November 25, 2003 - #8
Editors: Chip Caroon, John Phillips, and JM de Joya
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plot by John Phillips
script by John Phillips and Chip Caroon


It can be said that everyone is searching for something. For there are those that search for money and those that seek fame and there are even those that search for love. Ultimately everyone is searching for happiness and they expect to find it when they obtain the goal of their search. However happiness is a state of being. For one is either happy or unhappy. Yet this simple truth does not prevent us from searching. It has even been suggested that it is our unalienable right to pursue it. So we do.

Let us take for example Dr. Curt Connors, the professor of biology at Transverse University. A man whose pursuit is about to lead him down a dangerous road.

Years ago, Dr. Connors lost his right arm in a lab accident. Shortly thereafter, he changed his research focus. His new goal was to decode the secret of reptiles' regenerative properties. A few years and many failed experiments later, he had little to show for it. Meanwhile, his overzealous search had cost him his marriage, his home, several apartments, and even his job. The only reason he was employed now was because the head of the science department was an old friend.

Currently, Dr. Connors was on the trail of the Troglydyte eggs that he knew were somewhere in the sewers under Transverse. He believed the eggs could provide him with the genetic code necessary to transfer the regeneration process to mammals.

His threats to the boy who knew the location had failed, so he was forced to do the research and hunting himself. Dr. Connors feverishly searched online for any information on how to get to the eggs.

As we leave Dr. Connors for a moment, let us consider our friend Torrance Angus, who is also seeking. However not for an object but rather for self improvement.

Torrance Angus stood in the courtyard just beyond the front entrance of Transverse High. He leaned against the tree and watched the entrance impatiently.

"It's 3:15," he said to himself as he glanced as his watched. "Where are they?"

As he spoke these words the door opened and a gang of students piled into the courtyard. Torrance sniffed the air as a matter of habit.

"There they are."

Two minutes later, Sedona Wade and Leslie Tiu-Yun-Chen stepped onto the courtyard. Torrance approached them waving.

"Ladies," he greeted.

"Hi, Thor," Leslie returned.

"Hi," Sedona grunted.

"What brings you here?" Leslie asked.

"Actually, I'm here to see Sedona."

Both girls were stunned by this remark and a shocked expression crossed their faces.

"I'd like to speak to her in private, if that's okay," Torrance continued.

"Okay . . . " Leslie agreed, despite her obvious confusion at the request.

As she walked away she looked back over her shoulder several times. It was almost as if she thought she might gain an insight if she just kept looking.

"What's on your mind?" Sedona asked once Leslie was far enough away.

Torrance stared at the ground at kicked the dirt nervously.

"Torrance?" Sedona inquired.

"I need your help," he finally confessed.

"With what?" she laughed.

"I need to learn how to fight."

"You know how to fight, Thor."

"But not with your skill!" he insisted. "It just seems lately that I've been knocked aside and you were the one who remained standing. What happens if one of us dies because I wasn't prepared?"

"I see your point."

"Then you'll help me?"

"Of course," Sedona replied with a smile.

As these two will be busy for a while, let us move on to later that evening and the apartment of Ariana Helsington, the meeting place of the young heroes we call the Midnight Sons. It is here that we find Duane Barclay searching for something as well. Although the object of his search is a tangible what he is really after is the acceptance of his peers.

"Have you found them yet?" Sedona asked impatiently.

"I would have if I weren't using this dinosaur," Duane responded. "You really should let me upgrade this, Ariana."

"We'll discuss it later, Duane," Ariana responded.

"All right," Duane stated. "I'm into the city mainframe."

"Good work, Duane," Torrance praised.

"It looks like Geekboy's good for something after all," Sedona commented.

Duane did his best to ignore the comment since he had heard her make it often enough. Let he still watched Sedona through the corner of his eye with disappointment.

"I've been studying the maps of the city sewer systems," Duane continued.

"Hey, every Geekboy needs a hobby," Sedona quipped.

Duane glared at her this time as the printer hummed to life. A few moments later Duane removed the print out and set in on the coffee table. Then removing a red marker from his shirt pocket he circled a spot on the map.

"The Trog eggs should be in this area," Duane instructed. "You should be able to gain access to the sewers here." Then he marked the spot with an X.

"Then we had better get moving," Leslie suggested as she grabbed the map.

Now I suppose you may be wondering about Dr. Connors. Well he's a little closer than he was before.

"Excellent," Connors whispered.

He was in the sewers under the worst part of Transverse, and had just come upon the eggs he had spent the better part of two hours searching for.

