DCM Knights

Planning Ahead
by Chip Caroon

Peter Parker
Lois Lane
Jimmy Olsen
Perry White
Victor Cranston
Natalie Casswell
Mary Jane Watson
Harry Osborn
Aunt May
Norman Osborn
Lex Luthor

At the Daily Planet City Room, all eyes were on the TV. WGBS was covering the latest announcement from Lex Luthor, wealthy businessman and philanthropist. He was coming live from his offices at LexCorp.

"My fellow citizens," he said. "As you know, LexCorp is very versatile. We are always looking for new ways to expand our horizons. That is why I am here today. As of now, LexCorp will be starting a new subsidiary. This new business will be an Internet news site, using the latest LexCorp technology to bring you up-to-the-second news. We have not set an official launch date, as we are still gathering a news team, and other resources. This is just another way of LexCorp serving you. Thank you."

Lois Lane was shocked. She walked into Perry White's office.

"Chief," she said.

Perry raised his hand. "I know. I saw it too."

"Does this have anything to do with the threats that Jameson has been receiving?"

Perry shrugged. "I'm not sure. Even if I was, I probably couldn't tell you."

Lois sighed and walked out.

The bell rang, and Peter Parker stood up, ready to walk out of his advanced programming class. However, before he could reach the door, he was stopped by his teacher.

"Peter," Mr. Visey said, "there is a sophomore in my introduction class, that I think . . . well . . . actually, I know he needs a tutor."

"What kind of a tutor?" Peter asked.

"Mostly for the sciences. When I was asked if I could find anyone, you were the first person I thought of."

"I don't know. I have been quite busy recently."

"Oh," Mr. Visey replied. "It would only be for about an hour every other day or so. Nothing too major."

"What's this kid's name?" Peter asked.

"Cody Driscol. He's a very talented athlete, and I'm sure his mind is easily as talented. He just doesn't use it to the fullest."

"Okay. I guess I can tutor him. When can I meet him?"

"Are you doing anything this afternoon?"

Peter thought. "Well, I have to swing by the Daily Planet . . . but I think that Mr. White won't mind if I come a little late."

"Great," Mr. Visey said. "I'll let him know."

Peter walked into the gymnasium. It had been quite a while since he had done so while class was going on. He lifted up his camera and made sure it was working. He walked over to the teachers, who were gathered, watching the students play basketball.

"Excuse me," he said. "I'm just here to take pictures for the yearbook. Is that okay?"

The teachers nodded.

Peter walked around the perimeter of the gym, observing first. Then, he lifted his camera. Through the lens, he saw some guy run almost superhumanly fast, and dunk the ball in the basket, nearly cracking the rim.

"Amazing!" Peter said. "Hey!" he called out to one of the students near him. "Who's that guy over there? The one that just dunked the ball?"

"Oh, that's Cody Driscol."

That kid has talent.

Norman Osborn was once more on the phone in his office. "Now that we have this deal nearly cemented, when are we actually going to take the tour of the Daily Planet?"

"Soon," the voice on the other end of the line said. "Jameson still hasn't agreed to sell. No sense going in, and playing our hand before it is dealt."

"Should I do some more convincing?" Osborn asked.

"Only if you can do it in a different way. After a while, menacing phone calls just won't work."

"Should I set up a meeting in person?"

"That might be good. However, you should also come up with some other tactics to convince." The person on the other end hung up.

Osborn sat. "I think I have a few other ways," he said to nobody, grinning.

Later that day, Peter sat down to lunch at his usual table. He sat with his friend Victor Cranston, and his girlfriend, Natalie Casswell.

"So, has Intergang been taken care of?" Peter asked, in a low voice.

"I can handle it myself now," Victor replied. "They don't seem to be too interested in you anyway. Besides, you probably have your own problems to deal with."

"Not really," Peter said.

"Maybe not now, but I don't know how long this could take. You've been around longer, you've made several enemies. Plus, since you are more high profile, you're more apt to have to take on new villains."

"I guess you're right," Peter said.

Just then, Peter heard a girl's voice from behind him. "Peter?"

Peter turned around and saw Mary Jane Watson standing behind him. She looks a lot better when she's not wearing that waitress uniform, he thought.

"May I sit?" Mary Jane asked.

"Sure, sure," Peter said, gesturing to the seat beside him. He then gestured to Vic. "Mary Jane, this is Victor Cranston, and his girlfriend, Natalie Casswell. Vic, Natalie, this is Mary Jane. She's a waitress at The Crib."

