DCM Knights

The Return of the Sinister Six
Part Four: Revenge
by Chip Caroon

The Super Six
The Shadow
Iron Man
Martian Manhunter
The Sinister Six
Dr. Octopus
Dr. Phosphorous

"There, almost done!" Spider-Man exclaimed as he walked back to the main room of the Watchtower. His costume had completely regenerated, and the red and blue outfit was once more covering the webslinger.

"About time," Iron Man said. "I've been monitoring the situation down there. It's not pretty."

"So, what's the latest?" Spider-Man asked.

"No one's reported in yet, since you left. Batman and the Shadow are in Newark, where the city has been deprived of sight."

"Most likely Mysterio," Spidey noted. "It suits his powers best."

"J'Onn's last report had Hartford losing their sense of touch and we know that Philadelphia has lost the sense of taste," Iron Man continued. "The Shadow told us that much."

"That could be almost any of them. It sounds like a chemical was used in both cases. Doctor Phosphorous seems like the most likely member to do that, considering what he did last time. So, he's definitely in one of those two cities."

"What did he do? I'm afraid I'm not completely up on my Sinister Six knowledge."

"He was the one who poisoned the water, or some such. I don't remember exactly."

"Hmm. But then again, these villains are not necessarily adhering to logic. Anyway, we have a deaf New York."

"Most likely Doc Ock, since he's the leader."

"I'll agree. I just saw something about Boston losing complete control."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone went insane."

"Joker," Spider-Man said. "So, where are Martian Manhunter and Flash now?"

"Providence, Rhode Island, which has lost the sense of smell."

Flash was pulling debris out of the pile of rubble as fast as he could, which fortunately was as fast as the speed of light. He even took the time to make sure the rubble didn't hit anybody, or harm any of the city around him.

"Dammit, J'Onn! Hurry up and get out of there!" Flash shouted. "Show me some green!"

{Flash, slow down.}

"J'Onn? Where are you?"

{About three feet to your right.}

Flash moved over three feet, and started digging. Finally, he saw the Martian's hand. He grabbed it, and pulled him out.

"Thank you," J'Onn said after he had brushed himself off. "Having a building fall on you can really put a dampener on your powers."

"Where's Stegron?"

"He's still under there. Should be right by where I was."

"I'll get him . . . "

"And then we'll take him up to the Watchtower. It's time we get on the offensive."

Iron Man and Spider-Man greeted the returning heroes and helped put Stegron in a holding cell.

"You guys wouldn't have some kind of gas to keep him asleep would you?" Spider-Man asked, half-jokingly.

"As a matter of fact, I think we do," Martian Manhunter replied. "I'll send it in. We can't spare anyone to keep an eye on our dino-friend here."

"So, where's Batman and the Shadow?" Flash asked.

"They haven't reported in nearly two hours," Iron Man replied.

"Maybe we should go down," Flash suggested.

"Not yet," Spidey said. "You better tell us who you saw."

The three walked over to the main communications panel, and Iron Man brought up the map.

"Well, we first ran into Hartford, Connecticut, and saw Doctor Phosphorous."

"That's odd," Spidey said.

"And then you found Stegron in Providence," Iron Man noted. "Which lost their sense of smell."

Martian Manhunter walked back in. "So, are we ready to go down and take the cities back?"

"Yup," Spidey replied. "Ol' Shellhead and I finished the devices." He walked over to a table with loads of electrical components. He picked up a strange device, which looked something like eyeglasses. "These lenses are designed so that those of you with masks can easily slip them on underneath. That will protect your sight, while this little device that looks like a hearing aid will protect your hearing."

"What about the other senses?" Flash asked. "Like touch?"

"The lenses also produce a special aura which will protect you," Iron Man replied. "We could not come up with anything to counteract the smell and taste, but we figured that losing those senses would not hinder us much."

"Agreed," Martian Manhunter said. "But what do we do when we face Joker?"

"One problem at a time," Spidey answered. "First, we go help Batman and the Shadow."

Batman hit the floor.


He looked up, and though the haze, he could tell he had fallen quite a ways. Fortunately, he had been able to fire his grappling hook, and it caught on something, slowing his fall.

That didn't do anything for the landing, though. As he stood up, he could feel the pain shooting up his spine.

Ignore it, he thought. Gotta help the Shadow.

Outside, four other heroes materialized. They had already activated the devices that had been made for them, allowing them to see.

"I'll go in first," Spider-Man said. "I've dealt with Mysterio."

"Agreed," Iron Man replied. "Good luck."

Spider-Man ran into the building. He saw Batman groping around, trying to find his way back up.

"Batman!" he called out.

Batman was slightly confused. "Spider-Man?" he mumbled.

Spider-Man took Batman's hand and handed him the lenses he made. "Here. Put these under your mask. It'll cut through the illusion, and you'll be able to see."

