FEB 2002
Mutant Massacre
Part IV: The Gift of Death
by Paul Hahn
Masscre Files by Paul Hahn and Chip Caroon

Underneath Manhattan Island lies a network of tunnels, stretching miles long. It's here, that in a main tunnel nicknamed the "Alley", the Morlocks chose to live.

The Morlocks are mutants, outcasts from society gifted - or in their case, cursed - with paranormal abilities that make it impossible for them to fit in with the surface world. By secluding themselves under ground, they believed they would be safe.

They were wrong.

A group of mutants called the Marauders entered the tunnels and began slaughtering the Morlocks. Young Justice was asked for help, and came instantly. The X-Men, unaware of the other team's involvement, also came running. Both teams were overwhelmed by what they saw. So much death and destruction was overwhelming to them all. First blood was quickly drawn by the Marauders, and the outcome is far from certain. But things look bad.

The final group of players in this massacre of mutants are unwitting, unawares and ill-prepared for what is to come. They are the Hellions, young mutants being trained by the White Queen of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle.

Emma Frost, the White Queen, is a telepath of a high order. Bedlam, the Hellions' field leader disrupts a person's brainwaves. Magma can summon up hot lava from the very core of the earth. Bevatron could generate bio-electric energy blasts from his hands. Firestar could fly and fire waves of intense heat and radiation. Empath's telepathic abilities allowed him to subjugate others to his will. Tarot could see the future, and her cards could deal out great harm. Roulette could control someone's luck, by throwing out either good or bad luck discs. Lady Mastermind, though not a Hellion, accompanied the team on this mission. She could create illusions and make people believe they saw things that did not exist.

They had been tracking a piece of technology called Cerebro for some time, ever since the Hellfire Club turned it into a robot and gave it sentience. It escaped. The last time the Hellions located it, they were unable to capture it.

[[YJ: Hellions one-shot - Paul]]

They had detected a similar signal to Cerebro in tunnels underneath Manhattan and decided it was time to bring the robot in. They left immediately.

This is foolish, Lady Mastermind thought to herself. We're entering a completely foreign environment that's rumored to house over a hundred mutants . . . and we're tracking a signal that may or may not be our target. And what's worse, I'm involved. I should have left with Bobby and James . . . or when Tessa was revealed as a traitor . . . or when Shaw decided to leave on a business trip.

[[This all happened recently in Young Justice. Bobby and James can both be seen in X-Force. Tessa will be popping up there later, as well. And Shaw did indeed leave on a trip to the other branches of the Hellfire Club, leaving Ms. Frost in charge. Look for him to pop up in Excalibur! - Paul]]

But no, I didn't. I decided to stay around. You're such a fool, Martinique. The Hellfire Club is bad news . . . it hasn't been good for far too long. This mission needs to be your last. Shaw must be at the very least suspicious of my loyalties . . . I need to get out while I still can.

"Prep for a standard search," the White Queen said.

Roulette was the first to act. She tossed good luck discs at everyone, making their chances better. Bevatron and Firestar powered up, gathering invisible energies to their bodies.

"I hate not having Thunderbird anymore," Frost frowned. "He was the perfect point man."

"We'll be fine without him," Bedlam frowned. "Bevatron, take point. See anything that moves, shoot it."

"Maybe we've got some crocodiles to worry about, eh?" Bevatron asked.

"There are rumors of mutants living beneath the city," Firestar said.

"Bull," Empath said. "No mutant would choose to live beneath New York. Mutants are superior to the filthy humans that live above."

"Not everyone thinks so highly of themselves," Tarot said quietly.

"What's in the cards for us?" Bedlam asked.

" . . . " Tarot was silent. She had told Jimmy not too long ago about the terrible future her cards held. Every Hellion was going to die. They would be slaughtered, horribly massacred. And that card just kept coming up more and more . . . and since they entered these tunnels, it was all that she could get. But she told herself she would say nothing. Her powers had haunted her for most of her young life. Always knowing what the future held, forever at the mercy of an unavoidable fate . . . she had made up her mind. This was her time . . . her release from the icy cold grip of destiny. "The cards are . . . favorable for us."