Connors knelt beside the nest, put down the cylinder shaped container he had, and examined the three eggs. Using his one arm, he carefully unscrewed the lid of the container, and began slowly placing the three eggs inside.

As he was placing the second egg in the container, he heard a noise. He froze, not moving, just listening.

Seconds later, the noise grew louder. Footsteps. And voices. Almost here.

Connors quickly dropped the egg in and screwed the lid on as tight as possible. There was no time to obtain the third. He jerked his head around, looking for potential hiding places. He found a little cove just behind him, and leapt into it. He pressed his back against the wall, so he was completely hidden from sight.

He could see the glow of the flashlights crisscrossing, presumably over the nest.

"Only one?" he heard one of the females ask.

"Someone else must have gotten here first, Leslie," Duane replied.

"They did," Sedona said, looking at the ground. "Look here."

"Footprints," Duane said through clenched teeth.

"It looks like they all lead that way," Sedona said, pointing her flashlight to the tunnel opposite of where they entered.

"We should check. Thor, grab that egg," Duane ordered.

The Midnight Sons slowly walked down the tunnel, looking around for any clues. Connors took the opportunity to run out of his hiding place, and back to his lab.

Finally, the Midnight Sons approached a whole series of tunnels that all branched off from the one they were currently traveling. Each of them looked less and less like sewer tunnels.

"The trail gets cold here," Sedona said. "It's like a needle in a haystack."

Leslie looked over at the large rock beside her. She picked up a piece of torn black cloth.

"Someone's been down here," she said, showing the cloth to her partners.

"That's it," Duane said. "We're just going to have to come back later, when we're better prepared."

"And armed," Torrance added.

It is not uncommon in life that one search leads to another as the Midnight Sons have just learned. For their search for the eggs has led them on a quest for an old enemy. However that will happen later and we have other things to consider.

Let us now join Daniel Ketch, who you may remember is searching for his lost sister. Well, his search has led him to one of the seedier parts of town and a man known as Spinner.

Daniel had been chasing rumors for weeks. Time after time these rumors had led to dead ends. Yet one name continued to come up. The name was Spinner.

Through a few well placed bribes, Daniel had discovered that Spinner had a hangout. It was this discovery that led him to the lower side of Transverse. Now at night even the wealthiest district of Transverse was a dangerous place. Yet the lower side displayed its danger in broad daylight. For what use is it to hide the evil that men do when even worse evils hide in the mist just beyond.

Daniel stepped in front of the rough looking establishment. The one window in the front was boarded over and glass covered the sidewalk indicating that it had been recently broken. A sign with chipped and peeling paint identified the building as the Hat Trick Bar. The door was slightly ajar and thick cigarette smoke billowed from the interior.

Daniel peered into the smoky darkness. He suddenly wished he was carrying a weapon as he saw the patrons of the bar. He stepped inside. A few of the patrons stopped what they were doing long enough to look at him but then returned to their business.

"Whadda ya want?" the bartender asked as he approached the bar.

"I'm looking for Spinner," Dan replied.

"Who wants to know?" a rather large man asked.

"I'm Daniel Ketch," Daniel responded. "I'm looking for my sister, Jennifer."

"A minute ago you were looking for Spinner," another man laughed.

"He might be able to tell me where she is," Daniel growled.

"And you might be disturbing my happy hour!" the large man retorted.

"I'll disturb more than that if I don't get some answers," Daniel warned.

The large man glared at him with a sinister grin. Daniel sized him up.

"If you saw what I've been up against in the past month, You wouldn't be so eager to annoy me," Daniel hissed.

Unfortunately, Daniel didn't notice the other patron slipping up behind him. A pool stick to the back of the head disoriented him. The large man followed up with a blow to Daniel's stomach. The large man then lifted Daniel and tossed him to a nearby corner. Daniel landed on a table knocking over another patron's drink.

"How it going kid?" the patron asked.

"Blade?" Daniel stammered.

"Just hang on, kid," Blade responded.

Blade stood and pulled his Saracen sword. He swung it at a nearby table slicing it in two.

"Now," Blade hissed. "Which one of you is Spinner?"

"I am," the man holding the pool stick stated.

"Where is my sister?" Daniel demanded.

"I haven't seen her in weeks," Spinner responded.

"Then why did you attack me?"

"Because this is my turf and you have no business here," Spinner hissed.

"This isn't over," Daniel returned. "I will find my sister."

"Come on, kid," Blade suggested. "Let's get out of here."

As they exited the Hat Trick, Daniel turned to Blade.

"We may have a line on Morbius," he informed him.

"Really?" Blade responded.

"Yeah just meet us at the eastern sewer entrance. We located a series of tunnels and a piece of black cloth like Morbius likes to leave hanging around."

