, does this mean the Goblin is coming back for more of the spotlight?"

Spider-Man just stood there, pondering for a moment.

Next: Jameson needs a big story to save his paper, and he turns to Jimmy Olsen to deliver it.