"Nice to meet you, Mary Jane," Victor said.

"Same here," Natalie added.

Mary Jane smiled. "Glad to meet you too. Peter here saved my life last weekend from a bunch of guys."

Peter blushed. "Oh, it wasn't that bad. I just helped her out."

"I know," Victor replied. "I was there. Well, I was able to run out before the fight and call the cops."

"You weren't the only one," Mary Jane said. "Seems like everyone in the joint did the same."

"Of course," Peter said, "the strangest thing was the fact that she lives right next door to me."

"That's cool," Natalie said. "Sounds like you two might be working on some homework together."

"Yeah, sure," Peter replied, knowing exactly what Natalie was thinking. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

Elsewhere in the cafeteria, Jimmy Olsen was talking to Harry Osborn in line.

"Harry," Jimmy said. "Those moves you made in the game on Friday. Awesome."

"Thanks," Harry replied, smiling. "I just wish my dad was there."

"I saw that. He came up at the last minute, right?"

Harry nodded. "He's always like that. Never there. Most of the time he's at work, perfecting his new 'wonder drug.'"

"Wonder drug?" Jimmy asked.

"He calls it 'Oz' or something. I don't know what it is though. He never lets me see his work."


The phone rang. Lois finished typing the sentence of her latest column, and picked it up.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Ms. Lane, this is Barry Slow, and --"

"You want an interview," Lois replied. "I know. You've only been calling me everyday for the last week. I'll tell you what. I can meet you somewhere in an hour. Where do you want to meet?"

"There is a quaint little coffeehouse right near the Daily Planet . . . " Slow replied.

"I know where it is. I'll see you in an hour."

Peter walked back to Mr. Visey's room after the final class of the day. He hoped that he would be able to talk to Cody. There was something about him. As he walked in, he saw the tall, blonde haired boy standing beside Mr. Visey's desk.

"And here he is now," Mr. Visey said. "Come over here, Peter."

"Mr. Visey," Peter acknowledged. He turned to Cody. "You must be Cody," he said, offering his hand.

Cody shook it. "Yes, I am. You're Peter Parker."

"That's me."

"Aren't you the one who took all of those Spider-Man pictures in the newspaper?" Cody asked.

"I've been getting a lot of that lately. Yeah, it was me."

Mr. Visey stood up. "I have to go, boys. If you'll excuse me . . . "

Cody and Peter also left the room.

"So, are we going to start today?" Cody asked.

Peter shook his head. "Not really. I just wanted to meet you. I saw you in gym today."

"The basketball?"

"Yup. Pretty interesting. You into sports?"

Cody shrugged. "I like playing them sometimes, but I'm not on any teams. I kinda think school sports are a joke."

"So, what exactly do you need help in?" Peter asked.

"Biology, mostly. That and maybe math. I do okay, it's just sometimes . . . sometimes it takes a while for my brain to wrap around a new concept."

"I see," Peter replied. "Well, I'm more of a chemistry person, but I know a bit about biology. As for math, I don't think there is anyone in this school that has gotten a higher math grade than me."

"Sounds great. When can we start?"

"I'm free tomorrow afternoon. How about we meet in the library right after school. Only for an hour?"

"Awesome," Cody said. "See you then." He turned and began walking away.

"See ya," Peter replied.

As Peter was walking out of the school, he saw Mary Jane pull up in front of him.

"Hey, Tiger!" she shouted. "Need a ride home?"

"Sorry, I can't," Peter replied. "I have to go by the Daily Planet."

"No prob," Mary Jane replied. "I can take you there, if you want."

It's better than walking, Peter thought, but slower than webslinging. Oh, heck, Parker, you get to hang out with a good looking chick!

Peter walked over and opened the door. "That'd be cool. Thanks."

Mary Jane pulled up in front of the Daily Planet.

"Here you go," she said.

"Thanks, Mary Jane," Peter said. "I hope this wasn't too out of the way for you."

Mary Jane shook her head. "Nah. Anything to spend time with friends."

Peter got out of the car. "See you later," he said, looking through the window.

"Bye!" MJ exclaimed as Peter walked inside. She sighed when he went through the door.

Peter walked up to the City Room, and saw Lois sitting as her desk typing.

"Lois, what's up?" he asked.

"I'm just typing up this interview I just conducted with Barry Slow."

"Isn't he that weird Presidential candidate?"