"Thank you," Batman said as he slipped the lenses under his mask. "Your friend and I had been using our willpower to overcome the illusion, but these will help focus us on defeating Mysterio. Where are the others?"

"Outside. Should I call them?"

"Not yet. We have to help the Shadow."

Batman and Spider-Man peered around the corner to see Mysterio peering out at the city. The Shadow had been tied up, and tossed in the corner.

"I'll take on Mysterio, you untie the Shadow," Spidey said.

"On my mark," Batman replied. He paused for a moment.


Spider-Man crept out, and stood directly behind Mysterio. He attached a webline to the ceiling. Mysterio heard this and turned around, but as he did so, Spider-Man came swinging at him, sending both of them crashing through the window.

Down below, the other three members of the Avengers League were able to see the two falling. Martian Manhunter immediately sprang into action, shifting his body to a larger size, enabling Mysterio and Spider-Man to land safely. After they had done so, J'Onn resumed his default shape.

"Okay, Mysterio," Spider-Man said. "Talk. What's the deal? Why are the Sinister Six back?"

"Isn't obvious, wallcrawler?" Mysterio asked. "You screwed us out of money last time. We're here to collect."

"Kinda sick way to collect," Flash muttered.

Spider-Man punched Mysterio's helmet.

"Hey!" Mysterio shouted. "This isn't fair!"

Spidey punched it again, making it shatter. "And since when do you guys play by the rules?" He let up off Mysterio, allowing the villain to see his illusion fade away.

"No . . . " Mysterio said, falling to his knees.

"Two down, four to go," Iron Man said.

"Nice job," Batman complemented as he walked out into the street. The Shadow was leaning on him.

"Shadow, are you okay?" Spidey asked.

"I'll be fine," the Shadow replied. "Just a little tired."

Doctor Octopus was staring at an electronic map. "This is not good," he said. "The Avengers League has captured Stegron, and it looks like Mysterio has just been taken out. But I can deal with it. I only needed them for diversion."

"Sir?" Jenet Klyburn asked.

Doctor Octopus turned around. "I'm sorry, but I am afraid I was talking to myself. Nothing for you to hear." He turned back to the map. "It appears they have help from Spider-Man. Hmmm," he muttered. "I assume they will split up and take each of the six out. There are four of us left. Either Joker or myself will be last . . . "

Doc Ock continued to work out plans in his head.

The five Avengers and Spider-Man returned to the Watchtower. Spider-Man rudely tossed Mysterio into a holding cell.

"So, we have Doctor Phosphorous, Catman, Doctor Octopus, and Joker left," Spidey announced.

"Doctor Octopus is the ring leader," Batman added. "But the Joker is more dangerous."

"So we go after him last, after we've neutralized the rest," Spidey said. "That way, he can't call in reinforcements."

"Iron Man and I shall take Doctor Octopus," Batman said.

"And the Shadow and I will take Doctor Phosphorous," Spidey added.

"So that leaves J'Onn and me to fight Catman," Flash said. "Sounds like fun."

"So, they got you too," Stegron said, as Mysterio came to in the Avengers League cell.

"Yes, just according to plan," Mysterio replied. "Now we just wait for them to get Catman and Doctor Phosphorous up here."

"They'll never know what hit them."

"Quiet, fool. The walls have ears. We have already said too much, anyway. We don't want to give them the upper hand."

"Whatever you say . . . "

Both members of the Sinister Six heard a beeping noise. It was their communication devices, as given to them by Doc Ock.

"Mysterio here."

"Stegron here."

"Good," Doctor Octopus said. "I see you are well."

"Yes, we are, for being locked up," Mysterio replied.

"Did you both accomplish your missions?"

"Yes," both villains replied.

"Excellent," Doc Ock complemented. "Your success shall be rewarded."

In New York City, Batman and Iron Man touched down. The city still had that eerie sense of stillness. No one could hear anything.

Except for Batman and Iron Man.

"The noise is deafening!" Iron Man shouted.

"Quick! Switch to the radio. We'll use that," Batman suggested.

Iron Man disabled his audio sensors and turned his radio on. He could now hear Batman, and Batman could hear him, but neither could hear the confusion of the city.

"Must be white noise," Batman said.

"So, these devices really are working," Iron Man commented. "Good hunch we had. Where do we start?"

"I would think that be returning the sound to New York, we would be doing the Sinister Six a great disservice."

Spider-Man and the Shadow walked through the streets of Hartford, Connecticut.

"This feels so eerie," the Shadow replied.

"Don't worry, the nanomachines should counteract whatever it being used to prevent the citizens from touching."

"So, I was wondering how long before someone came back . . . " a voice behind the two heroes said.

"Well, you know us," Spidey said. "We hero-types can't ever mind our own business."

Doctor Phosphorous raised his arm up. "How unfortunate," he said as he polluted the air around the two heroes. Spider-Man and the Shadow fell to the ground.

Continued in Detective Comics #14!