"I'll be there."

So you see even though Daniel's search may have proved fruitless today it has given Blade an opportunity to pursue one of his own.

"Where are those guys?" Leslie asked as she stared at her watch.

"You are dealing with children," Grandfather's ghost offered. "They aren't exactly reliable."

Leslie ignored this remark as she heard the sound of Daniel's motorcycle. The single light soon came into view and Daniel pulled up with Torrance riding on the back. Torrance stepped off the bike and began swinging a baseball bat experimentally. Daniel followed untying a new rope from his bike.

"Where's Sedona?" Torrance asked.

Leslie shrugged.

Then a burst of flame shot through the mist. The three young heroes turned taking a fighting stance. Torrance choked up on the bat, Daniel began swinging his rope and Leslie started preparing a spell.

"Relax guys. It's just me," Sedona called out. She approached the group. It appeared at first that she was carrying a rifle. Yet as she got closer it became apparent that hoses were attached to it and a fuel tank of some type was attached to her back.

"A flamethrower," Torrance gasped.

"Where did you get that?" Leslie asked in astonishment.

A wicked grin crossed Sedona's face. "Don't ask," she told them.

"Are we ready?" Torrance inquired. "It looks like everybody's here."

"Not yet," Daniel returned. "Blade's coming."

"Blade is here." Blade responded as he stepped silently from the shadows.

The five entered the sewer silently. A pack of rats glared at them menacingly as they approached the tunnel but didn't hinder them. Sedona took the lead allowing the flame at the end of the thrower to light the way. Yet this became unnecessary as they went deeper into the tunnels. A faint glow appeared around a corner and they peered around it cautiously.

What they found was a vast cavern. Electric lights hung awkwardly from the cavern ceiling and there were vampires as far as the eye could see.

"The vampire underground," Blade breathed.

"Let's toast it," Sedona growled.

"No wait!" Blade hissed but it was too late.

A wide arc of flame crossed the cavern and every eye turned on her. Then, Michael Morbius stepped forward.

"This one's for Gerald," Torrance yelled and he rushed Morbius.

Sedona watched in disbelief because her weapon was useless with Torrance in the line of fire. With lightning speed Morbius met Torrance and tossed him aside. Sedona raised the thrower but was not fast enough. Morbius ran in a bull rush knocking the others to the floor. Only Blade managed to avoid the assault.

Morbius smiled as Blade drew his sword. Blade swung in a wide arc and Morbius dodged backwards. Blade pushed forward forcing Morbius toward the center of the cavern.

Torrance ran back to the others as Daniel helped Leslie and Sedona back to their feet. The other vampires turned their attention to the four.

"What do we do?" Torrance called out.

"Just keep them off me," Sedona commanded and fire burst across the cavern.

A pair rushed forward and Torrance knocked them across the cave with his bat. Eldritch lightning burst from Leslie's fingers and Daniel's lasso pulled the vamps back into Sedona's flames.

Meanwhile, Blade was busy with Morbius. Sword met with claw as each combatant fought furiously.

"You're not going to beat me, Blade," Morbius hissed.

"That's where you're wrong, Michael," Blade returned. "I'm taking you all down."

"Didn't you say that to Deacon Frost?" Morbius taunted.

"Where is he?" Blade demanded bringing his sword down like a hammer to an anvil.

Morbius lost his step for a moment and Blade took full advantage striking across the vampire's back. Morbius rolled into Blade. Blade stumbled long enough for the vampire to run.

As the other vampires saw their leader running they started to flee as well.

"Blade!" Sedona called out. "Get out of the way! We've got them cornered!"

Blade leapt back out of Sedona's way and she opened up, swinging the thrower in a wide arc. Vampires fell into piles of dust.

Blade carefully approached the others. The entire cavern burned and the heat was becoming excessive. Then the ground rumbled.

"What was that?" Torrance called out.

Then the cavern exploded and everything shook.

"You've hit a gas pocket," Blade called out. "We've got to get out of here."

As they ran for the exit the caves continued to tremble. Rocks began to fall behind them and they ran faster. They barely reached the sewers before the tunnel collapsed behind them.

"Did we win?" Torrance called out.

"Are you sure we were playing to win?" Blade responded as he viewed the blocked cavern.

"Do you think Morbius is dead?" Leslie asked.

"No," Blade returned, "I don't."

So what have we learned? That we are all searching for something. That finding that something will more often than not lead to another search and finally that you cannot find happiness. For happiness in not some tangible object that you can hold or locate. Yet we still keep looking. The search continues.

Continued in Midnight Sons #9.