Lois nodded. "I thought he was just a quack. However, I find him most fascinating."

"Really?" Peter inquired. "You gonna vote for him?"

Lois shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't really seen too much from any of the candidates that have given me any reason to go one way or another."

"Not even Alan Scott?" Peter asked. "Or Senator Cray?"

Lois shook her head. "Not even Mr. Slow. Have you decided?"

"Don't have to."

"That's right," Lois replied. "You're not eighteen."

"And I won't be until early next year."

"So, you missed out by a few months."

Peter nodded. "So, anything you need me to do?"

Lois shook her head. "Not really."

At that moment, Peter noticed J. Jonah Jameson walking to his office.

"Say, Lois, have you found out anything about what's making Jameson so worried?"

"Well, I think so. This morning, Lex Luthor announced that he was going to be created an Internet news site."

"Really? When?"

"That's the thing. He claims that they are still looking for a team of reporters, and such."

Peter stroked his chin, thinking. "So, you think that might have something to do with how Jameson's been acting?"

"All I know for sure is that Jameson has been receiving threats to sell the paper or else."

"Or else what?"

"They take it from him."

"So, he's in a lose-lose situation."


Peter returned home about an hour later. Aunt May was in the kitchen, fixing dinner.

"Peter, dear," she called out. "How was school?"

"It was okay," Peter replied. "Nothing major. Except I'll be tutoring a sophomore a couple days a week."

"That's great, Peter," Aunt May said. "I'm always glad to see you share you're knowledge."

Peter changed subjects. "Any mail for me?"

"No, but Mary Jane Watson called earlier. I think she likes you."

Peter smiled. "Did she say what it was about?"

"I think she needed some help with some homework or something."

"I'll go talk to her. She lives right next door."

"I know," May replied. "Her aunt Anna is one of my best friends. I was wondering how long it would be before the two of you kids got together."

"You mean meet?"

"Whatever. If you're going over there, be back in an hour for dinner."

"Okay," Peter said.

"And if she can, you may invite her to dinner. I made plenty."

"Will do," Peter said, as he walked to his room. He put his books down and then walked back downstairs and out the door.

When Peter rang the doorbell, Mary Jane answered. "Peter!"

"Aunt May said that you called."

"That's right," MJ replied. "I was hoping that you could help me with my math homework. Once I looked at it, I kinda got lost. Come on in."

Peter stepped inside.

"Come on," Mary Jane said. "My room's upstairs."

They walked upstairs. When Peter walked into her room, he noticed how neat it was, just like his own. The bed was made perfectly, and nothing seemed out of place, save for the books and papers scattered across the bed. Mary Jane walked over and picked up her math book and notebook.

"We can sit on the floor here. Can you stay long?"

"For about an hour. Then Aunt May wants me home for dinner."

"Cool. We should be able to get this done," Mary Jane said, sitting down in front of the bed. Peter walked over and sat on her left side.

"What math are you in?" he asked.

"Trig," MJ replied. "I'm usually good in math, but the past couple of years, I've slowed down. I dunno what happened."

"It's okay," Peter said. "I can help you out. I've been told I'm a fairly good tutor."

Mary Jane looked over, right into Peter's eyes. "You look like a good tutor," she said softly. For a few seconds, their eyes met. They gazed at each other. Finally, Peter looked down at the book.

"So, what's the problem?" he asked.

"Yes, I guess I should tell you. It's right here," MJ said, pointing to the middle of the page. "I just don't understand how to combine functions . . . "

Norman Osborn was reading over the latest batch of papers to cross his desk. Most of them were formulas and test results for his new product, known only as Oz. He knew what he wanted it to do, however, he still wasn't sure if it would do that.

Suddenly, his intercom buzzed. "Mr. Osborn, you're five o'clock is here."

"I don't have a five o'clock," Osborn replied.

"He insists that you shall see him," the secretary said on the other end of the intercom.

Right then, Norman had a feeling he knew who was here to see him. "Ask him what he is here for."

"He says he's here to discuss corporate takeover policies."

Norman was silent for a moment. "Send him in," he finally said.

The door to his office opened, and a bald man walked in. He appeared to be in his fifties. "Mr. Osborn," he said, extending his hand.

Norman shook his hand. "Sit down, Mr. Luthor. I'm sure we have a lot to discuss."

Next Issue: The Manhunter Agenda! Guest starring Iron Man! Plus, more on the corporate takeover of the Daily Planet!