"Good," Frost said. "That means, with any luck--"

Roulette grinned.

"--We'll find Cerebro and be out of here in no time," Frost finished.

"How's the signal?" Bedlam asked.

"It's a little faint," Magma said, reading off a small machine. "But we're heading in the right - hmmm . . . "

"What is it?" Empath asked.

"The signal . . . I've just detected a duplicate," she said.

"A duplicate?" Frost asked. "In the tunnels?"

"Yup," Magma nodded. "Hey, a third . . . and a fourth. That's weird. They're all in slightly different locations, too."

"You broke the damn thing," Bedlam frowned.

"Hey . . . I think I saw something moving," Bevatron said.

"Where?" Frost asked.

"There, on the floor," Bevatron said.

"I'll light it up," Firestar said, emitted a glow. "Oh god . . . "

The Hellions suddenly found the floor up ahead covered with bloody and beaten bodies. Bodies that were clearly mutants.

"Holy Jesus," Empath said. "I'm scanning . . . only a few life signs. Most of these . . . people . . . are dead."

"But . . . " Roulette started, " . . . who . . . ?"

"Easy enough," a voice beyond the bodies said. A man stepped forward. He appeared to be made of crystal. "The name's Prizm. I'm a Marauder. We kill mutants. You unlucky guys are next."

"We'll see about that!" Bevatron said. He cut loose with an intense bio-electric blast. It hit Prizm, but did nothing. "Wha . . . ?"

"Idiot . . . my name is Prizm!" the Marauder said. He raised an arm and fired back Bevatron's energy blast straight back at him, sending him flying.

"How's about a little bad luck?" Roulette asked. "Maybe you'll trip and shatter yourself!"

"I think you should be worried about bad luck," another voice called from behind them. The man was huge. "I'm Blockbuster . . . and you guys are dead."

"I'd think not," the White Queen said. She began to attack Blockbuster with a psi-bolt, trying to fry his mind. Empath and Bedlam quickly joined in in an attempt to completely eradicate his threat.

"I hate telepaths!" Scrambler jumped down from the ceiling. He grabbed hold of Bedlam and the White Queen. His touch instantly disrupted their powers, leaving Empath alone against an incredibly evil mind.

"Keep up the attack!" Lady Mastermind yelled, taking charge.

"Don't bother," another player entered the scene. Her name was Crux, and she controlled both fire and ice.

"Hey!" Magma exclaimed. "This one's giving off the Cerebro signal!"

"What . . . ?" Firestar asked.

"Curiosity kills cats!" Crux said. "Guess it kills dumb muties, too."

Crux lashed out with a blast of ice, encasing Firestar's head completely in an attempt to freeze and suffocate.

"No!" Roulette exclaimed.

"Yes," Prizm said, slamming a diamond hard arm into her back.

Bevatron stood, firing a blast at Crux. "Won't go down . . . that easy . . . "

"Yes, you will," Blockbuster said. He raised a fist and slammed it down into Bevatron's head. The poor boy's skull was crushed. Behind Blockbuster, Empath had collapsed under the strain.

"It . . . it can't end like this," Bedlam said. "Even without powers, I'll . . . I'll . . . "

"You'll nothing," the Marauder Mercury said. His metal fingers extended like razor sharp blades, piercing through Bedlam's body armor and chest, killing him.

"This one's got a Cerebro signal, too," Magma said. "I don't understand . . . but this ends now!"

Magma called upon her power, and the floor began to shake. Columns of lava began to burst forth from the ground. Blockbuster screamed as a column rose up beneath him and burned away all his flesh, killing him in a most painful way. But at the same time, Firestar collapsed. In a panic, she was unable to concentrate enough to use her powers to save her. She suffocated.

Lady Mastermind noticed that Tarot had fled back the way they came. Realizing this was the smartest move, she went after her.

Crux recovered, and sent a blast of ice against Magma. The young girl tried her best to use her heat to keep the ice away, but she was eventually overcome, encased in a solid block of ice.

Magma screamed, calling up a major blast of lava. The blast freed her, but it also killed the unconscious Empath, sweeping over his limp body. She turned on Crux, sending a blast of lava against her. However, Crux was able to control fire as well, and redirected it away from her.

"Your luck's run out, girly," Scrambler said to Roulette. He grabbed her by the hair and flung her into a pile of dead Morlocks. "Someone else, be sure to finish her o--"

"Give me back my powers." Frost had grabbed him by the neck. She was furious.

"Drop him!" Prizm yelled, grabbing hold of Frost's shoulder. The physical contact started a chain reaction, flowing from Scrambler's body, through the White Queen's and into Prizm. All three screamed.

"I refuse to die quietly!" Magma exclaimed. She summoned forth a huge blast of lava that encompassed the entire portion of the tunnel. The blast reached far above the tunnels before erupting in the middle of Central Park.

The blast lasted very briefly. Afterwards, in the tunnel, was silence.

Elsewhere, in the tunnels.

"Tarot?" Lady Mastermind asked as she approached the young red-headed girl.

"I felt it," she responded. "Magma. They are all dead, Martinique. The cards told me they would die."

"Why didn't you tell us?" she asked.

"Because I wanted a release," Tarot frowned. "I wanted to be free. But then the cards told me my fate was different. That I was to live."

"We need to get out of these tunnels . . . "

"No," Tarot said. She pulled a small dagger from her pant leg. "I . . . I have chosen to deny my fate. I damn the cards . . . "

"Marie . . . ?"

"I damn it all!" Tarot exclaimed, plunging the dagger into her chest. Her body contracted, taking in one last sharp breathe. Then, she collapsed.

"My god . . . " Martinique said.

"You'd best make peace with him," a voice said.

Martinique turned her head to behind her, spotting an albino mutant with a gun for a left arm. It was aimed at her.

As the shot was fired, all Martinique Wyngarde could think, was how foolish she was for not leaving when she had the chance.

The Massacre Files

Real Name: Non Applicable
Occupation: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Glowing Orange
Hair: None
First Appearance: Young Justice: Hellions
Cerebro was originally a mutant tracking device created by Professor Charles Francis Xavier, headmaster of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning and founder of the X-Men. However, in a battle with Magneto's Brotherhood, the school was destroyed and the X-Men disappeared. Sebastian Shaw of the Hellfire Club ordered the mansion to be searched and Cerebro to be located. It was brought back to his mansion, where it was modified in an attempt to turn it into the ultimate mutant-hunting sentinel, code-named Nimrod. Unfortunately, upon activation, the robot escaped its captors. The Hellions went in search of it, but were unable to retrieve it. Then, they picked up a signal that could be Cerebro in the Morlock Tunnels and set out after it. However, what role Cerebro plays in the Massacre is yet to be seen . . .

White Queen, Bedlam, Magma, Bevatron, Firestar, Empath, Tarot, Roulette, Lady Mastermind
Base of Operations: The Hellfire Club mansion in New York
First Appearance: Young Justice #2
The Hellfire Club has a secret Inner Circle of powerful mutants whose ultimate goal is to rule the world through social and economic means. As an extent of that, the White Queen, Emma Frost, began gathering young, powerful mutants to be trained as the Hellions, her own private mutant army. Though the Inner Circle has since all but fallen apart, and the Hellions are down two members, the team still remains. After the X-Men's mansion was destroyed, the Hellfire Club obtained Xavier's secret mutant tracking device, Cerebro, and began making alterations to it to turn it into a sentient machine. The robot escaped, and tracking it down became the Hellions' top priority. Now, they've tracked it to the Morlock Tunnels . . .

Real Name:
Occupation: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Formerly a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Height: varies
Weight: varies
Eyes: vary
Hair: White
First Appearance: X-Men #3
Maggott is a mutant with a strange power. His digestive track is removable, and is actually two, metallic slugs of an almost alien appearance that eat anything and everything in their sights. Maggott was saved as a little boy by Magneto, and later joined his Brotherhood. However, when Magneto was apparently killed and the Brotherhood fell apart, Maggott split for parts unknown. He has been watching the Morlocks for weeks now, and his role in this tragedy will soon unfold . . .

Grey King, Landslide, Rapture, Chaos, Crux, Mercury, Fatale, Dazzler/Malice, Arclight, Blockbuster, Prizm, Harpoon, Riptide, Scrambler, Vertigo, Random
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Young Justice #27
The Marauders are an unknown factor in this world. They are powerful, deadly mutants with one apparent goal: kill other mutants. Their reasons are unknown, but many have referred to it as a job, suggesting that someone has hired them. They have begun a mass slaughter of the Morlocks inside their tunnels. Anyone that gets in there way, be it the Hellions, X-Men or Young Justice, just might pay the price for interfering . . .

Callisto, Plague, Erg, Zeek, Dreamer, Annalee, Piper, Rusty, Skids, Tarbaby, Healer, Berzerker, Arcadia, Caliban, Masque, and many dozens more
Base of Operations: The Alley, a network of tunnels underneath Manhattan
First Appearance: Young Justice #4
The Morlocks are all mutants who went underground, believing that they could not possibly fit in above ground, on the surface world. The surface dwellers, normal humans, would never accept them. These mutants are almost all disfigured and cannot blend in. They came to the tunnels believing they would be safe, believing that they could live free in their own society. They often turned away strangers, but some members were warm and kind. Callisto, their leader, was not. And now, the Marauders have decided to wipe them out . . .

Real Name:
Occupation: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Unknown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Young Justice #27
Very little is known about the mysterious girl Superboy dubbed Rebel. Something appears to be wrong in her mind, making her incapable of grasping the concept of language. However, Firebird theorizes that, instead of a spoken language, Rebel is able to read body language. A theory which may be correct, as Rebel seems capable of defending against moves almost before her opponents make them. She reacts with incredible speed and seems to be a highly trained fighter. She came to Young Justice out of nowhere, barely able to ask for help for the Morlocks. Her origin and reasons are unknown, but still, YJ rallied behind her and entered the tunnels.

Real Name:
Elizabeth Braddock
Occupation: Unknown
Base of Operations: Mansion of Clea, Sorceress Supreme
Group Affiliation: Visionaries
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple
First Appearance: Spider-Man #7
Elizabeth Braddock was originally just a British telepath. However, due to some radical circumstances, her mind was transferred to an Asian body. She still cannot understand all of the details herself. After being rescued by Clea, she was offered refuge with the Visionaries.

Clea, Psylocke, Rift, Aron, Hourman, Sketch
Base of Operations: Clea's mansion in New York City
First Appearance: Spider-Man #7
Clea was a former apprentice to Dr. Strange, Sorceror Supreme. After a falling out, Clea went off on her own and formed the Visionaries. The primary purpose of this group is to glance into possible futures, but not even the members of this unusual team even know exactly why. Only Clea knows, and she's not prepared to tell until she's ready.

Superman, Jean Grey, Morph, Iceman, Beast, Angel, Wolverine, Sarah Da'Part
Base of Operations: A mansion in upstate New York.
First Appearance: X-Men #1
The X-Men are mutants who have banded together in order to fight for a dream, a dream of a world where man and mutant can live together side-by-side in peace and harmony. After the death of their mentor and founder, Professor Charles Xavier, the group sought shelter in the Morlock tunnels. They forged an uneasy alliance with Callisto, leader of the Morlocks, and stayed there very briefly, before deciding it was better to leave.

Nightwing, Superboy, Impulse, Wonder Girl, Arrowette, Jade, Firebird, Jolt
Base of Operations: An abandoned Concordia Resort near the Catskill Mountains
First Appearance: Young Justice #1
Young Justice is a team of junior heroes and sidekicks trying to prove themselves in a cold, harsh world. They've suffered through various hardships, including being on the run from the law, but they're finally starting to prove themselves as independent heroes. Their association with the Morlocks was brief. They discovered them during a battle with the alien Phalanx, and later sought refuge in the tunnels while escaping from New York's Super-Unit Police. The Morlocks proved cold and distant, their leader not wanting to offer any help. Yet some Morlocks saw them for the heroes they were . . .

The Massacre continues in Young Justice #29.